Easter gifts - handmade and original ideas! DIY Easter souvenirs made of paper for children. Step by step instructions with photo

Easter holiday - all Christians are waiting for this day with special trepidation. The brightest and purest Easter holiday is celebrated on the same day by both Catholics and Orthodox. Traditionally, various kinds of Easter souvenirs will appear in stores, but why not try to make them yourself? After all, do-it-yourself Easter crafts are not much inferior to store counterparts.

There are many wonderful Easter ideas, many of which can be made by the whole family, including even small children in needlework. Do-it-yourself crafts for Easter can be accompanied by stories about the history of this holiday.

The symbolism of the holiday is very important. Traditionally, its symbols are what one way or another means the renewal of life - these are Easter streams, Light is the Easter fire and Life itself (cakes, eggs and rabbits).

Easter eggs are the most common holiday symbol that marks the victory of life over death. Traditionally, they should be red, but today eggs are decorated in every way. But red is still important. Indeed, according to legend. when Mary Magdalene came to the ruler Tiberius to inform about the miraculous resurrection of Christ and brought him an egg as a gift, he said: “It is impossible, just as it is impossible that the egg will turn red.” And the egg turned red in the hands of Tiberius! Since then, red means the victory of life over death, renewal.

For more than a century, there has been such a tradition: to send beautiful Easter cards to relatives and friends. They depict not only symbols of the holiday, but also all the beauty of spring flowering. As well as cute chickens, rabbits, flowers, Easter cakes.

There are a lot of options for decorating an Easter egg. They depend on what materials to use: paper, embroidery, just threads or beads. But first you need to make its preparation.

Easter egg preparation

As a blank in the form of an egg can be:

  • wooden blank
  • foam blank
  • natural material preparation
  • non-standard blanks

Wooden blank for eggs

Perhaps the most convenient will be a foam blank. And all because it perfectly holds its shape, while not being too hard. You can easily stick pins into it, etc.

Styrofoam egg blank

But doing Easter crafts with your own hands is also good because even a blank can be made from improvised materials!

In the most ordinary raw egg, we have to make two small holes: on top - no more than 2 mm, and on the bottom - about 5 mm in diameter. For this purpose, we need an awl or a fairly thick needle. After these procedures, the protein and yolk will easily pour out from below. You just have to wash the shell and dry it.

A plastic egg from a well-known children's chocolate treat can also be used as a blank - it is quite possible to braid it with beads or tie it.

Easter eggs from beads

Beaded eggs are distinguished by their grace and always attract attention. This is quite painstaking, delicate work, but the result is always impressive. We need to weave a special pattern, and then carefully transfer it to the egg, on which we will first apply the thermal sticker. But if you have not been beading before, it will be difficult, although such a detailed master class as will be a great help in the first creative experience of this kind.

Easter eggs with embroidery

Why not break away from the voluminous egg standard by making a flat embroidered pendant? It looks very cool, original, and not to say that some kind of work is difficult to do. The detailed master class describes how to embroider and assemble such an unusual egg. The difficulty, perhaps, will be only in the fact that the embroidery itself will take some time. But the result is worth it!

You can still stay with the traditional idea of ​​​​a voluminous egg, and in this case, "Cross" recommends paying attention to the creation master class. Only instead of a Christmas ball, we will use an egg-shaped blank. Rest assured, the souvenir will be very delicate, everyone will want to take a closer look at it, or even become the owner of such beauty.

Easter eggs made of felt and fleece

If you make such an unusual gift for Easter with your own hands, be sure that it will be appreciated. It can even act as a talisman, because souvenirs made from these materials always look bright and unusual.

And, by the way, you can definitely involve children in the preparation of this souvenir. The main requirement is accuracy, but there will be no difficulty in the process of making such an egg, everything is extremely simple. However, evaluate for yourself by watching the master class "Easter eggs made of felt - a wonderful souvenir on a bright day!"

Felt egg garland

One has only to stock up on these incredibly advantageous materials in needlework, and then the work will go like clockwork.

Knitted Easter eggs

Even if you know little about knitting, you can also make beautiful knitted Easter eggs. It is enough to pick up a hook, bright yarn and master the reception of a single crochet.

Of course, there are more difficult options. More experienced knitters will probably want to attach a bright flower with a beautiful button in the core to an egg already tied in a simple way. But on its creation you will already have to try, although this is not so difficult to do.

Easter eggs look very cool, "dressed" in an openwork cobweb. This is a gentle, delicate, and not at all difficult work. The master class with the beautiful name "Lace Splendor" describes in detail all the moments of making this handmade souvenir.

It is also a very interesting version of a souvenir - such a hand-made gift for Easter will appeal to many. In order to make it, we need:

  • foam blank
  • silk or cotton white threads
  • PVA glue
  • pins
  • polyethylene film
  • decor details

First, we close the foam blank with polyethylene. This is necessary so that our threads do not stick to the foam and subsequently come off easily. Then we need to very carefully stick the needles into the blank. One row will be along the edge of the future window, and the second row will go along the oval of the Easter egg.

There will no longer be a window in the second half, so we will make a number of needles exclusively along the oval of the egg.

The halves are made separately from each other!

We moisten the threads in PVA glue, and wrap our workpiece with them. It is better to wrap not randomly, but following the “zigzag” pattern through the pins of the outer and inner rows.

When the wrapping is completed, the threads can be covered with glue a second time. Next, wait for the workpiece to dry thoroughly. As soon as this happens, we very, very carefully take out the pins, and then remove the half from the workpiece.

We do the second half in a similar way. Now you need to connect them to each other. You can tie them with a satin ribbon or fix them with a hot gun.

It's great if you plant a fluffy miniature chicken or rabbit inside such a delicate Easter egg. The egg can be tied with a thin ribbon, decorated with a bow on top for beauty. It turned out to be a very beautiful craft: many will be surprised that you did it yourself!

Easter egg in Origami technique

Colored paper and triangular modules - if that tells you something, it's definitely worth experimenting with such an Easter souvenir.

How to Make a Triangular Origami Module

First you will have to learn how to make modules from colored paper, later this skill will come in handy in new origami crafts.

To do this, you line colored paper in a special way. However, there are at least two ways to manufacture modules. Usually the paper is folded several times, cut at a certain stage, and then the same pieces are turned into future modules. How to cut paper correctly, you can watch the video:

Step by Step Origami Easter Egg Tutorial

We will act as follows:

  1. We need to prepare 99 green and 112 pink triangular pieces.
  2. In the 1st, 2nd and 3rd rows there will be 8 green modules each. They are easily placed on top of each other.
  3. In the 4th row there will be 16 pink modules, which you need to wear with one pocket.
  4. We make the 5th row according to the principle: 2 green modules - 2 pink modules - 2 green, etc.
  5. 6th row: the same principle, but the pattern itself needs to be slightly shifted to the side.
  6. Next, we try to give the egg the shape of a bowl and continue to lay out the same pattern, not forgetting to move it to the side.
  7. You need to make 8 rows with a pattern.
  8. The next row will be of 16 pink modules.
  9. The work will be completed next to the green modules, which will be mounted on three corners.

The video master class will instruct you in detail how to create an origami egg:

And the next master class will tell you how to improve the work. But for beginners, the first way will be the best choice, since it is as simple as possible, but the result is just as attractive.

Easter egg in quilling technique

To perform work in this technique you will need:

  • egg preparation
  • pins
  • paper pins

First of all, think about what the egg will be. Elements can be glued to the workpiece itself:

And then you can carefully remove the workpiece. This is necessary in order for the egg to turn out hollow and openwork.

If you chose the second option, then the manufacturing principle will be the same as making an Easter egg from threads. That is, we go the following way:

  1. We close the egg with polyethylene, and then, starting from the very top of the workpiece, we glue the quilling elements. Each element should not only be attached to the previous one, but also secured with two or three pins.
  2. This is how the upper half of the egg will be done, after which you need to cover it with varnish, leave to dry.
  3. Now you can do the second blank (lower half), and after drying, glue both parts.

The quilling elements are twisted the way we need it. It is better to practice in advance so as not to waste time in the process of making an Easter egg. In order not to get lost, it is better to follow this video master class:

Prosperity and abundance in Easter symbolism is a rabbit. It is believed that it will bring good luck to those who receive it as a gift. You can plant him next to the Easter egg basket, he will be her cute and sweet guard.

You can sew a simple rabbit from gray linen, you can sew colored charming rabbits using all your imagination. It is not necessary to remove this souvenir until the next Easter, because it can be a good talisman for a year.

Check out our Lucky Easter Bunnies tutorial and choose the one you like)

Without spending a lot of effort, you can make the cutest Easter basket with your own hands, in which colored eggs will look so great. And there are many variations:

In addition, craftswomen make baskets even out of paper! Baskets made using the Quilling technique are especially beautiful.

And how do you like a basket decorated with knitted flowers? Really beautiful?! Easter cake and eggs knitted using the Amigurumi technique will serve as an excellent filling!

Easter candles

Egg-shaped candles are an original souvenir for Easter. Our master class "Easter candles and their protective properties" will not leave any questions on the topic "how to make them."

By the way, the same eggshells can become the best candlesticks:

Easter napkins

Classics of the genre! However, now you can start making them, because such embroidery takes a lot of time. There are a lot of patterns according to which you will embroider. Assess your skill level and choose.

In our country, the tradition of presenting each other DIY Easter gifts, but when we are going to visit, we always take Easter eggs, Easter cake and sweets on the table with us. Today we will offer you some interesting ideas on how to make do-it-yourself souvenirs in the form of gift Easter eggs.

By the way, in pre-revolutionary Russia, Easter, like Christmas, was celebrated on a grand scale: the table was set, guests were invited, and everyone always gave gifts to each other. For example, Emperor Alexander III ordered the first egg with a surprise from the famous Faberge jeweler for his wife just on the occasion of the Easter celebration, it was his imperial gift. From that moment began the legendary history of Faberge eggs, which became one of the symbols of luxury of the Russian imperial court. The tradition continued after the death of Alexander - his son Nikolai II ordered two gifts from Faberge annually for his widowed mother and beloved wife. Of course, the crafts we offer cannot be called a luxury item, but with the help of such a souvenir you can show attention to a loved one and lay the foundation for a new family tradition - to give each other presents for Easter.

DIY Easter gifts quickly

If you want to present to friends do-it-yourself Easter gift, photo a master class on decoupage of a wooden blank will definitely come in handy. A souvenir egg is a symbolic, inexpensive gift, but at the same time it will help you congratulate you on a bright holiday even without words. With a flower napkin, you can give an exclusive look to an egg-shaped piece of wood. Such a gift will become part of family history, a tribute to the resurgent tradition of giving each other symbolic gifts for the holiday.

You can buy a wooden blank in a store that sells a variety of materials for creativity, including in such a store you can find napkins that are sold by the piece, you can choose any pattern you are interested in, which means that all decorated eggs will be original and unique. We will also need additional materials for decoration: acrylic primer and paints, special glue for decoupage, or ordinary PVA glue is suitable for crafts. To complete the creative process - transparent acrylic varnish. In the process, a brush, scissors and a foam sponge will come in handy.

First of all, the wooden base must be covered with acrylic primer, we will apply it with a piece of a kitchen sponge, which is usually used for washing dishes. It is necessary to wait until the soil layer dries, and you can apply acrylic paint. The color of the paint should be chosen neutral so that the future drawing is not lost against the general background. The paint can be applied with a brush or sponge, so when using a sponge, the coating is more uniform. If you are short on time, you can use a hair dryer to speed up the drying process.

To decorate the egg, we will use a floral motif, it must be carefully cut or torn out of the napkin, and then the two lower white layers should be separated. Only the top layer, on which the drawing is applied, we will use for decoupage.

A thin layer of glue should be applied to the base with a brush, then a napkin motif should be applied on top and smoothed out so that there are no wrinkles left, but it can also be done in the reverse order - first attach the motif to the base, and cover it with glue on top. Thus, it is necessary to glue the rest of the napkin elements. Then leave the egg motionless so that the glue dries, and cover the finished work with a layer of varnish.

DIY Easter Gift Ideas

Choosing DIY Easter gift ideas, you can abandon traditional Easter baskets, decorated wooden eggs or knitted chickens, and choose a simple and original presentation for friends and family. You will see that the cost of such crafts is minimal, and as a result, you can make bright souvenirs on your own and show attention to work colleagues and girlfriends.

When you return from a trip, you always bring magnet souvenirs to your friends, and you can also prepare such a gift for Easter. And the process of creating Easter crafts begins with the necessary base, because it is unlikely that in art stores you will find a suitable egg-shaped shape, flat on one side (in other words, our base will be a half of an egg).

We will also make the base with our own hands using gypsum, and as molds we will use halves from the Kinder box, which are shown in the photo. Both in shape and size, such molds will be an ideal solution for creating an ovoid shape, and in order for the molds to stand evenly during the hardening of the gypsum, you can make a base for them from a cardboard box on which cuts should be made.

Now you need to put the molds steadily on a cardboard stand and dilute the plaster. The mixture we need can be obtained by mixing one and a half kilograms of dry gypsum with one liter of water. The resulting mass must be thoroughly mixed and poured into molds.

However, you can not wait until the gypsum is completely dry, otherwise it will be very difficult for you to get it, it is better to take out the finished base at the moment when the gypsum mixture dries a little: it becomes hard enough, but not dry. It is enough to turn the molds over and the blanks will fall out on their own, they must be laid out on a newspaper with the flat side down, and left in this position until completely dry. After drying, you may need to trim the flat surface a little with a knife.

DIY Easter gifts: mk

Next, we will move on to the main part of the execution DIY Easter gifts, mk decoupage technique will come in handy for us. Since we are talking about decoupage, it's time to go to the store to choose napkins with a suitable pattern. To decorate Easter eggs, you can choose any floral print, and use the outline to put the inscription "XB", as on other crafts for Easter. When you select a suitable pattern, the napkin must be divided into layers, only the top layer is always used for decoupage. There is another option - a suitable picture can be printed on a printer, but you need to use very thin paper.

Before gluing the napkins, the gypsum blank must be painted, for this you can use acrylic paints or special paints for ceramics. When the paint layer dries, apply a thin layer of PVA on top and cover with a napkin. It must be carefully smoothed out so that there are no wrinkles, and covered with another layer of PVA on top.

When the glue dries, you can make an inscription or additionally draw the outlines of the picture with glitter, and cover it with a layer of varnish on top so that the picture is not damaged by external influences.

Since we are making a souvenir magnet that can be attached to the refrigerator, we need to glue a magnet on the flat side. Spare no silicone glue to keep the magnet firmly in place.

It remains only to come up with a beautiful package for our magnet, we can make a nest of sisal, in the center of which we will put a decorative egg. Wrap the nest in transparent wrapping paper.

DIY Easter gifts for children

Salt dough is often used for children's creativity, and we will make original DIY Easter gifts for kids. You can make egg-shaped molds from the dough, bake them in the oven and paint them with paints. In addition, even on raw dough, you can make an interesting ornament and texture.

We will prepare salt dough for children's crafts for Easter according to the simplest recipe: you need to mix two glasses of flour with one glass of Extra salt, pour an incomplete glass of water into the dry mixture, about 170 ml. Stir the mass thoroughly and you can begin to be creative. Sometimes wallpaper paste is also added to the dough to make it more durable.

For example, in Germany it is customary to decorate trees not only for Christmas, but also for Easter, so in the park you can find a tree with hundreds of bright Easter eggs hanging on it. We can also decorate a tree with our crafts, or better, present them as souvenirs to your loved ones with whom you are going to spend this bright holiday.

In addition to the finished salt dough, we need a rolling pin and a knife to make a hole for the rope, you can use a straw. For baking, we need a baking sheet and parchment paper. And at the final stage of decoration - acrylic paints and a brush.

The finished dough should be rolled out on a board to a thickness of half a centimeter, or more. Then you need to cut out the molds, and in order for all the eggs to turn out the same, you can first prepare a cardboard blank. It must be attached to the dough and cut around the contour with a knife. Of course, working with a knife will fall on the shoulders of adults, and children will be engaged in real creativity - they will really like working with paints.

The figurines should be laid out on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, and sent to the oven, already preheated to 120 degrees. The figurines should be baked for two hours, so prepare a large batch at once.

When the baked figures have cooled, they can be decorated. At the end, it remains only to thread the rope through the hole and the Easter souvenir is ready.

DIY Easter gifts from sweets

In many countries, on Easter, houses are decorated with fresh flowers, yet this is a spring holiday, symbolizing the victory of life, so the presence of flowers in the decor and on the Easter table is justified. And you can make a bouquet that will replace handmade candy gifts for Easter.

Without sweets, it is also impossible to imagine the celebration of Easter in Western countries. Children are given chocolate eggs, and the hostesses in the kitchens bake crispy cookies covered with sweet icing. Therefore, a candy bouquet will come in handy on the occasion of the Resurrection of Christ, and you can attach a postcard to it with your own hands with congratulations.

Candy handmade easter gifts can be made using crepe paper for the petals, and there will be a candy core in the center. In addition, paper is used to decorate Easter eggs, and this craft will interest children.

You can decorate an egg-shaped blank (you can use a plastic base from a chocolate surprise) using strips using the quilling technique. Twisted spirals cover the surface of the workpiece, fixing them with glue, and the finished egg can be used to decorate the festive table.

Easter is one of the most important Christian holidays, which symbolizes the rebirth of a new life. On this bright holiday, it is customary to give each other small gifts or souvenirs.

The difference between Easter gifts and ordinary ones is that they are filled with a special sacred meaning. Each such present corresponds to the religious theme of this bright holiday and carries the traditional symbolism.

Of particular value are crafts, souvenirs and household items that are made by hand. Easter symbols are applied to such gifts, the purpose of which is to bring peace, love, and prosperity to the house.

The most traditional and popular Easter gifts are:

The vast majority of the listed Easter gift options can be made with your own hands from materials that are always at hand.

Traditional symbols of Easter

The main requirement for Easter gifts is that they must bear the traditional Easter symbolism.

The main symbols for Easter will be the following:

Gift Easter eggs

Pysanka is a complex Easter painting done with hot wax on an egg. For Christianity, pysanka is a symbol of the infinity of being and new life.

Creation of pysanka is a very complex and time-consuming process. It is quite difficult to carry out such a painting without some preparation, the necessary skills and knowledge. Gift eggs for Easter with traditional painting can be ordered from a professional craftsman or bought ready-made in a store.

You can beautifully present a painted Easter egg on a special wooden stand.

The most traditional gift for Easter is Easter cake. In order to give it a more presentable look, you can decorate it with snow-white fondant, and make traditional symbols with confectionery powder or food coloring.

You can give an Easter cake on a special stand. You can complement such a gift with beautiful Easter eggs that you can make yourself or buy in a store.
It is better to consecrate such a gift in the church, after which it acquires a sacred meaning.

Easter gifts for children

It will look very unusual. Such a gift is first of all liked by children.

And you can do it like this:

  1. We take a small basket of straws without a handle, decorate it with ribbons and corrugated paper.
  2. We put sweets in bright wrappers in a basket.
  3. We decorate the top with fresh flowers or linen napkins with traditional symbols.

A beautiful Easter gift for children is ready!

Easter Bunny. You can put Easter eggs in the paws of the toy.

At Easter, children usually receive gifts in the form of basket filled with Easter eggs and sweets.

Instead of Easter eggs, you can put eggs made from milk chocolate and painted with fondant, in different colors.

The child can be given religious stories book.

Such a gift is given to a child who likes to read and is interested in religious issues.

An interesting gift for a child can be easter tree, which is decorated with various attributes of such a bright holiday, made of marmalade or chocolate.

Such a gift will cause a storm of emotions in a child!

The tree can also be decorated with Easter chickens, bunnies or Easter eggs, etc.

Easter chicken can be made from

Such a gift can be given to a romantic and tender girl.

An additional bonus can be a small Easter cake, pysanka and various sweets.

From sweets for Easter you can make a chic gift in the form of a bouquet of sweets.

To make a bouquet, you need beautiful corrugated paper, ribbon, lollipops and sweets.

We make something like an envelope out of paper, and put a sweet gift inside. We fix the paper with a ribbon, and attach a beautiful bow.

Such a gift can be decorated with real flowers.

Children's gifts for Easter can be various animal figurines.

Such figures can be made of clay, wood, cardboard, crystal, fabric, metal and other materials.

It can be:

Often, along with animal figurines for Easter, they give horseshoes, which bring good luck and happiness, or bells - a symbol of renewal and the awakening of a new life.

A popular Easter gift is easter gift set.

Such a set can be assembled on your own. Ready-made gifts for Easter can also be bought in online stores or souvenir shops.

An Easter set can consist of the following attributes:

Such sets are packed in a gift box or in a beautiful wicker basket. It is not forbidden to supplement such an Easter gift with a bouquet of spring flowers.

Easter gifts for parents

Everyone knows that children's imagination is very well developed, and it will not be difficult for them to come up with a gift for their parents for Easter.

But the thing is that Easter is a special holiday, and ordinary gifts are out of place here.

You can choose for parents as a gift, something from the list below:

  • best Easter gift for parents Easter eggs that the child will paint with his own hand.

Such a painting can be done both on boiled eggs and on dummies. You can use synthetic or natural paints;

It is necessary to make it in the spirit of the traditions of this holiday, i.e. decorate the card with traditional Easter symbols. The simplest is to make an application in the shape of an Easter egg;

A shell pot can be decorated with painting.

And the ground in which the flower in the shell is planted can be decorated with moss.

Such an unusual composition can be placed in a stand or basket;

DIY Easter gifts

The most valuable gifts for any occasion are handmade gifts. Easter is no exception in this regard.

A handmade gift carries a piece of the master's soul and good intentions. And also the process of making gifts with your own hands makes it possible to realize your ideas and show your creative abilities.

DIY Easter gift ideas:

Such figures can also be made using the felting technique. Easter gifts can also be sewn.

It can be a decorative pillow, a pillow for needles, a heating pad for a teapot, a rug, etc. But these should be gifts decorated with Easter symbols;

Such a gift will decorate any interior. With the help of a wreath on a bright holiday, decorate the front door.

We offer you a master class on creating such a beautiful gift for Easter.

In order to make a wreath you will need: linen, wire, bast, needle, glue, paints, eggs.


  1. In raw eggs, carefully make a puncture and remove the contents, rinse the egg inside with a syringe and dry.
  2. Then we paint the eggs with acrylic paints or gouache.
  3. We make a circle from the wire.
  4. Then we wrap it with bast and linen. If there are none, you can use threads, strips of paper or fabric.
  5. Glue the eggs onto the resulting wreath.

Easter gift is ready!

As decorations, you can take beautiful ribbons, Easter eggs or animal figurines;

Whatever gift you choose, give gifts with bright thoughts and good intentions!

Viewed: 257

Good afternoon, dear needlewomen!

Do we love holidays because we expect something good and fun? But a special thrill causes a special and bright triumph, this Easter.

On Easter It is customary to give small Easter souvenirs to loved ones: decorated eggs, Easter cakes, Easter baskets, Easter toys, for example, a bunny.

A handmade gift on this bright day will be especially valuable. Your child will surely enjoy making an Easter souvenir with you. We have selected for you interesting and simple Easter souvenirs that you can make with your own hands.

DIY Easter basket

All believers are waiting for Easter with trepidation, this is the brightest and purest holiday. There are many Easter souvenirs in stores, but it will be much nicer to receive a gift made by yourself. We invite you to make a simple Easter basket with your own hands. Master class from the Best video channel.

To make an Easter basket, we need:

  • Disposable Sauce Container
  • Ribbon
  • Lace
  • tulle
  • Cardboard for pen

So, prepare such a disposable container.

Cut off the lid of the container

Cut out the bottom of the container

Lubricate the walls with glue,

Wrap it with satin ribbon.

Now decorate the container with openwork, grease it with glue on the reverse side,

and glue the openwork ribbon around the circumference of the Easter basket.

To form the handle of the basket, cut a strip of cardboard, wrap it with a satin ribbon and put it on glue.

Your beautiful Easter egg basket is ready! Put a piece of tulle and a beautiful egg inside.

Happy Easter!

Also watch the video on how to make an Easter basket with your own hands.

Easter basket video

Easter egg made of threads

An Easter egg made of threads is a fragile and beautiful souvenir for this holiday.

You can put small chickens in them. Master class by Elena Ozhegova.

  • Styrofoam egg
  • Polyethylene film
  • Needles
  • Cotton or silk thread
  • Glue or liquid glass
  • tassel

First, we cover the foam blank with polyethylene, since the threads can stick to the foam, then we stick the needles, as shown in the photo.

Then we wrap the egg with threads in a chaotic manner.

We get the first open half of the Easter egg. For the second, one row of needles is needed. Now glue the two halves together.

The junction of the halves can be tied with a beautiful ribbon.

Watch the video on how to make a craft for Easter

Easter craft video

DIY Easter Bunny

Easter Bunny with Kinder Surprise is a great gift for a child for Easter.

In order to make an interesting and simple Easter towel bunny, we will need:

  • Towel
  • Two rubber bands for money
  • Ribbon
  • Kinder Surprise
  • toy eyes

Put the towel in front of you

Roll it into a tube on both sides.

Bend the resulting tourniquet and form a muzzle with rubber bands from money.

Tie a ribbon around the rabbit's head.

Tie a bow at the back of the ribbon.

Put Kinder Surprise in the rabbit's tummy.

A beautiful Easter Bunny is ready!

Watch the Make it easy channel video tutorial on how to make an Easter Bunny.

easter bunny video

DIY Easter Bunny

You can also make a simple craft for Easter - this is an Easter bunny from a sock and cereal.

Easter craft supplies:

  • Groats
  • Threads
  • Sock
  • Scissors
  • Ribbon
  • felt-tip pen

After watching the video below, you can easily make an easy craft for Easter with your own hands.

DIY Easter Bunny video

Text prepared by: Veronica

Easter will be celebrated on April 8, 2018. Of course, on this day it is customary to break colored eggs, celebrate Christ, eat fragrant Easter cakes and other delicious dishes. And also go to visit and give gifts for Easter, which you can easily and quickly do with your own hands. Step-by-step descriptions and photos of 10 simple and original souvenirs are given below.

It’s probably not worth talking about how a do-it-yourself gift for Easter is better than a souvenir purchased in a store. It is clear that even a modest thing, made independently, serves as a sign of a special disposition towards a person. After all, in each craft we can show our own imagination, even within the framework of step-by-step schemes.

Moreover, even an ordinary painted egg can be turned into a small masterpiece. It is one thing to use an ordinary dye, and another to show a little imagination and draw an intricate pattern on the surface of the shell, or write the name of a loved one to whom this gift will be addressed.

We will need:

  • wax (you can use a church candle);
  • needle or toothpick;
  • matches;
  • own eggs and dyes.

The instructions are very simple - step by step:

  • First, light a candle, melt some wax.
  • We dip a needle or a toothpick into this wax and write out a pattern (or the name of a dear person) on the surface of the shell.
  • Then, when the wax is completely dry, simply dip the egg into the dye.
  • And when it dries up, we carefully clean off all the wax - unpainted areas will remain from it, which will turn into a pattern or a word.


Of course, there is another option - to paint the eggs with a small brush and paints. But there are some nuances here. Firstly, they can no longer be painted (although they can be applied to an already cooled layer of dye). Secondly, the paint should lie well on the shell (it is better to use gouache or oil paint). So this way of creating a souvenir for Easter with your own hands is perhaps for real drawing lovers.

But there is another very original way of staining. Why not use thin tape or an ordinary rubber band that holds a stack of paper together? The technology is noticeably simplified, and the effect is not worse!

But the option with stickers - it looks very nice. And there's nowhere to go faster. A few minutes - and an original souvenir for Easter (as, for example, in the photo) is in your hands.

Well, this method, as they say, in haste. It is not immediately possible to guess from the photo that the drawings are made with an ordinary stroke (corrector for notes on paper). Suitable for lovers of artistic painting in an environment of extreme time pressure.

And now a little mystery: how to quickly make such a gift for Easter with your own hands, which is shown in the photo?

Do you think that a professional artist diligently painted every curve of the leaf? And then he also covered the drawing with wax so that it would not be stained? Nothing like this! Actually the instructions are:

  1. A leaf of real greenery is taken - dill, parsley, basil, in a word, whatever comes to hand.
  2. Small squares 12 * 12 cm are cut out of old tights.
  3. A white egg with a petal is placed in the center of this square, then the edges of the fabric are carefully pulled together so that the plant does not wrinkle.
  4. Now immerse in the paint and wait until it dries. Then we remove the leaf.

An original gift for a beloved woman

If you need to present a gift for Easter to your beloved lady, then, as they say, God himself ordered to make it with your own hands. Moreover, there is nothing complicated in this again:

  1. We take an already boiled white egg.
  2. Immerse it in pink paint completely.
  3. We are waiting for the surface to dry thoroughly.
  4. Then dip only halfway into the golden dye. Accuracy is important here - you can’t touch the cup with the solution to get an even strip.

As a result, we have a very original souvenir in our hands - at first glance it’s even hard to believe that you can make it so quickly with your own hands.

Marble souvenir for parents

Households, parents, brothers, sisters and other close people will certainly appreciate this option for coloring eggs.

Again, it may seem that the execution technique is rather complicated, but in fact everything is simpler than we think:

  1. Immerse a white egg in a regular dye of light shades.
  2. We are waiting for it to dry completely.
  3. And now we dilute a darker dye and add 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil there.
  4. Immerse in this mixture and wait until it dries. Thanks to the oil droplets, the new paint will lie unevenly, which will make up the whole beauty of our Easter souvenir - you can make it yourself in a matter of minutes.

Flowers, spring and ... white eggs

If we talk about Easter, then the first association, of course, will be colored eggs. They personify life itself, rebirth and good changes. It is clear that spring is in good harmony with this image. In addition, Easter is, undoubtedly, a spring holiday.

And to connect the two ideas, you can create unusual flower arrangements from live or artificial plants. As a "pot" you can use both colored and white eggs - in any case, it looks very interesting.

You can create a real small flower garden if you place one flower in each egg. By the way, it can also be made from paper. As a stand, use ordinary cardboard ribbons or an egg stand.

It is not difficult to make such a gift for Easter with your own hands, but it looks very original. Eggs in the meadow and bright flowers refresh the interior, set the mood for the holiday and mark the final arrival of spring and warm days.

Baskets - for adults and children

So, we already have a real assortment of painted and painted eggs on our plate. But a gift is a very delicate item. One thing is the thing itself, the other is the packaging in which it is served. And of course, the first thing you might think about in connection with Easter is a beautiful basket in which no less beautiful eggs will lie.

There are several options for its manufacture:

  1. First of all, you can simply use beautiful glossy magazines that no one has been reading for a long time - old issues, for example. Pages are cut into identical strips and connected to each other, alternating. All sides of the cube are glued from the inside, and a handle is attached along the edges. It would be nice to make grass out of light green paper.

  1. The other option is even easier. We take colored paper (preferably with decoration), divide it into 9 identical squares and make cuts, as shown in the photo. Then we connect the edges together and glue (you can also fasten with a button).

You can put chocolate eggs in such a basket. This is a very tasty and beautiful gift for children, as well as for lovely ladies.

  1. Another basket is somewhat reminiscent of a New Year's lantern: for the manufacture you will need a rectangular sheet of colored paper and a wide strip of thick cardboard. A cylinder is made from it, and strips are cut from paper, which are folded in half: loops are obtained. Now it remains to attach the handle and put the egg.

  1. Well, for those who like to distinguish themselves with an original gift and surprise their loved one, you can offer drawings that can be printed and used as a template.

Quilling basket

But with this Easter craft, you will have to work a little longer, but with your own hands you can create a wonderful basket that you can hardly buy even in the largest gift shop. Those who are familiar with the quilling technique will find it easier. And for beginners, it is advisable to purchase a special tool - a stick, on which colored paper is wound (if desired, you can wind it on a regular pencil).

The basket itself is based on a box of ordinary processed cheese.

The handle is made from cardboard. And the rest of the actions are intuitive: each petal of tightly wound paper is glued to the surface so that an even row of alternating multi-colored elements is formed.

A gift from the heart: an Easter card with a willow branch

What could be more personal than a postcard? And if the card is also made by hand, the gift clearly acquires additional value for both parties. An Easter card has one remarkable property: during its manufacture you can get no less pleasure than during the actual gift. After all, such a craft is created from bright colored paper, cardboard and other materials. There are a lot of design ideas, here are some interesting options.

Again, it seems that such a masterpiece needs to be done more than one day. In fact, everything is somewhat simpler. This time it is worth describing in detail what we need for manufacturing:

  • colored cardboard;
  • colored paper self-adhesive;
  • double-sided tape;
  • stickers;
  • beads or rhinestones;
  • napkins, white cloth;
  • willow branch;
  • artificial flowers;
  • pencil, scissors.

We will act like this:

  • We glue one sheet of paper on another, retreating from the edges by 4-5 cm. Glue white cardboard on the reverse side to strengthen the entire structure.

  • We cut out eggs from shiny paper, from ordinary paper - the base of the Easter cake, and from fabric - fondant for it.

  • We create the letters “XB” from beads, glue beautiful stickers around the edges.

  • We cut out a basket from a napkin, and also decorate the card with flowers and a willow twig. Glue the beads on the fudge cake.

  • Now it remains to decorate only the reverse side. For this, self-adhesive paper and stickers are used.

Of course, in this case, a photo of a rather original Easter gift is shown, and in many cases the craft can be simplified. Or even complicate it by adding your own decor elements to it. In any case, the card will give a lot of smiles and create an atmosphere of a real holiday.

Postcard in quilling technique

And here is an interesting master class with which you can make such an interesting souvenir for Easter with your own hands, like a quilling postcard. It is clear that sheets of cardboard of any color and size can be taken as a basis. It is enough to bend them in half and decorate them with any artistic elements - stripes, patterns, stickers, beads, etc.

But the main place is occupied by an egg made of several modules in the quilling style. Strips of paper are again wound either on a pencil or with a special tool. In any case, it turns out neat, original and very cute.

Easter bunny made of fabric

Another symbol of Easter is a bunny. He has not yet reached our latitudes, although many have already heard about him. But in Europe, for example, in Germany, children are given chocolate figurines in the form of this animal. According to popular belief, the evil goddess bewitched the Easter hen, turning her into a hare. But he still continues to lay eggs, so the holiday could not be disrupted.

Embroidering a bunny on a typewriter is quite simple:

  1. First, according to the sketch (or according to your own drawing), symmetrical patterns are made.
  2. Then a strip of felt is cut out (40 mm wide) and applied to the patterns; cut off the excess.
  3. The strip is closed into a ring and stitched.
  4. Then they take the second half of the figurine and link it with the first pins.
  5. Both parts are stitched, leaving a small hole in order to fill it with padding polyester.
  6. After filling the figures with material, you can sew them up completely.

You can make several multi-colored, cozy bunnies to present as a symbolic gift to all relatives and friends.

Knitted Easter cake for a friend

Now let's move on from cutting and sewing to crocheting. With the help of this technique, you can make such a cute interesting gift with your own hands. For example, an Easter cake for your best friend.

It is very simple to make it - you need a piece of pipe (or a strip of thick cardboard), threads and knitting tools.

First, we make a neat cylinder, fasten the edges with tape or a stapler.

Well, now we have a few hours of pleasant pastime: you need to crochet the base and sides of the Easter cake.

Now it's the turn of the sweets.

Then we sew the “icing” to the base with white threads.

Such a cake will look especially beautiful against the background of decorative Easter eggs. You can take raw eggs as a basis, blow their contents through holes made with a hot needle. Then paint the empty shells with shiny paint and glue them to a disposable plate, where to put the Easter cake.

So, creating joy with your own hands is not difficult at all. There are many different quick ways to make crafts - both in haste and more complex ones. However, in any case, a gift, to which both love and personal efforts are attached, is perceived as something close and dear. And as a result, both parties win - both the creator and the donee.