An online test that determines the level and state of a person's memory. Test: What type of memory do you have? Test if my memory is good

    You have a very low memory level. Usually you find it difficult to remember what you did yesterday and where you were, let alone the dates of some events. Although, on the one hand, a bad memory is beneficial for you, because after a short period of time you forget about your mistakes, which is why you do not suffer from feelings of guilt and shame. Yes, and when living the pain of breaking up relationships or other troubles, you are able to quickly recover. But as for work, it is difficult to rely on you, because you may not be prepared for some meeting or forget where you put the necessary document. Yes, and close people can sometimes be offended by you because you lose sight of important dates and events. But there is nothing wrong with this indicator, it is quite possible to train the memory, the main thing is to devote time to classes every day and give all your best. Check out the article.

    This is the average, which means that everything is fine with your memory, but you could be more productive if you increased the indicator. Usually you remember significant events well, up to the date, but as for everything else, you may well lose sight of the fact that, for example, you signed up for a hairdresser in the first half of the day or your boss asked you to come in an hour. Have you noticed that you are going to another room, and suddenly you find that you don’t remember at all why you went there? Most likely, not all information is kept in your head due to the usual absent-mindedness. You do not attach much importance to words, requests and events, which is why you instantly forget about them. Or, conversely, due to excessive concentration on their inner experiences and thoughts. In any case, use the recommendations from the article.

    I congratulate you, your memory is simply phenomenal. Usually you remember everything to the smallest detail, and you can quite tell how much a bus ticket cost 15 years ago, or how much your favorite ice cream was sold in childhood. It will not be difficult for you to name all your previous phone numbers, and also about the year in which which model appeared - too. There may be difficulties in relationships, because not all friends and loved ones are comfortable with the fact that you remember all their missteps perfectly, and you can even point them out on occasion. Yes, and sometimes it’s not easy for yourself because it’s difficult to let go of situations and resentments. But in your work you are an ideal employee, a large amount of information does not scare you at all, you will deal with it and will actively use it in your future activities. I want to suggest learning one way that will only enhance your success, see the article

Take the test and determine which type of memory prevails in you. After all, much depends on this in the study of a foreign language.

1. Recall a time in your life when you were learning something like a new board game. What was the best way for you to study? By using:
C) visual signals - pictures, diagrams, written instructions?
A) listening to someone else's explanation?
K) experimentation, trial and error?

2. Suppose you cannot find your way to a hotel in a city where you are staying for a few days. You:
K) driving a car, trying to find a familiar landmark?
A) ask passers-by?
B) look at the map?

3. You must learn how to use the new program on the computer. You:
K) ask a friend to show you how to use it?
Q) Are you looking at the program manual? A) Call a friend and ask questions about the program?

4. You are not sure how the word is spelled - "bivouac" or "bivouac". You:
C) imagine the word in your mind and choose the one that looks right?
A) do you say it to yourself?
K) write down both options and choose the one that gives the impression of being correct?

5. Do you prefer a lecturer/teacher who likes to use:
B) diagrams, handouts, slides?
K) demonstrations in natural conditions, laboratory experiments, practical exercises?
A) discussion, reports of invited experts?

6. You bought a thing that needs to be assembled from parts. The easiest way for you to figure out how to assemble it is:
A) listen to a tape recording of the steps you need to take?
K) start collecting it and do it by trial and error?
B) watch the video or read the written instructions?

7. You look after a friend's house while they are on vacation. You should quickly learn how to take care of your friend's front lawn and/or their pets. To do this, it is more convenient for you:
C) see how someone does it?
A) receive instructions and discuss it in detail?
K) ask someone to do it with you?

8. The person has given you a very important number (such as a phone number, code, or serial number) that you need to remember. To be sure that you remember it, you must:
A) repeat this number to yourself or to another person?
C) imagine his mental image?
K) write or print it several times?

9. You must perform in front of a small group of people. You will be sure that you will succeed when you:
A) do you feel good about the main tone and words that you want to communicate?
B) Do you have charts and notes that you can refer to during the presentation?
J) Have you rehearsed the presentation several times?

10. Which of the following hobbies do you enjoy the most?
K) Walking outdoors/working in the garden/dancing.
C) Drawing/painting/sightseeing/photography.
A) Listening to music/singing/oral stories.

11. To master a new skill, do you prefer:
A) listen to the description and ask questions?
B) view diagrams and see demos? k) exercise?

12. When you really want to teach something to others, you:
C) paint a picture for them?
A) logically explain it to them?
J) going through this process with them?

So, count which letters prevail in you.

A - audio. Well developed listening comprehension. When studying a foreign language, listen to more songs, audio books, you can listen to the teacher more and write less. When studying words and topics, try to pronounce them with expressive intonation, create a certain sound beat. For example, with a pencil on the table.

B is visual. He remembers well what he saw. When learning a foreign language, use more visualization. All kinds of posters, cards, videos - this is especially valuable for you.

K - kinesthetic. Memory is connected with touch, smell, touch, etc. When studying a foreign language, try to play more dialogues, move, play games.

Note that, sometimes, a person has equally developed two channels of information perception at the same time.

In general, it must be said that for the harmonious development of a person and his language, it is necessary to develop all existing channels for perceiving information.

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1. Do you have difficulty remembering the name of a particular street?

a) No.
b) Yes.

2. When you leave the house, how often do you find that you haven't taken something you need with you?

a) No.
b) Yes.

3. Is it hard for you to remember a person by sight?

a) No.
b) Yes.

4. When you go to bed, can you easily list the events of the past day?

a) Yes.
b) No.

5. Do you ever miss your favorite TV show because you simply forget about it?

a) No.
b) Yes.

6. Sometimes, when you hear a sound, you sort through your head for a long time, what does it remind you of?

a) No.
b) Yes.

7. Do you sometimes leave things in public (or personal) transport?

a) No.
b) Yes.

8. Do you easily remember PIN codes and passwords in general that you often use?

a) Yes.
b) No.

9. Do you often have to look for different items at home or at work?

a) No.
b) Yes.

10. When you come to the store, do you sometimes forget to buy something from the planned one?

a) No.
b) Yes.

11. Can you sometimes miss an important memorable date?

a) No.
b) Yes.

12. Can you confidently list what you ate for lunch yesterday?

a) Yes.
b) No.

13. Do you find it difficult to retell the content of the read text without missing important details?

a) No.
b) Yes.

14. Does it happen that an appointment or even a date flies out of your head?

a) No.
b) Yes.

15. Can you easily retell a joke you recently heard?

a) Yes.
b) No.

Sum the scores and review the findings.

Give yourself 2 points for each "a" answer and 0 points for each "b" answer.

0-12 points. Your memory is probably not in the best condition. For its restoration and development, it is very useful to memorize poems and entertaining quotes. Try to convert information into images. So, while walking down the street, pay attention to the numbers of cars and try to make sentences from the letters on them. For example, KSM - "Beauty will save the world." The exercise is simple but effective. Vitamins will favorably affect the ability to remember, do not neglect them. Avoid alcohol and especially smoking.

14-22 points. In general, the result is satisfactory. So that memory does not fail you, it must be made to work! Use your notebook less often when dialing phone numbers is one of the excellent methods of memory training. In the memorized material, specify all the details, even the smallest and most insignificant. If you need to memorize something difficult, do it in parts at short intervals. Do not be lazy to read the text aloud, so it will be learned much better. Try the following: try to link everything difficult to remember with some information or concept you know - vivid associations help many.

24-30 points. Your memory is good. Just don't try to keep everything in your mind. In this age of aggressive advertising and negative news, this is fraught with overwork and increased anxiety.