The tattoo is completely hand. The coolest male tattoos - photos, trends, tattoo ideas for men

A tattoo is a special image on a person's body, often conveying his thoughts, the principle of life and desire.

To choose a tattoo, just look at hundreds of examples and come to the master with a sketch. Before making a permanent drawing on the body, it is recommended to conduct an experiment.

A tattoo with a pen on an arm or other part of the body is used to understand how the drawn symbol and picture affect a person.

If, after a week with a drawing, a person’s condition has improved, you can safely apply the drawing forever.

Pen tattoos are widespread among children and teenagers. They are quick and easy to do.

All that is needed is to redraw the selected image onto the skin, observing the similarity with the source. Easy and simple drawings can draw even a small child.

A temporary tattoo can be done with a black pen, for this it is important to choose the right quality of the tool. For work, a gel or ballpoint pen is suitable.

In some cases, you can fill a long-term tattoo using a needle and a gel pen.

Consider how to make a drawing with a pen, as well as the duration of this procedure:

  1. Prepare materials: a gel pen of the desired shade, a simple pencil, scissors, paper or tracing paper, cotton swabs, talc alcohol and a solution for treating wounds.
  2. Select a sketch or stencil. Before starting work, it is recommended to select a drawing.

    Depending on the purpose of the tattoo, these can be inscriptions, pictures, photos of famous people. The main thing is to have sufficient artistic drawing skill.

  3. Translation. Draw a picture on the tracing paper and carefully shade the outline with a gel pen.

    In the future, this blank will be needed for a temporary tattoo, which must be done quickly.

  4. Choose a location. For girls, the drawings look good on the wrist, for boys, the tattoos look solid on the shoulder.
  5. Drawing translation. Place the prepared template face down on the skin. Take a cloth soaked in water and apply to the tracing paper for 1 minute.

    Gently pushing the paper aside, check if the tattoo has transferred.

You can make a tattoo with a needle, stuffing holes in the skin and filling them with paint from a pen. This method is considered painful, but less traumatic than applying with a machine.

In time, the work will take no more than 15 minutes, depending on the complexity of the drawing.

Easy sketches for beginners

In order to apply a drawing for the first time, experienced craftsmen recommend choosing the simplest sketches for beginners.

You should not assume that drawing a tattoo with a pen for a long time - this process takes no more than half an hour with proper skill.

Note! The simplest sketches are considered options without detailed details of the picture. Lettering will also be of interest as a primary application to the skin.

For the first time, small pictures are good. When your hand is full, you can move on to more complex types of medium-sized and large-sized sketches.

Consider several options for pictures for self-application at home:

Sketch Description
geometric patterns You don't have to be a professional artist to draw beautiful patterns. It is enough to look at the sample and redraw it on leather or parchment.

Among the geometric ornaments are popular Greek, Roman and Scandinavian patterns.

Flowers Drawings of flowers can be applied with a blue pen, and the stem itself can be painted black.

It is better to choose simple options for roses, peonies, orchids, daisies - they are well suited for the image on the lower leg

natural drawings The branches and leaves of trees are patterns that any novice artist can handle.

Acorns, chestnuts, nuts, and berries - all these pictures are made in half an hour, because they do not have detailed details

Insects The easiest insect to draw is the butterfly. Two wings, in the middle is the body of an insect - the drawing is ready. A good image of a wasp, beetles or snakes
Skulls Guys often choose brutal underwear designs: invite them to apply an image of a stylized skull.

Red roses with leaves can be placed on the sides: such a sketch is always a delight

Beautiful pictures for girls and boys

For a test pen, the artist always chooses mini-images that can be easily hidden behind clothes.

Black gel pen tattoos are no exception, which, if unsuccessful, can be hidden behind textiles.

A selection of several beautiful, but simple options will allow you to make a choice for girls and men:

  1. Bow. The image is perfect for teenage girls.

    It is better to apply it on the back of the neck - that is where it looks attractive and romantic.

  2. Animal faces. Cool but cute sketches are always a delight: try drawing a funny cat face on one of your fingers.

    The tattoo will look great in combination with a stylish ring.

  3. Notes or treble clef. The option is relevant for music lovers-girls, as well as for those people who make music. It is recommended to apply the pattern on the wrist.
  4. Marine theme. Good for male or female tattoos.
  5. A flock of bats. The drawing is relevant for real boys: it is simple to perform, but it looks amazing.

We draw all images in stages: first we visually highlight the main parts of the picture, after which we proceed to painting the sections. We draw small elements carefully at the last stage of work.

Men's tattoos on the arm are considered the most popular group of tattoos. Male tattoos on the arm include tattoos on the shoulder, forearm, elbow and wrist. With the help of a tattoo on his arm, a man can emphasize the beauty and relief of the body, masculinity and show character. In this collection you will find many ideas for inspiration to help you create your own unique hand tattoo design.

Men's Tattoos on the Arm on the Forearm

Men's Tattoos on the Arm on the Elbow

Men's have their own history and even formed some stereotypes around themselves. Drawings on the elbows used to be considered a male theme. Most likely this is due to the fact that they had a connection with criminal tattoos, although this connection is rather mediocre. Today, the art of tattoo has stepped forward both in technical terms and in freedom of interpretation. Men's elbow tattoos are rarely chosen as their first tattoo. This is most often a continuation of the overall composition of the tattoo on the body. The most popular elbow tattoos for men are abstractions, or ornaments.

Men's Tattoos on the Arm on the Shoulder

Men's ones especially help to emphasize the dignity and character of a man. The large drawing on the embossed hand looks really courageous and harmonious. Men's tattoos on the arm are rarely small, as they can be invisible and simply get lost on a strong shoulder. Preference is given to large, detailed sketches that take up most of the shoulder.

Men's Tattoo Sleeve

Men's tattoos on the arm, which cover almost the entire area of ​​​​the arm, are called sleeve tattoos. A tattoo sleeve can be one holistic composition and include many different parts.

Today, one of the most popular places for tattooing is the hand. Perhaps it happened because of conservatism and unwillingness to change established traditions, or maybe the tattoo on the arm attracts with its simplicity and attractiveness. In any case, tattoos on the arm occupy the top positions in the ranking of body areas for tattooing.

The arm is one of the most mobile parts of the body and has many curves. Because of this, tattoos on the arm are divided into several types:

Each of the parts listed above implies a different type of sketch. So, tattoos with inscriptions are most often applied to the fingers, three-dimensional images of animals, birds, or any other are applied to the shoulder. The shoulder is generally considered one of the most versatile places for tattooing on the arm.

If we talk about a tattoo on the whole arm, then there is a special type of tattoo called a sleeve. This is a tattoo that occupies the area of ​​most of the surface of the arm and has three versions: long sleeve (from the shoulder to the wrist), half sleeve (from the shoulder to the elbow or from the elbow to the wrist) and a quarter (tattoo from the shoulder and not reaching the elbow). As a rule, such tattoos are some kind of drawing or pattern with the addition of inscriptions or significant dates.

Tattoos on the arm

You can make a tat on your arm inexpensively in Moscow in our Territory Tattoo salon. A huge selection of sketches, professional craftsmen and reasonable prices - this is what distinguishes our salon from other similar establishments. Of course, getting a tattoo in Moscow is not a problem, but if you want to get the highest quality result for the lowest price, then contact Territory tattoo parlor.

Tattoos on the arm are popular among both guys and girls. At the same time, it is tattoo inscriptions on the arm that are gaining more and more recognition.

As for the pain of the procedure, I would like to note that the hand is not the most sensitive organ of the body, therefore, although the process of applying a tattoo on the arm will be somewhat unpleasant, it will not bring strong pain.

So, if you want to get tattoos on your arm inexpensively, while getting a lot of positive impressions, and at the end - a great result, then welcome to our Territory Tatu salon.

Tattoos on the arms are most often exposed to the public, but they are not difficult to hide if necessary.
This is one of the favorite places for masters, because there are no problems with either the relief or the skin turgor. You can apply drawings of any size, color and complexity without fear for their quality.

Sketch selection

      How extensive the design of the tattoo on the arms is, so are its sizes. Since the hands are made up of different parts, tattoos can be applied in different ways. For large jobs, sleeves are most often used:
  • The long one is an extensive coverage from the shoulder to the wrist with a tattoo, representing both a complete image and a composition of several small drawings that merge into a single whole.
  • When applying half of the sleeve, the pattern is located in the upper or lower part of the arm.
  • There is also the so-called quarter sleeve. This is when the sketch is applied from the shoulder to the elbow.

Today, a tattoo on the arms for men is most often symbols - dragons, lions, eagles and other paraphernalia, which are signs of power, strength and courage.
Women prefer more delicate and congenial small pictures - flowers, stars, zodiac signs, sometimes small inscriptions. Women's tattoos on their hands look great - bracelets made up of small flowers, pictures or inscriptions. It is good to place such an ornament on the wrists or forearms.
Images of a medium-sized format can also decorate men's shoulders, especially if it is a bracelet with an interwoven ethnic ornament.
Many tattoos on their hands only on the outer part, forgetting about the inside. This is fundamentally wrong, since this is an equally successful area for application. Look especially good

People at all times wanted to stand out and be different from others. In many tribes, wearable drawings were considered a sign of the status of a man, so tattoos could be seen on almost every member of the stronger sex. Now the tattoo is one of the main ways of self-expression, but how to choose the right one and follow the fashion?

tattoos for men

If you decide to decorate yourself with some unusual pattern, then you should pay attention to tattoos for men on the arm. This part of the body is especially convenient for the task: the hands are not so painful for the procedure, and the image variations are impossible to list. Every year, tattoo trends for men change, new styles, masters, technologies appear, so you can’t just say what is especially fashionable at the moment. Tattoos on the arm of men are self-expression, and each guy has it in his own way.

Tattoo sleeve

The youth direction is the tattoo on the sleeve. This option involves the complete painting of the right and/or left arm from the shoulder to the wrist with the elbow even at the fold, thereby forming original sleeves with patterns or a plain background. Not separate fragments, inscriptions or figures will look beautiful, but a well-composed picture, consisting of patterns in different styles, images of people in different situations, animals, nature, and the like. Such work cannot be done in one day, you will have to visit the master several times, but the result will be impressive.

Tattoo on the forearm

The biceps in men are often used for underwear drawings, and in completely different styles. It can be small patterns, symbols, hieroglyphs, a portrait, an eagle, a skull. Stylish tattoos on the male arm, especially on the forearm, will always be visible in the warm season, so when choosing a brutal sketch, remember that you will attract attention. The picture may intersect with other tattoos if you already have them, or remain the only one. Here are some more subtleties:

  • Tattoos for men on the shoulder with meaning are chosen only by self-confident people.
  • If you decide to apply a portrait from a photo on your forearm, then carefully choose the master with whom you will work, otherwise you may not get exactly what you wanted.
  • Cost is often the main factor in choosing a studio: too low prices may not always guarantee quality.
  • Beware of novice masters: they can be entrusted with some cool, not complicated sketches, but not as difficult work as a tattoo on the forearm.

Tattoo on the wrist

The hand is that part of the body that you can never hide from prying eyes, so an artistic tattoo on the hand must necessarily echo your inner self. Carefully approach the development of a sketch, do not go to the first master you come across, because the quality of his work will determine how your image as a whole will look like in the future. The price will not be too high, because the work area is small.

Previously, only the military or people with a criminal past made tattoos on the brushes, but many men choose a cool sketch for themselves and decorate this part of the body with colored or one-color drawings:

  • round compass;
  • star;
  • muslim symbol;
  • inscription;
  • a heart pierced by an arrow;
  • diamond.

wrist tattoo

Tattoo on the palm

Another popular place for self-expression is the palm. Someone will say that it is difficult to find beautiful tattoos for men in the palm of your hand, and certainly they will not be so noticeable to others, however, the stronger sex is increasingly turning to masters with a request to decorate this place. As a picture, intertwining patterns, an eye, cultural symbols with a deep meaning are chosen. Choosing the edge of the palm, you can highlight such sketches as an inscription in a beautiful font, a flock of birds, a comet. Remember that tattoos in this place are erased faster than usual, because we constantly wash, three hands.

full arm tattoo

For those who are not afraid to experiment and are ready to completely surrender to the will of the master, colored hand tattoos are a great way to express themselves. Interesting sketches can be chosen endlessly, it all depends on your preferences and the skills of the artist to whom you entrusted your body. Recently, many men prefer black ornaments, sometimes white, to multi-colored patterns.

Sometimes work starts small: a person came for a small tattoo, and as a result, after a few years, his hand is completely clogged. If you like your master, then let him create. The price for such work can vary from 10,000 to 200,000 rubles. It all depends on which master you entrusted with this huge work, what the deadlines are and the technologies used to complete the drawings.

The meaning of tattoos for men

Tattoos on a man's arm, especially symbols, can have a direct designation in a particular subculture, so when choosing a sketch, try to find out all the possible meanings of a particular image. Before you go to the master, study this issue yourself, consult with experienced people, search for information on the Internet. If your body is dear to you, then you should not rush, because then you will live with a tattoo.

Tattoos for men - photo

In this gallery you can see the best male tattoos in the photo. If you particularly like something, then do not try to repeat it. It is better to download the image and consult your master, find out the price and terms. Explain why you liked this or that idea and ask to do something similar but original for you. Do not repeat yourself and choose a picture from the catalog of standard tattoos. Each work of the master is your self-expression, and if it is the same as someone else’s, then maybe you shouldn’t do it?

The price of tattoos on the arm

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of how much a full arm tattoo costs, because the price depends on many factors:

  • the complexity of the work;
  • color spectrum;
  • master's experience;
  • technologies used;
  • time spent.

How to choose a tattoo on the arm for men

The choice of a tattoo for men should be based not on who he wants to appear to the rest, but on who he is. Modern underwear is a very big step, no matter where you choose to place it, because it will be very difficult and painful to remove it. Approach the choice of drawing very seriously, think a few times, ask the master to make you several samples and choose the one that takes your breath away.

Remember that people change over time, and so do their tastes. Try to order the drawing that you will not regret in the future and try to get rid of it by any means. In addition, beautiful sketches of arm tattoos for men can be ordered and bought in the online store. Try to avoid offers labeled "inexpensive". Most likely, you will be offered running images that do not differ from each other.

Video: cool tattoos for men