Family Day celebration in kindergarten. Family day in kindergarten. Preparatory group. Family Day in Kindergarten: Scenario

Galina Gerasimenko
Plan of events dedicated to the Day of family, love and fidelity in the preschool educational institution

Target: spiritual and moral education of preschool children, introducing children and their parents to folk culture. Build children's understanding of family, cultivate love for their relatives.


1. To improve the educational, professional, theoretical knowledge of teachers in the spiritual and moral education of preschoolers.

2. To form children's ideas about the traditions of Orthodox holidays.

3. Raise in children respect for their people.

p/n Events Reach of participants Responsible

Working with teachers

1. Meeting with employees and teachers of the preschool educational institution planning and holding events Employees of the preschool educational institution Senior educator Gerasimenko G.A.

2. Briefing on the protection of life and health of pupils during the festive activities Employees of the preschool educational institution Senior educator

Osadchaya S. A.

3. Consultation for teachers: "Day families, love and fidelity» , Kindergarten teachers Senior teacher

Osadchaya S. A.

4. Making a symbol of the holiday - chamomile Educators preschool educational institution Educator

Uskova Yu.S.

Work with pupils

1. Conversations on the topic: "My family» , "What do I know about mom and dad", "My friendly family» , "What do my parents do", "Friendly everyone needs a family» , "What games do I play with mom and dad", "Day families, love and fidelity» , "How I Help My Mom"

2. Viewing photos "My family» Middle, senior, mixed-age senior preparatory group Teachers of groups

3. Didactic games: "Call Mom, Dad""Guess who I am to you" "Mother Daughter",

"Who needs what to work" Junior, middle, senior, senior preparatory groups of different ages

4. Reading thin. literature:

E. Blaginina "Let's sit in silence", "That's what mom", R. n. With. "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", V. Osiva "Sons", "Bone", E. Taranova « Family is mom and dad, and grandfather", E. Uspensky "Grandma's Hands", Yu. Yakovlev "Mother". Junior, middle, senior, senior preparatory groups of different ages

5. Finger games "My family» , "Mother" Junior, middle groups Group teachers

6. Role-playing games: "Daughters-Mothers", "House", « Family» , "Mom's helpers", Middle, senior, mixed-age senior preparatory group Educators of groups

7. View presentation "My family» . Multi-age senior preparatory group

Sklyar I.S.

8. Competition of drawings on asphalt "My family» Senior, uneven-aged senior preparatory group Educator Nesterenko E.V.

9. Watching an animated film "Peter and Fevronya" Junior, middle, senior, mixed-age senior preparatory group

Nazareva N. A.

10. Entertainment: "Day families, love and fidelity» Junior, middle, senior, mixed-age senior preparatory group Educator Trunaeva A.S.

Working with parents of pupils

1. Making a slide folder "History of the holiday" Teacher Pereverzeva T. A.

2. Consultations: "Mom, dad, I'm friendly family» , "Day families, love and fidelity» , "Role families in raising a child" Group tutors

3. Booklet "Day families, love and fidelity» Teacher Shevchenko S.S.

Related publications:

"Day of Family, Love and Fidelity". Scenario plan for entertainment for kindergarten children and their parents"Day of family, love and fidelity" Plan - scenario for entertainment for kindergarten children and their parents Purpose: to form primary.

This holiday is traditionally celebrated by the residents of our Nesvetaevsky village on the stage of the Nesvetaevsky village club, where all social institutions are invited.

Family is happiness, love and luck, Family is a summer trip to the country. Family is a holiday, family dates, gifts, purchases, pleasant.

MBDOU No. 31 "Blue Arrow", Tuapse, Krasnodar Territory Educator Strokan Olga Nikolaevna All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.

Holiday of family, love and fidelity Purpose: to acquaint children with the Orthodox holiday "Peter and Fevronia Day". Tasks: 1. Involve parents in joint participation with children.

A small sun on my palm - A white chamomile on a green leg. With a white rim, yellow hearts ... How many there are in the meadow, how many there are.

The scenario of the family holiday "Day of family, love and fidelity" in kindergarten. Topic: "Visiting Fedor and Maria"

fostering a responsible and cordial attitude towards the family.

1. Form a highly moral approach to the issue of maintaining family well-being;

2. Develop the ability of communicative communication;

3. Develop creative, musical and rhythmic abilities;

4. Develop positive emotions and feelings;

5. To educate preschoolers in understanding the share of their own participation in creating warm family relationships.

Host: Hello guys! Today we have gathered to visit Fedor and Marya in order to celebrate one of the most wonderful holidays, the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.

The Day of Family, Love and Fidelity was established in Russia quite recently thanks to a married couple who were canonized as saints. This is Prince Peter of Murom and his wife Fevronia, who lived in the thirteenth century. This couple are patrons of family and fidelity!

Family is happiness, love and luck,

Family is summer trips to the country.

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

Dreams of good, excitement and awe.

Family is work, caring for each other,

Family means a lot of housework.

Family is important!

Family is hard!

But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Always be together, take care of love,

I want friends to talk about us:

What a good family you are.

Children read poems about family

1 child:

Family is what we share for everyone,

A little bit of everything: both tears and laughter,

Rise and fall, joy, sadness,

Friendship and quarrels, silence seal.

2 child:

Family is what is always with you.

Let seconds rush, weeks, years,

But the walls are dear, your father's house -

The heart will forever remain in it!

3 child:

What could be more precious than a family?

Warmly welcomes the father's house,

Here they are always waiting for you with love,

And escorted on the road with good!

Children sing a song about the family "My family"

But a family is not only husband and wife. These are children, and grandchildren, and numerous relatives.

Family is us.

Family is me.

The family is mom and dad.

The family is Vladik's brother.

Family is my fluffy cat.

The family is two dear grandmothers.

Family - and my sisters are mischievous.

The family is the godmother, aunts and uncles.

The family is a Christmas tree in a beautiful outfit.

The family is a holiday round the table.

Family is happiness, family is home.

Where they love and wait, and do not remember evil.

Fedor: Guys, this holiday has patrons - Peter and Fefronya. Their family is exemplary.

And now I suggest you guess all the family riddles in order.

“Who is the master in the house first?

Who keeps the family?

Mom tell me ... probably! (this is Dad) .

Musical break: "dance of the Ruku with the right forward"

Who fries in the kitchen - soars?

Feeds all of us every day?

Clean, wash, cook

She is not at all lazy!

The whole family loves her. (this is mom)

Musical break: the song "Mammoth"

Who will tie all our socks?

Will we be petted?

And comfort in any trouble?

And tell us a story.

Will he play patty? (this is our grandmother)

Musical break "dance with handkerchiefs"

Who will take us by car

And invite you to go fishing?

Any business will teach us.

And he will take mushrooms to the forest.

There is no boredom next to him! (well, of course it's grandfather)

Musical break "dance of little ducklings"

Marya: Children, where do all the families live?

Children: - in the house.

Fedor: The house is a cozy, warm hearth. I suggest you build a house.

Competition for the best home.

(team - children take turns building one wall, another ceiling, etc.)

Marya: But sometimes there is a mess in the house, and then what we do is clean up. I suggest you: Clean up toys competition (children collect scattered toys in a hoop)

Fedor brings in a flower - chamomile, guys, what is the name of this flower?

Children: Chamomile.

Marya: Chamomile is the most famous and beloved flower in Russia. It has also been a symbol of love since ancient times. Nowadays, chamomile has come to personify the holiday “The Day of the Family of Love and Fidelity.

Presenter: Children, you spend a lot of time in kindergarten. Here you study, play, eat, relax. So the kindergarten can be called a big and friendly family. At the end of our holiday, we sing the song "It's fun to walk together."

In 2008, the Russian calendar was replenished with another holiday - the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. The holiday quickly took root and fell in love. Every year on July 8, pigeons are released into the sky, making wishes, giving daisies to each other and, more than ever, they feel that the main thing in life is family.

Family Day in kindergarten is held in the form of a festive morning party for preschoolers of the senior and preparatory groups. At the age of 6-7 years, children can already be told about friendship, love, devotion. An obligatory attribute of the holiday is chamomile. Floral themes are used to prepare the music hall for the event, crafts in the form of daisies are made at creative classes.

The Day of the Family in kindergarten can be preceded by a conversation between the teacher and the children, in which the teacher tells about the history of the holiday, the legend of Peter and Fevronye.

Family Day in Kindergarten: Scenario

The script was prepared by Gushchenskaya Svetlana Gennadievna, musical director of the MBU Kindergarten No. 151 "Dove", Togliatti.

Music sounds. Children and teachers gather on the central platform in front of the kindergarten building. The leader comes out.

Presenter: Hello guys and dear guests! We are glad to see you at our holiday of family, love and fidelity. It's good that we met today! A family is a home, a family is a world, a family is a fortress, behind the walls of which only peace and love can reign.

Family Day today in the world -
How many of you are in the family, four?
Let it become ten soon:
More noise, din, songs!
Let the family grow, grow stronger,
Never upset! (G. Cheremisova)

- Did you guys count how many people are in your family? Anya, how many people are in your family, say it loudly so that everyone can hear! Dima, what about yours? That's how much! Now listen to the poems about the family that the guys learned.

Children come out and recite poems.

1st child:

- Adults and children know
What is most important in the world -
Mom, dad, you and me
A friendly family together.

2nd child:

- Family is joy, warmth and comfort,
Family is a house where you are always welcome.
If peace and friendship in the family,
Everyone will be proud of you.

3rd child:

What could be more beautiful than a family
In this fabulous land?
I am very happy, now there is a holiday,
And this holiday is dear to me.

Presenter: How nice that now there is such a holiday! And it is called the Day of family, love and fidelity. This is the day of memory of Orthodox saints, the spouses Peter and Fevronia, who have long been revered in Russia as the guardians of the family and marriage.

Every person has his own family, his own home. And wherever we are, we always remember him, he attracts us with his warmth. Home is not only a roof over your head, it is your family and the people closest to you: parents, sisters, brothers, grandparents.

- In the old days, it was believed that every house should have a brownie. If the house is new, then the brownie was specially “invited”. Brownies help with the housework, keep property, often count it, love livestock, especially horses. Brownies protect the house from thieves, fires, and other evil spirits. Guys, what do you think, is there a brownie in our kindergarten? (Children's answers.) But now we will find out for sure!

Music sounds. Brownie Kuzya runs out.


“Hi guys, girls and boys!
I am a cheerful Brownie.
I keep peace here.
Make friends with me
Well, call me Kuzma.
And I came today
To congratulate you, friends.
Happy family day congratulations to all
And I wish you much joy!

Presenter: - Hello, hello, good Kuzya! Thanks for the compliments! Tell me, please, is it true that you live here?

Kuzya: - Yes, of course, the kindergarten is my home, and I guard it. I am very glad that every day you guys do not let me get bored. Come here, play different games, laugh, sing songs - in general, you amuse me. Well, today let me dance and play with you. Do you agree? (Yes!) Look, I brought my favorite ball to you for the holiday today. Do you have these balls?

Presenter: - Of course have. The kids love to play with them too. Here they are! (Throws out 3 more balls.)

Kuzya: - That's how good! We just need these balls for the game. Today there will be a very unusual dance game. First we will play with balls, and then we will dance.

- Let's hold hands together
And we smile at each other.
We got a circle
Let's start playing!

The game "Play and dance" is held.

Children stand in a circle. Adults divide the circle into two parts. Give two balls to two children on each side. With the beginning of the music and on command, the children pass the balls to each other in such a way that in the end the balls meet each other. It turns out two pairs with balls. The balls are given to adults, they go to the center of the circle and start dancing to cheerful music. Children in a circle repeat the movements behind them.

The game is played 2-3 times.


- Friends, I know one more game
And I suggest you play it.

- Now I will name different words, and you listen carefully, and if you think that this word is suitable for a happy family life, then clap your hands loudly, and if it does not fit, then wave your hands and say: “No, no, no! ".

- Friendship, respect, quarrels, insults, love, affection, rudeness, deceit, fun, joy, harmfulness, comfort, mutual understanding.

But the most important thing in a family is, of course, friendship! Both adults and children are friends in the family. Each member of the family has common interests, there are common things that unite the family, charge everyone with a good mood. And it turns out that adults and children become inseparable friends.

- Choose a friend as a couple,
Have a fun dance!

Children rebuild in pairs and perform the dance "Inseparable Friends", gr. "Barbariki". At the end of the dance, everyone follows the guides and takes their places - as at the beginning of the holiday.

Kuzya: - Guys, have you noticed that everything around is decorated with wonderful white daisies? Do you know why there are so many daisies on this holiday? (Children's answers.) It turns out that chamomile is the most famous and beloved flower in Russia. Chamomile has become a symbol of love and fidelity - the flower of Russian fields and meadows. This flower most directly relates to love. Who knows how?

Children: - On daisies, they guess "loves - does not love."


- Right! They call her yellow-eyed flower,
They plucked a flower - they guess with petals,
But in order to truly become happy,
You should not, believe me, pluck chamomile.

“It’s even better to invite Mrs. Chamomile herself to the holiday.” Do you guys want to meet her? (Yes!) Then let's loudly repeat the cherished word for the invitation - "Family" several times in the game. The poem will end with this word. Listen carefully:

- We got up early today.
Dad, grandma and mom,
Grandfather, sister, brother and me.
Together we are one ... family.

- In sorrow and in joy,
Knowing no fatigue
With defeat and with victory
I will return wherever I am.
Because it's waiting for me
My friendly … family.

- She is my support and home,
She is my friend in everything
She will help, encourage,
She might scold.
The whole mountain will stand up for me
My strong ... family.

Cheerful music sounds. Camomile comes out with balloons.


- Hello guys,
Girls and boys!
I congratulate everyone on the holiday,
I wish to be healthy.

- I heard the cherished word "Family" and came to you for the holiday. My name is Chamomile. I like summer very much. Do you love summer?

- You can sunbathe in summer
And lie down on the grass
Go to the forest for mushrooms
Catch fish in the river.
You can swim in the river
To gain heroic strength.

In the summer, the whole family can have a very good rest in nature. There is something interesting for everyone. For example, dad and grandpa can go fishing. How will they fish, you know? What are they fishing for? (With a fishing rod.) Do you know how to fish? And can you help dad and grandpa in the fishing business? Now we will check it.

The game "Fishing" is being played.

Choose 7 people in 2 teams. Each of the participants runs up to the “lake” with a bucket, takes a fishing rod, catches one fish, which they put in a bucket, and runs to the next participant. Whose team will catch fish from the "lake" faster, that is considered the winner. Before the start of the game, everyone says the words in unison:

We are a team of fishermen
Our catch will be glorious.
One-two, one-two
The game starts!

Chamomile: - Mom and daughter will be able to go to the clearing in the summer to admire the bright flowers. Today, on Family Day, I am the main representative of the flower world. Therefore, guys, I propose to create chamomile meadows around us. Now we will draw daisies in turn, one after another. To do this, I will choose 3 teams. As the music starts, you guys will run up one at a time and draw one chamomile petal at a time. And at the same time we will see which team will grow the most beautiful chamomile.

Chamomile and the Host choose 3 teams of 5-7 people. At a distance of 3-4 meters there are easels on which drawing paper is attached. On command, the children run to the easels and draw one petal at a time (the middle has already been drawn).

Chamomile: - What wonderful daisies have appeared around us. Oh, look, a butterfly flew to our flowers. (Shows a butterfly.)

- I said to the butterfly:
- Sit on the bench!
I don't need a bench!
I'd rather sit on a flower!

The relay game "Put a butterfly on a flower" is being held.

- Guys, we need to call the butterfly girlfriends and plant them on our chamomile flowers. You agree with me? (Children's answer.) Then I will again invite the guys to the teams now and give them such a bow tie. (Shows butterflies made of self-adhesive paper.) As you hear the music, run to the chamomile and plant your butterflies one after another on any petal. Whichever team plants the butterflies the fastest wins.

Chamomile and the Host also choose 3 teams of 5-7 people. Music sounds.

A common game "In the clearing" is held.

Chamomile: “Look how beautiful it has become. Oh, how I want to frolic here. Let's all play a fun game "In the clearing" together! Listen carefully to the rules of the game! When the music starts, you all jump from foot to foot anywhere in our clearing, and when the music subsides, feel free to choose any hoop flower. You run up to him and quickly join hands with your fellow friends. So we will bloom a few more flowers, and the clearing will become even more beautiful. Try to make the circles around the hoop flowers smooth and beautiful!

Hoops are laid out in advance - flowers. Music sounds.

The game "Caterpillar" is being played.

Chamomile: - Daughters and sons love to find different bugs, spiders, caterpillars in nature and watch them. Guys, let's turn into caterpillars now. We will get 4 caterpillars, which will perform different movements together on command. But the movements must be performed on each of the tracks synchronously, that is, simultaneously.

Children are divided into 4 columns. The guys, taking each other by the waist, squat on command, raise their legs, jump so as not to disengage.


- The bees flew into the clearing,
Buzzed, buzzed,
And we, too, will turn into bees,
We will return to our places.

Children buzz, imitating bees, and "fly" to their places.

The relay race "Running under an umbrella in one boot" is held.

Presenter: They say that all families are happy in their own way. But most happy families have a hobby, a favorite thing that unites both adults and children. Some sew, others can talk for hours about butterflies and beetles, but how nice it is to meet sports families among friends who don’t know what boredom is! The motto always sounds here: “To be strong, healthy, skillful and courageous is considered the main family business!”. And now I offer you an interesting and fun competition "Running under an umbrella in one boot." You ask, where did the second boot go? Let's assume he lost weight. After all, our competition is a joke, it will bring us a lot of smiles!

Choose 2 teams of 10 people. To the music, the participants of the relay race take turns running under an umbrella, putting on one adult boot per foot, up to the cone, run around it and return to pass the baton to the next participant. The fastest team is considered the winner.

Kuzya: - Chamomile, please tell me, but if it rains heavily outside, then the trip to nature is canceled. How will a friendly family act in this case?

Chamomile: - Even if it rains, the family will not be bored. There are many interesting home games. Well, for example, you can blow soap bubbles and admire them, play, bursting them.

Presenter: — This is such a fun game, you're right, Chamomile. And now let's start blowing soap bubbles to the cheerful music.

Kuzya: - I want too! Can I play with you.

Presenter: - Of course, Kuzya!

Adults distribute soap bubbles to children - they were brought in advance by parents for their children. To the music, children play with them for about 3 minutes.


- The rain was short-lived, children.
Bubbles and a trace caught a cold,
The sun is calling again
We walk all day long.

Presenter: - Chamomile, Kuzya, how glad we are that you came to our holiday. Now children will be able to teach their parents to play the games they learned about today.


- Games will teach everyone friendship,
Everyone will find joy in them.
The family will be very strong,
People will not remember once about quarrels.

- And now, friends, I invite you to my plots, where today there is a workshop for making daisies. Try everyone to make this symbol of fidelity and love for your relatives and give them in the evening so that none of the people close to you quarrel, so that happiness always reigns in your house!

Presenter: — Thank you, dear Romashka and Kuzma!

- Play music louder
Escort everyone to the workshops!

Music sounds. Everyone goes to their areas. Chamomile goes with one of the groups to the site, and Kuz with the other. In the workshops on the tables, where all the necessary material is laid out in advance, children are engaged in the manufacture of daisies. Chamomile can also be hung by strings on the site for decoration.

The teacher's story about the holiday (in his free time in the group)

On July 8, we celebrate the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. This is the day of memory of Orthodox saints, the spouses Peter and Fevronia, who have long been revered in Russia as the guardians of the family and marriage.

The seeds of kindness are planted in us.
Call on the memory of the past -
The Tale of Peter and Fevronia
A story of beautiful love.
You can be sad, sad,
But the soul cannot be silent.
The love song never ends
The song continues to play.

Peter was a man of noble birth, a prince. Having fallen in love with a simple Ryazan girl Fevronya, he married her. The couple reigned in the city of Murom at the end of the 12th - beginning of the 13th century. They lived happily, dearly loved each other and died on the same day. In ancient times, on July 8, both old and young went to church. In prayers, young people asked God for great love, and older people asked for family harmony. In addition, on this day it was customary to help orphans. Such children should have felt that Peter and Fevronia remember them: the time will come, and each of them will have their own family.

ON A NOTE. Caps of animals and vegetables at low prices in the specialized store "Kindergarten" -

Synopsis of the integrated lesson "Family Day" in kindergarten preparatory group

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, educator of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Purpose of material: This material will be useful to educators and elementary school teachers; children 6 - 10 years old.

Target: fostering a responsible and cordial attitude towards the family.
1. To introduce the children to the holiday - International Day of the Family.
2. Make a gift with your own hands.
3. Develop children's creativity.
Preliminary work: reading fiction, riddles and proverbs, looking at family photos.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Hello guys! Today we have another holiday in our country. But to find out what kind of holiday it is, you need to solve riddles. Ready?

- I have a mother,
I have a father,
I have a grandfather
I have a Grandmother,
And they have me.
What is it? (family)
Everyone knows this word
Will not change for anything!
To the number "seven" I will add "I" -
What will happen? (family)
- Without what in the world
Adults can not live and children?
Who will support you friends?
Your friendly ... (family)
Educator: Well, have you already guessed what kind of holiday it is?
Answers children.
Educator: What do you think a family is?
Answers children.
Educator: Of course, all of you answered correctly: this is when relatives and friends are happy, friendly, live in peace and harmony. Who do you think is in charge in the family: mom or dad?

Educator: Of course, all family members are the main ones. I want to invite you to play, but you need to listen carefully and answer loudly.
Game "Yes, yes, yes" or "No, no, no."
- Mom offends dad? (No, no, no)
- Will dad play with you? (Yes, yes, yes)
- Does dad go to the store? (Yes, yes, yes)
- Buying a limousine? (No, no, no)
- Will mom buy you candy? (Yes, yes, yes)
- And fry cutlets for you (yes, yes, yes)
- Will you take a cat to kindergarten? (No, no, no)
- Will you pour soup into a bowl? (Yes, yes, yes)
- Will you set the table for mom? (Yes, yes, yes)
- Treat daddy with pies (yes, yes, yes)
- Congratulations to everyone on the holiday? (Yes, yes, yes)
- Expects all success? (Yes, yes, yes)
- Will we celebrate Family Day? (Yes, yes, yes)
- Will we give flowers to everyone? (Yes, yes, yes)
Educator: Well done! Played very well
You answered correctly.
And now I ask you
Describe your family.
I suggest that each child tell about his family (a short story; what are the names of mom and dad, where and by whom they work, who cooks and irons at home, etc.)

Children tell.
Educator: To relax a little, I suggest finger gymnastics. Or maybe one of you will remember the gymnastics in which we name family members.
Child reads the words, and the children repeat the movements.
This finger is a grandfather
This finger is a grandmother,
This finger is dad
This finger is mom
This finger is me
That's my whole family!
Children show fingers on both hands, starting with the thumb.
Educator: Guys, can we say that we are one big family?
Educator: What is our family like? I suggest you pick up more words about your friends and girlfriends.
Children answer in turn. For example: My friend Varya is very kind, affectionate, sympathetic, beautiful, funny, smart, etc.
Educator: Do you have any household chores? How do you help parents? What is your help?
Answers children.
Educator: I am sure that your beloved moms and dads will be happy if you give them drawings depicting your family.
On the tables are the necessary materials for drawing, come up, choose and get to work.
Children take the necessary materials, get to work. While they work, calm music sounds.
Educator: You are great fellows, the work turned out chic. Let's summarize our lesson.
- What date do we celebrate family day?
- What is family?
- What do we call my mother or father's mother?
- In what month do we celebrate the holiday - Family Day?
- Who spoke best about his family today?
Exhibition of children's works.

Family is a big word!
Family is a ringing word!
Family is an important word
Everyone will tell you this.
Family is the sun that shines
Family is the stars in the sky
Family is all about love.
The love of sons and fathers
The love of daughters and mothers.
We give you our love!... A.V. Sidorova

The course of the holiday

Children and Educators enter to the music of "My Family", become a semicircle.

Presenter 1:
It all starts with family
The call of the child in the cradle
And wise old age pesky arrows,
It all starts with the family!

Host 2:
The ability to forgive, love and hate,
The ability to sympathize, and the difficulty in life to see.
It all starts with the family!

Child 1:
The ray of the sun makes us laugh and tease,
We are having fun in the morning
Spring gives us a ringing holiday,
And the main guest on it is the Family!

Child 2:
Family is important!
Family is hard!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Family is joy, warmth and comfort!
Family is a house where you are always welcome!

Child 3:
How many gathered in this room
Both parents and friends.
The boys have been waiting for a whole year.
Such important and honored guests!

Child 4:
Dear grandmothers, dear mothers,
Dear grandfathers, dear fathers!
We dedicate today's holiday to Family Day, and we are starting a fun concert for you!

Children sing the song "Inseparable Friends".

Leading: No party is complete without guests. They also came to our party. Meet!!!

The brownie Kuzya enters to the music.

Hello kids!
Girls and boys!
I am a cheerful brownie, and my name is Kuzma!
I came to you today to congratulate you, friends!
Happy Family Day!
Happiness to you, friends, love!
May smiles and fun
Fill your days!
We wish you to live in peace,
And cherish each other!

Leading: Kuzya, stay on our holiday!

Host 2: It's good that you guys all have a family! You are the happiest kids in the world! In your families they love each other, everyone lives together happily. Families are big and small. The main thing is that the family should always have peace, friendship, love for each other!

Presenter 1: Today the most honorable place on our holiday is occupied by chamomile. This is the most famous and beloved flower in Russia. It was he who became the symbol of the holiday - Family Day. And now, guys, come up to us, take a camomile each, and give it to your family. (children give daisies to the music of the Barbariki group, What is kindness)

There are many mothers in the whole world,
Children love them with all their hearts.
There is only one mother
she is dearest to me.
Who is she? I will answer - this is my mom!

Leading: You, dear mothers, guys give this song!

A song about mother "Zorenki is more beautiful and dearer than the sun ..."

Leading: And now the competition - "Dress up mom" ...

Host 2: Guys, what do you think, who is the head of the family - mom? Dad? Grandfather? Grandmother?

The children make their guesses.

Child: Oh, guys, don't argue, we really need moms. But daddies are important!!!

Father's hands, father's hands
They never get bored!
They have no rest on the day off,
Familiar to them is heavy and big!

Leading: You, strong, courageous, reliable dads, this song sounds!

Children sing the song "Dad can" ...

Host 2: And now guys, guess the riddle ...

Who knits socks for grandchildren,
Tell an old tale
With honey will give pancakes?
These are our…. (grandmothers!)

Leading: For you, beloved, kind grandmothers, this song!

Children sing a song about their grandmother "Dear grandmother, my grandmother."

Host 2: Grandmothers have beloved grandchildren and granddaughters. Now let's see how they help grandmothers at home.

Competition "Rewind the ball".

Leading: And the guys send greetings to their grandfathers.

My grandfather dear, we are all proud of you!
And I'll tell you a secret -
There is no better grandfather in the world!
I will always try
Equal to you in everything!

Competition for dads and grandfathers "Pull the Rope".

Adults and children know
What is most important in the world.
Mom, dad, you and me
Together - a friendly family!

Host 2: This fun dance is for all guests!

Dance "Stomp my foot"

Now hurry up and sit on the chairs!
On a holiday without poetry - it is impossible!
Tell them, friends!
Several people come out and read poetry.

Leading: Kuzya, why are you suddenly sad?
Kuzya: Everyone has a family, and I am alone! ...

Host 2: Guys, how to help Kuza?

Children answer...

Well - ka, Kuzya - smile, but you look around,
Here girls and boys
Mischievous and rascals!
Very strong dads, caring moms,
Stay Kuzya to live in our big family!

Kuzya: I got it! Thank you!
Moms, dads, children, me - we are one family!
How happy I am today, I also have a Family !!!

Host 2:
Hold hands together
And get in a circle!
And at our holiday,
As one family we will dance together!
General dance of adults and children.

All the best to you in life, and health,
Wealth, good warmth,
A family warmed by love
Always reliable and strong!

Host 2:
We wish you peace and goodness!
May the path be bright!
Let there be a friendly family!
And there will be a lot of happiness!

Leading: And now, we invite all guests to a tea party in our group "Solnyshko"!

Tea drinking in a group, children and adults.