Craft a chestnut tree with your own hands. DIY crafts from chestnuts: new photo ideas. House of chestnuts

It often happens that there is absolutely nothing to do on long autumn evenings. But for lovers of creativity, this should not be any global problem at all! After all, just going out into the street, how can you immediately collect a lot of natural material literally under your feet! It is from them that you can create not only decorative elements to decorate your own home, but also original souvenirs that you can give to your loved ones in the future. See do-it-yourself chestnut crafts photos, and you will surely be inspired by new and original ideas!


Today on the Internet you can find a lot of video tutorials on how to create crafts from chestnuts with your own hands. As for the topiary, the essence of its creation is the same everywhere. The ball is fixed on the trunk, decorated with nuts and placed in a flower pot with previously stable filling. Photos of crafts from chestnuts of such a plan and not only you can see with us!

There is absolutely no secret that the main part of such crafts is a ball that will be the crown of the crafts chestnut tree. It can be made from any materials that are at hand. But, most likely, the easiest way is an ordinary crumpled newspaper, in the form of a sphere. So that the crumpled shape of the ball does not unwind, it can be fixed with threads and coated with glue. This will keep the shape and prevent the appearance of sharp corners.

When ready, attach the ball to the barrel, the basis of which can be any kind of stick (plastic, wood or paper). To put the ball on the base, carefully use scissors to make a small hole in it and “plant” the sphere. Next, fill the flower pot with gypsum, and when it starts to dry, carefully insert the produced “tree” into it. In order for such crafts from chestnuts to turn out smooth with their own hands, they need support during the period of gypsum solidification in a flower pot. Depending on the appearance of the pot, also decorate it by wrapping it with corrugated paper, decorative twine, etc.

After the solution has completely solidified, you can glue the chestnuts. It is better to choose a flattened fruit shape. Using a glue gun, you need to carefully stick the fruits on the ball, and you need to start from the top.

In any case, no matter how hard you try, there will be small gaps between the chestnut fruits, and you will see a “newspaper sphere”. They can be easily eliminated. To do this, fill them, for example, with tea. In addition, you can use decorative bugs, butterflies or flowers.

Materials you will need to create do-it-yourself chestnut topiary!

In addition, the topiary can be aromatic. To do this, instead of tea, you can use fragrant spices. They can also be used for decoration. Use hairspray to fix the crown.


For such a decoration, it is necessary to prepare chestnuts, a thick paper sheet (cardboard), a glue gun, spray paint, decorations.

Make a cone out of paper (the height of the craft depends on the size), which will be the basis for the Christmas tree. Sort the nuts by size and start gluing them, forming the bottom row. Then glue higher and higher, using smaller and smaller fruits. You can paint the resulting Christmas tree in any color, depending on the color of the paint in your can. After the paint has completely dried, you can decorate the craft using bows, sparkles, beads, and at the top - a small star.

"Chestnut" animals

Figures of any animals can be made very easily from chestnut nuts. There are basic rules for creating these crafts. To create narrow parts of the body, you can use matches / toothpicks. Mark small details with a marker. Create others from fabric, plasticine and other materials.

Decorate the nursery with your own handmade animals.

We invite you to collect a large number of chestnuts and acorns with your child during autumn walks, which can be used to make various stylish compositions for decorating the interior. As a base (crown) for such a tree, you can use ready-made foam / plastic balls or crumple it from a newspaper and tie it with threads.

To make a chestnut tree, you will need:

Dried chestnuts and acorns;

Corrugated paper / colored napkins;

Newspaper + tape / thread (for the base);

A thick and durable stick (since the crown of chestnuts can turn out to be very heavy);

PVA glue;

Thermal gun.

chestnut tree step by step

First, make the basis for the future crown, for which take a newspaper, form a ball out of it at the end of the stick, tamp the ball from all sides and glue it with tape or wrap it with thread. Using the same adhesive tape, fix it on a stick-trunk (also, instead of sticking it with adhesive tape, you can wrap the newspaper with a simple package and tie it tightly to the stick).

After making the base - start gluing chestnuts from the bottom of the ball in rows and move to the top. Fasten the chestnuts with a glue gun - do not spare the glue so that nothing falls off later.

After the entire ball is covered with chestnuts, you need to glue the largest voids between them with acorns (if desired) also with hot glue (if there are no acorns, but go straight to the next step). All other gaps must be filled with pieces of a crumpled colored napkin, which is more convenient to glue on PVA glue (it is the most liquid and it is easier to glue napkins on it, and after drying it becomes transparent and will not be noticeable).

From napkins of other colors, you can make several flowers and decorate the crown with them at the end of the workflow. Leave the finished tree to dry for a while, and then pick up a suitable flower pot for it.

Do-it-yourself chestnut tree is ready!

Today, a very fashionable hobby for needlewomen has become the creation of topiaries - potted trees made from improvised materials.
Topiary can be made from anything, but ribbons, coffee beans, corrugated paper, used as tree crown decorations, are especially fond of craftswomen.
Chestnut is considered one of the most common natural materials for making crafts. You can also use chestnuts to create a topiary.
In order to make chestnut topiary, you will need:
old newspapers,
Super glue,
double sided tape,
flower pot or any similar container,
chestnuts and a thick branch,
corrugated paper, satin and paper ribbons for decoration.

To make a base ball, you need to crumple old newspapers and, giving them a round shape, tighten them tightly with twine, thereby fixing the figure. Of course, you can buy a special foam ball in the store for making such crafts, but using unnecessary newspapers is very economical.
Make a small hole in the resulting ball and, filling it with superglue, insert a branch inside. Wrap the stick itself with a tow rope, after lubricating the branch with glue.

Take a flower pot or any other container and knead gypsum in it, diluting it with a little water. If desired, the pot can be decorated with ribbons and a bow.
When the plaster begins to harden a little, place the base for the topiary in a pot and wait for the alabaster mixture to dry completely. Cut out a circle of felt equal to the diameter of the pot and lay it on top, hiding the defects on the dried plaster with it.

Then you can start gluing chestnuts to the ball. To make them fasten better, use not only glue, but also double-sided tape. Try to fix the chestnuts as close to each other as possible so that there is no free space left. At the end of the work, fill in the gaps between the chestnuts with leaves cut out of corrugated paper.

Autumn - it's time not only for despondency and warm socks. Autumn is a great time for creative people, since it is in the fall that we literally have a huge amount of material for all kinds of crafts "lying under our feet".

One of these materials - chestnut - my child and I came across near the house. Having collected a bag of chestnuts of different shapes and sizes, we decided to make a topiary - an ornamental tree. What else is needed for a tree? Well, of course, the trunk is a slightly twisted branch, which we also found during the walk.

The rest of the materials, namely a pot of autumn-orange colors and decorative artificial maple leaves, we bought in one of the Vse po 39 stores, which are found in almost every city.

To make chestnut topiary, you will also need:

- newspapers

- building gypsum

- glue gun

We make a blank for the crown of a tree: we crumple newsprint into a lump with a diameter of no more than 15 cm (ideally 10-12 cm, if more, then the tree will turn out to be huge). We wrap a newspaper lump with threads to give it strength and a more round shape.

We cut the branch (future trunk) to the length we need (the height of the tree), pierce a small hole in the ball with scissors, fill it with glue from the gun and insert the branch into the hole to a depth of 3-4 cm. We wait until the glue hardens. By the way, the branch can be decorated if desired: painted with gold paint, varnished, covered with a rope, etc. I chose the option “a la naturel”, so to speak, closer to nature, because I was just too lazy to conjure over the trunk.

So, you have a blank for the future tree in your hands, now let's move on to decorating - pasting a newspaper ball with chestnuts. Apply glue to the chestnut and stick it to the newspaper ball, wait a few seconds for the glue to harden, then glue the next chestnut.

After gluing the entire ball, you will see that you have small gaps between the chestnuts. There is nothing wrong with that, we just bought artificial leaves to mask the gaps. Put a little glue into the gap and attach a sheet to it. You can cover some gaps with beads (I did just that).

When the tree is ready, we need to fix it in a pot. Since the tree itself turned out to be very heavy due to chestnuts, building gypsum is the best fit for us as a fixative. We dilute gypsum with water according to the instructions, install a tree, fill it with gypsum mortar and wait until the gypsum hardens. And since it will take several hours to wait, we fix the tree in some corner and calmly leave it until “ready”. When the plaster hardens, cover it with leaves and the remaining chestnuts. The chestnut topiary is ready!

The remaining chestnuts can be used to make various children's crafts, which I will discuss in the next article.

Chestnut crafts for children are the most popular type of needlework. Chestnuts are a natural and popular material for making various crafts. It's pretty easy to work with them. Despite the fact that they have a hard shell, it is easily pierced with an awl or needle. This allows you to insert connecting elements such as: matches or toothpicks, wire or thread.

In contact with

It is better to wash the collected fruits and wipe with a towel. In order for the crafts to be stored well and for a long time in the future, it is better to dry them, but for primitive children's products this stage is optional. Dried chestnuts are stronger, they stick together faster, however, they quickly crack and crumble when you try to pierce or cut them.

DIY Topiary

Topiary is a small, neat, pretty tree. For its manufacture, you need to choose fruits of a flatter shape, so that it is more convenient to stick them to the base.

The word topiary means crafts in the form of a tree of ideal shape. They also have such names: “European tree” and “tree of happiness”. Such souvenir trees in pots are very popular and look beautiful in the interior. They are made from a wide variety of materials.

Necessary materials

To make a craft in the form of a souvenir tree, you first need to stock up on the following materials:

Step-by-step instruction

So, when all the necessary materials for the topiary are prepared, you can start work:

Now the topiary is ready, and it can be decorated. For this, everything that is prepared as a decor is suitable. It can be small cones, beads, bows, ladybugs and so on.

Tea or sisal can be useful for decorating plaster in a pot, as well as filling voids between chestnuts. Another tree will look beautiful if you cover its top with silver or gold acrylic paint.

Making a house

Such painstaking work is more suitable for older children. And younger children will have to help.


To make a wonderful house from chestnuts, we need:

  • scissors;
  • cardboard;
  • glue;
  • dry leaves;
  • chestnuts.

Work process

In the same way as when building a real residential building, young architects need to decide on the size of a chestnut house. The next steps for making a chestnut house are as follows:

  1. It is required to cut out seven rectangles, one of which will be the bottom of the house. Four will be the walls and two will be the roof. Then you need to cut out two triangles for the roof.
  2. Now you need to glue the house layout with glue.
  3. The walls of the house need to be glued with chestnuts as tightly as possible so that there are no gaps.
  4. The roof should be pasted over with dry leaves.

You can make a clearing around the house and decorate it.

Vase from a jar or bottle

Such a vase is easiest to make from plastic two-liter bottles. You will need the following craft materials:

  • plastic bottle or tall tin;
  • chestnuts;
  • acrylic paint, gold or silver;
  • glue.

Now let's get started:

  1. First you need to cut off the top of the bottle.
  2. Now it should be painted in golden color. Acrylic paints will do.
  3. After the paint has completely dried, you can glue the chestnuts.

The vase can be supplemented with any decorative elements, such as: small cones, acorns, beads, and so on.

Figurines of your favorite animals

Developing the motor skills of the child’s hands and instilling in him a sense of beauty, try to involve your baby in helping, and in the future, in independently performing crafts from natural materials. To make your joint work interesting for the crumbs, invite him to make animals from chestnuts that he has loved since early childhood.

brown bear cub

This is a simple craft that a preschool child can make. Need to prepare:

  • plasticine;
  • chestnuts - two large;
  • awl;
  • toothpicks.

So let's get started:

  1. First you need to connect the fruits. These will serve as the bear's head and belly.
  2. It is necessary to mold legs and ears from plasticine, which then need to be glued to the bear's body.
  3. From small pieces of plasticine you need to blind the eyes, mouth and nose. And glue them on.

The bear can be put on a piece of cardboard. And we recommend decorating the cardboard as a clearing.

Well-fed horse

The craft is suitable for preschoolers. Before you start crafting with young children, you first need to make holes in the chestnuts with an awl. You will need the following materials:

  • plasticine;
  • chestnuts;
  • awl;
  • toothpicks.

The technology for performing crafts is as follows:

  1. First you need to make five holes in one chestnut with an awl. Four holes for the legs and one for the head.
  2. Then you need to attach the second chestnut with a toothpick. This will be the head.
  3. Now you need to attach the legs, and make a mane and tail from plasticine.

It remains to glue the eyes and mouth. Everything, the craft is ready.

Sea turtle

The turtle is easy to make and looks like the real thing. Prepare in advance:

  • plasticine green, black and marsh;
  • toothpick;
  • chestnut.

Let's start doing the craft:

cute hare

This animal looks funny with a carrot. Make it simple. Prepare the following materials:

  • chestnuts;
  • toothpicks;
  • plasticine.

Stages of our work:

In the paws of a hare, you can insert a plasticine carrot.

funny monkey

Making a monkey is easy. She needs a stick to grab onto. To make a monkey, you need to make four parts: a neck, ears, front and hind legs. Let's prepare the materials:

  • plasticine orange;
  • black marker;
  • 2 chestnuts;
  • stack;
  • modeling board.

The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. First you need to draw the muzzle of the monkey. To do this, on a light spot of the fetus, you need to draw eyes, mouth and nostrils with a black marker.
  2. For the manufacture of paws, it is necessary to make two flagella five centimeters long from orange plasticine.
  3. To make the ears, you need to mold two cakes of orange plasticine.
  4. A flagellum one centimeter long will be used to attach the head to the body.

After all the details are ready, you need to start assembling.

  1. It is required to glue ears to the monkey's head.
  2. Now you should connect the head and torso, and also attach the paws. In this craft, the front paws should be raised up.

Then you need to attach a wand to the front legs of the monkey. It will look like it is hanging on a tree branch.

industrious snails

Snails look pretty funny and cute. They can be easily made. Materials needed for work:

  • chestnuts;
  • plasticine;
  • plastic knife.

The sequence of making crafts:

  1. First, you need to roll the bundles from plasticine, which will be the body of the snail.
  2. Then you should cut the flagellum with a knife from one end to make snail horns.
  3. The rest of the tourniquet needs to be pressed down, put a chestnut on it - it will be the snail's house.
  4. Now you need to make eyes for the snail from plasticine and attach them.

On the snail's house, you can paint a spiral with paint.

Movable caterpillar

The caterpillar is a great craft option. It turns out to be quite funny and mobile, as it is fastened with a strong fishing line. You need to prepare for work:

Let's get started:

You can glue ready-made eyes for dolls, which are sold in hobby stores.

The process of making crafts develops creative thinking in children. They quickly become involved in the process, which becomes an educational game for them. After all, making crafts develops the child's fine motor skills, flexibility and dexterity of the fingers, as well as coordination.

Children can be invited to make a variety of animals and insects, such as a spider, a hedgehog, a cat, a lion, an owl, a beetle and so on. And you can also make mushrooms, beads, wreaths and even a beautiful chestnut tree with them.

Chestnuts are a good natural material for children's crafts. It is easy and pleasant to work with them. A variety of DIY chestnut crafts are quite easy to make. They can decorate your home. This fruit serves as the basis for a huge number of creative ideas.

Crafts from chestnuts