Hair and human character. How to determine a girl's character by hair type and color? What does the appearance of hair say?

Wanting to know what is going on inside a person, we turn to modern psychology. This science studies personality traits, character traits and behavior. With its help, you can learn a lot about a person without even communicating with him. Features of appearance will tell which one is a friend, lover or employee.

Large companies have long adopted these techniques and never make mistakes in choosing employees. Why don’t we also try to master this science, and we can start with hair color.

How to determine character by appearance

Psychologists know ways to determine a person’s character by appearance. This is indicated by facial features, physique, eye color, clothing and hair.

For example, blondes are frivolous and sexy, but, nevertheless, many of them choose to work in the high technology sector and prefer dry numbers and reports. This fact has long destroyed the stereotype about their stupidity and narrow-mindedness.

Brunettes are fatal beauties who live according to plan and calculation, but when they meet a worthy man, they will be his faithful companion for life. They leave their career for the sake of their loved one and prefer a cozy home.

There are only two percent of natural blondes in the world, and most of the inhabitants are dark-haired.

Brown girls are meek and obedient, but will stand up for themselves and their loved ones in a difficult situation. And redheads are so unpredictable that you shouldn’t expect normal behavior from them.

If you want to know more about each hair color, we will introduce you to modern psychology.

Why hair color affects character

The images we see are deposited in our subconscious, which influence the further perception of people. Owners of different hair colors do indeed have certain behavioral and lifestyle traits, but stereotypes play a big role in their formation. For example, blondes, when they are mistaken for stupid people, use this to their advantage and force other people to answer for their actions.

Fatal brunettes in films are so seductive that girls dream of being like them. They dye their hair and try on a new role. This gives confidence, relationships with the opposite sex and personal life gradually improve.

The same goes for other shades. But stereotypes are based on facts that go back centuries. This is influenced by geographic and ethnic factors. But, let’s leave scientific assumptions to psychologists, and we ourselves will study the description of each hair color in more detail.


Red beast or red fox, this is what girls with fiery hair were often called in childhood and adolescence. But it seems to me that the nickname sunny people suits them. After all, owners of this hair color create a warm and joyful atmosphere around themselves.

The ancient Greeks thought that red-haired people turned into vampires after death.

Redheads are people of mood, they are typical, they change plans a hundred times a day, listen only to their own opinion and do not count on anyone but themselves.

Such a person is not easy to get along with, but if you get close, you will get a great friend who will open you up to many interesting things in life. But when red-haired people don’t like something, they won’t hide it and tell it like it is. Be prepared for this.

You need to be on guard with redheads. For them, career and self-improvement come first, so don’t flatter yourself if you feel that you have become close to such a person, the relationship may not last long. The red-haired beast will love a person only if he is much stronger in character.

Light brown

Light brown natural hair length to the waist or butt is very beautiful. Their owners have a gentle disposition, a lot of patience and the ability to forgive the mistakes of loved ones. Fair-haired girls are ideal wives, but men pay attention to their brighter appearance and prefer brunettes or blondes.

Girls with brown hair should be more active. After all, men, as you know, love with their eyes, and only then with their hearts. There are those who immediately appreciate meekness and complaisance, but in the majority.

Thanks to their calmness and hard work, fair-haired girls achieve a lot and manage to combine the role of wife and career woman. How they manage to do this is a secret to everyone. The rest can only be surprised and follow their example.

Fair-haired girls get married early and remain faithful to their partner all their lives. But often they come across scoundrels who take advantage of the kindness of such girls. Therefore, fair-haired beauties need to be able to stand up for themselves and erase deceivers from their lives in time.


Black hair has long been associated with witches. In fairy tales and legends, they always had long raven locks. Since then, sizzling brunettes have the status of fatal seductresses and heart stealers.

Brunettes rely on intelligence rather than beauty.

But those who don’t believe in prejudice know that brunettes don’t want to harm anyone. They have clear principles for life that help them achieve their goals. Therefore, such women are often thought to be cold and calculating. But, unlike red-haired girls, brunettes will not go over their heads for their own good - this is contrary to their internal principles.

Brunettes are more likely than others to occupy leadership positions; they have a loud, commanding voice and a stern look. It is easy for them to subordinate and manage people. And such girls choose soft and pliable young men as husbands who can get along with an imperious character.

By nature, brunettes are typical introverts; they are interested in the inner world, improve it and have a narrow circle of close and devoted people.


Girls with brown hair are positive and open. They love company, entertainment and travel. A cheerful disposition is combined with demands towards oneself and others. Whether it's a passing promise or an annual work report, girls with chestnut hair will treat these two events with equal responsibility.

Scientists suggest that the first person on earth had red hair.

Brown-haired women have found a middle ground between reason and feelings and use both equally well to make decisions. They, like brunettes, compete with the position of manager and know how to manage people.

Mahogany shade

Girls who choose red hair color subconsciously want to attract attention. They consider themselves bright and interesting, but not recognized individuals. Such girls have not yet found the ideal image and strive to experiment in appearance and in life.

Due to internal self-doubt, they try to appear strong and tough, which prevents them from building relationships with the opposite sex. If you have chosen dark red hair color, change your attitude towards the world, become kinder and simpler, more relaxed and more trusting.

Such girls always achieve their goals, even if they have to sacrifice a lot. In communication, they are more secretive than open; they can only trust close people. than family and children.

Girls with are distinguished by deep intelligence and rationality. They become famous scientists, politicians, mathematicians, occupy high positions, and strive to dominate people. But at the same time, they are romantic and sophisticated in nature.

People with cool-toned hair in the Middle Ages were endowed with the ability to predict the future and creativity. But these are, rather, not mystical abilities, but psychological tricks.

Warm shades

Representatives of the spring and autumn color types with fiery shades of hair are characterized by passion and playfulness. And with honey and caramel - softness and pliability. But deception and betrayal are alien to all of them. If such a girl wants to break off a relationship with a young man, then she will say so directly and will not ignore calls and SMS.

If girls with a warm shade of hair get in the way of obstacles, they will take it philosophically and say: “So it’s not fate” and quickly switch to another task. They live in harmony with themselves and do not listen to other people's opinions, acting according to their intuition.

Such girls have creative potential and extraordinary thinking. They treat even everyday and routine matters with a degree of originality. They constantly create a sunny and positive atmosphere around themselves, which attracts others.

Hair structure

Not only the color, but also the condition of your hair will tell you what kind of person you are. If they are disobedient and tough, then your temper is the same. You have a strong and decisive character.

Thick hair indicates a difficult character; its owner is a straightforward and stubborn person. He does not like noisy companies, or a narrow circle of beloved friends.

If yours, this indicates inconstancy and frivolity. You are quick-tempered and capable of resorting to deception to achieve your desired goal. Smooth hair speaks of sociability and openness.

Soft and obedient hair characterizes a person as kind and sympathetic, who are characterized by fear and. If they are weakened or broken, then the person does not have a solid core of character.

Using this knowledge, it will be easier for you to communicate with people. You will be able to build relationships, become closer to those people you like. This is also a great opportunity to learn a lot about yourself and your friends.

56 597 0 Hello, dear readers. Today we will talk about how hairstyle characterizes the personality of a modern woman. Yes, yes, psychologists have found an explanation for this phenomenon. Italian psychologists claim that by looking at a woman’s hairstyle one can learn about a woman’s hidden desires, her preferences, her fears, etc. So, let's get started, what does hair and hairstyle say about a girl's character?

Long hair parted in the middle. Smooth and long hair parted in the middle indicates that a woman is constantly looking for balance in life. Such a woman will never take risks thoughtlessly. It also suggests that such a woman is always collected, conservative and afraid of losing her composure. She is afraid of seeming immodest and unkempt, so she always tries to be elegant and impeccable in everything. Such women are characterized by a traditional family structure. But at the same time, they are open to bright impressions and are ready to share the bright moments of life with friends and loved ones.

Women hide behind long hair from the rest of the world, not allowing anyone and everyone to invade their lives. Excessive attention to their person makes them nervous.

Parting on the left. Talks about the difficulty of identifying with one's feminine side.

Parting on the right, on the contrary: it is difficult for a girl to accept the masculine principle in her character.

For both, it is important to hear praise and enthusiastic feedback in their direction, as well as evaluation of their actions.

Girls with parted hair have well-developed intuition.

Symmetrical medium length hairstyle indicates that the woman is a fairly flexible person, she is adaptive to changing conditions and can easily cope with any difficult situation.

Asymmetrical hairstyle. Women with this hairstyle are open to flirting and strong emotions. They are focused on their appearance and are concerned about constantly taking care of it. Crystal honesty is not typical for them; they prefer to be cunning and can often “wear a mask.”

Medium length hair. They talk about their owner as a strong-willed, but at the same time romantic and subtle nature. Such women have goals in life; they are businesslike and proactive. They can surprise with their actions and the actions of others.

Short haircuts. Women with short hair, shaved temples or the back of their heads are very lively, impulsive, sometimes tough, but enterprising, independent and self-confident people. They have an independent character and a good sense of humor. They live by their own rules and don't look back. Short-haired girls are considered liberated and sensual.

Women with short hair are characterized by masculine behavior in some situations; they have no time to care for long hair, so they prefer less unnecessary body movements, and therefore they are more practical in their actions.

Shaved head. Women who want to bare the back of their heads, on an unconscious level, want to show their true self.

Shaved temples. Openness to new acquaintances, to new experiences.

It’s not for nothing that the rite of passage to become a nun is associated with women’s haircuts. This is a symbolic farewell to passion, sensuality and sexuality.

Open forehead. For such women, the opinions of the people around them do not matter. They do not need evaluation of their actions and actions. They aim to follow their own path, without deviating from the intended path. Such women are very powerful and strive to keep everything under their control. They are characterized by risk-taking, leadership, and careerism.

Scythe. The classic braid speaks of a self-sufficient and principled personality type. Such women
always collected, they are often pedantic and very modest. It's hard for them to relax. Such women do not feel uncomfortable being alone.

Two braids. A sign of infantility, childishness and persistence.

Fluffy braid typical for sociable girls with a playful character.

Bang. This is a woman's protective helmet. A woman hides her fears behind her bangs. She may not even be aware of them, but this is how she protects herself from the world around her. The thicker the bangs, the more insecure a woman feels. Women with bangs are very indecisive and shy. They are afraid of everything new and therefore static in their behavior.

Curly hair. Characteristic of creative and very romantic women. Curly-haired women are famous for their spontaneity and good taste.

Tail. Energetic, decisive, stubborn and ambitious - this is all about them, about girls who wear a ponytail. They see a goal and move towards it. At first glance, she may seem indecisive, but she is not. They are very straightforward and pragmatic. She approaches any undertaking, be it raising a family or a career, thoroughly and devotes herself completely. At the same time, she will not allow strangers into her personal space.

Bun. Characteristic for demanding girls. The height of the bun depends on the woman’s self-esteem.

Hair color:

The character of a woman's hairstyle is determined not only by her shape, but also by her hair color.

« Redheads are shameless". The most emotionally uncertain personalities. They can be either determined and adventurous, or modest and emotionally reserved individuals.

« Fatal brunettes". Brunettes and brown-haired women are famous for their passion and flexibility of character. They are characterized by frequent mood swings. Now they laugh tirelessly, and in a minute they can cry bitterly, and tomorrow they are flying to Goa. Brunettes are quite principled in their actions.

« Blonde". It is not without reason that since ancient times, fair-haired people have been associated with goodness and the divine. All heroes of ancient myths were depicted with blond or golden hair. In the 20th century, the image of the flighty and eccentric Marilyn Monroe changed the stereotype of the female image. All things considered, blondes feel the need to love and be loved more than others.

Constancy of image typical of conservative girls. Such girls are in harmony with their inner world.

Frequently changing hairstyles directly related to current events in the girl’s life. Remember Carrie Bradshaw from the series, who changed her image after experiencing stress and a failed wedding. In most cases, this is what happens; changing your image is an excellent opportunity to start life with a clean slate. Sometimes it seems that by changing your hairstyle, you change internally.

Also, changing the image is associated with the search for your own style, with the search for yourself, your identity. And when the internal state corresponds to the external style, the girl stops and can remain in the same image for a long time, being in harmony with herself.

In general, changing your image is a lot of fun, the main thing is not to go to extremes. Look for your image and change first of all for yourself! After all, what does the slogan of one brand sound like: “You deserve it!”

Every person at birth gets a certain hair color, and it depends on many factors: heredity, the predominance of male or female hormones in the body, the amount of melanin and even place of residence. It has always been believed that a person with a certain hair color has certain character traits. Recently, scientists have begun to lean towards the idea that hair color and character are closely interrelated. Is it possible and how to determine character by hair color?

There is a psychological technique according to which a person who is dissatisfied with his character or fate can change them by changing his hair color. Indeed, every second patient who agreed to this began to notice clear changes in her own character and behavior. Therefore, when radically changing your image, it is worth thinking about what new features you will acquire along with the new hair tone.

On the dark side

It is believed that owners of dark hair have a large reserve rigidity, sometimes turning into outright cruelty and heartlessness, and they are also very calculating and pragmatic. On the other hand, it is the color of mystery, fate and passion, as well as authority and strength of character - a very piquant combination for a woman. For this reason, men rarely remain indifferent to dark-haired beauties. After all, strong people are very attractive. At the same time, melancholy and self-criticism, the desire to always be the best, haunt them very often, but the manifestation of these emotions can only be seen by very close people, admitted to the circle of chosen people. As a rule, there are few of them.

People with dark hair have a natural gift for organizing, developed intuition, the will to win, an analytical mind and the ability to lead people. Brunettes who choose psychotherapy, politics, art or religion as their main activity are very successful.

Interesting fact: 70% of the wives of very rich people, whose wealth is more than a billion, are brunettes.

In love, such women are impatient, demanding, and sometimes downright dangerous, they do not tolerate contradictions, and they greatly value reliability and stability, despite the peculiarities of their character. Men with blond or brown hair are most suitable for them, but with a brunette, life will most likely turn into an eternal confrontation.

Are light ones light?

There are as many myths associated with light hair color among women as with any other color. Blondes are credited with frivolity, bordering on empty-headedness, tenderness and gentleness of character, sensitivity, complaisance and vulnerability and, which is very offensive, a certain frivolity combined with accessibility. In general, these are female dolls with porcelain skin, naive eyes and a lack of serious thoughts.

However, in most cases, this is just a carefully constructed image, with the help of which it is so easy to control such smart, strong and all-understanding men. In the art of manipulation, blondes have practically no equal, and the general opinion is: “Blonde, what can we take from her?” they use it very skillfully.

Everything is clear with fairy tales and legends, but now about the true character of “tender” blondes. Blondes are very capable of learning, they are especially good at natural sciences and mathematics, in addition, they are distinguished by their ability to intuitively understand people and, without hesitation, will “move” a person they don’t like, continuing to smile affably. Most men, deceived by generally accepted stereotypes, are surprised to discover, instead of an docile, gentle goldfish, a toothy pike that does not miss its goal.

At the same time, blonde women are different great creative potential, gentleness and femininity of behavior, the ability to show oneself in society. Being quite smart, they easily win people over, and men are attracted by the deceptive ease of relationships and seeming availability.

In fact, natural blondes are just right to be included in the Red Book - this is a vanishing hair color that will soon disappear completely.

Light brown is the color of trust and family warmth

Fair-haired women are distinguished by a calm, reasonable disposition; you can always rely on them; moreover, they are very tolerant of others. Such girls make the best mothers and wives; they are excellent conversationalists, devoted and reliable friends. Their calling is to take care of others, so they often prefer the professions of a doctor, psychologist or teacher, in which they most often achieve success. The peculiarity of such ladies is love of order, sometimes becoming threatening. A messy home can really ruin their mood. They prefer to make important decisions on their own, unable to bear pressure from others, are quite suspicious and touchy, and react very painfully to negative statements addressed to them.

Owners of dark blond curls are quite cunning, know how to perfectly manipulate people, are very ambitious and eloquent. They make excellent politicians and actors.

All the nuances of chocolate

Owners of brown hair are calm and stress-resistant, very pleasant to talk to and multifaceted; you can discover them all your life and never fully recognize them. They are very sociable and open, rarely lie and are not inclined to encourage guile in others, they are hardworking and responsible. At the same time, brown-haired women are constantly in search of something new, interesting As a rule, they love and know how to cook, and love to travel. They devote themselves to a new business with passion, as well as to a new relationship; having found something of their own, they can forget about the rest of the world; this quality makes them successful both in their career and in their personal and family life.

Women whose hair is naturally chocolate-colored can look very attractive, but quite often they put their appearance in second place, or even third place, after intellectual and spiritual qualities, which, however, does not prevent them from remaining attractive to men. The main thing is not to go too far and not remain in their company in the position of “your boyfriend” or colleague, with no prospects for your personal life.

Like fire

Girls and women with hair that resembles a materialized flame are always the center of attention. At one time, many red-haired people suffered at the hands of the church, as they were often considered witches, accomplices of the devil. One way or another, if you determine character by hair color, the most striking evidence in favor of the existence of such a connection is precisely red-haired ladies. Their fiery locks fully reflect their explosive nature.

Red hair color has always been associated with witchcraft, and therefore with cunning, resourcefulness, strength, charisma and fickleness, as well as a magnificent, but not always kind, sense of humor.

Even little girls with this hair color are distinguished by their desire for leadership, and the jokes that they get in full only strengthen and sharpen the strength of their character and increase their already considerable energy resources. It’s more expensive to hurt redheads - they vindictive and vindictive, and can wait in the wings for quite a long time, despite their temper.

Sexually, you can’t find a better partner; they are inventive, insatiable and playful, although they are fickle and can easily change partners if they want. Their own desires always come first for them, so they prefer to act alone, not obeying the opinion of the majority. Lack of tact, stubbornness and inability to make compromise decisions often prevent them from being happy in family life, but often they don’t need it.

The most suitable professions for red-haired people are those that associated with creativity in any of its manifestations. They do not think in stereotypes, do not tolerate pressure and do not recognize authorities, and also try with all their might to stand out from the crowd, adore bright, shocking actions and do not tolerate weak-willed men. But the men themselves find them extremely attractive, and the element of unpredictability only fuels their interest.

By learning to determine character by hair color, you can learn a lot of interesting things about a person. Even if a woman dyes her hair, the shade she chooses speaks of her desire to gain certain qualities, change her destiny, and attract attention. Moreover, the brighter and more unexpected the color, the more attention she needs.

Video about how hair color affects character.

Hair is not only a precious frame of beauty. Their condition can be used to judge a person's health. In ancient times, hair was credited with magical powers. The ancients said that they characterize human nature. Recently, many experts have begun to attach great importance to ancient treatises on this topic.

As you already know, there are different types of hair.

From a hairdresser's point of view, they are: normal, dry and oily. Cosmetologists distinguish between brittle, split ends and problematic hair. Professional physiognomists consider it important to take into account the following characteristics: straight, wavy and curly; thin and thick; hard and soft; long and short. In addition, it is necessary to take into account their color.

You yourself have probably noticed more than once that men with blond hair are quite phlegmatic and think about their actions for a long time before deciding on something. They never commit impulsive actions, try not to get into quarrels, and solve their problems with rare straightforwardness and determination.

However, men with light, straight and not very thick hair are often characterized by cruelty and fanaticism. If they believe in an idea, they will pursue it to the end with perseverance, despite the fact that they may ultimately lose.

Often such men are prone to narcissism and selfishness. They put their personality on a pedestal. By temperament they are rather phlegmatic, they are not easily angered, but if they get angry, then hold on.

Blonde straight hair on a woman most likely means that she is a rather spiritual and dreamy person.

Girls with blond straight hair are generally weak-willed. They love comfort and pleasure. Basically, their level of intelligence is not too high, but even if they are fully developed mentally, they try never to show this to men, playing the role of a weak creature wholly dependent on their companion. This is their strength. Blondes make good friends, wives and mothers. By temperament, fair-haired girls are also somewhat phlegmatic.

Blonde wavy hair.

Blonde curly hair makes a man look romantic and somewhat absent-minded. Usually he is completely immersed in himself, in his thoughts, and therefore does not notice what is happening under his nose. Such people are extremely talented.

Another type of man with blond curls is a real charmer. They are so charming and talkative, although somewhat defenseless, that they endear themselves to everyone without exception and are almost always the life of the party. These curly-haired blondes get along with people very easily, get very used to friends and loved ones, and have a hard time with breaking up relationships. But most of them have an eccentric character, which is why they often cannot find their place in life, unless they are geniuses (which is quite possible).

Blonde wavy hair in girls is very rare. This is not only very beautiful, but is also evidence of an unusually light character and subtle romantic nature, especially if the hair is long. Such girls are prone to creativity and do not accept the prose of life. Some of these beauties love luxury and like to surround themselves with beautiful things. They are quite strong in spirit and at the same time very vulnerable.

The main drawback of fair-haired cuties is their lack of determination. They simply don’t know what they want from life, or they are hampered by laziness and inertia.

Blonde coarse hair.

Light, coarse, thick hair in both men and women means that you have a strong and powerful person in front of you. Such people stubbornly pursue their goals; they have an inherent desire to achieve victory at any cost. They can be loyal friends, you can rely on them, as they have a very developed sense of duty.

If there are cowlicks on the head, unruly strands sticking out, this may indicate a person’s stubbornness.

Red hair.

It is often believed that red hair is a sign of extraordinary anger. But this is completely unfair. On the contrary, redheads are usually extremely kind people.

Red-haired men are very good-natured and shy. They blush for every reason and for no reason. But handsome red-haired men almost always make wonderful fathers of families.

Red-haired men with curly hair have a light character, but they always set a goal for themselves and quite successfully achieve their goal.

If red hair frames a face with a hooked nose and thin lips, be sure that this is a cunning, and maybe even somewhat malicious person. He is very cautious, flattering and often achieves great heights in life through dubious means.

As for girls with curly red hair, they are distinguished by their strong-willed qualities. Quite romantic, mysterious natures, with a touch of some “devilishness” that attracts men to them, achieve their goals by any means.

Red-haired beauties conquer the stronger sex not only with their rare charm, but also with their extraordinary mindset. In addition, they know their worth and know how to look at things realistically. In ancient times, because of their character, such girls often ended up at the stake, and they were credited with witchcraft powers.

Men with dark straight hair are what they call their own. It is difficult for him to trust other people; he is used to relying only on his own strength.

The unusually attractive combination of dark hair and light eyes, unfortunately, is a sign of average intelligence. Despite this, such handsome men are popular with the opposite sex.

If the hair is black, thick, coarse and does not curl, we can say that the person has a little intelligence, but has a developed commitment to order, he is a big pedant and, perhaps, a bore.

The man with thin dark hair is completely unimaginative.

Dark hair on women always speaks of a violent temperament, and the thicker and harsher it is, the faster the change of mood occurs.

Hair that is black, thin, smooth and thin indicates a lack of intelligence. Long, smooth hair, even on a brunette, is a sign of weak character and a complete lack of initiative.

Dark curly hair.

Dark curly hair is a sign of temperament. Most likely, a person with such hair is choleric or sanguine.

The disadvantage of these people is that they themselves do not know what they want; today they strive for one thing, but tomorrow they have completely different goals. A man with dark curly hair strives to be the center of attention and loves to be obeyed. He is not indifferent to the weaker sex, but he is simply unable to be with one girl for a long time, he becomes bored.

In addition, these are extremely jealous people; they simply cannot allow themselves to be fooled. Despite this, they are completely devoid of cunning, are very straightforward and quickly move towards their goal.

These women stubbornly strive for their goal. To achieve it, they do not disdain any means. Cunning often helps them achieve heights in their careers.

Such ladies rarely make good wives, but when they become mothers, they devote all their strength to their children. Although their career comes first in their lives, they surprisingly manage to combine their responsibilities at work and at home.

Did you know that you can judge your character by the color of your hair? According to science, the hair type of each person is predetermined by his physique, hormonal levels of the body and... mood. The manipulations we do with our hair give us away. Color, haircut, style and gestures with which we straighten our hair can tell others about our character, temperament and even state of mind.

The color of a woman's hair is one of the obvious determinants of character. If you choose a new color that is close to the original, this speaks of youth, integrity of character, fidelity and reluctance to change. While constant changes in color indicate a person’s disagreement with others, lack of confidence and mood swings. A radical change in hair color (by dyeing), as a rule, follows a difficult stage in life that needs to be forgotten, such as a breakup with a loved one, troubles in the family or at work, change of environment.

Some color characteristics:

Blondes are reminiscent of Hollywood stars such as Marilyn Monroe and Gwyneth Poltrow. And gentlemen, as you know, prefer blondes. True, there is another common saying: “the lighter a woman’s hair, the stupider she is.” Proverbs are proverbs, and the entire male sex, without exception, loses their heads at women’s blond hair in combination with wide-open blue eyes (read below on the page, why?).
For some reason, it is believed that blondes are more feminine, gentle and airy creatures than brunettes or brown-haired women. Lies and deceit are alien to them. Blonde hair symbolizes purity, fragility and defenselessness; such a woman is not capable of betrayal. However, the female half of humanity is not inclined to succumb to deception. As soon as a blonde appears on the horizon, the signal goes off: watch out, predator!

Black and all shades of chestnut

Reflect hidden passion and strength. Brunettes have always been associated in our minds with the image of a temptress, an insidious temptress. The lion's share of the plots of women's novels are built exactly according to this scheme: a downtrodden “gray mouse” (naturally, a blonde) confronts a sort of vamp woman (naturally, a brunette), enduring a lot of troubles and nasty things from her, and, naturally (this word has stuck!) , emerges from the battle as a winner, having earned the love of a handsome hero. However, in life the situation is often exactly the opposite.
Perhaps because blondes are now increasingly dyed, there are few natural ones left, and even those are mainly in Scandinavia. As for the existing stereotype, the following character traits are attributed to brunettes and brown-haired women: sexuality, aggressiveness, uncontrollability, seriousness, strength, and a penchant for black magic.

Copper and mahogany color

People say: a redhead is half beautiful. Very attractive to the opposite sex, often unhappy in love. It is customary to suspect some insincerity and ambiguity in red-haired people. In ancient times, redheads were suspected of having connections with the devil and were very fond of being burned at the stake.

They are considered the sexiest and most passionate of women, perfect for the role of a mistress, but they are rarely married, perhaps because redheads are prone to cheating. As a rule, they are very talented, artistic people. Their main features: ingenuity, strong character, extravagance.