"Spend the day of the city in kindergarten." Synopsis of GCD preparatory group Birthday of the city of Sokol

Leisure scenario in the middle group No. 6

"Day of the city of Krasnodar"

Leisure progress:

Children enter the music hall to the music and take their places on the chairs.


Golden autumn has come again

Nature gave us bright colors,

The month of September is coming to an end

And our favorite city holiday is coming!

Do the guys know the name of our wonderful city?

Children: Krasnodar!

Educator: That's right, guys, our beloved city of Krasnodar is preparing for its birthday. Streets, transport are decorated with flags and bright lights. And our guys prepared wonderful poems for the holiday:

1 child:

Catherine to the Kuban Cossacks

Gave a wonderful gift

So dear and dear to us

Favorite city Krasnodar!

2 child:

Our city is the best in the world

He gives joy to both adults and children,

Worthy of all awards and admiration!

Happy birthday to our city!


And there is such a wonderful tradition - to invite guests for the holidays. And today an honored guest is also in a hurry to visit us. Cossack Anfisa came to our kindergarten to congratulate us on the holiday.

Cossack Anfisa enters the hall with song about Krasnodar:

Shouldn't we, brothers, start a song?
Should we not praise our city?
By the Kuban River, a Cossack stood on a stone:
Here we, brothers, start the city!

Clouds passed over the earth
The city was named Krasnodar.
Cossacks rode on their shoulders like poppies,
Red hoods blazed.

Two seas are caressed by the winds,
To us and the sun is red in the morning.
And at each roof in the white foam of cherries -
Good spring time here.

No, not without reason, brothers, Cossacks
The city was named Krasnodar.
By the river Kuban proudly stood on a stone -
City of our glory, Cossacks!

Cossack Anfisa:

Hello, dear Cossacks! How good you all are, how handsome you all are!

Educator: Dear Cossack Anfisa, our guys really liked your song about Krasnodar, and our guys also know the song about the glorious Cossacks and their native Kuban. Hear how we sing!

The song "At the Kuban Mother River"

Cossack Anfisa:

Oh, guys, you are not just guys - you are real Cossacks.

We all love our Motherland - Kuban. But these autumn days our dear city is getting ready to celebrate its birthday - Krasnodar will be 221 years old! Let's admire our wonderful city together.

Presentation: City of Krasnodar.

· Beautiful and wide - the Kuban is a wide river!

· And in these beautiful places the queen ordered to build a glorious city!

Where will live and old and young!

And here are Krasnodar live panoramas:

Here stately temples ascend to the sky,

· Colored, enthusiastically beat fountains.

Bridges here and there across the river!

There are stadiums here

and libraries,

· Shopping centers,

There are theaters too!

· Our city is green, blooming, beautiful!

Even the dogs are comfortable here!

And the red tram will ring in the dark,

At night, the city will meet with colored lights,

· We guard the city with Cossack ancestors.

The train station welcomes guests

· And fly faster by plane!

· And in Krasnodar Sports flourish everywhere!

Everyone plays football, volleyball and handball

And of course he is the most beloved

Our Anniversary Neighborhood,

It is very beautiful and bright life here,

· The Kuban River is everywhere and the sea of ​​sun!

Krasnodar you are the best in the world,

And even the kids know it!

Cossack Anfisa: Guys, did you recognize our city? Here he is different, interesting and elegant.

Educator: Yes, thank you Cossack for your story. And now our guys really want to play an interesting game with you. To do this, we will stand in a large circle, and you become in the center.

Look at daddy

And now try, catch-catch up!!!

Game "Catch up with daddy"

Cossack Anfisa:

Oh guys, come on fast! Not guys, but eagles!!!

I'm tired - I'll rest, I'll sit here, I'll sit!


Sit down, guest. And our guys are tired and don't know. And they start a new game! Hey Parna-a-as!!!

A child comes out, playing the role of Parnassus. He is blindfolded.

The game starts:

What you stand on, what you sell, catch flies, not us.

Cossack Anfisa:

Yes, Cossacks, you have amused me! But it's time for me to get on my way. To the house, to the hut! And you are not sick. Call for a visit! And now. It's time for me to say goodbye! Goodbye guys!!!

City Day in Kindergarten

On the eve of the birthday of our city in MADOU "Joy" a thematic event was held for children of senior and preparatory groups "Look how good the city you live in!"

To the song about their beloved city, the children entered the festively decorated music hall. The holiday opened with a virtual tour of the city. The children were shown the presentation "My Gubkinsky", on the slides of which the pupils recognized the sights of our city, as well as its symbols.

During the event, poems and songs about the native city were sung, exciting games were held. So, in the modeling game “Building a City”, the children were asked to build the city of their dreams. Divided into teams, children with a largewith pleasure, with the help of soft modules, they constructed the objects of the city - a hospital, an art school and a store.

The design game "Oil rig" was held.

After the end of the event, role-playing games with buildings were organized for children.

An exhibition of drawings by kindergarten students on the theme "The city of my dreams" was also organized.

This event expands children's ideas about their hometown, the state symbols of the district and the city, fosters interest and respect for the traditions of their homeland.

Program tasks:

  • To expand children's ideas about their hometown, the holiday - the birthday of the city;
  • To introduce children to an unconventional drawing technique - color scratching;
  • Develop independence, activity throughout the work;
  • To educate in children love for the Motherland, native city.

Preliminary work:

  • Conversation about the holiday - the birthday of the city;
  • Examination of illustrations with the sights of the native city;
  • Reading fiction;
  • Examination of illustrations and photographs of fireworks;
  • Blanks for color scratching (coloring a sheet of paper with wax crayons, painting the sheet with black gouache).


  • Illustrations depicting fireworks;
  • Album sheet prepared for scratching;
  • Sticks with a pointed end;
  • Napkins.

GCD progress

caregiver: Guys, what holidays do you know? (New Year, Victory Day, birthday)

Guys, do you know that birthdays happen not only for children, but also for cities. On Saturday our city will celebrate its birthday. He will be 868 years old.

Guys, what is the name of our city? (Moscow)

What is the name of the inhabitants of the city of Moscow? (Muscovites)

On the day of the city, folk festivals and concerts will be held in parks and squares. And when it gets dark, all the people gather to watch the fireworks.

And who knows why fireworks always happen in the evening and not in the morning? (children's answers)

Correctly so that it was better visible, the lights shone brighter. Let's look at illustrations depicting fireworks (viewing illustrations).

Today we will draw a festive fireworks. And we will draw it using the new scratching technique, which means scratching on paper. Look at your blanks, they are already covered with black gouache. Let's remember how we prepared such blanks? (children's answers)

Let's see, so that we get a salute, we need to take a wand and scratch a salute on a sheet of paper. When you scratch under the black layer you will see a colored layer.

First, think over your composition before you start working and let's all think together how to make our work safe, because you will have to draw with sharp, and therefore dangerous tools.

(The teacher, together with the pupils, thinks over safety precautions)

And now we take a wand in our hands and begin to scratch the salute, everyone will get a different, but very beautiful salute. I came up with this fireworks.

Practical activities for children.


What a beautiful fireworks display. Everyone is different, but very colorful and festive. Guys, what new technology did you meet today? (children's answers)

What is the name of the holiday that we will celebrate on the weekend? (children's answers)

Let's arrange an exhibition of your work so that your parents can see this beauty.

Synopsis of GCD in the middle group - "Birthday of the city"

Summary of GCD in the middle group on the topic:

"Birthday of the City"

Target:instill in children love for the motherland, hometown; evoke in children a sense of pride in their city, their country.


To consolidate knowledge about the hometown, the holiday - the birthday of the city;

Cultivate love and affection for your home, your hometown;

Enrich children with new experiences;

To create a good mood in children, emotional responsiveness, high activity, a desire to demonstrate their knowledge and skills.

Preliminary work: conversations about the upcoming holiday - the birthday of the city, about city sights, about the need to know your home address; targeted walks around the territory of the kindergarten, to the school and the nearest streets (with parents); didactic games "What has changed", "Let's build a house", "Cut pictures"; role-playing games "Kindergarten", "Visiting a friend", "Shop"; reading poems by Z. Alexandrova "Motherland", P. Voronko "Green City", M. Plyatskovsky "At the Parade"; walk around the evening city with parents.

Materials and equipment: photographs and illustrations of city sights, presentation "My city - Yekaterinburg". Photo exhibition "I love Yekaterinburg".

1. Organizing time

Teacher. Why and why did fun come to us?

After all, it's not New Year's Eve and it's not housewarming.

But it's not for nothing that we now have fun with friends,

What do we have, what do we have

Guess yourself.


2. Work on the topic of the lesson

Teacher. Guys, what holidays do you know? (Children list)

On which holiday do you become one year older? (Children's answers) That's right, this is a holiday - Birthday. Did you know that birthdays are celebrated not only by adults and children, but also by cities. Today, August 18, we celebrate the birthday of our city. He turned 298 years old (the city was founded in 1723)

Guys, what is the name of our city? (children's answers)

What is the name of the inhabitants of the city of Yekaterinburg? (children's answers)

Today is the birthday of the city, which means that the holiday has come to every home, because the history of any city is created by the people who inhabit it. I know that many children have prepared poems about the city, let's listen to them.

Our city - well, just class!

It was built for us

So that children and grandchildren grow up here,

We could be proud of the city.

Everyone was happy

And they loved their city!

My city is the best

I tell all people.

With a happy smile

I'm looking at my city!

My city is Yekaterinburg.

It did not suddenly appear on the map,

And at the behest of Peter

Built solidly, forever

Here, on the Ural side

I was also lucky to be born.

With friends we go around the city

Find out the history of the page.

Plotinka. The square beckons

St. Catherine's temple stands ...

Iset river in granite banks

And the time is new on the tower clock.

My city is my home!

Here the royal family suffered.

I feel my responsibility

For all the affairs in my native land.

Teacher. Now, kids, let's move on.

Physical education minute "Smile"

Up and down hand jerks (One hand up, one hand down)

It's like we're waving flags. (Jerking hands change)

Stretching our shoulders

Hands move forward.

Hands to the sides. Smile. (Hands on the belt)

Lean left and right. (Tilts to the side)

Squats start, (Squats)

Don't rush, don't lag behind.

And in the end - walking in place, (Walking in place)

Everyone has known this for a long time.

We all managed to warm up,

And they sat down again. (Children sit down)

Teacher. Guys, have you noticed how smart, washed after the rain, our city woke up today, how clean and beautiful our streets are.

This coming weekend in the city parks and on the square will be held festivities, concerts.

And in the evening, fireworks will bloom over the city.

Where will the festivities and fireworks take place? (In the city center, on the central square).

Do you guys know what holiday our city will celebrate? (Children's answers) Right! Tomorrow is our city's birthday.

And let's "walk" through our streets right now. But this will not be a simple walk, but a photo walk.

Presentation"My city is Yekaterinburg"

Teacher. Guys, there are hero cities, museum cities, resort cities. And who knows what our city is famous for? (Factories) There are many factories in Yekaterinburg, but the largest ones are the Kalinin Plant, the Ural Heavy Engineering Plant and the Electrotyazhmash Plant. (Showing illustrations) as well as many other plants.

Guys, you and I live in a city in which many houses, educational institutions, shops and other buildings are being built. What are houses built from now? (Made of bricks, blocks) Modern houses are multi-storey, many large windows, there are balconies, loggias. (Showing an illustration of the Vysotsky building) This is the tallest building in the country, not counting Moscow ones. There are higher buildings in the capital of our Motherland.

What are balconies and loggias for? (People go out on them to look outside, they grow flowers on the balconies to make it beautiful).

What is the name of the entrance to the house? (Entrance)

Guys, let's build a house.

finger game "Building a house"

Knock yes knock - there is a knock everywhere, (Knocking fist on fist)

We are building a house, a big house, (Palms above the head "house")

And with a porch, and with a pipe. (Put palms together)

Smoke comes out of the chimney, (We show smoke with the movements of the lips)

There is a lock on the door. (Hands in the "lock")

Who could open it?

Pulled, twisted, (Hand movements through the text)

They knocked and opened.

We open the gate

Come all here. (We spread the palms of our hands to the sides)

Teacher. Many people live in modern houses. They keep order in the entrance, plant trees and flowers near the house, so that the air is clean, and everyone would be pleased to live in such a house. Beautiful houses form beautiful streets, and this makes our city smart and special.

What streets do you know? (children's answers)

Raise your hands, who lives on the street of Industry, Victory, Rebellion, Voters.

Guys, what interesting things did you notice on the streets of the city? (Decorated with flags, colorful lights everywhere)

Why are the streets festively decorated? (All citizens celebrate the birthday of the city. That is why the city is so beautiful)

Children, let's walk along the streets of the city.

3. Summary of the lesson

1. What is the name of our city?

2. Who are the people of Yekaterinburg?

3. What holiday do the townspeople celebrate?

4. How is the city decorated for the holiday?

And now we will draw a festive salute in honor of the city's day. (drawings are placed on the exhibition).

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 299 "Friendship", Rostov-on-Don

Synopsis of GCD in the middle group

City Day: Rostov-on-Don!


Ivanova M.A.

Preliminary work:

Conversation about hometown

Construction of public buildings

Video city tour

Modeling elements of architecture

Learning poems and songs about his native city.


To fix the concept of "street", "square", to name the characteristic features of the street and the square (the street is a long road along which vehicles travel, a sidewalk for people, houses along the roadsides).

To form generalized ideas about constructed objects.

To form the ability to build their own ideas.

To cultivate love for their native city, to arouse in children a sense of pride in their city.

To expand children's ideas about their hometown, its attractions.


Photos depicting streets, squares and other objects; building sets, road plates and other items for further play.

Lesson progress

Educator: Why and from what did fun come to us?

After all, it’s not New Year’s and it’s not housewarming.

But it's not for nothing that we now have fun with friends,

What do we have, what do we have

Guess yourself. (Holiday)

Educator: Guys, what holidays do you know? On which holiday do you become one year older? Did you know that birthdays are celebrated not only by adults and children, but also by cities. Today is our city's birthday. And how old is our city? (Answers of children).

I suggest you guys go on a trip around the city of Rostov-on-Don, the Hero City. We will visit the sights of our city with you, maybe you have already been to these places with your parents and know something.

Now take your seats on the bus.

We got on the bus together
And looked out the window.
Our driver pressed the pedal,
And the bus ran.

Our tour bus. I will be your tour guide.

Please look to the right. ( displaying pictures on an easel Rostov theater drama them. Maxim Gorky.

Guys, have any of you been here? ( children's responses).

That's right, the Rostov State Circus?

We got on the bus together
And looked out the window.
Our driver pressed the pedal,
And the bus ran.
Stop! Cars have a red light.
We have no further way.
Look at the windows
And think a little.
What is the place in front of you?
Answer quickly yourself.

A photo appears on the easel Rostov zoo.(children answer)

Who lives in the Rostov zoo (answer of children, photos of animals)

The children get on the "bus" and the tour continues.

We got on the bus together
And looked out the window.
Our driver pressed the pedal,
And the bus ran.
Stop! Cars have a red light.
We have no further way.
Look at the windows
And think a little.
What is the place in front of you?
Answer quickly yourself.

On the easel, a photograph of the railway opens station.

This station building was built a long time ago. Do you guys know what professions people work at the Railway Station? (children's answers).

Dynamic pause:

Physical education "Utensils"

Here is a large glass teapot,

(children "inflate" the stomach, one hand is on the belt, the other is bent like a spout)

Very important as a boss.

Here are porcelain cups,

(squat, one hand on the belt.)

Very fragile, poor thing.

Here are porcelain saucers,

(Whirl around, drawing a circle with their hands.)

Just knock - they will break.

Here are the silver spoons

(stretch, arms up, close over head)

Here is a plastic tray -

(Make a big circle.)

He brought us dishes.

Our tour continues. Take your seats on the bus.

We got on the bus together
And looked out the window.
Our driver pressed the pedal,
And the bus ran.
Stop! Cars have a red light.
We have no further way.
Look at the windows
And think a little.
What is the place in front of you?
Answer quickly yourself.

Get off the bus, look where we've come. We arrived at art gallery Rostov-on-Don. The gallery contains a large number of works by local artists of the Soviet period. The Art Gallery regularly hosts personal, group and thematic exhibitions of contemporary Russian art.

We got on the bus together
And looked out the window.
Our driver pressed the pedal,
And the bus ran.
Stop! Cars have a red light.
We have no further way.
Look at the windows
And think a little.
What is the place in front of you?
Answer quickly yourself.

Photographs of the Don River appear on the easel. "River Station" Look at this building children's answers.) Currently, cargo barges continue to operate in the river port, transportation from plants and factories is carried out. Our tour of wonderful places ends and it's time for us to return to kindergarten.

We got on the bus together
And looked out the window.
Our driver pressed the pedal,
And the bus ran.
Stop! Cars have a red light.
We have no further way.

Today we visited many interesting places, saw many buildings.

Now, I suggest you play the game.

Didactic game "Collect the monument."

Compose a photograph of the monument from parts and name it.

Building a house

Knock and knock all day long
There is a loud knock.
The hands are clenched into fists, the thumb is raised up, tapping on the index fingers.
Hammers are knocking
Bang fist on fist.
We are building a house for children (hare, squirrels).
Connect your fingers, show the "roof".
What a nice house
Squeeze-unclench fingers.
How well we live.
Rotate the hands.

Guys, are there squares and streets in our city? Which? (children's answers)

What street is our kindergarten located on? (children's answers)

There is also Lenin Square in our city. What squares do you know in our city? (Chkalov Square, Teatralnaya Square) What is the difference between a street and a square? (A square is an open, large space between urban areas, may be located at an intersection, has the shape of a square or rectangle.)

The teacher offers the children to build a street or a square from a building set, suggests using various materials and substitute items. At the end of the lesson, he brings in cardboard benches and plasticine lanterns (made in advance) and suggests equipping a recreation area. And leaves the children, keen on construction, to move into a role-playing game.