Presentation on the theme of Christmas time for elementary school. Presentations on the theme of Christmas time, download for the classroom. Presentation "Christmas Days"

Nomination "Presentation in the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions"

Presentation about the holiday of Christmas and holy days in Rus'.

Target: acquaintance of children with the culture and traditions of the Russian people, introducing children to ancient traditions, fostering a sense of collectivism, friendship, the joy of communication.

The New Year holidays are over, but our middle group has its own, in our opinion, interesting, good tradition - to celebrate the Christmas holidays.

For example, on Christmas Eve, the children acted out the fairy tale "Christmas Tree". Children, despite their age, were happy to dress up as heroes of a fairy tale and take on the main roles. Thanks to this production, the guys learned why the modest Christmas tree became the symbol of Christmas.

The children's parents also took an active part in the celebration. With great interest, the children listened to the speech of the mother of the Unwed Roma, who spoke about Christmas in a very interesting and accessible way for children.

Christmas has passed, and the spirit of the festive mood is still in the air of our kindergarten. Christmas time! No wonder the people, from January 7 to 19, people walked, went to visit, congratulated and treated each other, had fun, amused the people with carols and thought: “As you spend Christmas time, the whole year will turn out.” The magic word "Carols" is a holiday where everyone becomes both a participant and a spectator.

During caroling, the villagers walked around the yards, stood under the windows, sang special laudatory songs, called “carols” after their refrain. The carol magnification is, first of all, the wish of an unprecedented, fabulous well-being and wealth to families. The most fun entertainment on carols was "mocking". The mummers caroled with songs and funny scenes. Favorite characters were Bear, Gypsy and Goat. Gifting during caroling is not just a payment, but a ritual that ensures good luck for the family in the coming year.

We prepared seriously for Christmas carols in kindergarten. Children were introduced to the history of the holiday, with the traditions that accompany it, they learned carol songs and poems. Parents took an active part in the preparation of attributes and costumes for the holiday, which contributed to the emotional perception of the holiday, and made an unforgettable impression on the children.

On January 18, our children, together with teachers and parents, in elegant costumes, with songs, walked around the entire kindergarten! The carolers put on a real performance. Children sang carols with wishes of health, prosperity, wealth, danced round dances, solved riddles, played with the Goat, and the owners gave the carolers gifts of gingerbread, pies, sweets, small money.

This holy day ended with a festive tea party near the Christmas tree, and watching a presentation about the Christmas holiday and holy days in Rus' in an atmosphere of magic, peace and kindness.

Presentation "Christmas Days"

EXTRA CLASSIC EVENT Night before Christmas from January 6th to 7th Until Epiphany on January 19th Christmas time is the main winter holiday in the peasant calendar, marking the transition from the old year to the new. Christmas time lasted two weeks, beginning on Christmas Eve and ending on Epiphany Day. Christmas holidays Christmas Eve Eve of the Nativity of Christ (Generous Evening, Rich Kutia) December 24 (January 6) Christmas Day December 25 (January 7) New Year's Eve Vasily's Evening (Generous Evening) December 31 (January 13) New Year's Vasily's Day, Memorial Day Basil the Great January 1 (January 14) Epiphany Eve Eve of Theophany January 5 (18) Epiphany Epiphany January 6 (19) Beginning of Christmas Eve Christmas is one of the most beautiful and solemn Christian holidays. On this day, decorated Christmas trees are everywhere, candles are burning. Christmas Eve is called "Christmas Eve". Christmas Eve in the Christian world is considered exclusively a family dinner. On this day peace, love and harmony reign in the house. A solemn service is held in the temples. At midnight, everyone exchanges gifts, congratulates each other, and makes wishes. It is believed that at Christmas the sky opens up to the earth, and the powers of heaven fulfill all their plans. But desires must be good. Yuletide fun During Christmastide, folk festivals, fairs, and booths are widespread. After a long fast, people had fun and feasted, rode sleighs, built snow fortresses. Fortune-telling One of the striking features of Christmastide was various kinds of fortune-telling. In the evenings, girls arranged fortune-telling to find out their fate for the next year. Girls throughout Christmas time at midnight performed a wide variety of fortune-telling, hoping to understand whether they would be able to get married in the new year. Christmas gatherings In the first days of the festival, according to tradition, it is customary to visit acquaintances, relatives, friends, give gifts. The central moment of all Christmas holidays was a family meal. Games at Christmas gatherings provided an opportunity for the presenter or presenter to show off wit and invention, and often real comedic talent. Cleansing rites - sweeping the house and throwing out Christmas garbage in deserted places away from home; burning Christmas straw or making fires; fumigation or sprinkling of household buildings with water; inscription with consecrated chalk crosses on doors and gates, etc. Carols Young people gathered in noisy companies, dressed in sheepskin coats turned inside out, smeared their faces with soot or put on masks symbolizing various animals and evil spirits, and went caroling around the village. The carolers knocked at the houses and, singing songs, offered the hosts to treat them. The Feast of Epiphany - the last day of Christmastide On the eve of Epiphany, they put signs of the cross with consecrated chalk on all doors, window frames and on the walls of all buildings in order to “protect their homes from demonic visits.” Bathing in the hole The believer plunges into the water three times, invoking God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. A necessary condition for the acceptance of this great Sacrament by an adult is firm faith and repentance for all sins. Sources ck/49c/voe%20dbvpuj_zvlixfs.jpg ticles/cac722f7439c64cf60eb22bffbf4e49e.j pg 4d.jpg g/ 28-1.gif /kolyadki/05k.jpg obichai.jpg tranoved/s6.jpg information http: // e4c33c62e4fac2761_prev.jpg /attach/c/ 0/53/465/53465964_svyatki.jpg osv_04.jpg 0/38 /430/38430051_ae91ae4ede1dc16996.j pg ews/preview/2011/01/19/960_1.jpg /33/19188b 998c53.jpg f4978e9f078b53d21_prev.jpg 1b/0_2c887_ee758c86_XL

The presentation on the topic “Christmas Christmas Divination” tells about those wonderful customs that have existed in Rus' for many centuries and have survived to this day. At all times, people wanted to know their fate, and Christmas evenings were considered holy, so with the help of special rituals it was possible to guess love for yourself and find out where the betrothed lives. You can download the presentation for middle and high school students.

There is a lot of interesting material on the pages of the electronic resource. Students will be able to learn:

  • how to tell fortunes on a wish for Christmas;
  • Christmas divination for the betrothed before going to bed;
  • divination for a guy by cards;
  • Christmas fortune-telling with a ring for children and future marriage;
  • determination of fate with the help of wax.

A presentation on the theme "Christmas time" will tell elementary school students or kindergarten students about how they used to have fun in Rus' after the holiday of the Nativity of Christ, timed to coincide with this celebration. The work was done by a 4th grade student. Adults helped him collect the material, so the design of the work is perfect. You can download an electronic resource to conduct classroom hours in grades 1, 2, 3, 4 or to accompany classes in the world around preschoolers.

Completed development on 11 slides. First, the author talks about what Christmas time or holy evenings are, and then describes the customs that are characteristic of different regions of Russia. Those who watch this multimedia resource will learn about caroling, fortune-telling, walking around the houses of mummers and tricks of evil spirits and much more.

The presentation on the topic “Kolyada” will tell children about the old Russian traditions of carols, which existed mainly in the villages and were an obligatory part of the Christmas celebration. Today, urban schoolchildren do not imagine such an unusual walk from house to house with songs, in costumes, with holiday attributes. So that our history is not lost in time, and traditions continue to live or are renewed, we suggest downloading a ready-made manual and having an interesting class hour for elementary school children.

From the presentation, younger students will learn:

  • what are carols?
  • caroling customs;
  • carols and carolers;
  • holiday poems.

The material contains the script for the class hour "A holiday that promises a miracle." The event is held in 8 classes. The class hour is held with the aim of telling students about what Christmas time is and how this holiday is celebrated.

The material contains the scenario of the class hour "The carol has come - open the gate." The event is held in all classes of the school. The class hour is held to awaken children's interest in folk traditions; contribute to the formation of cultural identity, strengthening of national feeling; encourage children to participate in traditional Christmas holidays.

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Slides captions:

The work of a student of grade 4 "A" Zalutsky Danila I. M. Lvov. Christmas holidays.

Compiled by: Shchekova Irina Lvovna Musical director (highest qualification category) Markovskaya Elena Borisovna Educator (highest qualification category) GBDOU No. 38 2016

Tasks: 1. Expand the concept of "Christmas time" 2. Customs and rituals accompanying "Christmas time"

Christmas time (holy days) - twelve days after the feast of the Nativity of Christ, before the feast of the Epiphany. They are also called St. in the evenings, it may be in remembrance of the events of the Nativity and the baptism of the Savior, which took place at night or in the evening. The church began to sanctify twelve days after the feast of the Nativity of Christ from ancient times.

Christmas time began with the walk of the praisers. On the night of Christmas, children or teenagers went home with a star to glorify Christ, i.e. sing Christmas prayers under the windows. The period from the evening of Christmas Eve to Epiphany (December 24 - January 6, O.S.) was popularly called Sviatki or Holy Evenings.

Calendar. Christmas fast - from November 28 to January 6 Christmas Eve - (the night before Christmas) from January 6 to 7. Christmas time - from 7 to 19 January. Nativity of Christ - 7. Baptism of the Lord - January 19. From January 7 to 14 - "holy evenings". From January 14 to 19 - "terrible evenings". There is not a single holiday in Rus' that would be accompanied by such a rich selection of customs, signs, rituals as Christmas time.

The mummers are the most important characters of Christmas time The youth strove to dress up in such a way as to change their appearance, make themselves unrecognizable, fool, amuse or frighten those around them with their appearance. Very often they dressed up as a goat and a bear, a crane, an old man, an old woman, a gypsy.

There are many customs and rituals that accompany Christmas time. One of them is caroling. Kolyada once upon a time was one of the main and very revered pagan gods. In his honor, games and fun were arranged at Christmas time. Kolyada was considered the god of fun.

The carolers were a group consisting of either children and adolescents, or youth, or adult members of the community. Sometimes carol singers walked around the village with a star, like singers.

Caroling was carried out three times: on Christmas Eve (that is, on the eve of Christmas), on Vasily's Day (on the night of January 14 according to the new style and on January 1 - according to the old one) and on Epiphany Eve (on the eve of Epiphany). Walking along the street of the village, the carolers approached the windows of the houses and sang: Christmas. We walked, we were looking for Koledoshenka, We went Kolyada to Pavlov's courtyard There is silk grass, damask tyn, iron gates, In the middle of the courtyard there are three towers: the first is a red sun, the second is stars. A cup of cereals or money felling. We have no money, not a half, One money with a spear, Stay yourself with the good.

With Christmas time, as with a period of transition from the old to the new, that is, a period of timelessness, fortune-telling about the future fate was associated. Usually girls guessed.


On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Synopsis of entertainment in the senior / preparatory group "Adventures at Christmas time."

Purpose: - to expand and enrich children's knowledge about the various traditions of the Russian people, about its culture. Program content: - to consolidate the knowledge of Russian folk tales in a playful way; - to maintain interest ...


Christmas time, winter fun....

The tradition of guessing at Christmas time is the most ancient and, apparently, will live on for a very long time. For in addition to the natural desire to know what is hidden, the sacrament of Christmas divination is very spectacular and exciting, and sometimes frightening and frightening. Christmas time lasts from January 7 to 19. So if you didn’t have time to tell fortunes on Christmas night, when magical sessions are most powerful, you will have almost two more weeks at your disposal when you can spend Christmas fortune-telling.

Divination is one of the signs of Christmas.

During Christmas time they distinguish:

The most "faithful" are fortune-telling on Vasiliev's evening - the eve of January 14, that is, on the Old New Year.

Traditional rules for any fortune-telling:
1. Guessing is possible only at midnight, while lighting the room is allowed with candles, but lamps and electrical appliances should be turned off.
2. When fortune-telling, keep complete silence, do not talk or laugh.
3. You can not cross your arms and legs. This will help, first of all, not to get confused when you need to take an object with a certain hand during the ceremony.
4. You need to take off all the things that encircle or bind you, whether it be a ring, bracelet or belt.
5. During fortune-telling, a person should not be under the protection of religion, therefore, crosses must be removed from themselves, and icons are hidden in the room.

A huge variety of methods of Christmas divination in Rus' were invented, but the main theme of all Christmas fortune-telling is fortune-telling for the betrothed (groom). This is understandable, because in ancient times, the fate of a girl depended entirely on how successfully she would marry.