Corner panorama of good deeds in the garden. Action “Piggy bank of good deeds. Forms of sale of the action

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Compiled by: Solovieva Marina Yurievna, educator Approved by the pedagogical council (order dated April 25, 2013) MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 19 "Joy" PROJECT: PANORAMA OF GOOD DEEDS OF OLDER PRESCHOOL CHILDREN IN JOINT ACTIVITIES WITH ADULTS

To induce in children a living sense of nature means to arouse one of the most beneficent influences that educate the soul K.D. Ushinsky

Survey results at the beginning of the academic year

PROBLEM - Children do not have enough ideas about the nature of our region - Cognitive research and productive (constructive) activities are not sufficiently developed

PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT The development of cognitive interests in children, intellectual development in the formation of respect for nature among older preschoolers in joint activities with adults in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES)

PROJECT OBJECTIVES To form a holistic picture of the world, to expand the horizons of children To develop the cognitive activity of children in the process of forming ideas about the nature of our region, cognitive research and productive (constructive) activities To cultivate a careful and caring attitude towards all living things, love for nature

Identification of the topic, setting goals and objectives, the problem of the project was identified, preliminary work with children and parents, questioning parents, creating conditions for productive activities, drawing up calendar and thematic planning First stage (September-October) - organizational and preparatory Second stage (November-April ) - the main (research) Implementation of the main activities in the areas of the project, the process of search activities, the collection and accumulation of material The third stage (May) is the final, presentation Summarizing the results of the project in a variety of forms, analysis, consolidating the knowledge gained, formulating conclusions. Project presentation, open event Stages of work



plant observations

Experiments with onions

Animal observations

bird watching

Fish watching

vegetable garden on the window

Experimental Games

Excursions to the library

Game library "Become a friend of nature"

Independent activity of children

Survey results at the end of the academic year

EXPECTED RESULT Enriching the ideas of preschoolers about the nature of our region Mastering by children the fundamental forms of organizing experience: cause-and-effect, genus-species (classification), spatial and temporal relations Development of perception, thinking, speech (verbal analysis-reasoning) in the process of active actions to search for connections things and phenomena Increasing the level of ecological culture among the parents of pupils

Product of the project Diary of observations - for nature - for pets - for the "garden on the window" - for the sprouting of onions 2. Panels - animals of our region - plants and flowers - birds 3. Albums, homemade books - the nature of our region - my favorite animal - a pet - who lives in an aquarium 4. Layout games - a barnyard - a bird house - a forest and its inhabitants - a house in the village 5. Didactic games - rules in nature - signs in nature - the fourth extra 6. Dedication to "Ecologists"


On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Formation of a culture of communication and etiquette among younger preschoolers through the joint activities of adults and children

The role of the teacher in the formation of a culture of speech, a culture of communication and etiquette among preschoolers. Conditions for the effective formation of skills in the culture of children's behavior: ...

"The development of speech of older preschoolers in joint activities with children."

In our group, a lot of attention is paid to the speech development of children, all work is formed into a certain system of the pedagogical process and is presented as follows: Specially organized ...

Project "Development of creative imagination of older preschoolers through musical activities"

The project "Development of the creative imagination of older preschoolers through musical activities"...

Methodological description of the children's project " Piggy bank of good deeds»

    Project name - " Piggy bank of good deeds»

    Full name - Ilyina Natalya Nikolaevna

    Name of educational institution -

GOU SO "Filatov boarding school"

    Year of project development - 2010 - 2011

    Experience of use (degree of distribution) - all groups

    Project problem:

Recently, less and less attention has been paid to moral and spiritual values ​​- kindness, attention, care, mutual assistance, mutual assistance ... I would like the pupils of our school to strive to be kinder, more attentive to each other, take care of their neighbors, benefit others. Sometimes children do not know how to objectively assess their actions and the actions of loved ones. Therefore, the idea arose to create the project “Piggy bank of good deeds”, where each child will have the opportunity to actively express themselves and visually see the accumulation of their personal “good deeds”.

Target: to motivate children to do good deeds, to be able to help loved ones, to be kinder.


    Form of organization of children

    group work


    Leading activity



    Form of products of project activities -

    Creation and replenishment of the corners of the “Piggy bank of good deeds”

    Group report of designers

    How to combine results

Group electronic presentation

    the participants are pupils of the school


    Active participation:

At school activities

In exhibitions

In competitions

At fairs

On subbotniks

On holidays

    Giving help:


To kids

sponsored schools

    Summing up the nominations:

    Baby winner

    Group is the winner

Prize giving:

For the victory in the project "Piggy bank of good deeds"

For striving to win the game

The hope of the game "Piggy bank of good deeds"

State educational institution of the Sverdlovsk region for orphans and children left without parental care of the Sverdlovsk region "Filatov special (correctional) boarding school for children with developmental disabilities"

Agreed: Agreed: I approve:

Deputy Director for SD Deputy Director for VR Director of the school

_________________ __________________ _______________

M.B. Gilyazeva L.V. Tsepeleva G.G. Kotelnikova

"__" __________2010 "__" __________2010 "__" __________2010

Social children's project

"Piggy bank of good deeds"

s.Filatovskoye, 2010

Stages of work on the project:


Isolation of problems(gatherings of group collectives)

The project work is divided into six stages

Goals and objectives of the project:

Purpose: to activate children for the manifestation of positive qualities of character.


    The development of students' communicative abilities, adequate positive self-esteem and the opportunity for each child to express himself and find "his own niche" in the children's team

    Education of a culture of communication with peers and cooperation with adults in the context of educational, project, work activities

    Motivate for active interaction with society

Planned result:

Active participation in the project

Accumulation of good deeds

Making a corner "Piggy bank of good deeds"

Electronic presentation

Members : pupils, educators, class teachers.







    Corner decoration

"Piggy bank of good deeds": general and group (class)

    Accumulation of good deeds.

    Analysis of the work done.

    Presentation of results

(view corners)

    Electronic presentation

(combining results)

    Awarding of active participants of the project.

January February


March, April





pupils, class hands-whether


pupils, class hands-whether



Teachers, pupils

All project participants


    Work with the media

    Search for design options

    Finding a field of activity for good deeds


    Processing of received information

    Conclusions are formed

    The form of the project presentation is selected


    Presentation and protection of the project

    Problem Analysis

    Determining the prospects for further work


    Definition of results, achievements and problems

    Determining the prospects for further research

Corners of mood, solitude, panoramas of good deeds in kindergarten for the development of the emotional sphere of children.


Karimova M. R.

One of the main tasks of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education is to protect and strengthen the physical and mental health of children (including their emotional well-being).

The behavior, mood of a preschool child depends very much on his emotional state. He has not yet learned to manage his experiences, and therefore his life is highly prone to mood swings.

You can track the emotional state of each child during the day thanks to the “My Mood” corner. We have it presented in the form of a multi-colored flower. Each petal corresponds to a certain emotion: I am calm, I am happy, I am sad, I am angry, I do not want to communicate. Children place their photo magnets on the petals according to his mood. Children thus learnin an accessible form for them to understand their mood, their emotions and feelings, manage them, as well as the feelings and emotions of their peers. Thanks to this, children from a very young age understand that any person has the right to the entire emotional spectrum - from joy and happiness to resentment and anger. Such a corner will help teach you how to deal with negativity and not let it accumulate inside.

During the day, the child can approach and change the position of his photograph on the petals, depending on his mood. This helps the educator to see what the emotional state of each child is and to correct their educational work: offer a game to the child, communicate with him, talk, involve him in the plot game.

Being, all day long in kindergarten, at times, the child gets tired of communicating with his peers, from games, from his environment, so he needs to be given the opportunity to retire in order to take a break from emotional stress.

An important condition for the formation of a child's ability to manage their emotions is the organization of an appropriate environment. And therefore, in our group, we have designed a privacy corner where a child can calm down, relax, play with his favorite toy, look through books, “call” his mother or just dream, just play favorite games with close friends.

Our Corner harmoniously blends into the common group space and is located in the Theater play center. It is a castle, once in which you can get into the world of fairy tales.

The presence of such a play area allows you to solve the following tasks:

  • organize work on the normalization and development of the emotional sphere of children;
  • create a positive emotional climate in the group and ensure a positive attitude of the child towards adults and peers;
  • organize systematic work on the correction and development of the emotional sphere of children;
  • prevent excessive excitement of the child, leading to fatigue of his nervous system;
  • facilitate getting used to kindergarten, to new peers and adults, to a new daily routine.

It was not by chance that we chose a light green range of colors in the design of the Corner, since the green color has the most favorable effect on the emotional state of the child.

Children really like to spend time in this corner, with its help we find solutions to many psychological problems, and it is also a good place for role-playing games.

In order to get to know and reveal the possibilities of each child more deeply, we have created a “Panorama of good deeds” in the group, in which the achievements of children during the week are noted and stimulate the desire of the preschooler to do good deeds, to strive for their peers.

Our panorama is a panel with hearts, where a photo of each child is attached. For any good deed, the child receives a magnet of a certain color (green to help in a corner of nature, on the street; red magnet - helping their peers; blue - help with dining and preparing for classes), which attaches to the panorama.

At the end of the week, 3 children who have collected the largest number of magnets of a certain color take an honorable central place on the Stars of the Week panel. For educators and parents, such a “Panorama of Good Deeds” is a method of monitoring the development of the child, his achievements, his good deeds (the child learned to tie shoelaces, zip up his jacket, feed the birds on a walk, help the kids collect the portable material in the basket, and then rise up the stairs to the group, set the table for lunch, and many, many other good deeds). Parents, of course, are interested in seeing the activities of children in kindergarten and be proud of their child - an assistant!

Our pedagogical activity should be based on the belief that every child has the right to be the way he is, and that every child has enough potential strength to develop and be happy ...

And our task is to normalize, correct and develop the emotional sphere of children.

Irina Pogorelova

The child looks at the world with wide open eyes, comprehends it, learns to see, hear, feel, understand. And adults should be helpers for kids in this. We strive to make every day of the children's stay in kindergarten look like good fairy tale. Children are very receptive to the environment, so the whole environment in group is of great educational value.

In order to form in children ideas about the moral norms of relations with others; develop friendships, benevolent team relations, communication skills; reinforce polite words, cultivate a culture of communication, sensitivity, responsiveness, empathy, in group passed"Courtesy Day". The children were not rude to each other. None of the guys were left behind. All with great pleasure used in their speech "magic" words: "Please!", "Thank you!", "Be so kind!" On this day, adults and children thanked each other for all the good deeds, because words of gratitude give joy to people and self-confidence. But one day of playing politeness is, of course, very little. For life to be beautiful, and communication interesting, you need to follow the rules of courtesy every day.Therefore, at the end of the day in group was issued"Flower of Polite Words". Beautiful statements about politeness became a wonderful end to the day and a reminder of the rules that must be applied daily in relation to educators, parents, peers, people around, in public places.

And we are with Sanjieva Nadia Patikhovna ( decided to continue this current topic designing a thematic corner in a group« Always follow the path of goodness» . So on February 17, a wall newspaper appeared « Kindness is...» with children's statements about how they understand what is kindness dedicated to the day kindness.

And after a cycle of classes and conversations about friendship in corner has grown"Tree of Friendship". After all, friendships are necessary as air for every child. Communicating with a peer, he communicates with a friend on an equal footing, which is impossible with parents and other adults. Psychologists say that it is impossible to teach a child to be friends, but it is possible to advise a child to offer help and take care of others. The child should be able to get acquainted and maintain a conversation, resolve conflict situations in a peaceful way.

I hope this thematic corner like that little drop that sharpens the stone will serve the cause goodness and mercy. Let kindness and politeness reigns in the hearts of our children!

Related publications:

Game-journey "The road of goodness" based on the work of G. H. Andersen "The Ugly Duckling" in the preparatory group Abstract author: Zolotareva Natalya Viktorovna Tasks in the integration of educational areas: Social and communicative development: to contribute.

Integrated direct-educational activity "The way of goodness" in the preparatory group Purpose: To promote the development in children of ideas about goodness as a moral value. Tasks: Developing - to develop cognitive interest.

The final event in the preparatory group "The way of goodness" Purpose: to consolidate children's ideas about good and evil; the formation of positive moral qualities of goodwill, politeness, respect.

Synopsis of the integrated lesson on social and communicative development "The way of goodness" in the preparatory group Educational area: social - communicative development Section: socialization, development of communication, moral education Purpose: assimilation.

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the preparatory group "The way of goodness" Synopsis of a lesson on the development of speech in the preparatory group “On the road of goodness” Purpose: fostering kindness, humanity and attentive attitude.

NOD "On the road of goodness" The song is about friendship. Vosp:-Guys, what is this song about? And what is friendship (answers of children) - Quite right. Who can be called a friend?

Open lesson "The road of goodness" (middle group) Purpose: to promote the development of communication skills, kindness and mutual understanding in the families of preschoolers, uniting the team of parents of pupils;

Theme week

Participants of the thematic week: pupils of the preschool educational institution, parents, teachers.

Implementation period: December

Target: education of moral values, such as the ability to distinguish between good and evil, obedience, honoring parents, caring for others, patience, kindness, compassion and mercy


To form in children ideas about good and evil, about good and bad deeds, norms and rules of behavior and communication with each other;

Teach children to be attentive to surrounding adults and peers, relatives;

To improve the practice of mutual communication of children, using the "Language of kindness"

"The Magical Power of Kindness"




Questionnaire for parents

"Kindness upbringing"

Teacher-psychologist N.N. Vasilyeva

"Panorama of good deeds"

Educators of groups No. 7, No. 10, No. 3, No. 9, No. 4, No. 8

"Bird feeders"

Educators and parents of groups No. 7, No. 10


games and toys

Educators and parents of groups No. 3, No. 9

Action "Postcard to veterans"

Educators and parents

groups #1, #2 (parents)

No. 3, No. 4, No. 8, No. 9 (with children)

Promotion "Christmas Tree"

(production of New Year's toys to decorate the territory of the preschool educational institution)

Educators and parents of groups No. 5, No. 6, No. 11

Exhibition of drawings

"Give a smile to a friend"

PDO in fine arts,

K.A. Mikhailova,

Conversations about good deeds and deeds, reading fiction

Educators of all age groups

Arrangement of thematic book exhibitions in the group

Educators of all age groups

The results of the thematic week in the newspaper "Doshkolyonok"

newspaper editorial board,

Yu.I. palette knife,

I.I. Ovchinnikova

Summing up the results of the thematic week

Making a photo collage "Magic power of kindness"

speech pathologists

M, L. Romanova

E.A. Levchenko

Posting the results of the thematic week

on the DOW website

http || website

speech pathologists

M, L. Romanova

E.A. Levchenko

Promotion "Bird feeder"

Action "Postcard to veterans"