Wedding entertainment is intelligent and fun. Contests are funny at weddings without a toastmaster. Farewell to unmarried life

If you want the banquet to be fun and original, games and entertainment at the wedding for guests are a must. Interesting and funny contests can be held by both the presenter and one of your close friends. The main thing is to prepare in advance a good selection of entertainment for any age. In this article, we offer you some original and funny contests.

Wedding contests usually include sports and intellectual games and table entertainment. After the solemn part and numerous congratulations, the guests will surely want to have fun and move a little. Pre-prepared competitions will come to the rescue.

In addition, they are good to hold in between meals, so that guests have time to get hungry before serving hot dishes or dessert.

Interesting entertainment for the wedding is usually offered by the host of the holiday or toastmaster, who are hired by the bride and groom. We advise you to coordinate all competitions with him and reject those that you do not like in advance. Moreover, if you have free time, you can look for good entertainment yourself, because you know the characters of the guests and their interests better. Contests will help create a fun and relaxed atmosphere and quickly get to know each other. Choose tasks for different tastes, because both young people and representatives of the older generation will want to participate in the competitions. In addition, be sure to prepare comic prizes and gifts.

Examples of table competitions in which all guests can participate:

  1. Alphabet. Each of the guests should congratulate the newlyweds and wish them something. But wishes should begin with one of the letters of the alphabet, which will fall out to the guest in turn. The competition is simple and fun at the same time, as it can be very difficult to cope with the letters ё, й, sh and some other guests.
  2. Stickers. Stickers are pasted on the foreheads of the participants, on which the names of famous characters, show business stars, and politicians are written. The participant sees other people's pieces of paper, but does not see his own. With leading questions, he must guess his character. You can only answer "yes" and "no". It is advisable to choose funny characters or odious personalities.
  3. Tongue Twisters. It is better to hold this competition towards the end of the evening, when the guests have already pretty drunk and had fun. Participants must correctly repeat certain tongue twisters after the leader. Believe me, their interpretation will make any guest laugh.
  4. Pink glasses. A pleasant and bringing guests together contest, for which you will need glasses with pink glasses. It is generally accepted that the world looks perfect in them. The host puts on glasses and approaches the guest, making him a beautiful compliment. This person takes the baton and, putting on rose-colored glasses, continues to compliment the next guest. And so in a circle.

A variety of competitions that are held off the table:

  1. Obstacle course. The competition will require a rope, chairs and two or three participants. Make an obstacle course with rope by tying it around chairs, tables, and other objects at the top and bottom. Explain the task to the participants: they must overcome obstacles blindfolded, crawling under the rope, stepping over and bypassing it. Then carefully blindfold everyone and ... remove the rope. Tell them where to sit or crawl on the floor. Looking at how the participants overcome non-existent obstacles, the guests will laugh a lot.
  2. Guess the melody. A simple and familiar game that guests at weddings really like. Choose three teams, each of which will consist of a girl and a man. The latter will act as a button and should sit in front of the girl. Prepare cuts of famous songs in advance, using both modern stage and 20th century music.
  3. Fun relay. This competition is also best held in the middle of the evening, when everyone is active, cheerful and not quite sober. Prepare props: two chamber pots, candy, and two oversized pantaloons. Participants should be divided into two teams. In turn, they will have to pass the baton: put on the pantaloons, run to the chamber pot, take off the pantaloons and sit on the potty, eat the candy and run back, passing the baton to the next one. From the outside it looks like a lot of fun.
  4. Christmas trees and squirrels. Another fun contest, similar to the game with chairs. For him, you will need 5 young people (trees) and 6 girls (squirrels), preferably young and slender. To the music, the girls walk around the guys, and as soon as the music turns off, the “squirrels” must jump on the “Christmas trees”. The girl, left without a couple, drops out and takes the young man with her. The winning couple receives prizes.
  5. Russian roulette. It is best to invite strong men who do not abstain from alcohol to this competition. You put three piles in front of the participants: one contains water, the other two contain vodka (alternatively, light tequila or rum). The task of the participant is to drink one glass in one gulp and drink the other. And then who cares...

Entertainment at the wedding for guests without a toastmaster

If you decide not to invite a host or toastmaster, there is nothing to worry about. However, you will still need entertainment and competitions. Choose your own games at the table and entertainment in the hall. Involve a friend or girlfriend in the search so that you do not know all the competitions and can also participate. During the banquet, allocate several gaps between congratulations, toasts, food and dances for entertainment and games. They can be conducted by both the bride and groom, and a pre-selected friend, preferably with a good sense of humor. Such a program will be held with a bang and will not differ from the program of a professional toastmaster.

A wedding is a very specific event that is directly related to competitions and folk traditions. Organization of a wedding takes a lot of time, but after all, the wedding evening is the main day in the life of a young couple.

As you understand, the scenario of such an event must include contests and various games for the newlyweds and guests. You will find the funniest wedding contests today in this article!

Contests and games decorate the holiday, give it a national flavor, and also emphasize the connection between generations united in a completely new family. It is very difficult to imagine a real wedding without competitions and other games, because then the holiday will be boring and uninteresting.

You can’t do without traditional games at a wedding, but you need to understand that it’s also not worth arranging only traditional contests. Funny contests at weddings are a guarantee that everything will be successful, and the marriage will be happy.

How to do without toastmaster

The main task of the toastmaster at the wedding is to organize the rest of all guests. From this we can conclude: not only the heroes of the occasion, their witnesses and close relatives, but also the guests themselves, who also really want to have fun at such an event, should take part in the competitions.

Wedding contests should always be funny and cool, a little later we will talk about the most popular wedding contests. The next task of the toastmaster is a small lead to a certain competition, which should fit into the audience of guests.

A wedding is considered a table event, which obliges you to include at least one table competition in the script. Wedding contests funny at the table are popular in different countries of the world. There are a lot of these, today you will learn about some of the most popular and interesting games at the table at the wedding party.

Remember one simple thing: there should not be any sports competitions at the wedding - people came to congratulate the newlyweds, relax and drink, but not run and jump in any way - consider this and treat the guests with respect.

Every couple can hold funny wedding contests without a toastmaster, but you just need to prepare for everything to work out as planned.

Competition at the table

Now we will consider the most popular competition that can be held right at the wedding table.

Before the arrival of guests, you need to put cards with different letters under the cutlery of each. When everyone has already gathered at the table, drank a little, you can hold this competition. One of the relatives of the newlyweds or parents (this is not so important) gets up and says that everyone has a card with one or another letter hidden under the cutlery. Each of the guests must take out a card and come up with some kind of wish for the heroes of the occasion, starting with the letter shown on the card.

In the event that the guests are not sitting at one table, but at several, you can buy several large hearts, cut them into medium pieces and write a word on each of the pieces. When the guests at the table gather their hearts, a wish will form in front of their eyes, which they will have to read. The team that does it the fastest wins. Competitions at the wedding are funny for the guests and the newlyweds themselves must be mandatory, otherwise the holiday will turn out to be boring and tedious.

Now let's look at wedding contests!

Competition "Happy Road"

This is a very popular competition that is held at wedding events around the globe. Those who wish to take part in it are divided into 2 equal teams, after which they build the so-called "Happy Road".

To do this, you will have to take off your clothes (if you want, you can undress to your underwear). What are the clothes for? In order to connect from it a kind of part of the road. Simply put, each of the teams ties all the removed clothes, and the team with the longest road will win.

It’s not so difficult to arrange such wedding contests without a toastmaster, because the main thing is what? The main desire!

Wedding contest "Apple hedgehog"

To hold the competition, you will need matches and an apple, as well as newlyweds and a sea of ​​​​emotions.

We take a large and very beautiful apple, stick a large number of matches into it. The main characters in this game will be the heroes of the occasion, who must independently pull out all the matches stuck in the apple. It would seem that there is nothing complicated and interesting in this, but you are mistaken, because there is one interesting condition.

A man can pull out a match only if he was able to give his wife some kind of affectionate name. The lady must do the same.

After the end of the competition, the newlyweds need to give them now “apple hedgehogs without needles” so that they live happily in marriage and never quarrel.

Such wedding contests are funny and funny - it is simply impossible to call them otherwise.

Competition "Living Corridor"

For this competition you will need only 2 small candles.

Funny wedding contests at home have recently become increasingly popular. This option is one of those, so there is a limit on the number of guests - no more than 20 people.

The guests are divided into two equal teams and line up in three-meter lines opposite each other, thus forming a living corridor. The newlyweds must light a candle and carefully walk along this corridor.

Guests must blow on candles, but it is forbidden to help themselves with any parts of the body.

Wedding contest "Colors"

This is an equally popular competition, for which all participants must stand in a beautiful circle. The host, who can be anyone, says, “Touch the green. One two Three!"

During those three seconds, players must touch something of that color. The one who does not have time is eliminated from the competition, the leader continues to say the same thing (changing color constantly) until the winner is determined.

Such competitions are most often held outdoors in warm weather, when the wedding is celebrated on some beach, lake, river or forest. Funny nature wedding contests have always been popular, which, in fact, has not changed to this day.

Competition "Love poem"

This competition can easily be called artistic, because the participants in this game will have to compose poems.

The competition is designed specifically for men, so ladies cannot participate in it. What is needed to carry out? You will need men, each of whom is ready to prove to everyone that his poem is much better.

Do not forget to ask the participants the obligatory words before the start of the competition: belly, guests, fly, bones, husband, cloud, worse, thrashing and so on.

The winner can be determined by the number of votes or applause.

Funny contests at weddings play an important role! If you want your wedding to be remembered by both you and your guests, arrange a lot of them, because everyone should participate.

Festive competition "Where did the clothespins go?"

This is one of the most incendiary, fun and interesting contests for everyone. Try it - you will definitely like it.

In order to arrange everything, we will need 3 small blindfolds for the eyes (women's scarves, which almost every lady has, will do). You will also need exactly 15 clothespins.

First, let's talk about the members. 6 people can participate in the competition, to be more precise, 3 couples. The girls are blindfolded with their own handkerchiefs, and the same clothespins are hung on the men's clothes (5 pieces for each).

Now you need to turn on the music very loudly and seal the man's mouth with something so that he cannot prompt his beloved. Clothespins can be hung anywhere. If the wedding is really fun, if everyone has already had a good drink and is ready for anything, it would be best to fix the clothespins on the following places of the man:

  • The first one is fixed in some intimate place (preferably in the fly).
  • The second clothespin should be fixed from below between the legs of the hero.
  • The third is recommended to cling somewhere near the chest (preferably under a shirt or T-shirt, that is, from the inside).
  • It is better to fix the fourth clothespin on the fifth point of the guy.
  • Well, attach the last clothespin to the place where the jeans button is located (above the fly).

Of course, this is only one option for one man, for the rest everything will be formed during the competition. As you already understood, this game directly relates to such types of pranks as sexy wedding contests, funny and cool, which will surely please all guests.

Competition "Who is faster?"

This is not a new game, which is often played at wedding parties.

To conduct such a competition, we need two ordinary chairs, which will need to be placed opposite each other at a distance of 2 meters. Such competitions at a wedding for guests are funny and always interesting, be sure to include this game in the event script.

Having placed the chairs with their backs to each other at a distance of 2 meters, under them you need to stretch a not very long rope, the ends of which should be between the legs of the players sitting on the chair.

Right in the center of the rope you need to tie a scarlet bag with some goodies, they will do: nuts, cookies, sweets, seeds and the like. Immediately after the command "Start!" the players must quickly stand up, make 5 circles around the chairs and sit back in their chair. Sitting on a chair, the hero must grab the rope and pull the prize on it towards him as quickly as possible. There are two players and one winner. The winner will receive the same bag that he could get.

The same contests are funny at weddings - this is something that is definitely not enough at some of these events.

Competition "Guess the song"

Both 5 and 35 people can participate - the number of participants is not limited.

The bravest one comes forward, and all the other players quietly confer and choose a song for him. Then three more volunteers are selected, who are given exactly one word each from the first three words of the previously selected song.

The Boldest Player returns and starts asking the chosen people any questions they think will help them guess the song. Each of the three people must answer any question asked by the hero using hidden words. The task of the participant is to guess the song that was suggested to him.

Very similar funny contests at weddings are an integral part of them.

Competition "Wild Zoo"

All participants sit in a small circle. Everyone independently chooses the name of a particular animal. Participants play according to the following plan: someone calls himself and another person's animal. For example: a tiger is a lion, a lion is a bear, a bear is a hedgehog, and so on. If, for example, the bear accidentally forgot himself, he carefully takes off a special phantom, and in order to return to the game, he will have to fulfill a certain desire.

This game is very funny and fun, especially in situations where one chooses a very difficult animal. Wedding contests for guests are funny and very interesting.

We hope you found what you were looking for. Good luck!

Wedding guests should not only be fed, but also entertained. Among the wedding entertainment there are traditional ones that are associated with rituals, gift giving and congratulations to the newlyweds. Also, if the budget allows, you can invite professional artists to conduct spectacular show programs and beautiful pop numbers, it will be spectacular, touching and beautiful. But it is even better to involve the guests themselves to participate in original congratulatory numbers, games and fun, this always arouses great interest and is then remembered as the brightest moments of the wedding celebration. We present our collection - fun wedding contests and entertainment for guests, which will replenish the game program at any wedding or

1. Prank guests at the wedding "Cutting the shirt"

At any wedding there should be a moment when the master's abilities of the young wife are praised. However, the toastmaster draws attention to the fact that any of us does not like to do something. The bride confirms this by talking about her terrible dislike of ironing shirts. Then the host replies that he is a master in this part and will now teach the girl how to deal with this problem.

The newlywed is given a men's shirt and instead of an unloved iron - scissors. Further - according to the instructions of the presenter:

1. Buttons - neither go around, nor get around! (cut everything mercilessly)

2. The sleeves always wrinkle and put your hands in there for too long! (cut both sleeves at the shoulder)

3. It is completely incomprehensible why a shirt needs a back - you will tuck it into your pants and remember right away! (cut at the level of the shoulder blades)

4. They cut off the back, but what's worse in the front? (cut, leveling with the back)

5. Well, the collar, which is completely impossible to iron calmly! (carefully cut off the neckline)

“Ironing” is done to cheerful, rhythmic music. We distribute the cut off parts to guests for happiness. In addition, we first change into the same "shirt" of the witness, who demonstrates how comfortable and good it is. But everything is “spoiled” by the witness, who is trying to reason with the bride and prove to her that in a shirt after such “ironing” her husband will be sent to a madhouse or taken to the police. In order to buy the newlywed a new shirt instead of an “ironed one,” the witness offers to throw off all those present, “at least for fifty dollars.” So unobtrusively the game moment can be added to the “money” moment.

(Naturally, all the conditions of this are negotiated with them in advance - this is a surprise from the heroes of the occasion for the guests to cheer them up)

2. Wedding contest "Family shorts"

This fun game will noticeably enliven the course of the wedding. For her, you need to prepare a pair of huge family shorts - they are very easy to sew yourself. A witness and a witness are invited as the main participants in the game, each is given these wonderful things. The task of the players is to put as many people as possible into their "underpants", moreover, the witness is allowed to let only men into the "underpants", and the witness - only women.

For everything about everything - two minutes. Cheerful music turns on, and people begin to crowd into this piece of clothing. By the way, it is absolutely not forbidden to take each other or children in your arms. However, the host must monitor the integrity of the underpants: they, of course, will tear in any case, but the participants in the game should not abuse this for selfish purposes and stuff themselves into a torn piece of underwear without counting. In honor of the winners, everyone raises their glasses, and for the toastmaster this is an excellent occasion to make a beautiful toast to the newlyweds' friends and their well-being.

3. Wedding entertainment "Three steps from happiness"

As the host of this competition, that is, the one who will hold the bottle, you can choose the hero of the occasion or the bride and groom. To this bottle - champagne, vodka, wine, beer - we tie three to five multi-colored silk ribbons at least three meters long.

Those who wish are called from among the guests. Moreover, always with their dishes, from which they drink. Their task, taking the ribbons in their hands and standing up from the bottle at a distance of the “elongated ribbon”, at the signal of the presenter, begin to approach the hero of the day, winding the ribbon around their vessel. Whoever does this faster, he takes the bottle with the "divine nectar" from the hands of the hero of the occasion. In fact, it is very difficult to do this, because glasses and glasses are sometimes not at all designed for winding slippery tape, so that the general fun of the guests is guaranteed.

A wedding in Russia is, as a rule, a magnificent celebration with a toastmaster, witnesses and, of course, fun contests. Since ancient times, according to tradition, the wedding feast was supplemented with all sorts of entertainment. Now there is a slightly different situation, and the usual celebration of the wedding day takes on its own characteristics. Some newlyweds prefer exit registration rather than going to the registry office. Others - a festive banquet is replaced by a buffet table. In the priority of the third - a wedding without competitions. This option of a wedding party has the right to exist, and in the article we will talk about the ideas for holding such an unusual wedding.

Why say "no" to contests?

Why do some newlyweds refuse entertainment competitions at their wedding, which have been a mandatory item for several centuries? Probably, traditions are changing, the tastes and preferences of the young, too, and many believe that wedding contests are a relic of the past. It's out of fashion, out of date. The youth of the 21st century prefer to have fun in a different way, and holding wedding contests is not on their list of priority wedding celebration items. The toastmaster is often too intrusive, the contests are vulgar and vulgar. Young couples try to avoid this and spend their holiday in such a way that all guests are satisfied.

wedding party at home

If you are thinking about how to hold a wedding day celebration without a toastmaster at home, then we advise you to pay attention to the main details:

  • What will the place of celebration look like?
  • How to organize the space so that there is enough space for a banquet and for dancing;
  • Plan out the menu.

In order to realize the scenario of a home wedding, you must adhere to a certain pattern:

  • Staff at the Marriage Registration Palace will help you find your way around.
  • After the procedure of painting the young, parents and guests meet them at home. Often, newlyweds are showered with rose petals. This romantic ritual is relevant to this day.
  • At home, at the festive tables, you can place cards with the names of those invited. So it will be easier for guests to decide on a place. Although this practice is more typical for restaurants and banquet halls, it will also be very appropriate at home. Each guest will be pleased that he was given attention and taken care of in advance.
  • Guests, and first of all parents and witnesses (if any) say congratulatory words, toasts for the young. They should not be too long so as not to tire those present.
  • Music at a home wedding celebration is a must. Guests and young people may want to dance. Or maybe someone even wants to congratulate the young with a song.
  • At the end of the wedding celebration - a cake that is distributed to all guests.

How else can you entertain your guests?

At a wedding with a small number of guests, as a rule, everyone knows each other. Therefore, people already familiar with each other should not be bored. And the newlyweds themselves know their guests well enough to entertain them without the help of a host or toastmaster. Here are some interesting ideas for such a wedding:

  • An alternative to the usual "bearded" wedding contests are games. Absolutely any games that can be played by a company. For example, "crocodile", "mafia", "hat", even some board games. Your choice will depend on individual preference;

  • You can arrange karaoke, a kind of musical duel. For example, the bride's team against the groom's team. Small consolation prizes will be a great addition;

  • A small company can visit the water park, sauna, and if the season allows - then the beach or outdoor pool. It's a lot of fun, vivid emotions are guaranteed;
  • Also, if the weather and season are suitable, you can have a picnic, barbecue, barbecue. The celebration of the wedding day in the fresh air will be remembered for a long time by both the newlyweds and their dear guests;

  • Arrange a walk around the sights of the city;

  • As an additional entertainment, you can make an original collage of children's photos of all the invitees. They will be able to guess each other in the pictures;
  • Organize a photo shoot with unusual costumes, scenery. This option is great for entertaining guests at a wedding party, and another plus is that memorable photographs will delight for more than one year after the holiday.

As you can see, a wedding without contests is quite possible. It is not necessary to involve guests in some activities that may not be of interest to them. There are a lot of great options for entertaining yourself and invited friends and relatives at your wedding celebration. It’s only worth considering all the details of such a holiday in advance, because if the host helps the young, then all the responsibility for the fun lies with him, and when the spouses refuse the services of the toastmaster and holding the usual competitions, then it depends only on them how unforgettable their wedding celebration will be .

A selection of videos with wedding ideas without competitions:

Regardless of whether there will be a host at the wedding party, or a chamber wedding is planned, guests cannot do without entertainment. How to make these entertainment fun and interesting, read our article.


The most common, but no less interesting entertainment is the photo zone. The photo zone can become either a part of the Welcome zone or a separate element of the gala dinner program. Here guests can take funny pictures in the midst of the celebration or more formal ones for family archives. With the development of social networks, special hashtags for weddings are becoming increasingly popular. Do not forget to make a sign with the hashtag invented for the wedding, so that after the wedding you can view the photo mosaic of the evening. The opportunity to print photos right at the party will be especially pleasant: it can be just a photo booth with the ability to print or a machine for printing photos from Instagram. The idea of ​​a photo zone should be fully consistent with the style and theme of the wedding. Try to pay attention to details and do not forget that the key elements of the decor should not be located in the area where the guests will stand, because then they will not be visible in the photo.

Board games

Board games will be of particular interest at a youth wedding or a themed celebration. Board games can also brighten up the minutes of waiting for guests. The main thing is to select options for games that are not too long, but interesting. Particularly popular will be games for parties that are not tied to a place, and which can be played both in a specially designated area and in a recreation area, for example, Crocodile, Associations, Danetki. Some games, like Jenga, can be played in two variations: both tabletop and street. If you choose strategies, then it is better to focus on those whose total playing time does not exceed 1 hour, and those that can be played by a large company. When choosing board games as entertainment for guests, take care of a special area for the game: with tables, chairs, notepads and pens for writing down the score.

Active entertainment

One of the main components of a wedding dinner is an active entertainment program. It is important to think it over carefully so that the host and guests find a common language, guests of all ages are involved in the program, but at the same time, the evening is not overloaded. Even at the stage of choosing a host, it is worth discussing the format of games and entertainment at the wedding: guests will definitely not like to crawl or lie on the floor in evening and cocktail dresses.

Master classes

Thinking over the zoning at the wedding, provide a place where you can organize master classes. What can you pay attention to? First of all, floristic workshops, dance, culinary or creative. You can even organize cigar rolling, the main thing is that there is a desire and it suits the concept of your wedding. The more guests at the wedding, the simpler the MC should be, and the more commanding its organization. You can arrange a master class in baking a pie, break the guests into a couple of teams and then choose the best one. Depending on how fresh and cheerful the guests for the MK should be, you need to plan the time when it will be held. For example, floral MCs are best done during a welcome buffet or immediately after the ceremony, but dance MCs can be moved to the middle of a gala dinner.

Show program

If the budget allows, organize a show program and performances by artists of different genres as entertainment at the wedding:

  • magicians
  • artists and caricaturists
  • sand animation
  • dancers
  • fire show
  • singers and cover bands

It is very important to maintain harmony and not oversaturate the program with various actions. Proper distribution of congratulations, an active show program will give guests unforgettable emotions. It's great if you can find artists whose performance will be unusual or new for your guests, such as a science show or a colorful bartending show.

Live music

Live music is an excellent addition to an exquisite wedding evening with a well-thought-out program or to a cozy dinner for your loved ones. For live music, you can choose any format - from a string quartet to a modern band. It is important that the style of music and songs is fully consistent with the format of the banquet. Live music can accompany guests throughout the evening: from the welcome buffet and ceremony to individual blocks during the wedding banquet.

Crosswords and magazines

Printed publications can be a great way to entertain guests, as well as a small part of the wedding that they can take with them as a keepsake. A printed magazine with facts about the couple or stories about their favorite places and movies can be a great option to fill the Welcome area and welcome buffet, and then complement the lounge area. The crossword puzzle is suitable for both the welcome area and the entire wedding evening. Prepare a special prize for the guest who completes all tasks first. Thus, guests will not only be able to have fun and get a prize, but also get to know you better. Do not forget that the crossword should be about your couple and contain relevant questions, for example:

  • Where did you meet and where did you go on your first date?
  • the bride's zodiac sign or the groom's car brand
  • joke questions about favorite movies, or trick questions

Interview and video congratulations

If the wedding involves the presence of videographers, then the guests can be entertained with a short interview. They can talk about where they met the newlyweds and how they plan to surprise them in the evening. Short congratulations will be especially touching - small excerpts lasting 20-30 seconds will keep this beautiful day and all the guests in memory. Even if there is no videographer, then you can safely leave a special camera for recording and instructions for guests. Next to the photo zone, such a camera will definitely be popular, and then you will be very pleased to watch the video!


Quests literally captured the entire entertainment industry! And this is not surprising: at the same time it is the work of the brain, and adrenaline rush, and fantasy, and logic, and an interesting pastime with friends. There are several options for such quests for a wedding. The first is a live quest. There are enough professionals who will help organize a live quest at any wedding venue. One has only to consider that such a quest will take time and space. Think about this when planning your wedding party entertainment. The second variant of the quest is an exit quest in a specially equipped container. Yes, there is now! The room with the quest will come to you by itself, and with it the fun for the guests.

Open air cinema

For informal weddings for friends and family, or for a buffet wedding, an open-air cinema is an amazing entertainment option. Such a cinema will be a real surprise for guests. You have to be careful with your choice of films. These should definitely be romantic films or comedies, or maybe melodramas, but not too sad. Still, the mood of the holiday should not be lost! You can leave such a cinema in the background, giving guests a schedule of screenings at the beginning of the evening, or take breaks in the main program so that guests can enjoy their favorite movie! In the same zone, you can show pre-mounted videos about you. Be sure to take care of comfortable places for all those present, blankets and hot drinks so that guests do not freeze.