Plan-summary of the lesson on application, modeling (senior, preparatory group) on the topic: Abstract of the OOD (master class) on the artistic and aesthetic development "Wide Shrovetide. Making a Shrovetide doll." Abstract of the lesson on the application "Shrovetide" in the old


(Senior group)


Raise interest and love for Russian folk culture.

To acquaint with the calendar-ritual holiday "Maslenitsa",

reconnect time.

To acquaint children with folk customs and rituals associated with this holiday.

Lesson progress:

A conversation about Maslenitsa with a display of illustrations, reproductions of paintings by artists on this topic.

Educator: Guys, look at the pictures and tell us what you see in them. (Answers of children).

Why do people have fun, I'll tell you now.

Shrovetide is one of the most beloved holidays among the people, the birth of which goes back to ancient times. It is celebrated in late February, early March.

Maslenitsa had another name - seeing off winter. And seeing off winter and meeting spring is always a holiday. On Maslenitsa, the duty of every person is to help drive away winter, wake up nature. People forgot about the cold, winter frosts, about melancholy and sadness, and had fun from the heart.

Don't get bored on this holiday

Everything turns into fun.

The oven is on the street

Bake pancakes orders.

With poppy seeds, cottage cheese, cabbage,

To be very tasty

Come to the samovar -

Take fragrant tea.

Maslenitsa was named so because the housewives baked delicious, oily pancakes. Pancakes are supposed to be eaten all week. Pancakes cannot be replaced with cakes or sweets, because pancakes are like the sun - round, golden, hot.

Pancakes and pancakes were served with special food: cheese, butter, fish, cottage cheese.

Dear guests were invited to pancakes and treats. The more guests, the more happy days a year. Maslenitsa was affectionately called gorged, round, ruddy, wide and white.

Villages and cities were transformed by Maslenitsa: ice slides, snowy palaces and fortresses, swings, booths for buffoons, circus performers, grounds for bear fun and fist fights, open-air tables with a variety of foods and drinks.

Shrovetide was played by the whole world: adults went to visit each other, children had fun sledding, everyone laughed together at the performances, rode in troikas and, of course, ate pancakes.

Physical education minute


The leader is selected. Each player picks up a small stick. Everyone pronounces such words and at the same time rolls a wand between their palms.

Malechena-Kalechina, how many hours are left until evening, before winter?

After the words "Before the winter?" put the wand in the palm of your hand. As soon as the sticks are placed, the leader counts: "One, two, three, ... ten." The one who holds the item the longest wins. The host can give different tasks: while holding a stick, the players must walk, squat, turn right, left, around themselves.

Educator: In Shrovetide week, each day has its own name, which says what is supposed to be done on that day.

Maslenitsa begins on Monday, which is called the meeting.

WITH Monday started baking pancakes. Each housewife had her own recipe, which she kept a strict secret from her neighbors.

The holiday was opened by children. They touted and greeted Maslenitsa: “Shrovetide, red beauty, blond braid! Come to me in the plank house to amuse your soul, have fun with your mind, enjoy speech ... "

After the call, the guys ran down the snowy hills and shouted joyfully: “Maslenitsa has arrived! Maslenitsa has arrived!

And on this day, the children went around the neighbors, congratulated on the onset of Maslenitsa and asked for a treat:


Give me a pancake


Butter piece!

Don't be stingy

Serve the wide Shrovetide!

If the owners served little, the children teased them:

Lousy pancakes, a yard long! -

and ran away.

By the first day of the holiday, an effigy of Maslenitsa was made from rags and straw.

In Tuesday - games.

In the morning, young people went sledding, eating pancakes. They called relatives and friends: "We have mountains ready and pancakes baked - please favor."

Most of all they loved skiing from the ice slides: whoever did not slide down the hill offended Maslenitsa.

Wednesday - gourmets. On this day, the son-in-law came "to the mother-in-law for pancakes." In addition to the son-in-law, the mother-in-law invited other guests.

Thursday called roam. Maslenitsa was gaining full strength. On this day, they walked from morning to evening, danced, danced round dances, sang ditties.

To help the sun drive away the winter, they arranged horseback riding "in the sun" (clockwise around the village).

But the main action of that day was the capture of the snow town. From the snow they built a town with towers and gates. The boys were divided into two groups: horsemen and infantry. The first gang attacked the city, and the second defended it.

Friday - mother-in-law evening - was a guest day. On this day, sons-in-law treated their mother-in-laws to pancakes. With honors, the mother-in-law and her relatives were invited to dinner.

Saturday - sister-in-law gatherings. Young daughters-in-law invited their sister-in-laws to visit. The newlywed daughter-in-law was supposed to give gifts to the sister-in-law.

The last day of Maslenitsa - Forgiveness Sunday . On the last day of Maslenitsa, a straw man is burned - a symbol of winter. Seeing off the winter until next year.

Everyone asks each other for forgiveness. They bow at their feet. And in response they hear the familiar: "God will forgive." Maslenitsa is leaving, and with it winter. Spring is coming into its own.

A large straw doll was taken out on a sled. This is winter. She was installed in the center of the square and said goodbye to her with jokes; songs, dances, scolding her for frosts and winter cold, and thanked her for cheerful winter fun.

You are goodbye, goodbye

Our Carnival.

You are goodbye, goodbye

Ours is wide.

You came with good

With pancakes, pies

Yes, with pancakes.

We're rolling down the mountain

From dawn to dawn

And today, Sunday,

Our fun is over.

Bye Bye,

Our Carnival!

After that, the effigy was set on fire to cheerful exclamations and songs.

And now we will play the Russian folk game "Burn, burn bright"

Game "Burn, burn bright"

Questions for children.

Why is the holiday called Maslenitsa Shrovetide? What did the hosts prepare? Why baked pancakes? What is another name for Shrove Tuesday? How do people celebrate this holiday? (Story 2-3 children).

Acquaintance with spring calls.

Educator: Now, guys, listen to what shouts the children shouted, turning to the sun:

Red, fire up!

Come back with red spring!

Red sun,

Get out on the road!

Drive away the winter cold!

sun bell,

You get up early

Wake us up early

We run into the fields

We welcome spring!

Discuss the meaning of the phrases..

Invite the children to say them several times, paying attention to the intonation of speech, and the correct pronunciation.

carnival symbol

Pancakes are the main symbol of Maslenitsa.

Pancake is like the sun, which is waiting after a long winter. Therefore, pancakes were baked a lot and different. Thick, thin, with and without filling, with a lot of butter. Each housewife had her own pancake recipes. All this was done to invite, “cajole” the sun, hence the name “Maslenitsa” came from.

Chastushki for Shrovetide

wide-breasted Maslenitsa,

We praise you

We ride on the mountains

We eat pancakes!

Oh, Maslenitsa, reach out!

You are for the oak, hook on to the deck!

Oh, they said - our Maslenitsa

seven years old,

And just at Shrovetide

Seven days.

Oh, Maslenitsa-deceiver!

Cheated, tricked

Didn't let go!

Oh, Maslenitsa, reach out!

Hang on to the white birch!

They said: Maslenitsa is seven years old,

And our Maslenitsa is seven days old!

Oh, Maslenitsa, reach out!

You are for the oak, hook on to the deck!

Oh, they said - our Maslenitsa

Seven years, And in total, Maslenitsa has seven days.

Oh, Maslenitsa-deceiver!

Cheated, tricked

Didn't let go!

Carnival Games


Children stand in a circle, hold their hands behind their backs, and one of the players - "dawn" walks behind with a ribbon and says:

Dawn - lightning,

red maiden,

Walked across the field

Dropped the keys

golden keys,

blue ribbons,

entwined rings -

Went for water!

With the last words, the leader carefully places the tape on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the tape, and they both run in different directions in a circle. The one who is left without a place becomes a "dawn". The game is repeated. Runners must not cross the circle. The players do not turn around while the driver chooses who to put the tape on his shoulder.


The players choose the driver.

Each player picks up a small stick (20-30 cm long). Everyone says these words:

Malechena - kalechina,

How many hours

Left until the evening

Before winter?

After the words "Before the winter?" put the stick on the palm or any finger of the hand. As soon as the sticks are placed, the leader counts: "One, two, three, ... ten." The one who holds the item the longest wins. The host can give different tasks: while holding a stick, the players must walk, squat, turn right, left, around themselves.


The game begins with the roll call of the driver with the players:

Ding, ding, ding!

Who's there?

From the city …

What are they doing in the city?

The driver can say that they are dancing, singing, jumping in the city. All players must do what the driver said. And the one who performs the task poorly, gives a phantom. The game ends as soon as the driver collects 5 forfeits. The players, whose forfeits are with the driver, must redeem them. The driver comes up with interesting tasks for them. Children count poems, tell funny stories, remember riddles, imitate the movements of animals. Then a new driver is chosen and the game is repeated.

Fun for Maslenitsa

From history: On the day of Maslenitsa, a "city" is made. On the Nice River or on the Sloboda Square, where there is more space, walls are built along a circular line of snow, sometimes ice, in which two pillars are made. Above the pillars, an arched crossbar is also placed from snow or ice. Pieces of snow are carefully filled with water in order to stand stronger. Previously, loose pillars and a crossbar on the front side are decorated with various patterns, most of all by attaching pieces of coal to the white snow in different directions. At the top of the gate they placed figures of people fashioned from snow, sometimes a bird or an animal. Before sunset, a large number of people gathered to watch, who and how will “break the city.” As in many other cases, the activities of young people associated with the snow town were held in full view of the entire community, the behavior of the participants was subject to direct discussion.

On the upper Ob, young people made the town differently: several low, with vaults at the top, thick columns of snow, doused with water, formed only the foundation of the fortress. Boards were laid on the vaults. At the corners of the fortress, very high poles entwined with straw were placed. Snow sculptures were placed along the ramparts. The game took place here on the "forgiven" day. Everyone came to the town before evening.

An attack of cavalry and footmen led by the "general" began. The most spectacular moment came after the capture of the fortress: straw pillars were lit, and high torches blazed in the ensuing twilight, illuminating the bizarre outlines of a dilapidated fortress and being reflected in the icy surfaces.

"Tug of War"

Let it be not quite traditional for Maslenitsa. The preparation is like in the usual tug-of-war, but the teams take it, standing with their backs to each other.

"Snow Range"

In the winter town, you can install permanent targets for throwing snowballs. It is best if these are wooden shields 1x1 m in size with concentric circles drawn on them with a diameter of 30.60 and 90 cm. The shields can be installed on poles dug into the ground, hung on a blank wall or on a fence. Probably, it is worth making a special wall of the shooting gallery, on which you can put targets, their guys will shoot down with snowballs.

Game "Pancakes"

We bake pancakes in the morning

To have a MOUNTAIN!

Enough for all friends, acquaintances!

The first pancake, of course, lumpy.

We will have a feast with a mountain!

The second one burned a little.

That's when dad got down to business.

The third pancake rolled to the floor.

Brother decided to bake one -

Broke the fourth pancake.

Grandma took the fifth -

He turned out crumpled!

And the sister baked the sixth -

It's time to dine!

Grandfather baked the seventh -

Immediately pancake pulled puppy!

The rest I did

The dough is over, friends!

Well, my mother shouted:

"Tomorrow we'll start all over again!"

Song for the farewell to Shrovetide

Shrovetide - pancake,

Maslenets - fat-eater,

Shrovetide - birch,

Buttercup is a scam.

Cheated, tricked

She didn't give us pancakes.

Serve pancake

Us buttered

Yes fried!

And we saw off Maslenitsa,

They sighed heavily for her:

Dear Maslyana, come back,

Stretch until the red summer!

Maslyana, Maslyana,

Where are you going?

Lost paws -

You won't find it!

Shrove Tuesday

The whole world is tired

Cheated, tricked

Didn't make it to the year.

Poems about Maslenitsa


Shrovetide, Shrovetide,

Let's enjoy pancake.

Drive the blizzards away from us

Ride on the carousel.

Melt the cold ice

May spring come soon!

(V. Stepanov)

Wide Maslenitsa - Cheese Week!

Wide Maslenitsa - Cheese Week!

You came dressed up to us to meet Spring.

Bake pancakes and have fun all week

To drive the cold winter out of the house!

Morning... MONDAY... "MEETING" is coming.

Bright sleds glide from the hills.

All day fun. Evening is coming...

Having rolled in plenty, they eat all the pancakes.

"ZAGRYSH" careless - TUESDAY joy.

All walk, frolic came out as one!

Games and fun, and for them - a reward:

Sweet and ruddy Shrovetide pancake!

Here WEDNESDAY fits - "Gourmet" is called.

Each hostess conjures at the stove.

Kulebyaki, syrniki - they succeed in everything.

Pies and pancakes - all swords on the table!

And on THURSDAY - the open-air "Razgulyay" comes.

Ice fortresses, snow fights...

Troikas with bells enter the fields.

Guys are looking for girls - their betrothed.

FRIDAY has come - "EVENINGS at the mother-in-law" ...

Mother-in-law invites son-in-law for pancakes!

Eat with caviar and salmon, it can be a little simpler,

We ate with sour cream, honey, butter.


All relatives meet, lead a round dance.

The holiday continues, the general fun.

Gloriously seeing off Zimushka people!

SUNDAY bright comes quickly.

All relieve the soul in the "FORGIVENESS DAY".

Straw scarecrow - Zimushka - is burned,

Having dressed in a sheepskin coat, felt boots, a belt ...

Lush festivities The fair crowns.

Goodbye, Maslenitsa, come again!

We'll meet Beauty again in a year.

We will celebrate again, treat pancakes!


On the table are rolls.

And the pancakes are hot.

Behind the window is a ruddy sun.

It brightened up

As if I could drink

Tea five samovars to the bottom.

Outside the window sings about the spring of drops,

About the outgoing winter sings.

I don't want to sit at home now:

Spring is coming to the village.

(O. Akulova)

Maslenitsa is with us today

Blows in the air in SPRING,

Honest people hurry to the park,

Yes, in the morning, yes, families,

This Sunday!

Everyone goes, who is not lazy:

In Rus' - a special day!

On my shoulders! At the father!

Tonight - SHUTTER!

My eyes see everything:

Here is the concert

And there are fights.

It flies, it creeps

About the merchant, about the girl!

I like dance more -

This is a holiday, this is a fairy tale!

Mom got up in a round dance -

The white swan swims...

Dad and I are surprised:

And cheesecakes, and pancakes,

From the heat of the heat - they are eaten,

And they don't disappear!

Smells like sun and pancakes -


Let's burn the scarecrow

Let's see off the winter!

(N. Kapustyuk)

Saying goodbye to winter

Today we rejoice -

Saying goodbye to winter

With pies and pancakes

In the noise of a cute mess.

Sledges are flying down the hill,

The eyes of a girl are burning

Songs, dances and festivities

What a day in a row.

Young people are not too lazy to look

Named all day:

Grooms - girls

And brides - guys,

And at the mother-in-law on pancakes

The son-in-law grunted contentedly: - Ah!

Ate, probably, about forty pieces -

What a festive swing!

This is Carnival

Miracle - Maslenitsa.

earth awakening

Will soon open its wings

sleepy land,

Awakening will come

With the cry of a crane;

February itself recognizes

Change of days

Through the sky veil

solar horses

Sends like messengers of Spring

To the gray houses

- Wake up from sleep! -

She says.

And in broken hearts

Dead ice is melting.

Troika rushes in bells -

Shrovetide move…

Joy in every home!

Let's get up early in the morning

Let's bake pancakes

With cottage cheese, sour cream,

With honey. Be healthy!

With butter and jam

Here's a treat for you!

Let's meet Shrovetide.

We'll burn the scarecrow.

We will celebrate the holiday.

Joy in every home!

Bright ray of sunshine

Everyone at the window!

(N. Gubskaya)

Waiting for Maslenitsa

The cat walked, sat, lay,

Long waited for the carnival.

He sang songs, hissed, sniffed:

"Not winter, but chaos!"

battery under the window

He warms the cat with warmth!

And he hopes that - here!

Spring will come soon!

(A. Eismont)

Wide Maslenitsa

Wide Maslenitsa,

We praise you

We ride on the mountains

We eat pancakes!

Shrovetide, Shrovetide,

pancake baker,

Come early

Let's meet well -

Cheese, butter and pancake

And ruddy pie.

Maslenitsa - pancake

I fed until lunch.

And herself - for the wattle fence,

All day, all day.

Licked cheese and butter

And then she went off.

Seeing off winter

We need to be in time everywhere -

And dance and sing a song!

Eat a basket of pies!

Yes, with three boxes of pancakes!

We are in a bleached hut

Let's sweep clean

Oh, green melancholy

We won't let you in!

Cold and snowstorm

We'll drive away.

Hey, meet the fun

Seeing off winter!

Wide enters the yard!

And we, girls, meet her,

And we, the Reds, meet her!

Oh yes Maslenitsa, stay for a week,

Wide, stay another!


Maslenitsa! Maslenitsa,

Round sides!

The sun shines in the sky -

Know that spring is near.

Pancakes on a plate

I have a slide

Round, ruddy -

The sun is dear!

Come on, little ones

I will feed you

young branches,

I love everyone very much.

Slavic holidays -

Joy in every home!

With songs and dances

We will enter the spring. . .

(N. Obinyakina ■)

Shrovetide hitches

Shrovetide, treat!

Give everyone pancakes!

To pancakes with a slide,

And all with caviar!

Shrovetide means alive

Once we walk - we will live,

And eat pancakes

Have fun and love.

Let's go for a ride from the hill

Sorrow-longing drive away

Let's say goodbye to the winter

She can no longer be helped!

Let it burn like a fire in the sky

Head made of straw

Throw in the fire soon

From the love of the former firewood.

With a dashing Russian dance

Spin under the accordion ...

We part with Shrovetide!

Where are you spring? Wake up!

Kids love pancakes...

The kids love pancakes.

How delicious pancakes are!

Everyone in the world is in love

Delicious pancakes!!

With sour cream and caviar!

Hurry - set the table!

With jam, honey and jam,

With "condensed milk" - overeating!!

With meat, butter, mushrooms,

With fruits and vegetables...

With cottage cheese or cabbage,

With powdered sugar, delicious! ..

I invite guests

My little friends

Fly on pancakes! ..

Oh, panties are tight for us ...

(T. Yudina)

Ode to pancakes!

Shrovetide pancake,

Hearty, old,

With a samovar, with a spark,

Sun, snow, wind...

Many words have been said

I'll bake pancakes soon

So that at the end of winter

We welcomed the spring!

I quickly knead the dough

All I need to put

I'll heat the frying pan

I'll pour pancake with a ladle.

The dough will hiss in butter,

It's cramped in the frying pan

Deftly flip the pancake,

I'll look at the drawing.

The first pancake is like the sun

In it, the pattern is torn with rays ...

The second pancake is ready crimson,

Like an apple ruddy!

Russian folk song


Like butter week

We wanted pancakes!

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You, my pancakes!

Our elder sister

Baking pancakes is a craftswoman.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You, my pancakes!

On the tray she puts

And she brings it to the table.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You, my pancakes!

"Guests, be healthy,

Here are my pancakes ready.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You, my pancakes!


We know this holiday

Time to see off winter.

People these days should

Have fun, bake pancakes.


Before fasting - folk festivals,

Meat eater, fun and pancakes.

And with the fierce winter goodbye

According to the precepts of good antiquity.


The sun fell into the snow

Milky river flowed

Float in a hot country

There to make the moon in the holes.


For my beloved grandmother

I'll bake pancakes.

So rosy and delicious

These lush...


Oh, you Lakomka-Wednesday!

Butter pan!

As it has been since ancient times -

Let's go to...!

(More on pancakes)

Shrovetide is a meal!

Let's bake pancakes in the morning.

To them - sour cream and jam

And of course…!


And with caviar, and with sour cream -

All of them are delicious!

Nozdrevati and blush -

Our suns are...


On Maslenitsa Sunday

All tried old Titus

Ask everyone for forgiveness

And answer: ...

("God will forgive!")

Proverbs about Maslenitsa

◘ Not life, but Maslenitsa.

◘ Maslenitsa walks for seven days.

◘ Maslenitsa is afraid of bitter radish and steamed turnip (i.e. fasting).

◘ Shrovetide is coming, damn it, honey is coming.

◘ Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, like the wheels of Spring.

◘ The olive is not given forever.

◘ Maslenitsa without pancakes, there are no name days without pies.

◘ Maslenitsa obeduha, money tucked away.

◘ We thought Shrovetide was seven weeks, but it is only seven days.

◘ So that you can be carried up to your elbows, and eat up to your throat.

◘ As in oil week, pancakes flew to the ceiling.

◘ Not oily without pancake.

◘ At least lay down everything from yourself, and spend Shrovetide.

◘ Pancake is not a sheaf - you can’t stick it on a pitchfork.

◘ Looking for forty years of carnival and three years of small holidays.

◘ Pancake is not a wedge, the belly will not split.

◘ And the coldest person loves hot pancakes.

◘ Pancakes and kisses do not like bills.

Sayings about Shrovetide

Not oily without pancake

Damn not a wedge, the belly will not split

Pancake is not a sheaf - you can’t prick on a pitchfork

Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, like the wheels of Spring

Pancakes and kisses do not like bills

Maslenitsa is afraid of bitter radish and steamed turnip

We drank beer about Maslenitsa, and the hangover broke after Radunitsa (Radunitsa or parental day is celebrated 9 days after Easter)

My soul is a carnival, your quail bones, your paper body,

And the coldest man loves hot pancakes

Looking for forty years of carnival and three years of small holidays

As in oil week pancakes flew to the ceiling

Oil is not given forever

Maslenitsa without pancakes, there are no name days without pies

Maslenitsa is coming, damn it, honey is coming

Maslenitsa obeduha, money tucked away

Maslenitsa Semikov's niece

Maslenitsa walks for seven days

We thought Shrove Tuesday was seven weeks, but it was only seven days.

Have fun on Maslenaya and treat yourself to a pancake

Ride on the mountains, roll in pancakes.

Not everything is Shrovetide for the cat, there is also Great Lent

Not life - life, but Maslenitsa

Let's salute at cheese on Sunday

Feast and walk, woman, at Maslenitsa, but remember about fasting without butter

Thirty brothers, sister, forty grandmothers, granddaughters, three mothers, Maslyan's daughter

At least lay everything from yourself, and spend Shrovetide

So that you can be carried up to your elbows, and eat up to your throat

sugar lips, sweet speech, red beauty, rusa braid, thirty brothers sister,

forty grandmothers granddaughter, three mothers daughter, yasochka, you are my quail.

Maslenitsa in the paintings of famous artists

In order to better imagine how Maslenitsa was celebrated, I suggest looking at a selection of paintings of famous paintings on the theme of Maslenitsa festivities.

V.I. Surikov "The Capture of the Snowy City"

Surikov depicted an old Cossack game, which has long been arranged in Siberia on Maslenitsa.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten of combined type No. 16 "Bell"


organized educational activities

for artistic and aesthetic development



Voropaeva E.E.

MBDOU Kindergarten

combined type

No. 16 "Bell"


1 qualification category

Michurinsk 2017

Explanatory note:

“How we want to see our future depends largely on us and on the principles that we will lay in the minds of children. What a person is, such is his activity, such is the world that he creates around him.

Sh. Amonashvili

At preschool age, deep feelings of love and attachment to their culture, to their people, to their land are formed. Knowledge of the history of one's people, one's native culture, participation in folk holidays enrich the child spiritually, instill pride in one's people, and maintain interest in its history and culture.

The key role of preschool education is to create conditions for the formation of a harmonious, spiritually rich, physically healthy, developed personality with aesthetic consciousness, the inclinations of artistic culture, creative abilities for individual self-expression through various forms of creative activity.

Practice shows that for many years preschool education has been focused on ensuring the cognitive development of children. Not enough attention was paid to social and moral development, folk culture, which influenced the behavior of children. Indifference, cynicism, unmotivated aggression, disregard for folk traditions and civic duty have become widespread in the public consciousness. Currently, the social and personal development of preschoolers, the development of moral values, and concern for the emotional well-being of children have become relevant.

The OOD was compiled in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Distance Education, using the integration of educational areas included in the educational program "From Birth to School" edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.

The OOD is based on the method of immersing children in a topic, which gives them the opportunity to deeply understand and feel what the teacher wants to convey to them. The topic does not limit the possibilities of planning different types of activities, development tasks, training and education of older preschoolers; it is only the basis that allows you to combine all types of children's activities, make them interesting, as useful as possible for children.

The following principles formed the basis of the OOD:

1. Taking into account the age characteristics of children in the selection of content, topics, tasks of education and training.

2. Providing emotional and psychological comfort for children.

3. The principle of accessibility and entertainment of the material (working with paper)

4. The principle of cooperation between an adult and children (game communication, individual work, various situations).

Educational areas:cognitive development. Artistic and aesthetic development, Speech development, Social and communicative development, Physical development

Integration of activities:game (role-playing game), communicative, perception of fiction and folklore, paper construction, visual (drawing, application), musical, motor (outdoor games, physical education minutes)

Lexical topic:Seeing the Russian winter. Maslenitsa

Class type: thematic, creative activity

Forms of educational activity:organized educational activities

Target: development of creative abilities and interest in the joint activities of preschoolers through introducing them to the origins of Russian folk culture, ritual folk holidays, traditions, customs (making a carnival doll from paper).



To acquaint children with the history of the origin and traditions of the celebration of Maslenitsa;

To acquaint with folk nursery rhymes, invocations;

To acquaint with the rules and teach how to play Russian folk games;

To form the ability to make a carnival doll from paper;

Activate the vocabulary of preschoolers.


To instill a sense of patriotism, develop interest and respect for Russian folk holidays, traditions and customs;

We cultivate accuracy when working with paper, scissors, glue;

Create emotional interest when making a doll.


To develop a cognitive interest in the traditions of their people;

Develop attention, memory, coherent speech;

Develop fine motor skills, attention, eye, self-control, hand-eye coordination;

Develop creativity and imagination.

Planned result:making paper carnival dolls, organizing an exhibition of works.

Preparatory work:

Selection of methodological literature about Shrovetide, about the history of the emergence and celebration of Shrovetide;

Selection of nursery rhymes, incantations, proverbs and sayings about Maslenitsa, about spring;

Examination of reproductions of paintings about Shrovetide;

Development of a toy execution scheme (carnival dolls)

Preparation and design of the lapbook "Maslenitsa".

Equipment: projector, laptop, screen, lapbook, reproductions of paintings on the theme of "Pancake week", a diagram of the sequence of making a doll, scissors, colored paper, glue, felt-tip pens, sticks (skewers), a finished doll "Pancake week".

Technological map OOD


To the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky February. Shrovetide" (from the cycle "Seasons")

Educator: Shrovetide is coming, dear,

Our annual guest

On painted sledges,

On black horses.

Maslenitsa lives for seven days,

Stay Maslenitsa for seven years.

Oh, Maslenitsa, wryneck,

We will meet you well

Cheese, butter, kalach

And a baked egg.

We praise you

We ride on the mountains

We eat pancakes.

Educator: Guys, what is this poem about?

Children: About carnival

Educator showing reproductions of paintings by B.M. Kustodiev's “Maslenitsa” and others (using the example of Lapbook “Maslenitsa”) reminds children of the Maslenitsa holiday, which means farewell to winter and the arrival of spring: this holiday is loved by the Russian people - both adults and children.

Educator: Here the winter ends. At this time in Rus', folk festivals have long been organized - this holiday was called Shrovetide.

Maslenitsa is one of the brightest and favorite holidays of the people. One way or another, everyone celebrated it. Maslenitsa lasted for a whole week (show on the laptop the names of the days of Pancake week).

The Maslenitsa holiday is the farewell to winter and the welcome of spring. These are songs, round dances, treats with pancakes, sweets, bagels.

Educator: Look guys, how good it is on reproductions of B.M. Kustodiev conveyed fun, the brightness of the festive festivities: sledding from the mountain, on carousels, on horses harnessed to decorated sledges. (Looking at reproductions of paintings)

Educator: On Maslenitsa, snowy mountains were built, and sleigh rides were made from them. They walked around the yards with songs and sayings.


Educator: Guys, look what I have in my hands?

Children: This is a carnival doll

Educator: Do you think this doll is vintage or modern?

Why do you think this is an old doll?

Indeed, this doll is old. Grandmothers of your grandmothers played with such dolls.

Educator: See what she's wearing? Take, touch the doll, what is it made of?

Children's answers.

Educator: Yes, it is made of simple threads. Home Maslenitsa - a doll, she was called the daughter of Maslenitsa or her younger sister. She is a small straw or rag doll with a white face. Home Maslenitsa is a strong amulet of the home. They kept this doll in a red corner or at the entrance to a dwelling. Amulet - from the word "I protect", i.e. protect, protect from everything bad.

Educator: Would you like to play with these dolls?

Do you want to learn how to make a Shrovetide doll out of paper with your own hands?

Children: Yes.


Educator: Then it's time for us to work hard. Now we will make a small Shrovetide doll, which will become a toy for children, and a talisman for adults.

To make our fingers dexterous and skillful while working, let's stretch them, play with them.

Finger gymnastics "Along the river bank"

A swan floats along the bank,We lower our fingers down, closing

Above the bank carries a headSqueeze fingers into a pinch.

Waving a white wingTurning the hands from side to side.

She shakes off some water on the flowers.Alternate finger wiggle.

The swan shook off some water.We unclench and squeeze our fingers into fists several times.


Here the game is over

It's time to make a doll.

We take sheets of colored paper and fold an accordion out of it. You need to make two such accordions (for a skirt and a shirt), they need to be bent in half and connected to each other.

We take colored cardboard and cut out the outline of the doll's face and kokoshnik according to the template.

We will make hair from colored paper: cut out a small strip and make cuts on it along the entire width of the strip, use a pencil to add volume to the hair (wind it on a pencil).

With the help of felt-tip pens, draw eyes (or paste from colored paper) and hair on the contour of the face.

Let's put it together: We glue the face to the kokoshnik, the kokoshnik to the connected skirt and shirt, and the Shrovetide doll is ready!

Practical work of children.(Quiet Russian folk music sounds).

The teacher invites the children to choose colored paper to their taste.

Each child does your doll.

The teacher helps the lagging children.

After when the children perform the head and torso dolls , a physical minute is held.

Physical culture minute "Malanya"

Today we are seeing off the winter

Steps in place.

Let's meet the red spring!

Spread your arms to the sides

Come spring-red,

Circular movements of the hands up and down.

Bring us warmth!

Turns to the left, to the right with the spread of the arms to the sides.

Come, the weather is clear

Press your hands to your chest and stretch them forward.

Come, the sun is red

Raise your hands up

Educator: The traditional Shrovetide doll was made without a face. She was considered an inanimate object. The doll was supposed to bring well-being, health, joy to the child. Without a face, she was many-sided, in the hands of a child she could laugh and cry.

Here are our dolls and ready.


At the end of the work, the children collect their dolls on a common table and talk about them, the teacher helps to compose stories with the help of questions:

How did you do it?

Do you want to play with her yourself or have you prepared a doll for a gift?

How will you play with her? Or who are you giving it to?

And now let's take our wonderful dolls. They turned out so beautiful because you put the warmth of your hands into each doll. When you look at them, the soul - a holiday. In a group, you will play with them and give them to those who have planned.

Note: Dolls can be used in a musical corner, in a corner of artistic and aesthetic development, in a play area, at the Shrovetide festivities, etc.

Lesson summary

according to the adaptation educational program: "Living Clay",

The duration of the program is two years.

Association: "Kaleidoscope"

Age of children from 8 to 15 years

Date 27.02.2014

Section of the program: "Decorative relief" (14 hours)

The topic of the lesson: "Making the sun - a symbol of Shrovetide." (2 hours)

Lesson objectives: strengthening the skills of sculpting decorative relief

Lesson objectives:


Form the correct modeling techniques;

To consolidate the skills and abilities of sculpting a decorative relief with the help of a stack and “sticking”;

Learn to apply knowledge of decorative art when creating an image in modeling.


Develop an interest in modeling;

Develop creative thinking, fine motor skills of the hands;

Develop the ability to create an image on a specified topic.


Introduce children to Russian traditions through acquaintance with the Maslenitsa holiday;

Cultivate accuracy, diligence;

Develop compliance with safety rules at work.

Teaching methods:

Verbal method (conversation);

Visual method (demonstration material);

Practical method (individual practical work)

Used technologies:

Elements of game technology (didactic game);

Person-oriented (individual work);

Health-saving technologies (physical education, finger gymnastics).

Forms of organization of cognitive activity of students:


Work in subgroups;

Individual practical work.

Real result:

- learned how to make a decorative relief using a molded pattern;

Get acquainted with the traditions of celebrating Shrovetide;

Demonstrate the ability to plan joint activities;

Will be able to embody an artistic idea;

Evaluate your own work and the work of others.

Materials for the lesson:

Preliminary work:

Viewing a presentation about Shrovetide;

Didactic game;

Repetition of safety regulations;

Discussion of the stages of work on the technological map.

Demo material:



Symbolic images of the sun.


Technological maps;

Salt dough in 3 colors: red, orange, yellow;


Stacks, brush;

Glasses with water;


Lesson progress:


Teacher activity

Student activities

1. Organization of the beginning of the lesson - topic, purpose of the lesson;

2. Preparation for the main stage of the lesson - explanation, teacher's story;

3. Assimilation of knowledge and methods of action - showing techniques


4. Checking homework.

5. Safety in class for students.

Dynamic pause.

6. Primary knowledge test:

Questioning children;

Consolidation of knowledge and methods of action;

7. Finger gymnastics.

8. Practical activities of students

Generalization and systematization of knowledge, skills and abilities; individual approach to each student in the classroom.

9. Summing up the lesson -

Analysis of the activities of children by the teacher, the students themselves; an exhibition of works is possible.

1 0. Reflection.

2 minutes.




3 min.


3 min.




1) Greetings to all present. To communicate the topic of the lesson, to attract the attention of children, he makes a riddle about Shrovetide.

What do you think about the holiday?

Resting all weekSlide #1
We treat everyone with pancakes.
We see off the winter cold,
We warmly welcome spring

Right! This is Shrovetide.

2) I bring to your attention a presentation from which you will learn more about this folk holiday.

- Demonstration presentation.

Maslenitsa is celebrated seven weeks before Easter

The most important in Rus' was the God of the sun - Yarilo.

The life of people on earth depended on light and heat.

Throughout the long, cold winter, people dreamed of the warm summer sun and green grass.

And by the end of winter, they asked to melt the snow and ice as soon as possible, to warm the land of the God of the sun - Yarilo.

Site #3

In every house they baked ruddy pancakes, similar to the sun, ate them with butter, treated the neighbors.

Pancake is a symbol of the sun. So round and hot. They are served piping hot on the table. With butter, sour cream, caviar, mushrooms, sturgeon or sturgeon - choose for every taste.

And, having eaten your fill - walk and have fun! Slide number 4

Questions for consolidation: Slide number 13

- What is the traditional treat on the festive table?

Why was this meal chosen?

- What ritual ceremony ends the celebration of Maslenitsa?

Lesson topic: Making the sun-symbol of Maslenitsa Slide №14

Didactic game "Sunny outfit"Slide number 15

1. Discussion of sketches, symbolic images of the sun. Construction of a model of the sun. Comparison of two models.

What geometric figure underlies all the presented images of the sun?

What shape can the rays of the sun be drawn in?

- What additional details are decorated with images of the sun?

What colors were used to represent the sun?

Repetition of concepts: relief, bas-relief, high relief, decorative relief.

Questions to test knowledge on the studied material:

-What is relief?

What does the phrase "decorative relief" mean?

Safety instructions with game elements. Slide №18

Warm-up game "True or not?"

1. True or not?

-What materials and tools should be scattered on the desktop? (No!)

2. True or not?

Do you need to wear special clothes when sculpting from salt dough? (Yes!)

3. True or not?

-That during work you can spin and interfere with your neighbor on the desk? (No!)

4. True or not?

What should not be allowed to get salt dough in the eyes? (Yes!)

5. True or not?

-What if you have wounds on your fingers, then you don’t need to stick them with a band-aid? (No!)

6. True or not?

- What do you need to clean your workplace after finishing work?

1. Analysis of decorative relief technology: Sample analysis

-What method of making the relief was used when making the presented sample?

-Stages of decorative relief:

(Presentation, technological map.)

Required materials and tools: Slide #19

1. Form a ball from a piece of dough. Slide number 20

2. Flatten the ball so that you get a circle 1 cm thick. Slide number 21

3. Glue the resulting circle onto the test base with water. Slide number 22

4. Take the dough of a different color and divide it into equal parts according to the number of rays. Slide number 23

5. We form rays from the obtained blanks and glue them along the contour of the sun. Slide number 24

6. Using the technique of "sticking" we decorate the sun with details: eyes, nose, cheeks, and mouth. Slide #25

7. Add the necessary decorative details: decorate the rays, add bangs, curls, freckles. Slide number 26

Finger gymnastics "Sun" . Slide number 27

Sunshine, sunshine

Take a walk by the river
(Wiggle fingers of both hands.)

Sunshine, sunshine
Scatter the rings.
(Quickly clench and unclench fists).

We will collect rings
Let's take gold.
(Make grasping movements with a pinch).

Let's roll, let's roll
(Rubbing palm on palm in a circular motion).

And we'll give you back.
(Raise hands up with fingers apart.)

Implementation of decorative relief

1. sculpting relief, phased work;
2. detailing;
3. final stage

Current briefing
correction of students' work, demonstration of the correct options for performing operations, encouragement.

a) review and analysis of work b) evaluation of work

Final briefing. Slide number 28

How do you feel when you look at your suns?

-What were the difficulties?

- How to fix them?

- I suggest that the children choose the sun (funny, indifferent, sad) and evaluate their impression of today's lesson.

1) Solve the riddle.

This is Maslenitsa

2) Reading slides.

Morning... MONDAY... "MEETING" is coming.
Bright sleds glide from the hills.
All day fun. Evening is coming...
Having rolled in plenty, they eat all the pancakes. Slide number 5
"ZAGRYSH" careless - TUESDAY joy.
All walk, frolic came out as one!
Games and fun, and for them - a reward:
Sweet and ruddy Shrovetide pancake! Slide number 6
Here WEDNESDAY fits - "Gourmet" is called.
Each hostess conjures at the stove.
Kulebyaki, syrniki - they succeed in everything.
Pies and pancakes - all swords on the table! Slide number 7
And on THURSDAY - the open-air "Razgulyay" comes.
Ice fortresses, snow fights...
Troikas with bells enter the fields.
Guys are looking for girls - their betrothed. Slide number 8

FRIDAY has come - "EVENINGS at the mother-in-law" ...
Mother-in-law invites son-in-law for pancakes!
Eat with caviar and salmon, it can be a little simpler,
We ate with sour cream, honey, butter. Slide number 9
All relatives meet, lead a round dance.
The holiday continues, the general fun.
Gloriously seeing off Zimushka people! Slide number 10
SUNDAY bright comes quickly.
All relieve the soul in the "FORGIVENESS DAY".
Straw scarecrow - Zimushka - is burned,
Having dressed in a sheepskin coat, felt boots, a belt ... Slide number 11
Lush festivities The fair crowns.
Goodbye, Maslenitsa, come again!
We'll meet Beauty again in a year.
We will celebrate again, treat pancakes! Slide number 12

Watch the presentation and answer the questions.


Pancake is a symbol of the sun.

Burning ritual dolls at the stake.

Do the task in groups. Assemble a model of the sun from the proposed parts.

Analyze the resulting models by answering



Curls, flagella, petals, circles.

Bangs of various shapes, freckles.

Yellow, orange, red.

1. Answer the questions posed.

Relief- This one of the main types of sculpture, in which a three-dimensional image is located on a plane and forms a single whole with this plane.Slide №16

decorative relief this is a convex image on a plane, which serves to decorate Slide №17

They get up from their desks and answer questions. With a positive answer, they wave their hands, and with a negative answer, they stomp their feet.

Viewing a presentation.

Analyze the sample and flow sheet.

When performing work, the method of a molded pattern is used - "sticking".

Perform a workout.

Step by step work.

Independent creativity in finishing and decorating the product.

Exchange work and evaluate each other's work.

Highlight positive things at work.

Speak out about mistakes.

Answer the questions and summarize the lesson.

Choose the sun according to your mood.

Name: Sculpting lesson "Shrovetide"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, modeling, applique, Second junior group, children from 3 to 4 years old

Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: MBOU secondary school No. 196 Preschool department "Zdorovyachok"
Location: city of Novosibirsk

Modeling lesson. Theme: "Shrovetide"

Organizing time

Hey guys, are you all awake?

The sun smiled together!

Let's all gather in a circle

Let's smile all around!

Fill with mood

Get ready for work.

Main part

Educator. - Guys, today we will go to the festivities, to Maslenitsa. Do you know what holiday this is?

Children - …

Educator - That's right, you are so good!

Maslenitsa was celebrated in Rus',

When they saw off the winter.

To meet spring soon!

Gotta eat the pancakes!

Guys, let's look at the pictures, and you will tell us from them how Shrovetide is celebrated. Do you agree?

Children - …

(The teacher invites the children to look at the pictures depicting the Maslenitsa folk festival)

Educator - Children, what do you think, but is Maslenitsa a fun holiday? And why?

Children - …

Educator - You are so good! You know so much about this holiday, I want to invite you to play the game "Snowballs". Do you want to play?

Children - …

Game "Snowballs" (Two baskets and balls of cotton wool or synthetic winterizer)

(Children are divided into two teams and take turns throwing a cotton ball into their basket.)

Educator - Guys, do you know what is the most important treat on this holiday?

Children - …

Educator - Well, of course, these are pancakes. I want to offer you and cook pancakes for us. Will you help me?

Children - …


The children are seated at the tables. Boards, stacks, plasticine, napkins for each child are prepared on the tables.

Educator - Guys, we will bake our plasticine pancakes. I will now tell you and show you how we will do it. We take a piece of plasticine and have to prepare it for work, what should we do?

Children - …

Educator - Right. We have to crush it. Well, we kneaded our plasticine, we must make a ball out of it. How can we do it?

Children - …

Educator - That's right, we should roll the balls with circular movements of the palms. Guys, are you doing well?

Children - …

Educator - And now from the resulting ball, we will make a pancake. We flatten it, between two fingers. Are you guys doing well?

Children - …

Educator - Kids, and now you yourself will bake pancakes.

(Independent activity)


Educator - Guys, let's beautifully stack our pancakes for our exhibition. In the evening, you will please your mothers by the fact that you yourself can also bake pancakes. I looked at you, you are all so great, and I want to invite you to a real Maslenitsa festivities, to our street platform, where we will taste real pancakes with warm tea. Do you want to go for a walk?

Children - …

Teacher - Then let's go for a walk.

Synopsis of directly educational activities

in the preparatory group

On the topic of:Maslenitsa.

Educational area "Cognition" and "Artistic creativity".

Target : Expanding knowledge and raising children's interest in Russian folk holidays, traditions associated with the arrival of spring - the awakening of nature through acquaintance with the ritual holiday "Maslenitsa".To develop the creative abilities of children through their own artistic activities in various areas of folklore;

Tasks : 1. Generalization and deepening of pupils' knowledge about the Russian folk holiday "Maslenitsa".

2. Development of a sense of respect and love for the native people through familiarization with the origins of Russian culture, its spiritual and moral values;enrichment of the emotional and aesthetic perception of preschoolers through the poetic word, music, painting.

3. Raising a sense of belonging and love for their people, their traditions, customs and spiritual values.

Integration of educational areas:


Expanding children's ideas about the history of the traditions of the Russian people. Develop a sense of hospitality and a desire to play folk games.


Introduce children to the musical culture of the Russian people. To educate children in a sense of musical rhythm, to correctly convey simple dance movements. Develop children's singing skills.

"Reading Fiction"

Improving artistic and speech performing skills when reading poems: the emotionality of performance, the ability to convey one's attitude to the content of a literary phrase with intonation, facial expressions.

Equipment: tape recorder, backing track "Petrushka", shelf-stand for the exhibition of reproductions and drawings.

Demo Material : illustrations and reproductions of artists depicting the celebration of Shrovetide, the Petrushka toy, Petrushka costumes, Russian folk sundresses.

Handout : A4 sheets, pencils, colored pencils, colored crayons.

preliminary work : - Memorizing poems, chants and songs about carnival. Examination of reproductions of artists: Kuplin "Village Maslenitsa", B. Kustodiev "Shrovetide", V.I. Surikov "The Capture of the Snow Town", Dmitry Kholin "Fist Fight".

The course of directly educational activities.

I. Conversation .

Guys, this week, we talked about Russian folk art, holidays, traditions. And today in this open lesson you have to show your acquired knowledge and skills. Guests came to listen to you, say hello to them.

The backing track of "Petrushka" sounds.

Guys, what kind of guest is in a hurry to us with such music? Look, do you know who it is?

Yes, it's Petrushka. On what holidays did Petrushki perform? What upcoming holiday did Petrushka come to remind us of? That's right, about Shrovetide. Today we will talk about this holiday, and Petrushka will listen to you.

1. Why is this holiday so called? (because at this holiday pancakes were baked and poured with plenty of oil).

2. Why did they bake pancakes? (Pancakes are like the sun, which is so lacking in winter. It is a symbol of the sun, sunny days, good harvest, people's health).

II. Reading poems by children about the sun and Shrovetide:

spring sun

Round as hell
Smiling shines.
We are glad to have a warm meeting with him
Adults and children..

Like Shrove Week
Pancakes flew out of the oven!
From the heat, from the heat, from the oven,
All blush, hot!
Shrovetide, treat!
Give everyone pancakes.
From the heat, from the heat - take it apart!
Don't forget to praise

3. - Shrovetide was called wide, why? (This holiday was celebrated cheerfully, wildly and for a whole week).

4. - And how did you start celebrating the holiday?( They started on Monday, children and adults dressed up a scarecrow made of straw, dressed her in a beautiful bright dress, a scarf, tied bast shoes and took her to an icy hill.)

This holiday is coming to us
early spring,
How many joys
He is always with him!
Ice mountains are waiting
And the snow sparkles
Sledges run down the hills,
Laughter doesn't stop.
At home the aroma of pancakes
Festive wonderful,
We invite friends to pancakes,
Let's eat them together.
Noisy, fun
cheese week,
And after it - Great Lent,
Time to pray.


Maslenitsa-maiden, snowy winter sister,
They will rush to our yard to treat themselves to pancakes!
The craftswomen will stand at the furnace to spin,
They will think and guess how to please the girl.
fragrant pancakes,
Remote pies with red-feathered sides
Let's wake up the sun
Let's have fun drinking!

5. - Guys, how affectionately they called Shrovetide: ...

“You are my Maslenitsa, red beauty. Russian beauty, sister of thirty brothers, you are my quail! Come to visit me in a wide yard, ride in the mountains, roll in pancakes, amuse your heart!”

6. - What kind of entertainment was held during Shrove Tuesday?

They rode in a sleigh drawn by three horses;

Played the game "Taking the Snow Town";

Conducted a fistfight;

We went to visit each other, baked pancakes,

They led round dances, sang songs and incantations, etc.

7. -But the Maslenitsa week is coming to an end, what was the last day called?

(Forgiveness Sunday. All people on this day asked each other for forgiveness, reconciled who was in a quarrel. They all gathered together, carried a scarecrow through the whole village to the mountain, where they solemnly burned it, and scattered the ashes across the field, for a good harvest next year ).

III. Children's performance of a song about pancakes.

At the end of our conversation about Maslenitsa, we will sing one of the songs about pancakes.

The song "We haven't eaten pancakes for a long time ..."

We have not eaten pancakes for a long time,
We wanted pancakes
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes!

Our elder sister
Baking pancakes is a craftswoman.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes!

Stay healthy guests
Here are my pancakes ready.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes!

IV. The transition to artistic creativity - drawing.

Well done, how fun and fervently they sang. And your palms are warmed up, you can start artistic creativity - drawing. You will draw what you liked most about the celebration of Shrove Tuesday.

We sat down at the tables and started.

The backing track of the song "Pancakes" sounds.

V. Consideration and discussion of children's drawings.

And now, whoever has finished, will show us his drawing and tell us what he drew.

Well done boys! And our Petrushka listened to you, looked through your drawings and was very pleased. And now he says goodbye to you.

VI. Summarizing.

So, what did we talk about today? What did you like most about the lesson?

This concludes our lesson, thank you all for your work!