Sexual desire in women: reasons for its absence, how to increase it. Female libido: what is it?

A rich sex life is of no small importance in a relationship. If a woman does not experience pleasure from sexual intercourse, then this is reflected in her behavior in general. A decrease in female libido is associated with both physiological and psychological problems. The main thing is to identify the main reason in order to understand how to increase libido in women.

To begin with, treatment can be carried out with natural ingredients, for example, eating foods rich in zinc, folic acid and potassium (oysters, avocados). Sexologists advise taking dietary supplements that increase sexual desire. Most often, such violations can be eliminated independently, without resorting to the help of specialists. It is generally accepted that a woman begins to “bloom” and experience orgasm only after 25 years, but this fact is not scientifically substantiated - a lot depends on the partner.

Why does attraction decrease?

This is a fairly common phenomenon, and if this problem is not addressed, then in the future, reduced libido will lead to a complete aversion to intimate life. It will be much more difficult to restore what was lost. Loss of desire often occurs in women after childbirth. A young mother’s self-awareness changes, she devotes more time to the baby, and there is neither time nor desire left for sex. Usually this condition goes away within a year, and a man needs to have patience and endurance.

The second reason is the onset of menopause. The level of hormones in the body decreases, lubrication disappears, as a result of which it disappears. Of course, men suffer from this more, not knowing how to increase libido in women. Treatment consists of hormonal therapy. A favorable atmosphere, playing sports and giving up bad habits will help make your intimate life colorful and vibrant.

There are actually many reasons, the main thing is not to let the problem take its course and make every effort to restore this function. You can visit a sexologist who will help identify all the factors and give useful recommendations. An increase in libido will be possible if you diversify with your husband. New emotions, a change of scenery, a romantic dinner will help you relax and look at your partner in a new way. Never resort to various antidepressants and tranquilizers without a doctor’s prescription, as these drugs negatively affect sexual desire.

Seeds and nuts will help increase libido in women. According to experts, pumpkin seeds, almonds and Brazil nuts are natural aphrodisiacs. They are rich in arginine (an amino acid), this substance increases blood flow to the genitals and enhances sexual arousal. Dark chocolate has a similar effect - this sweet Viagra promotes the production of sex hormones and improves mood. If you follow basic recommendations, the question will automatically disappear: “How to increase libido in women?” Treatment in combination with hormonal agents gives positive results.

In more advanced cases, psychotherapy, homeopathy and antidepressants will be required. But before you resort to heavy artillery, try all the above methods. We must not forget that a decrease or loss of desire is often associated with conflicting relationships between spouses, and as soon as you change your partner, all problems immediately disappear. Pay attention to your feelings, try to analyze why this happened - the solution will be found by itself. In this article we told you how to increase libido in women. It is better to start treatment immediately. And we must not forget that it must be comprehensive.

One of the most popular questions asked to gynecologists and sexologists is: how to increase libido in women and return to a full intimate life? Today, such a concept as libido worries many women who experience a lack of sexual desire for psychological or physiological reasons. It is worth saying that any of the reasons can be easily solved, so you can increase your interest in sex by eliminating the root cause and using effective methods.

In the article:

How to increase female libido - psychological techniques

According to psychologists, in 80% of cases, a decrease in sexual desire in women is to blame for the situation that surrounds her. Negative psychological factors leave a huge impact on sexual mood, which can lead to serious depression. It’s quite easy to bring bright colors and positive emotions back into your life.

Love yourself:

  1. You shouldn’t constantly think about age, excess weight, wrinkles, small breasts, and so on. Complexes are not the best friend of libido, so you need to get rid of them.
  2. There is no need to worry about hair and makeup during sex. If you think about how you look at the moment, you will not get any sexual satisfaction.
  3. There is no need to try to be a super-woman, sometimes shift responsibilities to a man, and give yourself a rest. A tired and exhausted woman can only experience one desire - sleep.
  4. Learn to find time only for yourself. Go to a beauty salon, go shopping, chat with friends, relax and get some sleep. Such a “fasting” day will allow you to relax physically and emotionally.
  5. Sexual desire in women is initially born in the head, so give up hasty sex and include more foreplay in your intimate life.
  6. Don’t skimp on yourself, buy beautiful, erotic lingerie and good perfumes with aphrodisiacs.
  7. How to increase libido most effectively? Fill your life with romance, have a candlelit dinner, take a bath with aromatic oils, grab movie tickets for the last row. In this case, all means will be good to achieve what you want.

Each of these techniques will help you gain self-confidence, feel charming, desirable and sexy. Such emotions act no worse than medicinal stimulants, as the woman becomes more relaxed and open.

Techniques to increase sexual desire in women

There are many practical tips that will help in resolving an intimate issue. In order to find your own solution to the problem, you can try each one. The fastest and most effective solution to low libido are stimulants, which are created on a natural basis and are absolutely harmless. As an experiment, you can try Spanish Fly, Silver Fox, Chinese stick.

Spices and certain foods are good alternatives. For example, some spices have an excellent effect, they awaken the body and act as strong aphrodisiacs. These include ginger, vanilla, cinnamon, saffron, cayenne pepper. As for products, seafood, saturated with fatty acids and significantly increasing libido, will help here.

Traditional medicine recipes for increasing libido in women act in a complex way: they tone, strengthen and excite. The most powerful effect is provided by tincture of golden root, which is sold in any pharmacy. Jasmine flowers, oregano, arnica and homemade geranium are good for increasing libido. Dry herbs should be brewed according to the recipes indicated on the package and taken for 2-3 weeks.

Don’t forget about the benefits of physical activity, which will help you cope with existing complexes and fill your body with energy and thirst for life. To increase your libido, you can do swimming, yoga, fitness, or go for morning jogging. An active lifestyle will increase libido, give you a good mood and a beautiful, elastic body.

Training the vaginal muscles using the Kegel technique helps increase libido in women. You can use classical gymnastics or use special ball simulators. Such devices help develop the sensitivity of erogenous zones, tone the muscular system and improve the quality of sexual life.

Raising libido with gifts of nature

It's never too late to learn how to use the gifts of nature. Since ancient times, humanity has collected herbs and observed the body’s reaction under the influence of one or another infusion or decoction. Love elixirs, which were prepared from aphrodisiac plants with alluring aromas, were no exception.

One of these is Ginkgo biloba, the leaves of which have an amazing effect on libido in women. Read more about No less interesting is the aphrodisiac yohimbine, which has been used by men and women from African tribes since ancient times.

Essential aromatic oils are truly treasures of nature that can awaken sexual energy and make even your wildest fantasies come true. Among oil aphrodisiacs, it is worth trying the effects of ylang-ylang, patchouli, cloves, vanilla, bergamot, cinnamon, lavender, and clary sage.

If there is a slight loss of libido, you can try to cope with the delicate problem with the help of products that are also aphrodisiacs. The list of the most erotic foods included avocado, banana, asparagus, oysters and seaweed, red meat, pumpkin seeds, and strawberries. These products can stimulate the production of testosterone, which is necessary for fulfilling sex.

How to improve libido in women - a guide to action

If physiological factors have contributed to the decrease in libido, then it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment, after which the desire for intimacy will return. To solve the lack of sexual desire for emotional reasons, you will have to act comprehensively:

  1. The most important thing for a woman is to feel happy and desired. So don't forget to pamper yourself. Find time to visit a beauty salon, listen to your favorite music, and indulge in a glass of good wine and chocolate.
  2. Pharmaceutical ones do the job best. The one that has proven itself best is the active substance of which is Sildenafil.
  3. Erotic massage is an excellent foreplay, complete relaxation and unforgettable excitement. The massage should be carried out in an intimate setting, with pleasant music and aphrodisiac oil.
  4. , since snacking at work, fast foods and processed foods will not only provoke problems with the gastrointestinal tract, but will also contribute to excess weight and decreased sexual desire.
  5. Sport will miraculously fill the body with life-giving energy, strengthen the immune system and make intimate life better, richer and longer.
  6. Normalize weight, which reduces libido and self-esteem. Many women who are ashamed of their own body do not experience pleasure during intimacy. If you can’t lose weight on your own, visit a nutritionist.
  7. Get rid of bad habits such as smoking, which are harmful to the body, cause chronic diseases and interfere with full-fledged intimate relationships.
  8. Do not abuse alcohol, which may not be the best companion for healthy sex. A glass of wine or champagne on a romantic date is quite appropriate, but nothing more, since alcohol can not only invigorate, but also put you to sleep.

How to strengthen female libido, how to restore the intensity of feelings and extravaganza of desires? These questions arise for women of any age who are faced with a lack of sexual desire. Often this problem is short-term in nature, which may be associated with taking certain medications, after the birth of a child, or during menopause. However, if low libido continues for a long period, measures must be taken, since the lack of sexual desire will negatively affect physiological and emotional health.

New details of the high-profile “sex orgy” that took place in one of the nightclubs in Nizhny Novgorod have become known. A source close to the “heroine” of the scandal, Ksenia Smirnova, said that during an examination, traces of a female pathogen were found in the girl’s blood, which caused her...

Libido in women is the desire to have sexual intercourse and sexual attraction to a partner. Violation in such an area is not a very pleasant situation.

The problem is quite serious. Various factors lead to its occurrence - hormonal imbalances, stressful situations, chronic fatigue.

Before you figure out how to increase libido in women at home and follow any practical recommendations, you need to figure out what led to the decrease in libido.

Only by finding out which factors have a negative impact can you eliminate the problem easily and effectively.

Women are more likely than men to experience a decrease in sexual desire. Experts in this field identify two main provoking factors:

  • physiological problems;
  • psychological problems.

Physiological problems and conditions:

  1. Hormonal imbalances.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Diseases of the genitourinary system and other chronic diseases.
  4. Pregnancy.
  5. Breastfeeding period.
  6. Taking certain medications.
  7. Pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

Psychological problems:

It is impossible to increase a woman’s libido without restoring her emotional state and general health.

The defining symptom is loss of interest in sexual life, insensitivity of the G-spot, which after some time leads to the formation of frigidity:

  1. Behavioral manifestations - frequent refusals of sexual contacts.
  2. Nervousness, irritability, emotional breakdowns.
  3. Lack of sensitivity at the apogee of sexual intercourse.
  4. G-spot insensitivity.
  5. Psychological problems in relationships with a partner.

Frequent refusals of sexual intercourse can provoke congestion in the urogenital area, which has a rather negative effect on health.

How to increase libido in women

How to increase libido in women is a very pressing question. The lifestyle of a modern woman often leads to the appearance of such a problem. There are several ways in which this phenomenon can be eliminated.

The fastest way is to take special medications as prescribed by your doctor. But this can be done no less effectively with the help of gymnastics, food and traditional medicine recipes.

The use of morning exercises, auto-training, relaxation is what a woman should do at any age, especially after 50 years. During this period, problems with female excitability most often arise.

In addition, it is very important to get enough sleep, your sleep should be healthy. Libido increases if you do gymnastics every morning and incorporate it into your lifestyle. It should consist of special exercises that help restore the tone of the muscles of the pelvic organs and perineum.

Such actions improve blood circulation, enrich the vaginal mucosa with nutrients and normalize the production of hormones.

Fitness classes, swimming in the pool, and cycling are great ways to increase libido in girls and women of mature age.

When choosing to ride a bicycle, you need to take into account that prolonged riding on such vehicles can cause blood stagnation in the pelvic organs. Therefore, for representatives of the fairer sex, 15 minutes a day is enough for such activities.

Proper nutrition gives good and quick results for increasing libido in women. There are many different products that contribute to this:

It is important to know how to increase libido in women using folk remedies. Such recipes are accessible and proven. They effectively normalize female sexual function.

Herbal medicine is the most effective way to treat depressed sexual desire in women. The use of decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs activates metabolic processes in the body and increases libido.

Effective folk recipes:

It is very important before using traditional medicine recipes to increase libido to make sure there are no contraindications. Otherwise, you can provoke negative consequences for the body.

After childbirth, sexual desire decreases in most cases - this is a normal phenomenon, because there are many reasons for this. There are a number of ways to increase libido in women after childbirth.

You need to be patient with this. A man's attitude plays a big role. He shouldn't rush his wife. Everything should happen unobtrusively and gradually. The more rest mom has, the faster sex life in the family will improve.

What women need to do to increase libido:

If the above methods do not have an effect, then you need to contact a specialist for help. He will prescribe special medications that can be taken when a woman is no longer breastfeeding.

They should be treated with caution, as they can have a number of side effects.

Many female representatives resort to taking contraceptives. But they can not only protect against unwanted pregnancy, but also provoke a decrease in libido.

Any drug has its side effects. And the components of contraceptives suppress the production of testosterone, which is responsible for female sexuality.

With the emergence of such a problem, many are looking for ways to increase libido while taking birth control on their own. Some turn to doctors for help. But treatment is prescribed very rarely.

After stopping taking these medications, the problem disappears. Synthetic substances stop entering the body and after a while the amount of testosterone increases. It all depends on how long contraceptives were taken and on the characteristics of the body.

It is difficult to increase sexuality very quickly. Even if birth control is no longer taken, the body still produces a protein that inhibits testosterone production. This effect can last for several months.

The issue of increasing female libido is difficult not to classify as relevant. This is a problem that causes inconvenience and harms the health of both partners.

Therefore, it is important to pay attention to it, because to increase sexual desire there are many ways that can be used at home.

If you have a low sex drive, or libido, you may be having trouble initiating sexual intercourse or not enjoying sex. Luckily, with patience, a plan, and an understanding partner, you can rekindle that romantic spark in your bedroom. Spending more time together to build a strong bond with your partner is a great first step. Even dietary changes, such as consuming more zinc, can boost your libido. Consulting with your doctor and getting treatment for any possible medical conditions may also help.


Rebuild your lifestyle

    Spend plenty of quality, non-sexual time with your partner. Pick one night of the week to go on a date. Or spend some time at the gym or outside exercising. If possible, eat together. The stronger your emotional connection, the easier it will be for you to increase your sex drive.

    • Don't settle for a regular dinner date. Make it a point to have unique dates with your partner and try new activities.
  1. Divide household responsibilities. If one person is responsible for cleaning, cooking, and caring for the family, it can be very draining. Sharing household tasks will help both you and your partner feel rested and appreciative. It also creates a sense of partnership and collaboration that extends into the bedroom.

    • For example, try splitting up the cooking process so that you cook and clean up together.
  2. Focus on your partner for 15-20 minutes of daily meditation. Find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed. Close your eyes and focus on breathing evenly. Then picture your partner in your mind. Focus on how he affects your feelings, as well as what his voice is like, how he smells, and how he feels tactile to you.

    • Stay positive during this daily meditation. Imagine your partner smiling instead of screaming.
    • Expand your meditation to reflect on what you particularly like about your partner or what your favorite memory of them is. For example, think about what you did on your last anniversary.
    • You can even ask your partner to sit with you and meditate too. This will help you truly bond.
  3. Exercise at least 3 times a week. Alternate between cardio and weight training throughout the week, with a goal of at least three 45-minute workouts per week. Boxing, jogging, or even jumping rope are all great aerobic exercise options. Moreover, exercising a few hours before sex will provide you with an immediate increase in sex drive.

    • Exercise increases libido by improving blood circulation throughout the body, including the genitals. In addition, you will feel more comfortable and confident in your own body, which will lead to a more satisfying sex life.

Make changes to your sex life

  1. Talk to your partner about your sexual desires. This step is especially important if your sex drive levels are inconsistent. Be honest about how often you would like to have sex. Talk about any other sexual urges you have, such as wanting to try something new in bed. Discuss which activities you consider sexual and which you do not.

    • For example, your partner thinks that hugging is arousing, while you think that hugging is romantic but not sexy. This kind of thing can lead to contradictory hints and misunderstandings.
  2. Make a schedule for having sex. This sounds like the exact opposite of a spontaneous romantic date, but it can actually work. Set aside a few times a week, depending on how busy you are, when you can definitely spend an extended period of time alone in an intimate setting. This is especially true for women, who are known to get aroused just by the anticipation of these sexual moments.

    • And although the plan for sexual encounters may remain the same, in the bedroom you can try both unusual and traditional things, depending on your preferences. This is one way to add a little sparkle to your daily life.
  3. Give each other a full body massage. Besides the fact that a massage is a great foreplay, it helps you relax and enjoy the moment. Grab some massage oil, dim the lights, play soothing music, and spend about 30 minutes giving each other a massage. Focus on your entire body, applying moderate pressure if necessary. Not only will this improve your blood circulation, but it will also help you both relax and make sex much better.

    • Don't worry if you don't know how to massage. You can't go wrong by asking your partner to comment on the process. You can ask: “What do you feel?”
    • You can also look up professional massage classes online or even take classes if you want to expand your skill set.
  4. Spend at least 15 minutes of foreplay before sex. Arousal is not just a button that can be turned on and off. Making sure you spend enough time kissing and touching will increase your attraction. Try to focus on each other and forget about everything else going on in your lives.

    • Foreplay also helps prepare the body for intercourse, making intercourse more enjoyable.

Make changes to your diet

  1. Eat plenty of fresh foods. The idea that there is a diet that increases sex drive is unfortunately a myth. However, filling your diet with fresh fruits and vegetables will provide your body with more antioxidants and nutrients, which can lead to a better sex life. Bananas supply the body with vitamin B, which gives you energy. Avocado provides folic acid, which is good for blood circulation.

    • Tomatoes, broccoli and berries are all great options too. Fruits and vegetables in bright colors often maximize libido and also improve overall health.
  2. Consume foods rich in zinc. Zinc is an important mineral for female fertility and sperm health. You can get zinc from your diet by eating foods such as oysters, lamb, spinach and beef. Alternatively, talk to your doctor about supplementing your diet with zinc supplements or multivitamins.

    • Zinc also helps produce testosterone, which increases sex drive and keeps it high.
    • Women should consume about 8 mg of zinc per day. For men, this number should be increased to 11 mg per day.
  3. Minimize your alcohol consumption. There's nothing wrong with having one drink every now and then, but if you drink several glasses of alcohol every week, it will lower your libido. Try replacing alcoholic drinks with healthy ones, such as water with lemon. Alcohol impairs your blood circulation, which can make it harder for you to get aroused.

102 862 0 The relationship between a man and a woman is not only about mutual understanding, love and family problems, it is also about sex. But it’s not customary for us to talk openly about this side of the relationship. Agree that sexual relations with a partner are a significant component of a happy family. And if in an intimate sense everything is not very good for you, if you simply do not feel sexual desire for your man? Usually a woman is stressed out by this situation: she feels her own dissatisfaction, and even overthinks herself that her husband will find a mistress. How common is loss of sexual desire among women, what are its causes and how can it be corrected? We'll talk about this today.

Some statistics

Sexual relations with a partner are a very personal topic. And I doubt that any of you and I
will freely discuss their intimate problems with other people. Yes, sometimes we can chat with friends, but there are limits here: hardly anyone will tell even the closest friend the details. Therefore, to understand the essence of the problem, let's turn to statistics.

So, as research shows, the decline in sexual desire is due to the fact that women take on a lot in this life. And it is true. A modern woman must pursue a career, arrange a family home, worry about children, take care of herself, and not forget about her husband. There is simply no time or energy left for sex.

According to statistics, every tenth woman experiences a decrease in sexual desire for a partner, while some women - about 4% - complain of a lack of orgasm at all. Married women experience sexual problems more often than their unmarried friends. More than half of the fair sex suffer from such problems, but few turn to specialists for help.

Based on a variety of surveys, it is estimated that on average couples have sex about four times a month. This average figure is considered by specialists dealing with sexual problems to be a certain limit: those who do it less often have almost 100% problems in the intimate sphere. Moreover, these problems can be of a different nature - from a short-term decrease in desire for a partner to chronic disorders.

Women with small children experience problems in their sexual life more often. This is understandable; such women are, first and foremost, mothers who simply get tired of caring for their children. This exhaustion, both physical and mental, leaves no strength for sex. Men have an easier time in this regard. The title of one book, I think you know, is perfect here: “Men are from Mars, women are from Venus.” We are, indeed, structured very differently. By the way, whoever has read this book, share your reviews in the comments.

Why does a woman lose interest in sex?

A decrease in sexual desire in women always has some reason, sometimes even several at once. Here are the main ones:

  • You are in a long-term relationship

Very often, women lose sexual desire due to a sense of responsibility towards their man.
How are long-term relationships and sex related? Long-term relationships involve living together, household chores and a bunch of daily worries - all this “stresses” a woman. Moreover, it is “stressful” so that all her thoughts are only occupied with the fact that she needs to do the cleaning, that she needs to go to the store, that she needs to prepare dinner for the whole family, etc. and this “stress” does not help her sexual mood at all . Finally, partners, being in a long-term relationship, simply get used to each other. It is very difficult for a woman to distract herself from all these thoughts, but this is exactly what needs to be done in order to again enjoy the caresses of her partner.

  • No foreplay before sex

Foreplay before having sex is important. Firstly, it puts the partners in the right mood, so to speak, kindles them. Secondly, caresses and kisses also bring pleasure, sometimes even more than sex itself. For a woman, gentle kisses and touches are especially important. The complete absence of foreplay sharply reduces sexual desire and causes reluctance to have sex.

  • Perceiving sex as a duty

Indeed, many women perceive sex as a duty. Intimate relationships for them are a job they do for their husband. And they make it the way he wants, but they forget about their desires! At this moment, when a woman forgets about her desires to please her partner and begins to perceive sex as the same duty as cooking dinner, her sexual desire begins to decline.

  • Neglect of female sexuality

The view of sexual desire on the part of a woman and a man is very different. What matters to a woman is how she is seduced, charmed, and made to feel desired. Simply put, feelings and sensations are more important here, rather than a beautiful body next to you in bed - this is more of a masculine approach. A woman’s desire also depends on other circumstances: mood, time of day, even the weather. It can easily disappear from the wrong actions of a partner. True, it is easier to return it than to cope with a similar problem in men.

  • Health problems

Lack of sexual desire can in some cases be explained by health problems. Most often these are hormonal imbalances. This reason for the lack of desire to have sex is relevant for women during menopause. But the cause can be not only changes in the balance of female hormones, it can even be thyroid hormones. In such cases, to solve the problem, you need to see an endocrinologist.

  • Boring sex

In order for a woman to always feel a strong sexual desire for her partner, her desire must be fueled. Some sex therapists agree: for a woman to want sex, it must be something worthwhile and special for her. Very often, a decrease in sexual desire is not due to the fact that a woman does not want sex, but because she does not want the kind of sex that she currently has.

  • Lack of opportunity to express one's sexuality

Any woman is, first of all, a wife, mother and keeper of the hearth. Somehow all these roles are not associated with erotic fantasies. Often, in order to awaken sexuality and desire, a woman needs a change of environment: to do this, she needs to get away from the comfort of home and go towards her wildest fantasies.

  • Low self-esteem

Nothing can excite a man more than a horny woman. At the same time, a woman becomes aroused when she feels that she is arousing her man. But willingness to have sex on the part of a partner will not give anything if a woman is at odds with herself. All her thoughts that he can’t like her, that a man gives her compliments only because there is no one else around, lower a woman’s self-esteem. And such self-esteem, in turn, reduces sexual desire.

These are the main reasons for the decline in sexual desire. They can influence a woman's desire to have sex with her partner, either individually or in various combinations. Most often, several factors are to blame for a decrease in libido.

How to determine the cause of decreased sexual desire?

All the reasons mentioned and not mentioned above can be divided into three groups:

  • Physiological reasons or health problems;
  • Psycho-emotional state;
  • Relationships with a partner.

The problem of decreased libido in a woman is solved depending on which group of reasons are to blame for this. How to determine what exactly is preventing you from experiencing the same sexual desire for your partner?

To physiological reasons decreased libido include:

  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding, postpartum depression;
  • Urinary tract infections, thrush;
  • Vaginismus (impossibility of vaginal penetration due to involuntary muscle contraction), dyspareunia (pain during intercourse);
  • Menopause, age-related changes in the body;
  • Heart disease, anemia, diabetes, hypothyroidism;
  • The use of certain medications (especially antidepressants and contraceptives);
  • Alcohol and drug abuse.

Sexual desire in women is especially strongly influenced by hormonal relationships. First of all, this concerns the level of testosterone, which is responsible for sexual desire. By the way, in the modern world, the decrease in this hormone begins at an earlier age - after 30 years, and this does not correspond to physiological norms. The culprit for the lack of desire may be another, purely female hormone - prolactin.

In the case of physiological reasons for decreased desire, you need to visit a doctor, first of all, do a hormone test. If he identifies deviations, the doctor will prescribe treatment; if there are no deviations from the norm, you need to look for the reasons for the lack of desire for sex in your head.

Psycho-emotional reasons decreased desire in a woman can sometimes be even more serious than physiological. The latter can be dealt with with the help of a doctor, but you will have to fight the “cockroaches” in your head on your own. Even the help of a psychologist will only be a help.

We have heard the saying more than once that a woman’s main erogenous zone is her brain. And indeed it is. Depression, resentment towards her husband, fatigue, stress, low self-esteem, personal crisis - all this reduces a woman’s libido. A woman’s sex life is a very fragile mechanism that can “break down” even with good health indicators.

Simple example: Testosterone levels may be normal, but the brain simply does not respond to it due to constant stress or insomnia. In such a situation, a woman’s body is exhausted, and the brain turns on the instinct of self-preservation, which is much stronger than the desire to procreate.

To overcome this situation, you first need to recognize the presence of psychological problems. Then you should try to find your state of psychological balance again. This will be helped by healthy sleep, proper nutrition, sports, yoga. For severe depression and nervous disorders, it is better to consult a psychotherapist. But all these measures will not bring any results if the relationship with your partner is far from ideal.

Relationship with partner . Married couples who have lived together for a long time simply cool down towards each other. Some people put up with their husband or wife because of their child, some get tired of their spouse’s bad character. Only the two of you can find a way out of this situation; sometimes it is better to end the matter with a divorce than to continue mutual torment. Arrange for yourself days of rest without children, change your home environment to a restaurant or hotel, and finally, think about champagne, strawberries and cream, sexual games, erotic films.

If all these efforts do not give the desired result, then if you want to save your family, it is better to contact a family psychologist.

How to increase sexual desire?

What can you do to regain your desire to have sex with your partner? Here you will have to seriously work on yourself:

  • Awaken your sensuality– beautiful music, favorite perfume, aromatherapy, and a relaxing bath will help here;
  • Love your body– look in the mirror more often, study your body, emphasize your strengths, but disadvantages can always be eliminated;
  • Increase time for foreplay– talk to your partner, explain to him that you want more sexual caresses before intercourse, use sexual toys – this has a very positive effect on the arousal of both partners and helps to diversify sex;
  • Feel in good shape– for this you will have to do physical activity, even if it’s half an hour of jogging – this is the first level. Well, at the second level, pay attention to the muscles of the vagina - the well-known Kegel exercises are ideal here;
  • Get tested for hormones– this will help prescribe treatment if necessary;
  • Make changes to the menu– you know that there are aphrodisiac foods, so add them to the menu: pepper, ginger, cinnamon, anise, fennel, cardamom, seafood, chocolate, bananas, figs, ;
  • Use herbal treatment– you can stimulate sexual desire with decoctions and infusions with ginseng, aloe, celery;
  • Have a heart-to-heart talk with your partner- this will help you understand what is missing in your sexual relationship and find a solution together. The conversation should be frank, because this is the only way you can find out about each other’s sexual desires. Remember, no one can read other people's thoughts, so you won't change anything except through conversation;
  • Add romance to your relationship– candles, music, delicious dinner, wine – arrange such evenings for yourself at least once a month.

By the way, a romantic dinner on the beach can be a good way to add romance to a relationship.
sea, for example, during vacation. Why should you take a bottle of champagne and a bag of fresh fruit for an evening walk?! American sexologists claim that libido in women and men can be influenced through points on the feet. Therefore, walking barefoot on the sea sand is just the thing!

A decrease in desire in women is not always a bad sign; sometimes this is Mother Nature’s way of limiting reproductive functions when it’s “not the right time.” A condition can be considered dangerous when a physiological decrease in desire turns into a pathological one. But only a sexologist can determine this.

Each woman is individual; we all have different sexual constitutions, which is why we experience sexual attraction in different ways and at different levels. The main thing to do is to correlate your potential with your current state and not go to extremes.

Decreased libido in people over forty