Traffic rules, traffic lights, road traffic. Lesson notes, GCD. Summary of a lesson on familiarizing children with the rules of the road. For older children

If you are faced with the task of organizing a thematic lesson or educational activity on studying traffic rules, refer to the positive experience of your colleagues outlined in the publications in this section.

Here you can find plans for conducting and ready-made notes of successfully conducted classes, which contain many valuable ideas and successful pedagogical discoveries. During educational activities, using the conversation and quiz format, supplement and consolidate children’s knowledge about basic road signs, traffic lights, rules for crossing the roadway and behavior on the streets. Develop the ability to solve problematic situations that pedestrians or passengers may find themselves in. Enrich children's active vocabulary and improve their dialogical speech.

Have a great traffic lesson with us!

Contained in sections:

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All sections | Traffic rules, traffic lights, road traffic. Lesson notes, GCD

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Traffic rules, traffic lights, road traffic. Lesson notes, ECD - Cognitive and speech lesson on traffic rules in a mixed group “Let's help Pinocchio”

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Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Abstract of the educational activity “How Thomas learns the rules of the road” in the senior group Goal: to create conditions for consolidating traffic rules and road signs. Objectives: Activate children's vocabulary on this topic. To consolidate and systematize children's knowledge and ideas about city streets, traffic rules and road signs. Build the ability...

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Goal: to consolidate the knowledge of children of senior preschool age on traffic rules. Objectives: 1. Clarify children’s knowledge about road signs; 2. Strengthen the ability to relate a sign to a specific situation; 3.Practise the ability to find a safe path to your destination;...

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Notes on traffic rules in the senior group “Journey to Traffic Lights” Goal: continue to study the rules of the road. Objectives: - consolidate knowledge of traffic rules; - consolidate children’s ideas about road signs they already know; - instill in children responsibility for their safety; - develop creative abilities...

Goals. Clarify children’s understanding of one-way and two-way traffic; about types of transport: air, water, land. Deepen knowledge about driver work. Refine your knowledge of road signs and their purposes. Develop the ability to differentiate traffic light signals (vehicle, pedestrian). Develop attention and the ability to navigate the current situation.

Material. Illustrations: air, water, land transport, traffic violations, road signs. Punch card “Come on, guess”; simple pencil.

Progress of the lesson

1. Psycho-gymnastics.

1. “Transfer of feelings” . Children are given the task of conveying a feeling along the chain using facial expressions, gestures, and touches.

2. “Tube”. The mouth is open, the lateral edges of the tongue are curved upward.

Pull the tongue forward

Yes, bend its edges.

How good is it?

Our tube is a tube.

3. Gymnastics for the eyes. Children follow the pointer in the hands of the teacher.

4. Finger gymnastics “My Family”.

My family

Here's grandpa

Here's grandma

Here's daddy

Here's mommy

Here is my baby

And here is the whole family.

(Alternately bend your fingers to your palm, starting with the thumb, and when you say “here’s the whole family”, cover the entire fist with your second hand.)

II. The teacher invites children to choose air, water, and land transport from a series of pictures.

Teacher. Why did you decide so? Which transport moves the fastest? Which one is slow? Which one is even slower? (Children's answers.)

III. Conversation.

Teacher. Children, who controls ground transport?

Children. It is controlled by a driver.

Teacher. If the traffic light is red, what do cars do?

Children. The cars are standing still.

Teacher. What is the signal at the pedestrian traffic light at the same time?

Children. "Go."

Teacher. What do pedestrians do?

Children. They are crossing the road.

Teacher. The driver also follows road signs. What do these road signs tell the driver?

Children. “Pedestrian crossing”, “Caution, children!”

Teacher. Where can the driver refuel the car? Show the sign. Where can he relax and have lunch?

Children.“Food station”, “Recreation place”.

Teacher. Where can urgent repairs be made?

Children. Where there is a "Maintenance" sign.

Teacher. And here is the workshop (shows a punched card “Come on, guess.”) You need to connect the individual parts of the machines drawn on the right with the machine to which they belong.

IV. Physical exercise “Traffic light”.

Teacher. The driver has to follow the markings on the roadway. We know one - this is the “Pedestrian crossing” (shows pictures). Look, here the cars move in one direction - it's one-way traffic. Which way should you look to cross a one-way street?

Children. You need to look in the direction where the traffic is coming from.

Teacher. How do the cars move in this picture?

Children. Cars move in both directions.

Teacher. It's a two-way traffic. How should we cross the road correctly in this case? (Children's answers.) To avoid vehicle collisions during two-way traffic, the roadway can be divided by a solid or broken line.

You have to drive a car in rain, mud, snow, and heat, often on slippery and wet roads, and there is poor visibility due to fog. During the day, the driver travels long distances, so he gets tired, and his attention weakens towards the end of the day. Very little is required of pedestrians, just to strictly follow the traffic rules on the streets and roads and to be disciplined. By doing this, you will greatly help drivers in their hard work, and you will protect yourself from danger. Let's repeat the rules of behavior on the street (shows a punch card “Everyone should know this!”). Place the chip on the picture where there is a safe place to play. Why did you put the chip in this particular place? What did the children in the other pictures forget about?

(Children's answers.)

Teacher. The car cannot be stopped instantly, even if the driver presses the brakes with all his might. The car travels some distance before it comes to a complete stop. If a car is driving slowly, it is easier to stop it, but if it is racing, it is very difficult. Remember this!

What do we talk about in class?

Children. We are talking about the driver's work.

Teacher. What should the driver watch out for?

Children. The driver must follow signs, markings, traffic lights...

Teacher. What kind of movement is there?

Children. Movement can be one-way or two-way.

Teacher. How is two-way traffic distinguished on the roadway?

Children. Two-way traffic is highlighted with a solid or broken line.

(The teacher reads S. Marshak’s poem “He’s so absent-minded,” the children look at the illustrations.)

"I am a pedestrian"
Summary of GCD on traffic rules in the senior group of kindergarten.

Purpose of the lesson. Continue to introduce the rules of the road, teach them to practically apply them in various situations. Develop thinking, visual attention, and the ability to navigate the world around us. Foster a sense of responsibility.



Continue to introduce the elements of the road;

Improve dialogic speech, intonation expressiveness of speech;

To develop in children a sense of responsibility in observing traffic rules;


Develop the basics of traffic literacy in children, expand children’s knowledge about traffic lights, the meaning of traffic lights;

Develop interest in the art of drawing, develop the ability to paint carefully,


Form friendly, friendly relationships between children;

Develop the ability to listen to your peer without interrupting;

Create a desire to follow traffic rules.

Activating the dictionary:
Fix the words in children's speech: pedestrian, passenger, sidewalk;
Fix the names of road signs in speech.

Methods and techniques:
game moment, artistic expression, display, conversation, task, explanation, examination, reinforcement, encouragement, outcome.

Objectives of integrated educational areas:

"Safety". Expand your understanding of traffic rules. Continue to introduce the elements of the road. Clarify ideas about the operation of traffic lights.

"Artistic creativity".Introduce children to the art of drawing, develop interest in this type of activity. Develop the ability to paint carefully and hold a pencil correctly.

"Socialization". Form friendly, friendly relationships between children.

"Communication". Fix in the children's dictionary: traffic light, signal, crossing, public transport stop. Develop free communication with adults and children.

"Reading fiction".Develop the ability to solve riddles and correlate them with the image.

GCD move:

Educator: Guys, a package has arrived in our garden, but it can only be opened if we answer the questions and solve the riddles. Do you agree?

I'm walking around the city
I won't get into trouble.
Because I know for sure -
(I follow the rules)

There is a place to go
Pedestrians know this.
They lined it for us,
Everyone was shown where to go.


Where the steps lead down
Come down, don't be lazy.
Pedestrians must know:
Here …?

Underground crossing

Going out on the street
Prepare in advance
Politeness and restraint
And most importantly -


Educator: Well done boys. What were the riddles about?

Children: About a pedestrian, about a pedestrian crossing.

Educator: That's right, guys. We are pedestrians on the road and must be careful, but we also need to follow the traffic rules.

Educator: And also, guys. We have assistants on the roads - road signs, the best friends of pedestrians and drivers. They talk about what you can and cannot do on the road.

Red circle, and in it is my friend,
A fast friend is a bicycle.
The sign says: here and around
There is no access for bicycles.

(Riding bicycles is prohibited)

Three colorful circles
They blink one after another.
Light up, flash -
They help people.

In the white triangle
With red border
For schoolchildren
Very safe.
This road sign
Everyone in the world knows:
Be careful,
On road …

Each child receives a road sign cut into pieces. Children begin to collect their sign. When all the signs are collected, the children name their signs and explain what they are for (signs: traffic light, beware of children, pedestrian crossing)

Educator: And we continue. And now it's time to play a little. You must answer correctly.

There are traffic lights -

Submit to them without...


Yellow light - warning:

Wait for the signal for...


The green light opened the way:

Move on guys...

(They can!)

The red light tells us:

Stop! Dangerous! Path...


Everyone be true to the rule:

Hold on...

(Right side!)

And the animals even know:

Not on the road...

(They're playing!)

Hockey is a game played on ice in winter,

But not a game on...


Physical education minute

It's good to be a driver Children run in a circle, turning an imaginary steering wheel.
Better to be a pilot. They run with their arms spread out to the sides like wings.
I would become a pilot
Let them teach me.
I pour gasoline into the tank, They stopped and tilted the imaginary vessel.
I'm starting the propeller. Circular movement with the right hand.
“Take it to heaven, motor, They run with their arms outstretched.
So that the birds can sing."

A game“It’s me, it’s me, it’s all my friends!”

Educator: I will read out the questions and if you agree with the statement, then unanimously say the phrase “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!” If you do not agree, be silent.

Now I'll test you:

How many of you only go forward where there is a pedestrian?

Who walks into kindergarten every day in a cheerful band?

Who always walks forward with his mouth wide open?

Who lets cars through, obeys all traffic rules?

Who walks indiscriminately at traffic lights?

Who always gives up their seat to older people on a crowded tram?

Who will cross the road only where there is a crossing?

Who's kicking a funny ball on the road in front of the house?

To get some fresh air in the trolleybus,

Who stuck both his head and body out the window?

Does anyone know that a red light means no movement?

Who runs ahead so fast that they don't see the traffic light?

Does anyone know that a green light means the path is open?

Who is happily kicking a ball near the roadway?

Who helps the traffic police, keeps order?

Educator: Well done guys, you coped with the game. And now the next task. It is necessary to correctly paint over the “eyes” of the traffic light (I give the children a picture of the traffic light, they must color it correctly)

Children complete the task.

Educator: Well done, you did everything right. We have completed all the tasks, our chest has opened, let's see what's inside. (In the chest there is a traffic rules game for children, "Well done" medals)

Educator: You guys are so great! You know the rules of the road well. Try to be extremely careful on the road so as not to cause trouble for yourself or those close to you, take care of your life.

Goals. Clarify children's understanding of the street and its features. Help us understand how streets are named. Develop the ability to form adjectives from nouns. Cultivate a desire to comply with traffic rules.

Material. Street layout, toy cars and road signs, mirror, pointer.

Progress of the lesson

1. Psycho-gymnastics.

1. “Sunny Bunny”. Children are asked to use a mirror to catch a “sunbeam”. Then they pass it around to each other in a circle, then release it, but everyone catches a piece of its warmth.

2. "Accordion". The mouth is open. Suck your tongue to the upper palate. Without lifting your tongue from the palate, strongly pull its lower part down.

“Antoshka has an accordion.

Play for us a little."

II. Fairy tale.

Teacher. Children, today I will tell you how a small road turned into a street in a big city. So, the road walked and twisted and did not notice how a large city appeared in front of it. There were many other roads in this city.

“Hello,” Doroga greeted cheerfully.

“Hello, hello,” came from all sides. These city roads welcomed our Road.

“How interesting you are,” she exclaimed. “You all have houses on both sides, but I walked on my own.”

“That’s why we are called not just a ‘road’, but a ‘street’.”

“So, to be called a street, you need to have houses along it?”

“But then how will they know that I am me?”

“Very simple: every city street has its own name. For example, they call me Shady, because on a hot day I am always in the shade from the numerous trees that grow on both sides of me.”

“Try to guess, guess, guess,” came rushing from all sides, “what was my name?”

Let's help the Road.

(III. Didactic game “Guess the name of the street.” Children guess what the streets might be called.)

"I'm going to the park." (Park.)

"I'm going to the lake." (Ozernaya.)

“It’s always quiet on my street.” (Quiet.)

“There are a lot of flowers on my street.” (Floral.)

“What do you want to be called?” - asked the streets near the Road.

“I’ve always been a kindness person because I helped everyone.”

“If you are Good Street, live up to your name.”

Children, what is the name of the street where you live? What's the house number? (Children's answers.)

Teacher. Let's build Dobraya Street. What could be on the street that would bring joy to people? (Children arrange models of houses, cinemas, shops.)

Teacher. Soon our street became beautiful and very long, because everyone wanted to live or work on this street. And the builders had to build everything and build new houses, cinemas, shops. Then a new problem arose: the street became very long, and people living at one end of the street had a very long way to go to the other end to visit, to the circus or to the store. Who do you think can help people with this?

Children. Transport.

Teacher. Right.

IV. Didactic game “Find and show the answer.”

Teacher. And again disaster struck: the cars didn’t know where they could and couldn’t drive, they collided with each other and injured people. Let's help them, divide the street into two parts; one part will be passable. What is it for?

Children. It is needed for transport.

Teacher. And the other is for pedestrians. What is the name of?

Children. This part of the road is called the sidewalk.

Teacher. This is to ensure that pedestrians and vehicles never collide or interfere with each other. What rule do we know?

Children. The pavement is for cars. The sidewalk is for pedestrians.

Teacher. And the cars drove by in a continuous stream, but people could not cross to the other side of the road. Who should help them?

Children. Traffic lights and road signs will help them.

Teacher. We put them on the layout.

V. Physical exercise “Say a word.”

Game “Say the Word”

Everyone be true to the rule:

Keep to the right... side.

Pedestrians must remember:

Crossroads - transition.

There are traffic lights -

Obey them without...argument.

Yellow light - warning

Wait for the signal to... move.

The green light opened the way,

Guys... can cross.

The red light tells us:

“Stop! Dangerous! The path... is closed!

Lesha and Lyuba walk in pairs.

Where are they going? On the sidewalk.

On the asphalt stitch points -


Getting on the tram -

Give up your place to the elders...

Hockey is a game played on ice in winter,

But not a game... on the pavement.

Exam of importance

Keep it by the rules... of movement.

Teacher. This is the story that happened to our Darling. But it is not finished yet, because being a city road is not so easy. And there are a lot of traffic rules. We'll get to know them another time.

The street came to our city from afar. She walked along the ground, through the mountains, through the forests. And then no one called it a street, but simply called it a road. But then she came to the city, she was surrounded by houses, cinemas, shops, kindergartens, schools, trees and shrubs growing near the houses. People and cars are rushing down the street. And the street runs through the entire city and at the very outskirts becomes a road again. It's a little sad when the street becomes a road, because the road is always a parting.

Children, what is a street? What two parts is it divided into? (Children's answers.)

(The teacher invites the children to play on the model, observing the Traffic Rules.)

Municipal children's educational budgetary institution

Kindergarten "Sun"

With. Gribskoye

Open lesson on traffic rules in the senior group

« Little Pedestrian School»

Compiled by the teacher:

Silkina D.I.


Target : systematize children’s knowledge abouttraffic rules, about road signs , zebra crossing, traffic light.

Educational task: clarify children’s knowledge about concepts"street", "sidewalk", "roadway", " crosswalk" , " road signs " , expand and consolidate children's knowledge about traffic lights andtraffic rules; consolidate in children's speech words: pedestrian , passenger, sidewalk, names road signs.

Developmental task: develop memory, thinking when generalizing knowledge about vehicles for various purposes, the meaning of traffic lights,pedestrian crossing, develop ingenuity, quick thinking, speech activity.

Educational task: to foster a general culture of behavior in road.

Equipment: Road signs , traffic light layout, templates, diagram cards, ball, presentation, medals, steering wheel, road black and white stripes, four cut signs, pictures with situations, a set of multi-colored circles, a backing track of a song« We go, we go, we go...» .

Methods and techniques : game moment, literary word, display, conversation, classification, comparison, explanation, examination, reinforcement, encouragement, summary.

Integration of educational regions : cognitive, speech, social - communicative, physical development.

Preliminary work:

Conversation " Traffic signals» , « Red, yellow, green" , " Road signs " , " Rules for crossing streets and roads", "About the striped zebra and the road sign" Crosswalk» , « In city transport»

- didactic games: “What is a street”, “I am a driver”, “Road signs”

- reading fiction literature: Y. Pishumov “Cars”, V. Berestov “I’m going running”, M. Plyatskovsky “Stop the car! ", S. Mikhalkov " If the light turns red", S. Yakovlev " You need to obey without arguing", B. Zhitkov "Traffic light"

- looking at photographs« The streets of our village»

Drawing " Freight car", applique "Bus", design"Our Street"

- composing a story about the road situations according to the plot picture

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Hello, dear friends ! Look how many guests have gathered in our hall, let'slet's say hello to them. Together: Hello!

Educator: The key that opens locks in people's souls, - It's a smile. You need to be able to smile beautifully. Now we will give each other a smile. And to our guestslet's send our smiles(children blow from their palm).

Today in our nursery Great and interesting day in the garden! I want to invite you to« Little pedestrian's school» . Guys, do you knowTraffic Laws? Do you follow them? Why do we need them?

Children's answers (- Traffic rules are needed forto avoid getting into trouble road so that there is order on road . Traffic regulations are needed tobehave correctly on the street. Following the rules - we save our lives.)


There are rules everywhere , always follow them

Don't play in the middle of the road with friends!

Everyone follows the rules : polar explorer and pilot,

They have their own driver and pedestrian rules.

As a pedestrian , always be polite

Cross the road at the zebra crossing and then

Any driver will tell: “Good pedestrian!”

Let all our Russian people look up to him!»

Baba Yaga stumbles into the hall. Spins around himself, swears, sentences:

B. I : Almost ran over old!

Educator : What happened to you?

B. I : I ran to you for a holiday,I was crossing the road!

A car almost hit meold little one

Granny Yagulechka is such a beauty!

Educator : How did you switch the road?

B. I : I hobbled, I limped, my broom rested on lost on the road.

A car bent down to look for me - grab it!

Educator : Baba Yaga, is it possible tostop on the road,

when do the cars go?

B. I: Your truth!

Educator : Guys. Let's invite Baba Yaga to our« Little pedestrian's school"and we will teach behave correctly on the road.

Now we will remembertraffic rules for pedestrians.

Rule 1. Slide 2

The road is for cars only”

Here we go out into the street,

And to we're approaching the road,

Tires rustle on the asphalt,

Different cars are driving.

- Notice how many cars are on the roadway.

Don't go down the road , no running, no playing is not allowed. Way to go You can only cross at the specified location.

Rule 2. Slide 3

Just walk on the sidewalk"

Sidewalk for pedestrians,

There are no cars here!

A little higher than the road,

Pedestrian paths,

So that everything is on the sidewalk

We could go without worries!

- Guys, where are you going with your mom from? kindergarten? (children's answers)

What are the rules What behavior should you observe when walking on the sidewalk?

Rule 4. Slide 5.

Crossing the roadway"

Tell us how you cross the road?

1. Always look left.

2. Then look to the right.

3. To cross calmly, look to the left and listen.

4. Now go ahead.

Rule 5. Slide 6.

Be careful!"

Is it possible, friends!

Where are your eyes and ears!

From such behavior

There may be a lot of trouble:

After all the road is not for reading

And no place for conversation!

- Why you need to be careful on the road?

Rule 6. Slide 7.

Take care of your life"

Don't hang on to the back of the bus, guys.

Don't ride after him - you don't need to risk it!

Suddenly you lose your temper - and there may be trouble happen:

It’s easy to find yourself under the next car...

Baba Yaga (Ball game.)

- Guys, stand in a circle. I will throw the ball and ask a question, and you answer the question and return the ball.

Who is walking along the road? A pedestrian .

- Who's driving the car? Driver.

- How many eyes does a traffic light have? Three eyes.

- If the red “eye” is on, what does it mean? Wait.

- If the green “eye” is on, what is it talking about? You can go.

- Our legs are walking...footpath.

- Where are we waiting for the bus? At the bus stop.

- Tell us where children are allowed to play.

On playground

Great ! All questions answered Right .


- Who still doesn't know

What is a traffic light?

What is its purpose

Regulate traffic?

Everyone must know him.

It is simple, but very important.

Day and night all year round

He's got a lot of worries:

Day and night all year round

He gives signals.(traffic light) (slide 8)


- Let's tell you what traffic lights mean.

1. Remember friend at a red light

There is no way across the road!

And be careful in paths:

Always look at the traffic light. Slide 9.

2. Yellow light - warning:

Wait for the signal to move. Slide 10.

3. And behind it is a green light

Will flash ahead

He will say:

There are no obstacles, boldly go on your way.” Slide 11.


And now you will drive your cars, and I will show you the traffic lights. A game"Road ABC".

Children are divided into drivers and pedestrians . Drivers take the steering wheel in their hands and stand on an impromptu roadway, and childrenpedestrians stand at" zebras " and walk on the sidewalks.

The teacher shows the traffic lights one by one and monitors the execution rules

Baba Yaga is looking at something on the phone.

Educator : What are you looking at there?

Baba Yaga: On the Road When I was flying, I took pictures of the landscape; there were some strange signs here.

Educator : Let's see. Maybe we can give you some advice.

Slides with signs, children read poems about them.

1 . What kind of zebra crossing is this on the road? ? Everyone stands with their mouths open.

Wait for the green light to flash and the transition to begin.

Along the zebra crossing the little man walks along the stripes.

So, here it is clear to anyone -(Crosswalk).

2 . If you put your foot on the road the road,

Pay attention, friend.: sign road - red circle,

The man walking in black is crossed out with a red line.

And the road , it seems, but... Walking here is prohibited!

(No Pedestrians»)

3 . In cars here, friends,

No one can go

You can go, you know, children,

Just on…. (" Bike Lane".)

4 . And here, guys, it's no laughing matter,

You can't drive anything here,

You can only do it on your own

Only for pedestrians. (" Footpath".)

5. You will notice this sign straightaway :

Three colored huge eyes.

The eyes have a certain color:

Red, yellow and green.

When the light turns red, it is dangerous to move.

For those who have a green light, go ahead, there is no prohibition.(Traffic light)

6 . In the white triangle

With red border

For schoolchildren

Very safe.

This road sign

They know everything in the world:

Be careful,

On the road... (children).

B. I : Oh, and I also have this. Some debris.

Educator : Let's help Baba Yaga figure out what these signs are.

Game "Collect a sign"

B. I : Thanks for helping me figure this out! Now listen to my poems!

Where it's needed you should say :

« This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!»

- How many of you go forward only where there is a transition?

- Who flies ahead so fast that they don't see the traffic lights?

- Which of you in the cramped carriage gave in place for an old lady?

- Who knows that the green light is the way open, but the yellow light:

"attention" says?

- Who knows that a red light means no movement!


Guys, what is it called?pedestrian road?


Place to move vehicle(roadway)

B. I : What kind of transport travels on the roadway?

Riddles about transport(with slides).

1. Steering wheel, wheels and pedals.

Do you know the transport for the ride?

There is a brake, but there is no cab.

It rushes me. (Bike)

2. I am an important machine

There is a body and a cabin.

I carry any cargo

Along the ribbons of roads.

And desks and watermelons

I will deliver it to you on time.

3. What a miracle - a long house!

There are a lot of passengers in it.

Wears rubber shoes

And it runs on gasoline.














Educator : And now I suggest you turn into a bus and transport passengers, observing traffic rules.

Relay race. " Bus and passengers»

B. I: conducts the game " Guess where to go»

On the command “right”, “left”, children turn and continue movement . On the command "circle" spin around their axis. By command" reverse " , move backwards on command"back" turn around and go in the opposite direction direction .

Baba Yaga: Yes. I know now : you are smart, dexterous, kind. Helped me learn traffic rules. After such lessons I willcross the road correctly, I’ll quickly get to my house and tell all the forest dwellers about the traffic rules, just in case they end up in the city. Goodbye.


Today in our Little pedestrian's school» we repeated the main ones rules , traffic lights, road signs . You have already become big guys, you should be able to quickly find correct and life-safe solutions in problematic situations on roads , leave pranks outside the door. Try Be extremely careful so as not to cause trouble either to yourself or to people close to you.

So as not to worry

Every day parents

So that we can race calmly

Drivers on the street

You should know well

And strictly observe

Traffic Laws!

Speech by the inspector and awarding of participants.