Transportation of pregnant women to the hospital on a paid ambulance. When pregnant women need emergency help. Causes of bleeding during pregnancy

In order to receive emergency medical care at home and be hospitalized accompanied by a doctor, paramedic or midwife, a pregnant woman should call "03". In cases where the case takes place in a large city where there is a special obstetric service, in case of complications associated with pregnancy and childbirth, it is necessary to call this service, which will be reported in the antenatal clinic.


  1. With harbingers or at the very beginning of the first period (in the presence of regular contractions, amniotic fluid outflow - even in the absence of contractions), you can go to the hospital in your car, only, of course, the woman herself should not be driving. Most likely, in this case, the car will be driven by a husband or another relative or acquaintance. A convincing request to the driver: do not worry and do not rush, you will have enough time to calmly get to the maternity hospital! Excessive excitement will only hinder you, because the car and the road do not tolerate fuss, and you are responsible - to bring the expectant mother and her child safe and sound! If, with harbingers or at the very beginning of the first stage of childbirth, an ambulance team is called, then an obstetric (paramedical) team, or rather, a midwife and, of course, a driver, will most likely come to you. You can ride sitting, reclining, but lying down is better. Hospitalization is carried out at the request of an ambulance attendant of the central point of hospitalization of pregnant women, taking into account the course of pregnancy and existing chronic diseases, the presence of medical documentation from the antenatal clinic, as well as documents confirming an agreement with any maternity hospital for childbirth. That is, if there is an agreement with a particular maternity hospital, a woman has the right to count on hospitalization in this maternity hospital. It is not necessary to hope that the ambulance will take the expectant mother to the institution that she liked, without prior agreement with the maternity hospital (documented contract).
  2. At the end of the first stage of labor (during contractions), in the second (during attempts) and in the third periods (when the placenta separates), you need to take delivery where you are (at home, in the car, etc.). After giving birth outside the maternity hospital, even if everything went perfectly, even if the birth was in the ambulance, in the presence of doctors, all the same, mother and baby must be delivered to the maternity hospital (to the observational department). After the birth of the afterbirth (and even more so - if the afterbirth does not depart), you need to go to the hospital. A woman must lie down without fail. If there is such an opportunity, then it would be good to put an ice pack wrapped in a clean sheet (towel) on the woman's stomach on her stomach. Attention! The departed placenta must be saved without fail, put in a bag and also brought to the hospital. There, doctors will examine him to determine whether he has completely passed away, whether there is any piece of the placenta left in the uterus. Such a piece, a slice can cause very severe postpartum complications - bleeding and inflammation!
  3. Complications in childbirth in cases where the second stage of labor began at home and it was no longer possible to hospitalize the woman in the maternity hospital or the woman decided to give birth at home deserve a separate discussion. It is necessary to call an ambulance team and at the same time describe the situation in detail. In this case, hospitalization is required!
    • With complications in the form of an incorrect location of the fetus, discoordination of labor, the threat of uterine rupture, etc. the doctor can, with the help of medicines, suspend labor and, thus gaining time, deliver the woman to the maternity hospital (preferably at a multidisciplinary hospital). A woman can only ride lying down.
    • In case of bleeding during childbirth, emergency hospitalization is carried out in the maternity hospital at a multidisciplinary hospital with a medical or resuscitation team! A woman should ride lying down, only on a stretcher. In case of loss of consciousness, the patient is placed on her side (in case of vomiting, this will prevent the vomit from entering the respiratory tract). Before the doctors arrive, if the baby has already been born, you can raise the woman's legs, but do not lower her head and put an ice pack wrapped in a clean towel on her stomach.
    • With eclampsia - an attack of convulsions, which can occur as a complication of pregnancy against the background of increased blood pressure, edema, emergency hospitalization is carried out only by a medical, neurological or resuscitation team in the maternity hospital at a multidisciplinary hospital. The harbingers of this formidable condition are headache, dizziness, tinnitus, "flies" before the eyes. While waiting for the doctors, it is necessary to create the maximum state of rest for the woman: turn off the bright lights, draw the curtains, you can leave a “peaceful” night light; do not make noise, any sharp sound can provoke convulsions; The room should be warm, but not stuffy. It is better for a woman to lie on her side. Nothing can be done until the doctors arrive; It is strictly forbidden to give a woman pills and so on. If convulsions nevertheless occur, then the woman should be laid on her side and held so that she does not cripple. Wrapped in a bandage, a small linen napkin, etc., should be put in the mouth between the teeth. a spoon so that a woman does not bite her tongue during convulsions.
  4. In case of complications of pregnancy, complicated course of previous births, chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, heart disease, etc., and conditions (narrow pelvis, previous caesarean sections, etc.), the doctor offers a preliminary one - a few weeks before the birth - hospitalization. In this case, the "time margin" is determined by the obstetrician-gynecologist observing the woman, depending on the patient's condition. Hospitalization is carried out by an ambulance team in accordance with the referral to the obstetric department of a specialized maternity hospital, if the doctor deems it necessary to transport the woman exclusively by car. If the condition of the mother and baby is satisfactory, the hospitalization is not urgent, then the expectant mother can get to the maternity hospital on her own - by public or private transport.
  5. If there is a threat of termination of pregnancy or premature birth, a woman is hospitalized as soon as there is a suspicion of this complication of pregnancy (at the same time, a woman may be disturbed by pulling or cramping pains in the lower abdomen, in the lower back, in the first trimester of pregnancy - bloody discharge from the genital tract). If the diagnosis was made in the antenatal clinic, the obstetric ambulance team is also called there. Indeed, in this case, the expectant mother should be in bed as soon as possible, since bed rest is one of the most important therapeutic factors, while traveling by public transport or on foot is completely excluded, as they can worsen the condition. In an ambulance, it is preferable for a woman to lie on a stretcher.
  6. In preterm birth, all the basic recommendations above are preserved. Hospitalization of mother and baby is required! The baby needs special care in this situation. It is necessary to gently release his mouth with a finger, if necessary, from the mucus that has got into it (hands, of course, must be clean). The umbilical cord, firmly tied in two places at a distance of 2-3 cm, must be cut, the edge “belonging to the child” should be treated with iodine and bandaged. Wiping the baby, you can not rub it, but you can only gently get wet with a clean diaper. Then the child must be well wrapped up and do not forget to cover the head; if you have a small clean knitted cap at hand, then it is better to put it on. When calling an ambulance, it is necessary to clarify that the birth is premature, and to inform what period of labor the woman is in, so that a special children's team arrives for the newborn (if the birth took place outside the hospital).

Various injuries

In case of injuries, hospitalization by ambulance to a hospital with a maternity hospital is mandatory. Even if the injury is minor, it can provoke the onset of labor. Hospitalization is carried out by a medical ambulance team; a woman should lie down taking into account the characteristics of the injury. In case of traffic accidents, even if a pregnant woman feels well, she has no visible injuries and she escaped, as they say, with a slight fright - hospitalization is still mandatory. It is necessary to warn doctors about the existing pregnancy.

If you get into the zone of smoke (fire) or carbon monoxide - hospitalization is required! A woman should also report her pregnancy to emergency doctors or contact them herself. Methemoglobin, which is formed in the blood when a carbon monoxide molecule is added to hemoglobin instead of oxygen, can leave a woman's life, but "suffocate" a child. On the way to the hospital, a woman can sit or lie on her side (depending on the condition) with mandatory inhalation of humidified oxygen.

In case of poisoning, even mild, hospitalization is also needed: it is not known how the toxins will affect the child. Transportation to the hospital is better to carry out again on the "ambulance". A woman can sit, reclining or lying down - depending on the severity of the poisoning. If a woman is lying and she has an urge to vomit, then she should lie exclusively on her side.

Hospitalization by helicopter for severely injured pregnant women is not contraindicated, because, despite the vibration, which so scares many, and the altitude (the difference in oxygen in the air at an altitude of 200-400 m is insignificant), during intensive therapy carried out in flight, it does not cause harm, but accelerates arrival of the victim in a specialized hospital. In the practice of the medical helicopter service of Moscow, there were many cases when it was the quick delivery to the hospital of pregnant women injured in traffic accidents that saved the lives of both them and their children. Hospitalization by helicopter is becoming especially relevant in metropolitan areas, crushed by traffic jams, or in "deaf" areas, far from medical institutions.

Transfer of women after complicated childbirth to specialized clinics

In case of complications in childbirth that have arisen in the maternity hospital, a woman and a child are transferred to other specialized institutions only after their condition has stabilized. The decision on the possibility of transfer is made collectively by the doctors of the maternity hospital, the invited specialist and the doctor of the ambulance team with which the transfer is supposed to be made. At the same time, the condition of the patient or her child is put in the first place, and not the wishes of relatives about the place of a new hospitalization or its timing. If necessary, the transfer is carried out to specialized hospitals, the mother is transferred with a resuscitation team, and the child is transferred with a pediatric resuscitation team that has an incubator (a special bed in which it is possible to maintain a certain temperature and supply oxygen), monitoring equipment and everything necessary for intensive care of premature and newborn babies. In the absence of contraindications, it is possible to transfer the patient and (or) her child with the help of air ambulance, by helicopter.

If the problem arose somewhere outside the city and you have no way to contact the local ambulance or the doctors do not have the opportunity to quickly get to you, then taking into account all of the above, take the woman yourself by car to the nearest medical center, the address of which can be clarified or phone the local ambulance, or the police. And best of all, if there is already a need to travel out of town, find out the address of the nearest hospital or maternity hospital in advance.

Hospitalization from the region (for Muscovites) or when not at the place of residence

If a pregnant woman is not far from the city, then it should be borne in mind that the ambulance that arrived should under no circumstances hospitalize the expectant mother in any of the city maternity hospitals - only in the regional one. If you want to get from the region to the city maternity hospital, then you need to rely on your own transport, with which you can get directly to the obstetric facility or to the city apartment, and from there you can call an ambulance. If you want to go to a certain maternity hospital, then you will be unconditionally accepted only if the situation threatens the health of the mother and baby, for example, with bleeding, a significant increase in blood pressure, etc. A woman is obliged to accept even if childbirth has already begun. In those cases when the condition of the woman and the fetus is satisfactory, then in the absence of places in the selected maternity hospital, the pregnant woman will be transferred to another maternity hospital by calling an ambulance.

Let us remind you once again that with a thoughtful attitude towards yourself, you can happily avoid many life cataclysms. The main thing is to exercise reasonable care and remember that a pregnant woman is responsible not only for her own health and life, but also for the life and health of her child.

There are several reasons why a mother-to-be is strongly advised to call an ambulance. In such cases, waiting tactics or constraint can lead to sad consequences. After all, timely medical care during pregnancy can solve many health problems. Let us consider in more detail what should be the reason for a pregnant woman to contact an ambulance service.

We call an ambulance during pregnancy: bleeding

One of the most dangerous reasons for calling an ambulance during pregnancy is sudden bleeding. Bloody discharge during pregnancy can begin at any time. Blood discharges can vary in duration and intensity, from light spotting to heavy bleeding, with or without clots.

Bloody discharge during pregnancy may be accompanied by dizziness, weakness, pain in the abdomen and lower back, as well as a sudden change in the motor activity of the fetus.

To understand how dangerous bleeding during pregnancy is, you need to know what conditions cause them:

Miscarriage. A miscarriage is considered to be early self-termination of pregnancy at a time when the fetus is not yet capable of life outside the womb, up to 22–24 weeks. Bleeding during a miscarriage begins as small, spotting, but intensifies. Almost always they are accompanied by cramping pains in the lower abdomen, as well as an increase in the tone of the uterus. While waiting for an ambulance, try to lie down and take an anesthetic (it’s better to check with the ambulance doctor before the ambulance leaves).

Placenta previa. In the normal course of pregnancy, the placenta is located in the area of ​​​​the fundus of the uterus (the bottom of the uterus is its upper part). With placenta previa, it is attached to the cervix and blocks the exit from it. Such bleeding often begins without pain and spasms, but are frequent and quite plentiful. While waiting for an ambulance, lie on your left side so that the pelvis occupies a higher position (for example, place a folded towel or pillow under it).

Premature detachment of the placenta. As a rule, placental abruption occurs in late pregnancy and is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, uterine hypertonicity, severe weakness and dizziness. It is also necessary to lie on the left side and apply something cold to the lower abdomen, and also not to drink or eat - during hospitalization, an operation may be necessary. The stronger the placenta exfoliates, the more dangerous it can be for mom and baby.

Bloody discharge during pregnancy can be completely non-intense (the so-called daub). There may be nothing dangerous behind them. So, for example, in the third trimester, small discharge may appear due to softening of the cervix. Nevertheless, even in the presence of very slight spotting, it is still worth contacting, if not an ambulance, then the doctor who is leading your pregnancy to find out their cause.

Abdominal pain during pregnancy

Every woman can often be bothered by abdominal pain during pregnancy. So, in the first half of pregnancy, short-term aching or stabbing pains in the lower abdomen and in the lower back are usually associated with the growth of the uterus. Pain can also cause increased gas formation and constipation, which appear in pregnant women due to a weakening of the tone of the intestinal walls. These changes are inextricably linked with the normal restructuring of the body of a pregnant woman and do not threaten her health.

However, some abdominal pain during pregnancy should alert you. So, regular aching pain in early pregnancy, similar to pain before the onset of menstruation, may indicate a threat of miscarriage. Also, a sign of premature birth can be severe pain in the lumbar region. However, such pain is not necessarily accompanied by bleeding.

In the second half of pregnancy, pains in the lower abdomen, and with them pulling pains in the lower back and an increase in the tone of the uterus, can indicate a premature onset of labor or a threat of miscarriage. If these pains bother you, see your doctor. If they become more frequent and intense, besides, spotting appeared during pregnancy, immediately call an ambulance. Before her arrival, it is better to lie down and take a painkiller (it is better to clarify which one, when calling an ambulance) and a sedative (motherwort or valerian) remedy.

Do not take other painkillers and especially hemostatic drugs on your own. Wait for the doctor.

The reason for calling the medical service may be the so-called acute abdomen. It combines a group of diseases that threaten the health of mother and child and require urgent medical attention. These can be diseases associated with the reproductive system, or diseases of the abdominal organs.

Pain in an acute abdomen can be of a different nature - cramping, girdle, growing, cutting or pulling. In any case, the signs of such a condition require not only urgent hospitalization, but sometimes surgical intervention, even despite the pregnancy.

Symptoms of an acute abdomen:

  • Severe abdominal pain - sudden or increasing.
  • Sharp tension in the abdominal muscles.
  • Nausea, vomiting, severe gas formation, constipation.
  • Chills, decreased pressure, lethargy, fainting.
  • Fever, fever, palpitations.

There are also gynecological causes of an acute abdomen:

  • Uterine rupture along an old scar (possible if you had a caesarean section in the past (especially dangerous if the uterine incision was longitudinal) or surgery to remove uterine fibroids or ectopic pregnancy).
  • Violation of the blood supply to uterine fibroids.
  • Torsion of an ovarian cyst.
  • The last two causes of pain can threaten if you had cysts, tumors on the ovaries or uterine fibroids before or during pregnancy. Therefore, if you know about such problems that you have, be more attentive to yourself.
  • The causes of an acute abdomen can be acute attacks of cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder), pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), appendicitis, as well as gastrointestinal bleeding with stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Regardless of the reason, calling an ambulance, go to bed. Try not to take painkillers and other drugs so as not to complicate the doctor's diagnosis.

We call an ambulance: preeclampsia

There is another group of symptoms that should alert the expectant mother.

These include:

  • headache (in the neck and temples);
  • a veil before the eyes, flashing dots and "flies";
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • too sluggish state or, conversely, increased excitability;
  • increase in pressure;
  • convulsions (including twitching in the face, neck, arms, legs) and loss of consciousness with convulsions.

All of them can be a sign of a condition such as gestosis (the so-called late toxicosis of pregnant women). It develops, as a rule, in the second half of pregnancy and can be quite dangerous, therefore it is a mandatory reason for hospitalization of a pregnant woman, and in severe cases often leads to emergency delivery. Therefore, at the first sign of it, you need to call an ambulance. Before her arrival, take a supine position so that the upper body is elevated, close the curtains, exclude sources of noise, try to relax (the risk of seizures increases from experiences). At the same time, it is desirable that someone be nearby, just in case convulsions still occur.

If your doctor has not prescribed blood pressure medications for you, and you have never taken them yourself, do not drink anything on your own. If necessary, the necessary drug will be given to you by an emergency doctor.

If preeclampsia is suspected, hospitalization is mandatory. In severe preeclampsia (eclampsia), resuscitation is necessary.

However, preeclampsia usually does not appear spontaneously. All of the above symptoms, together or separately, to one degree or another, begin to disturb the expectant mother from the second half of pregnancy, in addition, preeclampsia is manifested by the presence of protein in the urine test.

We call an ambulance in case of exacerbation of diseases

During pregnancy, the course of various diseases that a woman already had before her onset can be aggravated.

Some of them require an urgent call to the ambulance service:

  • Renal colic. How to recognize this disease? The main symptom of renal colic is sudden cramping pain in the lower back or under the ribs. The pain can last from several minutes to several hours (about 12). Colic often occurs against the background of urolithiasis or chronic pyelonephritis, which before pregnancy could go completely unnoticed. While waiting for an ambulance, it is forbidden to drink water, you can take a painkiller pill.
  • Bronchial asthma. This disease is a sudden attack of suffocation accompanied by coughing, noisy, wheezing, shortness of breath and increased heart rate. Asthma is very dangerous during pregnancy. Cough increases intra-abdominal pressure, which increases the tone of the uterus and disrupts normal blood circulation - this can lead to fetal hypoxia. In addition, severe seizures can cause preterm labor. During an attack, it is important to ensure free breathing: unbutton the collar, open the window for fresh air, sit down, you can dip your hands in hot water, and if possible, it is recommended to drink lingonberry tea (it helps to thin sputum).
  • Quincke's edema. This is a type of allergy that begins with a sudden reaction to any food, insect bite, medication, etc. Edema may appear around the lips, cheeks, eyelids, and then spread to the throat mucosa. From a lack of oxygen, such edema can lead to coma. In addition, with Quincke's edema, there may be vomiting or diarrhea. To combat angioedema while waiting for an ambulance, it is necessary to exclude contact with the allergen as quickly as possible, take an antihistamine drug (it is better to clarify which one when calling an ambulance). Provide fresh air, apply a cold compress to the swollen area, take activated charcoal and drink plenty of fluids.

Calling an ambulance: childbirth

Childbirth remains the main reason for calling an ambulance for pregnant women. Most expectant mothers end up in the hospital with the help of an ambulance service.

It is important here not to panic ahead of time and call an ambulance for the real reasons for the onset of labor. Understanding this issue is not so difficult: real labor pains cannot be confused with anything. They are regular, appear at regular intervals, their intensity gradually increases, and the intervals between them are reduced. Training bouts go at different intervals and their intensity does not increase. If you have determined that the uterus is contracting regularly and the contractions are going on after 10-15 minutes, then it's time to call an ambulance and go to the hospital.

Another sign of the onset of labor is the discharge of water. This can happen both during contractions and just before they begin, and it is not accompanied by any pain. Waters (normally they are transparent) can pour out immediately quite abundantly, or they can leak drop by drop. In any case, it is necessary to go to the hospital as soon as possible so that the early discharge of amniotic fluid does not lead to inflammatory complications or hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the fetus. It is advisable not to eat anything while waiting for an ambulance.

Before the ambulance arrives, check (or collect) everything you need to take with you to the maternity hospital or hospital, if for some reason hospitalization is necessary: ​​most importantly, do not forget your passport, exchange card (it is given to the expectant mother after 22- th week of pregnancy), an insurance policy (or contract for childbirth), as well as the necessary clothes, cosmetics, etc.

Whatever the reason for calling an ambulance, try to remain calm, because stress is contraindicated for the expectant mother. If you play it safe and call the medical service for any ailment, this is already good, you may have noticed in time what needs to be treated. Health and peace of mind for the expectant mother and her baby is the most important thing.

Expecting a child is a wonderful state that makes a woman happy. In order to think only about the good for nine months, you should take care of qualified and prompt transportation to the maternity hospital or hospital. Every expectant mother should have an ambulance phone for pregnant women in Moscow and the Moscow region. Fast transportation will help to avoid serious health problems for both the woman and the child. The commercial ambulance for pregnant women of the medical service "Doctor 03" is safety, professionalism and maximum comfort during paid hospitalization.

When you may need a paid ambulance for pregnant women

During the nine months of pregnancy, situations repeatedly arise in which a woman needs the help of doctors. However, it is not always possible to figure out on your own whether it is worth calling an ambulance or visiting your doctor is enough. If you experience any of the symptoms listed below, immediately call an ambulance for pregnant women in Moscow:

  • bleeding during pregnancy or early labor;
  • severe cramping pain in the lumbar region, lower abdomen, genitals;
  • surgical pathologies (ectopic pregnancy, appendicitis, acute cholecystitis, acute pancreatitis, etc.);
  • somatic diseases that can sharply worsen during pregnancy (urolithiasis, bronchial asthma);
  • the onset of labor, accompanied by regular contractions or the outflow of amniotic fluid.
  • It should be understood that in any of these situations, qualified medical care should be provided as quickly as possible. A taxi driver or even a loved one behind the wheel is not the best option, as they will not cope with the difficulties that have arisen. The most comfortable and safest way to transport pregnant women to the maternity hospital is a paid obstetric ambulance of the Doctor 03 medical service.

    If you have a birth certificate, a commercial contract, or in the case of a personal agreement with a doctor, our ambulance will take you to any maternity hospital.

Advantages of a paid ambulance for pregnant women in Moscow of the Doctor 03 service

Efficiency. Brigades of the private ambulance "Doctor 03" work around the clock. Our dispatchers will accept the application and make the best route to arrive on call as soon as possible. Paid ambulances to the Doctor 03 maternity hospital are equipped with special signals, which increases the speed of medical transport in dense city traffic.

Technical equipment. Each paid ambulance car for pregnant women is equipped with modern devices that allow maintaining a stable condition of the expectant mother and baby. If necessary, our doctors will take delivery or carry out resuscitation. For the transfer and transportation of pregnant women in our ambulance to the maternity hospital or clinic, comfortable stretchers are used, in which a woman can be lying or reclining.

Before going to the hospital for childbirth, a woman will have to repeatedly use the services of an ambulance. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for this, both financially and psychologically.
Be sure to take care of clothes, as well as some important things. But, it is important to know those moments when you cannot do without the help of specialists.

Emergency calls for bleeding

Most often this situation refers to obstetrics. Blood is secreted from the genitals during and after pregnancy. The amount of discharge may be different and depends on the period of maturation of the fetus. Often they are accompanied by pain, dizziness, often weakness.

Their appearance is typical for:

  • complications with the placenta. In this case, even normally located, it can be separated from the attachment point. Most often occurs in the last stages of pregnancy. Before the arrival of the doctors' car, it is recommended to place the patient in a supine position, do not give her food, put ice on the lower abdomen;
  • abortion initiated by the woman herself. Up to a certain point in the development of the child, women spontaneously, unwittingly, can terminate the pregnancy. Frequent uterine contractions and heavy bleeding are recorded. Before the arrival of specialists, it is recommended to put the patient to bed and give pills that reduce the number of uterine contractions;
  • placenta previa. Often this substance is attached near the exit from the uterus. Blood begins to stand out profusely in the second half of the pregnancy. However, it can begin suddenly, without any pain. Best of all, before the arrival of a team of doctors, put the expectant mother on her left side and raise her pelvis.

Somatic diseases

An ambulance should also be called in the presence of somatic diseases. Most often it is renal colic or bronchial asthma. Most often, damage to internal organs can cause premature birth.

During childbirth

Calling a team of specialists will also be needed in the case when a woman is due to give birth soon. The beginning of this process is the separation of amniotic fluid and the appearance of contractions.

In any case, during pregnancy, one should prepare for such situations when a woman is taken to the hospital. Therefore, all the necessary things must be collected and ready for transportation to the ward in a short time.


Doctors of the antenatal clinic always insist on transporting pregnant women by ambulance. There are many reasons for this. There are no traffic jams, red traffic lights or prohibition signs for ambulances. A woman giving birth in the back seat of a car can distract her husband or driver and cause an accident. The ambulance attracts the attention of road users and the likelihood of an accident is reduced.

In order for an ambulance to take you to the maternity hospital, it is enough to dial “03” or “#03” from your cell phone. Give the name, surname, date of birth, place of residence, gestational age and, if any, the diagnoses made to you.

The dispatcher will ask about the availability of a referral or attachment to a specific maternity hospital, specify the intercom code, entrance number and conditions of travel to the local area. If the barrier does not open automatically, the ambulance will need to be met.

Even if you have a referral and you have to drive to the maternity hospital on your own, the ambulance provides certain categories of patients with transportation services. Lonely pregnant women, the lack of a personal car, the remoteness of the maternity hospital and other "valid" reasons to call an ambulance.

The probability of refusing hospitalization if you arrived in an ambulance is very low, and in case of refusal (for example, a crowded maternity hospital, a non-core maternity hospital), the ambulance will take you to another one. You do not need to drive around the city all day looking for a maternity hospital that will accept you.

Usually an ambulance takes you to the maternity hospital, to the nearest maternity hospital or to the one to which you are attached. If the birth started when you were in another area, and the situation on the roads does not allow you to be taken to the maternity hospital at or to the one where you are assigned, you will be hospitalized in the nearest one.

In large cities, there is the term "on-duty maternity hospital." It is in him that most of the women who arrived on calls with an ambulance are accepted. But usually this rule works halfway: someone is taken to a residence permit or place of residence, someone needs a specialized maternity hospital, and someone will end up in the nearest one.

If you are satisfied with the maternity hospital by registration and place of residence, there is no need to attach to it. Otherwise, it is better to take a referral from the district obstetrician or attach yourself to the desired maternity hospital.

If you do not have a residence permit in the city of residence, you will be taken to the maternity hospital at the place of residence. Lack of registration, citizenship, birth certificate and compulsory medical insurance policy is not a reason for refusal. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, a woman in labor has the right to count on any specialized assistance.

IN Moscow, compared with other regions, health care is in relative order. And almost any maternity hospital complies with modern norms and standards. But at the same time, it is very difficult to get into some institutions, but somewhere there are enough free places. So how do you choose maternity hospital V Moscow?


Your main assistant in choosing maternity hospital a - doctor-, leading your. By observing you for 9 months, he can decide whether you will be in your usual maternity hospital e, or it is better to give you a referral to a specialized one. IN Moscow There are many such institutions, and each has a different focus. These are pathologies of the cardiovascular and urinary systems, and infectious diseases, and diabetes mellitus. In any case, no matter what diseases you suffer from, competent specialists will always help you successfully resolve the burden.

If everything is in order with your health and there is no need for a maternity hospital of a narrow focus, you can proceed to the choice of a regular institution. Currently, a huge number of sites are devoted to the issues of childbearing. Almost everyone has forums where mothers share their impressions of maternity hospitals. Choose a few that are located near your home, and about which there are more positive reviews. Give them a call and find out when they close for the car wash. At that time maternity hospital not and, having arrived there, you will lose precious time.

If you want to give birth on a paid basis, you need to discuss the terms of the contract with a representative in advance maternity hospital A. At the meeting, you will receive full information about the services provided by this medical organization. Usually, the contract includes a separate ward, the ability to choose which childbirth will be, unlimited visits to relatives. All additional conditions must be discussed with a representative of the clinic and included in the contract as separate clauses.

When choosing maternity hospital and communicate as much as possible with women who have already been there. This can be done on specialized portals, for example There you can find out about living conditions, staff qualifications, attitude to and. Perhaps there is an excellent institution near you, which is in no way inferior to institutions that occupy first places in medical ratings. After all, the main thing is not a big name, but professionalism and midwives. And it is these indicators that should be decisive when choosing a maternity hospital.


What is the most important thing in choosing a maternity hospital in Moscow, what should you pay attention to first of all? 1. First of all, future mom and dad should get acquainted with all the maternity hospitals that are available in their city of Moscow. 2. It is best to choose a maternity hospital that is easily and quickly accessible from home. The proximity of the maternity hospital is sometimes an invaluable factor in saving both mother and baby, and this must be taken into account first of all.

Helpful advice

Someone does not want to travel far and chooses from a group of maternity hospitals located nearby. Others prefer to choose from more than 30 Moscow maternity hospitals. There are three maternity hospitals in Moscow that have the title of “baby-friendly hospital”: maternity hospitals No. 6, No. 25 and No. 4. This title is awarded by the World Health Organization - for the fact that breastfeeding is built in accordance with the requirements of WHO: early application, lack of supplementary feeding, supplementation, pacifiers.

In accordance with modern legislation, a woman has the right to independently choose a maternity hospital. In this case, it is advisable to sign the exchange card in advance with the head physician of the selected medical institution.

You will need

  • exchange card, passport.


In the last months of pregnancy, some women are puzzled by the question of choosing a maternity hospital. Each expectant mother has the right to choose a medical institution in accordance with her own preferences. Talk to the gynecologist you see. Your doctor may be able to give you specific advice.

If the gynecologist from the antenatal clinic offers you a certain medical institution, ask him to write out the appropriate referral. This becomes possible already in the last weeks of the term. Recommendations of this kind may be related to the state of your health or the health of the baby. For example, with the existing threat of placental abruption, you can be sent to give birth in a modern, equipped with expensive equipment.

If you decide to choose a maternity hospital to which the antenatal clinic you visit is attached, there is no need to sign an exchange card in advance. At the right time, just come to the birth. Employees of the institution will be required to provide you with medical care if you have all the necessary documents. Visit the maternity hospital in advance if you want to enter into a contract for the management of childbirth by a specific doctor, or if you want to use other paid services.

If you decide to choose a maternity hospital not at the place of registration, but according to personal preferences, or on the recommendation of a doctor, visit this medical institution 2-3 weeks before the expected date of birth. Take an exchange card and an identity document with you. If you have not yet decided on a maternity hospital, ask someone from the staff to show you the delivery and postpartum wards, ask all your questions.

After the final choice is made, contact the head physician of the maternity hospital and ask him to sign your exchange card. This will serve as a guarantee that at the right time they will be able to accept you and provide you with all the necessary assistance in delivery. If you do not take care of this in advance, you may not be admitted to the selected maternity hospital due to lack of free places. This scenario is possible if nothing threatens your health and the health of your baby at the time of your contact with a medical institution.