Ransom script in knightly style. The groom shouts the name of the bride. "Moms and Babies"

We again raise the mysterious and original theme of the Middle Ages! Knight's wedding begins in an unusual place - in a medieval fortress, where he is imprisoned in a dungeon bride. Any building with a balcony can become an impromptu fortress. Indeed, according to the idea of ​​our author, the Lady of the Heart throws a flower to her knight from the balcony, and the valiant Knight-groom fights the Black Knight. All this unique action is led by the Jester, using witticisms in the medieval style and speaking in Latin in an original way. In general, we can safely say that the scenario of the ransom of the bride in the style of medieval knights offers an absolutely non-standard version of the usual ceremony.
The wedding is presented in the script as a union of two kingdoms - Red and white roses.
Groom- Knight Eugene from the Kingdom of the White Rose,
Bride- Lady of the Heart Princess Katherine,
Leading- Jester,
Black Knight,
Sister of the Black Knight- Anna,
mother of the bride- Queen of the Red Rose Kingdom. Jester:
- Today, on this blessed day, we have gathered to celebrate the unification of the two kingdoms - the White and Red Roses. The children of the royal families fell in love with each other. May their union be happy! The jester tells the background of the upcoming event - the story of the acquaintance of the newlyweds, in order to create a mood among the guests and introduce them to the topic, move on to the ransom. Jester:
- I'll tell you a story. A long time ago,
when our city did not yet exist,
and Lancelot was not a legend,
humans, elves, dragons and more
lived in peace and harmony.
where they sell curiosities for overseas guests
and the guilders count
the eyes of the two young souls crossed.
And the spark flared up!
On the day of April 1, 2007 something important happened!
He tamed her obstinate temper!
She decided to call him the most worthy.
And there was no stronger love
than between Knight Eugene
from the kingdom of the white rose
and his ladies of the heart
Katerina -
princesses of the red rose kingdom.
Their parents blessed them and their union is wonderful.
But at that time
common people
did not let the Serpent Gorynych live,
a Black Knight.
He planned to steal his bride
beautiful princess Katherine. - I'm telling you not a fairy tale at all, but a true story, albeit similar to a fable.
Today, on the sixteenth of July, in this sacred place, full of myths and legends, you will become, oh noble sirs, participants in the most important events! But I will keep silent about the details, and you will soon find out everything yourself! The jester approaches the knight-groom, who at this time sits in thought and confusion. He depicts a conversation with the groom on the figure of the groom of the puppet theater:
- With tears, he multiplies the morning dew
And adds clouds of sighs to the clouds!
A sad knight is running away from the world!
You can expect disasters from such a turmoil ... The jester, addressing the guests:
- Is the reason for this melancholy known?
What kind of grief does Yevgeny's hours last? The jester, joyfully, having found the answer:
- ... the absence of what could make their ... hours ... short!
It's because of love! The jester showing the doll of the lady of the heart:
- In the dungeon, the one that is so beautiful and tender!
Oh, too beautiful and smart!
Why was she captured by a dragon, a monster?
No! scariest black knight
with my sister Anna!
The Lady of the Heart is chained to vows ...
Invulnerable to love arrows...
Only the one who is a knight of light,
She will be released!
Let there be light! Fiat lux! Music. The sister of the black knight appears, who will conduct the ransom of the bride - the bridesmaid Anna. The jester comments on the appearance of the sister for everyone:
- Oh, beautiful witch,
The black knight's sister appeared.
Envy the beauty in the dungeon! Dreaming of getting rid of it!
Yes, the brother - the black knight - is afraid! The sister of the black knight addresses the groom:
What a worthy knight! Are you from the kingdom of the white rose?
Are you looking for the princess of the red rose kingdom? The jester next to the groom responds by parodying him and using a doll:
- Yes! Looking for! There is nothing more beautiful under the sun!
And it hasn't been since the light was created! Sister:
- Give free rein to your eyes: look carefully at other beauties!
One fire of another will burn out the burning! Jester:
- Show me any beauty - in her beauty I will only read that cute beauty is much higher. Sister:
- If you feel dizzy,
Turn to the other side - it will help.
- Well, if you are hot and brave,
so you love the lady of the heart and
you are ready to master the way forward,
I will help you.
Ducunt volentem fata, nolentem trahunt!
What does it mean: fate leads the one who wants to go, drags the unwilling one! Jester:
- Let the whole world be against it!
He can stand up for himself! Sister:
Everyone knows that chivalrous upbringing involves learning to master the seven virtues. I want to test you, are you a real knight, can you defeat my brother the Black Knight. Jester:
Seven virtues have not been canceled by anyone,
Another thing is that they are out of date ...
Yes, the knight must swim, no doubt
But, in checkers to play? Still b - in the loto!
Still hunting for a knight
For everything - your favorite pastime,
But without squires and without servants
A knight roams the marshes for game.
Why own a spear now?
What about fencing? Except in words...
Horse riding? Have mercy, you yourself
Could you handle a horse?
I was in the saddle and not even once,
But the horse stubbornly chose its path:
Then he strove to turn to the feeder,
That - to the river, as if dying of thirst ...
Here, compose poetry and under the window
Beautiful Lady to display roulades -
As for me! I am a knight! Serenade at night
I am properly howling like a March cat!
(author of lines about 7 virtues Batrachenko V. S.) Sister:
- We will check the ability to display roulades, but later.
Show us how you can hunt! How accurately you hit the target! And at the same time, we will check the degree of your love for the Lady of the Heart. A dartboard is placed in front of the knight, on the sectors of which the degrees of love are pasted: love for housekeeping, the braid is beautiful, sweet, I burn with passion, I will give my life for her, I love. Sister:
- You are a good hunter. But! Skill in swordsmanship is the true knightly virtue. Now I will test the strength and jewelry of fencing ... (mysterious pause) ... with a sword!
- You, brave Eugene, I suggest that you cut the head of cabbage exactly - into two halves. To be equal! A rug is spread, a head of cabbage is placed. The test "Cut exactly in half!" is being carried out. Sister:
- I'm tired of something, entertain me, valiant knight, you play checkers, but show your skill. And if you lose, you will have to swim through a deep, terrible ditch, proving that you can swim. Knight plays checkers. The sister is allegedly distracted by the jester, and she loses anyway. You can tell the groom in advance to hurry up and cheat. Everything is a joke. Sister:
- As I see, you are lucky, smart. So be it, I will not demand you, I swim.
But you can't get away from the next test. Just as a legless horse could not carry a knight, so a knight deprived of love could not bear the burden that his noble heart took upon himself for the glory of chivalry. Love will help you compose the song of your heart for your beloved.
Sing a serenade under the beautiful Katerina's window! We'll see if she loves you back! The knight performs a serenade. Friends can help him. The lady of the heart, having heard him, throws a flower out of the window to cheer up the groom. During the serenade, the bride goes to the balcony, throwing a rose from the balcony as a sign of love. Stays on the balcony and "cheers" for the knight in battle. The longest veil in the world hangs beautifully from the balcony - for a medieval wedding, you can make a veil of 10 meters. Sister:
Wield the pen, master the sword! Out of seven tests, only two are left for you to pass. Possession of a horse and how you own a spear! Possession of a horse is tested in the form of a comic game. The groom is shown a poster on which a horse is drawn, but without a tail and ears. The groom is blindfolded and offered to attach the tail and ears in place. The tail is made of ropes or yarn, with a bow, a la Donkey Eeyore. Ears made of colored paper. All on double tape. Possession of a spear is tested in a battle with a black knight. The battle is comic: 3-4 balls are attached to each. Whoever has more balls after the battle is the winner. The black knight gives in. The jester comments on the whole battle:
- Do you want to start a quarrel signor? (black Knight)
- Quarrel signor? Oh no, sir! I'll just take you down immediately! (groom)
- Oh, I'm afraid, I'm afraid! (black Knight)
- Put your sword in the scabbard, do not disgrace yourself! You fight like cowardly servants! (groom)
- I recognize your superiority ... (black knight)
Veni, vidi vici…
I came, I saw, I conquered! Vivat love!
While the fight continued between them,
People started running from everywhere...
And the black knight was defeated here!
Audaces fortuna juvat!
Fate helps the brave! The queen of the red rose has come
worthy and wise signora,
Mother of the Lady of the Heart by the way!
With her hand, the cloak was immediately handed to the knight! The queen of the kingdom of the red rose (mother of the bride) puts on a cloak for the knight, the knight is on one knee:
- My daughter is my only heiress.
You captured her heart.
With her consent
mine is just a part
I give her the decision to power.
In virtues you are equal to each other.
In your hand is only piety.
you, noble sir,
and in suitors, and I dedicate a valiant knight.
And the one who holds the wheel of your destiny
Let your sail lead to good luck!
And remember: Omnia vincit amor!
Love wins everything!
Take a pair of Cupid's wings
Flutter them into the dungeon!
It's been languishing there for a long time
Your flower, princess, lady of the heart!
Touch my hand in blessing! The queen gives her hand to the knight.
The groom enters the dungeon to the bride. He gets down on one knee and kisses her hand. Gives a bouquet. She gives him her handkerchief with embroidered initials.
The groom carries the bride out of the dungeon in his arms.
Under the fanfare, universal exclamations of joy and cries of "Vivat!". Joke about the bride:
- She eclipsed the beams of torches!
Her beauty shines in the night
Like incomparable pearls in the Moor's ear!
We hasten to consecrate this union!
Where is the monk? The wedding procession and the young couple go to the place of consecration of the union by the monk. Children carry a long veil and bunches of wheat spikelets - a symbol of fertility. The jester comments:
- Oh, this is the longest veil in the world!
The veil is 180 feet long - which means -
A long and sweet life awaits lovers!

Knight on a white horse

In our fairyland

What's on the south side

The stone castle stands

It has one window on fire

And in the window is a princess

Looks... (name) every day

Waiting for the groom to come to her,

She wants to get married soon!

- Who are you, handsome fellow,

What did you come with on horseback?

I am a magician from a fairy tale

Answer me soon...

- Well, for starters, knight, the path lies

To the princess light balcony

Let him look at you and decide

Would you like to be saved

And serenade her

About what you love and ready to save

But there is a condition: it is necessary to sing a louder serenade

And include more tender words in a love song ...

(After the performance, a handkerchief falls from the bride's balcony ...Make sure the groom knows the song and can sing it. For this, the bridesmaids inform the groom that the bride would like to hear the song performed by him)

- Well, you are sharp and musical with your mind,

And therefore I will let you into the tower,

But before going there,

You'll have to pick up the keys

(A paper lock hangs on the entrance door, the well is the silhouette of a bottle " Champagne")

What do you see before you?

There is a big castle

If you pick up the key

You'll unlock the lock! …

You are right, this is the key

Where the dark forest is dense

And only the heart will tell the way ...

- Oh, the river has overflowed here,

fiery, deep

Carefully you walk

Just follow the tracks!

(Follows the tracks where he cannot, friends help)

- To appear to the bride

You must transform

You buy everything

Otherwise, there will be trouble ... (redeems the horse and helmet)

- The knight must be with a horse

And took away so that with him,

Ride on your horse!

- We are watching everything - the maid of honor of the princess,

But that she be healthy, cheerful,

To avoid stress often

Always to eat and drink deliciously

And you answer us, venerable knight,

Well, if you haven't forgotten,

At the first meeting with your beloved

What did you feed and drink to her? …

(Figurines of printed Disney princesses with dresses hang on the wall. Faces are covered with emoticons. The groom must call everyone by name)

- Princess ... (name) you know

But here is her social circle?

Guess everyone by the dresses

Her Disney friends! …

- Look, we almost reached the door,

The princess is already waiting! But look...

The monster does not want to give up the princess,

He won't take money or wine!

How to defeat him? Well, if you're interested

Here ingenuity with cunning is needed!

Without touching the spiteful critic with your hands,

Get the key to the apartment with your friends! …

(The monster, without uttering a word, must repeat all the movements of the groom. The groom must guess: in order to receive the key, he must give his own)

- Well, knight, I agree, you are worthy

Enter the princess ... (name) on the balcony,

Rather unlock the bolts with the key,

Breaking her languor sweet dream ...

Want to turn a bride price into a romantic adventure? Then this is what you were looking for. The groom will have to overcome more than one test in order to save his beloved from the insidious witches and Baba Yaga (girlfriends and witnesses). Everything is like in a fairy tale - a handsome prince is looking for his princess, then they play a wedding and live happily ever after.

If you prefer the theme of cinema, we offer. Do you prefer the classics? We have prepared a traditional one for you. We present to the attention of romantics.

Even though the princess ransom script is simple, it does require some preparation. The bridesmaids will host the event, so you need to prepare costumes. In order not to spoil the festive outfits, it is enough to throw wide skirts with patches, shapeless sweaters and scarves over the dresses. It is necessary to rehearse the manner of conversation - to make the voice nasty. The groom and his friends should not be told anything about the upcoming trials, only warned to enter into the image of the prince and his retinue and prepare money.

According to the scenario of the ransom of the bride in the style of a princess, the witches meet the groom at the bride's house.


And who complained to us? Is it the prince himself?


Yes, I came for my beloved (name).


Ha ha ha! Do you think we'll just give you our princess? She sits in a high tower, behind an oak door, and behind a strong castle. You can get there - it's yours.

(Baba Yaga appears.)

Baba Yaga:

Stop, stop! Maybe he's not really a prince? How, then, to marry a princess to him? Until I check if you are a real prince, I won’t let you go anywhere!

(Here you can effectively threaten with a broom.)

The groom needs to answer the questions, if he does not know the answer, he will have to pay.

  • What kept the real princess awake all night? (Pea)
  • What did the prince do to wake the sleeping princess? (kissed)
  • What is the name of the smallest princess? (Thumbelina)
  • What did Cinderella lose by running away from the ball? (shoe)
  • What was the name of the three-headed beast that kidnapped the princess? (Dragon)

Baba Yaga:

Okay, I'll believe you. But where is your horse? A real prince must come to save the princess on a white horse!

It is clear that the groom does not have a white horse (the car does not count). Witches offer a way out - to buy a toy horse from them. At the same time, you can bargain if time allows. But, you shouldn’t get too carried away - after all, people still need to be in time at the registry office. The groom and guests are let through to the threshold of the house.


(Name of the groom), and your princess does not even know that her beloved has come for her.

The groom needs to shout tender words to his bride as loudly as possible until she looks out the window. The girl is warned in advance not to run to the window after the first exclamation. But she did not torment her future husband.

Baba Yaga:

The real fairy princess is ours (name of the bride). And in all fairy tales, princes sang serenades to their loved ones. And you have to sing.

The groom needs to sing a love song (at least one chorus). With the permission of the witches (or for money), friends can help.


He sang beautifully. Eh, when will we be serenaded under the window?

(Everyone enters the house.)

Baba Yaga:

Here is your princess room. Only I bewitched it, and you can get there only after the test. You'll be fine, you'll be with your loved one.

There is a net hanging on the door to the bride's room. She has paper hearts (5-7 pieces) with questions about the girl. The groom must pick one at a time and answer. Each wrong answer is a certain amount to the witches.

Sample questions:

  • Favorite cartoon of the bride?
  • Lover's shoe size;
  • Favorite color?
  • How old is the mother-in-law?
  • "Crown" dish of the bride?

You can think of any other options.

After that, the witches open the door to the bride's room and let the groom and his retinue go in.

Baba Yaga:

Well, prince, here is your princess. Just promise that you will love her all your life, take care of her and carry her in your arms.

The groom is handed the "Oath of the Groom", which he solemnly reads.


"I swear to love my princess,

Do not quarrel, do not offend

Serve her coffee in bed

And then kiss gently.

I swear to let go shopping

And don't blame your friends.

I swear to wash my socks

And don't throw them under the sofa.

I swear to pay my salary

And mother-in-law to call.

I swear to be an exemplary father,

And for (name of the bride) a faithful spouse.

This ends the ransom of the princess-style bride. If you wish, you can make changes to the script and improvise!

Have you ever wanted to be at the magnificent Royal Ball, where you are the princess and play the main role of the celebration?

Now you have the opportunity to fulfill your dream at your own Wedding! A Royal Ball Redemption is perfect for a classic wedding or a Marsala wedding.

Bridegroom Meeting

When the Prince (the Bridegroom) arrives at the house for the Bride, he is met by the ladies-in-waiting of the princess (the Bridesmaids). It turns out that the Prince does not have an invitation to the ball. Therefore, in order to prove his belonging to a noble family, the Bridegroom needs to take part in royal amusements and trials.

Competition "Royal Hunt"

The royal gates are guarded by 2 majestic lions. The groom needs to win their favor and convince them that he truly loves the Bride. To do this, he will have to take part in the royal hunt.

The groom needs to hit three valentines with a bow (lizun) and read the confessions to the Bride written on them: 1) “My thoughts are full only of you (name of the Bride) every day!”, 2) “My heart beats only for you (name of the Bride) "!, 3) "You forever sunk into my soul (name of the Bride)!".

For the contest, you need to hang 3 valentines with confessions.

Competition "Favorite fragrance of the princess"

The Groom needs to determine the Bride's favorite perfume. And for this, he needs to inhale the aroma of 5 beautiful ribbons.

For the competition, you need to prepare ribbons sprinkled with five different perfumes.

Competition "Bride's Ball Book"

As you know, every self-respecting lady should have a ball book at the ball, which contains the names and numbers of dances, the names of gentlemen with whom she should dance, and other important information.

The Groom needs to enter his name in the ball book, as well as all the necessary information on important events with the Bride (for example, name the day of the week for the first meeting with the Bride, how many days they meet, etc.)

For the competition, you need to prepare a beautiful notebook with a romantic cover and come up with questions in advance about important events of the Groom and the Bride, the answers to which the Groom must write in the Bride's ball book.

Competition "Game Hall"

At the ball, it is customary not only to dance, but also to play interesting and funny games, for example, such as forfeits. To do this, the Bridegroom and the Witness (or all the Bridegroom's friends) need to draw out a piece of paper with a funny and funny task and complete it.

For the competition, you need to prepare pieces of paper with fun tasks or buy a ready-made set with forfeits and various games for the ransom of the bride.

Competition "Invitation to the Ball"

Since the Bridegroom successfully coped with several tasks, the bridesmaids solemnly hand him an invitation to the ball and take him to the ballroom.

But it turns out that they got to a completely different, modern ball. Once here, the Groom with his group of friends has no choice but to dance modern dance: hip-hop, rnb, hustle (or just move in his dance) to modern music.

Contest " "

Before entering the ballroom (the Bride's apartment), the Groom needs to confess his love to the Bride in a completely unusual way! Collect a symbolic bouquet of flowers that will fully reflect the feelings that he has for the Bride.

To begin with, he needs to guess the correct color and try to explain what this color expresses; then choose the number of flowers, and at the very end, choose the name of the flower, which, in his opinion, most of all reflects his feelings for the Bride.

(The choice of color, quantity and name of flowers will be made by the Groom intuitively. After choosing the Groom, the Bridesmaids will solemnly read out to the Groom the confessions that the Groom chose!

After that, you will need to paste this declaration of love and the selected flowers on the wall.

For the competition, you can use flowers printed on sheets, and for recognition, prepare A4 sheets with written words of recognition in advance.

For example, if the Bridegroom chose:

red is passion, love; burgundy - the color of royalty; white - innocence and tenderness;

1 flower in the language of flowers: “You are all I have!”, 3 flowers: “I want to go with you to the ends of the world!”;

Astra: "I love you more than you love me!"; and Hyacinth: "I am enchanted forever!"

About the secret love language of flowers, depending on their number, color and type, you can read in the article.

Competition "Ballroom"

The groom enters the apartment, where "royal" music is playing. The groom invites the princess to dance, and they spin in a beautiful slow dance.

According to the “fairytale” scenario, the Groom immediately falls in love with the princess, and the bridesmaids tell him his next steps in his ear: if he wants to marry the princess, he should beautifully ask the king (the Bride’s dad) for the hand of his daughter!

Having received the consent of the king, the young go to register the marriage.

These will make your Bride Redemption special. And the royal scenario itself will allow you to feel like a real princess and prince!

I wish you a great holiday
Ekaterina Akhmetzyanova, author of the idea.

First Knight:
Stop, my dear, the passage is closed
Do you see what the caption says?

(A poster hangs: “If you go to the left, you won’t find more love. You’ll go up and make your own happiness. There is no turning back.”)

First Knight:
Answer quickly, my friend
And you will get a ball
Entrance guide
Will tell you how to look for a bride.

Second Knight:
You quickly wind it up
Give whatever they ask.

(In a ball of notes: For your beautiful bride, put out a red bottle. For a beautiful wife, Alyonushka chocolate bar. To be clean, love to give us a pack of soap. Her skillful hands a bottle of white.)

First Knight:
Our bride is beautiful
She is on 7 locks, give us a ransom for her
Go to the 7th floor!

We see you are not a miss, the groom,
Didn't groan, didn't whine,
Though the path to the bride is long,
You already opened it!
But the path to the bride is far with the prologue test.

Second Knight:
You want to take the bride from us
Prove that a sharp eye!

(A poster on the wall depicts a guy. The inscription is “rival”. Hit with a dart.) (The groom did not hit the target.)

First Knight:
You, the groom, got into a mess
Give us cognac
And the witness is not shy
Dance the swan dance

(The groom hit the target.)

Second Knight:
Even if you have a keen eye
You won't get through here without vodka.

First Knight:
The swan fought not in vain
She gave you a pass

And now we want to know
What will the bride's name be?

(The groom puts the name of the bride from the letters.)

Second Knight:
The air is heavy for me
I hear badly - shout!

(The groom calls out the bride's name.)

On a letter each again
Name, my friend, the word,
At night you will caress
Embracing call.

(On the 4th floor meets Baba Yaga (dressed up man)).

Baba Yaga:
Russian spirit, how it smells,
I immediately feel the people:
You look how dressed up
Something strongly perfumed?
Apch-hee, apch-hee.
Didn't you scream for me
Didn't you caress me so
And am I not your bride?

(Groom's answer.)

Baba Yaga (angry):[ br] If you don't like such ladies,
I will serve you!
"Jump over the bumps
Shake your wallet!"

(Jumps up the stairs and leaves money for them: 1 staircase - for a car, 2 - for an apartment, 3 - for a summer house, 4 - for a daughter, 5 - for furniture, 6 - for a son.)

Baba Yaga:
I see dexterous and rich,
This will make everyone happy.
But the bride is poppies,
Draw her portrait.

(A sheet hangs on the wall. The groom draws blindfolded. Baba Yaga tries to push his elbow. The witness defends.)

Baba Yaga:
You tried to bring out
Only here you inherited
Here's my broom
Instructions are given for it:

(On the broom is the inscription:
For your wife to love you
Sweep the apartment in the morning
Wipe the dust, holding back the yawn
And get to work.)

Will you fly on it
And sweep the stairs.
Waving the whisk, say
How can you help your wife?

(The groom sweeps, naming how he will help his wife.)

You did a good job
The path is not long,
To extend the path as soon as possible
You have to wet your throat.

Baba Yaga (stomping):
Make it rustle around the edges and hiss inside.

I ran after the bride for a long time, but what was the point,
You can't tell about her.
You will pay the ransom.

(The dates of significant events from the biography of the bride and her relatives are written on the stairs. The groom tries to explain what these dates are.)

(Questions: phone number, birthday, wedding day, application day, mother-in-law's birthday, day of meeting him, school number, her brother's age, brother's birthday, etc.)

(For every mistake the groom ransom.)

Young princess (meets):
Good afternoon, honest people,
I hear the groom is coming.
In our kingdom state
There is a beauty bride
Waiting, languishing young man!
In our kingdom, the state
You quietly infiltrated...
You kissed the bride, hugged and pardoned.
Now try to guess the lips are cute again.

(There are leaves with lip prints on the wall.)

For not guessing, pay a chocolate bar.
To bribe the guard
And get a bride
Gotta pick the apples
And what will be asked to answer!

(Apples with questions are suspended high on the ceiling and walls.)

Questions for the groom:
1. Favorite dish of the bride.
2. Favorite drink.
3. Shoe size.
4. Eye color.
5. Leg length.
6. Favorite song.

The path is small
And the groom something wilted,
In the registry office music, fanfare,
Well, you are the groom, without a couple.
And our tray is empty
Rash, idling.

Our daughter-in-law was walking in the garden,
left traces,
You find her traces
And go through them now!

(Traces on the walls, stairs. The groom, with the help of a witness, walks along them.)

Hello, our beautiful dove,
Something verse, like a rainy day,
Rejoice - all the way has passed,
The bride has already arrived.

To earn a pass
The groom must not be shy
Before the bride's window
Serenade to be sung

Shout out to everyone, groom: "I love you,"
I'll give you the key to the door.

(The groom screams. They hand over a box with a key. He opens the door, meets the bride, gives flowers.)

Here is your beautiful girl
She's been languishing here for a long time.
Kiss the bride, hug
Don't forget the guests.
For the bride's lips
Pour a glass!

(The groom treats.)

Here comes the end of the ransom
Lead the bride down the aisle!