Statuses about parents - we tell our relatives about our feelings! Words of gratitude to parents at the wedding from the bride and groom, poems and prose

In the life of every person there are such moments when he wants to express gratitude either to a specific person, or to higher powers, or to an occasion. This feeling is conveyed in various ways and is called gratitude. The very word speaks for itself. After all, it was formed by combining the words "good" and "give". At the same time, the expression of gratitude occurs in different ways.

In this article, we will look at how words of gratitude are most often conveyed. And as the addressee we will choose the parents - the people closest to us.

What is gratitude?

This word speaks for itself. It means the gift of good, which is expressed by a sense of gratitude for the good done. For example, for support, service or even material assistance.

Gratitude is also expressed as an encouragement at work and is a cash bonus, diploma or even an increase. It all depends on the scale of the benefits received from the employee, as well as the attitude of the authorities towards their subordinates.

We often feel feelings of gratitude towards higher powers. We thank them for our lives, including the trials that make us wiser and stronger.

This feeling is very important for a person. He should be able to thank all those who do good for him. Thus, he shows that he appreciates what he receives and has. It is no coincidence that Cicero called this feeling "the mother of all other virtues." We must be able to express gratitude to parents, teachers, relatives, friends, colleagues, higher powers for what they do for us. Their actions should not go unnoticed, so that they do not think that they are not appreciated, they do not notice the efforts that they have invested.

How is it expressed?

Kindness must be repaid with kindness. A nice word from a pure heart is one of the best ways to show appreciation. But there are other options for gratitude. This is a reciprocal good deed, the provision of a service, the gift of some kind of souvenir or a monetary reward. (Believers can light a candle and pray for the one who helped them).

To express gratitude, it is worth knowing well the person to whom you want to please. Otherwise, instead of a surprise, you can offend him. After all, not everyone will accept a gift or money. Therefore, the best way is kind words spoken from a pure heart. For example, you want to express gratitude to your parents for the fact that they bought you something or allowed something. Surely parents will be very pleased to see the sincere joy of their children and learn that they are grateful to them and consider them the best. It will be better than any other gratitude.

But often gratitude has to be expressed unmotivated, without a sincere desire. However, from an early age. This is due to prejudice and the habit of adults to pay for everything. For example, gifts for educators, class teachers, teachers, teachers. Through them, they try to express gratitude for their work. But it also happens that not everyone is worthy of encouragement, so not all givers sincerely present gifts. In such cases, the word "gratitude" loses its positive connotation. It becomes something like a forced return of material goods, a bribe.

As we can see, gratitude is sometimes forced. But I want to believe that most often it is sincere and brings people positive emotions. For example, it is unlikely that gratitude to parents can be not from the heart. After all, we are most often grateful to close people - to all those who make our life better.

Expression of gratitude to parents

Our moms and dads invest more in us than anyone else. They educate us, raise us to our feet, help us study, feed us and clothe us, support us in everything, guide us on the right path. How can you not express feelings of gratitude towards them?

Gratitude to parents is expressed not only in words. Grateful children, in order to show their ancestors that they did not work for them in vain, through their actions prove their love and sense of recognition. They try to obey them, study well, avoid getting into bad stories, be educated and polite. They respect elders. And their successes in studies, sports, work bring joy to their parents.

But actions are one thing. Often you have to express feelings of gratitude in public. For example, on holidays. Whether it's a wedding or an anniversary. Here it is simply necessary during the congratulations to express words of gratitude to the parents aloud. In order to say something nice to them, sometimes you need to prepare. After all, not everyone is endowed with oratory. And in front of a large audience, many feel uncomfortable, get lost and do not know how to express everything that they would like to say in gratitude to their parents. Therefore, like congratulations, words of recognition must be prepared. They can be in verse, in prose. You can use template blanks to express gratitude. But it's best to say everything in your own words. Both parents and guests will certainly notice where your sincere words are, and where is someone else's text.

Expression of gratitude in verses. Example

Poetry is like a song. She is sweet and pleasant. Therefore, gratitude is often expressed to parents in verses, which are either memorized or read from a piece of paper. If the latter option is chosen, then you need to familiarize yourself with the text in advance, learn how to read it without hesitation. Otherwise, both you and your guests will be embarrassed by bad reading. In addition, this can be considered as a frivolous attitude towards parents.

Fortunately, there are not enough poems now. They are composed for different moments in life. Therefore, it will be easy to choose the right ones.

We are taught from childhood to be grateful. Therefore, from an early age, we memorize poems to express gratitude to parents in kindergarten and school. As a rule, children read to their ancestors the works of various authors. But there are those who compose poems for their parents themselves. Such a gift is undoubtedly one of the most pleasant. But if you are far from a poet, you can use the following example:

Dear Mom and Dad,

We want to thank you

To you healthy, happy kids

We were able to raise both.

We brought home fun

But sometimes they created problems

Well, you scolded us lightly,

They helped us get back on our feet.

Like you, no one will support us

And no one can love like that.

Mom, dad, thank you for this,

May you be all right!

Expression of gratitude in prose. Example

If you are not a fan of memorizing poems, and even more so composing them, then it is not necessary to force yourself to do this. An expression of recognition in prose can also sound beautiful if sincere feelings are invested in it.

If you are not a master of words, then you can ask for help from those who are good at it, or you can use ready-made texts. After all, many words of gratitude to parents are similar to each other - this, as a rule, is gratitude for the fact that they gave life, brought up and "raised them on their feet", did not sleep at night, supported, instructed on the right path.

Gratitude to parents at a wedding is a special topic. They are usually thanked for giving such a beautiful daughter or such a beautiful son. Such gratitude is hard to imagine in verse. Therefore, prose is the most universal way to express recognition. For clarity, let's take an example.

"Dear and beloved mom and dad! On this day, first of all, I would like to express my gratitude to you for being there, for having you with us. You, like no one else, are able to selflessly love us, support us in everything, continue to take care of us, even when we have already matured.For you, we will always remain children, and for us you are always parents, mentors and friends.Thank you for giving us life, raising, caring, supporting us, helping in difficult moments and rejoiced at our successes.We appreciate it, remember all your efforts and will never forget it!"

Thank you parents in your own words

Expressing a sense of recognition to the ancestors at the holidays has long been a tradition. Therefore, for all the time, many texts have been invented and written for congratulations and expressions of gratitude. But nevertheless, it is still preferable to express recognition in your own words. Then they will sound more sincere, more meaningful and believable.

If it is difficult for you to prepare such a text, try to remember all the qualities of your parents, everything they did for you. Write it down, adding "thank you for being..." at the beginning, and you're done.

The same can be done when you express gratitude to your parents at the wedding. Instead of template expressions, use the text that you yourself have prepared, investing it with true love for those who gave life.

How often do you say "thank you" to your parents? Not for a bowl of delicious soup or a perfectly ironed shirt, but for being your parents. And this means that they not only gave you life, but also taught you how to adapt in this difficult world, guided you on the righteous path and were always there in difficult times. It's a paradox, but such simple words of gratitude to parents for their boundless love, patience, life wisdom and invaluable support, we rarely say in ordinary life, as they say, without a reason. Probably, this happens largely because the realization of how much we love and appreciate our moms and dads comes to us at very important, one might even say, fateful moments. For example, traditionally the bride and groom prepare special words of gratitude to their parents for the wedding, and graduates of grades 9 and 11 prepare beautiful prose and touching poems for moms and dads for graduation. And then there are birthdays, anniversaries, and anniversaries—perfect occasions to thank your beloved parents for everything. In this article, we tried to collect for you the most beautiful, touching and warm words of gratitude for moms and dads from children.

Beautiful words of gratitude to parents at the wedding in verse and prose

A wedding is one of those special moments in life when the love and help of loved ones is especially important. And of course, the greatest support to the newlyweds is provided by their parents. Beautiful words of gratitude to parents for a wedding in verse and prose are not just a tribute to tradition from the lips of the bride and groom. This is one of the most touching and heartfelt moments of the wedding ceremony, a recognition of parental love and the best reward for moms and dads. Agree that it is very easy to say a few beautiful words in poetry or prose as a thank you to your parents at a wedding. But the effect that such a speech produces cannot be overestimated. Therefore, do not neglect the excellent opportunity to express your gratitude to your loved ones on your most important day!

Our dear parents,

Thank you family, I bow to you,

For giving us life

And a house filled with happiness.

You raised us, gave us knowledge,

And gave such a family

Today they created their own family,

You gave us faith in a dream.

I want to say thank you for my son,

He is nice, caring, kind,

And with him I will certainly be happy,

He is sensitive, so golden.

And I, in turn, am grateful for my daughter,

The hostess, she is just a class with you,

Unusual, wise, gentle,

Don't take your eyes off her beauty.

We are grateful to you for the holiday,

Which you helped us arrange,

You are our support, and you are our joy,

Thank you for always believing in us.

Let us say the words

After all, there is a new chapter in life.

From our young family

For those who saved our lives.

Parents, our relatives,

Thank you for your concern.

For everything you did for us

Because we are here now.

We will always be by your side,

Support with deeds, not words.

We love you very much, we appreciate you,

You are everything in this life for us!

Dear parents, on our wedding day

We would like to thank you for your kindness.

For your love, attention and tenderness,

For helping us make our dream come true!

Thank you for your concern, congratulations,

For your kind and wonderful words.

For your blessing to us

Thank you. We love you always!

Beautiful words of gratitude to parents for a wedding in prose

Our dear parents, today, on such a special day, on the day when we created our family, we sincerely want to thank you for the most important thing that you gave us - for our lives. You gave us the upbringing and childhood we can only dream of, support and faith. We thank you for your efforts, diligence and perseverance."

Bride: “A low bow to you for your son, who managed to make my life incredible, happy, amazing. He is very kind, sensitive and nice, and in this, I am sure, only your merit.

On our wedding day, we sincerely want to thank our parents. Thank you, dear ones, for your love and support, for your understanding and kindness of hearts. Relatives, stay strong and strong, loved and happy, cheerful and cheerful, healthy and the best.

Our dear and kind parents, on our wedding day, we express our gratitude to you for your love and care. Our dear ones, you gave us life and a happy childhood, beautiful dreams and self-confidence. Today a new one has been born - our family, and we hope that at the right time and difficult moment your advice and support will help us overcome any barrier. Be healthy, dear ones, and we are deeply loved.

Touching words of gratitude to beloved parents for the wedding from the bride and groom

Usually touching words of gratitude to their beloved parents at the wedding, the bride and groom say separately. Each of them can thank not only their mothers and fathers, but also the parents of the second half. After all, in fact, thanks to the latter, your partner has become exactly the person next to whom you are ready to spend the rest of your life. Therefore, the words of gratitude from the lips of the bride to the parents of the groom and “thank you” from the young mother and father are not just a beautiful part of the wedding ceremony. In fact, such words of gratitude have a more important function - they lay the foundation for a strong and sincere relationship between the families of the newlyweds and their parents. Variants of thanksgiving speeches in verse and prose for the parents of the second half will be found below.

Words of gratitude to the parents of the groom from the bride in verse

That mother, whose son is dearer than the world,

More expensive than the sun means yourself.

The mother who kept

His dreams, caring and loving.

Who praised and scolded,

She taught me to be kind, to be brave.

Which, not knowing, helped

To love him once.

And I want so sincerely, so subtly

Say what they don't talk about.

What are the fires burning in the eyes of a child,

What else one's eyes are burning about ...

Thank you for being forgiving.

For comforting in difficult times.

For not promising anything

Empty. And for loving you.

For the fact that he himself, sometimes not knowing

Just say a word - and peace in the soul.

Because he understands me.

And accepts, as I am - such.

And if together we are one way

Go. Laugh and be sad together.

I swear to you that I will not be strict,

That I can always forgive him.

That I will try to be, like you, reliable,

And gentle and kind and direct.

And in this life, joyful and difficult

To love him, as it is given to me alone.

And maybe later. I will believe.

Just like me, afraid of everything.

Quietly he will say: “I will not forget you.

Thank you for my husband."

Mom, dad, dear,

I will call you tenderly

I am grateful to you, golden

How could they raise such a son?

You put your heart and soul into it,

They taught loyalty, kindness,

They gave me a husband today

To be happy with him.

You have done a lot for me

I'll try to answer now

So that your path is easy,

You nursed your grandchildren until you were a hundred years old.

I bow to you, thanks from me,

I'm glad to be your family.

Words of gratitude to the parents of the bride from the groom in prose and verse

Thank you for the smart bride

She is smart, beautiful and kind.

In her, I will say, I fell in love not like a child

And marriage, in my opinion, is not a game at all!

I will be a faithful and good husband,

I will take care of your daughter.

I'll be the one she needs to live

And I will kiss her feet!

On your wedding day, parents, you

Huge and deep bow.

Believe the words of the soul

The bride is like a rosebud!

I will keep her forever

Dreams to fulfill it.

She is my own person

I have nothing else to look for!

Words of gratitude to parents on their birthday from their daughter in prose and verse

Every year, parents get older, and the understanding that moms and dads are not eternal comes to children more and more clearly. In the end, the birthdays of parents cease to be just a holiday and, on a subconscious level, become a kind of reporting point before an irrevocable parting. That is why you should not neglect the opportunity to say kind words of gratitude to parents on their birthday from their daughter / son in verse or prose. Of course, daughters, by their feminine nature, are more prone to public manifestation of feelings and it is much easier for them to prepare a touching speech for mom or dad. Our following selections will help you choose which words of gratitude to say to your parents on your daughter’s birthday - in prose or poetry.

Parents, with excitement and trepidation, on this magical day, accept the words of gratitude, first of all, for the priceless gift of life given to us. Without your: support, kindness, understanding, advice, nothing would have happened. The vector of family happiness is set with the help of all-consuming, disinterested love. You are a role model, a reason to be proud, a time to smile. Thank you for being you, our guardian angels!

Dear parents, I want to thank you so much for the kindness and love that you have given me over the years. Today I especially want to thank you for all the good things. You have done incredible things for me, you have put your soul into me. Thank you for that. Know your love is the most precious thing to me.

Dear and respected parents, today we want to thank you for your warmth, understanding, upbringing and care. You are the dearest people for us, thank you for your comfort and efforts for our happiness. You are an example of a good family for us, you are a support and hope for us. We are immensely grateful to you for this.

Poems with words of gratitude from daughter to parents on her birthday

It's not true that feelings are weakening

When old age comes.

Love is the highest art

The example of my parents is.

Thank you for showing concern

And helped me not to go astray,

And, when necessary, instructed in childhood

And protected from evil temptations.

I'm always afraid of failing

For love and for what I am

and for being a bit pretty.

I'm always afraid to be late

I'm always afraid not to get there

And forget or not recognize

Childhood warm quiet echo.

Constantly afraid of not catching up

My only, important train to me,

To come to tell you

That I live, as taught, in good conscience.

To take another look

On the mountain ash and the slenderness of the birch,

To, as in childhood, breathe in with all my chest

The spirit of the January evil frost.

Will see native eyes again,

That life is not yet tired

And with a smile to say softly:

“Here you come, or didn’t you wait?”

I'm always afraid of failing

To tell you at dawn - THANK YOU!

For love and for what YOU are,

And for being born happy!!!

My family, mom, dad,

I say thank you now.

You have always been my support

I respect and love you.

Let your eyes sparkle happily

Be healthy, be cheerful.

Thank you for your understanding

You are dearest to me in the world.

Beautiful words of gratitude in verse and prose to parents on their birthday from their son

The birthday of one of the parents is a great occasion for the son to prepare beautiful words of gratitude in prose or poetry. And it doesn’t have to be a long speech at all - even a few congratulatory sentences with pleasant words of gratitude will warm the parental soul. Moreover, mom and dad know very well how difficult it is for their son, even if it is already an adult man, to speak emotional speeches. From this understanding, beautiful words of gratitude in verse or prose to parents on their son’s birthday sound even more valuable. We are sure that among the congratulatory options from our next collections, there will certainly be exactly those words of gratitude that will warm the soul of your moms and dads on their holiday.

Parents are not just a word,

This is love ready for anything

It's a calling for life

These are the ones we cherish.

Parents are the ones who raised us

Who sometimes endured our whims,

Who was ready to understand and forgive,

Who did not give no reason to be sad.

Our parents taught us everything

They were true to their duty.

They helped more than once or twice,

Always choosing the right words.

Parents are those who have always been there,

Who shared joy and sorrow with us,

Who was our support, support always,

Who will never leave us anywhere.

Parents are those whose work is invaluable,

Their contribution to our lives is important, though invisible,

We will keep our parents in our hearts

And thank you every day!

Dad and mom, what to repay

For everything you've done?

How much did you give to love?

You brought up, you cherished

From evil, misfortune and insults.

You always did your best

How to thank you?

You showed me a good example

Honesty and kindness.

Anywhere and everywhere, then and now

I remember family traits.

You gave me so much warmth

That you can warm the whole world.

Your care and tenderness was

Only stronger with the passage of years.

Neither moms nor dads have days off,

There are no holidays, vacations.

You can always disturb relatives,

And you will not hear evil words.

I will always be grateful

Bring you, dear.

Mom and Dad, I love you so much

May God always keep you.

You gave life and were there,

When I strayed along the paths.

I am your tenderness and care,

Beloved, don't forget.

Say thank you on a beautiful day

For everything you have given me in life.

Your prayer and participation

They gave light in pitch darkness.

Words in prose for gratitude to parents on their birthday from their son

Our dear and kind parents, on this day I want to express my gratitude for your love and care. My dears, you gave me life and a happy childhood, beautiful dreams and self-confidence. I am absolutely sure that at the right time and difficult moment your advice and support will help me overcome any barrier. Be well, dear ones, and deeply loved.

Parents, my two most beloved and dear people, thank you very much for the fact that despite the many past days, you do not stop loving me and consider me your precious child! There was not a day that you did not give me your attention and tenderness. Thank you for being always there and always in a hurry to help me! I love you!

Words of gratitude from children to parents at graduation in grades 9-11 in verse

Graduation party in the 9th and 11th grade is another turning point in the life of children, at which words of gratitude to parents are appropriate. If you think about it, for parents, the moment their children graduate from school is no less exciting than for graduates. It is at graduation that most mothers and fathers realize what a great path they have traveled with their children, how many difficulties they have overcome and how much experience they have gained. And they also understand that their children have become quite adults and have become almost on the same level with their parents. Words of gratitude from children to parents at graduation in grades 9-11 in verse are not just a tribute to a beautiful tradition. This is a truly important and very touching moment of the entire farewell ceremony at the graduation, which should not be neglected. And even if the graduate does not have the opportunity to express gratitude to his parents from the stage, he can always use the verses from the next selection to say “thank you” to his beloved mom and dad.

Do not be sad, dad, mom,

That we have become a little older.

Life, alas, is in a hurry stubbornly,

Dreams are on the way soon.

You are our support in everything,

Our hearth and our shelter.

Next to you we are not afraid

The winds are those that bend the masts.

But the time has come for us to strength

Wings to test,

For the heights you raised us,

The time has come to fly.

Dads, dear moms,

Our graduation today

We want to say, folks:

Thank you in spirit.

Late with us lessons.

And support always.

Only for you all these lines!

Let your star burn.

We thank our parents for everything

We want to say kind words

For your care and attention,

For love and understanding!

That your patience is limitless,

And control over everything year-round,

That they loved us and did not scold,

And they accepted any at home!

For words of the heart, smiles,

Forgiving children's mistakes

We were greeted joyfully from school,

And sincerely, gently hugged!

We are not simple today

We are graduating today!

Congratulations dads and moms

May you be comfortable!

You put us on the pot

And they wiped our noses

We are big now

Sometimes quite crazy!

We say thank you

If necessary, repeat:

We love you very, very much

Congratulations now!

Poems with words of gratitude to parents for graduation in grades 9-11 from teachers

In addition to graduates, teachers also say words of gratitude to parents at graduation. In particular, the class teacher in his farewell speech must say a few kind words to those with whom he has been on the same team for a long time - adults who help children in learning. Next, you will find options for beautiful poems that are perfect for thanking parents for graduation from teachers.

Congratulations on graduation!

Your child has grown.

So much life ahead

So much happiness on the way!

We wish you only good

So that from night to morning

Graduate studied, thought

And I didn't want to relax.

To do well

And he was successful in life!

Step into life. And this important step

Like a path through an unknown planet,

And behind the back is the parent hearth.

They are the best in the world

Yesterday's girls, boys.

Parents, be proud! Your children

Beautiful, young, worthy and smart!

Graduation, parents

These congratulations to you,

Adults already

Your children have become.

Graduation will put

In school life, a point

Meet their adult dawn

Sons and daughters.

Will scatter soon

Through life your children

Let them be the best

Happy in the world.

Beautiful words of gratitude to parents for graduation in grades 9-11 in prose

Many are sure that not prose, but poetry is an ideal form for expressing beautiful words of gratitude to parents at graduation in grades 9-11. But by and large, there is no particular difference between poetry and prose in this regard. Both the first and second congratulatory forms can help you deliver the most touching and sentimental speech at the graduation party for parents. In addition, unlike poetry, the lines of which can often be perceived as too official and pretentious, prose makes a more pleasant impression. In addition, beautiful words of gratitude to parents for graduation in grades 9-11 in prose, if desired, can be slightly changed by adding a few sentences from yourself. Such changes will only benefit the thank you speech, as they will make it more personal and sincere. You will find options for the most beautiful words for expressing gratitude to moms and dads in prose below.

Beautiful prose for gratitude to parents at graduation in grades 9-11

Today is our graduation party. We say goodbye to the school and want to thank our most beloved and wonderful parents, who have always supported us and helped us, understood us in every possible way and encouraged us. Thank you dear parents. We wish you to be always healthy and young, loved and happy, successful and cheerful, kind and sympathetic. You will always be the best for us.

On our farewell evening with the school, at the same time happy and sad minutes of the graduation, we want to say “many thanks” to our wonderful and dear parents. You gave us life, a happy childhood, confident support and sincere love, you always believed in us and were proud of us. Thank you dear ones for being you. May God grant you good health, patience, peace, understanding and happiness.

Today is graduation day! Congratulations to all parents on this bright and long-awaited event! We wish you pride in your children, patience and great opportunities. May your children delight you, touch you and always warm your soul. Health, success, a bright life path and confidence in the future!

Birthday, graduation, wedding, anniversary, anniversary - at such important moments, the dearest people in life are always remembered. Moms and dads support us in difficult moments and most of all rejoice at our successes, they take care of us all their lives and truly love us no matter what ... Words of gratitude to parents in verse or prose are the easiest way to remind them how important a place is they occupy in your heart. And even if you are already a graduate of grades 9-11, a bride or a groom, for your parents you will forever remain a beloved daughter or dear son. Remember this and say “thank you” to your beloved moms and dads as often as possible. Believe me, this is the greatest joy in the life of parents.

Parents! Dear loved ones!
You gave me the most important:
My life, my dear soul,
My heart is simple, brave!
I adore, I love, I respect!
And I sincerely wish today
Be happy together forever
Love only to live forever!
Harmonious life and tenderness,
And also good, serenity!

Dad and mom are my dear,
Congratulations on your holiday!
Beloved people, dear people,
I wish you from the bottom of my heart.
May this day bring you smiles
Best wishes come true!
Like magical, wondrous fish
They will devote their efforts to you.
Happiness, good luck for many years,
Let adversity pass you by.

My dear, relatives and loved ones! You did the most important thing for me - gave life. So let everything that is most important to you come true, and I will make every effort to do so! I love you madly and wish you great happiness and good health!

Dear Mom and Dad!
This holiday is a joy for us!
Let all the lamps shine in the apartment -
We want to take a look at you!
You give us your affection,
The joy of meeting and your warmth!
Childhood was like a fairy tale
Too bad it's long gone...
We wish you to be young
Do not get sick and keep the harmony in the house!
Do not look at the gray strands!
No one will give you your years!

Dear Mom and Dad! Happy to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart! I would like to wish you warmth, a clear and clear sky above your heads, long and radiant years of life! Continue to love each other the same way as on your wedding day and as throughout your life - to protect and appreciate!

Dear parents, father and mother,
Thank you for giving life!
Sometimes we were a little stubborn
But we continue to love you always!
On this day, congratulations, thank you very much,
What could you ever find each other,
In the life of great happiness, and not something else,
And all the time in life you go together!

Getting better every day
And shines with dresses
Your daughter is loved
All neighbors and friends
Well, of course, so am I!
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
Happy birthday daughter!
May it always grow in love
And it will be successful!

You have lived together for so many years
And quarreled more than once,
Overcome all doubts
And for each other you are a mountain.
We wish you a wedding anniversary,
And continue to live and not get sick,
love and enjoy life
And get younger every year!

My family, dear parents. Do not grow old, dear parents, be happy and healthy for many, many years. May your gaze continue to sparkle with tenderness, may it be filled with warmth and love. Live happily together and never grow old.

Do not grow old, our dear parents, because for us there is no one dearer. Thank you for the warmth and affection that we still receive from you, for your care and patience, which at times was beyond our strength. We wish you our family good health and love.

Our dear mommy and daddy, I wish that you were always there, so that in a difficult moment of life I would have to come where. And with love, I will press your hard-working hands and cover them with kisses with words of gratitude and appreciation. Happy holiday my dears.

My dear parents, I love you very much. I propose a toast to you, my dear parents and parental home, the doors of which are always open for us. For you, dear and beloved parents. Thank you for your love and affection, for your kindness and understanding.

Dear ones. This is how you become parents. Congratulations on this very responsible title. This little man will fill your whole life and radically change its style. Difficult days, sleepless nights await you, but at the same time, the child will fill your life with meaning and extraordinary happiness. Amazing discoveries await you every day, and you will grow with your newborn. Hold on to each other, help and take care of each other. Because raising a child is hard work. And only together you will overcome all difficulties. I wish you health, patience and happiness.

Our dear newly-made parents, we sincerely congratulate you and wish you. Let your baby grow up healthy, happy, joyful, cheerful, strong and tempered. Let him eat porridge with appetite and always listen to mom and dad.

The birth of a child is an important event in the family. A new man appeared on earth, native blood, heir. I would like to tell young parents that you are now responsible for his future. I wish to raise him a worthy citizen of his country.

Our little baby son. We would like to wish you good health and strength. May your companions in life always be only success, good luck and luck.
And we, your parents, will try to save and protect you from all troubles and hardships.

Dear Parents, we want to wish on this holy holiday, Christmas, health for many years, never be disappointed in our children. May God's blessing always be with you. We appreciate your concern for us and will always listen to your word in the future, try not to upset or offend us in any way. All you bright and clean and many summers!

Don't get old, dear parents,
Happiness to you, health, long years!
We have always seen a bright image in you,
We don't have anyone else!
For warmth, for your kind souls
And for raising us
For care and patience for a long time
May God bless you!

Let life go without sorrow
And without bitter regrets
No losses and no losses.
It will be the best of all awards
You have excellent health
Feelings of beautiful floods.
You value your happiness
Take care and keep
Happiness is fragile
Don't rely on anything else.
Live with him for a whole year -
And trouble will pass you by.

My family, peace be with you
Hope, faith and love,
And so that the eternal leitmotif
The sonnet of spring sounded in my soul!
Let the ships enter the harbor
The mooring will be the father's house,
And let the sorrows all go away
Live happily together!
You've been together for many years
Problems, difficulties are familiar,
And your souls magical light
Strengthens fidelity laws!

Let your gaze sparkle with tenderness,
May it be filled with warmth
And let the honey taste last
On the lips before the wedding golden!

Remember parents, share
With your youthful strength
Love them, strive to prolong them
A series of happy, clear days!
Jealousy, resentment and doubt
Don't let me get between you
Let time not cool the aspiration
For each other to live and win -
Conquer problems and routine
Life, fatigue, a long load of winter,
The main thing is that you are loved
So that each other needs you!

Let never over your house
No thunderstorm will sound
May there be many smiles in it,
And lots of room for love!
You are together - like a poet and an ode,
Like composer and clavier
Like day and night, like all nature,
Like this endless world.
Care, loyalty, home and children,
This is what life has given you
For you, let the sun shine brightly
And the seed of wisdom sprouts!

We can't hide feelings or high words,
Let them shine gently, like a light,
The most cherished lines -
To you, dear mother and father.
Ringing severely, many-stringed
In an ingot of happiness, grief and anxiety,
Between a golden and young wedding
Your joint path is not easy.
Vote with heart and soul
We are for our paternal strong family.
And about your golden wedding
Let all the people hear today!

Dad and mom are the main people
The best people on this earth!
If you're around, I know what will happen
Peace of mind for me and you.
Your warmth will warm you in the cold,
Strong hands will always support
Dear heart, when you get sick,
He can heal you easily.
May God grant you long life, health,
Shine, enthusiasm in happy eyes!
My family, congratulations today
And we compose an ode in these verses.

Be happy folks
Like mischievous children.
And healthy as titans.
Love eternal oceans.
Never know sorrow
Don't lose your will in the world.
Rejoice, strive for the light,
And do not listen to the prohibitions.

My beloved mommy and daddy! I congratulate you on this significant date for all of us, and I wish you never get sick and for many, many years to look at each other with such eyes that I believe true love exists.

Between mother and daughter there is the closest and inextricable bond. It is supported by immeasurable love, care and tenderness, acts of self-sacrifice and selflessness. Sincere feelings for a loved one, for a mother, are expressed in simple words of great love and respect, touching to tears, that “live” in the daughter’s heart from birth.

Why You Should Compliment Your Mom

Mom is very important compliments from children and especially from my daughter. The main thing is that they be said sincerely, from the heart, without hypocrisy and prejudice, at the most opportune moment for this. Words-compliments said to mom just like that, out of a spiritual impulse, act like a magic elixir - the eyes of a loved one are filled with happiness, joy and will never lie.

However, in order not to "overdo it", you need to learn three cherished rules:

  • you need to compliment your mother absolutely sincerely, without cunning, pretense and hope for the desired response (say, get something “sweet”);
  • it should be remembered that a daughter, although the closest person in the world, is still a woman, and getting respect from a woman for a woman is expensive;
  • find the most suitable minute for this (let it be unexpected, it’s even better) and choose the right words, not according to the stamp.

It does not matter how old the mother is - 40, 50 ... 80. Young or very old, a woman always remains a woman, and the statement that “a woman loves with her ears” really works in any situation and at any age.

This rule is no exception for mothers. Compliments, said to the mother as if by chance, inspire her, give the woman-mother a new "breath of fresh air" and right before her eyes she becomes younger, more beautiful and stronger a hundred times. When this magical action takes place, the question “Why do you need to compliment your mother?” falls off on its own.

How and when to say touching and tender words to mom

Words to mother from her daughter, touching to tears, full of tenderness and love, will always be pleasant, no matter where and no matter how they sound.

Most often, such words are uttered in response to maternal care or an action that is considered a gift or an unexpected surprise for a daughter. And it's a pity! It would be much better if attention to mother was manifested in simple life situations, without any particular reason.

That's roughly it...

Preferred word form ("How?") Life Situation (When?)
"Mommy! Today you are like a ray of light - you give light and warmth.You can say this or a similar phrase to your mother at least every day - in the morning, afternoon, evening, before going to bed. It will never be superfluous and will never lose its meaning.
“Mommy, I recognize your hands from a thousand others. There are simply no more such gentle and skillful people in the world. ”This phrase is appropriate when:
  • mother hugged her shoulders from behind;
  • mother took by the hand;
  • mother's hands gently and affectionately stroke the head;
  • mother's hands have prepared or made something special ...
“Mommy, you are so beautiful! Our dad is incredibly lucky.”Words to mother from her daughter are touching to tears and “voiced” compliments can and should be said at every opportunity, even when she just woke up, left her room and was not completely cleaned.
“Once again I am convinced that only next to my mother I am always happy and calm. How do you do it, dear?"Such words are suitable in moments of emotional conversation or after a temporary separation from loved ones.
"Mommy, dear! Thank you for being in this world."Universal phrase. It can and should be used as often as possible, accompanied by gentle kisses and hugs.

Heartfelt wishes for mom throughout the day

Who, if not mom, wants to wish the very best for the whole coming day. To do this, you can pick up affectionate, touching words and sentences that will affect the mother's heart more than generally accepted greetings.

For example, these:

  1. "Mommy! My morning is always good and joyful when you illuminate it like a gentle and gentle sun.
  2. “Mommy, dear! Today you are like a good fairy - beautiful, kind and generous.
  3. “Mommy! When you are next to me, my morning is always affectionate, the day is beautiful and successful, and the evening is always calm and kind.
  4. "My dear! This amazing morning suits you so well. I want to wish you the same bright day and a calm, quiet evening. I love you mommy with all my heart."
  5. “Good, sunny morning, dear! Thank you for giving me all of this."
  6. "Mother! I will always feel happy as long as your gentle hands gently wake me up in the morning.
  7. “Mom, today you are like Queen Cleopatra! Just as beautiful, wise and bright.”
  8. "Mommy! I wish you only joy, smiles and happiness on this day. Let all the bad things be forgotten, and cherished dreams will come true.
  9. "Mother! No matter how many kind words I say to you, it will still not be enough to show all my love and tenderness.
  10. "Mommy! May your morning be always sunny, day - joyful, evening - fabulous. I wish you only the best, my dear."

Writers, poets, prose writers dedicated many beautiful, touching words to their mothers. In modern literature, there are many poems dedicated to mothers written by women writers. You can remember at least these beautiful lines ...

These poems for my mother were written by Veronika Mikhailovna Tushnova (1911-1965), a Soviet poetess, author of the words of popular songs - “A Hundred Hours of Happiness”, “You know, there will still be!”, “Loving does not renounce” ...

And these wonderful lines, dedicated to the mother, belong to the pen of Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva (1892-1941), a famous Russian poetess, prose writer, translator.

What words can be used as a token of gratitude to mom (word list)

There are always kind words for mom. They do not need to be invented, for a loved one, for mom, they are always present in the daughter's heart. Every time you want to express gratitude, they appear by themselves, without any “warning”.

As it happens in life - “Mommy, my dear, beloved! Thank you for being…”

  1. "... gave me life, beautiful and amazing."
  2. “... she sat next to me when I was sick, supported and protected in everything.”
  3. “... kept peace and love in our family. I received a lot of warmth and care from you - I will never forget this.
  4. “... consoled me in difficult times and always found the right words for this. You are my Guardian Angel on Earth."
  5. “... managed to give me more than any other mother. You have worked hard to raise me and give me a good education.”
  6. "... worry about me, give me your care even now that I'm already an adult."
  7. "... you help me with good advice, you keep all my little things and my little secrets from childhood."
  8. "...taught me to be a kind, good, sympathetic person, able to give warmth to others."
  9. "...helping me feel like a happy daughter."
  10. "... you remain for me the closest person and a good friend."

Or quite briefly:

  1. "Thank you mom for everything."
  2. "Thank you, my friend."
  3. "I don't have enough words to thank you."
  4. "Thank you is the least I can say to you."
  5. "My gratitude knows no bounds."
  6. “Thank you, mommy, that you are so good to me.”
  7. "I'll be in your debt for the rest of my life."

Beautiful words for mom on her birthday (in your own words, aphorisms)

A touching to tears congratulation from your daughter can be made unusual and, together with a bouquet of your favorite flowers, give her wonderful words in verse. In this case, the mother will understand that the daughter prepared for this date in advance, remembered this and wanted to make a surprise ...

You can congratulate your mother in your own words, impromptu. Such a congratulation is no worse if it is said sincerely, with all my heart, with love.

Surely every daughter has something special for her mother, for which I want to thank in the first place - this is exactly the case.

You can, for example, say this:

  1. “Mom, dear! This day is wonderful, because on this day you were born. Thank you dear for having you. I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you all the very best. Forgive me for being inattentive to you - I have already begun to correct myself and you will soon see it ... ".
  2. “Mommy, dear mommy! Congratulations on your birthday. May there be more joy in your life, there will be no disappointments and troubles. I love you very much, dear. Forgive me for all the trouble that I gave you and do not be angry. I always feel good, cozy and warm near you.
  3. “On your day, mommy, I want to wish you a lot of happiness, a lot of health, joy, smiles, warmth. Happy birthday, my sun, my sweet and gentle friend. I love you very, very much."
  4. "Mommy! Congratulations on your birthday. Thank you very much for the house, where it is always cozy and warm, for a good and friendly family, for the kindness and generosity of your heart. I really want to be like you, you are my ideal in everything.
  5. "Mommy! On this day I want to wish you only the best. Stay as young, beautiful, energetic. May there be more joy and smiles in your life. Thank you for giving me a guideline - who and what you need to be in life. I love you, mommy."

Words of admiration for mom for an anniversary (in their own words, quotes)

For the anniversary, everyone always prepares in advance, they think over the list of guests, the script and the menu. As a rule, an original text of congratulations is prepared for this significant date.

You can congratulate your mother in your own words, not in a very large text, or you can use quotes or poems. Both will certainly cause a lot of positive emotions and pleasant excitement in mom - but after all, the day is special!

In your own words, you can do it like this:

  1. "Dear mommy! Here again is a round date, and you are still the same - impossibly beautiful and young. How do you do it? I would like to be 100% like you. I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart and love you very much.”
  2. “Mommy, my sweet and dear! On this special day, I want to say that you are my best mother in the world. Smart, beautiful, caring. Whatever you take on, everything works out for the best. Let the years go by, you don’t need to change anything - stay like this always, because it doesn’t get any better.
  3. “Mommy, happy anniversary to you, my tender and beloved! Let the calendar count the years, let the sunset and dawn change faster - you are still my most beautiful, youngest and most wonderful. I wish you great health, great happiness and love, luck in everything and always.

Kind words to mom on a wedding anniversary (in your own words, in verse and prose)

A wedding anniversary is a name day for the whole family. On this day, both parents deserve congratulations and maximum attention. For this solemn occasion, children always prepare something special. The original texts of anniversary greetings can be peeped on the Internet, but you can congratulate mom and dad in your own words - at the same time, without detracting from the "merits" of one over the other.

In such a congratulation, it is necessary to emphasize that mom and dad are equally important in life, that children love them, respect them and always remember them.

Mom can be distinguished as the keeper of the hearth, dad as the main earner, masculinity and support for the family:

  1. Dear parents, mommy and daddy! Congratulations (congratulations) on your wedding anniversary (here you can specify which wedding is being celebrated). You are a good example for me (us). Now I know (we know) what a real friendly family should be like. Thank you for your love, care and a good, happy childhood.”
  2. “Dear mummy, dear daddy! On the day of your wedding anniversary, I want to express all the words of love and tenderness that are in the world. I love you so much and this is for life. Thank you, relatives, for giving me life, protecting and protecting me in everything. I wish you many more years of love and harmony. Bitterly!"
  3. “My dear ones, my beloved ones! Congratulations on your wedding anniversary. I wish you great happiness, spiritual harmony and love for life. Mom, you are very lucky - our dad is caring, gentle and a real support in life. Dad, and you are even luckier - such a wife is one in a million.

You can support your congratulations with a good quote or quatrain. This will enhance the effect and will be pleasant to failed parents. Can it be so...

Affectionate words to mom by phone and SMS

Words to mom from her daughter, touching messages to tears - this is the only thing she looks forward to most. Just a few words that the daughter is doing well and there is nothing to worry about gives the mother peace of mind and good potential for the rest of the day. It is impossible to even imagine how they are waiting for this call from their mother!

In a telephone conversation, very concise information is most often given, everything is very short and concise. From what the first words and appeal to mom will be, you can understand the “tonality” of the upcoming conversation, its mood.

Each family has its own traditions, but for the most part - a derivative, diminutive of the word "mother" sounds approximately the same for everyone:

You don't need a special reason to call your mother on the phone. Adult, caring children call their mother quite often to ask about her health, affairs and tell about their news - and this is very correct. As a rule, a lot of affectionate and touching words, thanksgiving addresses and proposals are used in a telephone conversation.

Well, for example:

And in this way you can write an SMS message for mom in poetic form ...

Words of support for mom during trials and illness

Words to mother from her daughter, words of support touching to tears at a moment of crisis for her, are vital like nothing else. For a mother, these words from her children are very important. Simple, but coming from the heart and soul, words can not only reassure the mother, but also give her a positive impetus, and sometimes even heal.

Actually, this is the first “cure” for the disease and troubles that have befallen. This does not require grandiloquent words, intricate logical phrases and heroism, but rather the opposite - simple words, backed up by action. There are many cases in life when only the help of loved ones "pulled" people out of the abyss.

The moral support of a daughter or son for a mother is the same lifeline in the sea of ​​\u200b\u200blife, thrown at the right time and in the right direction. What words can be chosen for this? The most unpretentious, but giving hope for a speedy resolution of the problem.

Words to mom from daughter touching to tears are especially needed when mom is sick

These are, for example:

  1. “Mommy! Don't worry, the clouds will soon dissipate and the sun will reappear. Problems come and go, but we stay together. I love you very much, my dear."
  2. “Nothing is simple in life, you know that, don’t you? We will survive this black streak together. I will be there and never leave you, mommy.
  3. “We will be fine. The main thing is to stick together and not despair. There are three of us - you, me and the Lord, which means that we are strong and will overcome any disease. These hardships will pass and someday we will remember these moments with a smile.
  4. “Remember, Mom, when you were a child, you joked to me, “Keep your tail with a gun, daughter”? I tried not to sag, because you were next to me. And now I'm telling you this ... and I affirm that everything will be fine with us - we will not linger on this black stripe for a long time.
  5. "Mommy! When I was little, I was always amazed at how easily you cope with all the problems and difficulties. Now there is another problem, but we will fight together already - I have become an adult. We'll manage, I'm sure of it."

Prayers to the Mother of God for the health and well-being of mom

The prayers of children for the health and well-being of their mothers are the most gracious. There were times when only sincere and tearful prayers of loved ones to the Mother of God healed from deadly and incurable diseases, helped to get out of difficult, impasse situations.

The Most Holy Theotokos does not remain indifferent to the requests of her daughters and sends her soul-saving help.

In Orthodoxy, there are many prayers to the Mother of God, which should be read when the mother is sick or in trouble. It is very good if the daughter prays for the Mother of God in her own words, or you can use short, but very strong prayers of the Saints ...

Very often, with a prayer for the mother, they turn to the Blessed Matrona of Moscow. The holy old woman helps all those who suffer, who, in sincere prayer, ask for help for their loved ones in sorrows and illnesses.

It is very good if a praying person visits the grave of St. Matrona at the Danilovsky cemetery in Moscow and with a spiritual impulse, from a pure heart, will utter such words ...

You can also pray for your mother in your own words. To do this, you need to stand in front of the holy face of the Virgin and ask the Mother of God for help.

For example, with these words:

  • “Mother Mother of God, help my mother. Give her strength to overcome the disease, have mercy and forgive her ... ";
  • "Mother of God! Our protector and comforter! Help our trouble, help our sorrow. Beg our Lord to forgive my mother all her sins and heal her. Thank God for everything";
  • “Mother, forgive all our sins and help my mother in illness and sorrow. Comfort and comfort her."

What words can not be said to mom

How often, under the influence of difficult life situations, a person loses control over himself, anger and intolerance set in for everything and everyone. Alas, but most often, relatives and friends fall under the hot hand. Often at such a moment, the closest person, mother, becomes a real “lightning rod”, collecting on itself all the accumulated negativity of a beloved child.

Yes, it happens! Sometimes children are cruel and illegible in words. In a conversation, biting words are thrown that hurt the feelings of mothers, leave a bitter aftertaste for life. The indifference and inattention of children, coldness and even cynicism are intolerably painful for the mother's heart.

Time is fleeting. The time comes and mothers pass away, leaving a good memory of themselves and ... regret that the grown-up children did not have time to tell their mother about their love, to ask for forgiveness for offensive words.

So that there is no painful and belated repentance, you must categorically refuse such words to your mother:

  • "I don't have time for you."

A monstrous phrase that should never leave the tongue of children. Mom had enough time to endure, raise and educate the child, give him her care, tenderness and love ...

  • "You gave me nothing in life..."

Only selfish people can say that. After all, mother gives the most important thing that a person can have - life.

  • "I hate you".

And she loves, worries and always waits. The words spoken at the moment of irritation will not change her attitude towards her child, but they will inflict a very painful wound on her heart.

  • “Who do you look like!? You have neither beauty nor elegance."

It is possible that natural beauty began to be lost over the years, and the load of worries deprived my mother of female attractiveness. In this case, you need to very delicately motivate her for positive changes, without offending her feelings as a mother and a woman.

  • "You have raised a moral and physical ugly out of me."

Most often, such a reproach to the mother arises because of her own life mistakes and failures, and she is not at all to blame here. It's easy to push your own failure onto the parent, but it's very, very stupid.

  • "You cook disgusting, I don't want to eat it."

“There is no comrade for taste and color,” if you don’t like your mother’s cuisine, then you can delicately refuse and eat elsewhere. You can’t offend your mother for this, because she tried and stood near the stove for a while.

  • “Father did the right thing by leaving you, you are unbearable.”

Such phrases arise during irritation and quarrels intentionally to make mom sicker. Children should not interfere in the relationship between parents - this applies only to themselves. Such words are doubly offensive for the mother - both for the behavior of her unbridled child, and for the departure of her husband.

  • "I don't consider you a mother anymore and I don't want to see you."

A sharp phrase said in a quarrel has nothing to do with reality. However, it can severely hurt mom in the heart. You can never say that, it is categorically unacceptable.

  • "I'm really ashamed of you in front of my friends."

This happens when a mother allegedly “does not reach” the level of a successful, self-sufficient woman. But all this is just a chimera! True friends will always respect the mother of a friend or girlfriend, regardless of the contrived status.

  • "It's your fault that I'm unlucky in life."

Mom is not to blame for this. She gave life, raised and educated according to her strength and material capabilities. When children become adults, they independently manage their lives and destiny.

Any mother deserves attention, care and tenderness from her daughter. Words of gratitude, touching to tears, words of love and admiration, you must definitely say to your mother at every opportunity. In prose, poetry, quotes of great people, or just in your own words - this is not very important. The main thing is with all my heart, a loving heart, with genuine sincerity.

Article formatting: Natalie Podolskaya

Congratulations video for moms

Video about the words to mother from daughter touching to tears:

I propose a toast to the parents who gave birth to these two adorable children. You have already done a lot in life for them, and there is still so much to do. I'm not talking about material costs, this will come with time. Support is much more important. Health and strength to you, dear parents!

We owe a great deal to our parents with our life choices, successes and self-realization. It is they who are our faithful and reliable guides along the difficult roads of life, support and support in the difficult periods of our existence.
For beloved parents!

We have moments when we quarrel with our parents, get offended, even threaten to leave home. But then everyone sits on a chair, thinks, and understands that there is no one more precious than mom and dad on the whole Earth. Let's drink to the most precious thing in our life. Appreciate your parents!

Parents are a title more important and more important than any general, because you stand, loving, caring and protecting, protecting us - your children 24 hours a day all our lives. And my toast is for you, dear ones, to you health and happiness! May that warmth and kindness that you radiate return to you three times.

At birth, the angel hands us into the hands of our parents, leaves us in their care. Some are not very lucky, or the angel confuses something when he chooses their unlucky dad and mom. But these daddy and mommy are just wonderful. Thank you for raising your children with love and care. I raise a glass to my parents.

They say that there are seconds in life for which it is not a pity to give years of your life. I want to raise this glass to the parents who gave their best years to raise their children!

They say that when something in your life collapses, you need to think about what can be built on the vacated place. I want to raise this glass to my parents. Their place in our hearts will never be occupied by anything!

It's so good when family and friends get together. There is nothing better than a feast in a pleasant company. Let's drink to the people who brought us here. For our parents, those wonderful and loving, caring and believing in our success.

The sage was asked which mineral is the most valuable in the world. The old man did not think for a long time and his answer was unexpected for the questioners - water. “But why water, because there is a lot of it around?” people asked again. He said: "Only water gives us life." Let's raise our glasses to our parents, the most valuable people in the world, who give us life.

I drink for those who gave us life,
Who gives understanding, love,
So that you are always healthy,
For this I will drink again and again!

To live in abundance, in happiness,
And we will always help you with this,
Parents, you are the most dear,
I wish you never grow old!