Spa pedicure is the perfect care for your feet. Differences from regular pedicure. What effect can you expect from a spa pedicure?

Every woman dreams of an easy walk, charming legs and countless compliments addressed to them.

It's unfair that we pay more attention to our face and hands, because the skin of our feet also needs to be pampered. And when you have perfectly groomed feet, there will definitely be someone who wants to be at your feet.

What is a SPA pedicure?

You can get a good pedicure at home or in a salon, but now we will talk about a very special type of foot care - Spa pedicure. This procedure includes cleansing of dead epithelial particles, deep moisturizing and nourishing of the skin, foot massage and aromatherapy.

Massage is not only a pleasant part of the procedure, but also has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole. Once you try the effect of a Spa pedicure on yourself, you will never give up on it.

Of course, it is better to carry out this procedure in a salon. A qualified master will do everything flawlessly, and you will be comfortable, all you have to do is rest and relax.

Spa pedicure is carried out using special herbal products containing essential oils. It excludes the use of any tools; only a wooden stick is allowed to push back the cuticle.

This type of pedicure can be a stand-alone procedure or combined with a hardware pedicure and the use of tools.

Carrying out a SPA pedicure

There is a certain scheme for carrying out this procedure. In salons, some stages may be replaced by others or supplemented with elements of a classic pedicure. Here is a general diagram for your reference.

The duration of the Spa pedicure is two hours. The furnishings of the office promote maximum relaxation: beautiful design, pleasant calm music, aromatherapy.


Pedicure begins with steaming the skin of the feet. To do this, they are immersed in a bath with an antiseptic solution. It would be good if the bath was a hydromassage one.

The skin will become soft and prepared for the next stages. Dead epidermal cells will be easily separated from the skin so that it becomes smooth and soft. The epidermis of the feet is thick, and after the bath it will become permeable to nutrients, and they will pass deep.


The next stage is cleansing. It is carried out either with a grinding machine or a scrub.

Dead skin areas are mechanically removed from the surface of the feet, this stimulates cell regeneration and rejuvenation. A scrub based on sea salt is suitable for the procedure. In this case, salt particles serve as the abrasive.

For a Spa pedicure, a moisturizing scrub is used to make the procedure softer for the skin and speed up the recovery process.

Since the skin on the feet is rough and there are often corns or calluses, one scrub will not be enough for complete cleansing. For this manipulation, special products containing fruit acids are used. They deeply and carefully cleanse the skin of remaining lifeless cells. After this procedure, the legs become perfectly smooth and look healthy.

Then the feet are washed with warm water and proceed to the next stage.


A nourishing and moisturizing mask is applied to the feet. It contains natural ingredients, vitamins, and oils. The most useful are algae masks, as they contain a huge amount of microelements.

Duration - 20 minutes, then it is washed off.


It's time for a massage with aromatic oils. Your skin is completely prepared, you are accustomed to your surroundings and relaxed.

The massage is carried out using a special technique, which has a gentle effect on the energetic points of the feet. Each area of ​​the foot has a nervous and energetic connection with the internal organs; each point has its own specific organ.

Thus, massage relaxes the entire body, relieves muscle tension, relieves fatigue and headaches. Under the influence of a massage, blood circulation in the legs improves and more nutrients are supplied. After the procedure, you will feel fresh and rejuvenated.

Paraffin wraps

Paraffin wraps are done before or after the massage.

They enhance the effects of other stages and make the skin very smooth and silky. Heat penetrates deeply into the tissues and stimulates their metabolism, nourishing the skin. Paraffin is famous for its moisturizing and rejuvenating effect.

The spa pedicure ends with a cooling lemon or mint tonic. Then the specialist deals with nail treatment and decoration.


No matter how useful this procedure may seem, there are a number of contraindications to it:

  • Fungal skin diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Rash of any origin
  • Microtraumas
  • Phlebeurysm
  • Thrombophlebitis
  • Pregnancy.

If you have any doubts or questions, consult your doctor.

  • Get a spa manicure once a month
  • This procedure must be carried out regularly for the effect to last.

    Be gorgeous and happy, spare no time and money to pamper yourself! Love yourself and enjoy every minute of life!

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    Everyone knows that there are a huge number of important biologically active points on the legs that are responsible for different organs - thus SPA pedicure This is not only about caring for the skin of your feet, but also about taking care of your own health.

    Smooth skin on the feet, without calluses, corns and cracks, has a positive effect on the entire body as a whole. Baths with sea salt, aromatic oils and plant extracts included in masks and scrubs also have a beneficial effect on the general condition.

    The effect of a spa pedicure

    It can be said that SPA pedicure- an excellent remedy for depression, so from time to time you can allow yourself such pleasure. The only thing you need to remember is that this type of pedicure is not suitable for neglected feet, because it is not intended to solve serious problems. Rather, it is suitable for those for whom going to the salon and the procedures are ordinary and permanent. It can be alternated with other types of pedicure as care and relaxation. But you can ask the master to include SPA elements (like masks, scrubs or wraps) in the classic one.

    After procedures The studio’s specialists will definitely recommend home care products that will allow you to continue salon foot care at home and help solve problems such as painful legs, cracked feet, tired legs, burning legs, sweating, rough dry skin, fungal prevention diseases.

    This procedure gives the legs a feeling of lightness, comfort, improves lymph flow and overall well-being.

    Result: the skin of the feet is soft and delicate. Feeling of lightness and flight in your legs!

    Products for SPA Pedicure


    They are added to pedicure baths designed to soften the skin of the feet. They must contain an antiseptic to disinfect the feet, a humectant and a surfactant (surface tension factor), which facilitates the penetration of active ingredients into the tissues. Dead Sea salts are considered one of the best surfactants. Due to the large amount of minerals, such as potassium, magnesium, calcium and sodium, they provide excellent tissue hydration. Along with artificial ones, natural antiseptics, such as tea tree oil, can also be used. If the product contains soap, it should be very mild, closer to shampoo.


    They are used to facilitate the removal process or soften the skin, especially in the callus area. Scrub must have abrasive properties to perform this function, but at the same time not be so aggressive as to remove living skin. IN scrubs for pedicure, they usually contain either particles of sea sand, or ground apricot or almond seeds, or pumice, or simply quartz crystals or small plastic beads. The scrub formula may also contain vitamins, various aromatic oils and other moisturizers, which further improve the condition of the skin of the feet. You can also treat the skin of your feet with a special pedicure file; they are available for sale in a large variety today, including in our studio.


    Massage oils used to reduce friction, moisturize and energize the skin. They allow the massage therapist's hands to glide freely over the skin. The rate at which the skin absorbs oil is determined by its molecular weight - the larger the molecule, the slower it is absorbed... Lanolin and mineral oils are excellent examples of large molecules that do not penetrate the skin, because massage oil should not be absorbed quickly. Most products used for foot massage are a mixture of therapeutic oils that are intended to improve the health of the skin, such as jojoba oil or oils with vitamin E. Glycerin or silicone can be added to reduce friction during massage.

    Massage lotions contain smaller molecules and are therefore more quickly absorbed by tissues. They may contain small amounts of fruit acids and special oils that give the skin a healthy and elastic appearance. They can be used at the end of a pedicure to extend the period of softening and moisturizing the skin. If these products are chosen correctly, they help reduce calluses. Common lotion ingredients include tea tree oil, vitamin E and jojoba.

    Reflexology massage usually performed during a pedicure, since the main “object” of influence in this type of massage is the feet. The fact is that it is on the soles that the largest number of reflexogenic points are located, which are functionally connected to a specific organ of the body. By pressing on one or another point on the sole, you can activate or suppress the activity of the corresponding organs. In addition to the health benefits, reflexology is a very pleasant procedure; it improves not only your state of mind, but also contributes to the acquisition of a healthy and prosperous appearance.


    These are products designed to enhance the effects of pedicure. There are a variety of intensive callus softeners that help soften and remove excess skin tags around the heels and pressure points on the soles of the feet. These are, in particular, preparations with a 12-15% content of fruit acids. They are applied directly to the callus and left for a short time (10-15 minutes) to soften the keratinized skin. This then makes it easier to remove the callus using a scrub or file.

    Foot masks are formulated with mineral clay, marine extracts, moisturizing fruit acids, aromatherapy oils and other therapeutic skin softeners.

    For feet they are also an excellent addition to a pedicure. They also help improve blood circulation, and deep tissue heating helps reduce inflammation. Paraffin also contains aromatic oils, which enhances the pleasant sensations of the procedure. But hot paraffin is not suitable for people with varicose veins, sclerosis and diabetes! In these cases, it can cause skin damage.

    Stages of Spa Pedicure

    A spa pedicure is done only after a classic or hardware pedicure, usually lasts about 2 hours and consists of several stages, with each stage accompanied by elements of reflex, acupressure and classic massage.

    SPA bath

    The first stage where it all begins is a maceration bath with the addition of sea salt. The salon uses salt with extracts of mountain pine and rosemary. The overall effect of rosemary is relaxing and calming. Having this effect on the legs, it, penetrating into the blood through the skin of the feet, also has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

    SPA scrub

    The second stage of a spa pedicure is the application of a soft scrub. The scrub is applied with soft massage movements for 15 to 20 minutes; the scrub contains sea salt, plant extracts: sunflower, flax, macadamia oil and others. The scrub cleanses, nourishes and moisturizes the skin of the feet, opens pores, allowing plant extracts to penetrate deep into the skin.

    SPA mask

    The third stage is applying a nourishing mask. Depending on the desired effect, masks with different compositions are selected. But to relieve fatigue and give the legs a feeling of lightness and vigor, menthol is added to the mask. It warms up and improves blood lymph flow, and the coolness that remains after applying this mask gives a feeling of relaxation and comfort. The mask is applied up to the knee with massage movements; after application, the legs are wrapped in a piece of natural fabric (cotton, flannelette, terry towel) in order to achieve a warming effect and allow the substances included in the mask to penetrate deep into the skin.

    For the second and third stages, products from the SPA-pedicure series are used - a new elite line of foot care. This is a rich collection of natural products of mineral origin, enriched with vitamins, minerals, essential oils, antioxidants and conditioning agents that moisturize, soften and polish the skin.

    The final stage of the spa pedicure

    The last stage of a spa pedicure is applying foot cream.
    > > >

    Every woman deserves the best, and this applies not only to her fate, but also to her appearance, on which this fate largely depends. Any woman is not allowed to look bad, because she deserves the best - from the top of her head to her toes. is a unique procedure that will make your legs well-groomed and your skin velvety. We will tell you in this article how to perform such a ceremony at home and truly enjoy the procedure.

    The magical combination of spa-pedicure is a set of foot care measures aimed at treating and improving the health of the legs. This set of methods includes light massage, soft peeling, soothing wraps, and effective masks.

    A spa pedicure will allow a woman to successfully combine business with pleasure. The skin and nails of the feet are a favorable environment for the life of various microbes and fungi, which can be combated through aromatherapy and relaxation, which spa pedicure gives women. This procedure is something like a short-term rest, a stay in paradise, which you can achieve if you have enough time and the necessary supply of care products.

    To carry out a full-fledged spa pedicure procedure at home you will need:

    • Basin with warm water
    • Bowls for preparing masks and scrubs
    • Towel
    • Files, scissors, nail clippers
    • Pumice
    • A hard washcloth or a special pedicure brush
    • Polyethylene film
    • Aromatic oils (lemon, tea tree, orange, sandalwood, etc.)
    • Moisturizing cream
    • Sea salt
    • Ingredients included in masks and scrubs (coffee, strawberries, lemon, sugar, etc.)
    • Nail polish remover
    • orange stick
    • Varnish base, nail polish, topcoat
    • Free time (1.5-2 hours).

    Spa pedicure is a long and pleasant procedure. If you have time, you can enjoy all the procedures presented below. The effect of such a set of actions will be considerable! However, if you have little free time, then you can skip some steps, but be sure to do them next time along with the others to appreciate the advantages of a true spa pedicure!

    • Massage. If you happen to wear high heels, and generally spend a lot of time on your feet, then a massage will help get rid of the pain that you experience at the end, and maybe throughout the entire working day. To perform a relaxing massage and get rid of excruciating pain, rub oil (for example, olive) on your feet. Now take one foot and wrap your fingertips around the sole, pressing your toes tightly to the middle of the foot. Press the balls of your toes into your foot, moving from the middle of the sole down. Do this manipulation 5-10 times. Then grasp the foot again and massage the hollows between the toes, moving from the knuckles to the ankle. With one foot resting on your knee, place the thumbs of both hands on the sole. Press firmly on the sole, massaging it in a circular motion. Tap the sole with your fist and tap the heel. Pat the sole of your hand with the back of your hand, massage each toe, grasping it, and pull a little. Do all these actions with the second foot.
    • Foot bath. To prepare the skin and nails for subsequent actions, you need to soften them by placing your feet in a warm bath of water and sea salt, to which a few drops of lavender, sandalwood, orange, lemon or tea tree oil have been added. If you have several favorite oils, you can mix them, thereby preparing a vitamin mix for your feet. The soaking procedure lasts 15 minutes, during which it is a good idea to add rose petals to the water and turn on pleasant relaxing music.
    • Peeling. Pumice will help you remove rough skin, but people with dry skin on their feet should be careful when using it. If you want to use pumice to remove dead epidermal cells, then you need to add a couple of teaspoons of olive oil to the foot bath. Do not rub the same area several times - once is enough, otherwise it will harm the skin and cracks will form on it. Proper use of pumice involves moving it from the edges to the middle of the foot or to the heel. Also, instead of pumice, you can use a foot scrub - prepared yourself (we'll talk about this a little later), or purchased at a cosmetic store.
    • Applying a foot mask. After the excess layer of epidermis is removed, it’s time to take care of nourishing the skin and nails. To do this, you need to use a foot mask, which should be applied for 15-20 minutes and rinsed off with warm water.
    • Trimming nails. After the nails and skin of the feet have received the necessary portion of vitamins, you should take care of the shape of the nails. Initially, trim them using scissors or clippers, trying to give them a rectangular shape to prevent ingrown nails and fungal infections.
    • Nutrition. Additionally, apply lotion or foot cream, it can also be another mask or wrap. The mask should be left on for 10-20 minutes and washed off with warm water.
    • Polishing. Polish the surface of your nails with a special polishing file.
    • Varnish coating. Apply base coat, then base color and topcoat.

    It is not at all necessary to go to the store for masks and scrubs in order to carry out a full-fledged spa pedicure procedure at home. You can also enjoy the procedure and get good results by using traditional folk recipes, the main components of which are the “inhabitants” of your kitchen and refrigerator.

    • Salt scrub. Take one tablespoon of fine sea salt. Mix it with a teaspoon of olive oil and a couple of drops of grapefruit oil. Add a tablespoon of dry or regular cream to the mix and apply to your hands.
    • Coffee scrub. Take ground coffee (1 tablespoon) and sour cream or honey in equal proportions. Rub the scrub into the surface of your feet and toes with massaging movements.
    • Sugar scrub. Take equal parts of cane sugar and olive oil and massage your feet with this mixture for 10 minutes. You can clean your ankles and calves with the same mixture, and store the remaining scrub in the refrigerator.
    • Herbal bath. Take St. John's wort and nettle herbs in equal proportions (2 tablespoons each) and pour a liter of boiling water. After cooling the infusion to a temperature of 35-37 degrees, keep your feet in the bath for 10-15 minutes.
    • Bath with soda. Dissolve 2 teaspoons of baking soda in a liter of water. Add a couple of drops of lavender oil and fragrant liquid soap.
    • Clay wrap. To prepare the mixture, take 2 tablespoons of white clay, 3 tablespoons of ground cinnamon, a couple of drops of orange oil and a small amount of water to obtain a creamy consistency. Apply the mixture with a stiff brush. After application, wrap your feet with polyethylene and put on warm socks or wrap your feet in a woolen blanket. After 20-30 minutes, rinse off the composition with warm water. Wraps are recommended twice a week.
    • Oil wrap. Take 2 tablespoons each of almond and olive oils. Dilute the composition with 3 drops of juniper, lemon and lavender essential oils. Apply the mixture to the legs.
    • Milk and honey wrap. Dilute 2 tablespoons of powdered milk with 1 teaspoon of warm water. Add 1 tablespoon of honey to the mixture. Mix thoroughly and cover the feet with the mixture.
    • Mint mask. Mix olive oil or jojoba oil with mint. After keeping the mask on your feet for 10-15 minutes, rinse it off with warm water. If you don’t have mint on hand, you can replace it with chamomile infusion.
    • Strawberry mask. Remember the strawberries with a fork, squeeze the juice of one lemon, stir. Add 2 tablespoons of milk, 1 teaspoon of liquid honey and 1 egg. Rub the mixture and apply it to your legs. This mask not only perfectly cares for the skin, but also whitens the legs. In this mask, you can replace strawberries with strawberries, currants, raspberries, apricots or peaches.

    How much does a salon spa pedicure cost?

    If you do not have free time to perform a spa pedicure procedure at home, you can use this service by pre-registering for the procedure in a beauty salon. The cost of this procedure ranges from 700 to 1800 rubles, depending on the image component of the salon. Just like at home, the salon will offer you the following activities to improve the condition of the skin and nails of your feet:

    • Cleansing and softening the skin using a special bath, for example, with herbal extracts
    • Removing dead cells with a scrub, such as sea salt
    • Spa peeling that allows you to cleanse the skin and make it velvety
    • Massage with lotion or massage oil containing natural ingredients
    • Nourish and moisturize the skin with masks or natural oils enriched with a vitamin complex.

    Should I get a spa pedicure or just a regular pedicure? Of course, carry it out! It doesn’t matter whether it’s a salon procedure or a home one, what’s much more important is the effect you get from a set of events of this kind. All you have to do is find decent sandals and men will be at your seductive feet!

    At the SPACOCKTAIL salon in Moscow, we offer you gentle and caring foot care that promotes relaxation and relieves fatigue.

    Spa pedicure SPACOCKTAIL: we know what your feet want

    The so-called natural pedicure contains the most pleasant and useful benefits of foot care. It includes elements of relaxation, acupuncture, and aromatherapy. A comprehensive spa pedicure gives amazing results - well-groomed soft skin, lightness on your feet, high spirits and a long-lasting feeling of comfort.


    • Basic pedicure La Ric (classical, European, hardware)2400 rubles
    • Business pedicure La Ric 2700 rubles
    • Men's pedicure La Ric 2600 rubles
    • Express pedicure(treatment of the nail plate)1300 rubles
    • Corrective sanding of feet 1300 rubles
    • Relaxing foot massage (15 minutes) 700 rubles
    • Removal of calluses and corns 200 rubles
    • Removal of ingrown nails 300 rubles

    This type is carried out from an experienced specialist, preferably in a specialized salon. You can, of course, carry out this operation at home, but then the main essence is lost - the moment of relaxation and a feeling of care, and it is inconvenient to do the whole process on your own.

    And it’s a completely different matter when an experienced master works magic on your legs! First of all, the skin of the feet is sanitized and softened in a pedicure bath with the addition of essential oils. Then the master applies a scrub to your feet for superficial peeling, after which he either uses a device or a special callus scraper to remove calluses and dry areas of skin. All metabolic processes are accelerated, intensive rejuvenation of skin cells occurs. To consolidate the result and protect the layer of young skin, the master applies a moisturizing mask of algae and healing mud to the feet with a brush, or a nourishing cream with essential oils, a variation depending on the wishes of the client and the recommendations of the master. After about 10-15 minutes, the mask is washed off to perform massage the feet and legs with a moisturizing massage lotion.

    While the feet are blissful after the massage, the master treats the nails - pushes back and removes the cuticle, trims and polishes the nail plate, coats the nails with varnish or a medicinal composition. And finally, a special product is applied to the lower legs and feet, which is instantly absorbed and protects the younger-looking skin from drying out and roughening. This thorough foot care ensures that the next session will need to be done no earlier than 3 weeks later. But, if you really want to... give yourself the pleasure of getting a pedicure without waiting for the due date!

    Our SPACOCKTAIL center in Moscow offers classic, European and hardware varieties of services such as spa pedicure. In our salon, all foot care procedures are carried out using special formulations based on natural hypoallergenic ingredients. With the help of original Gehwol and CND cosmetics, the skin of your feet will gain natural smoothness and elasticity, and your nails will always look well-groomed.

    Hardware spa pedicure, paraffin therapy - procedures to improve the condition and appearance of your feet

    During hardware foot care, a device is used for intensive grinding with special attachments of the rougher skin of the feet and corns, and softer grinding of the toes. After this, special substances are used that act only on dead skin areas, after exposure to which the skin softens and its unnecessary particles are removed. This is exactly the kind of spa pedicure recommended by doctors for patients with diabetes and pregnant women, because products based on natural ingredients do not have any harmful side effects on the body.

    With the help of paraffin therapy, which accelerates blood flow and lymph movement in tissues, the quality of the skin noticeably improves and microcracks disappear. After treatment with an antiseptic solution, the feet are dipped several times in a paraffin solution heated to the desired temperature, after which thermal bags and socks are put on them. After 15 minutes, the paraffin is removed, and a spa pedicure like this, even after one session, allows you to feel an improvement in the condition of the skin, which becomes soft, smooth and elastic.

    To improve the condition of the skin of the feet, various means and methods are used, which include spa pedicure. The results of the procedure last for a long period. In this case, you can conduct the session yourself, having prepared the necessary materials.

    Spa pedicure

    There are a large number of ways to care for the condition of the skin, so many women wonder what a spa pedicure is. The procedure is a type of care for the skin of the feet and nails and consists of several stages, including cleansing the epithelium, aromatherapy, deep nourishment of the skin and foot massage. The relaxation stage is an important aspect of the procedure, which is carried out not only in spa centers, but also in beauty salons.

    Differences from regular pedicure

    The difference between such a session and a pedicure is the absence of rough effects on the skin. The integrity of the skin is not compromised, since nothing is cut or filed down. Rough areas and calluses are eliminated by dissolving with special means. The process is characterized by a gentle effect without pain or discomfort. The risk of injury is completely eliminated.

    Due to the uniform removal of the upper stratum corneum of the skin, the effect of a pedicure is preserved for a long time. In some cases it can last up to 30 days. The session will take about 2 hours.

    During the procedure, the person completely relaxes. This is facilitated by special music for meditation or tracks with sounds of nature. In addition, candles and incense are used. Maximum comfort is ensured by equipping the office with pedicure chairs in which you can sit comfortably. Some salons have vibrating massage chairs that massage the client’s lumbar region and back during a pedicure.

    During the session, the master uses massage and various drugs that stimulate blood circulation and help relieve fatigue from the lower extremities. Thus, the procedure combines aesthetics and medicine.

    What is needed for a spa pedicure

    If you decide to carry out the procedure at home, you need to prepare in advance all the necessary tools and cosmetics. For a spa pedicure you will need:

    • sea ​​salt;
    • pumice;
    • bath with warm water;
    • a hard sponge or pedicure brush;
    • cling film;
    • container for preparing scrub;
    • essential aromatic oil;
    • towel;
    • moisturizing cream.

    Foot care takes about 2 hours. During this time, the skin is treated with various preparations, therapeutic mud, plant extracts and thermal water. To soften and steam the skin, use a hydromassage.

    Fruit acids soften the skin of the feet, and scrubs with small and large exfoliating particles help deeply cleanse the skin. All cosmetics for a spa pedicure should soften and moisturize the epithelium. To do this, it is recommended to use various masks, tonic gels and paraffin wraps.

    Spa pedicure technique

    The technology for performing a spa procedure includes 3 parts. At the first stage, it is necessary to carry out hardware or classical treatment of the legs. Steaming occurs step by step. First, the feet must be treated with antiseptics, making a bath with a special composition or sea salt. Disinfection is carried out so that toxins do not penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis.

    To steam, feet are immersed in a container of water, the temperature of which is 37-38°C. If the liquid is cold, the procedure will not have the desired effect, and too hot water will cause irritation. Special salts, essential oils and other cosmetics are added to the solution. It is not recommended to perform the steaming procedure for longer than 8-15 minutes, since water helps to dilate blood vessels, increasing the permeability of cells through which beneficial substances enter, and an excess of these substances can have a harmful effect.

    Step 2 in spa pedicure: exfoliation

    At the second stage, peeling is carried out, which is the removal of dead epithelial cells. First, the skin is treated with a scrub. Scrubbing substances are necessary for:

    • soft tissue toning;
    • deep cleaning of the surface of the feet;
    • improving blood flow through massaging movements;
    • nutrition and hydration of the deep layers of the skin;
    • removal of dead cells.

    Scrubs can use sea salt, pulverized sand, sugar or coffee as the main component. To carry out the procedure, you can use substances with larger particles, such as nut shells and berry seeds. These components are used to treat oily skin.

    When scrubbing is completed, a dissolving serum is applied to the skin. It should contain plant extracts and acids. These components penetrate deeply, dissolving compacted areas and destroying calluses and corns.

    Scrub recipes for spa pedicure

    To carry out the procedure yourself, you can use products prepared according to traditional recipes. Homemade masks and scrubs do not require large expenses, since the ingredients can be found in any housewife’s kitchen. To prepare the scrub you will need:

    • sea ​​salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • dry or liquid cream - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • grapefruit oil - a few drops.

    All components are thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin.

    A coffee-based scrub is no less effective. It requires:

    • ground coffee - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • sour cream or honey - 1 tbsp. l.

    The ingredients are mixed, applied to the skin and massage the surface of the feet with light movements.

    Minimal costs are required to prepare the product, which consists of:

    • 1 tbsp. l. cane sugar;
    • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.

    This composition is used to massage the fingers, feet and calves for 10 minutes. The remaining substance can be stored in the refrigerator and used in the future. Sessions are carried out once every 1-2 months to keep the skin soft and well-groomed.

    The final stage of the spa pedicure

    At the final stage, a massage of the lower extremities is performed. It will take 5-10 minutes to massage each foot. The procedure helps to influence many energy points located in the human foot. These points are responsible for the functioning of different organs, so the session can improve not only the condition of the skin, but also your well-being.

    After the procedure, the body is charged with energy, which has a beneficial effect on health. Baths with sea salt, plant extracts included in scrubs and masks, aromatic oils have a beneficial effect on the general condition.

    When performing a massage, the work of internal organs is stimulated, it also helps eliminate back and joint pain and relieve chronic fatigue syndrome.

    Massaging will help get rid of problems with sleep and swelling of the legs. After this, a nourishing cream is applied, which will make the skin smooth and velvety and prevent dryness and cracks.

    Renewed skin needs to be looked after, so between the mask and massage you can do a paraffin wrap. The procedure is carried out not only in the salon, but also at home. Before this, you need to visit a doctor, because they refuse to use paraffin if you have:

    • fresh scars;
    • open wounds on the skin;
    • peripheral vascular diseases;
    • diabetes mellitus;
    • varicose veins;
    • hypertension;
    • cardiovascular pathologies;
    • allergic reactions;
    • infectious diseases of the dermis;
    • gynecological diseases;
    • poor tolerance to high temperatures;
    • pregnancy.

    A large number of contraindications are explained by the fact that when exposed to the substance, the body heats up, which can negatively affect an unhealthy body. Before the procedure, a sensitivity test is performed by applying a small amount of paraffin to the skin. In addition to diseases included in the list of contraindications, wrapping should not be done during the period of exacerbation of any chronic diseases.

    The session can be held at home. To do this, you will need to massage your feet, lubricate them with moisturizer and dip them several times in paraffin, heated in a water bath, in a microwave or oven to 55°C. After this, the legs are wrapped in cling film and socks are put on. When, after 20 minutes, the feet become wet and the substance begins to cool, remove the paraffin and put on cotton socks overnight.

    In this case, you must follow the rules and do not keep paraffin on the skin for more than 20 minutes. It is removed starting from the ankle and moving towards the fingers. The procedure using hot paraffin is designed for regular use - at least once every 3 days. To enhance the effect, you need to wrap yourself up after wrapping and rest.

    If you perform the procedure at home

    You can conduct a spa pedicure session yourself, having prepared in advance all the necessary materials and cosmetics. It is recommended to use professional products to enhance the effect, but if these are not available, then substances that were prepared independently using folk recipes will do.

    The bath can be replaced with any other container that is suitable in size. The events should be conducted by a loved one so that you can completely relax. This cosmetic and wellness procedure does not require a large amount of expenditure and, if the recommendations are followed, has a similar effect as a session in a salon.