Painful leg contractions during pregnancy. Reduces the calves of the legs during pregnancy - the reasons for what to do. Cramping in the calves during pregnancy

A cramp is an involuntary and unexpected muscle contraction that occurs without any effort on the part of the person. At least once in a lifetime, each of us has encountered such a phenomenon - some due to a sharp entry into cold water, some in adolescence at night, some after a hard day's work spent exclusively in heels. But, perhaps, women who are carrying a child are best “familiar” with convulsions: during pregnancy, this is quite a common, albeit extremely painful, phenomenon.

Most often, pregnant women complain of cramps in the legs, cramps in the calf muscles. However, there are also cases of spasms of the hands, fingers, abdomen, neck and even face. Most often, convulsive seizures overtake pregnant women at night - at the time of falling asleep or almost immediately before waking up. At the same time, the pain is so strong that it practically “pulls out” of sleep, tormenting the woman with the inability to fully relax.

It happens that convulsions make themselves felt already from the early stages of pregnancy, against the background of early toxicosis, when beneficial trace elements are washed out of the body. But more often, convulsive muscle spasms appear in “all their glory” already in the middle and in late pregnancy. In the first case, doctors explain this by the increased needs of the child and his greater activity than before. In the later stages of pregnancy, convulsions occur due to the increased load on the body and possible nerve pinching. In general, the causes of seizures during pregnancy can be different, but experts call the main one of them a deficiency of certain substances in the body.

Why there are convulsions during pregnancy: causes

Usually, with frequently recurring convulsions, doctors will reasonably ask the pregnant woman to analyze the specifics of her own diet and analyze what and in what quantities she eats. The fact is that most often the cause of seizures lies in the lack of certain vitamins and microelements entering the body, namely calcium, potassium, magnesium and mainly B vitamins.

In the early stages of pregnancy, a deficiency of the above substances can manifest itself against the background of toxicosis, when useful and nutritious substances are washed out of the body with vomit. In the second and third trimester, as the baby grows rapidly, so do his needs for vitamins and minerals. The child extracts the substances he needs from the mother's body, thereby leaving her without part of the "reserves". In the case when the pregnant woman does not replenish these same reserves, with a deficiency of vitamins and trace elements, convulsions appear during pregnancy.

The cause of painful muscle spasms may also be the way of life of the expectant mother that does not correspond to her new position. So, you should be prepared for the appearance of such spasms at any time for those women who, even during pregnancy, did not quit smoking, mothers who drink large amounts of caffeine-containing drinks (coffee, tea, Coca-Cola). Again, a woman who uses diuretics that flush out useful substances from the body can overtake convulsions. And, of course, women who are careless about nutrition and do not pay attention to the consumption of foods rich in nutrients.

Cramps during pregnancy, in addition, may be associated with certain health problems. Among the conditions that provoke the occurrence of muscle spasms are pronounced anemia (low hemoglobin levels), a sharp decrease in blood sugar levels.

The causes of convulsive syndrome in later pregnancy are somewhat different. Of course, in the second and third trimester, convulsions can still signal a deficiency of certain substances in the body. But at the same time, they often have several other underlying causes, such as the beginning (or already existing) varicose veins or the manifestation of the “vena cava syndrome”. It is well known that by the middle of pregnancy and further, the load on the woman's body increases more and more, the veins through which blood now flows in large volumes can respond to pregnancy with varicose veins. And already he, in turn, is accompanied by convulsions, however, together with other symptoms - swelling and rapid fatigue of the legs. As for the "syndrome of the vena cava", it occurs as a result of the pressure of the uterus increasing in size on the inferior vena cava. In this case, there is a violation of the venous outflow, which leads to the appearance of convulsions, which often appear by the end of the second - at the beginning and throughout the third trimester, while lying on your back or on your right side.

Leg cramps at night, calf cramps during pregnancy

The vast majority of women, speaking of cramps during pregnancy, complain of painful spasms of the muscles of the legs, namely, cramps in the calf muscles. As a rule, they occur either at the end of the day or at night, during sleep. The muscles of the legs, when the whole body is in a state of relaxed rest, suddenly reduce with a painful spasm, which makes the woman wake up in pain. Not surprisingly, many pregnant women, going to bed, put a paper clip or pin on the bedside table - it is believed that an injection into a cramped muscle allows it to relax.

Leg cramps at night during pregnancy, doctors most often explain the increased load on the legs during the day. At the risk of experiencing all the "charm" of painful spasms of this nature are also women who continue to walk in high heels during pregnancy.

That is why, giving recommendations on the prevention of "night" attacks, experts advise to give your feet a rest during the day and use comfortable shoes at low speed. So the pregnant woman does not overload her legs, which means that the risk of leg cramps during pregnancy, convulsive muscle contractions at night is significantly reduced. At the same time, sitting on a chair, we stop crossing our legs, preventing blood from stagnating in the vessels. In addition, we do not forget about a healthy balanced diet, and upon reaching the fourth month of pregnancy, we begin to sleep exclusively on the left side - in order to prevent clamping of the inferior vena cava.

If, nevertheless, the legs cramped - at night or during the day - you can use the pin left near the bed in advance, carefully pricking the muscle with it. They help to get rid of spasm and manipulation "pull the toe of the foot with our hands." Then, to restore blood circulation, it is useful to massage the spasmodic leg and just walk around the room for a while.

Hand cramps during pregnancy

In addition to the legs, hands often suffer from cramps during pregnancy. The main causes of hand cramps while carrying a baby are the same - nutritional errors and a lack of certain substances in the body, possibly fluid loss due to overheating or the use of diuretics, prolonged tension of certain muscle groups, internal diseases.

Most prone to the problem of hand cramps during pregnancy are women who perform work that involves monotonous long hand movements, like musicians or office workers working at a computer. But at the same time, classic housewives are not immune from hand cramps, when, for example, they cut vegetables or peel potatoes for longer than usual.

In order to avoid the occurrence of convulsive spasms of the hands in this case, it is imperative to build the work in such a way as to regularly give the hands a rest. 15 minutes of intensive work should be replaced by short-term kneading of the hands with rotational movements of the hands, clenching and unclenching the fist, shaking the hands. Massage will also help - just enough to easily massage your hands in problem areas.

If hand cramps recur, it would be a good idea to consult a doctor and check hemoglobin levels. Yes, and internal diseases should be ruled out: for example, frequent spasms in one place may indicate the presence of neuropathy, and constant painful cramps in the left hand indicate cardiac problems.

Abdominal cramps during pregnancy

Often, women begin to worry and worry, feeling cramps in the abdomen during pregnancy. Although, perhaps, it is hardly possible to call such sensations convulsions - for sure we will talk about involuntary contractions and spasms of the uterus, which are inevitable during the bearing of a child.

Contractions and spasms of the uterus are possible at any stage of pregnancy, and if they are not accompanied by any other pathological phenomena, such as uncharacteristic brown or bloody discharge, deterioration in well-being and sudden weakness, you should not worry.

So, cramps in the abdomen in the very early stages of pregnancy, a few days after successful fertilization, are most often associated with the introduction and attachment to the uterus of the fetal egg. As the embryo is fixed in the uterus and begins to grow, simultaneously causing an increase in the size of the uterus, such processes may also be accompanied by mild cramps (many women do not feel them at all) in the abdomen during pregnancy.

Starting from the 20th week of pregnancy, you may well already feel slight short-term and painless contractions - from this moment the uterus begins to prepare for the upcoming birth and trains to contract in advance. False training contractions are absolutely no danger: they do not cause the cervix to open and do not threaten preterm labor. That's just the multiplicity of false contractions is better to follow, as well as pay attention to the presence-absence of discharge and pain. So, occurring more often than 4 times per hour, accompanied by pain in the back and abdomen, possible brownish spotting, false contractions indicate an increased tone of the uterus and an increased risk of miscarriage.

Seizures during late pregnancy: 3rd trimester

The problem is most aggravated by the last stage of pregnancy - in the third trimester. And this is quite understandable: during this period, the load on the body increases to the maximum, the child requires more and more useful and nutritious substances necessary for the normal functioning of the grown fetus, and the mother's body is more thoroughly and rapidly preparing for the upcoming birth.

Cramps in the third trimester of pregnancy can occur in the legs and arms, there are cramps in the abdomen and neck. If internal disturbances as a possible cause of such attacks are excluded, then it is necessary to take measures to prevent muscle spasms on your own. It is useful to review the diet with an increase in foods rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and enough vitamins. If heels are still in the hallway next to sandals, it's time to send them to the closet until better times. Do not forget to give your legs and arms regular rest during the day, and in the evening it is easy to massage them - you can use suitable essential oils.

Reducing the risk of seizures will help mandatory healthy for pregnant walks in the fresh air. Light regular exercise will help in the fight against spasms, yoga, gymnastics for pregnant women, all kinds of stretching, swimming are especially good in this case.

When going to bed, be sure to lie down only on your left side - lying on your back or right side you pinch the vena cava, disrupting blood circulation with the possible subsequent occurrence of muscle spasm. And keep an eye on the condition of the legs: varicose veins and swelling, if any, are almost always accompanied by such an unpleasant painful symptom as convulsions.

Seizures during pregnancy: what to do?

With a sharp and unexpected occurrence of convulsions, in the first place, a woman always thinks about first removing the spasm. To help the muscle relax, you can lightly prick into the contracted muscle with something sharp - a pin, a needle, a straightened paper clip. If we are talking about a spasm of the calf muscle, then you can pull your toes towards you with your hands, alternately loosening the tension and pulling again - slowly, without forcing muscle relaxation. Then, when the spasm has passed, it is useful to massage the affected muscle, warming it up and improving blood circulation. For the same purpose, you can walk around the room, dispersing the blood in the muscles. Lying down again in bed, it is good to lie down for some time with raised legs - this will ensure the outflow of blood and prevent the occurrence of repeated attacks.

It is necessary to deal with convulsions during pregnancy, reducing the risk of their occurrence, systematically, observing certain rules of behavior and life. First of all, if convulsions constantly make themselves felt, nutrition should be reviewed. It would be a good idea to consult with your doctor at the same time, determining together the most suitable diet and, possibly, additional suitable multivitamin complexes. As a rule, if there is a problem with seizures, experts recommend using a diet based on sufficiently complex carbohydrates (cereals, wholemeal products, vegetables and fruits) for seizures. Complex carbohydrates promote long satiety and ensure the maintenance of the desired levels of glucose in the body. With such a diet, a sharp decrease in blood sugar is excluded - as happens with the use of flour products from flour of the first grade, confectionery and sweets - which means that the likelihood of muscle spasms associated with a decrease in glucose levels is reduced.

During the day, in order to avoid evening and nighttime convulsive attacks, it is recommended to regularly give your legs and arms a rest, slowly massaging the areas prone to convulsions. If the work of a pregnant woman is associated with a long stay on her feet, and in this case, p

relax your legs and stimulate circulation - rolling from toe to heel, slightly rising on your toes and lowering again on the whole foot.

Sleep exclusively on your left side, and when lying down, raise your legs to a hill - this ensures better blood circulation. To minimize the problem, it is also recommended that every evening just roll a ball with your feet, step from foot to foot on the carpet.

A contrast shower, salt baths with water at room temperature can also help with cramps. So, a contrast shower improves blood circulation, and baths with salt provide good muscle relaxation and relieve fatigue.

If leg cramps are associated with varicose veins that appeared during pregnancy, compression stockings or claws should be purchased. The size and degree of pressure in this case must be selected depending on the venous system, therefore it is better to discuss this with your doctor.

And, of course, forget about heels: pregnancy is one of the most magnificent periods in a woman's life, so do you really want to personally overshadow it with nasty cramps that high heels can provoke?

Especially for - Marina Zolochevskaya

During pregnancy, a woman feels a lot of new things in her body. Changes concern practically any system and various links of a metabolism. And often such shifts are not entirely pleasant for the expectant mother. Similar phenomena include leg cramps during pregnancy. Because of what they develop, whether they are dangerous and how to prevent the onset of symptoms when carrying a child - these are the main questions regarding this problem.

Causes and mechanisms

A cramp is an involuntary contraction of striated muscle fibers when the arrival of the physiological relaxation phase is delayed. This process is caused by local or general disturbances. The following factors play a role in the origin of seizures:

  1. Water and electrolyte disorders.
  2. Hypoxic disorders in the brain.
  3. Depletion of energy reserves in muscle tissue.
  4. Increased excitability of the nervous system (central and peripheral).

All of these processes can take place during pregnancy. It is known that this period is accompanied by an increased need for nutrients, including vitamins (D, E, group B) and minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron). They are necessary for the full development of the fetus. But he can get them only from the body of a woman. Therefore, with insufficient nutrition, a deficiency of electrolytes involved in the processes of muscle contraction (primarily hypocalcemia) is formed. Anemia of pregnant women is associated with an increase in the child's need for iron, which leads to hypoxic disorders in many organs, and especially the brain.

In the second half of pregnancy, the load on the lower limbs increases. This is due to the increased growth of the fetus and uterus. It is known that for the entire period of bearing a child, a woman can gain at least 10 kg, and this also affects the work of the muscular system. If she has to stay on her feet for a long time or wear uncomfortable shoes, then convulsive contractions in the lower extremities are practically guaranteed.

The depletion of energy reserves also occurs due to the use of glucose for the needs of the fetus. And if at the beginning of pregnancy the body's need for insulin increases, then later tissue resistance is formed, which reduces the utilization of carbohydrates by one's own cells, including muscles. In turn, this provokes a violation of their function. And if a woman develops gestational diabetes, then the situation is even more aggravated.

The appearance of seizures is also associated with other factors, in particular, toxicosis. If in the early stages this occurs due to excessive vomiting and, as a result, dehydration, then late gestosis - eclampsia - is characterized by an increase in the nervous excitability of muscle tissue. You should also think about extragenital pathology, for example, varicose veins of the lower extremities or dysfunction of the parathyroid glands (hypoparathyroidism). The latter, in turn, is accompanied by a calcium deficiency, and venous insufficiency is manifested by a violation of the outflow of blood and swelling of the muscles.

Thus, the causes of seizures in pregnant women are quite diverse. To summarize the above, we can identify the most common conditions that are accompanied by this symptom when carrying a child. In addition to normal muscle fatigue, these include:

  • Hypocalcemia.
  • Anemia.
  • Gestational diabetes.
  • Toxicosis (severe vomiting and eclampsia).
  • Varicose disease.

Taking into account the fact that some of them create risks not only for the health of the expectant mother, but also for the fetus, a woman should carefully monitor her condition, and if alarming symptoms appear, consult a doctor.

Seizures can occur for various reasons, so diagnostics should be performed to determine their mechanism.


The first stage of the examination will be a survey and examination of the doctor. The specialist finds out what worries the woman, how long certain manifestations are present and what their appearance can be associated with. He details each symptom, creating a complete picture of what is happening. First, the characteristics of the seizures themselves are determined:

  1. Tonic, clonic or mixed.
  2. Intense, moderate or weak.
  3. Short term or long term.
  4. Occurring at rest (including at night) or during exercise.

Then it is necessary to identify other signs that may lead the doctor to the correct assumption. Concomitant manifestations often tell much more about the causes of seizures, and sometimes are of decisive importance in clinical diagnosis.


It doesn’t matter what hypocalcemia is associated with during pregnancy - an increased need for an element, a lack of it in food, a deficiency of vitamin D, magnesium or parathyroid hormone - its manifestations are the same. It is accompanied by an increase in the excitability of muscles and nerves. This leads to convulsive tetanic contractions, manifested by such signs:

  • "Fish mouth" (Chvostek's symptom).
  • "Obstetrician's brush" (Trousseau's symptom).
  • "Horse foot" (carpo-pedal spasm).
  • Trismus of masticatory muscles.

Additionally, there may be sensations of numbness, burning or tingling due to a violation of sensitivity. The skin becomes dry and flaky, the hair is stiff. Cardiac arrhythmias or blockade often occur.


Anemia during pregnancy is very common. To one degree or another, 90% of women felt its manifestations. The most common signs of iron deficiency are:

  • General weakness.
  • Dizziness.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Pulse increase.
  • Change in taste.
  • Brittleness of hair and nails.
  • Paleness of the skin and mucous membranes.

This is a consequence of chronic hypoxia and a decrease in tissue iron reserves. Anemia negatively affects the condition of the fetus, because it is associated with the mother's circulatory system. With severe iron deficiency, the child may lag behind in development (hypotrophy).

Iron deficiency anemia is one of the possible causes of seizures that occur against the background of cerebral hypoxia.

Gestational diabetes

If a woman during the bearing of a child for the first time had disturbances in carbohydrate metabolism, then a diagnosis of gestational diabetes is made. The risk factors for pathology include obesity, polyhydramnios, large fetuses, glucosuria, burdened obstetric history (frequent abortions, fetal malformations in the past). Symptoms that suggest pathology are:

  • Dry mouth and thirst.
  • Polyuria.
  • Increased appetite.
  • Loss or excessive weight gain.

In cases where diabetes was diagnosed earlier, a woman may experience complications in the form of hypoglycemic conditions, angio- and neuropathies. These are situations where muscle cramps are likely to occur in various parts of the body, but more often in the legs.


With severe early toxicosis - vomiting of pregnant women - there is severe dehydration. This leads to water and electrolyte disturbances that affect the functioning of many systems. In addition to seizures, there will be other manifestations of pathology:

  • Sharp weakness.
  • Dizziness.
  • Paleness of the skin with a grayish tint.
  • Pointed facial features.
  • Oligoanuria.
  • Pressure drop.
  • Superficial pulse.
  • Disturbances of consciousness.

This is a dangerous condition for the woman and for the child. But no less, and sometimes even more serious consequences will be with severe gestosis, which is called eclampsia. It is accompanied first by clonic and then by tonic convulsions of the whole body. During an attack, breathing stops, the patient loses consciousness. These situations require emergency delivery.

Severe early and late toxicoses are very dangerous not only for a woman, but also for an unborn child.

Varicose disease

Another situation where seizures may occur during pregnancy is varicose veins of the lower extremities. It can exist in a woman even before the conception of a child, and often occurs already during its bearing. The determining role in this is played by the load on the legs and an increase in the uterus, which compresses the veins of the small pelvis, which leads to a deterioration in blood flow in the peripheral parts of the body. The disease is accompanied by such signs:

  • Heaviness in the legs (mainly in the evening).
  • Swelling of legs and feet.
  • Expansion of the saphenous veins, the appearance of nodes.
  • Dry skin, trophic disorders.

Often, varicose veins are accompanied by thrombophlebitis, when inflammation of the venous wall occurs. This leads to the formation of parietal thrombi, which can subsequently come off, being transferred with the blood flow to other organs. This results in complications such as pulmonary embolism or strokes. Therefore, a woman with risk factors for thrombotic conditions should be under special supervision.

Additional diagnostics

Additional studies are needed to diagnose disorders in the body that provoke convulsive muscle contractions. The doctor will refer the woman to laboratory and instrumental procedures:

  • Extended clinical blood test: erythrocytes and their morphology, platelets, hemoglobin, hematocrit, color index, ESR.
  • Urinalysis: glucose, protein, ketone bodies.
  • Blood biochemistry: electrolytes (calcium and phosphorus, iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, chlorine), ferritin, transferrin, glucose, total protein, coagulogram, kidney and liver tests, parathyroid hormone, etc.
  • Ultrasound of the uterus.
  • Fetal cardiotocography.
  • Dopplerography of the veins of the lower extremities.

Based on the results of the research, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the causes of seizures during childbearing. And in accordance with the diagnosis, the doctor forms a treatment program.


If seizures occur due to some pathology, then treatment should be to eliminate the immediate cause. In parallel, measures are taken to normalize the water-electrolyte balance and nerve conduction. But in mild cases, simple recommendations will come in handy.

With a cramp in the calf muscle, you can do the following: pull the sock towards you, and then completely relax the leg. Then it is easy to massage and warm up the lower leg (put a heating pad, mustard plaster or make a foot bath), walk around the room for several minutes. It is better to lie with legs slightly raised to reduce swelling and improve venous outflow. Among the preventive measures, the following should be noted:

  1. Eat well by eating foods rich in calcium and iron: cottage cheese, hard cheeses, milk, fish, nuts, cereals, vegetables and fruits.
  2. Wear comfortable shoes with low heels.
  3. Avoid prolonged and heavy loads on the lower limbs.
  4. Wear compression stockings for varicose veins.

These simple activities will help reduce leg cramps while carrying a child and will complement well the treatment prescribed by your doctor. For a woman in position, it is important to follow the recommendations of a specialist in everything, and then unpleasant symptoms can be avoided.

A pregnant woman, tired from the day, finally lies down to rest in the evening. But what is it? Sharply, suddenly, causing severe pain, the calf muscle, located on the back of the leg, contracted. The foot unbent, stretched out, as if wanting to "stand on tiptoe." Moreover, when experiencing significant pain from muscle strain and overstretching, you cannot relax and return the foot to its normal position in any way: the muscles simply refuse to obey the orders of the brain. This is how convulsions appear, which often become uninvited companions of pregnancy.

Often, convulsions begin to disturb the expectant mother in the first months of pregnancy against the background of recurring vomiting (early toxicosis). Convulsive contractions of the calf muscles or muscles of the hand (less often, the muscles of the face located around the mouth) usually occur at night, during falling asleep. But they can also appear during the day, for example, when a pregnant woman sits down or lies down to rest.


The mechanisms of the occurrence of muscle contraction and its regulation by the nervous system are extremely complex and are based on the difference in the content of ions of certain microelements outside and inside the cell. Any violation of this ratio can be manifested, among other things, by convulsions. One of the main causes of hypnogogic (that is, occurring before falling asleep) convulsions in pregnant women is precisely a violation of mineral metabolism.

What leads to these violations:

  • Firstly, an increase in the need for trace elements, because now much more minerals are required: a woman needs to provide her own body with them, and “satiate” a growing child.
  • Secondly, vomiting of pregnant women. With vomit, a person loses a huge amount of trace elements - not only those that he received with food the day before, but also those that are part of digestive enzymes.
  • Thirdly, the imbalance of nutrition, when, for the sake of food addictions, a woman refuses any group of products and, accordingly, does not receive the unique substances contained in them (for example, refusing cottage cheese and other fermented milk products, we receive less calcium).
  • Fourthly, the incorrect, uncontrolled use of diuretics, the use of which is associated with an attempt to relieve swelling in the second half of pregnancy. Diuretic drugs intensively remove not only water, but also minerals dissolved in it.

Most often, seizures occur due to a deficiency of potassium, calcium, magnesium, or vitamin B6.


Potassium is present in every living cell and is extremely important for it. Prolonged, frequent vomiting and profuse diarrhea, as well as improper intake of certain diuretics, are dangerous for the occurrence of a deficiency of this substance. Too much coffee (caffeine) can also lead to potassium deficiency. In addition, in conditions of magnesium deficiency, the absorption of potassium is also impaired.

Potassium deficiency manifests itself:

  • rapid muscle fatigue and convulsions;
  • constipation;
  • retention of salt and fluid in the body, i.e. edema;
  • low blood pressure;
  • thirst and dry mouth;
  • depression, nervousness, depressed mood;
  • increased blood cholesterol levels;
  • dry skin;
  • the occurrence of acne;
  • tachycardia (rapid heartbeat).

Potassium is ubiquitous, and you can find it in any food, only in some it is a little more, and in others - a little less. The richest in potassium: dried apricots - dried apricots and apricots, melon, bananas, beans, potatoes, broccoli, beef liver, milk. An adult should receive about 4-5 g of potassium per day, and a full daily diet fully satisfies this need.

Potassium is part of vitamin and mineral complex preparations, usually in the form of potassium iodide.


Calcium is one of the best known minerals required by humans. Possible calcium deficiency in the body will be indicated by:

  • excited state (increased activity, nervousness, irritability);
  • insomnia;
  • high blood pressure;
  • heartbeat;
  • a feeling of numbness, a feeling of tingling and "goosebumps" in certain parts of the body;
  • soreness and bleeding of the gums;
  • tooth decay;
  • fragility of nails;
  • eczema.

Women usually begin to worry only when a significant deficiency of this substance has already developed and painful cramps twist their legs at night.

Having heard about calcium, pregnant women quite often start taking calcium gluconate on their own, but tablets alone are not enough. In order for calcium to be absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and get it to its intended purpose - into the cells, vitamin D3 and magnesium are needed. Without them, calcium that enters the body becomes useless!

The “consumption” of calcium in the body increases during stress and during pregnancy (after all, now two people “eat” it). They prevent the absorption of calcium: spinach, sorrel, rhubarb, which contain large amounts of oxalic acid (its soluble salts, reacting with calcium ions, form insoluble, and therefore indigestible compounds). The absorption of this substance is also reduced by foods high in phosphates (caviar, canned fish, eggs, cheese, green peas, beans, cauliflower), carbonated drinks, cocoa and chocolate. High protein diets also interfere with calcium absorption, and only 15% of the calcium ingested in this situation will be absorbed. But low-protein diets also do not contribute to the absorption of calcium: in this case, 5% of the total amount eaten enters the human body. Excessive coffee consumption contributes to increased excretion of calcium by the kidneys. A sufficient intake of iron, on the contrary, improves the absorption of calcium.

What foods are sources of calcium? First of all, these are dairy products (we get up to 55% of calcium from them); green leafy vegetables (broccoli, kale, turnip leaves, cauliflower, asparagus), egg yolks, all kinds of legumes, nuts, figs.

If you are taking calcium supplements, they will be more fully absorbed if you do not drink them on an empty stomach, but after a light meal.


The content of magnesium in the body of an adult is about 20 g. This element should be no more and no less - so to speak, the golden mean. An increase in the content of magnesium in the blood causes drowsiness, lethargy, dry mouth, thirst, nausea, vomiting, lowering blood pressure, slowing the pulse. This condition can occur with severe violations of the excretory function of the kidneys, hypothyroidism, severe complications of diabetes mellitus.

A decrease in the content of magnesium in the blood is possible with severe and repeated vomiting, significant diarrhea, some other conditions and chronic diseases (hyperfunction of the parathyroid glands, impaired kidney function, cirrhosis of the liver, etc.). A relative lack of magnesium in the body develops with an increase in its consumption even with sufficient intake from food, for example, with excessive neuropsychic and physical stress, during pregnancy and lactation (and also, for example, during the period of active growth in children). In the body of a pregnant woman, the need for magnesium increases by 2-3 times. One of the main reasons for this is that during development, the fetus receives magnesium from the mother's body.

Enhance the excretion of magnesium by the kidneys alcohol, caffeine, excess potassium, some diuretics. Increases the need for magnesium high content in the diet of proteins, sugar, animal fats, butter, uncontrolled intake of certain hormonal drugs.

The consequences of magnesium deficiency are different and affect both the health of the mother and the health of the child. In a pregnant woman, this condition manifests itself:

  • increased neuropsychic excitability (irritability, susceptibility to stress, anxiety, memory impairment, insomnia, asthenia);
  • unsteadiness when walking;
  • the appearance of a feeling of numbness in the arms and legs, tingling, "crawling";
  • decrease in body temperature;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system (arrhythmia, increase or, conversely, drop in blood pressure);
  • increased muscle excitability (back pain, convulsions, increased uterine tone, sometimes up to miscarriage).

Magnesium is found in almost all foods. Especially rich in whole seeds, nuts, sunflower seeds, all legumes, green vegetables, carrots, green onions, spinach. One would expect a high content of magnesium in bread, but "thanks" to new technologies - refining - bread loses this mineral.

It is often not possible to replenish magnesium only through food products, and in this situation, its additional prescription is required in the form of tablets of the MAGNESIUM-B6 type or as part of multivitamin mineral complexes. If you are taking magnesium tablets, it is best to drink them at bedtime with plenty of water (about a glass) a few hours after eating. Loose stools are a sign that you overdo it with magnesium.

An adult needs to receive about 360-380 mg of magnesium every day; pregnant and lactating mothers, as well as adolescents - up to 400-450 mg.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)

Violations of its daily intake in itself does not cause convulsions, but this vitamin promotes the absorption of magnesium by cells, improves its absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, serves as a conductor for it inside the cell, increases the permeability of the cell membrane and fixes magnesium ions inside the cell, preventing its rapid excretion from the body.

Vitamin B6 deficiency manifests itself in:

  • increased hair loss;
  • anemia
  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea;
  • at the corners of the mouth;
  • sores in the mouth;
  • depression
  • nervousness, irritability;
  • feeling of numbness in the arms and legs, tingling, and (or) "goosebumps";
  • increased fatigue, muscle weakness, drowsiness.

Dietary sources of B6 are: poultry meat, beef, pork, veal, beef liver and kidneys, tuna, salmon, soybeans, bananas, brewer's yeast, walnuts, peanuts, avocados. But, alas, one has to reckon with the fact that when cooking meat, the loss of this vitamin will be from 50 to 70%, milling wheat causes losses from 50 to 90%, and frozen vegetables and fruits are depleted by 15-70% of vitamin B6.

Alcohol intake and smoking also contribute to pyridoxine deficiency.

Other causes of seizures

  • Often recurring convulsions in expectant mothers can also occur with severe anemia - a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin.
  • Sometimes cramps in the calf muscles can appear against the background of developing varicose veins. At the same time, they are combined with increased fatigue and a feeling of heaviness in the legs, which increase rapidly during the day, especially if you have to stand for a long time. In some patients, all these signs precede the appearance of visible varicose veins. With varicose veins, the outflow of venous blood from the legs worsens, which disrupts the nutrition of muscles, including the calf muscles, causes an imbalance of microelements and leads to convulsions.
  • In the third trimester, especially with multiple pregnancies, leg cramps may occur due to inferior vena cava syndrome, in which when a woman lies on her back or on her right side, an enlarged uterus compresses the inferior vena cava, which causes a violation of the venous outflow from the legs. And further mechanisms for the development of seizures resemble the processes that occur with varicose veins of the legs. To prevent manifestations of the inferior vena cava syndrome, a woman should sleep on her left side or place a small pillow under her right buttock in order to redistribute the weight of the enlarged uterus on the left half of the body and thereby reduce its pressure on the inferior vena cava, located to the right of the spine.

First aid for seizures

To relieve a slight cramp in the calf muscle, you can:

  • with force, even through pain, slowly pull the toes of the clamped leg towards you;
  • rub the stiff muscle, pinch it, scratch it, etc.;
  • massage the leg by squeezing and straightening the toes;
  • grab the big toe and pull it towards you;
  • put a mustard plaster on the hardened muscle, substitute it under a hot (which the skin only tolerates) local shower.
  • When the pain subsides, you need to walk around to improve blood circulation.

As a prevention of seizures, you can do a foot massage, a contrast shower and wear woolen socks at night.

Seizures can be symptoms of various diseases, including serious complications of pregnancy. Therefore, when they occur, it is imperative to consult a doctor: he will determine the specific cause and select the necessary drugs.

Pregnancy makes its own adjustments to the levels of vitamins, micro- and macroelements necessary for its development; she immediately punishes with various ailments for violating "the sphere of her interests." Therefore, you should not leave everything to chance, hiding behind sayings like "maybe it will blow over." No, it won't! Once arisen, metabolic disorders will haunt a woman throughout her pregnancy with the sword of Damocles. Moreover, they will not be slow to affect - alas, not in the best way - on the course of childbirth, and then - on the growth and development of the child. And this is true not only for the considered problem of night cramps and related elements, but also for all links of metabolism. So be careful what you eat first.

Your diet should be complete in terms of micro and macro elements, vitamins and essential amino acids. The products listed in the article, rich in certain substances, must be present on your table. Do not neglect vitamin and mineral complex preparations: they are specially selected to meet the increased needs of a pregnant woman and contain a sufficient amount of all the necessary vitamins and minerals, including those discussed above. Your doctor will help you choose the right diet and vitamin therapy.

According to the magazine "Pregnancy. From conception to childbirth "No. 3/2006

Pregnancy is a joyful, but extremely troublesome situation that requires maximum employment and attention. Often, wrapped in business, a pregnant mother, getting ready for bed in the evening, can feel a sharp pain in the calf muscle. Severe, sharp, sharp pain comes out of nowhere, and usually during a full evening rest. Not amenable to a logical external explanation, such pain is called a cramp and is often found in pregnant women. A sharp muscle contraction from overexertion and stretching can occur in the calf muscles, muscles of the hands and even the face already in the early stages of pregnancy. During the period of toxicosis, the expectant mother may begin leg cramps at night.

Often, during pregnancy, the legs cramp due to an imbalance of trace elements in the woman's body during the period of hormonal adjustment. The appearance of early toxicosis is usually the cause of leg cramps in the first trimester of pregnancy. They usually begin along with symptoms associated with toxicosis, such as nausea, vomiting, and decreased appetite. At a later date, it reduces legs at night, usually from the growing needs of the baby in the amount of vitamins, trace elements, proteins and other nutritional compounds necessary for building the body. At the first symptoms of muscle spasms, you should consult a doctor for additional tests and find out the cause of their occurrence. Usually, the levels of calcium and magnesium in the woman's blood are measured, as well as the content of phosphorus, potassium and sodium.

It can cramp legs during pregnancy with a low level of calcium in the blood and a lack of magnesium and potassium in the body, as well as with a high level of phosphate and sodium. Insufficient amounts of food containing B vitamins can also cause sudden muscle contraction.

Leg cramps during pregnancy: potassium deficiency

This element is extremely important for the body, because it must be contained in every cell. Its leaching can occur with frequent vomiting and diarrhea, which is in excess in pregnant women with early toxicosis, as well as taking a large number of diuretic drugs.

Symptoms of potassium deficiency in the body:

  • increased swelling;
  • decreased blood pressure and palpitations;
  • jumps in cholesterol levels;
  • deterioration of the skin condition (dryness, acne);
  • frequent thirst.

It is not difficult to make up for the lack of potassium in the body by adhering to a certain potassium diet. The most useful in terms of the level of its content are: potatoes and milk, dried apricots and bananas, as well as apricots and melons. For normal functioning, the amount of potassium consumed per day should be at least 4.5 - 5.5 g of potassium.

Leg cramps during pregnancy: lack of calcium

A useful mineral for the development and strengthening of the bone skeleton and tissues. The absorption of calcium into the blood proportionally increases during pregnancy, as well as during periods of severe stressful situations.

Symptoms of calcium deficiency in the body:

  • heart palpitations and high blood pressure;
  • unbalanced state (irascibility, sudden mood swings);
  • bad sleep;
  • anemia in certain parts of the body (poor sensitivity, pallor of the epidermis, slight tingling);
  • problems with fragility of bone tissue, teeth;
  • bleeding gums;
  • weak, brittle nails;
  • dry skin, rashes.

Usually, the symptoms of calcium deficiency are not very noticeable until they become disturbing at the same time and are clearly expressed in the form of painful seizures. Diligent mothers, who prepared in advance for the long-awaited child, without the help of a doctor, include vitamin complexes with calcium in their diet. However, this alone is not enough. The difficulty in replenishing the level of calcium in the body lies in its absorption. By itself, pure calcium is not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, but only in combination with magnesium and vitamin D3 it enters the cells. Calcium-rich foods include milk and dairy products, all types of leafy vegetables, nuts, and eggs.

Leg cramps during pregnancy: magnesium levels

This, perhaps, is one of those trace elements, the content of which in the body of all people should be exactly the same - 20 g. Any deviations up or down adversely affect the general condition of the body and well-being. Its excess leads to fatigue and drowsiness, thirst and vomiting, as well as to slow blood circulation. A similar imbalance can occur as a result of malfunctioning of the kidneys and in the later stages of diabetes. Washing out of the level of magic occurs due to large fluid losses, chronic diseases of the kidneys and adrenal glands, disruption of the thyroid gland and cirrhosis of the liver. During pregnancy, the need for magnesium in a woman with a baby increases by 3-4 times. And even a slight deficiency immediately affects the health of the mother and significantly affects the development of the child.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency in the body:

  • hyperactivity, excitability, poor sleep and memory problems;
  • violation of vestibular function;
  • low body temperature and jumps in blood pressure;
  • periodic anemia in the limbs, insensibility, slight tingling;
  • sharp muscle contractions, including the uterus;
  • risk of miscarriage.

To maintain the level of this element in the body, it is enough just to eat the right foods, and magnesium is found in most of the daily food, it is only a matter of quantity. Whole grain nuts, vegetables and various greens are distinguished by a particularly high concentration of this microelement. However, in order to make up for a small lack of a regular diet, it is not enough. For this, pregnant women are often prescribed additional preparations with pure magnesium - magnesium B6 and additional vitamin complexes.

Why does it bring women's legs together in such a wonderful position, which at first glance has nothing to do with the muscles of the legs?

  1. The first reason you can complain about is the lack of trace elements due to the growth of the fetus. The peak of convulsive attacks usually occurs in the first half of the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy. It is during this period that the maximum intake of nutrients by the child occurs.
  2. One of the probabilities of such inconvenience may also be the low blood sugar of a pregnant mother. Glucose is a rich energy source necessary in the process of life of both a woman and her growing child. Therefore, during pregnancy, many mothers so want cakes and buns - products containing carbohydrates in large quantities. Too much consumption of sugar-containing foods, as well as its lack in the diet, is also not welcome. Incorrect, for example, rare nutrition can lead to uneven sugar levels at night and in the morning, and this can cause leg cramps at night.
  3. Varicose veins and vascular problems worsen during pregnancy and can cause cramps. The growth of the uterus compresses the veins of the small pelvis and prevents the normal passage of blood through them to the limbs. In addition, increased blood flow during pregnancy doubles the load on the venous circulatory system. In such a situation, even a healthy branched structure of the veins may not be able to cope, not to mention the problem areas. In the worst cases, stagnation of blood in the veins at the level of the lower extremities, frequent sharp pains and even swelling are possible.
  4. Nutrition and muscle development is completely dependent on the nutrients and oxygen coming from the blood. In addition, venous blood removes decay and metabolic products from tissues, and its irregular supply contributes to their accumulation and the occurrence of convulsions in pregnant women.
  5. Bad habits are not the best way to bear a healthy baby, but besides that, they also create an unfavorable background for the circulatory system. Nicotine addiction develops chronic oxygen deficiency in a woman's body, which affects the number and degree of leg cramps.
  6. It can also reduce legs because mom abuses caffeinated drinks, which, by the way, include strong black tea.

What to do with cramps in pregnancy

Future mothers must follow the instructions of nutritionists and doctors, lead a correct and healthy lifestyle. But what to do if the leg in the calf muscle cramped?

  1. You will feel a reduced muscle not only by piercing pain, but also by the condition of the toes on which it affects. Align your foot and gently but firmly pull them towards you. This will stretch the contracted muscle. Repeat this procedure until the cramp is released.
  2. After the main spasm has passed, massage the muscle. Smoothly rub the painful places, warming them up a little. You can also use a warm compress, a heating pad, or a warm foot bath to warm this muscle.
  3. After that, walk literally 2 minutes. This will restore blood circulation and further stretch the muscle.
  4. To prevent and prevent the frequent repetition of this, it is recommended to reduce the load on the legs, wear comfortable shoes and give more rest to the legs. An evening 5-minute rest with slightly raised legs will be useful.

Prevention and treatment of seizures in pregnant women

It is wrong to consider a spasm as an independent problem that requires a separate solution. In the case of a pregnant woman, such symptoms are tangible bells of invisible, but dangerous changes for bearing a fetus. If you notice any of these complications, contact your doctor immediately. A professional will accurately determine the cause of seizures in a pregnant woman and prescribe the correct treatment, taking into account the time and position.

Leg cramps during pregnancy: lack of minerals and trace elements

Often in healthy pregnant mothers, the situation with convulsions is associated with a lack of minerals, trace elements and increasing needs for them. This is solved by elementary adjustment of the diet, taking into account the missing elements and the appointment of a strict diet. Many doctors, preparing in advance for such situations, prescribe multivitamin and mineral complexes to pregnant mothers in the early stages, right up to the very birth.

The daily diet of a pregnant woman must include:

  • boiled cereals (buckwheat or oatmeal will be useful);
  • flour products made from rye or wholemeal flour (bread, pasta);
  • milk and dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese);
  • fish, preferably steamed or in its own juice;
  • lean boiled meat;
  • a variety of stewed vegetables;
  • fruits and dried fruits;
  • various nuts in large quantities.

Leg cramps during pregnancy: varicose veins

  1. In this case, a pregnant woman needs to give up heels in favor of a flat sole or limit the lift height to 5 cm.
  2. In addition, it will be useful to wear slimming stockings or tights.
  3. At later stages of pregnancy, it is recommended to carry out the prevention of clamping of the inferior vena cava. To do this, a woman needs to rest on her side, placing a small pillow under her buttock.
  4. Eliminate long movements and reduce the load on the legs.
  5. Regularly attend courses for pregnant women and perform special unloading exercises to restore blood circulation and relieve tension.
  6. Before going to bed, do warm compresses or baths with sea salt for problem areas of the muscles. This relaxes the muscle and improves blood circulation.

Leg cramps during pregnancy. Video

Cramps are involuntary muscle contractions that can occur in anyone. Very often they disturb pregnant women, appearing mainly at night or during daytime rest. Their duration is short - about two or three minutes, but they cause great inconvenience to the expectant mother. At the same time, the woman begins to worry not so much about her health as about the baby.

How do seizures manifest?

Pregnant women usually suffer from leg cramps, although spasms of the hands, fingers, neck, and face also occur. Recognizing this unpleasant phenomenon is quite simple. Against the background of complete rest, the calf muscle suddenly contracts, and the foot is pulled forward, like a ballerina. In this case, the woman feels severe pain. She can’t even make the slightest movement with her foot, no matter how hard she tries to return the foot to its previous position and get rid of the discomfort.

Causes of seizures in pregnant women

Seizures can appear at any stage of pregnancy. According to experts, their main cause is a lack of microelements in the body (mainly calcium, magnesium and potassium), as well as vitamins of groups B and D. Various circumstances can lead to such a deficiency.

Potassium deficiency in the body

Potassium is an important trace element, the lack of which causes not only cramps in the calves of the legs, but also other alarming symptoms:

  • fast fatigue;
  • severe swelling;
  • disturbances in the work of the heart;
  • low pressure;
  • elevated blood cholesterol levels;
  • depression.

To eliminate the lack of potassium, it is necessary to introduce foods rich in this trace element into the diet:

  • beef liver;
  • seaweed and broccoli;
  • potato;
  • legumes;
  • dairy products;
  • bananas;
  • dried fruits (especially dried apricots).

In severe toxicosis, in order to avoid vomiting, it is best for a pregnant woman to eat lying down, in fractional portions. Use diuretics with caution, as they help flush out potassium from the body.

Calcium deficiency in the body

Calcium is needed for bone formation, hair and nail growth. It is involved in the processes of blood coagulation, protein, fat, energy and mineral metabolism, and is also necessary for the normal transmission of nerve impulses. For a woman carrying a child, for the normal development of the skeleton and nervous system of the fetus, it is necessary that it enter the body in an increased amount. The lack of this trace element is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • high blood pressure;
  • poor restless sleep;
  • increased irritability and a sharp change in mood;
  • fragility of nails;
  • hair loss;
  • deterioration of the teeth and gums;
  • unpleasant feeling of numbness in the limbs.

In order for the body to receive calcium in sufficient quantities, preparations containing this trace element are prescribed. They should be taken after meals along with vitamin D3, because without it, calcium will be very poorly absorbed in the body. In addition, carry out nutritional adjustments. To make up for the lack of a mineral, you need to use the following products:

  • dairy - cottage cheese, cheese, kefir;
  • cauliflower and broccoli;
  • asparagus;
  • legumes;
  • greenery;
  • eggs.

Pregnant women should remember that calcium absorption slows down under the influence of iron and caffeine preparations.

Magnesium deficiency in the body

Magnesium contributes to the transport of trace elements in the body, including calcium and potassium, and is also one of the main participants in energy metabolism. During pregnancy, the need for it increases many times over. Its deficiency is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • deterioration of memory and thought process;
  • increased irritability and anxiety;
  • malfunctions of the cardiovascular system;
  • loss of strength, weakness, impaired coordination of movements;
  • decrease in body temperature;
  • frequent numbness of the limbs;
  • an increase in the tone of the uterus, which, depending on the term, threatens with a miscarriage or premature birth.

The following foods are rich in magnesium:

  • greens, especially spinach;
  • root crops - beets and carrots;
  • legumes;
  • nuts and sunflower seeds.

But it is impossible to normalize its level only with products, therefore, the doctor should select a vitamin-mineral complex. The drug should be taken at bedtime with a sufficient amount of liquid.

Vitamin B6 hypovitaminosis

With the help of this vitamin, magnesium is better absorbed in the body. Its deficiency is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • the development of anemia;
  • loss of appetite up to its complete absence;
  • nausea;
  • fragility and hair loss;
  • drowsiness and bad mood;
  • the appearance of cracks (zaed) in the corners of the mouth and ulcers on its mucosa.

Vitamin B6 is rich in bananas, soybeans, walnuts and avocados. But most of all it is found in meat, fish and offal. But it should be remembered that due to prolonged heat treatment of these products, the vitamin is destroyed. In addition, its additional loss by the body is provoked by smoking and alcohol. Whatever the etiology of seizures, treatment, including taking vitamins with minerals, should be prescribed only by a doctor after a complete examination and identification of the true cause of the pathology. In no case should you engage in self-medication, so as not to harm the health of the mother and fetus.