Nativity scene from plasticine on the theme of Christmas. DIY Christmas nativity scene. Master class with step by step photos. History and traditions of nativity scenes

The New Year is approaching - a holiday loved by everyone since childhood, fabulous and sparkling. And soon after him comes the light feast of the Nativity. This is also in many ways a children's holiday, when the world rejoices at the birth of a Baby, glorifies and celebrates this great event. And, probably, in many families these days, near a beautiful Christmas tree, there will be a Christmas nativity scene made by the hands of children and parents.

What is it, how to make it and when to install it? Let's try to answer these questions.

History and traditions of nativity scenes

Quiet night, a cave for cattle, a bright star above it, and in a manger a tiny Christ with his Mother - this story has been embodied in art for many centuries. The tradition of making a "nativity scene" - to reproduce the scene of the Nativity with the help of figurines from different materials - came to us in Russia relatively recently from European countries. Now in all countries where there is Christianity, there is such a custom, and their own characteristics have been formed.

For example, in France, the figurines from the nativity scene are brownish in color and hand-painted; in Italy and Germany they are wooden and varnished, the aroma of incense or flower oil is certainly added; in England figurines for the nativity scene are generally ... edible! Very refined and delicate figurines in Mexico are made of porcelain or faience with inlay.

"And in Japan, all the characters are dressed, of course, in local national costumes, and they do not draw faces: according to Japanese tradition, this means the primacy of the spiritual principle.

No strict rules when to install a crib. Most often, they decorate houses and churches from January 2 - the New Year has died down, the pre-Christmas holiday begins. But it would be quite appropriate to make and deliver it earlier, even from the end of November (from the beginning of the Advent). But the nativity scene usually always stands until the end of Christmas time (until January 19), then it is removed.

Quantity members of the composition the nativity scene can be different, only Christ, the Mother of God and, as a rule, St. Joseph are obligatory. Most often next to them - a sheep, a calf, sometimes a donkey or other animals. According to legend, the first to hear the news of the birth of Christ were the shepherds, to whom the angel appeared, and hurried to the cave - therefore, all of them often participate in the picture. A few days after Christmas, three wise men, Gaspard, Belshazzar and Melchior, came to the Infant, following the star, bringing rich gifts - gold, myrrh and incense. Sometimes their figures are added later. And above the den is placed the Star of Bethlehem.

All these figurines are not quite dolls. They are not played, this composition is static and serves as a symbol, a reminder of Christmas. Moreover, most often in Russia, instead of figurines of the Holy Family, they simply put the icon of the Nativity in the center.

What to make a nativity scene from? Let's just say - there are many options here, it all depends on your imagination and capabilities. Compositions range from simple to highly professional. But we will talk mainly about simple versions of nativity scenes, which can often be made literally from improvised means.

Basis for the nativity scene

First of all, for the cave itself, we need either a box or a crate. We cover it with paper, most often brown (wood color) or gray (rocks). Sometimes the paper is wrinkled on purpose:

The top is usually dark blue with stars; on top of the nativity scene is the Star of Bethlehem made of foil or gold paper. Traditionally, the star was made voluminous and illuminated from within; but it is quite possible to get by with a reflection of the lights if you decorate the nativity scene with illumination.

Hay or spruce twigs are often placed on the "floor". There are dens made of clay, plastic, using stones. But it is possible to do without a cardboard or wooden base altogether - for example, beautiful fabric drapery can replace it:

Nativity scene with toys

The easiest way to decorate a nativity scene with your own hands is to add figurines of the corresponding animals and angels from toy sets and souvenirs to the holiday icon and decorate the whole composition. A few branches or some dry grass, a candle or a garland, perhaps tinsel - and each nativity scene is unique!

And in this den the figure of an angel is crocheted. There are craftswomen who completely make the whole plot in this technique! But, perhaps, we will limit ourselves to less labor-intensive options ...

Paper nativity scenes

In the manufacture of homemade Christmas nativity scenes, of course, paper technique is most popular. You can draw figures on cardboard or paper, cut them out and fix them on a transverse base:

You can roll the torsos into a cone, glue them together by gluing flat handles, and you get three-dimensional characters. Heads can be flat paper, clay, dough, plastic balls, etc., there is also room for your imagination:

And here, although not a nativity scene in the strict sense of the word, however, the same plot, and amazingly beautiful silhouette technique:

Nativity scenes using plasticine

Plasticine or plastic (the latter is preferable if we want the crib to last for several years) for making crib figurines is also a very affordable and uncomplicated option. Everything here depends only on skill and patience:

Of course, you can add beads, silver paper and other beautiful little things. Sometimes you get real masterpieces!

Or you can simply add plasticine figures of the Magi and shepherds to the existing toy sheep and an angel, also borrowing the gifts of the Magi from dolls:

Clay, salt dough

A little more complex, but essentially similar to plastic and plasticine materials. But clay figures look more “alive” and natural. Clay figures, and sometimes molded from dough, are baked in the oven and then painted - with special paints or ordinary gouache.

It originated many decades ago. Such a composition usually depicts the greatest event for Christians - the birth of Jesus Christ. Nowadays, many honor this tradition and make Christmas nativity scenes with their own hands. Master classes help to understand how the composition should look and what materials it can be made of.

Paper or cardboard craft

This plot composition can be made on the eve of a magical holiday at home or in kindergarten. Using the nativity scene as a visual aid, adults can easily convey to children the essence of the event, which is annually celebrated all over the world. Here's what you need for the creative process:

The main parts of the composition: the house, the situation inside it and the figures of the characters. They can be made from anything, but the easiest option is cloth flaps and cardboard. Experienced needlewomen, of course, will not limit themselves to this, but will bring something of their own.

Making a house and characters

You can start work by making a figurine of a sorcerer. First draw a circle. The height of the doll's torso will be equal to the radius of the circle. 2 perpendicular lines are drawn through the center of the circle. Two diameters are obtained, intersecting at a right angle. One sector is cut out - it is no longer useful. The rest is screwed into a cone. The edges are glued or pinned in several places with a stapler.

Hands are also made of cones. Since they are thinner than the body, you will need one circle of small diameter, which is divided into 2 halves. Each is rolled into a cone and is not attached anywhere yet.

The blanks are covered with a bright fabric, preferably velvet. The edges are glued with double-sided adhesive tape and pinned with a stapler. Using safety pins or tape, attach the arms to the body.

To make a head, take a ball of white thread. If it is not there, a ball twisted from thin paper and wrapped with threads will do. The next stage is the creation of a headdress. It is made from a piece of bright fabric. It should turn out something like the Arabs wear, when the edges fall on all sides. A braid is tied over the fabric around the circumference of the head.

The head is attached to the body, make sure that it looks proportional, and connect both parts with wire. The short end is inserted into the ball, and the long end is threaded into the body and straightened there. Shepherds, Joseph, Mary are made in the same way. To make a crib out of paper with your own hands, templates are not required. In this version, it is a box draped with fabric. Garlands are hung in it, not forgetting about safety.

Inside the den they put a decorated box of a smaller size - this will be a nursery. Some hay is placed in it and a figure of Jesus is placed.

Sheep from cotton buds

Not far from the cradle with the baby, you can place the figures of sheep. The easiest way is to cut it out of paper and glue all the parts together, and draw the muzzle with felt-tip pens. This option is more suitable for children's crafts. Beautiful animals are made from plastic eggs and cotton swabs. Lamb manufacturing scheme:

The muzzle of the animal is made of three cotton buds. They are folded so that the ends diverge slightly. In this place, cotton wool is wound, laying it between the sticks. With the help of glue, the lump is given the desired shape. The free edges are pushed through the holes into the egg. Eyes, mouth and nose can be made from any suitable material, such as decorative buttons. Also, these parts can be knitted or drawn.

Now arrange all the figures and turn on the garland. That's all, the nativity scene is ready!

Nativity scene from plasticine

In the company of a child, you can create a Christmas composition from paper or plasticine. In the first case, the house is made of paper, like all other figures, and such a craft does not need a master class. With plasticine, the situation is a little more complicated, but the composition is very interesting. You can involve children in the creation of the den - they will be very happy to help. Materials and tools that will be needed for work:

The figurine of the baby is sculpted without working out the details, since only the head will be visible from under the blanket. The face is sculpted more carefully, with the study of the nose, mouth and eye. Curly hair is made from hard brown plasticine. To do this, a strip of the same thickness is cut off with a stack, while it will be folded into a spiral. A few of these curls are enough, since the baby will be small.

Eyes can be made from beads. The finished baby is wrapped in a blanket (lace handkerchief) and tied with a bow. The cradle will rest on legs made from parts of skewers. It is molded from hard plasticine, and the pillow is made from soft plasticine. The side surfaces of the cradle are decorated with pieces of mat.

The nativity scene in this craft is made from skewers assembled in the form of a hut. They take a plate from under the cake or a pizza stand, put 3 skewers and connect the upper ends with plasticine. It turns out the basis for the hut. The space between the sticks is completed using the same wooden skewers. A star is set above the entrance with the help of plasticine.

The structure is decorated with hay. It is convenient to attach it to pieces of plasticine. It is necessary to try so that this material is not looked through anywhere. Additional decorations - Christmas trees made of straw - are hung on eyelets on both sides of the entrance. Animal figurines are made from toothpicks and plasticine, birds and people. You can complicate the task and make the characters in a different way, for example, sew, knit, or cut and glue from cardboard.

Doll making options

Characters for the nativity scene can be finger, wooden or knitted. To create dolls from fabric, you will need fleece cuts, felt and multi-colored beads. Such characters can be put on fingers to act out a Christmas performance. Beads are needed to decorate outfits and decorate eyes. Finger puppets are sewn according to patterns or without them, depending on the complexity. Before and after the performance, they can be attached to the nativity scene with pieces of Velcro. In this case, the nativity scene is made from a cardboard box, sheathed with fabric and closed with a button, leaving it like that until Christmas.

Wooden dolls for the Christmas nativity scene are sold ready-made, and if you wish, you can carve them yourself. The characters are dressed in clothes made of cloth or paper. without forgetting the hats. Sheep are made from cotton buds, as described in the previous master class, or ready-made soft toys are taken, only they should be small.

An important part of the composition is the gifts of the Magi. It is best to mold them from hard plasticine. The star is made in the form of a projection. To do this, cut a hole of a similar shape in a plastic egg and place a flashing or regular light from any children's toy inside.

It is very easy to make a nativity scene with your own hands from the box. A shoe store is suitable, and besides it, you will need 2 covers. The main part serves as a cave where the cradle with the baby is located. One cover is placed horizontally, and the Magi, Mary and Joseph are placed on it. The second cover is placed on the side and an angel figure is attached to it. The surface of the box and lids is designed as desired.

According to these instructions, it is generally clear what a nativity scene is. The work templates proposed above allow you to develop your own options. A successful Christmas composition will be used for more than one year, delighting adults and children.

Attention, only TODAY!

The plot on the theme "Christmas" - Christmas nativity scene.

Master class on the theme "New Year and Christmas"

"Christmas nativity scene" made of paper and junk material with your own hands. Master class with step by step photos.

Tsukanova Tatyana Petrovna, teacher, MKOUDO "Spas-Demenskaya Children's Art School", Spas-Demensk
Description: this material is intended for children of preschool, school age, creative parents, teachers of additional education, technology teachers, organizers of extracurricular activities.
Target: Creation of a plot composition, production of puppet characters for the "Christmas Nativity Scene".
- Teach how to make puppet characters from waste material with your own hands;
- teach how to make a "Christmas nativity scene";
- to acquaint with verses and riddles on the theme of the Birth of Christ.
- develop fine motor skills, imagination and encourage creative initiative,
- cultivate artistic taste, accuracy.
Purpose: use to decorate the interior during the days of Christmas trees; for a visual conversation with children on Christmas evenings; as a work for an exhibition; like a mini puppet theater; at home - to create comfort and anticipation of the holiday.
In this master class, I propose to make do-it-yourself puppet characters from paper and waste material for the "Christmas Nativity Scene".
Nativity scene (from the old Slavic vratp, other Russian vrtep - a cave, a gorge). In Christian worship, the birthplace of Jesus Christ.
Nativity scene - reproduction of the scene of the Nativity of Christ by means of various arts (sculpture, theater, etc.).
The night is quiet. On firm ground unsteady
The southern stars tremble.
Mother's eyes with a smile
Quiet looking into the manger.
No ears, no superfluous eyes,
Here the roosters crowed -
And for the angels in the highest
Shepherds praise God.
The manger quietly shines in the eyes,
Illuminated face of Mary.
Star choir to another choir
Hearing quivering pricked.
And above Him burns high
That star of distant countries;
With her are the kings of the East
Gold, myrrh and frankincense.
(A. Fet)
Materials and tools for making puppet characters:
Colored and white paper, foil and wrapping paper for gifts, colored cardboard (brown shades), glue stick, double tape, construction tape, scissors, pencil, thread, colored plain napkins, toilet paper sleeves, candy wrappers can be used.


character creation process
make a ball of napkins about 5 cm in diameter. Wrap in a gentle apricot napkin.

under a lump to pull off with a thread - this is the head.

The patterns are simple, you can copy the cells - "dress", cloak or vest.

According to the template, cut out a “dress” and a raincoat or vest from colored paper. Dress up the sleeve in a dress, that is, paste over with colored paper. Try on the head.

On the wrong side of the raincoat, glue hands - loops from a strip of napkin, (fold a rectangle 4 * 2.5 cm in three layers in length and in half in width). Glue the sleeves-sides to look neat.

Attach the head to the inside of the sleeve with a strip of tape.

Put on a raincoat, collar and sides fix with double tape. This is how it should turn out.

Put on a headdress - a napkin is folded with a scarf and a crown on top. This is one of the Magi.

According to this scheme, all the characters are going to, only they will be dressed differently. You can give free rein to fantasy, but observe the symbolic meaning of color in Orthodoxy.

The next character - a candy wrapper was used for his dress (I liked the pattern and the golden border). Let's shorten the cloak, and make another headdress.

Make a tourniquet from a white napkin, connect it into a ring according to the size of the head. Wrap with foil paper. Put a hemisphere of napkins on your head, a napkin and a ring on top.

That's it from the side!

The Magi are ready to travel.

Character Joseph- put on him a brown-orange vestment.

We will collect all the details. According to the template, cut out a beard and part of the hair from brown paper. Glue on the crown, give the shape of the head

Let's try on a nimbus on the head ... (Nimbus (from lat. nimbus - cloud, cloud) - a symbol for the radiance around the head of images of Christ, the Mother of God, saints, etc., symbolizing their holiness. It comes in different shapes (round, triangular, hexagonal etc.) and different colors Nimbus - Wikipedia) We will connect the hands with a strip of napkin - we will thread it into the loops from above, like a hairpin, and it will turn out like this.

The Virgin Mary: For her, we will shorten the sleeve by 1.5 cm. We will choose blue and blue colors for clothes, use a silver satin ribbon for the collar and headband.

Baby: We cut the sleeve into 2 halves, we will use one. We cut it lengthwise and roll it into a thinner one, fix it with tape. We wrap it with a napkin and glue it - this will be the face. Cut out a 3 cm strip from yellow paper, cut it with a fringe, stick it in a circle. Curl your hair

Cut off a strip from the sleeve 0.5 cm wide, you get a rim. Glue a strip of golden foil paper on it with adhesive tape. So arrange halos for Mary, Joseph and the Baby. Put on a halo, fasten it to the back. Swaddled in a snow-white napkin

and tie with golden braid. Let's draw sleeping eyes and a smiling mouth.

this is how it should turn out.

nursery also from the sleeve - cut along

Bend one third of the part on both sides, the appearance of a trough will remain.

On the legs, make horizontal cuts of 0.8 cm, two strips 3 * 1.5 cm. cut and connect, inserting into the cuts until it stops.

It turned out like this

Put hay on the manger - cut the edges with a fringe

And put a baby on them.

Goby: Glue one side of the sleeve with construction tape crosswise, paste over the sleeve with colored paper with an allowance of 0.5 on the front and 2 cm on the back. Cut the allowance on the back into trapezoids to fold over and seal the entire circle. Tail - a strip of 12 * 2 cm, fold in three, glue, make a brush at the end.

Cut out the head, muzzle, horns from cardboard according to the templates. Assemble with double tape.

Attach the head to the side of the sleeve. Legs - cut two rings from the sleeve 1 cm wide across,

glue to the body of the bull with double tape. Here is a bull.

Let's put it next to the manger ...

In a manger I slept on fresh hay
Quiet tiny Christ.
The moon, emerging from the shadows,
I stroked the flax of his hair ...
The bull breathed in the face of the baby
And, rustling straw,
On a flexible knee
I looked around, breathing a little.
Sparrows through roof poles
They rushed to the manger in a crowd,
And the bull, clinging to the niche,
The blanket crumpled with his lip ...
I will tell you how to make a sheep in the next Master class.
As the characters are being made, the action is played out, Joy is in the soul! Here is Mary and Joseph at the manger with the baby.

And here are the Magi (this picture shows how to make Joseph's hair). Cut the strip with a fringe and glue the uncut part to the back of the head.

Making the Plot "Christmas Nativity Scene"
Having arranged the characters, I figured out how much space the whole plot would take. Suitable box 40*30*20. Let's put the box on its side, glue a piece of wallpaper on the floor of our "cave". With the help of double tape we will attach the golden wrapping paper with silver stars, and the roof and the top of the box with blue wrapping paper. Let's use the angels from the previous cutting lessons. All templates are taken from the Internet pages. We will attach the singing angels upstairs, next to the Guiding Star.

An angel on the back wall - let him look at the baby. Let's place an openwork angel on the right side sash.

We will attach the angels playing musical instruments and flying with the message to the stars with the help of threads on adhesive tape to the ceiling. Let's put a Goby and a Sheep in the depths, to the left of us - the family of Joseph, Mary and Jesus Christ.

We will “give” gifts into the hands of the Magi

Attach with a hairpin using loop hands. Gold,



On the right are the Magi with gifts.

On the left wing we will attach a plot cut out of paper ...

We will attach an electric garland and silver tinsel with clothespins and adhesive tape. Here's what happened.

A little secret is to put one of the light bulbs at the head of the Baby.

Here's what ended up happening

This is on the Christmas tree in the district House of Culture

During the show and after

Here is the collective work of my students at the exhibition “1st Bethlehem Star Festival”.

The technique of making clothes is the same, but on top there is an appliqué of the face, hats are held by the rim. Each child was able to complete 1 character in one lesson, cut out angels and assemble a composition - 2 more lessons. "Christmas riddle verses for children 9-13 years old" author: Svetlana (taken from the Internet) helped us get acquainted with the plot and characters
In the hot East, among the mountains and the desert, lies the Holy Land - ... (Palestine).
In that ancient country known to all of us, there is a small town ... (Bethlehem).
Once, by order of the king, the Holy One came here to sign up ... (family).
Now their names are known to everyone in the world: Joseph the Betrothed and the Virgin ... (Mary).
Then they were unknown, and of a poor appearance, but both from the royal family (David).
Joseph and Mary passed the whole city, but still they did not find a shelter for themselves ... (they did not find it).
And only in the field a cave with cattle replaced them with a temporary ... (house).
In that same cave, a little later, the Virgin Mary was born ... (Child).
And with joy an angel descended from heaven, and before the shepherds in the field ... (appeared).
“Do not be afraid, I brought good news to you: today the Savior was born - ... (Christ)!
In a cave, in a manger, lying on a canopy, you will see the Holy ... (Baby).
And immediately many angels appeared to them singing ... (“Glory to God in the highest!”)
Immediately the shepherds went to the cave, and there Mary with the Baby ... (found).
In joy to God, they prayed and low to Christ the shepherds ... (bowed).
And after the Infant bow was brought by the magi from the distant Persian ... (land).
For many days she led them here, appearing in the sky a big ... (star).
They passed mountains, steppes, seas, under a star born to see ... (King). …
And again a star appeared in front of them, above the house with the Baby ... (stopped).
The Magi bowed to Christ to the ground, gifts, as the King, to Him ... (Brought).
They handed treasures to the Savior of the World: ... (gold, frankincense and myrrh). DIY Christmas bells from waste material Master class with step by step photos

Today we will learn how to make a nativity scene with our own hands! Everyone's favorite holiday is approaching - Christmas, therefore, in order to create an appropriate solemn and festive atmosphere in the house, it is advisable to put one of these home-made nativity scenes in the most prominent place:

As you can see, these DIY Christmas crafts are made from a wide variety of materials! This is paper, this is wood, cardboard and even ... fabric!
Human fantasy has no limits! And if, in addition to imagination, skillful hands are added, then all kinds of man-made masterpieces will constantly come out from under them!

We make a Nativity scene with our own hands for Christmas from paper

To begin with, let's consider the simplest options for creating a Nativity scene from paper - garlands on windows made in the Christmas theme:

You can make them with a white sheet of paper, a simple pencil and scissors! The template can be downloaded from the Internet, and then simply printed, duplicated using paper and hung on the windows - it will be very beautiful and on topic!

Well, in order to be able to play small Christmas performances with the help of the Nativity Scene, you can make such a mini-theatre:

We offer you a very simple template, using which you can easily realize your desire to have a small Christmas puppet theater and often arrange mini-performances for your family and friends!

What is interesting - you can make figures from paper or cardboard and paste over them with bright colored paper, make applications. Or a simpler option - just paint with paints or bright felt-tip pens!

Scheme for the Nativity scene for Christmas

There are many options for making a nativity scene, consider another one, we offer all the necessary schemes with which you can easily do the job and get a lot of fun in the process of creating. Nativity Scene Templates:

For such a Nativity scene, you need to prepare a dense folding base. For this, thick cardboard folded in half, a candy box of a suitable size, or an old cardboard folding chessboard is suitable. We glue the base with suitable pictures or shiny paper, cut out and color the figures and install them in the designated places.

And one more version of the Christmas action in volume and on paper:

Just print on a color printer, cut and fold!
Sometimes crib games are printed in children's magazines, which are also quite simple to cut out and fold correctly according to the proposed instructions:

Look with your child, it may very well be that you are lucky and together you will make such a miracle for Christmas!

The easiest way to make a Christmas nativity scene is paper. You can make it in the company of a child, using paints, scissors and thick sheets from which paper figures are cut. This option does not need a master class, so we will not consider it, but will give recommendations on how you can create a Christmas nativity scene with your own hands of more complex designs.

How to make a Christmas nativity scene from plasticine? Master Class

To work on creating a cave and figurines of den participants, you will need the following materials:

  • plasticine (hard and soft),
  • board,
  • stacks,
  • wooden skewers,
  • lace handkerchief,
  • narrow golden ribbon
  • wicker mat or pieces of matting,
  • toothpicks,
  • cake stand or pizza wrapper,
  • star.

The baby figurine is molded without anatomical features, since most of it will be hidden under a blanket (handkerchief). The visible part - the head - is made of plasticine with a special study of details. To create beautiful curls, you need to run the sharp end of the stack over hard plasticine with the same pressure along its entire length, then the cut out strip will turn out to be in the form of a spiral. You can not sculpt the baby's eyes, but make them from beads. The finished figure must be wrapped in a lace scarf and tied with a ribbon bow.

The cradle for the baby is made from a piece of hard plasticine, into which four straws are stuck (a skewer broken into pieces) that act as legs. We make a pillow in the cradle from soft plasticine. The side walls are made of mats, which also need to be fixed to soft plasticine.

The nativity scene itself is made of wooden skewers in the form of a hut. To do this, on a plate, which will be the basis of the composition, 3 sticks are installed, interconnected using hard plasticine. Each of the straws should be equidistant from the next one. After that, the walls are completed by filling the space between the skewers. One side remains open. We take soft plasticine and fasten it over the entrance (open side). Attach a star to it.

If you don’t have such a large plate as in our master class, then you can make a small fence instead of a hut by fastening mats and toothpicks together with soft plasticine and installing the resulting structure along the edge of the base.

We make animal figures and a bird from plasticine, fastening the parts together with toothpicks. We also make paws from toothpicks. We tie a rope to the bird, which will need to be tied on the top of the hut. We make eyes from beads.

Finger puppets. Master Class

Do-it-yourself Christmas nativity scene can be made in the form of a finger theater. To do this, you need pieces of multi-colored felt, fleece and beads to decorate the eyes. Figures are made in the size of 5-6 centimeters. All characters, including the Magi, are attached to the nativity scene with Velcro. The design itself is made of cardboard, sheathed with fabric, and closed with a button.

With wooden figurines. Master Class

You can make a nativity scene with your own hands from a whole shoe box and a lid from another one. The box plays the role of a cave, and both covers are located in the lower and upper parts (horizontally - to accommodate the Magi, vertically - to attach the angel). The boxes are fastened together with a stapler and glue.

The cave is painted with black paint, the covers are glued with sheets of colored paper. The sheet of paper for the top cover is purposefully creased for greater aesthetics. Straw is also placed in the cave, on which the characters land.

Wooden dolls can be made independently, or you can buy a ready-made version and dress them up according to the images. Outfits can be sewn from fabric or glued from paper. Animals can also be taken factory (from children's toys). An angel is attached to the top cover. Gifts are molded from plasticine and added to the composition. To make a projection of a star, you can cut out its outline from an empty egg from a Kinder and project it onto paper using a flashing light from a children's toy.

Crochet characters

You can use crocheted dolls in any of the presented nativity scenes. This will require cotton yarn of various colors and a small hook. The eyes of the characters can also be crocheted or dark beads can be used. The cradle can be made from pieces of yarn laid in the form of a nest, on which a crocheted baby fits.