Military pensioners for Russia and its armed forces. Military pensioners for Russia and its armed forces Increase in pensions for the military in a year

Indexation of pensions from January 1, 2019 by 7% or by 1000 rubles, and military pensions from October 1, 2019 - by 4%

The policy of our state has always been that military service is a special kind of state service. Accordingly, it should be paid separately. However, in recent years, the state has somewhat forgotten its warriors. From 2013 to 2018, the monetary allowance of military personnel for inflation was not indexed at all. But according to the presidential decree, the indexation of monetary allowance should be higher by 2% than inflation.

Military pensions, at the very least, increased, but increased due to the notorious castrating coefficient of 0.54.

Finally, in 2017, the state remembered the military and from January 1, 2018, they increased their monetary allowance (DD) by 4% . Accordingly, military pensions increased by the same amount. However, at the same time, the legal supplement of 2 percentage points to the coefficient 0.54 (0.7223 Now). For info, military pensions have been multiplied by this coefficient since January 1, 2012.

That is, military pensions were almost halved that year. At the same time, they increased by 2 times. This happens only in Russia. In the law on increasing the DD (military pensions), it was enshrined in law: to annually increase military pensions by 0.2 points to this "castrato" 0.54 (0.7223 now) until reaching 100% of military pensions in 2035.

At the same time, it was announced that the indexation of the “salaries” of military personnel was planned for the next three years from October by 4%.

However, a year has passed and they started talking about new indexation figures. In the newly drafted [about how the government calls its work] budget, the indexation of DD for military personnel is planned annually from October 1, 2019-2020-2021. on 4,3 — 3,7 — 4 percent, respectively.

An increase in pensions for military pensioners in 2019, an increase in monetary allowance

Oh, how happy! The indexation of monetary allowance and military pensions in 2019 will be 0.3% higher. But after all, it has long been known that if something has increased somewhere, then look for a place where it has decreased. That's right, in 2020, the indexation of "shoulder straps" will decrease by the same 0. 3 %.

However, the State Duma Defense Committee of General Shamanov, do you remember, fellow military pensioners, how the general promised to remove the castration coefficient of 0.54 (now 0.7223) and what came of it?

When and how much will pensions for military pensioners be increased in 2019

So, in the explanatory note to the budget law, the military deputies propose:

First, raise the indexation for military pensioners in 2019 from 4.3% before 6.3% .

Secondly, to carry out indexation not from October 1, but from January 1, 2019. For if this is not done, it will be “a matter of seams” for shoulder strap carriers. Indeed, according to the Defense Committee, from 2013 to the present, the under-indexation of the "purse" of military personnel is 50 , and military pensioners 20% . Due to “under-indexation”, the size of “military pensions” for the rank and file of military personnel approached the size of insurance (labor) pensions.

So the time is not far off when civilian pensions will again overtake military pensions. At least the privates and sergeants.

Based on the proposals of the Defense Committee, the average military pension, which is currently 23 100 rubles, can grow up to 24100 (4.3%) or up to 24 555 rubles (6.3%).

However, the Ministry of Defense says that already now the average military pension is 24 600 rubles. I don't know who to believe.

However, friends, military pensioners, feel free to multiply your current pension by 1.043 - there will definitely be an additive. Only when? From January 1 or October 1, 2019. I am inclined to the second option, because the government will not let the deputies take away their extra penny.

Well, dream, multiplying your pension by 1.063 , as an option if the proposal of the defense committee of the State Duma still passes.

Increase in pay and military pensions in 2013

In the article "What will happen to military pensions in 2013" at the beginning of September 2012, the option was considered increase in military pensions in accordance with federal laws NN 306-FZ and 309-FZ adopted in 2011. D For police officers, a similar federal law N 247-FZ was adopted last year.

The results of the calculations were quite encouraging: increase in military pensions and equivalent to them in 2013 it was assumed approximately by 11%.

But a lot has changed in the past two months. Under discussion budget for 2013 and planning period 2014-2015 in the Government and then in the State Duma, at the proposal of the Ministry of Finance, a decision was made cancel(freeze) in 2013 indexation of monetary allowances for servicemen and police officers. That is, within 2 years (or maybe more?), the military personnel will not receive an increase in salary.

Cancellation of indexation of monetary allowance The Ministry of Finance and the legislators who joined his proposal explain the need Eliminate discrepancies in indexing the monetary allowance of military personnel of various departments , formed after the adoption of new laws determining the monetary allowance and pensions of the military in 2011 .

For that, to cancel indexation of monetary allowance , clearly stated in the Federal Laws and, at the suggestion of the Ministry of Finance The government submitted to the State Duma Draft federal law (registration number 143348-6) "On the suspension and invalidation of certain provisions of legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the Federal Law "On the federal budget for 2013 and for the planning period of 2014 and 2015" .

The law was adopted by the State Duma on November 16, 2012.

The relevant committees of the Federation Council have already approved the draft law:

1. Opinion of the Federation Council Committee on Budget and Financial Markets dated 11/19/2012 ... proposed, due to the insufficiency of federal budget funds for financial support of the expenditure obligations of the Russian Federation established by a number of federal laws ... to approve the Federal Law.

2. Conclusion of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security dated November 20, 2012 ... it should be noted that the mechanism for suspending the operation of certain legislative norms should be of an exceptional nature ... to recommend to the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation to approve the Federal Law.

That's why no doubt that this law will be adopted Federation Council and signed by the President, almost gone .

That is, the military personnel of the armed forces of the Russian Federation and police officers (and the employees of all other power structures and law enforcement agencies, who were given new salaries back in 2011) there will be no indexation of monetary allowance in 2013 .

What will happen to military pensions?

According to the authorities, increase in payments to military pensioners in the draft budget-2013 laid down twice From January 1, they plan to charge pensioners not 54% of the new basic military salaries, as it was this year, but 56%. And from next October, this figure should rise to 58.5%.

If these figures are to be believed (and what if some other law is adopted?), then military pensions will increase from January 2013 by 56/54 = 1.037 ( 3,7% ). This increase is this is just a return to military pensioners of part of the pension that the state took away from us in January 2012 for the same reason that today the indexation of monetary allowances for military personnel in 2013 is frozen - NO MONEY!

Vladimir Putin recently approved a law establishing a suspension until 2014 of the indexation of salaries of police officers, military personnel, as well as employees of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This law was, first of all, necessary for indexation to take into account inflation was carried out in parallel in all Russian power structures. It should be noted that according to the developed financial law, the increase in the salaries of military personnel is now divided into two parts. The first part of the salary increase took place in January of this year, when the salaries were increased for employees of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as employees of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The second part of the salary increase, which should take place in January next year, will have to concern the allowances of officers and soldiers of all other departments and ministries.

At the same time, the so-called inflationary component is not included in the increased salaries, since this is not customary among financiers. In addition, it is not customary to immediately index allowances after the increase. Accordingly, employees of the Ministry of Finance came to the conclusion that employees of agencies such as the FSO, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, as well as the FSB and some ministries, may be in a more disadvantaged position than the police or their army counterparts. Members of the Government of the Russian Federation also agreed with these conclusions, so a collective decision was made not to index the salaries of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as employees of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, but to do it a little later.

During the discussion of this issue during a meeting of the members of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security, Leonid Gorin, who now holds the position of Deputy Minister of Finance, told officials some economic calculations related to this issue. According to the official, the total amount of funds for indexing the allowances of the military belonging to the Internal Troops, as well as to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, is approximately 44 billion rubles. another 67 billion rubles. If we take into account the indexation for military pensioners for long service, then we must also add about 26 billion rubles to this amount. Accordingly, in total, the cost of indexing will be about 93 billion rubles.

Financiers, for obvious reasons, are actively going to save money from the state budget. After another increase in the allowances of military personnel, it is already difficult to call beggars. At the same time, a slight delay in the inflationary indexation of the salaries of the military, in theory, should not bring them much material damage. Departmental economists in this case are of the same opinion. However, they note that it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that this delay in the indexation of allowances for military personnel does not become the norm.

However, the question remains open regarding the indexation of allowances for military pensioners. To the question of whether the allowance data will be indexed this year, all financiers answer positively. On this occasion, there is even a decree number 604, signed by the President of the Russian Federation. According to this document, members of the government must ensure the growth of allowances for retired military personnel in such a way that the annual allowance to the existing pension allowance ultimately exceeds the forecasted inflation by 2 percent. Employees of the Ministry of Economic Development have calculated that the inflation rate next year will be 5.5 percent. Accordingly, allowances for military pensioners should increase by at least 7.5 percent.

In order to implement this decree of the President of the Russian Federation, a special mechanism was created. In the event that the allowances of military personnel do not increase, then the amount of pensions for military retirees will have to be calculated based on the virtual increase in the allowances of military personnel. It should also be said that the increase in military pensions in the next year's budget has already been laid down twice. From the beginning of next year, military pensioners will receive allowances in the amount of 56% of the new basic allowances for military personnel, not 54%, as it was before. And in October next year, this figure will rise to 58.05%.

It should be noted that a special scheme has been developed for calculating allowances for employees of the Internal Troops, which from next year will apply to allowances for all military personnel. The new scheme has been developed in full compliance with the Law "On the monetary allowance of military personnel and the provision of separate payments to them." Decree No. 992 of the Government of the Russian Federation was also taken into account, which lists new allowances according to standard military ranks and positions. As members of the government have previously stated, the allowance of servicemen has already increased, some will only be increased by about 2.5-3 times.

A serious increase in allowances was appointed for all military professionals, including ordinary contractors and a four-star deputy of the Ministry of Defense.

For example, if earlier a platoon commander who had the rank of lieutenant received about 15-17 thousand rubles, but now he will receive about 20 thousand rubles for his position. Officer stars will provide him with a salary increase of 10 thousand rubles. In addition to the basic payments, there are also additional ones. For example, if a lieutenant's platoon became the best this month, then his salary is automatically increased by about 20 thousand rubles, since an allowance allowance of one hundred percent of the average official salary is due for conscientious service. Accordingly, you can receive about 50 thousand rubles a month, this is exactly the figure that the President of the Russian Federation previously announced.

However, this amount of allowance is by no means final for a young officer. If he has the 3rd class, then 10% of his monthly allowance will be added to his allowance. Accordingly, at least three thousand rubles will be added to him. If a soldier is also serving in the Far North, then when calculating his allowance, the coefficient for this region will be taken into account. Accordingly, in total, with all allowances, a lieutenant can receive about 60-70 thousand rubles a month.

Approximate amounts of allowances for other military personnel are as follows. The captain, battery commander or company commander, will receive about 22,000 rubles each month for his position, and he will receive another 11,000 rubles for his rank. The battery commander, colonel, will receive 24,000 rubles for his position, and another 12,000 rubles will be added for his rank. The allowance of the colonel commander of the brigade will consist of 29 thousand rubles for his position and 13 thousand rubles for his rank. The major general commander of the division will receive 30,500 rubles for the position, and another 20 thousand rubles will be added to him for the rank.

However, the largest salaries will be for deputy ministers, as well as for the heads of federal services. For example, the total amount of monetary allowance, taking into account the rank and position held by the deputy, who has the rank of army general, will currently be 71 thousand rubles.

Hello Volodya!

I - military pensioner Evstafiev Anatoly.
I want to consult with you and discuss in your blog the issue of increasing pensions for military personnel.

Now there is a big difference in the amount of pensions for senior officers.
The size of pensions is from 17 to ** thousand rubles.

When there is a percentage increase in pensions,
then these scissors continue to move apart.

In my opinion, it would be more fair to take the amount allocated for increasing pensions, divide this amount by the number of pensioners and increase the pension for everyone by a single fixed amount. Then slowly the scissors will connect, and this is justice. What do you say on this issue?

Still need to raise the question in my opinion return of travel documents (RTD) to pay for travel to the sanatorium. The following is happening now. In July, I submitted my travel documents to the military registration and enlistment office, as of today the money has been credited, but I have not received it yet. They say I'll get it in January.

But it's nonsense!
With the current level of computerization, half a year to calculate the amount of 17 thousand rubles.
By the way, FSB pensioners receive travel documents.
If you need my help in your work, I am ready to connect.

Anatoly Evstafiev

For the sake of clarity for blog readers, we are talking about the amounts of pensions from military pensioners of the Russian Ministry of Defense

Saveliev Alexander Nikolaevich asks for help
(journalistic investigation)

Military transport documents (VPD) in 2013.

By the decision of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation S. Shoigu dated December 14, 2012, from January 1, 2013, military personnel serving under a contract in the Far North and equivalent areas, other areas with adverse climatic and (or) environmental conditions, including remote, and on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that are part of the Ural, Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts, as well as outside the territory of the Russian Federation, and ONE of the family members of a serviceman - a citizen of the Russian Federation specified in paragraph 3 of Article 2 of the Federal Law "On the Status of Military Personnel" Federation (with the exception of adult children under the age of 23 studying in educational institutions full-time) ALLOWED to issue military transportation documents in the prescribed manner for travel to the place of use of the MAIN VACATION and back in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 20, 2000 354 "On the procedure for reimbursement of expenses associated with the transportation of military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families, as well as their personal property."

The specified persons who did not receive or received, but did not use military transportation documents and purchased travel documents (tickets) at the expense of personal funds, are reimbursed for travel expenses by rail, air, water and motor transport of general use (with the exception of taxis) in the prescribed manner . Reaction to the decision of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation at the forum-

The decision to return military transportation documents for travel for treatment to pensioners of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation was not taken.

In order to attract those wishing to serve under a contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, in the future it is possible:

- extend the right to travel to the place of vacation and back on the VPD to all members of the family of a serviceman (wife, children - without restrictions);
- extend the right to ptravel to and from vacation destination for VPD for military personnel and members of their families undergoing military service at any point on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad;
- compensate for travel to the place of vacation outside the territory of the Russian Federation (now only to the border of the Russian Federation) (Seychelles, Pattaya, Hurghada, Venice, Easter Island, etc.)

Increase in pensions for military pensioners of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in 2013.

According to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 604, the government of the Russian Federation in 2013 must ensure such an increase in payments to military pensioners so that the annual addition to their pension was 2 percent above the level of inflation forecast.

The Ministry of Economic Development, while developing the baseline scenario for 2013, determined it at 5.5%. Hence, pensions for military pensioners should grow by 7.5 percent. This was reported by Rossiyskaya Gazeta (Issue No. 5954 dated December 6, 2012).

In 2013, the indexation of pensions for military pensioners should take place in 2 stages.
From January 1, not 54% of salaries will be credited, as in 2012, but 56%.
From October 1, 2013, this figure is planned to be increased to 58.05%.

According to the participants of the forum, military pensioners were paid increased pensions for January 2013 at the rate of 56% of the salary.

Calculation of pensions for military pensioners in Russia from January 1, 2013

Lieutenant colonel (captain 2nd rank) pension, dismissed from military service from the post of battalion commander, having a length of service of 25 years on the day of dismissal.

The pension-forming base of a pensioner will be 50,400 rubles., which includes the sum of the following terms: 12,000 rubles. - salary for the military rank of "lieutenant colonel", 24,000 rubles. - salary for the military position "battalion commander", 14,400 rubles. - monthly bonus for length of service (with a length of service of 25 years or more, it is 40% of the amount of the official salary and the salary of the military rank).

Salaries for military ranks of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2012.
Salaries for military positions in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2012

From January 1, 2013, not the entire specified pension-forming base (50,400 rubles) is taken into account, but only 56% (since 01/01/2012 it was 54%) of this amount. In relation to our example, this will amount to 28,224 rubles.(since 01/01/2012 it was 27,216 rubles)

In accordance with paragraph "a" Art. 14 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the provision of pensions for persons who have completed military service ..." the pension for long service is established in the following amounts: for 20 years of service - 50% of the corresponding amounts of monetary allowance, for each year of service over 20 years - 3% of the specified amounts of monetary allowance, but not more than 85% of these amounts.

Applying the specified methodology for calculating the size of pensions, we obtain the size of the pension for the length of service of a lieutenant colonel (captain of the 2nd rank), dismissed from military service from the post of battalion commander, having 25 years of service on the day of dismissal (50% + 15% = 65%) as of January 01, 2013 will be 18345 rubles. 60 kopecks(as of January 1, 2012 - 17,690 rubles and 40 kopecks). Those. for the year the increase will be 655 rubles. 20 kopecks.

Until 01/01/2012, such a military pensioner in Russia received a pension of 8,367 rubles. per month(taking into account the monthly supplement to the pension of 1,000 rubles, paid in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 18, 2005 No. 176). Thus, the pension increase will amount to 9,978 rubles.

From January 1, 2014, the pension-forming base will amount to 29,232 rubles. (58%), pension - 19,000 rubles; from January 1, 2015 - 30,240 rubles. (60%), the amount of the pension is 19,656 rubles. Its maximum value is 32,760 rubles. per month (65% of 50,400 rubles) - the size of the pension of a lieutenant colonel, a former battalion commander will reach by 2035

The size of the pension for the length of service of the ensign (midshipman), dismissed from military service from the position of platoon commander, having 20 years of service on the day of dismissal (50%):
- from January 1, 2013 - 10,374 rubles.
- from January 1, 2014 - 10,744 rubles.
- from January 1, 2015 - 11,115 rubles.

The amount of pension for the length of service of a colonel (captain of the 1st rank), dismissed from military service from the position of regiment commander, having 33 years of service on the day of dismissal (85%):
- from January 1, 2013 - 26,312 rubles.
- from January 1, 2014 - 27,283 rubles.
- from January 1, 2015 - 28,223 rubles.

With an increase in salaries for military positions and salaries for military ranks, the pension-forming base will increase in appropriate proportions, which will lead to an increase in military pensions.

In the near future, the government needs to decide on the indexation of the monetary allowance of the military. In fact, their salaries should rise by a percentage of projected inflation for next year. These figures will be named in the 2013 budget. However, the Ministry of Finance asks the Cabinet of Ministers not to rush into making a decision.

The fact is that according to the new military-financial law, the increase in payments to servicemen was divided into two stages. The first one, since January of this year, has affected only the Armed Forces and the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. At the second stage - in January 2013 - the salaries of servicemen from other ministries and departments will increase significantly. It is not customary to include the inflationary component in their new salaries right away. To index monetary allowance after its increase - too.

Therefore, according to the Ministry of Finance, the soldiers and officers of the FSB, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the FSO, and some other structures will be in a disadvantaged position compared to their army and MVD counterparts. Hence the proposal to the government - to make simultaneous indexation of payments to all the military in 2014.

The desire of financiers to save money from the state budget, especially when there are good reasons for this, is generally understandable. After a serious increase in the salaries of the Russian military, you can’t call them beggars. And a temporary delay in the indexation of army salaries will not bring much damage to their wallet. Even departmental economists agree with this. The main thing, they say, is that such a practice should not become the norm in settlements with servicemen.

But what about military pensioners, will their payments be indexed next year? Financiers answer this question with an unequivocal "YES". True, the scheme for increasing their pensions may be different. For example, for retirees, it directly depends on whether military salaries are indexed or not. If this is done, say, by 5 percent, then pension payments will be recalculated accordingly. No, it's not a problem either.

In this case, there is Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 604, obliging the government to provide such indexation of payments to retirees so that the annual monetary addition to their pension allowance is 2% higher than the forecasted inflation figures.

A special mechanism has been developed to implement the decree. Even if military salaries are not raised, departmental pensions are calculated from the virtually increased allowance. With regard to the draft budget-2013, retirement pay growth should happen twice:

- from January 1, 2013, pensioners will no longer be credited with 54 percent of the basic military salaries, as it was this year, but 56%;
- and from October 2013 this figure should rise to 58.5 percent.

It will become known after the adoption of the 2013 budget which version of the indexation of the monetary allowance of military personnel and payments to military pensioners will eventually be approved by the government.