We arrange gift champagne. Original design of a bottle of champagne How to beautifully decorate champagne for March 8

How to create a festive mood on March 8? Give flowers, gifts, good mood and champagne! Today we select and arrange gift alcohol for March 8, compose original sets and pack the gift.

Champagne and sparkling wine - what's the difference between them?

Only one type of wine has the right to be called champagne - the one produced in the Champagne region using the classical method. The essence of the method is that primary fermentation takes place in a tank, and secondary fermentation takes place in a bottle.

Real champagne can be white, red or pink. The latter is very popular as a gift for ladies. Please note that real champagne is not sweet. You can only buy brut, dry or semi-dry. You will have to pay at least 2,000 rubles for the selected bottle of champagne.

All other wines with bubbles are called sparkling. They got their name due to their saturation with carbon dioxide bubbles. Good sparkling wines, like champagne, ferment directly in the bottle. Sparkling drinks vary in color, sugar content and price.

Sweet sparkling wine contains 50 g of sugar per 1 liter of wine, that is, 5 teaspoons.

Dry wine is a wine that contains from 17 to 35 g of sugar per liter. There is a category of extra-dry, in which there is even less sweet substance, from 12 to 17 g.


Sparkling wine will cost less than champagne. It can be purchased in the price category up to 500 rubles. We recommend paying special attention to the products of Abrau-Durso and Crimean manufacturers.

In the price range from 500 to 1,000 rubles there are worthy representatives of European wineries, and for 1,000–1,200 rubles you can buy French and Italian sparkling wines of a protected geographical indication.

How to decorate a bottle as a gift on March 8?

In other cases, you will have to call on your imagination to help. We will tell you about the simplest and most effective ways to gift champagne for March 8th.

Champagne in a box

The wine can be placed in a wooden box or box filled with fine wood shavings. This method is used all over the world for gift packaging of expensive wine. Let's tell you a secret that in this design any wine looks expensive and stylish.

You can use silk or velvet as a filler. In this design, sparkling pink looks luxurious.

Gift paper packaging

Sparkling wine as a gift can be packaged in beautiful gift paper. It is better to choose a plain one. Take 3-4 sheets of paper, they can be of different textures and colors.

From a sheet of paper, cut a circle with a radius equal to the height of the bottle. Place the bottle in the middle, lift the edges towards the neck of the bottle, secure with thin tape or small pieces of tape. Repeat the operation with the remaining sheets of paper.

Each next circle should be 1–2 cm smaller than the previous one so that the fluffy ends are clearly visible. Secure the last layer of packaging with a bow.

Set for March 8th with alcohol

Doesn't it seem very respectable to give one bottle, even of good champagne? A holiday set will be the way out. What would be a worthy complement to sparkling wine?

  • Sweet wines can be paired with aged or sharp cheese, butter cakes, white chocolates and pralines.
  • Semi-sweet sparkling wines go well with various fruits, including canned or candied ones. Sparkling red wines go well with cheeses.
  • Colored cakes made from almond flour - macaroons - go well with semi-dry ones.
  • You can pair dry sparkling drinks with figs, melon, dried fruits and even candied nuts. You can also add cheese, but for dry wines it is better to choose young varieties. White unsweetened sparkling wines go well with seafood, so you can add a jar of caviar to the set.

Cakes, pastries and all types of creamy and creamy desserts go great with drinks.

Flowers, scented candles, handmade soap and other lovely little things that are so dear to the hearts of women will help make the set truly festive.

We prepare a set with alcohol

After everything is collected in one place, all that remains is to beautifully design and package our set. The easiest way to do this is with a basket and packaging material. You can use hay or shavings, sisal or raffia, and some make do with the thinnest strips of plain white paper.

You need to place the bottle in the basket, and then put smaller items. It would be nice to wrap them in transparent floral film. It will protect gifts from minor scratches during transportation.

The set can also be placed in a large box with a bow on the lid. It is better to choose a Kraft cardboard box and a bright bow.

If your household doesn’t have a basket or a box, then buy a wicker tray for bread and fruit. These are sold in most hardware stores.

A little effort and imagination - and your gift will become truly unforgettable!

Always yours, “Fragrant World”

Do you want to learn how to make champagne decoupage with your own hands and decorate it for the March 8th celebration? Carefully study this master class and try to repeat decorating a bottle yourself.

For decoupage you will need:

  • bottle of champagne,
  • napkin with floral motif,
  • acetone,
  • white, ivory, light lilac and red acrylic,
  • decoupage agent or PVA glue,
  • acrylic lacquer,
  • green pigment concentrate,
  • glitter,
  • sandpaper,
  • soft brush,
  • foam sponge,
  • Toothbrush,
  • satin ribbon.

Materials, tools, a bottle of champagne and a napkin. A drawing with a bed of spring cyclamen is an ideal solution for the March 8 theme. (Photo 1)

Bottle of champagne “Cyclamens” using decoupage technique: master class

1) Since a small handkerchief napkin was chosen, it needs to be specially prepared for decoupage. We tear the napkin in half; the edges should be torn unevenly, not cut off. (Photo 2)

2) We also tear off the side edges of the napkin. We separate a small piece from the other half, make uneven edges, so that later during decoupage we can combine them beautifully (due to the fact that the napkin was small - its length is not enough to wrap the bottle completely). (Photo 3)

3) To prepare a bottle for decoupage with your own hands, you need to remove all the labels from it (you can leave the foil) and wipe the glass with acetone (for degreasing). Then paint the champagne with white acrylic (apply the paint with a foam sponge). (Photo 4)

4) To make decoupage, first attach a larger piece of napkin to the bottle and coat it on top with any decoupage product or PVA glue, or even regular acrylic varnish. Smear the product with a soft brush from the center of the napkin to the edges. (Photo 5)

5) When this piece of decoupage is dry, try on again which missing piece of napkin you need. Tear off the excess part (keeping in mind that when wet, the napkin will stretch a little) and paste the fragment into the free space. (Photo 6)

6) If you glued the napkin directly with varnish, then after it dries you can immediately sand the small folds of the paper (if any). If you decoupage a bottle of champagne for March 8th using special products, then after they have dried, you must first cover the decoupage with a layer of acrylic varnish, and then sand down the unevenness. (Photo 7)

7) For the raised inscription “March 8”, use an acrylic outline with a thick nose. Write the letters on the primed surface. (Photo 8)

8) After the outline has dried, select acrylic paint to match the base of the napkin and paint the entire bottle and outline (I used ivory acrylic). (Photo 9)

9) Mix from several shades of green the color you need to tint the bottom. (Photo 10)

10) It is desirable that the resulting color matches the bottom of the napkin. Paint the bottom using a foam sponge and let it dry thoroughly. (Photo 11)

11) Now that the decoupage and background painting are finished, highlight the small details of the napkin with glitter. I applied colorful glitter to the flower stems. (Photo 12)

12) I made the cyclamen flowers themselves voluminous with pink glitter. (Photo 13)

13) You can further emphasize the volume of the congratulatory inscription by highlighting it with acrylic glitter (I used silver glitter). (Photo 14)

14) One of the elements of “filling” such a large empty background space is splashing. Prepare acrylic paints of the desired color and an old toothbrush. I mixed white, light lilac and red acrylic to create a color similar to the cyclamens. (Photo 15)

Spring handicrafts are gaining momentum. The days are getting longer and the mood is improving. Let's get down to spring decoupage and decorate a bottle of champagne for March 8th.

First of all, the labels are removed from the bottle. Soak it in a bowl of water, then the paper will peel off easily. Then, wipe the glass with any degreaser (alcohol or acetone).

For spring decoupage, you need to choose a design that matches your mood. A napkin with small bouquets of lilies of the valley will be very relevant. You need to remove the top layer of the napkin; only this will be used for decoupage.

We paint the bottle with white paint using a special foam sponge.

Apply two coats of white paint to completely cover the surface. This layer of paint is the main one and the following stages of decoupage will be applied to it.

While the paint dries from the napkin, you need to tear out several small fragments of lilies of the valley.

Place the fragment on the white surface of the bottle and coat the top with special glue for decoupage. It will saturate the thin napkin and stick it. Apply glue with a small brush and smooth the napkin so that no wrinkles appear.

After the decoupage glue has dried, you can paint on the background of the bottle. The lilies of the valley were painted on a complex background in yellow-green shades, so for painting we took acrylic paints: white, yellow and bright green. Mix paints to create tones similar to the color of the napkin.

Using a small foam sponge, apply a light yellow color to the bottle, between the bunches of lilies of the valley.

Then, use a green tint to draw shadows around the lilies of the valley (the location of the shadows should match the napkin pattern).

When the background painting has dried, varnish the entire decoupage with several layers of acrylic varnish.

If there are some wrinkles on the glued fragments, sand them down with sandpaper.

To make decoupage “Silver Lily of the Valley” you need to use silver glitter. Apply small dots of glitter to each lily of the valley bell and wait for it to dry.

Apply a transparent gel contour on top of the silver bells. After it dries, the bells will become voluminous and shiny from the inside.

You can varnish a bottle of champagne in several more layers. However, make sure that the varnish does not level the surface. Small bells of silver lily of the valley should stand out in volume on the bottle.

Tie a satin bow around the neck of the bottle to match the color of the underpainting.

And you are guaranteed a bright, spring mood. Decoupage of champagne for March 8 “Silver Lily of the Valley” is ready. To decorate another bottle, you can use

A gift for March 8th to your beloved mother, sister, or friend does not have to be bought in a store. You can make such a neat and high-quality handmade that not a single expensive trinket can compare with it in beauty, and this little thing will least of all resemble a child’s craft. Decorating bottles by March 8 is becoming a common type of handicraft. Wine or champagne is considered a standard gift that comes with a bouquet of flowers. So, why not make it an original designer decoration that is not embarrassing to place in a prominent place in the room? Working with glass is quite simple: just clean and degrease it. Let's look at several detailed master classes on decorating bottles, after which it will be difficult to recognize ordinary containers.

Bottle decoration with candies

One of the simplest and most popular options for decorating bottles with candies is making a decorative pineapple. To work you will need:

  • Candies.
  • Glue gun.
  • Green crepe paper for leaves.
  • Green satin ribbon.
  • Scissors.

For an exotic fruit, any round-shaped sweets are suitable. To style a pineapple for the holiday, just choose candies with wrappers of two colors: some will become the background, and others can be used to form a symbolic figure eight. To begin with, the glass container is cleared of the label. You can skip this step if you use yellow paper cut into small strips. It is chaotically glued onto the glass, thus filling future gaps between the candies. Now start gluing the tails on the candy wrappers. They are carefully attached to one of the sides of the candy to create perfect balls. The sweets are then glued directly to the bottle itself. They start from the bottom. The second row is laid in a checkerboard pattern above the first so that there are as few gaps as possible. The candies themselves are pressed closely together. After the last row reaches the neck, begin making leaves. Oblong fragments are cut out of crepe paper. They are glued to the neck, and wrapped on top with a satin ribbon with a flirty bow. All that remains is to “pull out” the crepe leaves with scissors so that they curl and bend slightly. Such removable decor will eventually be mercilessly eaten by those with a sweet tooth, but for a couple of weeks the bottle will still show off in the “front” place in the apartment.

To decorate a champagne bottle you will need approximately 600-700 g of sweets. Instead of crepe paper leaves, you can use the cut top of a real pineapple.

Decoration with polymer clay flowers

A bottle of sparkling wine or champagne can be decorated with flowers made of polymer clay. The work will be divided into two stages:

  • Making jewelry.
  • Bottle decoration.

Polymer clay is ideal for beginners. Although the “classic” material requires firing, this name is now used to designate a group of self-hardening compounds. Only small-sized products are made from polymer clay. Using scissors, tweezers and needles, you can create neat clover heads, delicate orchid or lily buds, and miniature roses. To decorate a bottle, two or three types of polymer flowers are usually used so that the decor does not look poor and boring. Although no one limits the master’s imagination: if you have enough perseverance, you can collect a full bouquet of field herbs.

To make a clover from polymer clay, take an evenly rolled white ball. It is wrapped in a rolled out “pancake” of lilac or pink hue. The ends are carefully pinched and the surface is leveled. Now, using nail scissors, make triangular cuts over the entire surface of the future flower, starting from its base. At the same time, the staggered order of the petals is observed, like a real clover. Then each cut is carefully bent from the base and slightly pulled out. The result is neat inflorescence petals: pink on the outside and white on the inside, like real clover.

To create a simple flower, you only need polymer clay of one shade and a special tool with a ball at the end. The future base is first rolled into a ball and then smoothed to a “pancake” state. Gradually pinch off a large piece of polymer clay, roll it into balls, and then press it with force with the ball-tip of the tool. The result is neat circles with a thickened border. These petals are fixed to the base in rows in a checkerboard pattern. It is advisable to create four to five rows to get a lush flower. In the center you can use a round center bead of a different shade.

Clean the bottle from the label in hot water and carefully remove the layer of glue. Then you can apply spray paint (for example, silver) to the surface and wrap it with ribbons or cloth. When the background is ready, begin to attach the floral decorations. They are planted on glue. For the composition, they usually choose a place in the center (where the front label used to be) or closer to the neck. Additionally, the bouquet is decorated with crepe paper leaves or green satin ribbons.

Decorate the bottle with fabric

Decorating a bottle with fabric can be done using any textile (nylon, linen, silk). Leather will look stylish and luxurious. Before wrapping the bottle, the material is soaked in an adhesive composition. Then it is applied to the glass, but loosely. The resulting folds will give the product additional relief. Decorating bottles with fabric is often combined with the decoupage technique. To make a delicate gift for a young girl, you can use twine (thick fleecy thread for tying paper bags), burlap and white openwork lace. The bottle is cleared of labels, silver paint is sprayed over it from a can, or pre-applied adhesive is sprinkled with glitter. When the surface dries, the container is partially wrapped in burlap, which is secured with glue. On the sides, the rough decor is set off with white openwork stripes of lace. The decoration is completed with a bow of several strands of twine at the neck, white beads, and textile flowers.

To decorate a bottle with ribbons or trim, you only need fabric strips and glue. You don't even have to remove the label. Start working from the neck. The tape is wrapped around the glass surface along an oblique line (the back is significantly higher than the ends). The ends are trimmed, then a new tape layer is applied on top. You can “dress” the bottle in this way all the way to the bottom. The decor is complemented with flowers, beads, buttons, bows, although the combination of ribbons of different colors allows you to create a self-sufficient “suit” that does not need additional decorations.

Decoupage technique

Decoupage is one of the favorite techniques for beginning decorating artists. Images are applied only to a smooth, pre-treated surface. The label is removed from the bottle, then the glass is wiped with acetone or alcohol to degrease. After this, a layer of primer (acrylic paint) is applied, the color of which goes well with the gamma of the selected picture (one tone lighter). Then take a three-layer napkin (clipping from a magazine) and separate the colorful front layer. It is soaked in glue and immediately applied to the surface or first soaked in water (there are several options).

Some craftsmen prefer not to cut out the drawing, but to “rip it out” in the literal sense of the word. Then the edges of the napkin on the bottle will not be noticeable. After applying the picture, it is carefully leveled, removing unnecessary air bubbles.
It is important to know. Additionally, the bottle can be “puttyed”. Take a stencil and apply a thick layer of putty to the glass. The relief pattern is painted over to match the background color. Usually they use fine ligature or an ornament with floral motifs. Bottle decoupage goes well with fabric decoration.


A bottle is usually painted to create a beautiful background against which the main decorations will look better. Acrylic paints are used for glass. You can paint the bottle both inside and outside. For interior work, simply pour the composition through the neck and shake the container thoroughly so that it is evenly distributed. Then the bottle is turned upside down and the excess paint is allowed to drain, and the paint that remains on the walls is allowed to dry. To paint the outside of glass, you can use brushes and sponges. The design is applied using a stencil. Those areas that need to remain untouched can be sealed with masking tape. Spray painting allows you to apply an even layer without brush strokes. The same method will help to obtain an ombre effect (color gradation), since each subsequent layer neatly lies on the previous one, and the color intensity is regulated by the artist himself. Glitter will allow you to create bright, festive decor. Glitter is applied to a surface that has been previously coated with glue. Shake off excess pieces. It is better to work on newspaper, as the waste can be collected and carefully poured back into the jar for reuse.

Making arrangements of fresh flowers and a bottle of wine/champagne

A bottle of wine or champagne can be presented in a simple box, wrapped in paper and decorated with a bow. Usually this gift is accompanied by a bouquet of flowers. What if both of these gifts are combined? You will get a luxurious gift, decorated with your own hands. Bottles are usually placed in wicker baskets. In addition to flowers, fruits are picturesquely arranged in them. First, the inside of the basket is wrapped in transparent film. Then a piece of floral sponge is adjusted (cut) to the shape of the wicker container. Such a “foundation” will not only hold the components of the bouquet in the desired position, but will also disinfect the water that will nourish the stems, which will preserve the flowers longer. The sponge is placed in the basket. The edges of the transparent film are folded inward.