Identification of marriage swindlers by a detective agency. Receptions of marriage swindlers: how gullible women are bred for money

The desire to meet a foreign groom is quite natural for Russian girls and women, because the standard of living abroad is much higher than in our country. To this end, they hang out on international dating sites, looking for a suitable candidate. Through virtual communication, new relationships are established, married couples are created. But is it always safe for a girl to communicate with her fiance from a computer? Often there are cases of deceit and fraud on the part of men, as a result of which offended and disappointed brides suffer material losses.

Who are scammers?

Girls who decide to look for a groom on international dating sites should clearly understand the danger that awaits them there. You can't blindly trust the first man you meet. The difference between online dating and a real meeting is that you do not see who is hiding under the mask of a photograph posted on the site. A good-looking man with a Hollywood smile can write that he is a military officer, but in fact turn out to be an old debauchee.

Having fallen into the clutches of a scammer-scammer who pretends to be another person in order to deceive and steal money from foreigners on the Internet, you will not immediately suspect the danger. This "groom" so skillfully leads the girls by the nose that they begin to be frank, even fall in love with a man. Fraudsters on websites use fictitious names, other people's photographs, in order to attract Russian girls with their beautiful appearance and far-fetched high social position. There are special services for checking the uniqueness of photos, one such program is described in this video:

Suitors should immediately arouse suspicion, from the first days of correspondence complaining about their fate and asking for money. To do this, they come up with a lot of plausible stories: trouble from an ex-wife, illness of a small child, death of a relative, etc. Some men even say that they came to Russia to meet their bride, but they were robbed along the way, so there is no money to get to the girl . The money requested at the same time is small, about 1 thousand rubles, because it is easier for the bride to part with such an amount than with a more impressive one.

Compassionate beauties run to the bank and pay the necessary amount on the card of a male swindler in the hope of helping the groom. But after that, he disappears from the site, and the girl realizes that she was deceived. It should be remembered that foreign men always have the opportunity to withdraw cash from a credit card or apply to a bank branch for a loan. Abroad, it is the height of indecency to ask for money from friends or acquaintances, especially from your fiancee. The heroine of the video below, a woman no longer young and not stupid, nevertheless suffered from the deception of an American scammer.

Where can I find black lists of foreign suitors with photos?

According to statistics, about 70% of foreign men advertise on a dating site not at all in order to find a wife. And only 2 out of 100 Russian girls successfully marry a foreigner. The rest of the men get shame, humiliation, violence, resentment. Scammers who deceive gullible girls have been nicknamed "Jews" of dating sites. In order not to become a victim of an impostor, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the black lists of foreign grooms before starting correspondence with a man and check if your virtual acquaintance is among them.

Many Internet resources, including the Mamba dating site, publish such blacklists of foreign men. You just need to enter the phrase “black list of suitors” in the search, and pages with names and photographs of villains who have already managed to mislead someone will open. You can find extensive information about scammers and simply disgusting men on the Antidate women's forum. It's a good idea to blacklist cheaters. Such sites have helped to avoid unpleasant moments for many girls. But even here there are pitfalls.

There are a huge number of photographs of men on the Internet, copying them from there and placing them in your profile is as easy as shelling pears. The real owner of the photo does not even know what is happening. The groom's profile is sent by the girl to the black list, although the man in the photo did nothing wrong. The impostor under an assumed name will continue his dirty work on the site, using the name of another person next time. It is impossible to stop a swindler, such a groom will never leave his real contacts anywhere.

Also, a woman's revenge can lead a man to the black list. The woman he refused will easily send the questionnaire there, saying: “If you don’t belong to me, you won’t be anyone’s.” It is impossible to judge unequivocally about the suitors who are on the black lists. But we need to think about why the man got there, and how not to become a victim of the attacker herself. When meeting, you should find out more about this person, try to see the hidden. If the groom is cheating, you will definitely feel it.

How to check the identity of a man on the Internet from different countries?

To find out what the man with whom you correspond on a dating site is really like, ask the groom about everything more boldly. The more questions you ask, the faster you will find out what the gentleman breathes. Pay attention to how accurately and frankly the man answers you. If your questions go unnoticed, they do not receive a specific answer, it is better to stop dating.

Ask the man for the exact postal address and home phone number. If he is not set up for a serious relationship, you will not receive this data. If the groom decided to give you his contacts, after a few letters say that you are coming to his city on business and want to meet. You yourself understand what the reaction of the scammer will be - he will disappear from your life forever.

Do you like the photos of the handsome man posted on the site? But they might be different. To check this, ask the man to send a photo near his home, work, with children, parents or friends. At the same time, you will have the opportunity to assess the financial situation of the groom from the pictures you see. If there are no desired photos, then there is reason to think.

In order not to become a victim of male scammers, girls should follow a few rules. Take them for a habit, and then the threat will pass by. Here are the main recommendations:

  • Most importantly, make acquaintances only on trusted sites with a good reputation. The owners of far from all marriage agencies carefully check the information about their clients. Look at the reviews about the site, whether the location of the office, phone number, e-mail is indicated, whether a feedback form is provided. If the site owner asks you for a copy of your passport, make a mark on the scan "for a marriage agency" so that the document is not used for personal gain. Choose sites where men pay for correspondence, and you will not need a credit card number to deposit funds.
  • Do not give the groom your personal data, address, phone, e-mail, until you know him from all sides.
  • If during the conversation something in a man confused you or seemed suspicious, refuse further communication.
  • Do not pay for any site services via SMS messages (fee for contact details of a man, any compatibility tests, etc.), scammers can empty your account on your phone.
  • Never send money to anyone. Remember that you can lure funds from you in any, the most cunning way. Be alert.
  • Do not forget that you can also be blacklisted, so under no circumstances should you ask a man for money or gifts. Even if the groom himself proposes to you, it is better to refuse - hunters for scammer girls catch them on live bait.

Taking into account all of the above, you can easily avoid typical mistakes when corresponding with a foreign man on a dating site, avoid danger and not miss your, sometimes the only, chance to find family happiness abroad. Always be vigilant.

Marriage swindler. How not to fall for his bait?

Author: Rufina Ugryumova

You can exclaim as much as you like, looking at the TV screen: “Well, how can you trust marriage scammers and take their tricks and words at face value?! Here I am well versed in people, and I would definitely distinguish a marriage swindler from a normal man on occasion! and ... immediately fall into the spider webs of the so-called ... marriage swindler cleverly placed on you.

What kind of position is this - a marriage swindler? Or is it a calling, or a certain degree of psychological education? Whoever the marriage swindler is and whoever he considers himself to be, his activity is closely connected with crime and fraud, and with operating such “tools” to achieve his goal as the soul of a woman, her feelings, fear of loneliness, the desire to love and be loved … Our women's task is to identify such a person in time, to know his psychological portrait and the ways of counteracting and resisting his charms.

Meeting place can not be Changed…

You can meet a marriage swindler anywhere and anytime, although law enforcement agencies assure that usually marriage swindlers are activated in the spring, partly in the summer and during the warm period of autumn, but in our opinion, such entities “hunt” all year round, since earnings and money are in demand not only in off-season. As for the "habitats" of marriage swindlers - here their territory of capture is huge. A marriage swindler can approach you in the nearest cafe, and in a nightclub, and in public transport, and even contact you virtually in social networks and World Wide Web forums ...

Victims of a marriage scam

First of all, single and wealthy ladies can confidently classify themselves as victims of marriage scams. (If you "don't have a penny" in your soul, then you are unlikely to interest such a man.) But not only women who have achieved good career growth or excellent results in running their own business can become an interesting target for marriage scammers, but also any another woman who has a little bit of a “dowry” for a fraudster: an apartment, a country house, a decent bank account, an inheritance from relatives, and so on. It all depends on the appetites of your new admirer, who has set his sights on depriving you in any way of what you have or have earned so far.

Possible "masks" and portraits of marriage swindlers

Honest, but unlucky "hard worker". A sweet face, kind eyes that openly and truthfully look at you and at the world around you. Kindness shines in everything: in concepts, appearance, statements, touches ... Usually he has a mournful story “in his bosom” about a sick mother or about other difficulties that he, of course, will cope with on his own, since he is used to everything and always decide on his own and on their own. He “cannot and does not want to disturb a woman already tired of life's difficulties” to contact you. The stories may be different, in any case urging you to get money and still pay for the pressing problem of this proud man in a difficult situation.

romantic hero. This guy can speak very well. Words of seduction, rave reviews, kneeling before his lady are his main weapons. He is usually pleasant in appearance, knows how to look into the eyes of a woman in love and passionately. Does not consider the time spent on long heart-to-heart conversations lost. He can talk with you for hours about how magnificent you are, the one and only, how he was waiting for this meeting and for a long time walked difficult roads to it. Achieves a complete feeling of love and self-denial in a partner, and only then carefully “bends his line” and goes to the goal that he set for himself initially.

Businessman, foreigner or "prince on a white horse." This type looks expensive. Dressed "to the point", well-groomed, respectable, generous. During the period of seduction of his victim, he pours not with compliments, but with numbers from successful transactions (if he appears to be a foreigner, he talks about the untold wealth that he possesses in his homeland). He tells such a story about himself that it may seem to you that such men simply do not exist in nature, especially lonely ones. His career is complicated (which is very handy at the time of your meeting), and everything is fine with his business, but his personal life “behind worries and excessive employment” still does not add up. As soon as you “take the bait” and believe that you have finally waited for your “prince on a white horse”, then the man will act according to the plan.

The real Colonel. Honest, open, truthful, frank, broad-shouldered, pleasant on the face, a kind of 40-year-old morally and physically brutal Superman. Usually appears in the form of romantic professions: a sea captain, a pilot, a military man, that is, in those guises from which women's hearts nervously tremble and worry in advance. He promises to make your life a "fairy tale", an "amazing adventure", which is partly true, since he will really suit you with an "adventure" and it will happen pretty soon.

Why is it hard to recognize them right away?

After all, the truth, it would seem - to check the words, position, personality of a new acquaintance does not seem to be a difficult matter. But marriage swindlers are unusually charming, they know how to win over their victim in the shortest possible time, they know how not only to care, but literally amaze a woman with the pressure of emotions, words, actions, not giving her time to come to her senses and succumb to doubts.

Moreover, many of these men have hypnotic and even psychic abilities and use them safely, conquering the next object. Your relatives and friends, noticing something was wrong from the outside, can tell you about the suspicion of such a person, but you will be as if blinded by him, remain deaf to the advice of your friends, and also stand up for the “agreed”.

By the way, it has been noticed that the experience and age of a woman, on the contrary, play a cruel joke with her when meeting with a marriage swindler. Over the years, women become more sentimental, the reaction becomes dull, the healthy cynicism of youth disappears, it is replaced by the desire for “stability, love and understanding”, which is very helpful to the swindler and swindler.

How to find a marriage swindler?

You should be wary if your new acquaintance:

Very assertive and persistent, from the very first meeting he tries to get closer to you as soon as possible;

Even after several meetings, he does not tell you his home phone number, address, tells you almost nothing about his life;

Does not introduce you to his relatives, friends, does not show you his house;

From time to time disappears "from sight" for several days under strange pretexts;

After a short period of time after meeting, he begins to ask for money in debt (to sell an apartment in order to buy a common housing for two; to pledge grandmother's jewelry for literally a week, and so on).

In general, any encroachment on your property, money, things, even if all this is requested at a “favorable percentage”, “for a short time”, “until the situation stabilizes”, consider it as an increased danger coming from your friend.

How not to become a victim of a marriage scammer?

Vigilance and more vigilance! Do not rely in any way on your life experience. In this case, your emotions and the ability of the “groom”-swindler can take precedence over experience and reason, and therefore, even after entering into a marriage alliance with such a person (a stamp in your passport does not save you from the encroachments of scammers) or starting to live together, at least for the first time, beware give large sums of money for any needs to the newly-minted husband, do not rush to sell real estate and pawn jewelry. Let us turn to the opinion of a psychologist on this issue. Here's what he recommends...

Psychologist advice!

Head of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of the St. Petersburg State Medical Academy. Mechnikova, professor, doctor of psychological sciences Svetlana Leonidovna Solovieva: “People need and can be trusted, but again, always be on your guard, and remember that human nature is imperfect, subjective, rational, biased ... Just in case, you need to check your feelings with reality and logic. You need to think about what you are doing, understand who you are dealing with, look at things more soberly. Especially if the other side (the man) portrays excessive passion, pressure, and even more so if it all happens too fast, too bright, too strong, too convincing, too beautiful ... All rights reserved.

A pragmatic accomplished woman is unlikely to fall into the net of a seducer. Yes, the swindler himself will not mess with such a woman. But it is the feelings that are the main tool of the marriage swindler, or rather, the skillful operation of them.

As a rule, a marriage swindler is a talented psychologist and can not only recognize the victim in the crowd, but also find strings that can be influenced in a short time. Speed ​​and pressure in this case play a decisive role. This does not mean that the scammer immediately starts pulling money. Speed ​​is needed in "taming" the victim. Pumping out money is possible only if the person fully trusts the “chosen one”. The main efforts of the swindler are aimed at creating an atmosphere of trust.

Who gets online?

How to "crush" into trust is decided after analyzing the social status of a woman, studying her environment. Yes, and the intellectual level of a potential victim is important in developing a strategy. This does not mean that only naive women become victims of marriage scams, it is simply easier to deceive them. Another question is that it is difficult to find one with a lot of money, but there are other technologies for deceiving them.

How does the swindler dispose of his victim? First of all - words of love, beautiful courtship, gifts. Do not think that a marriage swindler is a priori greedy. The cost of gifts from the swindler is included in the expense item. Moreover, another victim can become a source of gifts, since a professional marriage swindler can simultaneously work in several directions.

How to recognize a marriage scammer: scenarios and losses

The most primitive and fairly harmless option is sex tourism. A petty swindler, enters into trust and begs for a close acquaintance. As a rule, the goal is free accommodation and a table during a business trip or excursion. The only material damage that a scam of this kind can cause to a woman is the cost of maintenance, and it is also possible that the swindler will take a golden strainer as a keepsake.

More serious damage is done by professional scammers who can bring the relationship to the conclusion of an official marriage. Being in an official relationship implies complete trust on the part of a woman. She will no longer refuse to sell her property in order to move in with her husband, to take a loan in her name for a decent amount for the global projects of her newly baked spouse.

A swindler may ask to take a loan, referring to various circumstances - the illness of the mother, debts, the construction of a new "nest". Having received the requested amount, the scammer disappears, leaving the victim with debts and mental trauma. This category of swindlers is called "polygamists" and more often they work on fake passports.

What to look for when meeting?

1. The new acquaintance avoids public places where he can be identified by previous or parallel victims.

2. He avoids being photographed, posting joint photos on social networks.

3. (and the wallet) under any pretext refuses to meet the woman's friends and does not introduce her surroundings and generally hides her past.

4. The absence of identity documents should be alarming, but their presence should not relax either, as false or duplicate ones may be presented.

Marriage swindlers are a special kind of scammers who use good looks and charm to withdraw funds from overly gullible women. In recent years, the victims of marriage scams are bought not only by these signs, but also by the eloquence shown when communicating online. Are there ways to determine whether a man has sincere feelings or sees only a “money bag” in a lady?

Why does the black list of marriage scammers continue to grow?

Unfortunately, Russian legislation does not provide for the possibility of bringing to criminal liability due to a marriage scam. However, it is possible to punish the offender under articles on taking possession of other people's property or fraud. However, the likelihood of going to jail does not frighten young insolent people, and there is a very simple explanation for this.

No one who likes to replenish his pockets at the expense of a lady's savings almost never resorts to violence or theft.

Their captivating sincerity, gentle look, ability to care and flatter are so comprehensive that numerous victims, without any coercion, draw up powers of attorney for apartments or hand over large sums to their “fans”. Therefore, it is not possible to prove the fact of fraud.

In addition, many ladies prefer to remain silent about such experiences.

More terrible than the loss of property is sometimes the realization of the fact that her trust was taken advantage of without experiencing ardent feelings. By advertising such information, a lady can become a laughingstock in her circle for a long time and give her rival friends a clear advantage in the hidden struggle for the title of the most desirable.

In order not to fall into cunningly set traps, women should carefully look at gentlemen, especially those who are not well known.

Several ways to recognize a marriage scammer

Do not think that a scammer needs special conditions to get to know a potential victim. A fateful meeting can happen anywhere, from a supermarket to a social party.

But most often, an enterprising man is looking for a gullible lady where he is fully able to appreciate her financial capabilities, for example, in popular resorts.

With the growth of opportunities "world wide web" on the Internet, marriage scammers are literally flourishing, using social networks to build trust.

What are the signs of marriage scams that catch your eye?

It is necessary to carefully consider the questions of a new acquaintance and try to get as much information out of him as possible:

  • First of all, you should be wary if an unfamiliar man is carefully interested in the state of financial affairs of a woman who is stranger to him. That is why you should not tell the first person you meet about the presence of movable and immovable property. If the fraudster is already familiar with the size of the desired capital, it is necessary in a conversation, quite by chance, to complain about ruin, large debts, mortgages on an elite apartment, etc. Most often, this acquaintance ends;
  • You can recognize a scammer by how persistently he will ask for a visit. It is advisable not to bring an unverified person into a house where you can profit;
  • Another fact that can bring a liar to clean water is the refusal to provide a phone number or frequent change of numbers, unwillingness to visit public places and constant employment when a woman offers to spend the evening with her friends;
  • Becoming a gigolo is quite difficult if a man is not endowed with an attractive appearance. However, despite the natural beauty and charm, the gentleman diligently hides from the cameras and shows indignation when he learns that the lady managed to secretly capture his beautiful face. By the way, in most cases, the scammer lost his documents or he handed them over, say, to apply for a new passport;
  • Very often, foreigners act as swindlers. Often, having met a Russian woman on a social network, they are so disposed to themselves that the lady is ready for anything, just to keep a real man near her. However, no less often such scams take place in resort countries, where vacationers quickly lose their vigilance under the hot rays of the southern sun.

There are many examples of foreign marriage swindlers, for example, Turks, fooling tourists without feeling the slightest remorse for deceiving women of a foreign nationality and religion.

Marriage swindlers - real stories of famous scammers

Divorce of women for money has been practiced for a long time.

A remarkable example is a story that happened in 1890. Its main protagonist was Alexander Zubkov from the city of Ivanovo, who arrived in Bonn in torn pants.

Thanks to the patronage of a distant relative, Alexander soon met the Dowager Princess Frederica Amalia Wilhelmina Victoria, who by that time was 61 years old.

The 27-year-old rake so turned the head of a lady of refined blood that, despite the scandal in a noble family, she hurried to marry a native of the Russian outback.

The insight came at a cost.

During several months of marriage, the rake lost about 12,000,000 gold marks and ran into debts of 660,000. The impoverished, elderly princess was forced to sell the remaining property and soon died in a suburban hospital. Alphonse himself was declared an unwanted foreigner and expelled from Bonn under the pretext of assault on the messenger.

Someone will decide that the repetition of such a long history in our time is impossible, since women have become much smarter and are unlikely to allow the gentleman to spend his fortune uncontrollably.

Reading time: ~ 6 minutes 20.01.2017 No time to read?

Marriage swindlers- a special type of scammers, which began its existence almost from ancient times. After the advent of the Internet, it became much easier for them to seek out the next " victims", who do not even know about the deception. As a result, girls who dream of a handsome prince are left with nothing.

Recognition of a marriage swindler

Sometimes women experience a lack of attention from the opposite sex, especially when they career progression is on the rise. Then they publish dating ads on the Internet and look for a candidate for the role of husband. Also, this ad can be posted in any marriage agency.

Of course, at the same time, the woman tries to attach those photos in which, in her opinion, she looks best. She wants to show in all its glory how successful her life has been and now all that is missing is a wedding ring on her finger.

Marriage swindlers react most of all to such a demonstration of their financial situation and desire to get married as soon as possible. Like a swarm of insects, they flock to such sweet prey. Their main goal is to completely process the girl, and then hide in an unknown direction.

Getting to know marriage scammers

After publishing your ad on a particular dating site, stay vigilant and keep an eye on how the prospective future "groom" behaves. Photos of scammers are always fuzzy, their faces are almost invisible. They can also simply take someone else's photo.

On their page there is no detailed information about the place of work, residence and educational institution. Even in a personal meeting, it is impossible to talk to him on such topics, the man one way or another will make excuses and take the conversation in a completely different direction.

The real life of a swindler is a secret that they carefully guard, not telling anyone. Their identity is the biggest secret, so they have to invent a fake one. You can independently try to get something out of such a person, at least information about the place where he studied. A scammer will not be able to clearly talk about an institution in which he has never been.

Marriage scam methods

The swindler makes every effort to ensure that the woman of her own free will gives him her money. Such a person tells a pre-prepared legend and, believe me, his imagination can be limitless.

You can make a small list of the most common legends among marriage scammers.

The best friend was put behind bars, and now money is needed to release him or hire a professional lawyer;
- Beloved mother is very sick, there are not enough funds for a quality operation;
- deceived at work, and there is no way to pay off debts;
- you owe a loan, if you do not pay it as soon as possible, you will have to say goodbye to housing and property.

There are many variations of stories, the essence of which is that a man is in distress, which can only be corrected by a large amount of money. There is no one to turn to except for a successful generous woman! After solving the problem, life will instantly improve, and you will be happy together until the very end.

Sometimes scammers put pressure on pity, assuring that it is not possible to collect the amount, none of friends and relatives can help. Only you, a wealthy woman, are the last chance and can help him! As soon as the "deal" is completed, the swindler swears that unforeseen circumstances have occurred, according to which he must leave. In some cases, it even disappears without explanation.

Recognizing marriage scammers is not so difficult. Recognition of a marriage swindler occurs by monitoring his actions and behavior. There are several aspects by which it is not difficult to recognize even the most inveterate fraudster.

You should be wary if a man behaves as follows:

The swindler never gives details about his work and position;
- avoids answering when asked about his place of residence, or answers vaguely;
- does not talk about his past or answers with hackneyed phrases, avoiding specific facts;
- does not post real photos, or posts those in which it is impossible to recognize faces.

All of the above suggests that the person is nothing more than a marriage swindler. At best, just a married man who has fun secretly from his wife. Unfortunately, almost every woman can meet such a person.