Anniversary of a man 50 years old, interesting short scenarios. Scenario for a man's anniversary at home

Everyone knows that the most desired and most interesting anniversary is 50 years. After all, this is a kind of milestone, crossing which a new life begins. Therefore, this date is celebrated widely and on a grand scale. And even if you decide to celebrate this date at home, then you still need to prepare for it. For example, come up with a new funny scenario for a man’s 50th birthday in a home environment, so that it would include competitions and games, with prizes and simply appeal to all the guests. Our authors have prepared a small script that will help you organize your anniversary. Watch it and take advantage of the moments you enjoy most.

When all the guests have sat down at the tables, the celebration can begin. We'll start it off with a chant to immediately lift everyone's spirits.
Everything is simple here: the host reads the first three lines loudly, and the rest of the guests shout the last fourth line in unison:

A game.
Now you can play a little. And we need married couples to play. They will explain themselves without words, only with gestures.
In the first married couple, the husband must explain to his wife with gestures and without words that he wants to clean his gun, and she must give him oil and rags. The game ends when the wife understands what her husband is explaining to her.
In the next couple, the wife explains to her husband that she is going skiing. The game also ends when the husband understands what is being explained to him.
In the third couple, the husband must explain to his wife that he is going fishing for the night.
Then you can come up with other situations. And the couple that was the funniest wins.

Now you can hold a competition in which there will be one winner. The competition is simple, but requires the attention and knowledge of the hero of the day.
For the competition you need to prepare questions about the hero of the day. You need a lot of questions, because the game can drag on. The competition itself is conducted using a question-answer system. That is, the host asks the first guest a question, and he immediately answers it. If he answered correctly, he takes a step forward. If not, then it stands still. Then the question is for the second guest and you also need to give an answer right away. Thus, whoever takes 5 steps forward first wins and receives a prize from the hero of the day.

Lottery from the hero of the day.
Since our birthday boy is a man, then the comic lottery will be for men. But everyone can participate in it, because the prizes will be real. The idea is simple - the presenter reads out the first question of the riddle, and whoever gives the correct answer first wins this prize. To ensure that all guests get the prizes, the one who won does not play anymore. Otherwise, he can answer again and receive the prize.
And here are the questions:

Another interesting competition for tipsy guests. 4 guests are called. We glue signs on their backs with the words: bathhouse, sobering-up center, strip club, bushes. We glue it so that the participants themselves do not see the inscriptions, but all other guests can see them.
Then the facilitator asks all participants the same questions:
- do you go there often?
- do you like it there?
- who do you go there with?
- Which guests would you recommend to go there?
- why do you go there?

Since the participants do not know their inscriptions on the back, it will turn out funny and unexpected. This competition will be remembered for a long time.

Presenter 1
This day brought us together and united us,
The birthday boy eclipsed everyone in the place of honor,
It’s not for nothing that he was rewarded by fate today
This date is what we popularly call golden.

Presenter 2
It is no secret that the years lived by the hero of the day are real wealth, which is calculated not in money, but in good deeds. Therefore, looking at the hero of the occasion, we can safely say that before us is a golden man, and we all love and respect him*.

Presenter 1
Let it be the beginning of the century outside,
We will not change traditions,
For a dear person
Let's sip a glass of wine now.
I invite all guests to fill their glasses!

(Guests fill their glasses.)

Dear hero of the day! Congratulations on your golden anniversary! May the gold be preserved for all the subsequent years of your life, which means that your house will be a full golden cup, success in your work will be the largest nuggets, your health will be as strong as a bar of gold! Let's drink to the hero of the day and his current birthday!

Presenter 2: Dear...!
You were born in late autumn,
When the golden leaf has long since fallen,
White snow surrounded everything in the yard...
From under the snow we give you a leaf.

Let this golden leaf keep your soul warm and fill your life with pleasant memories.

Let us wish, dear guests, as many happy days to our hero of the day as multi-colored leaves cover the earth in golden autumn, and let us fill our glasses for this.
(The guests drink, and the hero of the day is given a maple leaf, decorated with gold gift wrapping, in the center of which is a photo of the family of the hero of the day.)

Presenter 1 Dear guests! Today we would really like the hero of the day to feel like a king on the throne. Therefore, we are happy to present him with a golden crown (they wear it on the hero of the day) and offer to listen to those close to him.

Presenter 2 After all, for a birthday person, a birthday is an annual gift to rejoice in the love and affection that relatives and friends have for him, and for us it is a reason to come to a person, his friends and say what is in our hearts.

Presenter 1 So, hand on heart, find kind words addressed to our hero of the day by deciphering the card you have chosen.


For example: OVD - we adore Valera for a long time. (The phonogram of the song “Golden Heart” performed by S. Rotaru sounds, guests choose cards attached to a soft toy in the shape of a heart, decipher the abbreviation and name what they got.)

Presenter 2: Friends! It seems to me that the birthday boy is very touched by your words and compliments. I think his heart is always open to you. And so that you can be sure of this, I suggest that the hero of the day give each of you the golden keys to his heart, which are in this box.
(The hero of the day distributes the Golden Key iris to all guests. Each candy is numbered according to the number of guests.)

Presenter 1: The meaning here is not so much in the open door, but in the golden human heart. This is exactly the heart of our hero of the day.
(The hero of the day is presented with a soft toy in the shape of a heart made of brocade.)

Presenter 2: Dear guests! Please remember all the numbers associated with the date of birth of our birthday boy.
(The guests call.)

Presenter 1: Pay attention to your golden keys. Those who have the named number on their candies receive memorable prizes. (The presenter shows the card on November 28, 1951) Accordingly, 1, 2, 5, 8, 9 are lucky numbers.
(Prize presentation.)

Presenter 2: Today’s holiday is not easy to conceive. We ask guests to prepare for a toast.
(Fill glasses.)

We propose a toast to the host of our party, for his hospitality! And for his heart made of pure gold of the highest standard!

(The guests drink.)
Presenter 1: Dear hero of the day! It’s a pity that the gold of the parks is not visible in late autumn, But we present you with a golden scattering of gifts.

So that your youth is preserved for a long time,

Drink "Golden Cup" tea in the morning.
(They hand over tea.)

So that you have a happy face,

Get this golden egg as a gift!

(They present a kinder surprise.)
So that troubles avoid your home,

Please accept gold coins from us.
(Chocolate coins in gold foil are presented.)

So as not to put an end to congratulations,

Print out the "Golden Barrel" for everyone today.

(Beer is handed over.)
Presenter 2: Congratulations, we hope to continue. I think everyone is ready to make a toast.

(The presenter gives the guests the floor to congratulate and present gifts.)
Presenter 1: Today, on this anniversary day, the mother of the hero of the day will say golden words about her son... (Congratulations to the mother.)

Presenter 2: My wife and son congratulate my dear and beloved person on his birthday. (Congratulations to the family.)
Presenter 1: Dear hero of the day! Accept congratulations from your closest relatives.

(Seven relatives dress up in gnome costumes. To a light melody, they perform the movements of the “Letka-enka” dance and perform for the guests in age order. The “eldest gnome” himself has in his hands a painted large wrapper of Alpgn Gold chocolate, covered with a gold gift packaging.)

7th gnome: In the thicket of the forest
Kamyshlovsky pine forest
The gnomes lived as a family,
They dug everything indiscriminately.

1st dwarf: They have long been known to everyone.
There are exactly seven of them.

2nd gnome:
(represents the first): The eldest is the wisest gnome,
He cares about
To have tools
The brothers at the right moments.

3rd gnome:
(represents the second): The smaller brother is a serious gnome,
Busy and funny.

4th gnome:
(represents the third): The third gnome is the merry fellow,
He'll make you laugh anyway.

5th gnome:
(represents the fourth): And the fourth is that dreamer,
A finder of various treasures.

6th gnome:
(represents the fifth): The fifth gnome is interesting,
Attractive, pompous.

(represents the sixth):
The sixth gnome is a kind hard worker,
Looking for gold here and there.

1st gnome:
(represents the seventh): So that the seventh without delay

5th gnome: We received your telegram yesterday, we dug 50 deep mines in a day.

7th gnome: How much gold they found, they brought it all with them.

(They show “gold” - a gift the size of half a sheet of Whatman paper in gift wrapping.)

7th gnome: There is a mystery here for the hero of the day.

What's there?.. It's chocolate!

(They take off the gift wrapping, and there is a large wrapper of an Alpen Gold chocolate bar, drawn on whatman paper.)

5th gnome: “Alpen Gold” is its name, This is the effort of our hands.

7th gnome: The hero of the day, look,

There are exactly three fillings here.

(They turn over the wrapper, and on the other side there are three types of chocolate of the same name, envelopes from three families with money.)

5th gnome: Eat with nuts, eat with raisins,

There is also just chocolate.

We hope this

Receive you will Ra

1st family: We hold milk chocolate in our hands,

He will help you achieve success in business.

(They hand over “envelopes.”)

2nd family: We are happy to give you chocolate with raisins,

So that you can always be known for your zest.

(They hand over an “envelope.”)

3rd family: Here's a glazed nut for you,

May you always be strong

And then your nature,

The years will not matter!

(They hand over an “envelope.”)

5th gnome: We invite everyone to pour it so that they can wash their gifts.

(Guests fill their glasses, the “gnomes” join them.)

Presenter 2: Colleagues congratulate the birthday boy on his 50th birthday.

(Congratulations to colleagues.)

Presenter 1: Dear birthday boy! Please accept heartfelt wishes from your close friends.

(Wishes from friends.)

Presenter 2: Dear guests! There is an aphorism: “Gold is tested by fire, a woman by gold, and a man by a woman!” Let's try to verify the truth of this statement.

(The hero of the day and his wife are given envelopes with cards. One of them contains questions, the other contains answers. The wife asks her husband questions using cards, the husband answers her in the same way.)

Golden, will you give me huge bouquets of roses for every holiday?

Darling, will you ever be able to believe that “a wife on the sofa is gold in her pocket?”

Darling, would you like to become a gold miner in the future?

When buying a gold ring, can you decide to give it to the first person you meet?

I secretly dream about this.

You can't figure it out without a bottle.

This can only happen in a dream.

Easily! But then blame yourself...

Presenter 1: Thank you! May God grant that your family always has answers to all questions, and that gold is not a stumbling block.
Presenter 2: Friends! Each of us at least once in our lives dreamed of catching a goldfish so that it would fulfill three cherished wishes. And now I offer you this unique opportunity. (The presenter goes around the guests with a bag containing fish cut out of cardboard. One of them is gold, and offers to choose any one without looking into the bag. The owner of the “golden fish” has the right to voice his three wishes, choosing them from among the cards offered by the presenter But before that, he names any “performer” among the guests.)

I want a toast to be made in honor of the hero of the day, in which the word “anniversary” would appear three times.

I want any item on the table to be presented to the birthday person as a memorable gift with meaning.

I want your neighbors to the right and left to recite a children's poem in unison.

I want you to shake hands with the hero of the day and jump on one leg to your place.

I want you to sing the tune of a familiar song to your guests and have them guess its name.

(Rewarding the “fulfillers” of wishes.)

For all the golden words,

Which were voiced today!

They are the soul of each of us

They were full of themselves.

Let's drink to that too

That the hero of the day brought us together.

During the period of life that we call

We are the golden mean.

(The guests drink.)
(Music. Dancing.)

But do you know how to celebrate a man’s 50th birthday without a toastmaster at home? If not, then come to us soon! We have ideas for a man’s 50th anniversary, and you can celebrate it yourself, without the help of a toastmaster or another host. For you there are games and competitions, an entertainment program and surprises for guests and the hero of the day.

And so, let's start our holiday. First there will be a gorgeous, touching ceremony. But for it to happen, you need to prepare for it. More precisely, you need to make a video from photographs of the hero of the day. The video will start with the very first photos when he was born and end with the last photos that were taken. But we should start with sounds. First, the baby is heard crying, and then the doctor’s voice says – congratulations, you are having a boy!
And then a video played on the screen accompanied by beautiful music. You can sign photos with witty phrases, or you can leave everything as is.

When the video has passed, one of the guests introduces the hero of the day. The hero of the day stands up and everyone applauds him.

That's it, you can move on to the entertainment part. First you need to say a toast in honor of the hero of the day. For example, here's a toast:
At the celebration of Winston Churchill, when he was congratulated on his eightieth birthday. One photo reporter asked him:
- Mr. Churchill! I hope that on the occasion of your centenary I will also be invited as your photographer?
To which Churchill replied:
- in this case, you will have to carefully take care of your health over the next twenty years!
Each of the guests present here is ready to take care of their health for another fifty years in order to attend your centenary! In the meantime, let's raise our glasses and drink to half of that - fifty years!

After the toasts, you can entertain the guests. Or rather, you can hold a small auction and sell some of the hero’s things. For example, his photograph. You will need a box, maybe black, like in the program: What? Where? When? You put a photo of the hero of the day in this box, and the box is taken out into the hall to the accompaniment of mysterious music. One of the guests is leading the auction. He describes the lot:
- in the black box there is a thing that will constantly remind you of the hero of the day. This thing is unique, you can take it with you wherever you want. You can put it on the table at home or hang it on the wall. You can put this item in your wallet. The starting price per lot is 10 rubles!
And the guests begin to bargain. Whoever gives the highest price wins the auction. He is given a black box. He opens it and shows what he bought - a photograph of the hero of the day!

Next we play a funny game. To play the game you need to prepare cards on which poems will be written. Place the cards on a tray so that the text is not visible. Guests take turns choosing any card and reading the text. Examples of cards:

I'll tell you a secret,
I love getting drunk!
That's why I came here
To lie under the table!

I'll tell you everything without concealing it,
I have no secrets!
I just don't sleep at night
I love to eat at night!

I'll tell you a secret,
I love Alla Pugacheva!
So I’ll come to Galkin,
I’ll tell him everything to his face!

I'll tell you a secret,
I'll fly to the south!
I'll bring you gifts,
I will give magnets to everyone!

I'll tell you everything without concealing it,
I have an idea!
I know how to get rich
So as not to work, not to sweat!

I'll tell you a secret,
I don't watch TV.
I don't have a TV.
Don't give it to me, will you?

I'll tell you a secret,
I really love to eat!
Day and night I eat everything,
I have no problems in life!

Every person has his own dream. Let's play a funny game and find out what your guests need to be happy. Each guest says the phrase: to be happy I need..., and then takes out one card and finishes his sentence.
Examples of endings for the game: to be happy I need...
- don't forget to shave in the morning.
- see Brad Pitt without a shirt.
- drink one hundred grams.
- buy two things for the price of one.
- don’t forget your credit card PIN code.
- drink coffee in the morning.
- a fairy-tale prince.
- a liter of vodka.
- sun, sand and sea.
- not falling asleep before your favorite series ends.
- to be always and everywhere.
- keep abreast of all events in the world.
- to be loved.
- have time to get to the store before 22.

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When drawing up a script for celebrating the 50th anniversary, it is important to pay attention to the man as much attention and love as possible, remember his successes and merits, take some stock of the achievements that he managed to accomplish by this beautiful date.

The anniversary celebration script should reflect that 50 years- a respectable age, but a man should still have enough time for himself, for his family, and for entertainment.

It is necessary to take into account the following points of the festive evening:

- what room has been chosen for the celebration (whether it will be an apartment, a rented cafe or some other place);

What amount is allocated for the holiday;

How many guests will there be (you should call everyone to find out the exact number);

Room decoration;

Entertainment (you need to allocate a certain amount for prizes in competitions and souvenirs).

You shouldn’t reduce your anniversary preparations to just a hearty meal. Fairly overfed guests who have forgotten about the reason for which they came, a mountain of dirty dishes, a hostess who is tired to the point of fainting - you don’t want the holiday to go this way.

When preparing for an event, try to create a program so that a cheerful atmosphere reigns at the festive table and none of the guests gets bored. You should start by inviting guests. Instead of phone calls, you can send invitation cards to your guests indicating the exact time when you will expect them to celebrate their anniversary.

Anniversary scenario you need to prepare it taking into account the age of the birthday person - at 50 years old, a man should have a magnificent celebration. Decorate your apartment with balloons and ShDM crafts, flowers, posters. You can design a newspaper with photographs showing the hero of the day at different periods of his life. Guests who cross the threshold of the house should immediately feel the festive atmosphere.

Only assign one of your friends the role of presenter if you are sure that he is best suited for this role. According to tradition, the host gives the right to say the first congratulations to the parents of the hero of the day or his other loved ones.

You can please the hero of the day with an original and unusual congratulation by including an unusual auction in the anniversary script - let everyone say a kind word, which at 50 years old is most suitable for a man and characterizes him. Whoever names the last one will receive some kind of prize. For example, it could be an item that once belonged (this fact does not have to be true) to the hero of the day.

All guests usually participate in such an auction, and it is very lively. When familiar words are exhausted, participants begin to compete in ingenuity, coming up with unusual definitions. The main thing is that they are all pleasant for the hero of the occasion. The winner can be awarded a medal called “The Most Eloquent Guest,” after which the host will offer to raise a glass to such a wonderful hero of the day.

Further, developing the scenario for celebrating the anniversary is no longer so difficult; the man will be pleased with congratulations in various forms. For example, the host can offer the guests another draw, this time a quiz, which should reveal who knows the hero of the day best. The guest who answers the question correctly receives a token (or regular candy). The one who collects the most tokens receives the “Most Inquisitive Guest” medal and a photograph of the hero of the day with his autograph. On behalf of all the guests, the host wishes the birthday boy a long and happy life.

So, we present to your attention a birthday scenario for a man’s 50th anniversary:


An anniversary is considered to require a special approach and “scope”. Therefore, the approach of a round date is often exciting, because not everyone knows how to spend the holiday, what script for the 55th anniversary to write so that a man will like it. Where to hold the anniversary, how to organize it, who to invite, is there a need to invite a host... Well, let's try to answer these questions.

Holiday planning: where to start

When drawing up a scenario for an anniversary, try to take into account which place is best suited to celebrate 55 years, where a man will like it the most. Collect information about establishments, and then correlate it with your financial capabilities.

Decide how many people you want to invite and who exactly. The cost of the holiday will depend on this. Check to see if everyone invited will be able to come. Consider whether to bring in a videographer or photographer. This tradition is usually observed at weddings, but why is your celebration worse? If you want the scenario of the 55th anniversary, like this day itself, to be remembered by a man, think about this issue in advance, because the queues are usually long.

It is important to think about your outfit. Perhaps the scenario of competitions and other festive events for the anniversary will be themed, and the man will want to throw a “pirate party” or something else. In this case, be sure to notify your guests in advance so that they take care of their costumes. Don't forget about personal invitations for each guest. It is best to present them in person, but if this is not possible, call to make sure that the invitation has been received.

Celebration: ideas

Since guests of different sexes will be present at the celebration, the scenario for the 55th anniversary should be focused not on whether a man or a woman is honored, but on the age category and tastes of the invited people. All people are different, and your friends and relatives aged 55-60 can be either quiet and highly cultured or cheerful and perky.

It’s better, of course, to order a toastmaster. The host will be able to organize the celebration, and the hero of the day, together with the guests, will enjoy the evening and relax, and not run around and fuss, organizing music, games and competitions. By the way, it’s also worth choosing music in advance. Give it to the presenter. It is also worth discussing games, entertainment and competitions with him. Tell us which ones you would like to host, ask what the toastmaster himself can offer. Good presenters usually have a good supply of competitions. Try to organize the holiday so that guests have the opportunity to eat, and so that they do not have to constantly jump up from their seats to take part in the next quiz.

Try to choose competitions that will help unite all the guests, especially if not everyone knows each other. You can, for example, offer the following competition: an odd number of guests dance one at a time, after which the music is changed to slow, and each participant must quickly find a partner for a slow dance. After that, everyone draws tickets from the basket. Whoever pulls out the word “prize” (there should be two of these tickets) is eliminated from the game with a consolation prize. The game lasts until the last couple, who receives the main prizes. By the way, you can make prizes yourself; these can be certificates or medals. Or you can give tokens for each competition, and at the end of the holiday, determine three winners. Don't forget to warn guests about this system in advance.

An interesting scenario for a man’s 55th birthday:


As a rule, an anniversary is a big, large-scale celebration with a large number of guests. Some of the guests have not seen the other for a long time, and some do not know each other at all. So, cool anniversary scenarios in this situation will help improve communication.

We will present several competitions that will help you celebrate your anniversary:

The competition is suitable for fairly mobile people, couples participate. Each pair is given two push pins and two balloons. The button (with the needle facing out, of course) is attached to the forehead, and the ball is clamped between the legs. The goal is to puncture your opponent's ball while keeping your own. But be careful, this competition is only suitable for fairly sober company.

Guess the word.
Cool anniversary scenarios are not complete without this simple but fun competition. Words are selected in advance, each letter is printed large on A4 sheet. It’s good if the words consist of the same number of letters (for example, each word has five letters). Then you will need two teams of five people. Each team member is given the letter of the same word, after which they must guess it, stand to form it, and shout out the word in unison. Both teams are given the same words, so it is important not to shout out the word too early.

Chupa Chups.
Any number of people can take part, see for yourself. Each participant needs one chair, the chairs are placed in a row. The presenter, unnoticed by the participants (they must turn their backs), places several lollipops on each chair. After that, sitting down on a chair, participants must determine how many candies are on their chairs. The concentrated faces of the participants fidgeting in their chairs will certainly amuse all the guests.

Entertainment: ideas

Cool anniversary scenarios differ from simple holiday scenarios in that they definitely cannot do without special congratulations. For example, the presenter can offer congratulations in alphabetical order. Since the guests are creative and smart, they should know the alphabet! The first guest says a congratulation that begins with the letter “a”, the second begins his words with the letter “b” and so on. The funniest thing begins when the guests begin to reach the “difficult” letters.

You can arrange a competition for several couples, each pair consisting of guests of a different gender. A woman has a huge wallet tied to her belt, and a man a banknote. Participants must place the bill in their wallet without using their hands.

Another competition. The host lines up the guests in two lines, each line is a team (man - woman - man - woman). The first participant of each team receives an empty plastic bottle, which is placed under the arm (preferably the left one - it’s more difficult), like a thermometer. The team’s task is to hand over this “thermometer” as quickly as possible without touching it with their hands.

Anniversary entertainment at the table

Table games should be relaxing and fun, so that guests take a break from active competitions. Each of the guests must name two parts of the body of the neighbor on the right: “favorite” and “unloved.” For example, “I love his ear and don’t like his chin.” As soon as each guest completes this simple task, the host will ask them to kiss what they “love” and bite the place they “don’t like.”

There is another simple and cute game. When the guests are sitting at the table, give one of them a large and long sheet of paper, and then ask them to draw the head of the hero of the day (preferably so that the neighbors do not peep). The sheet is folded and passed to the next guest, who draws the chest of the hero of the day. Next are the arms, then the stomach, thighs and legs. The finished portrait turns out funnier and better than any caricature, and it is presented to the hero of the occasion. Video: an option for organizing a festive event on an anniversary birthday:

Nowadays, the services of even the cheapest toastmaster are oh so expensive! But you still need to treat the guests with something, and take some people home. And you will have to spend money on all this. With such expenses, how can you make your anniversary budget not huge, but so that everyone enjoys everything? The answer is simple - you have to do everything yourself. No costs for toastmaster. Well, really, why not invite the toastmaster and at the same time seat guests at empty tables? Therefore, the only option here is to exclude the presenter. And you definitely have a couple of friends in your campaign who are great at playing the role of ringleaders. We offer you a detailed description of how to celebrate a man’s 50th birthday without a toastmaster and at home. And now you can treat your guests to delicious food, and your entertainment program will be simply magnificent!

At the very beginning of the holiday, when guests come to you, you invite them to take a lottery number. They must save it until you call them. When all the guests have gathered, the celebration begins.

The first thing you can do is to show on the screen photographs of the hero of the day, from birth to the present day. Each photo can be accompanied by a cool comment and explanation. After all, many of your friends don’t know you when you were little, and they will be interested in finding out everything.
When the photographs are over, the hero of the day addresses the guests:
Dear guests! You have now watched 50 episodes from my life. Some of you yourself participated in each episode, some joined during the film, and some appeared and disappeared. But I am very pleased that today here and now you are all present at the beginning of the new 51st episode of my life. And I'd like to drink to it!
Everyone raises their glasses and drinks to a new episode from the life of the hero of the day.

The holiday is taking its course, and now it’s time for the lottery tickets that the guests took at the very beginning. The hero of the day invites everyone to open their tickets and look at the number. And he says:
Friends! You are all very dear to me, so I decided that let fate itself decide which of you will congratulate me and in what order! And so, whoever has number one congratulates me first!

Guest number one comes up and congratulates the hero of the day. After which the hero of the day says:
You know, today is my happiest day - my birthday! and since childhood I knew that you can make a wish on your birthday and it will definitely come true! Therefore, I made exactly as many wishes as the number of guests who came to me. And each of you, according to your numbers, will fulfill one or another of my wishes!
And the wishes are the simplest:
- Sing a song;
- tell an incident from the life of the hero of the day and this guest;
- dance;
- remember how you met;
And so on. That is, first a person comes up and congratulates, and then fulfills a wish that corresponds to his lottery ticket number. Therefore, the hero of the day needs to come up with his wishes in advance and write them on a piece of paper under the numbers.
This is such a humorous but touching game block. It will help to spend an unusual hour, or even more, in the company of beautiful congratulations and touching memories.

What else can you please your guests with? Auction game! Let your guests “fight” for your prizes. You are 50 years old and you have decided to go traveling. And you only need the smallest thing - money for travel! And so you decided to sell off some of your things. But in order to be bought, you need to describe them vividly and unusually. For example:
Lot number 1.
Lot number one is a symbol of family peace and happiness of this family. While this item was not there, quarrels often occurred in the family. And when he appeared, there were no more quarrels.
And the guests begin to place bets to buy this miracle item for themselves. And this miracle object turns out to be a TV remote control (you must admit, when you have a remote control, you don’t need to quarrel over who will go change the channel. Which means the family will be happy)! And so that it is dear to the one who bought it, let the hero of the day sign it.

Lot number 2.
Our hero of the day is a real man. This is not even discussed. But it was very difficult to get up in the morning, until a miracle pathogen appeared in this family! Thanks to him, the hero of the day gets up cheerful and very excited!
And this miracle object is coffee or an alarm clock, who likes what more. And also don't forget to sign your gift.

Lot number 3.
And this item is always with our hero of the day. They have been together for so many years that they can no longer remember their first meeting. He parts with this item only at night and when he leaves the house. But at home he always has it with him, because it is a very useful and necessary item!
And these are house slippers!

If you have something else to sell, then sell it. Just also describe them in an original way.

And those. Who failed to win the auction. Let them not be upset. You can give them something. For example, someone who always likes to look like a plus and also likes to drink can be given a triple cologne.
Who often comes to visit the hero of the day to sit over a bottle of wine - a faceted glass with the inscription “pour”!
If there are men for anniversaries. Those who are 50 years old are given a pineapple as a gift. But with the words - at 45, grandma is a berry again. And a 50-year-old man is still fruit! Therefore, the gift is pineapple!
If there are those who are not very happy in life, for example, divorced, then a star is a gift for them. With the words - let it bring you happiness!
And so on, choose gifts for your guests, taking into account their character.

Also, on an anniversary it is simply necessary to dance and sing. And this can all be done in the form of competitions! For example, a competition of ditties. Aren't there a couple of your friends who know ditties? Of course there is! And then others will pick it up.
If someone sings great, you can ask him to perform several songs for all the guests. Does anyone play the saxophone? Great, this is just an awesome dance and gift!
The main thing here is to remember what your friends can do. And then it will only benefit you, and everyone will take an active part in your holiday.

And you can end your evening with a touching moment of memory. The hero of the day addresses each guest in turn and asks them to stand. At the same time, he tells a little about each guest: where you met, what good things you had, how fate brought you together, and so on. And when all the guests are standing, you offer a drink to all of you, the friendly team!