DIY gift box made of paper scheme. The easiest way to make a paper gift box

Gift wrapping is a responsible business, because even the most desirable thing, carelessly wrapped in a newspaper or stuffed into a simple package, will not make the impression that the giver is counting on.

Of course, buying gift wrapping today is not a problem. The stores will offer a wide variety of options: boxes, bags, etc. But still, standard packaging will not be able to convey the range of feelings that you want to put into a gift.

Therefore, many are interested in how to make a gift box using improvised materials.

We decorate ready-made boxes

The easiest way is to decorate the finished box of a suitable size. This can be done in different ways. Colored paper, bows, decorative flowers, beads, sequins, pieces of lace, elegant braid, etc. are used for decoration.

How best to decorate the box, you will need to decide for yourself, depending on the occasion of the gift and the personality of the person being presented. It is clear that if a gift is made for a girl, more decorative elements can be used. And if this is a gift for a man, it is better to show restraint. If desired, you can use a photo of the person for whom the gift is intended to decorate the box.

When designing, it is advisable to emphasize on what occasion the gift is given. For example, if it is New Year's holidays, then use snowflakes, Christmas tree cones, tinsel, etc. in decoration.

simple box

It is far from always possible to find a ready-made box of the right size, so it is very easy to fold a box of paper or cardboard.

Even a child will make the simplest version of the box, for its manufacture you will need:

  • cardboard (preferably colored);
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • hole puncher;
  • ribbon.

If there is no colored cardboard at hand, you can paste over the most ordinary white cardboard with colored paper.

First of all, you need to draw a template on a sheet of cardboard:

  • in the center of the sheet you need to draw a square, this will be the bottom of our box;
  • now on each side of the square we draw four more squares of the same size as the first one, we have a figure resembling a cross;
  • now carefully round the top corners of the four squares (except the central one).

To make it even, you should use a template or compasses:

  • the resulting template should be cut out and the side parts bent up;
  • in the upper part of each side part, holes should be punched with a hole punch;
  • thread the ribbon through the holes and tie it with a bow.

Such a homemade box can be decorated to your liking using rhinestones, beads, ribbon bows. But according to the described technology, it is worth making only a small box, since a large one will not keep its shape.

square box

To make a rectangular, or rather a square box of colored paper with your own hands, you will have to tinker. Here is a description of the work sequence:

  • take a square sheet of thin cardboard or colored paper;
  • draw two lines diagonally with a pencil;
  • we bend one of the corners of the square so that the corner falls exactly at the point of intersection of the diagonal lines;
  • the second time we bend the same edge of the cardboard square so that the edge of the fold falls on the diagonal line;
  • we do the same with all other corners of the square;
  • as a result, we have a sheet divided into small squares by fold lines;
  • we outline the contour of the bottom in the center, consisting of four squares;
  • now from two opposite corners of the case cuts to the intended bottom.

Now we begin to fold the box, the assembly scheme is as follows:

  • fold the square from the wide (not cut) sides with corners to the center;
  • then raise the sidewalls;
  • we bend the paper from the wide side, forming the two remaining sides of the box;
  • now we wrap the cut out parts of the square, finally forming the box.

If you need to make a lid for the resulting package, you need to make a slightly larger box in the same way. That is, at the first stage, make a square 3-5 mm larger than the first.

Having mastered this technique, you can learn how to make boxes of various shapes: in the form of a pyramid, cone, cylinder, etc.

book box

Today, instead of a material gift, the hero of the occasion is often given money; for a cash gift, a box made in the form of a book is very well suited. Let's see how it can be done:

  • first of all, you need to make a rectangular box of the right size out of cardboard, it is important that the banknotes that you plan to give as a gift fit freely in it;
  • now you should start assembling the "cover". To do this, cut out two rectangular sheets of cardboard along the length and width of 1 cm more than the manufactured box. You also need to cut out another strip, its length should be equal to the length of the sheets, and the width should be 0.5 cm more than the height of the box made;
  • we take the material from which we will make the binding, it can be plain or colored paper, thick fabric (for example, denim) or artificial leather;
  • lay out the blanks on the material by placing a narrow strip between two cardboard sheets. The gaps between the parts are 2 mm, a three-centimeter allowance is left at the edges;

The packaging of a gift is just as important as its contents. Just as a person is greeted by their clothes, so are gifts by their wrapping. Seeing a sloppy wrapper, thoughts immediately creep in that the gift is no less cheap, even if there is an expensive piece of jewelry in the middle. The portal site offers you to make a beautiful gift box with your own hands, which will delight the eye of the gifted for a long time.

Do-it-yourself box with a lid, master class

It is quite simple to make a box with a lid, and multi-colored cardboard, scrap paper, cardboard from boxes can serve as a base, which can be pasted over with cloth or multi-colored paper, giving it presentability. We suggest making a box with a hinged lid.

For crafts, prepare:

  • cardboard;
  • ruler;
  • glue "Moment" or glue gun;
  • pencil;
  • scissors.

To get started, you will need a template. You can print the proposed by us on the printer, use it as a stencil, or you can draw it yourself. To do this, you need to decide on the size of the box and draw 4 squares vertically and draw horizontal squares on both sides of the second square from the top. All squares must be the same size. Further, to the extreme squares horizontally, it is necessary to draw allowances of 1 cm. In our picture, the allowances are indicated by the letters A, B, C, D and E.

Then cut out the model of the future box. You should get the same blank as below.

We bend the workpiece along the lines. We form a box and glue the allowances. This is the box you should end up with.

How to make a small box with your own hands, templates with photos

Do-it-yourself Valentine's box, step by step with a photo

We suggest you make an open box "Valentine" in the middle of which you can put both a gift and sweets.


  • cardboard or thick scrap paper;
  • pencil;
  • glue (PVA or "Moment" is suitable);
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • the marker is one tone darker than the cardboard.

Use your printer to print the diagram below to serve as a template. If there is no printer, you can draw a diagram yourself. The bigger your hearts are, the bigger the final Valentine will be.

Circle the contours of the hearts with a marker from the back and outside. Work out the dotted lines (they are the fold lines) with the blunt end of the scissors. This is necessary so that in the end the bends turn out to be even, especially if thick cardboard was chosen as the material.

Fold the box along the folds and glue the sides of the hearts. After the box has dried, on its outer side, write congratulatory words or confessions in a beautiful font with a marker. Put sweets or gifts in the box. Valentine is ready.

Do-it-yourself box for a man, photo 5 options

Do-it-yourself wedding box, photo 5 options

Do-it-yourself round box schemes, templates

How to make a heart box with your own hands, master class

You can pack gifts for a loved one or loved one not just in a rectangular box, but in a spectacular heart-shaped box, which can be easily made by yourself. Anything that comes to hand can serve as a decoration for the box, for example, beads, rhinestones, artificial flowers, pieces of lace, beads, etc.

For work you need:

  • cardboard;
  • glue "Moment" or glue gun;
  • decorations;
  • scrap paper;
  • satin or rep ribbon 2.5 cm wide;
  • ruler;
  • compass;
  • pencil;
  • paperclips;
  • scissors.

The first step is to draw 2 identical hearts on cardboard. In this case, a compass will come in handy. Draw 2 circles that overlap each other (see picture), and then draw straight lines from the sides of the circle so that you visually get a heart. Exactly the same blanks need to be made only of a smaller size from scrap paper, which will serve as a substrate for subsequent decor. For example, if you got big hearts 16 cm in height and the same width, then make scrap paper hearts 14x14 cm. Choose the size of the heart according to the size of the gift or your personal preferences. Cut out hearts.

To finish the sides of the heart, cut 2 strips of paper from the same cardboard. The length of the strip should be equal to half a heart + 1 cm for gluing, and the width should be equal to the height of the box itself + 2 cm for gluing teeth. Choose the width at your discretion, the larger it is, the higher the box. Then exactly the same strips need to be cut out of scrap paper, only without allowances for cloves. Diagram of the heart with details in the picture below.

Bend the cut strips of cardboard by 2 cm and draw with the blunt side of the scissors to form a fold line. We cut triangles (teeth) with scissors. Stepping back from the edge of 0.5 cm, glue the strip to one of the blanks of the heart made of cardboard.

We glue the second strip on the other half of our heart, sticking it slightly overlapped on the previous one in the upper and lower parts, and fix it with paper clips.

We cut off 2 pieces of rep tape approximately 5 cm (adjust the length at your discretion), and glue it in the middle of the heart. Tape is needed to connect the base of the box to the lid.

Glue the tops of the ribbons to the lid.

Now we glue the lid with the previously cut blanks from scrap paper, and the box from the middle and outside with stripes.

Decorate the box however you like.

Do-it-yourself cardboard gift box on March 8, step by step with a photo

We invite you to make a small box for March 8 in the style of Tiffany, which will definitely appeal to every girl.

To create a box, prepare:

  • cardboard;
  • blank paper;
  • compass;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • glue brush;
  • glue;
  • lace or lace doily;
  • satin ribbon 0.5 cm wide.

The first step is to make a blank in the form of a circle with a diameter of 10 cm from any paper. We apply a circle to a sheet of cardboard, circle it with a pencil. We mark the center of the circle, divide it into 4 equal parts with a ruler.

We apply the template to the circle just drawn so that it touches the 2 side closest points (see picture). In the same way, mark the center and divide the circle into 4 parts.

Apply the template to each section of the circles so that it touches the 2 nearest points and circles.

We cut out the part from cardboard and work out the rounded lines with the blunt end of the scissors.

We collect the box.

We decorate the middle of the box with a lace napkin, forming the number 8, applying glue with a brush. You can also use lace.

We decorate the top of the box with a satin ribbon, tying it crosswise, and form a bow. A box for March 8 in the style of Tiffany is ready. In such a box, you can safely present jewelry as gifts.

DIY scrapbooking box, master class

The gift box can also be made using the scrapbooking technique. Such gift packages differ in their originality and beauty. In addition, you can use all the flight of your imagination to create it, timing it to a specific holiday, performing it in the appropriate color scheme.

For work you will need:

  • cardboard with a density of 250 grams;
  • decorative elements in the appropriate color scheme;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • glue "Moment Crystal".

1. For work, you need 2 blanks made of cardboard. We take the first blank with dimensions of 24x24 cm, form the box itself from it. We retreat from the edges of 6 cm, connect the opposite points with lines. Cut each side square to a perpendicular line. We make cuts opposite each other.

2. In the same way, we take the second blank of cardboard with dimensions of 25x25 cm, retreat from the edges by 5.5 cm and do the same as with the first blank. This will be the cover. We carefully push the fold lines with a blunt object, such as a crochet hook or scissors.

3. We collect and glue both boxes with Moment glue.

Important: With the parameters of the workpiece given by us, the lid of the box will close it completely. If you don't want the lid to be that deep, trim the edges to whatever length suits you before you start the gluing process.

4. Let's start decorating the lid of the box. At this stage, you can apply all your imagination. We glue a square of scrap paper on the lid with dimensions 0.5 cm smaller than the lid itself.

5. We apply the desired decorative elements, trying not to overload the composition, and as soon as the appearance suits you, glue the details to the lid.

The scrapbooking box is ready.

Do-it-yourself box for February 23, photo 5 options

Do-it-yourself boxes with wishes, photo 5 options

DIY birthday gift boxes, photo 5 options

Do-it-yourself triangular box, diagram with photo

How to make a DIY surprise box, master class

The box with a surprise looks spectacular, and you can easily place several small gifts at once in its middle. To create a box, prepare:

  • colored cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • scrapbook paper or any other with a print;
  • satin ribbons;
  • decorative elements at your discretion;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • PVA glue;
  • pencil.

For crafts, you will need several sheets of cardboard. It is advisable to take cardboard of the same color for the cover and base, and another for the remaining tiers. We make the first tier. To do this, take a sheet of cardboard measuring 36x36 cm. You can find such non-standard sheets of cardboard in needlework stores. We divide each side of the cardboard into 3 equal parts with sides of 12 centimeters.

We connect the dots opposite. You should get 9 equal squares.

With the blunt end of the scissors, we work out the lines of the squares, and then fold all the squares into the middle, forming the walls of the future box.

From 2 sheets of cardboard with dimensions of 33x33 and 30x30 cm, we make exactly the same crosses, dividing the sides into equal segments of 11 and 10 cm, respectively.

We take the smallest cross, which will serve as the upper tier and decorate it with colored paper. For this, squares of scrap paper measuring 10x10 cm were taken.

We decorate each side of the cross at our own discretion. In this master class, we used decorative clothespins bought in a handmade store, decorative inscriptions, an envelope and stickers. You can also use photos, print wishes on a printer, stick flowers, ribbons, etc.

We will decorate the center of the cross with a pedestal on which you can place the main gift. To do this, we will make a small box. We take cardboard with dimensions of 12x12 cm. We mark 3 cm from each edge. We connect the points opposite and push the lines with the blunt end of the scissors.

We take a medium-sized cross-shaped blank and glue interesting printed paper on the side squares.

We do the same with the largest workpiece. The center in both blanks is left without decor.

Collecting tiers. We take the largest cross, glue the center of it with glue and glue the center of the middle cross to it. We do the same with a small blank, gluing it to the middle one.

Now you need to form the lid of the box. We take a square of cardboard 24x24 cm. We retreat from the edges by 6 cm, connect with lines with dots opposite. Thus, in the center you will get a square measuring 12x12 cm.

We cut the side squares in the same way as in the small pedestal box. We work out the lines for bending with scissors and fold and glue the cover clockwise in the same way. We glue a satin ribbon to the lid, hiding the edges of the ribbon in the middle of the lid and a bow.

Video: how to make a box of cardboard and paper

Video: how to make a heart-shaped box

Often we are used to seeing in films how happy people get out from under the Christmas trees or receive some kind of gift as a gift, but the key here is that the gift is packaged in a beautiful box. This is done mostly to create intrigue, less often - to preserve the integrity of the gift. Of course, it is much easier and less time-consuming to pack a prepared gift into a package from a store, but it is much more interesting to make a box.

So, your product will look the way you want, besides, such boxes are unique in their kind, so you will make them yourself. It is not difficult to make such boxes, and most likely you yourself will get indescribable pleasure from the work done by your own hands.

First, you will need to roughly estimate the size of your gift, considering several important factors such as the height, thickness of the gift, and gluing allowances. We will take these dimensions as a basis for making a box for the new year with our own hands.

We will need:

  • Long ruler;
  • scissors;
  • Thickened paper(preferably corrugated cardboard) sizes 15x15 cm and 14x14 cm.

It is necessary to draw squares of the indicated sizes, draw a diagonal and bend the corners to the center. Next, the same corners that you just bent near the middle need to be bent to the opposite fold line, and then to the nearest fold line.

Focus on the fact that we have a square in the center, which will be our reliable bottom for a gift box that we will make with our own hands.

Further, on both sides of our diagonal, along the first deflections, we make cuts to our central square. The incised edges need to be folded along the bends - this is how we get the walls of the box for wrapping the gift.

The sharp ends of the box must be bent inward, to the center of the bottom square. With the remaining not bent ends, we grab the bent ends and wrap them inward. This will be our cover.

We make the second box according to the same principle, and due to the fact that this square is less than a centimeter, the box will close perfectly. Moreover, if you are thinking about how best to make a beautiful gift box, then for the other half of the box, take thick paper, not cardboard.

In such a hand-made box, a gift 5 or 6 cm in size and up to 3 cm high will fit, i.e. about the size that could fit in the palm of your hand. If the gift is very small, and you do not want it to hang in the box like a rattle filler, then you can put light tissue paper on the bottom, prudently crumpling it.

A more convenient alternative would be a simple napkin. As you can see, making such a small gift box is not difficult at all.

Such a box with a gift inside should be tied with a ribbon or a beautiful ribbon.

And since making such boxes for packaging is not difficult, we want to show a few more options.


Necessary materials:

  • Thick paper of any size;
  • Compass;
  • Glue;
  • Pencil;
  • Scissors.

First you need to decide what height the cone needs, the size of the circle will depend on this. The higher the cone, the larger the circle. After drawing a circle, divide it in half. Now form a cone and glue the edges.

The bottom for such a gift box will be a piece of foil, with which you will seal your box. The cone can be beautifully disguised by making a Christmas tree out of it.

Try it - it's very inspiring!

box in the form of a prism

Prepare the following:

  • A square cut out of thick paper measuring 18x18cm;
  • Scissors;
  • Ruler;
  • Pencil;
  • Ribbon and hole punch.

So, we draw a square in half and diagonally. We bend the corners to the center, and then from the center of the edge in the deflections of the central square, you need to draw even arcs.

After that, cut off unnecessary corners with scissors, and at the rounded ends we pierce small holes with a hole punch and stretch a thin ribbon into them.

Box with a secret

And now we want to offer to make such a box for a gift, which will be with a little surprise. The box is a snag - when you remove the lid, it will fall apart. By the way, the lid is made according to the same principle that we described in the classic box.

So, we will need:

  • Glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Thick paper;
  • Decorative ribbons and other decorations;
  • Beads, ribbon, old postcards.

If the bottom is made from a sheet 18x18 cm, then for the lid we take 1 cm more, i.e. 19x19cm.

Bottom: draw a sheet into nine even squares, cut off the corner ones. Bend the ends of the formed cross inward, forming the shape of our future box for gift wrapping.

The inner surface can be decorated to your liking, glue the pictures of their old postcards, beads, and then put the gift in the finished box and pack it.

Don't forget the tape!

felt box

We will need:

  • Felt of different colors;
  • Threads and a needle;
  • Glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Ruler.

Draw the fabric into nine squares or rectangles, cut out the corners. If desired, the outer side can be decorated with patterns, the walls must be evenly bent and sewn together. Even if the seams are visible, and the threads differ from the color of the felt, do not worry: consider this a design move.

You can decorate the box however you like. Such a box will be good as a handmade New Year's gift box.

So, that's it. These are just the basics, more complex patterns will suit those who already have experience in creating simpler box models.

Good luck and inspiration!

0 90 641

Now hand-wrapping of gifts is actively coming into fashion, and I decided to figure out what's what - find out what trends are in gift wrapping, what you should focus on, and how you can even pack a gift for any holiday with your own hands.


Nowadays it is no longer enough to pack a gift in gift paper - the days when half a meter of sparkling paper with a ribbon bow were considered the best packaging are gone. Right now, the focus is on three areas:
  • eco-style (one of its subspecies can be called rustic style);
  • minimalism;
  • eclecticism and futurism.
Eco-style gift wrapping involves the use of natural materials - natural shades, various textures, nothing artificial. Kraft paper packaging with a bow made of ordinary twine or twine looks good in this style; quite often, gifts are tied with unbleached linen or cotton.

Minimalist motifs are always strict and restrained. Here one should be guided by one idea - the simpler the better. Here, the minimum number of decorative elements is welcomed - for example, a gift can be wrapped in plain white paper, and a special small element from cutting or an ordinary elegant tag can be used as a decor.

Futuristic and eclectic notes will appeal to those who prefer to combine several styles into one - there can be a fanciful complex bow made of satin ribbons and the simplest kraft paper as packaging, or vice versa, in a complex figured box covered with natural fabric, for decor be attached with a decorative pin.

So, what should be the design of gifts so that it is fashionable and beautiful? Unusual, stylish and neat.

Original handmade boxes

The easiest and at the same time spectacular way to pack a gift in an unusual way is to make a cardboard box for it. How to make a gift box in four easy steps?

Another option for a homemade box:


Or this option:

Templates for her:

Maybe make a pyramid?

Scheme for the pyramid:

By the way, a do-it-yourself gift box can be of any shape - why not sweetie? Especially if the gift is not too big or oblong.

For the manufacture of this package will be required?

  • Colored cardboard.
  • Ruler and pencil.
  • Scissors, stationery cutter.
  • Template (can be printed or redrawn).
  • Glue.
  • Ribbon or harsh thread.

You can also make a gift box with your own hands in the shape of a piece of cake. Almost everyone loves sweets, and a piece of cake looks extravagant and cute at the same time.

To make a piece of cardboard cake, you need to prepare:

  • thick colored paper or thin cardboard;
  • ruler and pencil;
  • glue.
Production will take no more than half an hour. First you need to transfer the template to the desired colored paper - it is better to make the top brown or pink (in the color of the glaze), and the bottom can be any. By the way, you can make a bright cake, for example, in purple or pink colors - unusual and cool! Choose any cap: with a wavy edge or with a straight one, and the base:

The box is made of two fragments, the lower part should be smaller (literally a couple of millimeters in each direction). We cut out the blanks and transfer them to colored cardboard.

We make a scoring (we draw along the ruler along all the folds with a knitting needle until grooves form - this will make the folds smoother).
We glue the blanks according to allowances and dry well. Our box is ready, now it's up to the small - you need to decorate it.

For example, you can make a light paper rose and tie it with twine.

This option is easier to manufacture. No removable cover. You just need to print (or draw by hand) this template on a beautiful cardboard, where marked - cut, where the dotted lines - bend, where it says glue - glue, and you're done!

How to make an origami box? You need to stock up on a ruler and a pencil, pick up two beautiful square sheets of paper (I use scrapbooking paper), and you will also need scissors. By the way, the box can also be used for your own needs - I have paper clips stored on my table.

We pack beautifully

We already know how to make boxes, now we need to understand how to beautifully pack a gift with our own hands. Of course, you can leave the gift as it is (or arrange presents in gift boxes, which is also good), or you can think about how to arrange a gift and come up with something special.

Let's look at how to wrap a gift in paper so that it looks really stylish and does not give the impression of sloppiness. Pay attention to the choice of paper - you can choose plain light or dark paper, you can choose natural wrapping paper (kraft), or you can purchase several sheets or rolls of beautiful paper with a print from a scrapbooking store.

See how to wrap a gift in an original way. Try a new way that attracts attention - your gift will look very, very unusual!

How to

  1. Packaging should be neat - the cuts of paper or fabric should be even, and no traces of glue, tape or paper clips should be visible.
  2. It should completely hide the present, then you can make a surprise and give the hero of the occasion not only your present, but also a few exciting minutes of guessing and guessing what is hidden inside.
  3. Do not forget about the decor and name card - such details are always striking.

How classic gift wrapping is made:

It was a classic type of packaging, and now there will be an original gift package for a man or a woman - in the form of a Christmas tree.

We will need:

  • packaging - it can be wrapping paper, fabric or film;
  • glue (for fabric) or double-sided tape (for paper);
  • sharp scissors;
  • a variety of decor - ribbons, cutting, feathers, butterflies.
To make a pigtail, you will need a lot of decorative paper. So, we consider: we will need to completely wrap the box (width and allowances), and in length we will need to take 1.5 measures of the length of the gift and 2 of its height. By the way, you can not fix the Christmas tree, but collect it in a kind of ponytail, then it’s better to take the length of your gift and multiply it by 2.5 - then you’ll definitely have enough.

As a practice, try wrapping any small box with a piece of newspaper or plain paper - this way you will understand how to lay the folds, where to lay the tape and practice a little.

In this way, you can make packaging for anything - it can be a large box of chocolates and an ordinary book, a cosmetics set or a plush toy.

We tie bows


Another simple and effective bow

  1. We fold the bow according to the photo instructions and pull it with a thread.
  2. We tie the box with a ribbon, put our bow on top of the knot and tie another ribbon bow on top of it. See photo master class:

Or this paper version:

Here is a satin ribbon decor option:

The box can also be decorated with flowers made of plain paper or corrugated paper (an ordinary napkin is also suitable), see MK:

Various packaging options

Have you thought about what should be different packaging for New Year's gifts? And how to make the packaging of wedding gifts interesting and atypical? How can you build beautiful cardboard bonbonnieres or miniature boxes? If you have craft paper and twine, then you don’t have to worry - look at the selection of photos.

How to wrap a gift in other ways? Paper for gift wrapping can play a major role - for example, the decoration of New Year's gifts, made in red, white and green colors will bring the spirit of Christmas miracles, and the combination of blue and brown is well suited for a gift for a man!

Ready for a wedding or birthday present? Gift wrapping ideas for different holidays - for the new year you can make something multi-colored, and for an original wedding decoration of gifts, it would be useful to stock up on silver or gold dust, it will make a bright box with a gift truly magical.

Do you want to pack unusually? Pack it in craft and use the original stamps (they can be cut from a regular eraser). Simply stamp the craft paper or craft paper box with the stamp you created - the white ink looks amazingly stylish on the craft.

Use the diagrams and templates below to fold the boxes with your own hands (by the way, you can make invitations for a birthday or a wedding with your own hands from the same cardboard).