Meeting a guy after a breakup is original. Story: "A meeting after a long separation

No matter how long the separation is, it always ends. You have endured so much while you were away from each other, but all this torment has come to an end. And the closer that cherished day is, the more urgent the question of how to meet a loved one after a long separation becomes.

Immerse yourself in pleasant chores

Think about it What do you need to do before he arrives? Maybe finish the repair, do a general cleaning, wash and iron the bed linen? Do not forget about your beloved: you must meet him with a dazzling smile, impeccable make-up, pedicure, manicure and in a beautiful outfit. The return of a loved one is a big holiday. There is a very pleasant detail in all these worries: having plunged into them, you simply will not notice how time flies until the most important moment - when you throw yourself into his arms. The more time left, the more things you can do.

If you sit, looking at the clock, you will not be able to do anything and, as a result, you will become very nervous. Then you will not be able to feel the full joy of the end of separation.

Arrange a meeting

If it's far to get to you, surely your loved one will be very tired. Whether it's a long flight, a train ride or a car - prolonged immobility is just as tiring as hard physical work. Therefore, try to make sure that he can get from the airport or train station comfortably. If among his friends or relatives there are also people who want to see him, explain to them that the guy will be very tired, so it is better to postpone friendly gatherings for later. However, you will both be pleased if they come to greet him.

To avoid unpleasant surprises, ask him what he wants. Maybe he likes to leave the plane, train or bus and immediately go to a cafe or bar to have a drink with friends? Do not be offended by him, you still have the whole night ahead.

Don't be afraid of primary alienation

You've lived apart from each other for too long: weaned from voice, smell, touch. After all, both of you have changed in some way during this time. If they lived side by side, they would not even notice, but here the difference can be serious. Therefore, alienation at the first meeting is absolutely normal. It’s even good that you have become a little stranger to each other - it excites the blood and makes your relationship non-trivial and interesting.

Sometimes life situations force you to part with your loved ones for a long time. But every separation must end. Far from each other, you had to go through a lot, and now the cherished day of the meeting has come. Various feelings begin to overcome you: fear, joy, excitement, anxiety. My head is spinning from thoughts of what the relationship will be like after a long separation.

First of all, dive into the most pleasant chores. Do a spring cleaning, prepare an unforgettable dinner. And most importantly, don't forget to clean yourself up.

Feast of the meeting

Meeting after a long separation is a great and joyful holiday. You must be in a beautiful outfit, with perfect makeup and a dazzling smile. Your loved one must be amazed by your beauty. Worries carry one important detail: time will fly by unnoticed, and you will not have time to look back, as you will be in the arms of your chosen one. Doing nothing, just looking at the clock, time will go on forever. Excessive experiences will only spoil all the joy of the meeting.

It is possible that a long separation can lead to primary alienation. You have lost the habit of touching, of living together. There is nothing to worry about, after a certain period of time everything will return to its place. Surely each of you has changed in some way, and sometimes alienation only brings benefits.

You will begin to get to know each other again and your relationship will only become stronger and more interesting.
Let the man know that you love him and have been waiting for him. Make the time spent together tender and warm. Every man unconsciously fears a new meeting, so your every gesture, smile on your face, hugs - all this is of great importance.

The meeting must be unforgettable.

To make a relationship strong and passionate after a long and long separation, you must put all your imagination into organizing a meeting. Decorate the house with various decorations, inflate balloons. Do everything that the man felt important in your life. You can be at home waiting for the chosen one or meet him on the platform, airport. The main thing is that he feels happy and desired.

You can make some unexpected surprise. In the eyes of women, men try to appear serious, but despite this, everyone has their own weakness, which can be revealed during a romantic setting. Give your loved one a surprise that will surprise him and be remembered for a lifetime.

Meeting a loved one after a long and very long separation must be accompanied by a delicious dinner. The table should be amazing, and the dinner is truly festive.

After you met, as a rule, apart from yourself and attraction to each other, nothing interests you around. Only feelings and emotions remain, the concentration of all attention only on the partner. Appearance is one of the most important elements before a meeting.

It is important that your loved one understands that separation has made you even more desirable and beautiful. After a long break, the attraction to each other and the excitement will be very strong. The bed should be prepared in advance in a romantic style. In the bedroom there are erotic toys, various goodies and drinks, everything that contributes to a comfortable pastime.

During further communication, ask how he lived without you, what he did, how he spent his time. Be sure to pay attention to his trip. With all your appearance and actions, you must show that his return home is a great happiness that you have been dreaming about for so long.

The man you love should be happy. Your cheerful mood is the first sign of love. Rejoice in your man and be happy!

Separation is a nasty thing. With a long separation, all thoughts and feelings go after a loved one. It is impossible to focus on anything - neither at work, nor at school, evenings and holidays become dull and tiring, and there is only one desire - if only he would return to be with him. You're counting down the days: there's a month left, a week, a day. An involuntary “jitters” begins: how to meet your man after everything you both experienced? Let's see what he really lacked.

In the modern world, a long separation is not as felt as it used to be. Before - only letters with a huge delay or expensive long-distance calls for about three minutes, when you are trying to say something, but your thoughts are confused. The meeting after such a separation was a huge stress: not to see enough, not to talk enough - everything was excited.

Now it’s easier: with the advent of mobile phones, the Internet and, most importantly, Skype, even in a long separation there is no acute feeling of lack of a loved one. Conversations last for hours, and at a meeting there seems to be nothing to say: in daily conversations, everything is clear. But there are, of course, exceptional cases: for example, if your man was in places not so remote, or served in the army. And now everything is possible.

So, what will your loved one miss when they meet? Absolutely the same as you - touch and body smell. That is why when they meet, they hug and kiss for a long time. So, when you are going to the railway station or the airport, be sure to perfume yourself with his favorite perfume, even if you “change perfumes like gloves”. From the first moment of meeting, your loved one should catch the native aroma - it excites and calms at the same time. If you suddenly have tears of happiness, do not be shy about it - many men are even touched by such manifestations of feelings.

Hugs and long kisses. At the station, of course, one cannot express all desires: the crush, and not everyone can suppress the embarrassment of demonstrating tenderness in public. Some confusion and fuss at the station is replaced by a trip home (most often by car). There, of course, you can also hardly relax, but tactile sensations can continue: hugs, touches of hands. This is how you can express to each other all the hardships of the past parting. As you can see, during the first minutes of the meeting, you don’t need much. Even if your man came to you without flowers, it doesn’t matter to a truly loving heart whether he gave them or not. And did he have the opportunity to buy them somewhere on the road?

Your aroma and touch - that's what your lover missed for a long time.

The meeting does not end with the train station alone. It generally lasts the whole day and the first evening. And if during the day you are drawn into everyday routine (work, study), then the evening must be just for the two of you. Again - the exceptions are "halts" after forced separation - the same army or "zone". You can’t get rid of friends and relatives from the guy’s side. Well, what to do - just be there for him.

Many people advise you to cook dinner by candlelight, make something delicious and then gradually move on to bed. But who will endure this sequence if the lovers will have intimacy in the first place, and left alone they will want to fall into bed from the threshold? It is for this case that you need to prepare differently:

  • cuts, fruits, snacks, salads and champagne are already in the refrigerator, and you can order pizza for hot dishes.
  • it is advisable to put a table for a feast by the bed - there will be no time for ceremonies.

Loyalty issues

What are the pitfalls when meeting after a long separation? Even if you and your loved one talked a lot on Skype or on the phone, questions of jealousy and fidelity can still be touched upon. If you had sins “on the left front” and you regret it, then try to keep this secret for him with seven seals so that the first happy day does not turn out to be the last. If there is nothing to hide, then happiness to you with your beloved, and may separation no longer touch you.

Nobody likes long separations, during which all sorts of stupid things come into their heads, even if there is no reason. In any case, business trips allow the husband to earn more, so they should be seen as a necessary measure and a way to keep the relationship fresh. Your task is to make sure that the spouse is always happy to return to the common home. We will tell you how to originally meet your husband at home from a business trip.


Even if you are really bored, give the person time to recover and relax, especially if the trip was long and difficult and your husband got home by car or train. Hot bath, relaxing massage, delicious favorite food, sleep in a clean bed. All these methods magically help to experience the bliss of home warmth and comfort. At such moments, every man understands what happiness, family, love, a caring wife and understanding children are.

delicious dinner

The first tip on how to meet your husband from a business trip: feed him hearty and delicious meals. Many people compare comfort to what they have in their fridge. If you spend a little time buying and preparing products that your husband likes, then this will be an indicator of how much you missed him and waited for him.

Try to make dinner really tasty, because your spouse deserves it. Do not be distracted by anything while cooking, try to ensure that not a single ingredient is overcooked or burnt. Consider what your husband loves the most. For example, if he prefers manti, then take a few hours to wind the minced meat from fresh meat, knead the most delicious tender dough.

Most men prefer a good and hearty dinner instead of romance and foreplay. This is because on a business trip they have to eat food from the canteen or convenience foods. Homemade food will be a real gift and surprise.

Complete rest

A long-awaited meeting with a beloved husband can drag on until he rests. If possible, arrange a dinner that children can attend. This will help the whole family relax and make sure that the meeting finally took place. Then put the children to bed early or send them to visit grandparents.

You can even call a babysitter for a few hours or ask a neighbor to look after your guys. At this time, go with your husband to the nearest cozy restaurant or bar, where you can just relax and sit in an intimate setting. It is very important that a clean, fresh bed awaits your husband at home.

If the spouse is very tired, then postpone the family dinner until the next day. But also be prepared for caresses, because the husband may have been very bored, that he will not pay attention to all the fatigue for the sake of intimacy and a pleasant relaxing massage.

Arrange a surprise

How to meet a husband from a business trip in an unusual way? At home, you can prepare a surprise, where your spouse will be waiting for a laid table and a nice gift. Think about what a man loves the most, what he dreamed about for a long time? If he is a lover of computer games, then give him a symbolic rug or mouse. If he is an avid fisherman, then do not skimp on a set of good gear. If your husband is an athlete and a fan of the games, then give a ticket to the match, a new uniform or vitamins.

Intimacy and affection

Many girls are wondering how to meet their husband at home from a business trip after a long separation. Good and quality sex is the common answer.

It is not necessary to start intimacy immediately, as soon as a man steps on the threshold. Give him the opportunity to rest, gain strength, and then proceed to caresses. Pamper him with relaxing treatments and massages. Light scented candles, dim the lights, turn on some soft music.

Try not to be distracted by anything, especially children. Wait until they are asleep, or ask them to be quiet while you massage their father. Explain that he is tired after a long journey and exhausting work, he needs a good rest. Of course, in the presence of children, intimacy is excluded, but you can still please a man with a light and relaxing massage.

Look at 100%

Several months have passed since your spouse went to work in another city or country. How to meet a husband from a business trip? While he is away, use your free time to your advantage.

Do not sit at home, go to clubs, swimming pool, spa, visit a beautician. Keep yourself in shape, because a man will be pleased that his wife is trying to become better. Children can also be involved in sports - it is good for their health.

So, how to meet your husband at home from a business trip? Keep clean, get rid of old things and trash. If possible, call a cleaning company to do a general cleaning.

Meet your spouse in beautiful linen and clean clothes, do not forget to make sure that there is hot water and light in the house. Of course, force majeure has not been canceled, but everything in your power must be fulfilled. Get rid of stretched T-shirts, old oversized pants and a strange bun on your head.

Meeting of the century

If the separation was very long, then here is another tip on how to meet your husband from a business trip. Make sure that the spouse is in a good mood, give him time to put himself in order - eat, go to the shower, sleep.

When the husband is ready, you can invite loved ones home - friends, relatives. Someone prefers a noisy company, while someone, on the contrary, prefers a homely lamp atmosphere. Choose the theme of the evening at your discretion. For example, watching movies with friends, a quiet family dinner, an evening at a bar, enjoying pizza or Japanese cuisine.

Some women carefully prepare for the arrival of their spouses, memorizing songs, forcing children to memorize poems, baking pies and loaves, arranging a sudden surprise, meeting at the station or at the airport with gifts and balloons. Let the kids and relatives help prepare everything you need - bake a cake, draw posters, go shopping, do a general cleaning of the house, prepare small crafts with your own hands.

Now you know how to meet your husband from a business trip. Try to make your common home filled with love and comfort. This is just a fraction of the gratitude that you can show your husband.

Sometimes, in life, there is such a situation that a couple in love needs to part for a while. Often, this is related to work or military service.

But be that as it may, before a long separation, you should arrange a romantic evening and present gifts to each other. Our article will tell you which presents to give and which ones to avoid.

Before parting

We have prepared for you some, in our opinion, interesting ideas that may be suitable as a gift for a loved one:

  • with your photo. If your man is going on a long business trip, and you want to always have a part of you with him, then a digital photo frame with memorable photos will do just fine. Every time, looking at funny photos, he will undoubtedly remember you;
  • . Inexpensive, but useful and cool gift, especially if you can choose the right design. So, for a beloved girl, a cup with cute cats or beautiful flowers is suitable, for a guy - with a mustache or a cheerful inscription. In addition to such a present, you can present original tea:
  • . An excellent present for a girl so that she is not so sad when she is separated from you, buy her an aquarium with fish or a small turtle, there will not be many worries with them, and at the same time, the house will not be empty.
  • At the meeting

    When you and your soulmate get over the separation and finally get back together, it would be nice to celebrate this event.

    You can go to an expensive restaurant or arrange in a more original place, for example, on the banks of a river or on the roof of a multi-storey building. You can complement the evening with small presents, for example:

    What not to give

    There are a number of things that it is better not to present to your soulmate, especially if he/she is superstitious. So, you should not buy the following things:

    • Watch;
    • Handkerchief;
    • Yellow flowers;

    All of the above accessories symbolize separation, which is why it is better to refrain from buying such things. Also, it is better not to give, it is believed that they can attract evil spirits.

    Knives can also lead to separation, because they carry bad energy, attract quarrels and conflicts into relationships.

    Remember that no matter what the gift, you need to present it with a smile and words of love. It would be appropriate to read a verse or a beautiful passage, the lines of Anna Akhmatova are perfect: “I will accept separation as a gift, and oblivion, like grace ...”.

    And if you own a rhyme and are not averse to writing a few lines yourself, then rather write your own verse. Simply put, be eloquent and do not be ashamed to talk about feelings, then any present will be a joy.