Knit Baba Yaga with knitting needles. Baba Yaga do-it-yourself (sewing). For knitting dolls we need

Doll height - 28 cm


Print or translate the pattern and cut out the details.

Fold the fabric for the body in half and lay out the patterns along the shared thread, circle them along the contour.

Add 5 mm for allowances and you can cut out the details. But it is more convenient to stitch first, and only then cut it out. At the same time, do not forget to leave open places for turning parts and stuffing.

Fill in the body parts with filler. The stuffing of parts should be very dense and uniform, without tubercles. Stuff the top of the arms and legs a little weaker, as well as the bottom of the torso. Thanks to this, in the future it will be convenient for them to sew parts to each other.

Sew the filler-filled head to the neck with a blind seam. Before that, you can slightly drop Moment glue so that the head does not “fidget” on the neck when sewing.

Insert the legs into the bottom of the body, the edge of which is folded inward. Sew with a hidden seam.

Do not fix the handles on the body yet, as the doll needs to be partially dressed.

The shirt of this Grandmother-Ezhka is not removable. Cut a rectangle out of the fabric, fold in half and sew a vertical seam, it will be on the back. Work the top and bottom.

Put this "cylinder" on the doll, pull the top edge off the neck.

Cut out the sleeves by attaching the handles to the fabric and circling along the contour. Stitch the blanks, turn them out, put them on the handles.

Sew the sleeves together with the handles to the body using a button-and-thread method. That is, go through the body with a long needle and thread through the body and fasten it with buttons on both sides.

Sew Baba Yaga pantaloons. To do this, cut a rectangle (pipe) from an ordinary white sock and make an incision for the legs.

Decorate the bottom of the pantaloons with lace and stitch the crotch seam.

Pull off the top with a satin ribbon or insert a hat elastic.

Sew a skirt from a rectangular piece of fabric, pull off the top with an elastic band. Decorate the hem with lace or braid, you can make a torn edge, sew on patches.

Baba Yaga must have an apron, its appearance also depends on your imagination.

Put socks on the doll. They can be sewn from the rest of the same white sock from which the pantaloons were sewn.

Crochet bast shoes For their manufacture, jute twine is used.

Dial a chain of 3-4 air loops. Connect the first to the last. Knit in a circle for four rows, making a small allowance.

Having connected round the toe part, make a turn loop. Knit the insole from 3-4 flat rows. Then make a few air loops and connect to the opposite side of the insole. Knit in a circle, decreasing. Thus, close the heel.

Leave a long tail for tying bast shoes on the leg.

Baba Yaga is dressed, now you can do her hair. In this master class, wool was used for felting. You can use threads, goat curls or ready-made doll wefts.

Cut a piece of the desired length from the wool, mark the middle. Lay a seam along it, placing thin paper, such as toilet paper, under the bottom. This seam will imitate a parting on the head.

Then tear off the paper, glue the hair in the center.

Braid pigtails or make a messy hairstyle - it depends on the image of the Baba Yaga you are creating.

Decorate the doll's face. Eyes can be used ready-made, or drawn or embroidered. Also draw the eyebrows and lips. You can slightly blush your cheeks.

Tie a scarf over your head so that the knot is in front.

If desired, Ezhka can wear a vest, hang beads around his neck.

The panicle is made of ordinary thin twigs wrapped with twine around a sushi stick.

In this master class, the fairy-tale heroine was given a broom in one hand, and a bag with the inscription "Luck" in the other.

Baba Yaga is an old evil witch who lives in a deep forest in a hut on chicken legs, flies in a mortar, chasing her with a pestle and covering her trail with a broom. He likes to feast on human flesh - small children and good fellows. However, in some fairy tales, Baba Yaga is not at all evil: she helps the good fellow by giving him something magical or showing the way to him.

Here is such a controversial old woman. On the question of how Baba Yaga got into Russian fairy tales, and why she is called that, researchers have not yet come to a common opinion. We will introduce you to the most popular versions.

According to one of them, Baba Yaga is a guide to the other world - the world of ancestors. She lives somewhere on the border of the worlds of the living and the dead, somewhere in the "far away kingdom." And the famous hut on chicken legs is, as it were, a gateway to this world; therefore it is impossible to enter it until it turns its back to the forest. Yes, and Baba Yaga herself is a living dead. The following details speak in favor of this hypothesis. Firstly, her dwelling is a hut on chicken legs. Why exactly on legs, and even “chicken ones”? It is believed that “chicken” is a “chicken” modified over time, that is, fumigated with smoke. The ancient Slavs had such a custom of burying the dead: a “death hut” was placed on pillars fumigated with smoke, in which the ashes of the deceased were placed. Such a funeral rite existed among the ancient Slavs in the 6th-9th centuries. Perhaps the hut on chicken legs points to another custom of the ancients - to bury the dead in domovins - special houses placed on high stumps. In such stumps, the roots come out and are really somewhat similar to chicken legs.

Yarn - "Pekhorka" acrylic.
A small number of yarn colors: red, flesh, blue, light gray, light brown, yellow, black, purple, green, orange, blue, dark gray, burgundy.
Swamp - about 20 gr.
Dark brown - about 30-40 gr.
A used ballpoint pen refill or whatever is handy for a broom handle.
2 black beads for the eyes with a diameter of 0.5 cm.
Hook for knitting No. 1.

ss - connecting column
vp - air loop
sc - single crochet
pssn - half-column with a crochet
ssn - double crochet
increase - 2 sc in one loop
decrease - 2 sc together

Head (flesh)
Knit in a spiral.

2 row: increase 6 times (12)

6-12 rows: 30 sc
13 row: (3sc, decrease) - 6 times (24)
14 row: (2 sc, decrease) - 6 times (18)
15 row: (1 sc, decrease) - 6 times (12). Fill with filler
16 row: 6 decreases (6)

Nose (bodily)
Knit in a spiral.
1 row: 6 sc in the amigurumi ring (6)
2 row: increase 6 times (12)
3-5 rows: 12 sc
6 row: 4 sl-st, 8 sbn (12)
7 row: 4 sl-st, 3 prs, decrease, 3 prs (11)
8 row: 4 sl-st, 2 prs, decrease, 2 prs, 1 sl-st (10)

Fill with filler.

Chin (flesh)
Oval knit in a spiral.
1 row: ch 3, from the 2nd from the hook we knit - 1 sc, 3 sc in one loop, 2 sc in one loop (6)
2 row: 2 sc, 3 sc in one loop, 2 sc, 3 sc in one loop (10)
3 row: 4 sc, 3 sc in one loop, 4 sc, 3 sc in one loop (14)
4-5 rows: sc in a circle (14)
Fasten the thread, cut, leaving the end for sewing.

Torso (marsh color)
Knit in a spiral.
1 row: 6 sc in the amigurumi ring (6)
2 row: 6 increments (12)
3 row: (1 sbn, increase) - 6 times (18)
4 row: (2 sc, increase) - 6 times (24)
5 row: (3 sc, increase) - 6 times (30)

7-13 rows: sc in a circle (36)
14 row: (4 sc, decrease) - 6 times (30)
15 row: knit for the back half-loop (4 sc, increase) - 6 times (36)
16-20 rows: sc in a circle (36)
21 row: (4 sc, decrease) - 6 times (30)
22 row: (3 sc, decrease) - 6 times (24)
23 row: (2 sc, decrease) - 6 times (18)
24 row: (1 sc, decrease) - 6 times (12). Fill with filler.
25 row: 6 decreases (6)
Pull the hole, fasten the thread, cut and hide
The first rows of knitting are the top (headstock hump).

Skirt (marsh color)
Closed rows in a circle.
We knit on the front half loops:
1 row: 1 ch for lifting, (2 sc, increase) - 10 times, 1 sl-st in the first sc (40)
2-8 rows: ch 2 to lift, 40 dc, 1 dc in the first dc.
9 row: ch 1 for lifting, 40 sc, 1sl-st in the first sc.

Legs (colours: yellow and flesh)
2 pieces knit in a spiral.
Yellow color.
1 row: 8 ch, from the 2nd from the hook we knit - 6 sc, 3 sc in one loop, 5 sc, 2 sc in one loop (16)
2 row: increase, 5 sbn, 3 increase, 5 sbn, 2 increase (22)
3 row: 2 sbn, increase, 4 sbn, increase, 5 sbn, increase, 4 sbn, increase, 3 sbn (26)
4 row: knit behind the back wall of the loop (26)
5 row: sc in a circle (26)
6 row: 7 sc, decrease, 1 sc, decrease, 1 sc, decrease, 1 sc, decrease, 8 sc (22). You can insert ovals made of thick cardboard or plastic for stability.
7 row: 7 sc, 4 decreases, 8 sc (18)
8 row: change the color to flesh - 5 sc, 3 decrease, 7 sc (15)
9-17 rows: sc in a circle (15)

Stuff the details.

Hands (colors: blue and flesh)
2 pieces knit in a spiral.
The right one is blue.
1 row: 6 sc in the amigurumi ring (6)
2 row: 6 increments (12)
3-6 rows: sc in a circle (12)
Change the color to flesh. Detail to fill in the course of work.
7 row: behind the back half loop (12)
8 row: we knit for 2 half loops (12) and continue like this until the end.
9 row: 4 sl-st, 8 sbn (12)
10 row: 4 sl-st, 8 sbn (12)
11 row: 4 sl-st, 3 sb, decrease, 3 sb (11)
12 row: 6 sc, decrease, 3 sc (10)
13 row: 6 sc, decrease, 2 sc (9)
14-15 rows: sc in a circle (9)
16 row: increase, 3 sb, increase, 4 sb (11)
17 row: 2 sbn, we knit a finger (4 ch, in the second from the hook 1 sbn, then 1 psn,
1 dc), then we knit 9 sbn (11)
18-19 rows: 11 sc - make sure that the finger remains outside.
20 row: decrease, 4 sbn, decrease, 3 sbn (9). Decreases should be on the edges of the palm
21 row: sc in a circle (9)
22 row: (1 sbn, decrease) - 3 times (6)
Fasten the thread, and leave the end for the coupling of the fingertip and the edge of the palm.

Left hand.
Knit like a right hand, 1-16 rows.
17 row: 6 sc, finger (as on the right hand), 5 sc (11)
18-19 rows: sc in a circle (11)
20 row: 1 sc, decrease, 4 sc, decrease, 2 sc (9)
21-22 rows knit, as on the right hand, and leave the thread in the same way.
On the front half loops in blue, knit:
1 row: (1 sc, increase) - 6 times (18)
2-3 rows: sc in a circle (18)
Fasten the thread, cut, hide.

Scarf (red)
Knit in a spiral.
1 row: 6 sc in the amigurumi ring (6)
2 row: 6 increments (12)
3 row: (1 sbn, increase) - 6 times (18)
4 row: (2 sc, increase) - 6 times (24)
5 row: (3 sc, increase) - 6 times (30)
6-11 rows: sc in a circle (30)
Fasten the thread, leave the end for sewing, cut.

Bow for scarf (red)
1 row: 10 ch, from the second from the hook we knit - 8 sbn, 3 sbn in one loop, 7 sbn, 2 sbn in one loop.
2 row: 1 increase, 7 sbn, (increase) - 3 times, 7 sbn, (increase) 2 times, ss.
Fasten the thread, cut and hide.

Apron (blue)
Straight and reverse rows, i.e. back and forth.
Cast on 17 ch and knit from the 2nd loop from the hook:
1 row: 16 sc, knitting turn.
2-17 rows: ch for lifting, 16 sbn, knitting turn.
18 row: ch for lifting, 1 sb, 1 decrease, 4 sb, 1 decrease, 4 sb, 1 decrease, 1 sb (13)
Fasten the thread, leave the end for sewing and cut.
Addition: with the same color, tie a chain of 100 ch.
Sew the apron to the chain of 100 loops, matching their middle loops. Tie the edges of the apron with one row of sbn, knitting 3 sbn in one loop in the corners so that the corners lie flat. The apron can be ironed.

4 parts of different colors (purple, orange, green, blue).
Knit in straight reverse rows.
6 ch, knit from the 2nd loop from the hook:
1 row: 5 sc, knitting turn.
2-4 rows: ch for lifting, 5 sbn, knitting turn.
Fasten the thread, cut.
Sew 2 patches randomly to the apron with black thread with a seam “over the edge”.
And sew 2 patches to the dress of Baba Yaga: on the hump and the hem of the skirt at the back.

Bag (burgundy color)
Straight lines and back rows.
Cast on 11 ch and knit from the 2nd loop from the hook.
1 row: 10 sc, knitting turn.
2-17 rows: ch for lifting, 10 sc, knitting turn.
Fasten the thread, cut
Fold the rectangle in half and sew the side edges. Next, knit a chain of 45 loops and sew the ends to the bag.

Broom handle (light brown)
Cast on ch 31 and work from 2nd st from hook.
1 row: 30 sc, knitting turn.
2-4 rows: ch for lifting, 30 sc, knitting turn.
Fasten the thread, cut, leaving the end for assembly.

Stupa (dark brown)
Knit with a thread in 2 additions in a spiral!
1 row: 6 sc in the amigurumi ring (6)
2 row: 6 increments (12)
3 row: (1 sbn, increase) - 6 times (18)
4 row: (2sc, increase) - 6 times (24)
5 row: (3 sc, increase) - 6 times (30)
6 row: (4 sc, increase) - 6 times (36)
7 row: (5 sc, increase) - 6 times (42)
8 row: knit behind the back wall 42sc
9-23 rows: sc in a circle (42)
24 row: (6 sc, increase) - 6 times (48)
1 ss, fasten the thread, cut and hide.
Sew rows 7 and 9 through so that you get a fold outward.

Assembling and decorating toys
Assembling the face: sew the detail of the chin and nose to the head, make eyelets (the needle should go out in the chin area - this is how we get an senile facial expression),
sew on beads, embroider warts, eyebrows and mouth with one stroke.
Assembling the scarf: we make a fold on the scarf, fasten it with a few stitches - this is the front of the scarf. Drag the oval with several turns of thread of the same color and sew to the front of the scarf.

Hair: put a scarf on your head and mark the border of the hair with pins. Remove the scarf, and begin to fasten the pre-cut light gray hair in 2 rows. Hair length is up to you. After that, put a scarf on your head and sew.

Oddly enough, but such a colorful image as Baba Yaga is not in demand among our needlewomen. I managed to find only two master classes. These are the works of Galina Astashova and Marina Borisova.

How to tie Baba Yaga: ready-made master classes

If you want to knit Baba Yaga according to the master class of Marina Borisova, then go to her website - MK is freely available: Baba Yaga. Master class by Marina Borisova

Her grandmother-hedgehog is often used to illustrate knitted fairy tales. For example, I came across such a composition based on the master classes of Marina Borisova.

You can come up with your own, good fairy tales, in which Baba Yaga is not complete, there are many and it is not difficult to come up with your own composition. The idea will be prompted by the pictures that I specially selected for this purpose. So we read the post to the end.

I don’t know where Galina Astashova drew inspiration when creating her Baba Yaga, but her old woman turned out to be the most colorful:

“What a charm, it's just a dream, super, wonderful image, the beauty of a grandmother ...” - the needlewomen do not skimp on praise. And there is something to praise, something to admire - the work is really wonderful.

A master class on knitting this Baba Yaga can be buy at the Fair of Masters or at Ami.Guru's handicraft store. I could not get past such a wonderful grandmother and bought this MK. True, I do not know when the hands will reach to tie her. But other craftswomen do not swing for so long and you can see a lot of successful work on the Internet.

Aren't you going to knit Grandma-hedgehog? According to the finished mk or dare to come up with your own? If you decide to dream up, then my selection of pictures about Grandma the Hedgehog will surely come in handy.

If you do not want to knit Baba Yaga according to ready-made master classes, you can try to come up with your own toy. I looked for suitable pictures, I think they will help you create an interesting image.

The best Baba Yaga performed by Georgy Millyar.

“The director reviewed many actresses for the role of Baba Yaga, including the great Faina Ranevskaya. But even she could not "get to the point." And then Rowe decided to try Millyar, with whom he had already worked on the film "By Pike" (in it, Millyar brilliantly played King Peas). Georgy Frantsevich himself came up with an unusual make-up and costume - a pile of rags. He took his character from ... a neighbor in a communal apartment, an absurd and always dissatisfied old woman. Add a hump, unkempt hair, an old man's rattling voice, turning from a screech to a guttural grunt, and here she is, the anti-sex symbol of the Soviet Union, a terrible and attractive fairy-tale witch, at the sight of which the kids in the film studio ran away with tears in different directions. Hollywood is resting."

And I like this Baba Yaga the most. The expression is - well, Che priperlis? Do you need a FAQ? Although it looks quite peaceful.

She's also a pretty old lady. Dreamer... Probably a romantic at heart...

But this grandmother is very quarrelsome, such a one can definitely embed, and put in the oven.

Pay attention to what the old woman eats - fly agaric, red pepper. In general, she is clean. Although the skirt is in patches, but the apron is clean, the kerchief on the head, and the shoes. Very nice old lady and not scary at all.

Our colleague 🙂 Hedgehog grandmother is a needlewoman.

Here the grandmother looks more like a pensioner, but the cat is simply gorgeous. I wonder what he saw there?

I still like this old woman. Such, with a little hello, city crazy 🙂

Well, did you have any ideas or do you still need to think? Maybe watch cartoons?

If you had to write an essay on the topic “The Image of Baba Yaga in Russian Folk Tales”, then what conclusion would you come to in the end: who is she - this very Yaga? What is she - evil or just pretending?

Let's take a look at the dictionary first:

In folk tales: an ugly old sorceress moving in a mortar and sweeping her trail with a broom (the mistress of the forest, the mistress of its inhabitants, the prophetic old woman, the guardian of the entrance to the kingdom of Death, living in a dense forest in a hut on chicken legs).

And now let's watch cartoons and read fairy tales in order to have our own idea about this character.

I managed to find such cartoons, they are available on my blog under the Baba Yaga tag. If there is no cartoon, then look on YouTube, there probably is. There are only screenshots here, I didn’t post the video itself on this blog, because you can’t follow everyone, and I don’t want to have broken links.

Poems and ditties about Baba Yaga

Edward Uspensky

About Baba Yaga
They say very stupid things.
bone leg,
Panicle and mortar.
And crooked hands
And straight teeth
And the nose is very long
And crocheted.

I am the shape
I'll break it down quickly
Please take a look
To my pure soul.
And there you will open such distances,
Which never and nowhere
Didn't see it.

I'm kind in my heart
Good, fair...
Not so much
But still beautiful.
And in each I only
I see good
I even goat
I don't hate it in my heart.

But if inside I'm kind
And beautiful
That from above, outside,
Cunning and dangerous.
I am in the life of any of you
I will overcome
And then I'll kill...
But I'm sorry in my heart...

Stretch the fur, harmonica,
Eh, play-play,
Sing ditties, grandmother Yozhka,
Sing, don't talk.

I was tipsy
And flew on a broom
Even though I don't believe myself
in these superstitions.

Walked along the forest side
The devil followed me
The man thought
What the hell is this.

I turned back home
The devil is following me again
Spit on his baldness
And sent to the devil.

The most harmful of people
This is a villain storyteller
That's really a liar skillful,
Too bad it's not tasty.

Stretch the fur, harmonica,
Eh, play-play,
Sing ditties, grandmother Yozhka,
Sing don't talk.

Baba Yaga in fairy tales

I found this list of fairy tales about Baba Yaga:

Princess Frog
Swan geese
Vasilisa the Beautiful
Koschei the Deathless
Finist - clear falcon
Baba Yaga and the Zhihar
Enchanted princess
A hut on chicken legs
Legless and blind heroes
Animal milk ";" The Tale of the Three Queens
Vanyusha the Fool
Baba Yaga and Zamoryshek
The Tale of the Frog and the Bogatyr
Storm-bogatyr, Ivan the son of a cow
Baba Yaga
Beloved beauty
Medvedko, Usynya, Gorynya and Dubynya heroes
The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples...
Ivan Tsarevich and Bely Polyanin
Marya Morevna
Prince Danila-Spoke
Go there, I don't know where...
Two sisters
Two Ivan
Copper, silver and gold kingdom
Up to the third roosters "(Shukshin)
Synko-Filipko (Roslavlev)
The Tale of the Three Royal Divas ... "(Roslavlev)
The Tale of Masha and Vanya" (Roslavlev)
About Fedot the archer ... "(Filatov)

Probably not final, if you know any other fairy tale, write. But even these fairy tales and cartoons are enough to come up with your own image of Baba Yaga and knit such a toy that no one else had. Do you agree?

C world by thread, hamster master class!

Online marathon "Knitted horoscope-2020"

An online marathon in preparation for the Year of the Rat has begun on the site "Needlewomen on the Internet". At the first stage, the participants of the marathon will knit these rats and mice:

Julia Bubentsova
My needlework "Hut on chicken legs and Baba Yaga" (crochet).

"Hut on chicken legs and Baba Yaga".

This work is a reflection of my hobby: crochet. I created it for an exhibition of works by students and teachers at the I REGIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL CONFERENCE "TECHNOLOGY AND CREATIVITY!", which took place in our city of Serpukhov on March 12, 2013. For which I received a certificate of participation! When I started knit a hut, my curious pupils were exhausted from the desire to see what would happen! I periodically brought them to show the stages of my work. And from Baba Yaga they were simply delighted! When the work was returned from the exhibition, my children persuaded me to leave this "toy" in our group. Now she decorates our corner of theatrical activity! The kids line up every day to play with her. They are very neat and careful, because I created all this before their eyes! I have plans tie up a few more details and heroes to my work to make it even more interesting to play with it!

Homemade toys, dolls win our love. There are many manufacturing methods - they can be molded from plasticine, sewn or knitted. The pupae are different. These are girls, and boys, and even grandmothers. one such knitted toy-grandmother crochet we will knit in this master class.

To knit a doll, we need:

  • yarn (solid, black, gray, orange);
  • hook;
  • beads;
  • embroidery threads;
  • needle;
  • sintepon.

How to crochet a toy

Begin knit doll off your feet. First we take black yarn.

We need to dial a chain of 6 air. n. In the second we knit two tbsp. b/n.

Then we knit one column in a loop. At the very last we knit 3 tbsp. We get a turn, and we move on to knitting on the other side. We knit to the top, that is, to the end of this side. We knit three columns in the upper loop. We knit the second side. We repeat knitting again. We get a small insole.

Now we knit without increments for the back walls of the loops. We knit another row. We decide where the sock will be.

In the next two rows, we make 3 decreases in a row in the place where the sock will be. And one more row, but with one decrease in the toe. We knit a row and change the thread to a solid one. We knit 10 rows.

We need to connect both legs when they are ready. We apply one to the other and in the middle we knit together with three tbsp. b/n.

Then we knit in a circle. In total, you need to knit 5 circular rows. And after that we start to decrease.

In the next five rows we will make 4 decreases.

We have reached the head and begin to knit it. To do this, we make additions to each loop. In the 2nd row through one. We knit 5 rows in a circle, without adding anything. Then we decrease first through one loop, and then into each. So until the very closing of the hole.

Let's tie our hands.

We make a sliding loop and knit 6 sts into it, in the 2nd row we add six more. And knit two rows. We make 2 reductions. We knit 10 more rows.

We carefully sew the hands to the body of the pupa.

From gray threads we make doll hair. We take gray threads to show gray hair.

We knit a simple dress. It will be black with a gray stripe strap.

First, we collect an air chain along the girth of the body and close it in a ring. We knit 4 rows and change to gray yarn. We knit 2 rows in gray.

Change back to black yarn again. Now in each loop we knit 2 tbsp. with a crochet. We continue to knit without increments for 2 more rows of art. with a crochet.

After that, we join on top of the dress and knit straps from an air chain and one row of st. b/n.

From orange yarn we knit a shawl for grandma. We make a sliding loop and knit 3 air. n. In a sliding loop we knit 3 tbsp. with a crochet. We get 4 tbsp. with a crochet.

We knit 3 air. n. and 4 tbsp. with a crochet in a slip loop. We tighten the sliding loop. We knit the second row, starting with four stitches and turning the knitting. We knit 3 tbsp. with a crochet between the two extreme columns of the previous row.

We knit 3 tbsp. with one crochet under the arch of air loops. Now we do 3 air. n. And here we knit another 3 tbsp. with a crochet. Then we knit three columns with a crochet between the next extreme columns of the previous row.

We put on a dress for grandmother. We make a hairstyle and sew on beads. We embroider the mouth with red threads.

Here is such a granny turns out at the end of knitting!

Owning a crochet with one makes it possible to knit beautiful, openwork things for yourself, with the other - to create cute toys for children. Try it, knit whatever your heart desires. As a result, you will get a unique thing, excellent mood and bewitching views of others.
The master class was prepared by Anyutka for the site Needlework Lessons.