Touching words for a girl on her birthday. Touching birthday wishes for your girlfriend. Touching original birthday greetings

Let fanfare always rumble in your soul, despite the calendar age. May your life shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow, be filled with only positive events. My dear friend, be happy and loved.

Happy birthday! Let the sky be blue, spring in your soul, a light breeze in your head, a Gucci bag on your shoulder, Louboutin shoes on your feet, diamond earrings in your ears, flowers in your hands, and pants full of female happiness. And also, let the one who will present it all to you, to your feet, be next to you!

On your birthday, I wish you all the best and brightest! Let love burn brightly in your heart, children make you happy, health does not fail, everything goes well at work, and happiness, luck and prosperity always live in the house!

doesn’t it seem, or is the most beautiful girl in the world celebrating her birthday today? Well, I hasten to congratulate and wish this beauty happiness, health, family well-being and, of course, love.

Flower, sunshine! Today is not just a day, today YOU were born! You are that boundless radiant firmament that illuminates my life! May for you today all the colors of the world merge into an unforgettable sparkling rainbow, for you today all desires will come true! Blossom, fragrant, remain the most beautiful, kind, sweet! May your life always be only a holiday filled with happiness and love!

Congratulations on your birthday! I wish you vivid impressions, fulfillment of desires, may all dreams come true, may fans give armfuls of flowers. May your youth last forever and may the happiness of youth be endless!

There are many flowers on earth, but they cannot be compared with you, my best flower! Stay as sweet and adorable for years to come. May the light of your kindness and cordiality illuminate life and make it joyful! Giving a holiday to loved ones, be always happy! Health to you, success everywhere and in everything, respect and prosperity! My love and devotion will become your faithful and reliable support. Cloudless birthday!

With all our hearts we wish you happiness. good health, even greater success in your hard work, long life, well-being in the family and always in a good mood.

The light of distant stars is beautiful, but how can it compare with the sparkle of your eyes and the warmth of your heart? Amazing, wonderful, talented, my congratulations to you! Let this birthday be remembered by you, be sparkling and cloudless. With all my heart I wish, my dear, be always as beautiful and delightful! Believe me, I will not let sorrows and sorrows touch you. Joy to you and happiness, success and recognition!

Birthday is a great holiday, bright and cheerful, but with you - the hero of the occasion - it is even more beautiful and beautiful! I congratulate you with all my heart and wish you this birthday to open a new, dizzying round of your life! I wish you prosperity and love, good luck and prosperity! Always keep warmth in your heart and boldly fulfill your dreams!

Honey, happy birthday! I wish you true female happiness, an ocean of all-consuming love, a positive attitude in life, so that depression cannot even crawl close. May the impeccable, glowing with happiness smile never leave your charming face.

I wish you to be beautiful like a spring flower, tender like silk, light like a breath of breeze, fresh like a blade of grass washed with dew, let your thoughts be pure like a mountain stream. I wish you to meet your happiness, and that everything in your life be real - people, actions, and feelings!

Next to you, the stars fade, roses shed their petals, the sun hides its rays, because your beauty is divine. We wish everyone to be able to see a mysterious, but no less chic, soul behind an unusually beautiful wrapper. Your presence is already happiness. We wish that life gives you only pleasant surprises and gifts.

Happy birthday!
Let your life be like a mountain stream, sometimes stormy and foamy, sometimes calmly murmuring, but always crystal clear! May the spring of your destiny reflect the blue cloudless sky, may it fill the many streams of your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren and never dry up, may the source of your happiness, good luck, love never dry up! Our birthday girl, our beautiful undine, be happy!

Happy birthday to a girl who will never betray, never deceive, never leave in trouble and never forget kindness. It's you, my dear! Stay like this always, let everything in your life work out only in the best way!

Happy Birthday! I wish you a life no less beautiful than this bright day, may you have success, good luck and love in it! I wish you to always stand firmly on your feet and hold on to the shoulders of true friends! Let sorrows not look into your house, but the sun shines through the window every morning, promising a better day!

Happy birthday to the most beautiful girl - beauty. Let the days light up with the rays of the sun, butterflies flutter around. You are the ideal of female beauty: slim, smart, pious, although sometimes you are very eloquent. Happiness, love and fragrance!

Native, happy birthday! All the most beautiful wishes and tender words today, only to you. You are the bright sun in my life, you are my dream!

On your birthday, it is customary to wish what all people on the planet dream of. Everyone wants to be healthy – and from the bottom of my heart I wish you good health for many years to come. Everyone wants to be loved - and I wish you with all my heart to be loved. Everyone wants happiness and joy - and I always want to see you joyful, warmed by love, with a happy gleam in your eyes!

Happy birthday to a beautiful girl. I wish you to use all your potential to achieve your desired goals, confidently strive upward and never stop there. May good luck accompany you in all your affairs and undertakings, and success does not leave you for a second. Be happy!

Happy birthday to an incredible, beautiful, affectionate and caring girl. May success in your life be simply stunning, happiness only amazing, and life gorgeous. Let joy, a smile and lights in your eyes become daily attributes of your life. All the best to you!

Happy Birthday! We wish beauty, flowering, love! Age for a woman is not a hindrance. The main thing is sparks in the eyes, a good mood and a radiant smile. Dear, look at life with optimism, and it will bring you many more joyful moments.

I wish you, my dear sparrow, my wonderful girlfriend, my faithful friend, that you achieve everything in life yourself. I wish you to choose the right profession and easily go to college. Let all troubles and problems bounce off you, like from reliable armor. I wish you to win awards in all competitions, I know that sport is your life. Be healthy and please us with your achievements.

I want to wish Happy Birthday to the most beautiful, bright and sunny, kindest, incomparable, desirable and sexy woman in the world! I wish you sincere and devoted love, success and dizzying victories, good health and fantastic moments.

There are people who decorate the world. You are one of them. Today is your birthday. For the world, this is a wonderful occasion for a holiday, and for me it is a reason for pride that I know such a beauty personally and can admire this beauty every day. Congratulations!

Birthdays happen only once a year, and you need to spend this holiday unforgettable! I wish you to smile more today, enjoy the attention of the guests and believe that there will be many more such wonderful days and spiritual meetings with dear people! I wish you sparkling happiness, true love, complete well-being and the fulfillment of any desires!

Tender, beautiful, bright - you are always the most dynamic and bright, behind you is a trail like from a flying comet, forcing you to turn around after you. Stay the same swift, impressive, stunning flash, be happy and give happiness in return!

I congratulate with all my heart the most beautiful, sweet, charming, simply gorgeous girl on her birthday. You are the queen today. This is your holiday. And may you be the most special and the best on this day. May fate smile on you and give you many joyful minutes and brilliant meetings.

I congratulate you, my joy, and wish you all the best. Always remain as cheerful and cheerful, and may your beauty always enchant everyone around you. I wish you eternal youth, happiness and more smiles. Let nothing ever bother you, and good luck will always be with you. All earthly blessings, prosperity, warmth and love to you!

Happy Birthday Beauty! This bright day is a pleasant event for all of us, and age is just a number that will remain a mystery to everyone who does not know her, because for such a sweet, energetic, charming girl like you, years mean nothing. May your eyes always glow with happiness, your closet is bursting with clothes, and your dearest person hugs your shoulders.

Today I am happy to congratulate you on a wonderful day - your birthday! For this day, I have a bunch of compliments in store and I’m not afraid to embarrass you, because how can you embarrass with the crystal clear truth? I'll tell you - you're just a miracle! Your beauty is not inferior to your kindness, you are smart and talented in any business that attracts you! I wish you to always remain as beautiful as I know you today, but if you wish to become even better, you will succeed!

Collection: Touching congratulations on the birthday of a girl. Happy birthday! Let sparkling waves of flowers bloom in the garden, let the aroma of festive dishes come from the kitchen, and the most beloved and dear people will gather at the table!

Live carefree, let every day give you a lot of bright emotions and happy moments.

I wish to always be a smile for people and tenderness for loved ones, over and over again I realized my dreams and blossomed like a thousand roses! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday. I wish you always to take the main prize, I wish you never give up fun and happiness.

May your dreams always be as bright and unusually bright as in childhood!

On this wonderful day, we wish you to always remain a real person, loving and caring!

May there always be enough strength for exploits and heroic deeds.

Let this day be the first step on the way to new accomplishments and discoveries in your life. Happy birthday!

On this festive day, we are ready to give you the aroma of all flowers and the blush of dawn, the tenderness of morning roses, sunlight, friendly warmth, human kindness, many kind words and unearthly love! May health and happiness always accompany you. All that is bright and holy on earth, let it be in your destiny!

Happy Birthday to You! Open the door wider, let happiness and good luck into your home!

I want to wish you many happy days and positive impressions, constant care and attention from your relatives.

I wish you that someone appreciated it in you!

So that you are always happy with what you already have, but at the same time never stop setting big life goals for yourself.

Happy Birthday. May it never be too late for success. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday! I wish you that love will give you liberation from worries, from all the problems in the world!

Expect a kilo of toffee as a gift or something else interesting!

May there always be a close person next to you who will never allow you to step into the abyss!

I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you that your life develops at the speed of lightning, be as limited as the universe.

Happy birthday! Let your heart beat for a long time, and you make us happy for a long time. I wish you never to get sick and well-being. May a good angel protect you from troubles and evil.

I hurry with a gift! Sending an air kiss! Happy Birthday!

I wish you great health and long life, dear and respected!

Happy birthday! Congratulations and wishes for strength, courage, a decent life, success, stability, love, to be a leader and never lose heart!

Smile, have fun, rejoice every second, spend this day to the glory, so that you remember it forever.

Happy birthday to you! Thank you for your sincerity, uniqueness and charm, I sincerely wish that when you wake up in the morning you feel truly happy and loved.

Happy birthday! I sincerely wish to conquer the world with inimitable beauty, incredible kindness and bright sincerity. Happy birthday!

Good health, reliable friends, joyful news, comfort and affection, wealth, pleasant events and new original discoveries.

I wish you the best of luck in your money matters! Let everything always work out, and therefore I also wish you smiles and courage!

May your guardian angels shed a blessed elixir of calmness and harmony on the earth, having bathed in it, you will finally find the joy of omniscience and peace from the perfection of life!

Success, prosperity, female attention and understanding. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday! We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! Our beauty, be charming, unique, cheerful and a little reckless.

Never part with childhood dreams and with faith in the best.

Let relatives give you their warmth and care, and true friends will come to the rescue at any second.

May life always be rich and never seem boring! Because everyone builds his own life!

Let the new age figure mark a new chapter in your life, successful, joyful and filled with positive!

Let each new day be similar to the previous one, only in one it will be the same

Beauty, be always young, beautiful, healthy and cheerful! And we will always be there and support you if necessary.

I wish you that you will advance in everything in your work, and that you can earn the respect of your colleagues! May you never doubt yourself! I wish you always win! Don't let mistakes scare you, because you are an adult!

I wish you to remain a model of courage and perseverance, live actively, love, be loved and always achieve your goal!

Genie, happy birthday! I wish you to have a lot of strength and energy to overcome all life's obstacles!

There are many different roads in the world, but I want you to go only along the one where happiness, good health, good luck in business, true friends and great and true love are always present!

Happy birthday! Congratulations from the bottom of my heart. May life be full of beauty and miracles, may the voice of happiness ring in the heart, and may it always be easy and fun in the soul. Happy birthday!

I wish you not to slow down and speed, to strive and rush towards your goals and dreams! Let health contribute to this, and relatives and friends support!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday! It's great that there are wonderful people like you in the world! Refined, beautiful, elegant, always open to the world and very charismatic! There would be more such people, so that the world would become kinder and more beautiful. I wish you an inexhaustible source of inspiration, endless ideas in creativity and strong support nearby! Happy birthday!

I wish you health, as well as your children and grandchildren, may your every day be sunny, and may your smile be sincere and not without reason. Happy birthday!

I wish only happiness, which may be manifested in everything!

We wish you well-being, vivid emotions and many happy moments. Our beauty, be healthy and happy! Happy day of your appearance in this beautiful world!

Our dear and irresistible woman! We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts on your birthday! Happiness and success to you!

Let not only your birthday, but the whole next year bring only pleasant surprises.

Our beauty, be happy, active, positive and in demand! I wish you happiness and success forever!

Touching birthday greetings to a girl - And let them live next to you, only and always happiness and joy! Happy holiday, yours!

On this joyful day, I wish money to flow like a river, good luck always firmly held my hand.

Let every page of your life radiate only goodness, love and pleasant memories!

May happiness last every day, and so that the sun shines through the window as well as in your heart!

Happy birsday, my dear! I congratulate you on this wonderful event and wish you great joy and all-encompassing love. May all your wishes come true on this day, dreams come true, and your beauty blooms brighter every day. Your birthday is a joy for me and all your loved ones, relatives and friends who love and appreciate you.

Happy birthday, the cutest and most beautiful! Let this day give you only smiles and the most joyful moments! I wish that the past years are remembered with a smile, and the future is illuminated by a lucky star! Love you unearthly, fidelity of friends and prosperity in the family!

Dear, glorious and radiant our birthday girl, happy birthday to you! May your day be filled with bright colors, captivating aromas and fireworks of crazy desires. Let your beauty captivate, and youth be your companion for many years. Incendiary mood, happiness and fantastic love to you!

Happy birthday! Let the sky be blue, spring in your soul, a light breeze in your head, a Gucci bag on your shoulder, Louboutin shoes on your feet, diamond earrings in your ears, flowers in your hands, and pants full of female happiness. And also, let the one who will present it all to you, to your feet, be next to you!

Native, sweet and charming! With all my heart I want to wish you a happy birthday. This is a wonderful and heartfelt holiday. This is the day when there was one more beautiful and pretty little man on Earth. I sincerely wish you to be happy and loved! Please your surroundings with your youth, beauty and tenderness. I wish you always shine with delight. Let energy and positive vibrate in you. Blossom and good day by day, like a fragrant spring. Happy Birthday to You!

Touching birthday wishes for a girl

I wish you a happy birthday. I wish you to always remain the same caring, attentive, sensual, charming and purposeful. I wish that your fate leads you only to success, protecting you from all failures and sadness. I wish to drive men crazy and sincerely love the one and only. Be happy, be loved, always be unpredictable.

Happy birthday lovely lady! On such a wonderful day, you have so much to say. I wish you a peaceful sky, good health, good luck in everything! May your life be filled with good, warmth and positive. Every day, let it bring you only a smile, pleasure and enjoyment. Always remain such a feminine, gentle, sweet and cheerful girl.

Wishes to a beautiful girl in prose - congratulations in your own words
Happy birthday to the incredible beauty, incomparable and magnificent girl. I wish you, dear, great luck and mutual love, great joy and unearthly happiness, the undoubted good of life and brilliant success in any endeavors.

Happy birthday to an incredibly beautiful girl, the most elegant, unique and charming lady. I want to wish you feelings of happiness and love in life, high aspirations for dreams and desires, incredible luck on the way and a great mood.

With all the warmth of our hearts, we congratulate you on your birthday! First of all, we wish you to find what you have always dreamed of and what you lack for complete happiness, true love for life. I wish you financial well-being, so that there is always enough money for your female whims. Stay the same feminine, beautiful. We wish you the attention of young people so that your studies develop successfully, and in the future your career. And of course, may all your most important wishes and dreams come true. And since you are very fond of traveling, we wish that next summer you will definitely be able to go to the sea. Maybe that's where you'll meet your love. Well, today have fun to the fullest! Have a great holiday!

On this beautiful day, I would like to wish you to always be cheerful and optimistic! Let a smile light up your face, because when a person smiles, everything is going well for him. So let your every day be a small holiday - and there will always be a reason for the happiest smile!

With all our hearts today we congratulate the most beautiful, most desirable, kindest woman in the world. On your birthday, we always wish to combine fragility and strength, kindness and firmness of character, refinement and the ability to find a way out of any situation. We wish you simple female happiness, we wish you to love with all your heart and be sure to be the most beloved, and let there be only true friends and girlfriends in life who will support you in any situation!

May the sun shine brighter on this day, may the joy of life cover the darkness! What do you wish? Of course, happiness is the most beautiful gift! And definitely love! Let it be huge, clean, like a diamond! May a smile be on your face more often, may your eyes shine with joy!

I want to wish you a lucky lottery ticket. May he make you rich! Let there be money in every drawer of your desk, let it be in every pocket and on every shelf. Let them lie in wait for you everywhere. And let the most difficult problem in your life be the solution of the question - where to spend them?

I want to wish you the main thing for every girl - to marry successfully! Let your husband do at least a little for you - give gifts, feed, help clean the apartment while you do your manicure, put the children to bed while we chat on the phone, iron your dresses while you choose lipstick to match, buy you huge bouquets for that you do everything for him - you give your great, pure, sincere and bright love!

Congratulations to the girl on her birthday in prose

With undisguised pleasure, I congratulate you on your birthday! Your beauty and youth inspire poets and artists to create their masterpieces! So let luck accompany you in life so that your beauty remains unchanged for many years to come! I wish you the best health and female happiness!

Congratulations on your birthday! I hope these lines will give warmth to your heart and cheer you up! May your beauty continue to illuminate all who are close to you! May the most secret desires come true, and Fortune favors you in business! May good health be your constant companion for many years to come!

What could be better than youth? And what could be more beautiful than a young girl? On your birthday, I wish you the best of health! Stay as beautiful and cute! Be always the epitome of femininity! Only next to you, representatives of the opposite sex can feel like real men!

Accept the most sincere wishes on your birthday! May your whole life and the roads you walk be illuminated by the light of love! Let your sails inflate the wind of good luck! May your health be strong and great, like the most expensive diamonds! Such a beauty will definitely succeed, just believe in yourself!

Happy birthday! I wish you to live as if in a fairy tale and under the protection of a faithful angel, without meeting any evil, grief, or loss on the way. Be loved always, in any outfit, funny and free with a light smile on her lips. Be healthy, desirable, gentle, the most kind and simple. Magical moments for you, fulfillment of hopes and a little bit of aspirations for unreached heights. Enjoy the journey through your dreams and relax during the day in the arms of your loved ones.

It is not customary for a girl to be reminded of her age on her birthday. As a rule, in the wishes of a young woman they wish love, well-being and other amenities, so necessary for female happiness. For a young girl on her birthday, it is especially gratifying to feel needed, loved and unique. Choose such words in prose that are most appropriate for the character of the birthday girl. Beautiful birthday greetings for a girl can be written on a greeting card or read during a festive feast instead of a toast.

Universal birthday greetings to a girl in prose

Happy birthday to the most beautiful girl in the world! Your gentle and affectionate hands know what work is. Your loving heart knows what forgiveness and compassion are. Let the soul know only goodness, mercy and joy. And may there be a place in your life for fatigue, but only pleasant, and tears, but only from happiness!

People say that a young girl without love is like a flower without the sun. Today I would like to wish you not only health and strength to achieve your desired goals, but also love that will warm your soul, illuminate your life path and give you a bright mood. Just as the rays of the sun warm a delicate flower bud, let love fill your life with energy and light!

How many words have been said about female beauty: beautiful appearance and inner, spiritual beauty. You have both, which can be considered a great rarity for a young girl these days. We wish you to remain as good-natured, sincere, responsive and responsible, to carry true friendship and true love through the years and any trials of fate.

Beautiful birthday greetings to a girl in verse

I won't be on my birthday

About your years to judge.

From the heart of you nature

Was generous to reward:

And a flawless smile

Become slim and beautiful

Youth is endless.

May your years bring

New wisdom reserve,

I wish you love

More with age a hundred times!

Happy birthday my

Sweet princess

I want to wish you

To a life of interest:

travel, discover

new frontiers,

Fill with joy

Life's bright pages.

Reveal your talents

Go up to the goals, try

Gradually, step by step

Achieve everything in life.

On my birthday I wish

Forget about your years

A girl and at forty

You can be young!

No reason to grieve

That the piggy bank is richer for years,

It's easier to be and have fun -

Be happy for a moment

And always, without stopping,

And do not lose over the years

Young of his dexterity!

The best birthday greetings to a girl from parents in prose

It is believed that the heart itself chooses in life what it really loves. In your young years, when you have already become an adult and independent girl, we wish you, daughter, to listen very carefully to your heart, choose your friends, loved ones and work to your liking. Follow this simple parental advice, and then there will be complete harmony and happiness in your life!

Dear daughter! On your birthday, we want to tell you the words of folk wisdom: the soul, like a diamond, is valued for its purity. Remember that your feelings, kindness and the desire to be happy should always come first, but do not forget about your spirituality and honesty. Take care of your brilliant and clean, like a tear, diamond from a young age until old age.

They say that girls, in comparison with boys, grow up faster, and girls grow smarter faster. Being an adult girl is not only about being beautiful. This also means knowing how to properly manage your beauty. For us, you are the most beautiful in the world, and on your birthday we want to wish you an easy and happy fate!

Funny birthday greetings to a girl in verse

What is so important for a girl?

Smile very often.

We sincerely wish you

Accomplish this mission!

Happy birthday! flutter

Serene, light bird,

Always share with loved ones

Joy with your part.

A beautiful world for yourself

Open daily

Happiness is hidden in the little things

Don't forget the secret.

Happy birthday! Wish

You have a sweet, sweet life

Looking with admiration

Let the boys steal away.

Let life every year

Adds joy to you

And luck, like a girlfriend,

Never leaves.

I also want to wish:

Courage, luck

And celebrate the best

Our beloved girl

May the lucky star

Illuminates the way of life

Always with its magic.

On your birthday, let

In the sky with a bright warm flash

An asterisk will leave a light

Our dear baby.

Original birthday greetings to a girl in prose

Happy birthday, our dear girl! Let there be as many sweet moments in your life as you can collect sweets from all the shops in the world. May there be as many bright memories as there are rays of the sun in every year of your life. And may there be as much love and joy as there is water in the entire world ocean!

We wish a cheerful and perky girl for her birthday:

  • have more fun
  • get upset less often
  • smile every day
  • always dress in fashion
  • never be arrogant
  • follow your dreams and don't give up!

What can you wish a sweet, cheerful, kind, healthy and cheerful girl for her birthday? Every year, multiply everything good by two! Let this simple calculation formula never be wrong, and every year you will become even happier!

Over the years, small desires turn into big dreams, and if they are not fulfilled, they dissolve in our memory. On your birthday, I wish you the fulfillment of all your tiny desires and grand dreams as soon as possible!

Short birthday greetings to a girl in verses for SMS

Happy birthday! For herself

Sweet and lovely

Wish we want love

Very, very passionate.

Happy birthday pretty!

There is no girl more fun!

My sweet fairy
My quiet joy
Congratulations today
Happy Birthday to you.

My red autumn
My fluffy kitten
The closest in the world
You became for me.

Be as beautiful
Like the day we met
My tender happiness
Be with me forever!

Dear! Your smile
Should be sung in verse!
Your eyes are inspiring
Dreamer and poet!

On your holiday, I confess to you:
More expensive than you are not in the world,
You are my dear sun
My gentle ray of light.

I'm ready to give you the stars of the universe,
Hundreds of copies are ready to break for you!
Congratulations, dear, happy birthday to you!
I hasten to press you reverently to my heart.

I will take your fingers and warm with my breath,
I will gently squeeze your fragile hand.
If only you knew how grateful you are to fate
I am for the fact that you got me alone!

You are beautiful, kind and beautiful, like an angel,
Like a cloud in the sky, tender and bright.
I don't need wealth, I don't need entertainment,
If only you, my joy, were with me!

Snow falls on the trees
On roads and houses.
darling happy birthday
I congratulate you!

Ready for you under the snow
I'll get snowdrops
From adversity and bad weather
I will protect you.

Let the fluffy snow sparkle
And spring blooms in my soul.
You are so amazingly beautiful
And you are the only one!

Princess from an old fairy tale
You languish in a high tower.
In your dreams and daydreams
You are looking for a prince.

Your magic and beauty
Fairies gave you
You are so beautiful that even
Sometimes it's hard to believe.

Today, on your birthday
Turn your eyes on me -
The one who is his lady of the heart
Forever chose you!

Happy birthday my kitty!
I want to confess to you
That you are the very best
What happened in my destiny!

I want you to stay
As on the day of our meeting with you,
To be just as beautiful
As well as this wonderful evening.

To keep the roses fresh
To make your eyes shine,
And so that it happens in your life
Something that cannot be forgotten!

Dear, happy birthday!
Now I confess to you
What's up with the best girl
I meet in the world.

And with the most beautiful
And with the smartest
Both gentle and strict
Both quiet and noisy.

Every day you are a mystery
And mystery, and game!
You are the cutest!
And you are mine! Hooray!

On this beautiful summer day
Congratulations on your birthday!
I wish you always
Only sunny mood!

Only warm, fun days
And the events are just as bright!
You look at life more cheerfully
Let her give you gifts.

You are my mischievous sun
I just fly with you!
You are my golden ray in the window,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

Dear! Thank you
For what you are in the world
For being a ray of light
You have become my destiny.

For that feeling of happiness
What do you bring with you.
I wish that in your life
There has never been a misfortune.

What if a storm happens
With lightning and thunder
I have you in my arms
I will reliably hide from the wind!