Do-it-yourself school sundresses for girls 7. Sew a school sundress pattern. The pattern is printed on a conventional printer

On the eve of the new school year, children's clothing stores are full of all kinds of school uniform styles. Parents often spend a lot of time to choose an outfit that would suit both adults and the child himself. And it's not just the price. The quality of fabric and tailoring plays a big role here. Sometimes an interesting model is made from cheap synthetic materials, which is not quite suitable for daily wear by a child. And sometimes high-quality fabric is sewn in such a way that it does not sit well on any figure. And here the best option is self-tailoring of school uniforms. If a mother has such a skill, it is always a big plus for both the child and the family budget as a whole. Therefore, today we will try to find the answer to the question of how to sew a school sundress for a girl with our own hands - patterns will help you quickly deal with the nuances.

Schoolgirl wardrobe

The school standard for girls is no longer the same type of uniform that our mothers and grandmothers were forced to wear. Today, in the modern world, girls and girls choose bright, open, various styles of clothes. In addition, fashion, fortunately, has forever left in the past the rules “black bottom - white top”. The educational institution sets only a general style:

  • Today, the classic combination of a vest and a skirt is often the only option for many educational institutions.
  • Along with this option, a jacket or jacket in combination with a skirt or even trousers is considered quite appropriate within the walls of the school.
  • Sometimes girls are allowed to wear dresses of suitable length and style.
  • An ideal option for young ladies is a sundress - not a summer one, made of light materials, but a more modest style with a small sleeve or without it at all. Therefore, more and more often, mothers are wondering how to sew a school sundress for a girl with their own hands.

Important! This school wear option can be paired with a variety of shirts, blouses, T-shirts and turtlenecks. And every time it will look different.

Material selection

Before you sew a school sundress for a girl with your own hands and do patterns, you should carefully study the recommendations for choosing a fabric. Your child will have to wear these clothes almost every day for a year. Therefore, it must meet certain requirements:

  • consist of natural fibers and provide comfort;
  • be breathable and hygroscopic;
  • material shrinkage should be minimal;
  • the material should be soft, but at the same time durable;
  • The fabric should have color fastness when washed.

Before you sew a school sundress or other clothes to replenish your wardrobe, we advise you to listen to the opinion of manufacturers who deal with dozens of different materials every day:

  • Blouses for girls and shirts for boys are most often made from poplin.
  • Turtlenecks and knitted blouses are produced from the knitted fabric and footer.
  • For a sports uniform, a footer is perfect, both with and without fleece.
  • For suits, dresses and sundresses, corduroy, fule, denim and twill will be optimal.

Important! When choosing the color of the material, give preference to dark blue, dark gray colors. They are not as gloomy as black, but also successfully combined with almost all colors.

pattern modeling

In order to sew a school sundress for a girl with your own hands, patterns can be found on the Internet. It is not necessary to choose the most complex style, you can take the basic pattern. Based on it, you can make several patterns of clothes at once.

Option 1

In the first option, we will analyze how to sew a school dress for a girl with our own hands in a semi-adjacent silhouette. The lower part will be detachable, on the front of it we will make 2 counter folds.

On a sheet of paper, and preferably large thick cardboard, we transfer the contours of the basic pattern. For work, we need the main lines - the chest and the bottom of the product:

  1. Lay down 7 cm from the chest line and draw a horizontal line. This will be the beginning of the cutting bottom.
  2. Now let's move on to the armhole. She is tall on a regular dress, but we need to make her deeper so that blouses and turtlenecks can be worn under the bottom.
  3. From the base point of the end of the armhole, lay down 2 cm. We also shorten the shoulder line by 2 cm on both sides from the outer part. Now we connect the resulting points with a smooth line that repeats the lines of the base pattern.
  4. We also make the neck deeper. On the back, it will be enough to lay down 1 cm. On the shelf, we will increase this value to 3 cm. We will also shorten the shoulder line by 2 cm. Now we draw a new neckline with smooth lines. The upper part has already become similar to a sundress, and the reduced lines of the shoulder are like straps.

Important! Before sewing a school sundress, do not forget about such a detail as the neckline. This detail repeats the lines of the neck, to the shoulders its width should be no more than 5 cm, to the center of the back and shelves it must be increased to 10 cm, otherwise it will constantly crawl out.

Now let's move on to building the bottom of the skirt:

  • The contours of the lower part of the shelf, the cutting part, are also transferred to a sheet of paper or drawing paper.
  • The depth of our fold will be, for example, 3 cm. To model it, we find the center of the front.
  • From this point, we set aside 6 cm to the right and left. This will be the folds folded in half towards each other.
  • Now we also add 6 cm on each side of the panel.

Important! The additional centimeters laid down will go into the folds, and if you do not add the same value to the side seams, then the sundress will simply be small.

  • Now measure the top distance, and based on that value, draw a rectangle. This will be the cut-off skirt. After the folds are formed on the fabric, the sundress will take on a slightly flared shape towards the bottom.
  • Redraw the back from the base pattern or model it in the same way, laying 2 folds in the middle of the part.

Option 2

Another option on how to sew a school sundress is also based on a basic pattern. Now it will be a semi-adjacent model, with short sleeves, also with a detachable skirt with pleats, but with a low waistline and pockets:

  1. We translate the contours of the base pattern onto thick paper.
  2. Immediately determine the length of the future sleeve and shorten the part to the desired size.
  3. Now we lay down 7 cm from the waist line and draw a horizontal line.
  4. This will be the junction of the top and bottom of our sundress. We leave the upper part unchanged, we have to model the lower part.

The skirt in this model is also a rectangle. In order to calculate the width of this rectangle, we measure the distance along the stitching line of the skirt. Let it be equal to 40 cm. Now we consider the depth of our folds and the quantity:

  • For example, each fold will be 4 cm deep, which means that the fabric needs 8 cm to create them, and in total there will be 4 folds on the skirt, which means 8x4 = 32 cm.
  • We add to the original size of the canvas and get 72 cm. This means that the width of our rectangle will be 72 cm + 2 cm for allowances.
  • And the length of the rectangle will be equal to the length of your future sundress + 3 cm for the hem of the bottom and + 1 cm for sewing the skirt to the top.
  • Before sewing a school sundress for a girl with our own hands, we just have to draw the line of the entrance to the pocket and the burlap of the pocket.

Important! The back of the skirt is a rectangle based on the calculations above, minus the pocket detail.

Sewing sequence

Before answering the question of how to sew a school sundress for a girl with your own hands, we note that there is no need to hurry in this work. So that such clothes are not inferior in quality to expensive factory items, you should follow the established sequence of actions:

  1. Before you sew a school sundress for a girl with your own hands, we transfer the details of the pattern with chalk and a remnant to the fabric.
  2. If the seam allowances are not included on the pattern, do not forget about them when cutting the material.
  3. The facings of the neck and armholes, before sewing a school sundress, must be glued with interlining. After this part is sewn, do not forget to stitch, stepping back 1 mm from the edge so that the facing does not turn outward.
  4. We sew the details of the sundress in the following sequence: first we process the shoulder seams, then we sew in the sleeves, and only after that we connect the side seams. Then comes the processing of the neck and bottom of the product.
  5. If the product comes with a detachable skirt, as in our version, then first we assemble the upper part and process the neck and armhole. Then we sew pockets and create folds. Then comes the turn of the side seams and the connection of the upper and lower parts.

Important! In the process of sewing a school sundress, do not forget to iron the seams so that the product looks neat.

Having mastered the basic sewing technique and simple modeling techniques, you can take on more complex products. Even a Soviet-style uniform will be within your power. And then you can forget about factory identical dresses, not always of good quality.

In order to always solve the question of how to sew a school sundress or any other clothes for a child or for yourself, you need to remember a few golden rules that will be useful to every dressmaker:

  • Take your time. This mistake is made by many beginners. Everyone wants to see the result of their work as soon as possible and show off in a new thing as soon as possible. It is in a hurry that many forget to sweep away the details, iron the seams, as a result, skewed edges and incorrectly sewn parts are obtained. And here you do not save time, but spend it even more - on ripping the seams and eliminating shortcomings.
  • The second common mistake is to sew without trying on. This is only permissible if you have already sewed a similar model according to the pattern and the experience was successful. If the pattern has not yet been tested, then it is not worth the risk. It’s better to sweep everything by hand first, try it on, make a fit, and only then sit down at the machine.
  • No matter how tempting the prospect of working with ready-made patterns is, before sewing a school sundress, check the pattern downloaded from the Internet. Compare with your measurements, if necessary, adjust the base to the parameters you need. Please note that all ready-made patterns are created for a typical figure, which only an exhibition mannequin possesses.
  • If you are determined to learn how to sew a school sundress, then remember: in order to learn how to sew, you need to really want it and try. Many people think that creating clothes is a very complicated process, only talented people can do it. In fact, anyone can learn it.
  • Don't be afraid to learn from your mistakes. Just understand and accept - at first, there will be a lot of them both in the process of sewing and in the process of constructing a pattern. It may well be that the first experience will end in failure. But on the second product you will take into account everything that you did wrong.
  • Before transferring details to the fabric, do not forget to carry out wet-heat treatment of all materials. Please note that any fabric, regardless of density, shrinks. If you do not process it before cutting, you can get a product that will be small for you in size.

Important! As an experiment, you can cut 2 pieces of fabric - 10 by 10 cm, iron one, and then compare them. Sometimes it happens that the processed segment becomes 9 by 9 cm in size.

  • Many, when sewing a school sundress, neglect the processing of seams and do not iron them. However, doing obviously poor quality work is not worth it. Having yielded to yourself once, you run the risk of turning tailoring on the principle “and so it will do” - this is the norm. If you notice that one pocket is sewn lower than the other, if the cuffs on the shirt are of different widths, and the gathering on the hem of the skirt is thicker on one side, do not be lazy. Take and redo until you achieve a quality result.
  • Before you sew a school sundress for a girl with your own hands from expensive fabric, practice on some simple one. Many novice dressmakers have no fear of spoiling the material, they buy fabrics that are difficult to sew, and then do not know what to do with it. The result of such a mistake is disappointment and loss of interest in sewing.
  • The sewing machine is the most important tool for a seamstress. Therefore, always monitor its condition, settings. Regularly clean from threads, dust and lubricate with oil. In the event of serious problems, do not undertake repairs with your own hands - you can aggravate the situation, it is better to immediately call the master.
  • After spending a little of your time reading this article, you learned how to sew a school sundress for a girl with your own hands, you also learned how to build patterns. Now you can start creating a wardrobe for your schoolgirl, in which there will be at least 2 sundresses of different styles. If the fabric is chosen correctly and all the recommendations are followed when sewing, then the clothes will delight your child and you every day. And the tips above will help you improve your sewing skills and become a master, from whose hands only quality things come out.

There is simply a huge assortment of various summer children's clothing, but a sundress is considered the most comfortable outfit for a girl. A sundress is an important part of the wardrobe, and all thanks to its practicality, because such a model can be worn by representatives of different ages. A pattern of a sundress for a girl will allow you to create an outfit with your own hands, which is ideal for a little fashionista.

Choosing a model based on age

A silhouette called a trapezoid is suitable for the smallest. Very often, such models of sundresses are equipped with straps, and you do not need to have special skills to sew them.

Patterns of trapezoidal outfits in front and behind are not much different from each other, so they are very easy to make. The sundress flares out a little at the bottom, and to build the pattern, you need to take measurements of the chest girth to determine the top, as well as choose the length of the outfit. In addition, you need to measure the width of the arms to draw the armhole.

Outfits for older girls are more sophisticated and sophisticated. To make a sundress pattern for a 7-year-old girl special, combine a variety of fabric colors. No need to limit your imagination, because you can create several different sundresses of the same style. A very popular option among little fashionistas is the sun skirt.

Sundresses with a skirt consisting of several panels also look beautiful. This outfit has a festive look. The set of a sundress with Figaro looks interesting. A cape-jacket will make the outfit fashionable and more versatile. The main thing is to use a similar fabric for figaro. For a pattern of a shelf with a back, take any jacket or blouse. Short puff sleeves look great.

Necessary materials:

  • fabric (its width and length are calculated taking into account the size of the child);
  • sewing machine;
  • threads;
  • paper;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • chalk or dry soap.

Sundress pattern for a girl 10 years old and older:

  1. We transfer the pattern to paper, calculating the length of the lines, taking into account the size of the girl, as well as the product.
  2. Having drawn a pattern, it must be cut out and then attached to the fabric.
  3. All details should be carefully outlined with chalk or a bar of soap (it is better not to use a pen or felt-tip pen for this, because there will be traces that will be very difficult to remove).
  4. It remains to cut out the details and sew them.

  1. We cut out a large rectangle, leaving allowances vertically to hem the bottom edge (although it is better to sheathe the bottom with some kind of lace or ribbon).
  2. Leave an allowance for the drawstring. Its dimensions are affected by the width of the rope or ribbon - if the braid or ribbon is rather thin, you need to add only 5 cm; when it is wide or a twisted cord is used, then 10 cm must be left.
  3. At the same time, we choose the width of the product, taking into account that if it is wide, then there will be a lot of assemblies. Pleats look great if the fabric is thin, so they can be used in large quantities. Whereas hard material must be dosed, otherwise the sundress will look like a bell.
  4. We leave allowances for all seams.
  5. We cut out two main details - one will be used for the front, the second - for the back. We mow a few centimeters on the armhole, given the fullness of the baby.
  6. It remains to sew a sundress for the girl with your own hands: transfer the patterns to the fabric, and if everything is fine, sew on a typewriter.

Read also:

Pattern of a school sundress:

  1. According to the measurements taken, prepare the main pattern by drawing the main lines on it.
  2. When making the back, divide the tuck located at the back into two parts. Continue the middle lines to the very bottom until they intersect with the bottom of the outfit. The lines of the bottom and waist must be continued by 5 cm. Connect the resulting points with a line, leaving an allowance for assembling the product.
  3. In the middle of the front part, you need to set aside 2 cm from the neck itself. Then draw a line from the obtained point to the neck. Set aside 2 cm from the middle of the front along the waist to the right so that the bodice fastens.
  4. Mark several loops: one is 2 cm lower from the neck, the distance between the rest should be 6 cm.
  5. Continue the darts until they intersect with the bottom of the product.
  6. On the bottom of the skirt itself, you need to set aside 5 cm for allowances.
  7. The sleeve pattern remains unchanged. The length of the cuff should be the circumference of the girl's wrist, to which 2 cm is added.
  8. It turns out a school sundress for a girl: the pattern must be numbered before transferring it to the fabric. Otherwise, the details may be confused.

Variety of options

Today school uniform so diverse that, willy-nilly, you begin to envy modern boys and girls. During my childhood, the choice was small: a jacket and a pleated skirt. Now there is such a variety of models of dresses, three-piece suits, etc. that by looking at them you can get some ideas for everyday office clothes.

So, school uniform may have different configurations, for example: for girls one day you can choose a blouse and skirt, the next - a jacket and pants. For boys the choice is also not limited to a shirt and trousers of a classic cut, a casual look can easily be diluted with a stylish vest. For the little ones, you can adopt the tradition of the English royal court: it is not customary for boys to wear trousers, only shorts.

A little earlier, we did a review article on jackets, where we identified their main types. There you can also find three patterns for various women's jackets:

Today we will devote more time to unusual models, look at their features and aspects that distinguish them from other similar things.

In the archive you will find a jacket, which we examined in detail earlier in the article Sew a jacket. PATTERN 130 cm

and a sundress sewn from the same fabric.

The school uniform set can be successfully separated into independent items and combined with other clothes, creating a new look for your girl every day.

As for children's things, the most important thing to pay attention to is practicality and ease of wearing. The child simply does not like clothes that are too restrictive, and without taking this into account, you risk getting a thing that will simply take up space in the closet.

Jacket in school uniform

What distinguishes the model of the jacket that we sewed:

1. Real pockets.

Pockets can be both functional and snag. In my opinion, it is better to give preference to the first option, especially in children's jackets, because boys and girls of elementary school value functionality first of all and only then pay attention to style.

2. No collar.

It is rather problematic to talk about the plus or minus of this item. A jacket without lapels and fastened to the level of the collarbones has a less "formal look", if such a concept is generally applicable to children's school uniforms. Also, the closed top allows you to attribute this model to winter.

More jackets in school uniform

What other models seemed interesting to us?

Classic single-breasted blazer with lapels. Despite its visual simplicity, it is quite difficult to build.

A daring double-breasted jacket with a fold-down front to create the illusion of a collar.

Sundress in school uniform

To be honest, a sundress in school uniform was a revelation for me. Before that, I could imagine a variety of combinations: jeans and blazer in dark shades as a school uniform, a classic brown school dress, only made in a different color, in which our mothers and grandmothers went. However, in a winter school uniform, a sleeveless dress, under which you can wear a light sweater, justifies itself. This is a convenient and practical solution.

In this article " Sewing a school sundress pattern"We examined in detail the sewing of a sundress for a girl.

The following details are noteworthy in this model:

A bow-pleated skirt cut off at the waist, most often found in school uniforms. It allows you to emphasize the fragile girlish figure. These skirts are suitable for almost everyone, you just have to choose the right length. Another important point is that the folds go from the center to the side seams.

Belt on a sundress school uniform- the attribute is quite rare, it seems to demonstrate the waist line, emphasizing the difference between a strict top and a more playful bottom, which is just right for a young schoolgirl. In addition, the belt also performs a decorative and practical function - it covers the seam line. Also, the low waist visually lengthens the growth of the child.

school uniform models

For us, as for most seamstresses, the Internet is the main source of inspiration, we will show several models of school uniforms that we are interested in. And each in its own way. Some school uniform was noticed by its practicality, another by its tenderness, and the third by its showiness. So, enjoy and do not forget to notice the details:

It looks like a classic dress with removable cuffs and a collar, but here the top is complex in construction, decorated with reliefs emphasizing the figure.

High-waisted sundress accented with trim; with a cunning bow pleat on the skirt, which gives an extension along the bottom and ruffles in the armhole area.

Also a sundress-blende of an unusual cut. From a distance, it generally looks like a long jacket due to the shelves diverging in front, buttons imitating a fastener and a low V-shaped neckline. There is a hidden zipper on the back.

Double-breasted sundress with a functional top shelf. It also imitates a long jacket.

Fantasy cut of the vest with reliefs and ruffles, which are sewn not into the armhole, but into the central reliefs of the front. The skirt is gathered with an elastic band and the lining helps to keep its shape.

Models are distinguished by their finish and color scheme.

The traditional Japanese school uniform, she is also a sailor suit. Very free due to the pleated skirt and the cut of the jacket with a straight silhouette. Universal for any age.

A wonderful vintage girl's dress, with lace trim, which, if desired, can be replaced with national embroidery or something even more daring.

That's all for today. Leave your feedback in the comments. Perhaps soon we will tell you how to sew one of the presented models.
Article by Nitasha Eraklier
School uniform patterns provided by M.Y. code. Groups in

A few decades ago, absolutely all schoolchildren were required to wear the established uniform, which greatly facilitated the life of parents. Buying a dress or at that time was not difficult. All stores had a special section where you could pick up a uniform of absolutely any size, both for boys and girls.

Today, there is no generally accepted style. There was only an agreement on the combination of colors. Light top and dark bottom are classic. And it is this combination that the administration of any school asks parents to adhere to. In addition to the standard combination of a blouse with a skirt or trousers, girls are allowed to wear sundresses over a light blouse. But today it can be quite difficult to find a thing of the right size, especially when it comes to clothes for first graders. Often, babies entering the school path simply do not correspond to the generally accepted size range of the form produced today. And even the smallest models are great.

Therefore, it would not be superfluous to learn how to sew a school one. The patterns of this garment presented in the article will help craftswomen understand the principle of creating a base pattern and modeling various styles.

Perhaps, work on a new outfit for a little schoolgirl should begin with determining the length of the cut of the material and measurements.

Calculation and taking measurements

For pattern and fabric calculation, you should measure the height of the child, chest, waist, hips, back width, height from shoulder to chest, as well as the length from shoulder to waist and the length of the finished product. For any model, whether it is a straight silhouette or a variant with a canvas width of 150 cm, you will need a cut equal to the length of the finished product + 10 cm for the design of the seams and the hem of the bottom. If the width of the material is 110 or 80 cm, its consumption will increase by about 20 cm.

What material should not be taken?

The fabric for a school sundress should be selected based on the following requirements for the fabric:

What is better to sew a sundress from?

The ideal option for both price and quality will be the so-called school fabric, as well as katon, gabardine. But you can use other costume fabrics. From knitted fabrics, diving and jersey can be used. In any case, the patterns of school sundresses discussed in this article are suitable for making a product from any canvas, the only difference will be in the fastener.

In addition to fabric, you will need sewing equipment, matching threads, a 50 cm long zipper or buttons. But, as practice shows, the child will be more comfortable with a zipper.

Building a template

The main pattern of a school sundress for a girl of 7 years old, on the basis of which absolutely all styles are modeled, is built in accordance with the measurements taken from the figure. To develop a drawing, you will need to draw a rectangle on paper or on a construction film. One side of it is half the circumference of the chest, the other is the length of the product. Further construction can be divided into several stages:

Perhaps these are all the tricks of building the main pattern of school sundresses. All of its changes relate to design and modeling. And this topic is worth talking about separately, because by changing the number of cut elements and their shape, you can achieve amazing results.


If you change the base a little, then new patterns of school sundresses will come out. For example, in the drawing, relief seams from the shoulder and to the bottom can be marked, the sections of which should be flared to the hem. The six-piece product will look like a bell and is perfect for a small thin girl.

You can also make the top cut-off, and arrange the skirt from a strip of fabric gathered with bow or ordinary folds. The place where both parts are combined can be decorated with a satin ribbon and a bow. In this case, it is best to underestimate the waist by about 7 cm.

Patterns of school sundresses for girls can be improved. For example, it is not difficult to fit it on the back and make a real lady's sheath dress in this way for the baby.

Also interesting options would be models with a tulip skirt and peplum along the waist line.

Armhole and neck options

Sewing a school sundress, the pattern of which is built so easily, is not at all difficult. All the most difficult thing that can lie in wait during assembly is the armhole. They can be made from the main fabric or a selection of lining fabric, duplicating the main fabric of the product to the waist line.

In view of the fact that the patterns of school sundresses for girls are built without complex calculations and drawings, and the processing of parts is not so complicated as it might seem at the beginning of work, you should try your hand and make a school uniform item yourself.

Life-size school sundress pattern for girls 128-134-140 cm tall.

The pattern is printed on a conventional printer.

You receive immediately three pattern sizes.

The sundress is detachable along the waistline, the skirt is pleated. Zipper in the middle back seam. Using this pattern, you can sew not only a strict school sundress, but also a summer dress for relaxing, choosing bright fabrics.

The pattern is sent instantly by e-mail (to your e-mail address). Pattern file is located in the attachment letters. Open, print, glue the sheets, cut out the size you need and you can start cutting.

To be able to print the pattern several times, save the file to your computer.

For sewing a school sundress, you will need 0.9 - 1m of fabric (depending on size) with a width of 1.50m. Choose fabrics depending on the purpose of the sundress, preferably natural. These can be plain fabrics that match the dress code of your school. For other cases, checkered, striped fabrics, etc. are suitable. For the summer version, you can use light fabrics of a wide variety of colors and shades.

The pattern of a school sundress is given in three sizes in full size without seam allowances.

Tables of sizes for children's clothing, as well as the ratio of the age, height, chest circumference and weight of the child can be.

Note: before printing all sheets, print one sheet with a 10x10 cm control square. Check that its sides correspond to exactly 10 cm. Achieve this using your printer settings. Now you can print all the pattern sheets and assemble them into one puzzle, according to the pattern, using narrow adhesive tape or a glue stick.

The pattern is designed for the age of approximately 7-10 years. Age guidelines are not very reliable, as children at this age come in different heights and different fatness. Therefore, before cutting out the details of the pattern, take the main measurements from your child: chest and waist, length to the waist and the entire product, compare with the parameters of the pattern and determine the appropriate size.

Opening a school sundress

Patterns are given without seam allowances, therefore, when cutting, do not forget about it and add 1-1.5 cm for stitched seams, 0.7-0.8 cm is enough for facing seams, 2-4 cm for hemming the bottom of the product, depending on the processing method.

When cutting, give additional allowances in those places where clarifications are possible after fitting.

Details of the cut of the school sundress

The bodice of a school sundress for the cool season is recommended to be lined (cut according to the main details).

  • Before 1 piece with a fold
  • Backrest 2 parts
  • The front panel of the skirt 1 piece with a fold
  • The back panel of the skirt 2 parts
  • Neck and armhole facing 1 piece (take off from the main pattern)
  • Turning the neck and armhole back 2 parts (take off from the main pattern)

Note: The details of the front and back panels of the skirt are cut according to one pattern.

Sewing a school sundress

Overcast all open sections after stitching.

Even a novice dressmaker can easily cope with sewing such a sundress.

Sewing a sundress can be simplified by using a knitted trim for processing the neck.

When sewing a sundress using facings (as provided for in this model), I would suggest the following processing sequence:

  • Stitch shoulder sections.
  • Strengthen the facings with an adhesive pad, grind the shoulder sections of the facings.
  • Finish the neckline and armholes.
  • Stitch the side cuts of the bodice.
  • Stitch the side seams of the front and back panels of the skirt.
  • Lay the pleats on the skirt along the reference marks, secure with pins.
  • Connect the bodice with the skirt along the waist line.
  • Stitch the middle section of the back panel of the skirt to the reference mark, leaving an area for the zipper.
  • Sew on the zipper.
  • Process the bottom of the product.

The dress is ready. With a new thing!