Living wage in the Sakhalin region. Subsistence minimum in the Sakhalin region Main socio-demographic groups of the population

Sakhalin trade unions have obtained the consent of the authorities to revise in 2016 the current agreement on the minimum wage in the direction of its increase in the event that the subsistence level of the able-bodied population exceeds the minimum wage approved in the region, news agency reports with reference to the Sakhalin Regional Union of Trade Union Organizations.

The draft agreement on the minimum wage in the Sakhalin region for 2016 caused heated discussions among the participants in the meeting of the regional tripartite commission for the regulation of social and labor relations. Sakhalin trade unions, employers and representatives of the authorities argued whether to raise the minimum wage or not during the meeting of the commission and after it.

In July, as a matter of routine, the parties to the social partnership signed an agreement to increase the minimum wage in the Sakhalin Region. Thanks to this, the minimum wage set in our region has become one of the highest in the country. Today, for employees working at enterprises in the southern and central regions of the region, the minimum wage is 15 thousand rubles (before the signing of the agreement it was 13 thousand 250 rubles). For citizens working in the Nogliki and Okhinsky districts - 18 thousand 571 rubles (previously - 16 thousand 405 rubles). For citizens carrying out their activities in the Kuril, Severo-Kuril and Yuzhno-Kuril regions - 20 thousand rubles (until July 1 - 17 thousand 667 rubles).

On November 30, during a meeting of the commission, a decision was to be made on the size of the “minimum salary” for 2016. However, this time the positions of the parties did not coincide. The regional government, represented by the labor agency, arguing that since July 1 the size of the minimum wage in the region has increased significantly, proposed to prolong the current agreement, leaving the existing minimum wage unchanged, and then, in 2016, to act depending on "trends in the economy."

The trade union side insisted on increasing the minimum wage in 2016, taking into account inflation rates and the real subsistence level of the able-bodied population in the region, which will be formed in the first quarter of next year.

As a result of negotiations and consultations, representatives of the authorities, the Sakhalin Regional Union of Trade Union Organizations and regional employers decided to extend the current agreement. At the initiative of the Sakhalin trade unions, a clause was added to the final version of the agreement, according to which the parties to the social partnership undertake, in the event that the subsistence level of the able-bodied population in the Sakhalin Region exceeds the established minimum wage, within a month after the publication of the regional government's resolution approving the subsistence minimum for the corresponding quarter, to negotiate an increase in the minimum wage and conclude a new agreement.

Anatoly Krutchenko, chairman of the Sakhalin Regional Union of Trade Union Organizations: "Despite the complexity of the negotiation process, the trade union side ensured that our position was taken into account. Depending on the growth of the living wage in 2016, the minimum wage will also grow. work was below the subsistence minimum for the able-bodied population of the Sakhalin Oblast. In this regard, "binding" the size of the "minimum wage" to these economic indicators is justified and logical."

The living wage in Russia (hereinafter referred to as PM) is a fixed minimum amount that every citizen of our country must receive in order to meet their material and spiritual needs in the minimum amount. In fact, PM is cost of the minimum consumer basket. This figure is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, based on the economic situation in a certain period of time, on average it is calculated quarterly, for example, for the 2nd quarter of 2020, the cost of living was 10 thousand 329 rubles. (per capita). In order for the size of the PM to change significantly, serious political and economic changes are required. Ideally, the cost of living should rise each year to account for this inflation, but unfortunately this practice does not happen as often as expected.

Modern life requires constant attention to material issues. It is impossible to imagine the full existence of each of us, without focusing on monetary benefits, without which it is already difficult to imagine the life of any person. And no matter how much we would like the world to become at least a little different, yet every day we have to turn our attention to the material world. In our country, there is the concept of a minimum subsistence level, which determines many components of the social structure. Today we will find out what the cost of living will be in 2020 in Russia and how this will affect the life of ordinary citizens.

The cost of living for a pensioner in 2020

Important! When a pensioner receiving a subsidy is employed and receives an official salary, he must report this to the Pension Fund to stop accruals. Otherwise, he will be obliged to compensate all the financial damage caused to the local budget.

  • a transport card is issued monthly, allowing you to use public transport free of charge with the establishment of a certain travel limit;
  • complete exemption from property tax. Pensioners who own an apartment do not pay tax on it. Moreover, such tax exemption for pensioners is established for each type of real estate separately. A pensioner who owns an apartment, a private house, and a car will not pay property tax at all, and legally;
  • exemption from income tax. There is no tax on pensions;
  • in some regions, a subsidy for telephone communications is established for pensioners. In Moscow, for example, its size is 190 rubles;
  • subsidies for utility bills;
  • drug subsidies;
  • free medical care in those health care institutions where citizens were attached before retirement;
  • providing discounts in hypermarkets.

Living wage for 2020

Based on Article 3 of the said Federal Law, the minimum wage is used to regulate wages and determine the amount of benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth, as well as for other purposes of compulsory social insurance.

We are all used to hearing such concepts as the minimum wage (minimum wage) and the cost of living per capita. How do these concepts differ and what do they have in common? By the way, it should be noted that the minimum wage for an employee should not be lower than the subsistence level, which is set in the region where the employee works.

Living Wage 2020

  1. A competent approach to the implementation of social programs, taking into account the needs of the population of a particular region;
  2. Allocation of funds that will go to help the poor;
  3. Budgeting;
  4. Organization of the necessary vacancies to provide jobs for citizens of working age who are in search of a paid job.

Based on the adopted law, from January 2020, the minimum wage will be equated to the living wage, which will be calculated in the second quarter of each year. With one amendment, that even if the cost of living decreases, the minimum wage will remain at the level of the last increase.

Living Wage 2020

The authorities of the regions consider the cost of living not only from standard values, but are also obliged to take into account the local characteristics and needs of the citizens of the subject (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.29.13 No. 56). At the same time, the standard package of products includes such goods as milk, bread, flour, potatoes, etc. There are 11 products in the cart in total. This is the minimum, which, according to officials, is sufficient to maintain the life and health of citizens.

What is the cost of living for 2020 set in the regions? The procedure for revising the minimum in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is the same as in Russia as a whole. The subsistence minimum for the 1st quarter will be approved by each region in the new year. Data for the 4th quarter of last year is already known. For example, since 2020, Moscow has a living wage for the 4th quarter of 2020, approved by the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated March 13, 2018 No. 176-PP. In 2020, the minimum for the 1st quarter of 2020 will be approved in May-June.

Living wage in Primorsky Krai in 2020

This value is critically important for 67,676 pensioners of the region who receive a special supplement to their pension. Thanks to this additional payment, the pensions of such elderly residents of the region become equal to the subsistence level of a pensioner. Their pension benefits accrued in the usual way turn out to be less than this value, by an average of 2,430 rubles.

The living wage as such is a statistical value, therefore, it is possible to find out the exact figures of how much the minimum set of goods and services that a person needs to survive only at the end of the next quarter of the year. And then with some delay, which is due to the fact that Rosstat employees need to process huge amounts of information and present the results.

The cost of living in the Rostov region in 2020 - what you need to know

The cost of living is the cost of the minimum set of products, goods and services that allow a person to exist and not fall below the “poverty line”. In each region, the subsistence minimum is calculated taking into account local natural, social, economic, and other characteristics. The figure is adjusted depending on the rise or fall of prices every quarter.

In order to assign additional payments to pensions in the Rostov Region, the living wage for pensioners is set once a year by adopting amendments to the regional law No. 17-ZS dated December 7, 1998. The last amendments were made to it on October 19, 2020. In accordance with this document, the living wage for a pensioner in the Rostov Region for 2020 is set at 8,488 rubles. Compared to 2020, this figure has not changed.

Living wage in the Sakhalin region for 2020

Almost immediately, as soon as the decision of the Constitutional Court became officially known, the Sakhalin Regional Union of Trade Union Organizations, the regional government and the association of employers of the Sakhalin Region signed an Agreement to terminate the Agreement on the minimum wage in the Sakhalin Region for 2020.

The Constitutional Court assessed the current law enforcement practice, in which the issue of including a district coefficient and a percentage allowance in the minimum wage was resolved in different ways, and indicated that the district coefficient and the percentage allowance accrued in connection with work in areas with special climatic conditions cannot be included in the composition of the minimum wage in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, thereby excluding other alternative options.

Minimum wage from January 1, 2020: table by region

The agreement on the regional minimum wage from January 1, 2020 becomes mandatory for application only for those who accepted it after publication in the media. After publication, the employer has 30 days to submit to the regional administration an application for waiving the use of the regional minimum wage. In such a refusal, it is required to explain the reasons why the employer cannot pay the regional minimum wage to employees. Here is an example of a refusal on the minimum wage in the region:

Some employers set the employee's salary clearly in accordance with the minimum wage (no more and no less). However, if the employee’s salary is equal to the minimum wage, personal income tax and insurance premiums, including “for injuries”, should still be withheld from it. This is confirmed by the law:

The cost of living for Sakhalin pensioners will increase by 182 rubles from next year

The cost of living for a pensioner for 2020 is determined based on an assessment of the cost of living for the current year and the consumer price index, which is determined for the next year. The calculation takes into account inflation indicators developed by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, according to which the consumer price index for food will be 3.7%, for non-food products - 3.9%, for services - 104.6%.

The draft law proposes to establish the subsistence minimum for a pensioner for 2020 in the amount of 12,333 rubles. This value will be used in order to establish a regional social supplement to the pension. The proposed size of the subsistence minimum for a pensioner is calculated in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, which were brought to the executive authorities last year, Tatyana Babich said.

27 Jul 2018 245

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The cost of living in the Sakhalin Region for
Q4 2019
set in the amount (rubles/month):

Per capita

14 898 ₽ ↓167 ₽

For the working population

15 854 ₽ ↓196 ₽

For pensioners

11 921 ₽ ↓161 ₽

For children

16 256 ₽ ↓89 ₽

on the basis of Decree of the Government of the Sakhalin Region N 55 "On the establishment of the subsistence minimum in the Sakhalin Region for the IV quarter of 2019" dated February 13, 2020

The Sakhalin Region is part of the Far Eastern Federal District. You can view and compare the Sakhalin Region with other regions included in this district.

One and a half times the subsistence minimum (x1.5):

  • Per capita - 22 347 ₽;
  • For the able-bodied population - 23,781 ₽;
  • For pensioners - 17 881.5 ₽;
  • For children - 24 384 ₽;

Two times the subsistence minimum (x2):

  • Per capita - 29,796 ₽;
  • For the able-bodied population - 31,708 ₽;
  • For pensioners - 23 842 ₽;
  • For children - 32 512 ₽;

Subsistence minimum for previous periods, rub./month

3rd quarter 2019 15065 16050 12082 16345
2nd quarter 2019 14844 15807 11923 16109
1 quarter 2019 14316 15250 11494 15518
4th quarter 2018 14072 14790 11136 14933
3rd quarter 2018 13851 14551 10970 14712
2nd quarter 2018 13591 14261 10738 14536
1 quarter 2018 13391 14054 10565 14323
4th quarter 2017 13329 13991 10524 14235
3rd quarter 2017 13617 14311 10776 14453
2nd quarter 2017 13852 14552 10954 14734
1 quarter 2017 13927 14637 11018 14772
4th quarter 2016 13728 14432 10858 14566
3rd quarter 2016 14074 14813 11141 14850
2nd quarter 2016 13938 14650 11037 14773
1 quarter 2016 13807 14501 10921 14967

Accepted abbreviations: DN - per capita, TN - for the able-bodied population, P - for pensioners, D - for children.
Green color - the size has increased relative to the previous period, Red color - the size has decreased relative to the previous period, Yellow color - the size has not changed relative to the previous period

A bit of theory

The main document that establishes the legal basis for determining and taking it into account when establishing state guarantees for citizens of the Russian Federation to receive minimum cash income and in the implementation of other measures of social protection of citizens of the Russian Federation is Federal Law N 134-FZ "On the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation" (04/01/2019).

It contains the following concepts:

Consumer basket

This is the minimum set of food products, as well as non-food goods and services, the cost of which is determined in relation to the cost of the minimum set of food products necessary to maintain human health and ensure its vital activity.

Living wage

This is the valuation of the consumer basket, as well as mandatory payments and fees.

The subsistence minimum in the Sakhalin region per capita, for the working population, pensioners and children determined quarterly.

Main socio-demographic groups of the population

This is the working-age population, pensioners, children.

Working-age population- persons aged 16 years and up to the age that gives the right to an old-age insurance pension in accordance with Part 1 of Article 8 of the Federal Law N 400-FZ "On Insurance Pensions" (01/28/2020), with the exception of non-working disabled people of this age.

pensioners- persons who have reached the age that gives the right to an old-age insurance pension in accordance with Part 1 of Article 8 of the Federal Law

The subsistence minimum for pensioners in the Sakhalin Region for 2017 was finally approved in the second reading by the Regional Duma at a meeting on November 3. As already, this amount is set at 12,151 rubles.

Initially, there was no doubt that the bill would be adopted, but the communist deputies did not miss the opportunity during the discussion to once again draw attention to the plight of pensioners.

So, Galina Podoynikova recalled that money comes from the same budget to both pensioners and employees of representative bodies, the executive, and the legislature. However, for some reason the approach is different for everyone. It happens that employees of budgetary bodies are given bonuses in the amount of two or three salaries, and are paid fabulous sums before vacation.

Why is the same approach not used for pensioners? Why only 152 rubles are added to pensioners? the communist asked.

I don't see a connection here, - the deputy answered. - Sets the cost of the consumer basket for pensioners, for employed and non-working. What about payments or non-payments? I would like to remind you that the payment of pensions is not our responsibility, but the responsibility of the federal center. We have voluntarily established an additional payment in order to reach the level of pensions to the subsistence level.

Does that mean we can't change? And why then Moscow can?

To change, you need to make changes to a number of laws. Here you bring it in. You declaratively demand all the time - take it, sit down and analyze what can be done.

All the bills that I tried to introduce - you always vote "no"! exclaimed Galina Podoynikova.

If there is a normal bill, we will vote "for", - Kislitsin assured with restraint.

Earlier, the communist said that she doubted whether she should support the law or not. On the one hand, money is added to the elderly, on the other hand, the amounts look mocking. Now she has categorically stated that she will not vote for the bill.

Against this background, the calm, balanced performance of her party comrade Svetlana Ivanova passed by contrast.

Compared to Moscow, our pensioners living in the Far East experience more problems, she states. - We can influence these processes only with our own budget, through additional payments. I think our pensioners today are simply abandoned by the state. We are talking about people going to the Far East - this should be supported by some kind of decisions. And our budget will continue to be minimized for three years, and even more so we will not have such opportunities. Let's think, maybe it makes sense to support pensioners at least in other ways.