Sex life during pregnancy. Is it possible to have sex in early pregnancy

Some couples themselves refuse sex during pregnancy, as they believe that it is harmful to both the expectant mother and the baby. However, you should not be afraid: the sexual relationship of the parents does not harm the fetus, on the contrary, it is believed that the pleasure that the mother experiences during sex has a positive effect on the child. At the same time, he does not know at all and does not understand what his parents are doing. However, for many couples this is a big problem. Some people can't have sex because they think they are no longer two in bed, but three. But there is no need to consider the unborn child separately from the mother: they are still a single whole. Often, from the very beginning of the gestation period, a husband begins to perceive his pregnant wife only as a “mother” and refuses to have sex, but she is primarily a woman, and intimate relationships can be just as important for her as they were before pregnancy.

Or, on the contrary, out of fear of harming the baby, a woman refuses to have sexual intercourse. These fears are unfounded: the fetus is reliably protected from any external influences by the cervix, the mucous plug, the walls of the uterus and the fetal bladder with amniotic fluid. By the way, amniotic fluid plays the role of a kind of shock absorber and absorb shocks, that is, your baby does not experience any discomfort.

Also, the expectant mother may simply not want sex. The fact is that libido during the period of expectation of a child changes greatly.

In the first trimester, especially in women who are expecting their first child, libido weakens for a number of reasons: this is poor health (toxicosis, pulling pains in the lower abdomen, weakness, fatigue and drowsiness), and psychological state - worries and fears associated with a new unfamiliar position, fear of harming the child.

In the second trimester, the woman's psychological and emotional state flourishes. Many fears go away, well-being normalizes, the state of the genital organs also changes: blood flow to them increases, which increases their sensitivity. Therefore, often during the second trimester, libido in pregnant women increases, and sexual relations become more vivid. The release of hormones of joy endorphins into the blood helps to improve the mood of the expectant mother, and this has a positive effect on the baby.

In the third trimester, libido often decreases, a woman often experiences discomfort due to an enlarged tummy, weight gain, swelling, it may seem to her that she has ceased to be attractive.

Whether it is necessary to refrain from intimate life during pregnancy, your obstetrician-gynecologist in any case decides, based on the individual characteristics of the course of your pregnancy - you should not make diagnoses yourself, without a doctor. However, every expectant mother needs to know about possible situations in which, while waiting for a child, you will have to do without sex.

Sex during pregnancy: dangerous periods

Even if the pregnancy is going well and your doctor is generally okay with intimacy during pregnancy, there are still times when it is better to give it up. This is especially true for women expecting their first baby. First of all, the first trimester of pregnancy is considered critical. Until the 7th week of the obstetric period (it is considered from the first day of the last menstruation), it is better not to have sex during pregnancy for a simple reason - the place of attachment of the fetus, the chorion (subsequently the placenta is formed from it), has not yet been fully formed, it is very weak, and when strong contractions of the uterus there is a high risk of its detachment. This could lead to miscarriage.

There is a widespread myth that it is worth doing without sexual intercourse after the 36th week of pregnancy (8 months). On the contrary, 2–3 weeks before delivery, certain changes begin to occur in the uterus and cervix, which prepare the birth canal for childbirth, the cervix “ripens”: it shortens and becomes softer. And the substances that are contained in the sperm of a man (prostaglandins) help prepare the cervix for the process of childbirth.

Orgasm during pregnancy can cause uterine contractions, for prepared birth canals this can serve as an impetus for the onset of labor, but if the cervix is ​​not yet ripe, then uterine contractions due to orgasm are not able to cause premature birth.

Also, after 38 weeks of pregnancy, sex is not recommended for those expectant mothers who plan to give birth by caesarean section. Prostaglandins, which are contained in the semen of a man, can soften the cervix, and this can provoke spontaneous labor. For greater safety, it is worth protecting yourself with a condom.

In addition, if there is a scar on the uterus from a previous caesarean, by the last weeks of pregnancy it often becomes very thin, and sexual intercourse can worsen the situation.

Avoiding sex during pregnancy for medical reasons

There are other reasons why a doctor may recommend a mother-to-be not to have sex.

Multiple pregnancy

A multiple pregnancy (twins or triplets) is, as a rule, more difficult than a single pregnancy, during which the pressure on the uterus is always very strong even without sexual activity. And most often a woman after 20 weeks of pregnancy should either limit or exclude sexual life in any form. This issue is also resolved on an individual basis with the attending physician.

Complications of pregnancy

Sexual life should be completely abandoned when pregnancy is complicated by conditions such as:

  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency (shortening, opening of the cervix), including after correction by suturing the cervix or after installing an obstetric pessary (a device that supports the uterus in a certain position) - a high risk of preterm birth;
  • low location or placenta previa - a high risk of bleeding and placental abruption;
  • partial detachment of the placenta;
  • suspicion of leakage of amniotic fluid or violation of the integrity of the fetal bladder -
  • high risk of intrauterine infection and pre-
  • temporary childbirth;
  • inflammatory diseases of the genital organs (for example, bacterial vaginosis, herpes, chlamydia);
  • the threat of spontaneous miscarriage or premature birth.

Also, a relative contraindication may be habitual miscarriage (miscarriages in the past), but it all depends on the cause of such a problem - therefore, it is important to consult a doctor.

Venereal disease during pregnancy

If a pregnant woman (or her partner) has sexually transmitted infections (trichomoniasis, herpes, hepatitis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV, etc.), it is necessary to observe sexual rest. Firstly, so that these infections do not penetrate the cervix and fetus. This can cause intrauterine infection of the baby and, as a result, provoke premature birth, in addition, further cause infertility, and also cause the child to develop such pathologies as brain damage, blindness, pneumonia, and many others. Secondly, it is better to abstain from sex, so as not to infect a partner or get infected from him.

Sexual contacts should also be excluded during the process of treating sexually transmitted infections. At the same time, a condom, which seems to many to be a very reliable method of contraception, may not work if it breaks unexpectedly. Therefore, it is better to refuse sexual intercourse altogether.

Sex during pregnancy: green light

Let's see in what cases pregnant women can have sex? Everything is very simple here: if a woman is healthy and her pregnancy passes without complications, you can not refuse intimacy. However, it is important to comply with a number of conditions:

  • Have sex in positions that are comfortable for the expectant mother, based on her feelings. The missionary position is not contraindicated, but, of course, it is important not to put pressure on the stomach. The most successful postures will be the side position, since pregnant women, lying on their backs, often experience back pain and dizziness, they have a decrease in pressure (portal vein syndrome.) It occurs due to the fact that the uterus in this position of the pregnant woman women can pinch the inferior vena cava, which reflexively causes a decrease in pressure, and hence an unpleasant feeling. You can try both the cowgirl position and the knee-elbow position, in which the woman herself can control the depth and intensity of sexual contact.
  • It is not recommended to stimulate the nipples: this reflexively contributes to a large release of oxytocin and prolactin into the blood and may contribute to uterine contractions.
  • Sexual intercourse should not be long, in addition, it should be calm, unhurried and as gentle as possible.
  • Also, do not endure any discomfort or pain. In such cases, it is better to try to change the position.
  • After intercourse (and especially orgasm), a pregnant woman should not immediately jump up and do business. You need to relax and just lie down for at least 20-30 minutes so that the uterus stops contracting, because after an orgasm, the contractions are especially active.
  • If after sexual intercourse you are worried about pain in the lower abdomen or lower back, or spotting appears, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. It is worth noting that a woman with erosion (ectopia) of the cervix after intimacy may have slight spotting from the genital tract, they do not threaten the course of pregnancy, but psychologically this causes great discomfort to the pregnant woman.

Intimate life during pregnancy is a very important part of a couple's relationship. But if you have to give it up during pregnancy, this does not mean that your relationship should deteriorate. In addition, sex can be replaced by other forms of intimacy - for example, erotic massage. After all, both the expectant mother and her man during the period of expectation of the child want tenderness, warmth, understanding and, as a result, bodily contact even more.

In addition, during the 9 months of pregnancy, you and your spouse should be brought together by other emotions, spiritual, and not just physical: caring for the unborn baby, love for him and a magical sense of anticipation of his birth. All this can make any couple even more harmonious, and the sexual side of your life will definitely fully recover after the birth of a child and, perhaps, become even brighter than it was before pregnancy.

I do not want anything…

The first trimester of pregnancy is often complicated by a condition such as toxicosis. Attacks of nausea, feeling unwell, drowsiness, increased fatigue, and with it irritability due to a surge of hormones - in this case, a pregnant woman may refuse to have sex. At the same time, it is important for a man to understand his wife and not insist.

  • Threesome
  • When Sex Can Hurt Pregnancy
  • Pregnant sex trimester after trimester
    • 1st trimester
    • 2nd trimester
    • 3rd trimester
  • Despite the assurances of doctors, many expectant mothers are still wary of intimate life during pregnancy: the maternal instinct “turns on” before the baby is born, and the woman intuitively seeks to protect the child from all, even illusory dangers.

    Meanwhile, sex during pregnancy can even be… helpful! Let's look into this difficult question!

    Still want. And that's okay!

    Psychologists say that sex in a woman begins ... in the head. Relaxation and the right attitude are perhaps the main components of a successful intimate life. Surprisingly, many women are sure that during pregnancy, sexual desire should weaken and ... it really disappears!

    The suggestibility of pregnant women in general can play a bad joke on them; it is known that the first births are most painful for women who are constantly told by close friends how difficult and painful it was for them. Lack of breast milk often occurs in mothers, to whom relatives explained that “we all didn’t have milk in our family.” And even nausea during the first trimester is stronger for those expectant mothers who are convinced that there must certainly be vomiting to exhaustion - and without this, what kind of pregnancy!

    Finally, some pregnant women believe that an enlarged belly deprives them of their sex appeal. They carefully look for evidence of her husband's cooling down and fixate on his failures (yes, men are also out of shape!)

    In fact, there are no prerequisites for a decrease in sexual desire during pregnancy, neither in women nor in their husbands.


    Yes, but what about the child? After all, he also becomes an unwitting participant in your intimate life! Some women still seriously fear that sex can injure the baby, but this is not at all the case. Amniotic fluid reliably (very reliably!) Protects it from any shocks and tremors. Contrary to popular belief, the classic "missionary position" will not even hurt the child, since it is impossible to "crush" the fetal bladder during sex. The choice of posture is solely a matter of your convenience and preferences.

    So, a healthy pregnant woman and her child are not in any danger of having sex, but there can be a lot of benefits!

      emotional satisfaction. The enjoyment of intimacy during pregnancy can be especially rewarding. There is no need to protect yourself, there is no fear of an unplanned pregnancy (as happens if you do not plan it) and the tension associated with the desire to become pregnant (if you just wanted it). Everything is fine, you are pregnant!

      Great pelvic floor workout. But the pelvic muscles are the "workhorses" of pregnancy and childbirth. In addition, such a "training" will prevent possible problems with urinary incontinence after childbirth.

      Improving the blood supply to the child. Sexual arousal increases the blood supply to the genitals, and therefore, at the same time, the baby. By the way, it is the increased blood supply to the uterus during pregnancy that is “responsible” for the bright and intense (yes, yes!) orgasms of pregnant women. Well, don't miss out on this opportunity!

    When Sex Can Hurt Pregnancy

    And yet, sometimes you have to give up sex. All these situations are associated with a particular pathology of pregnancy. The most common ones are:

      or a low placenta;


      isthmic-cervical insufficiency ( short cervix, dilatation of the cervical canal).

    In a word, if there are prerequisites for termination of pregnancy, problems with the placenta, leakage of amniotic fluid, there is only one prescription: rest and only rest! Including sexual.

    There are two more points worth mentioning. The first of these is sexually transmitted infections. We will not talk about the moral side of the issue, but if you are not sure about your partner, it is better not to have unprotected sex, but to use reliable (very reliable) barrier contraceptives, that is, condoms.

    Any suspicion of a sexually transmitted disease is a good reason to temporarily stop having sex.

    If you and your spouse do not have other partners, then the use of condoms is not necessary, although many pregnant women are still convinced of the opposite. There are simply no "infections" that your vaginal environment can't handle. You have already exchanged every conceivable bacteria for a long time and got used to each other!

    The second point, which can also affect your well-being: although the body has completely changed from the ovulatory cycle to pregnancy, some women continue to live in a “cyclical” mode.

    On days when a woman could have a period without pregnancy, there may be slight bleeding or pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Sex these days is undesirable.

    Pregnant sex trimester after trimester

    1st trimester

    Most couples in the first weeks do not even know that they will soon become mom and dad, so their intimate life does not undergo any changes. The exception is couples who have had difficulty conceiving. At the time of implantation of the fetal egg, it is better to declare a sexual moratorium. In the middle of the first trimester, toxicosis can become an obstacle to personal life. Nausea and increased sensitivity to smells are not the most favorable background for making love! In addition, the woman's body is still adapting to the new status: you may experience drowsiness, mood swings.

    Although a healthy woman has no contraindications for intimate life, listen first of all to yourself and your desires.

    2nd trimester

    Many couples remember these months as the best time to have sex! Nausea recedes, many expectant mothers stop experiencing drowsiness, but sexual desire only grows. A small tummy does not interfere with the use of any poses, and the loose and moistened vaginal mucosa guarantees “tight contact” even for mothers who have repeatedly given birth.

    3rd trimester

    Of course, a grown tummy can become an obstacle to personal life (well, here's a reason to diversify it!), But most mothers are worried about something else: will sex provoke premature birth?

    Indeed, orgasm and labor pains have something in common - the contraction of the muscles of the uterus. However, a few seconds of orgasm cannot induce labor in a healthy pregnant woman if the baby is not yet ready to be born!

    Another thing is sex on the expected date of birth. Here, an orgasm can really become a trigger that starts the process of childbirth, which many couples, by the way, use.

    And finally - a universal advice that we can safely give to all pregnant women: if you have any doubts about your health and the well-being of your child, consult your doctor!

    Feel free to ask directly if sex will hurt you now (believe me, you won’t be able to surprise or shock the doctor with this). If there are any contraindications, the doctor will definitely tell you in detail about them.

    We wish you a pleasant and ... very pleasant pregnancy!

    Pregnancy is a wonderful time for every woman. New emotions, sensations and boundless love for the baby in the womb can exalt the expectant mother to heaven. But what to do with such a significant part of life as intimacy?!

    When you can and can't

    If the expectant mother is absolutely healthy, and the doctor leading the pregnancy allows sex life, then you can have sex during pregnancy. The main thing is not to let fear conquer desire in you. Positive emotions are needed not only for a pregnant woman, but also for a baby in the womb.

    Sexual contact cannot negatively affect the formation of the fetus and provoke the risk of interruption. Such troubles can be caused by causes associated with the abnormal structure of the female genital organs, lack of progesterone, malfunctions of the thyroid gland, sexually transmitted infections, and so on.

    Diagnoses in which sexual life for spouses will be banned:

    • habitual miscarriage;
    • threat of interruption;
    • miscarriages in previous pregnancies;
    • mom is expecting twins or triplets;
    • low location of the placenta;
    • spouse or pregnant carrier of a sexually transmitted disease;
    • bed rest for the period of gestation.

    In addition, often the threat of termination of pregnancy is associated with the cervix, which cannot fully fulfill its function. All these problems during sexual intercourse can increase the tone in the uterus, cause bleeding or miscarriage.

    Up to 12 weeks

    Is it possible to have sex during early pregnancy - most expectant mothers are interested. Doctors warn pregnant women in the first trimester, as 4, 8 and 12 weeks are risky, therefore it is recommended to refrain from sexual intercourse for the entire initial period of the “interesting” position. This is especially true for women who have previously had miscarriages in the early stages, premature birth, uterine hypertonicity and other related problems.

    In the first trimester, a woman's desires and moods are very changeable. Constant fatigue and drowsiness of this period is often accompanied by reduced libido. The hormonal background of the girl is changing, along with it, physiological and emotional adjustments occur in the body of the expectant mother.

    2nd trimester of pregnancy

    The second trimester allows sex during pregnancy. The terms are not yet large, and the tummy is not yet large. The critical period is over and you can breathe a sigh of relief.

    The only thing that women experts ask is to avoid the position on the back. There is an opinion that the growing uterus can put pressure on the vena cava and thereby impede the flow of oxygen to the baby.

    Hormonal changes also remain at their peak. The high sensitivity of the breast only adds to the pleasant sensations during intercourse.

    Sex from the 25th to the 40th week of pregnancy

    Sex during pregnancy in the third trimester is no longer as bright as in the second. The big belly of the expectant mother already interferes with sleep, and choosing a comfortable position for sexual intercourse becomes a serious test.

    Some women with increased libido note that sex during pregnancy can be attributed to something bright and enchanting. For many, this is a reason to relax, do not have to think about contraception or interrupted sexual intercourse.

    Moreover, sexual life in recent weeks can facilitate labor, but this is the opinion of experts in this field. They justify this by the fact that sperm contains an enzyme that can soften the cervix, thereby preparing it for childbirth.

    And more recently, there was an opinion that prostaglandin, which is contained in seminal fluid, can cause premature birth. To date, this statement has been refuted quite a few times.

    How often can you be sexually active

    There are no strict limits and restrictions on the frequency of sexual intercourse during pregnancy. It all depends on the state of health, the course of pregnancy and desire. It is important that both partners want to make love. Some women during pregnancy tend to "want" more often than to "interesting" position. A spouse should meet her beloved, because any manifestations of love and affection towards her play a significant role for her well-being and self-confidence at this stage of life.

    Rounded feminine forms quite often increase the attractiveness of a woman in the eyes of her husband. And the rush of blood to the small pelvis of a pregnant girl is able to deliver new sensations to the partner, since the vagina is narrowed, and the clitoris is enlarged.

    Sex positions during pregnancy

    Intimacy in the usual poses - is it possible? Sex during pregnancy is allowed in positions that are comfortable for the spouses, if the doctor has given the go-ahead, and there are no contraindications for sexual activity. Moreover, sex life is even beneficial during pregnancy. Regular sex strengthens the pelvic muscles, contributes to the production of happiness hormones, which have a beneficial effect on mother and baby.

    But there are a number of nuances that must be taken into account when choosing a position for sex during pregnancy:

    1. The position for intimacy should be chosen so that the penetration is not deep, and close contact between partners does not put pressure on the belly of the expectant mother.
    2. How to have sex during pregnancy? Do not choose extreme poses. Moreover, the duration of sexual intercourse should not exceed 10 minutes.
    3. The safest positions are when partners lie on their side, respectively, the man is behind. Or a girl on the edge of the bed, and a partner in front of her.

    Oral caresses and anal sex

    If pregnancy does not cause discomfort and discomfort to a woman in the pelvic area, then oral sex is a great alternative to the classic look.

    Important! Avoid intimacy if your partner has cold sores. The virus can very easily get over to you and seriously harm the baby. Doctors agree in unanimous opinion that herpes can provoke birth defects in a baby. Of course, statistics confirm the fact that this will not necessarily happen to you, but the health of the baby should still come first.

    During pregnancy is prohibited, some girls are prone to the appearance of hemorrhoids in the last stages. Also, a kind of this contact of intimacy can irritate the rectal mucosa, which can ultimately lead to an inflammatory process.

    Is sex during pregnancy harmful?

    Most partners during pregnancy become afraid of sexual intercourse. Some are afraid of harming the baby or the expectant mother.

    Spouses can have sex during pregnancy, it is not harmful and will not harm either the mother or the little one. The main thing is to approach the process with caution and check with the gynecologist for information about whether you have any contraindications from sex during pregnancy.

    Why sex during pregnancy is good

    Quality sex during pregnancy prepares the vagina for the upcoming birth. During the act, an additional supply of oxygen to the blood occurs. Which, of course, will benefit the crumbs in the womb.

    Do not worry about the baby, he is securely protected by the shell. The only thing he can react to is your rapid breathing and due to orgasm.

    Of considerable importance, the benefits of sex during pregnancy affect psychology. A woman in such a sometimes difficult period needs to be sure that she is desirable and attractive. And abstinence has never done anyone any good.

    Discomfort during sex

    The state of discomfort during intercourse during pregnancy is a completely understandable phenomenon. The head of the child puts pressure on the pelvic organs, which provokes sprains. Moreover, some women experience pain in the pelvic bones even at rest, not to mention sexual life.

    The breast swells from early pregnancy, the nipples become very sensitive. And sometimes even gentle touches and caresses can bring discomfort.

    Poses that a woman has fallen in love with for a long sex life become unavailable, as a rapidly growing belly interferes. Often a pregnant woman cannot relax and more and more often she has to think about her desire, and forget about her partner.

    Why is sex necessary?

    Sometimes, despite all the arguments in favor of intimacy and good health and pregnancy, spouses still try to avoid intimacy. Girls feel ugly, fat, and the constant presence of panic, which will remain after childbirth, drives into the framework of complete indifference to sex. Men are afraid to deliver pain or harm the fetus.

    Consider the reasons why sex during pregnancy is needed:

    1. Intimate unloading lowers blood pressure (for hypertensive patients).
    2. Support for a loved one and close contact with a loved one.
    3. Reducing the risk of complications during childbirth (ruptures, incisions, etc.).
    4. Feel the tenderness, caress, warmth and care.
    5. Stress suppression.
    6. Strengthening the muscles of the small pelvis.
    7. You can get hormones of happiness.

    Most girls are faced with worries about future childbirth, the health of the baby in the womb. Hormones produced during orgasm help a woman relax and relieve stress. And for a pregnant girl, the state of inner harmony and tranquility is very important.


    Consider 5 myths about sex during pregnancy:

    1. In an "interesting" position, a woman does not want to have sex. The desire of the expectant mother during pregnancy can either fade away or, on the contrary, “ignite” with special force. Each case is individual. But I would like to note the fact that the first trimester is difficult for the body of the expectant mother and the lack of desire is associated solely with hormonal changes. This condition is short-term, and by the 12th week the woman already feels much better.
    2. Orgasms are dangerous. No, despite the fact that it is accompanied by uterine contractions, it cannot provoke a miscarriage or premature birth. In addition, a woman needs such an emotional release and gives a lot of positive emotions to the baby in the womb.
    3. Sex during pregnancy contributes to the rupture of the fetal bladder. The amniotic fluid in the amniotic sac provides reliable protection for the baby from injuries, shaking and infections. Thinning of the membrane is possible with the flu or a viral infection during pregnancy. Also, the cause can be sexual infections, vaginosis or thrush.
    4. During sexual intercourse, the baby can be infected or infected. No, the baby is under enhanced protection of the mucous plug, which prevents bacteria from entering the uterus. The risk of infection through the genital tract to the fetus is reduced to zero. But the possibility of infecting the expectant mother with viruses or sexually transmitted infections remains. And their presence can have a negative impact on the health of the child and the course of pregnancy.
    5. If it penetrates, the baby can be injured. This is not true, the baby is protected by amniotic fluid with a bladder and a closed cervix.

    Do they have sex during pregnancy? Certainly! It's great when spouses are safe about their sex life during pregnancy. The situation is worse with those who have no contraindications, but for this period of time they “close” from each other. Or couples who have to comply because of the threat. The main thing is to treat the current situation with understanding or compromise when one of the partners has fears and inner feelings.

    Is it possible and necessary to have sex during pregnancy?

    On this occasion, there are two opposing stereotypes: one says that sex during pregnancy is unnecessary, dangerous, harmful and generally contrary to nature, and the other, more modern, that pregnancy is never a reason to refuse sex, and in general, pregnancy is not a disease, so no precautions are needed. The truth, as usual, is somewhere in between. Let's eat her.

    Do pregnant women need sex?
    It's not the same for everybody. And here, too, there are extremes. The game of hormones is unpredictable - in some women, desire disappears from the very first weeks of pregnancy, while others do not know what to do with a raging libido. It also happens that having completely disappeared in the first trimester of pregnancy, sexual desire returns in the second.

    From the point of view of nature, sex with a pregnant female is unnatural and inappropriate - after all, she can no longer be fertilized, why waste time and seed on a useless business? So those who have sex exclusively for reproductive purposes do not really need it during pregnancy.

    So, when a woman is excited, blood circulation in the pelvic area increases - and as a result, blood flow in the placenta increases, so that the child receives more oxygen and nutrients. And from the release of endorphin - the "hormone of joy" - it gives pleasure not only to mother, but also to the child.
    The contraction of the uterus during orgasm is considered a good preparation of the muscles for the upcoming contractions.

    Many doctors also recommend having sex in the last weeks of pregnancy, as the hormones contained in semen increase the elasticity of the cervix, thereby contributing to better opening during childbirth and reducing the risk of ruptures.

    Is sex dangerous for pregnant women?
    So it turns out that pregnant women from sex are one sheer joy and benefit? Not quite and not always.

    Sex is dangerous and is usually prohibited by doctors in the following cases:

    • active threat of abortion;
    • history of miscarriage or premature birth. The most dangerous are the days of the alleged menstruation, that is, every fourth week of the term, as well as the dates of previous miscarriages;
    • leakage of amniotic fluid - a high risk of infection in the uterus;
    • placenta previa or low attachment - sexual intercourse can cause bleeding;
    • multiple pregnancy - doctors recommend not having sex from the 20th week due to the increased risk of preterm birth;
    • bleeding or spotting from the vagina - what kind of sex is there, running to the doctor;
    • one of the partners has signs of a genital tract infection;
    • if the pregnancy is classified as "high risk" for other reasons - for example, pregnancy after IVF.
    precautions during sex
    In the middle and late periods, sex positions should be the most gentle, convenient and comfortable for the woman, limiting the possibility of deep penetration. Sex in the “woman on the back” position is contraindicated. At any stage of pregnancy, it is convenient for the expectant mother to lie on her side when the man is behind.

    If you have bloody discharge or abdominal pain during sexual intercourse, you should immediately stop it and consult a doctor! There should also be no pain.

    Many doctors recommend that you have sex with a condom during pregnancy to avoid possible infections. In any case, a man is obliged to carefully monitor the slightest signs of a urinary tract infection and, in which case, immediately consult a doctor for treatment.

    Pros of Pregnant Sex
    The cons and difficulties of pregnant sex are understandable. But there are also pluses!

    Firstly, already from the first weeks of pregnancy, the blood supply to the uterus and vagina increases in a woman, the clitoris becomes more sensitive. And since the violation of blood flow to the genitals is one of the causes of anorgasmia, some women may experience an orgasm for the first time during pregnancy. For others, sensations intensify - in the presence of excitement and the absence of fears, of course.

    Secondly, the couple can completely relax and not think about contraceptives and their reliability: they are clearly not threatened with additional pregnancy. Those who have been trying to have a baby for a long time and they finally succeeded can also relax: you no longer have to have sex strictly on the days of the most likely conception and take conducive positions, you can only think about pleasure.

    In general, everything is possible, if carefully, if you want and there are no contraindications!

    Pregnancy makes a woman in the eyes of her husband even more mysterious, mysterious, revealing herself in some new capacity, and instead, having sex becomes a rarity. Most husbands are ready to accept the fact that due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, the spouse changes not only taste habits. The mood is changeable, it can flare up for no reason, be offended for no reason, burst into tears. Very often, future fathers feel some cooling towards their person, they seem to be relegated to the background.

    After the fertilized egg has grafted onto the wall of the uterus for 7-8 days, it has already begun to divide and acquired the status of a fetal egg. In the body of the expectant mother, the hormonal background is rebuilt under the slogan: "Everything for the child." The release of choriotropin (CHTG) joins the production of progesterone, the protector of pregnancy. Its level increases day by day until about 10-11 weeks of pregnancy. But the level of estrogen responsible for sexual desire falls, and the expectant mother during early pregnancy does not want to make love like before.

    Another reason for not having sex during pregnancy is early toxicosis that actually exists in most women.

    The fertilized egg is a foreign protein for her, an object to which she must adapt. Pathological impulses come from it, or it is distorted by subcortical structures responsible for digestion. That is why pregnant women are often plagued by nausea, vomiting, salivation, stool disorders, and bloating. Vomiting in severe toxicosis reaches up to 25 times a day, this requires inpatient treatment. Before sex?

    During pregnancy, the breasts that are filled under the influence of progesterone often become unbearably painful, swollen nipples irritate even the bra and underwear, and previously pleasant caresses cause anger.

    No need to be offended, it is worth showing patience, care, attention. Gentle hugs, kisses and kind words are more in demand during this period. Often, after intercourse in the first trimester, especially if it coincided with the dates of the missing menses, minor spotting may appear. This may mean a threat of abortion, cervical disease, inflammation of the vaginal mucosa.

    Regarding them, you should immediately get a doctor's consultation, at the same time consult on issues of sexual activity. You should know that the uterus is in the pelvic cavity for up to 12 weeks, so there are no restrictions on the choice of postures and techniques.

    Second trimester

    Toxicosis subsided, fatigue and irritability also did not bother me too much. The belly begins to grow, especially quickly after 25 weeks. From the 20th week of pregnancy, the movements of the baby are felt and the future dad can also feel them by placing his hand on his stomach. This causes him some fears in terms of the fact that the baby is already big, here he is, next to him, and will his penis be damaged during frictions? Does he understand what is happening? Calm down dad. It is impossible to harm the child with the penis, it is reliably protected by the fetus, the closed neck, membranes and amniotic fluid.

    With an enlarged tummy during pregnancy, you need to worry about replacing the traditional “man on top” position with a safer one, for example, on the side.

    To his surprise, an attentive and observant man will notice that in the second trimester of pregnancy, a woman is more willing to go for intimacy, libido is clearly increased. Moreover, it is during this period that many women experience their first orgasms after intercourse. Again, hormones are “to blame”, estrogens begin to rise.

    An important point in increasing female libido is that, having adapted to her condition, a woman throws off the shackles of fear of an unwanted pregnancy and her intense expectation. Finally, she can completely surrender to love and pleasure with her beloved, the father of the unborn child. What should be feared in the second trimester:

    • All the same threat of termination of pregnancy, premature birth;
    • Premature discharge of amniotic fluid;
    • Bleeding due to placenta previa, low placentation;
    • Infection on swollen and edematous vaginal mucosa;
    • Ascending infection in the form of chorioamnionitis and infection of the fetus.

    third trimester

    A huge belly, heaviness in the lower back, swelling, high blood pressure and one thought - when? That's what a woman is in the third trimester of pregnancy. Worrying about the upcoming birth, especially in the last 2 months of pregnancy, makes sex less desirable for her. In addition, after sexual intercourse, there may be pain in the vagina and an increased tone of the uterus, in which there will be pain in the lower abdomen and lower back.

    At the end of pregnancy, the cervix softens, shortens, and its protective function decreases. Rough friction with a member deeply inserted into the vagina can provoke an outpouring of water and premature birth. Summing up, we note that the first and last one and a half to two months during pregnancy should refrain from vaginal sex, while no one canceled deep petting, oral-genital caresses. For re-pregnant women after operative delivery, that is, with a scar on the uterus, sexual activity during pregnancy may pose an increased risk. A doctor's consultation is required.

    With or without elastic

    The vaginal mucosa in the third trimester is very vulnerable. The immunity of the pregnant woman is reduced. Often during pregnancy, thrush appears, which indicates a violation of the microbiocenosis of the vagina. Based on the risk of infection of the mother and infection of the fetus, it is advisable to use a condom. For couples who, at the stage of pregnancy planning, underwent a joint examination for STDs, none of them violated marital fidelity, both observe personal and intimate hygiene in the absence of thrush, sex without a condom is allowed.

    Sex after childbirth

    Is there sex after childbirth? More likely no than yes. When discharged from the hospital, the doctor recommends refraining from vaginal sex for 5 weeks. This interval was not chosen by chance. In the old days they said that at this time a woman is “raw”. The uterus continues to be cleansed, the wound surface is tightened in its cavity. The uterus after discharge is enlarged to 12-14 weeks, the cervical canal is ajar. In addition, in childbirth there could be a dissection of the perineum or tears. The sutures were removed before discharge, but the scar has not yet formed, divergence of the sutures is possible. And finally, it just hurts!

    After a caesarean section, the skin scar requires care. The scar on the uterus heals much longer than the skin one. The outcome of subsequent pregnancies depends on its usefulness. Five weeks will fly by unnoticed if you pay maximum attention to a new family member and help your mother.