Scheme of pumping. and the chest is empty. How to express breast milk with your hands using the Marmet technique

Pumping is ideal for the prevention of congestion (lactostasis), as well as for increasing the amount of milk. However, if you feed the baby on demand (the interval between feeding is 2-2.5 hours) and you have the opportunity to be with the baby 24 hours a day, there is no need to pump, since the milk comes in exactly the amount that the growing baby needs. baby's body.

But there are a number of reasons why breast pumping is simply necessary:

Feeding according to the regimen. In this case, the baby is applied to the chest up to 6-8 times a day. That is why experts recommend after each feeding until the chest is completely relieved. Such a procedure is necessary so that the brain does not send signals about a large amount of milk, which can later lead to a decrease in the level.

If your child is away from you or you need to leave for several hours.

If you are taking medications that are incompatible with breastfeeding. In this way, you can continue feeding after the necessary course of treatment.

How to Express Milk Properly

There are 2 ways to express milk:
- manual pumping;
- mechanical pumping (using a breast pump).

To collect milk, you can use a sterilized wide-mouth bowl or a special container.

When hand expressing, you need to wash your hands first. After that, take the chest in the palm of your hand. Do this in such a way that the thumb is on top 4-5 cm from the areola (peripapillary zone). Now begin to carefully reduce the thumb with the index finger, massaging the area of ​​​​the milk ducts.

In this case, your fingers should slide from top to bottom to the areola area. In no case do not squeeze the nipple. In the first minutes, milk may be weakly secreted, however, after rhythmic decanting movements, the reflex of its release will start, and the whole procedure will accelerate.

Manual pumping is very convenient if you do not use it very often and only occasionally bottle feed your baby.

Start pumping. Place the thumb of the other hand approximately 3 cm above the nipple, and the index and middle fingers 3 cm below the nipple. Make a pushing movement with your fingers, without releasing them from the nipple, towards you. After that, press the nipple away from you. Continue rhythmically moving your fingers until milk won't stop dripping. Then rotate your fingers around the nipple 90°C and continue pumping in this position. Do the same with the second breast.

Never squeeze your chest or pull it forward. So you injure her, bruises and cracks may appear on her, the skin will hurt.

If you are unable to express milk manually, purchase a mechanical or electric milk suction. However, remember that many refuse to help milk suction due to the fact that pumping with it seems painful to them, although faster and easier than with the help of hands.

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Many new mothers breastfeed successfully and for a long time, never resorting to pumping. Ideally, properly established lactation should occur in this way: the amount of milk produced corresponds to the needs of the child, and the woman does not experience any problems. However, the skill of pumping is necessary in many situations: excess milk, the desire to increase its quantity, the need to stock up milk"for future use".

You will need

  • - breast pump;
  • - sterilized bottles.


Control lactation from the first minutes after the birth of a child, if possible. As a rule, they are applied to the chest in the delivery room. This practice allows the baby to receive valuable colostrum, and the mother to tune in to proper breastfeeding. Be prepared for the immediate appearance of milk: this can happen as early as the first day after. It is important not to miss this moment, because otherwise the next one will be very painful.

Massage your breasts, especially those areas that you touch. You can't feel sorry for yourself. If this is not done, it will only get worse.

Express the milk by actively kneading the lumps. Then put your baby on your chest. You will not be able to express everything to the last drop, and the child will successfully suck out the remnants. If possible, choose a position so that the chin rests on the sore spot.

You need to pump every three hours. And definitely before feeding. If you express milk after feeding the baby, the brain will send a signal that the baby is not full. The flow of milk will increase. You get a vicious circle.

Also, in the treatment of lactostasis, you need to monitor the amount of fluid you drink in order to reduce milk production. Together with soups, fruits and vegetables, the volume should not exceed one liter.

If after active pumping the condition does not improve the next day, you need to see a doctor.

In what cases pumping is necessary and how to do it is described in the article.

Often, competent pumping of milk can solve the problems of a young mother. Therefore, every young mother should know the principles and rules of this procedure.

Why Express Milk?

The reasons for pumping are different for everyone:

  • Stagnation formed (read below)
  • The chest is too tight, the baby can not take. It is necessary to express some milk until the baby can take the breast
  • The baby is unable or unwilling to breastfeed. Expressing milk, you then feed him from a bottle
  • The baby is not with you, but you want to bottle feed him. Express as much milk as possible every three hours and pass a bottle of milk to your baby
  • If it is impossible to feed (for example, when taking medication) to maintain lactation. In this case, you need to express at least once every 3 hours. Otherwise, less milk will be produced. And after the restoration of feeding the child, he will not have enough milk
  • To enhance lactation (read below)
  • Mom needs to get away. Express the required portion of milk and store according to the rules
  • The chest is full, painful sensations. The main thing here is not to overdo it: express exactly as much as you need to stop the pain. If you pump more, then the next time the milk will come in more than necessary. And then you will walk in a vicious circle

IMPORTANT: If you have been touched by one of the listed reasons, then before pumping, learn the technique so as not to harm your breasts

How often to express breast milk?

The frequency of pumping depends on the reason for pumping:

  • If to increase lactation, then after each feeding and in between
  • If to relieve the chest, then in fact: it hurts - you express, it doesn’t hurt - you don’t express
  • If to maintain lactation, when the child does not breastfeed for any reason, then every 3 hours. If less often, then milk will become less and less
  • If stagnation has formed, then every hour and a half

How to express your chest correctly?

The rules for pumping depend on which method you choose: with your hands or with a breast pump. Read about both methods in this article below in more detail.

IMPORTANT: There is only one general rule: you need to express so as not to injure the chest. And if you are experiencing very severe pain, then you are probably doing something wrong.

Time to express breast milk

The pumping time also depends on the purpose of the pumping:

  • For relief - 2-3 minutes
  • For bottle-feeding - until you express the desired amount, approximately 20-30 minutes
  • To enhance lactation - 5-10 minutes after feeding and 10-15 minutes between feedings
  • In case of stagnation - until the compaction is reduced, but not more than 30 minutes. Otherwise, you will injure your chest.

How to express breast milk with a breast pump?

IMPORTANT: The main condition before any pumping is clean hands

  • Drink hot liquids 20 minutes before pumping. This will improve the flow of milk
  • Before pumping, you can warm your breasts in the shower. This will make it easier for the milk to drain.
  • After warming up, you can lightly massage your chest (read more about massage below)
  • Thinking about your baby helps the body make milk flow easier.

  • Relax - this will also help the outflow of milk
  • It is advisable to express at least a few drops with your hands. So the nipple will take the desired shape and the breast pump will express better
  • Insert the nipple into the middle of the funnel of the breast pump
  • The first pressures on the breast pump should be very light, otherwise you risk cracking the nipple due to the strong vacuum.
  • When the breasts are already lighter, not so painful, you can speed up the process a little. But don't get carried away by speed anyway
  • Periodically remove the breast pump from the breast and massage the breast again
  • If the outflow is bad, then try to lean forward a little.
  • If the nipple becomes wet, then wipe it off and only then continue pumping. Wet breasts are much worse
  • After pumping for prevention, anoint the nipples with a cream such as Bepanthen

IMPORTANT: The breast pump is a technique that does not feel whether it hurts you or not. Therefore, pumping should be done very carefully, especially the first time. After the breast gets used and perceives this process easier

The success of pumping with a breast pump directly depends on the model you choose. How to choose the right model, see the video below.

Video: How to choose a breast pump? — Doctor Komarovsky

Will pumping help increase lactation?

Pumping can increase lactation, but no one promises you a 100% result.

Milk is produced on the principle of supply and demand. So pumping helps by giving the body unnecessary signals that more milk is needed. So the body begins to produce more.

Principles of pumping to increase lactation:

  • After each feeding, try to pump another breast that was fed. Even if you put on a few drops, it will be good. The body will perceive these attempts as a demand. And produce more milk
  • Between feedings, also try to suck for 10 minutes on the breast that you do not plan to give to the baby. Otherwise, he will not have enough milk. Or sip into a sterile bottle, so that later you can feed your baby with this milk.
  • It is very good to express one breast when the baby eats from the second. During feeding there are rushes of milk in both breasts. These flushes are very easy and will go through the breast pump into the bottle

But not all mothers manage to increase lactation in this way.

The main problem is that even a drop of milk cannot be expressed.

IMPORTANT: Many mothers manage to increase lactation by pumping

How to express breast milk with your hands?

Hand pumping is good because you feel your body. At first, this is quite difficult, but once you get used to it, you will do it very quickly and efficiently.

Preparation for pumping the same as with a breast pump (see above):

  • Clean hands
  • hot drink
  • Massage


  • Squeeze the nipple between your thumb and forefinger to make it more elongated
  • With your left hand, pick up your breasts from below
  • Move your thumb up and to the side so that your hand seems to hold the entire chest
  • Place your right thumb on top of the nipple on the nipple-skin line.
  • Put your index and middle fingers on the same line, but under the nipple
  • With your fingers, you should feel on the line for something that looks like balls. If you groped, then you are definitely doing the right thing.
  • Next, press your fingers towards the back, i.e. towards you and slightly squeeze the nipple along this line

IMPORTANT: The last two movements must be done very quickly

  • Those lobes of the breast that are located on the side of the fingers that directly express the breast are expressed well.
  • Therefore, you need to constantly turn your fingers clockwise and counterclockwise so that all the shares are expressed

IMPORTANT: Most likely, nothing will work out for you the first time, but you try and try. Feel yourself and everything will work out

First expression of milk

  • The first pumping, as a rule, is carried out in the hospital, when there is a lot of milk that a small child is not yet able to eat.
  • It is necessary to pump so that stagnation in the chest does not form.
  • Pumping technique is standard (see above)
  • But at the first pumping, you must be extremely careful not to injure the chest.

IMPORTANT: If you are expressing with a breast pump, then the draft should be minimal. If with hands - then the movements should not be too strong and sharp

How to express breasts with lactostasis or mastitis?

Pumping for lastostasis or mastitis is the most essential treatment item if the child cannot resolve the stagnation on his own. Therefore, decanting must be done correctly. The pumping technique with a breast pump and hands is described above. Just a few features:

  • With lactostasis, a nursing mother usually feels in what proportion stagnation has occurred
  • Preparatory shower and massage should be directed mainly to this part of the breast
  • Do not overheat the chest much, as with purulent mastitis this is unacceptable
  • Lightly pat the stagnant lobe with your fingers
  • And when pumping, all your efforts should be directed to this share.
  • To do this, the fingers of the left palm should be on the side of stagnation, as well as the index or thumb of the right hand.

IMPORTANT: In no case do not press on the place of stagnation!

How to express a stone chest?

Stone breasts are a problem for almost all mothers in the first month after giving birth.

The pumping technique can be used as standard manual or breast pumping technique (see above), subject to some considerations:

  • A breast pump will not immediately take a stone breast. You must first give an elongated shape to the nipple and try to express a couple of drops with your hands
  • If the stone chest became in the first month after childbirth, then the difficulty is that the ducts are still narrow, not developed. For this reason, milk can drip drop by drop.
  • Don't give up. Try and try. Otherwise, stagnation may occur.
  • With a stone chest, you can try to grab the chest at the base with both hands and, as it were, stretch them to the nipple, pressing a little. So the milk can flow more easily

IMPORTANT: The most effective way to pump stone breasts is to give it to your baby

How to express milk into a bottle?

All modern breast pumps are equipped with bottles in the kit. Now we are not talking about a pear breast pump. This pump can injure your breasts and pumps the worst.

Therefore, to pump into a bottle, you need:

  • Sterilize the breast pump and bottle
  • dry
  • Attach bottle to breast pump
  • Express milk

IMPORTANT: Pour such milk into a clean feeding bottle or into a milk storage bag ()

Back milk when pumping

When pumping, you may see that your milk is initially clear and bluish in color, and then becomes yellower and opaque.

This yellow and cloudy milk is hindmilk. If you leave the milk to stand, you will see how it separates into layers: the cream on top is the hindmilk.

Pumping with a breast pump makes it harder to express hind milk. More often it turns out to get only the front.

IMPORTANT: Hands are usually more likely to produce hindmilk. But this is all individual.

So if you can't express hindmilk, don't be discouraged, as this can happen.

Expression massage

  • Rubbing the chest with two hands in a circle
  • Rubbing with two hands from the base of the breast to the nipple
  • Finger slapping on chest

IMPORTANT: All movements should be light and calm to prevent damage to the mammary glands.

How much milk should be pumped?

The amount of milk depends on when you express it:

  • If you express after feeding, then you can not express a drop
  • If you express your breast before feeding, you can express the right portion for the baby (both 50 and 100 ml)
  • At night, you can express more milk, since the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the production of milk, begins its active work precisely from 2 to 6 in the morning.

Some mothers cannot express even 10 ml before feeding: this is due, rather, to a violation of the pumping technique.

After feeding, on the contrary, you will most likely not be able to express even 10 ml, if we are not talking about hyperlactation.

Why is there little milk being expressed?

  • Violated pumping technique
  • Preparatory measures have not been completed (see at the beginning of the article)
  • Bad breast pump (see above about choosing a breast pump)
  • The child ate everything
  • You can't relax

IMPORTANT: No breast pump or hands will express as much milk as a baby can suck. If you cannot express even 20 ml of milk before feeding, do not think that there is no milk in the breast. There is milk in the breast and the baby will suck it out

Expressing milk before feeding

It may be necessary to express milk before feeding if:

  • You are away and need to pump into a bottle
  • You smeared something on the breast, after which it is recommended to express a little milk before feeding in the sink
  • The child does not take the breast and you are forced to express milk for him every time
  • The breast is too tight or stone and the child cannot take it

IMPORTANT: It is easier to express the breast before feeding

Expressing milk after feeding

  • Previously, doctors and our grandmothers recommended to express the breast to the last drop every time after feeding. Now this approach is not considered correct, since the body will consider that the milk expressed after feeding was also useful to the child. This means that next time it will produce a little more milk. Then you will fall into a vicious circle, which will subsequently lead to an excess of milk, which in turn is fraught with constant stagnation.
  • To increase lactation. Pumping after feeding for this purpose is quite justified. Read about this method in this article above. Will pumping help increase lactation?
  • If there is too much milk, and the child eats very little. When you still experience chest pain from excess milk after feeding, you need to pump a little until your condition improves. A lot is impossible, as this will also lead to hyperlactation

Pumping is sometimes just necessary, but remember that your baby is the best assistant in pumping your breast.

Unique video: lactostasis: how to express milk?

There is no greater happiness for a mother than to see her child healthy. Therefore, the woman breastfeeds the child. But sometimes this pleasant process is disturbed, and there are painful stagnation of milk in the breast. This phenomenon is called "lactostasis" and is dangerous because if no action is taken, then in a couple of days it can develop into mastitis. Therefore, it is necessary to express the breast immediately and eliminate the stagnation. And it's better to do it manually.

Causes of lactostasis
  • tight bra;
  • chest pressure during sleep;
  • hypothermia of the chest;
  • chest bruises;
  • hyperlactation;
  • improper capture of the breast by the child;
  • improper breast support during feeding, pinching the milk ducts;
  • narrow milk ducts;
  • feeding a baby from a bottle;
  • cracked nipples, flat nipples;
  • incomplete emptying of the breast;
  • stress, lack of sleep, overwork.
Symptoms of milk stasis
  1. Soreness of the chest.
  2. Sensation of tightness in the chest.
  3. Perhaps redness of the chest at the site of stagnation.
  4. There may be an increase in body temperature.
Treatment of lactostasis
The main method of treatment is the correct and frequent attachment of the child to the problem breast. You can immediately express, and if the stagnation has not passed, then offer this breast to the child. It is better than any breast pump and pumping will eliminate discomfort in the chest.

Apply the child to the painful chest in such a way that his chin is turned to the place of stagnation. This breast should be offered to the baby before each feeding.

An increase in temperature is not a contraindication to feeding. If you tolerate this condition well, then the temperature up to 38.5 can not be knocked down. But if the high temperature lasts for two days, then immediately contact a gynecologist, mammologist or midwife. You can call an ambulance. If you need to bring down the temperature, then use the means that are allowed for children: based on ibuprofen or paracetamol.

If for some reason you cannot feed the baby, then it is necessary to decant the breast until the signs of lactostasis completely disappear. Otherwise, stagnation that is not eliminated within two days can lead to mastitis and the appearance of pus in the mammary gland.

How to hand express stagnant breast milk

  1. Take a warm shower or bath to warm and soften your breasts. You can even express while sitting in the bath.
  2. Massage the chest in circular motions towards the center. But do not overdo it, do the massage easily, without squeezing the milk ducts.
  3. Place a warm diaper on your chest for 5 minutes before expressing. But if you have a high temperature for two days, then you should never apply heat to your chest, as pus can accumulate there.
  4. Drink hot tea before pumping.
  5. Eliminate all irritating factors, pumping should be done in a calm environment.
  6. Place your thumb on the top of your areola, and your middle and index fingers on the bottom. Press on the areola. The first milk comes slowly and hard, but after a few seconds it passes.
  7. Pumping is done by pressing on the area around the nipple - the areola. Do not squeeze or pull on the nipple itself. You should also not put pressure on the area behind the areola: milk will not stand out better from this, but it is very easy to transfer milk flows and aggravate the situation.
  8. When decanting, lightly massage the area with congestion. Press lightly and sort of move it towards the nipple.
  9. When pumping, think about or look at the baby, you can smell the smell of baby clothes. This increases the level of oxytocin, the “love hormone”, which improves milk flow.
  10. The ideal option is to express when you feel a rush of milk to your nipples. In this case, after the start of pumping, the milk will run in trickles by itself, and you will only have to knead the area with stagnation.
  11. After pumping, apply cold to the chest for 15 minutes.
  12. Use the "grandmother's" remedy - cabbage leaves. Wash them, remember with your hands and put them on your chest.
Stagnation of milk in the breast is a fairly common occurrence, especially in the first months of a child's life. Therefore, do not panic, it is better to immediately take measures to eliminate it. But, like any problem, lactostasis is better to prevent than to treat, and if treated, then immediately!

To prevent stagnation of milk, make sure that the baby is attached correctly and that he is latching on to the breast correctly. Wear a bra for nursing mothers without stones, do not sleep on your stomach, avoid hypothermia, injuries and bruises, stress, and then breastfeeding will not cause any trouble.

Expressing breast milk is one of the most important skills for every breastfeeding mom. It is necessary in different cases: due to swelling of the mother's breast, the need to feed the baby, during the period of lactation. Milk production depends on both the mother and the baby. However, not everyone is able to establish feeding quickly. Therefore, it is necessary to properly prepare for this process. How to properly express breast milk, we will tell in this article. The health of the woman and the usefulness of the diet of the baby depend on the correct pumping technique.

When to Express Milk

There are several situations when feeding is not possible without pumping:

  • premature birth. A baby who was born prematurely does not yet have a breast sucking reflex. Such children do not know how to suck, but they really need breastfeeding, their life and health may depend on it. Unlike purchased mixtures, mother's milk contains the maximum amount of nutrients that accelerate the development of the baby. Therefore, pumping in this case is considered the only correct option.
  • Weak sucking reflex. Many babies are born with an underdeveloped sucking reflex. They suckle their breasts very slowly and for a long time, as a result they do not eat up. Most often, this lasts only the first week after birth, and then the child gets used to daily efforts. But if this continues further, it is worth excluding the possibility of serious diseases in the baby by contacting the doctor. In any case, you can not stop feeding, just learn how to properly express breast milk and start feeding your baby from a bottle.
  • Bad lactation. When there is very little milk coming, all means of producing it are good. Knowing how to express breast milk with your hands, you can increase its flow. Constant pumping enhances lactation, although it makes it unstable for the child's regimen.
  • During treatment. Many medicines are prohibited for nursing mothers due to their penetration into milk, which can harm the health of the baby. But it happens that their counterparts do not cope with the treatment. In order not to stop breastfeeding, milk is expressed before taking medication and frozen to feed the baby for the period of treatment. Regular pumping allows you not to stop breastfeeding during treatment. The breast continues to produce milk, albeit not for the baby.

How does normalization of lactation occur?

The establishment of lactation awaits every woman who has given birth. Therefore, knowledge of the technique of expressing breast milk is necessary. In the first minutes after the birth of a child, it is impossible to call milk produced in the mother’s breast, but for a newborn it is already good nutrition. Only after two or three days the breast is filled with milk. The child is not able to immediately suck out such large portions, so it is necessary to express breast milk. When and how much milk needs to be expressed, it is easy to determine by the baby's appetite. If you do not express milk from both breasts in a timely manner, this can lead to serious health problems.

Periodic pumping during this period will normalize lactation. It is impossible to squeeze out all the milk from the breast at once, as soon as it ceases to be hard to the touch, pumping must be stopped. The flow of milk will gradually adjust to the feeding of the baby, and pumping may no longer be required.

Preparing to Express Milk

Proper expression of breast milk is especially difficult for those women who have their first child. But with proper preparation, the process will be as comfortable as possible. Where to start:

  1. 15 minutes before pumping, you need to drink hot relaxing tea.
  2. It is good to warm up the chest, go to the shower, and then attach a warm towel to the chest.
  3. If the baby is not around, think about him with your eyes closed.
  4. Lightly massage the chest with your hands.

This completes the preparation for pumping. The most important thing is not to be nervous and not to worry. Before expressing breast milk with your hands, you need to tune in to a good result. Then everything will happen naturally easily. A more serious procedure should be carried out in the presence of lactostasis. With it, stagnation appears in the chest, which must be removed with a special massage and rubbing.

Hand expressing milk

When hand expressing breast milk, it is worth remembering hygiene. Before starting the procedure, hands must be thoroughly washed and dishes sterilized. For pumping, you will need a container with a wide base, such as a deep plate or cup. The container must be placed at chest level for pumping to be as comfortable as possible. Next, you need to adhere to the following technique:

  1. Grasp the areola with your fingers, the big one should be at the top, and the rest at the bottom. The fingers should be clenched towards the ribs and resemble the letter C.
  2. Next, you need to roll your fingers towards the nipple. Movements should be slow, but rhythmic and confident.
  3. You can move your fingers around the circumference of the areola for more aggressive pumping. But you can not let go of the skin or go beyond the areola area.
  4. At first, the milk will drip, but then it will pour in streams.

Pumping one breast takes about 15 minutes. However, at first it can take up to half an hour. After several procedures, the technique will improve, and the process will be significantly reduced.

Manual pumping rules

So that this process does not cause pain or discomfort, it is worth considering some rules for expressing breast milk:

  1. During pumping, do not massage the breast, put pressure on it or squeeze it. Painful sensations that cause discomfort will only reduce milk production.
  2. Fingers should be continuously on the areola. You can not tear them from the chest and re-compress the skin.
  3. The fingers should move continuously around the circumference. Thus, all milk ducts will be worked out as much as possible.
  4. The breast needs to be changed every 5-7 minutes.
  5. You can not pull the nipple, such actions can lead to dryness, wounds and cracks.
  6. Expression of the breast should be painless, if there are discomfort, then the technique is broken.
  7. A woman should be in a comfortable position, maximum relaxation contributes to good lactation.
  8. Before the first procedure of expressing milk, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Pros and cons of hand expressing milk

Like any procedure, expressing breast milk manually has a list of advantages and disadvantages. Of the advantages of this method can be noted:

  1. There are no contraindications for breastfeeding.
  2. It does not require any investment.
  3. A woman can regulate the entire process of feeding the baby herself, without getting up even from the bed.
  4. Absence of any injury.
  5. Manual pumping does not cause pain, as it happens when using a breast pump.
  6. Skin contact promotes good lactation.
  7. You can stimulate the mammary glands well only with your own hands.
  8. There are no side effects of hand pumping.

There are also a few downsides:

  1. Long time to express breast milk.
  2. A woman must carefully prepare and strictly observe the pumping technique.
  3. Not everyone manages to evenly empty their breasts, this causes stagnation of milk.

Expression with a breast pump

Breast pumps are the constant helpers of every nursing mother. They allow you to express milk quickly and safely. There are a huge number of their variations, divided by cost, manufacturer and mode of action. Knowing the advantages of each model, a woman can choose the most comfortable device for herself.

Breast pumps are divided into two large groups: mechanical and electrical. To decide on a model, you need to know how these two types of devices work. By following the instructions, you can learn how to work with any of them correctly.

Mechanical breast pumps

These devices are most commonly referred to as manual breast pumps. They are suitable for those women who rarely express milk, for example, when lactation is normalized immediately after childbirth or during short separations from the baby. Mechanical devices are divided into several types, divided by the mode of action.

  • Pump action. This model of breast pump is the easiest to use. It consists of a funnel and a pear-shaped rubber pump. Pumping of this type of breast occurs when the pump is squeezed with hands. The vacuum created inside the device provokes the secretion of milk.
  • Syringe. The device itself looks like a syringe. The breast pump includes two cylinders: internal and external. The inner one is applied to the chest, and the outer one needs to make translational movements.
  • Piston. This machine contains a breast attachment, a milk bowl and a lever. To empty the mammary glands, you need to attach a funnel to the areola and constantly press the lever. Of all mechanical models, it is piston breast pumps that are considered the most comfortable. They do not provoke milk stagnation and are very easy to manage.

Electric breast pumps

These models also create a vacuum in the nipple area, but their power is not manual force, but a motor powered by batteries or mains. To begin the pumping process, a woman just needs to attach the breast pump to her breast and press the button. Electric devices greatly simplify the extraction of milk, do not cause discomfort, and also do not require a lot of time for the procedure. How much to express breast milk, the woman decides for herself, thanks to the adjustment of the device modes. The breast after expressing with the help of such a breast pump becomes soft, and the flow of milk flows in a trickle. This is a good sign of a successful pumping.

Breast milk storage

Every woman should be aware of the rules for storing expressed milk. If they are neglected, milk will not only lose all its beneficial properties, but can also adversely affect the health of the baby. Spoiled breast milk develops bacteria and pathogens. To prevent this from happening, milk must be expressed and stored in a hygienic manner. At room temperature, milk is stored for no more than 3 hours. Storage of breast milk after pumping in the refrigerator should last no more than 4 days. If you express milk in reserve, you need to take care of the container in advance. Transfusions are highly discouraged, so you need to express directly into a freezer bag or container.

Where to store breast milk

Having decided on how to properly express breast milk, you should find a suitable storage for it. When choosing a container for milk, it is worth considering the shelf life, as well as its required amount. Recommended storage containers:

  1. Simple baby bottles are suitable for single feeding.
  2. Electric breast pumps have special containers for storing milk. They put a nipple on them and immediately start feeding.
  3. For storage of 2-3 days or more, use special plastic containers for breast milk. They are sterilized and suitable for storage in the freezer.
  4. It is also convenient to keep milk in baby food jars. They, along with lids, can be sterilized at home, but such containers cannot be stored in the freezer. Glass under the influence of sub-zero temperatures bursts.
  5. Industrial production packages. They have a place for marking and the date of pumping. These bags are very easy to freeze.

How to freeze breast milk

Freezing breast milk is a real lifesaver for women. Lactation can stop at any time due to stress, lack of sleep, rest, and many other reasons. Considering that frozen milk can be stored in the freezer for up to six months, every mother can prevent this unexpected loss by periodically replenishing milk supplies in the freezer. Let it cool well before freezing. This can be done either at room temperature or in the refrigerator. It is not worth pouring milk from one container to another, even if sterilization is observed.

The freeze mode must be turned on immediately after placing the container in the freezer. For this purpose, you will need to allocate a separate shelf where other products will not be stored. Milk bags must be labeled with pumping dates. You also need to indicate the date of freezing. These storage rules are very important, since milk cannot be stored longer than the allotted time.

How to heat milk from the refrigerator

Before you feed your baby with milk from the refrigerator, it must be warmed up in a special bottle warmer. It can also be done in a water bath or warmed up under hot tap water. Before warming milk from the freezer, it must be brought to a liquid state in the refrigerator. Only when it has thawed can it be taken out and heated in the usual way.

Do not heat milk in the microwave, oven or under boiling water. These methods can only destroy all the beneficial substances of breast milk. Such food will not only not benefit the baby, but can also worsen his health. You can not re-freeze milk, it is better to throw away the leftovers that have not been used in food.

How to breastfeed and express milk is explained in detail even in the hospital. But every woman and her child is a separate, unique case. Therefore, it is worth getting a personal recommendation on feeding while already at home, in a comfortable environment.

Breast milk is the best food for a newborn. To stimulate lactation, regular feedings and pumping are necessary. For pumping, you can use a breast pump or express milk with your hands.

Why are pumping necessary? If you're low on milk and your baby isn't getting enough, this is a great way to stimulate lactation. Immediately after feeding, remove the remaining milk to the last drop. Do not take the baby from the breast, even if you do not hear what the baby is swallowing. Breast stimulation will help increase milk supply.

Ways to express breast milk:

  • manual;
  • with the help of a breast pump;
  • warm bottle method.
If you decide to leave the baby for a while and you need to leave urgently, you will have to express milk and freeze it. From frozen, you can cook porridge and use it to prepare various dishes for the baby. To pump, sit on a chair and lean against the back, relax. Massage the chest with pressure movements from the armpit to the nipple. In no case do not press on the areola, this is the end point of milk supply, there is a lot of it. Try to start with a breast massage in its upper part. Gradually move towards the nipple. You can not pull the nipple and put pressure on it, so you can provoke the appearance of cracks. Only if you feel that the chest is soft and empty, you can start pressing on the areola. If you have lactostasis and the temperature has risen, you must completely express your breasts. To do this, take a warm shower. Direct streams of warm water to the mammary glands. Massage them with force, breaking up hard areas. You will feel pain, but you must endure and continue to massage. After that, with effort, press on the chest, stroking it. Work from top to bottom. Basically, pumping occurs due to the work of the thumb. Alternate the mammary glands so that the arms rest. At the initial stage, use a warm bottle or breast pump. At first, you can use the warm bottle method. To do this, pour very hot water (almost boiling water) into it and leave the container for a few minutes. Drain the water and cool the neck. Take the bottle in your hand with a cloth so as not to burn yourself. Press the neck against the nipple. As the glass cools, the nipple will retract and milk will flow from the breast. Express the rest of the milk with your hands. With strong breast filling after feeding, attach a cold cabbage leaf, it will slightly reduce lactation. If you're finishing breastfeeding, you can't do without pumping. If you have chest pain and lumps, be sure to express some milk. It is necessary to press on the chest only in the armpits and on top of the mammary gland. To make things a little easier, lubricate your skin with petroleum jelly or baby oil. Slidingly press down on your chest. After the procedure, wash the skin with soap.

With a large breast size, it is problematic to express all the milk completely. In no case do not ask your husband to suck milk. The sucking technique is different for children and adults, so you will not be able to completely empty the breast.