Marriage swindlers of Russia: continuation

When communicating with one pretty girl on a dating site, she gave out the phrase: "You are strange, you are probably a marriage swindler" and after that the communication quickly faded away.

Willy-nilly, I had to wonder who the marriage swindlers really are?

I read a lot of material on the topic on the Internet. As I managed to find out, if I really was a marriage swindler, it would not have occurred to a girl to come to such a conclusion, the reasons are:

A marriage swindler would have turned the poor girl's head so that doubtful thoughts would not have entered her head;

The girl lived on a small salary, her residence permit in our city was temporary (she extended it every six months with the help of distant relatives), she rented a room for two with a friend at work, her parents were sick old people living on a meager pension earned at the state farm, in a house rickety from time to time ... She is not an object, even for a novice swindler ...

So who are these marriage swindlers? The phrase itself has been familiar to us since Soviet times (they were, of course, earlier, from time immemorial) according to official newspaper chronicles.

A particular flourishing of this type of fraud in our country fell on the years of the collapse of the USSR and rampant "democracy".

General characteristics of a marriage swindler.

Marriage swindler - a man of men! The fact is that, no matter how base the swindler may be, he adores and idolizes women. He understands them, he sympathizes with them, he knows how to listen to them, it gives him great pleasure to look after them, and he knows how to do it elegantly and at the same time naturally like no other. He will never forget to open (and hold!) the door in front of a lady, give her a coat (and help her put it on), lend a hand on the stairs or on a difficult section of the road, help get into the car ... In a word, the dream of any self-respecting woman.

A marriage swindler is sincere, he really enjoys courting a woman! How can a woman in this situation feel the catch?

Marriage swindlers themselves sincerely believe that they did not rob their victims, but “took a payment for warmth and affection”, for the attention that they will never receive from ordinary men. By the way, we, who consider ourselves normal, law-abiding men, create fertile ground for scammers with our callous, dismissive attitude!

What is the harm to a woman?

The ultimate interest of a swindler is mercantile. Sex serves only as a means of prey and a pleasant addition. Particularly unfortunate ladies lose all their acquired fortune (if the swindler is a station wagon and also acts as an apartment scammer, etc.), they lose large sums of money, jewelry, expensive antiques - everything that can be carried away, transferred to your account and easy to successfully sell or hide until better times.

Where do scammers find their victims?

Yes, wherever you can think of, and even where you can not - this audience is surprisingly resourceful in making money and the pleasures that accompany it. The press described a case when a swindler managed to meet his “beloved” in ... a women's toilet! Therefore, it is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, there are as many methods and ways of dating marriage swindlers as you like, and they can be found in nightclubs, in transport, in a supermarket, on a playground and even in ... a cemetery! Recently, due to the massive popularity of dating sites, scammers are increasingly using the Internet.

How does a marriage scam work?

First of all, he must arrange the lady to him. Get her financial information. If the potential victim "finances sing romances", interest is abruptly lost, the scammer disappears, appears in another place and starts all over again.

If the woman approaches, the second stage begins. In this case, the swindler must necessarily get into the victim's house. And not only to come to visit - he needs to move there for a while, lull the woman's vigilance and, having robbed her to the skin, disappear without a trace.

What takes women by the soul?

He makes a woman feel that she is a woman. That she is loved and desired. She is the one and only. But the fraudster would not be a marriage swindler if he did not know the psychology of women even deeper. Women are attracted by elements of heroism, mystery, understatement. Therefore, scammers often present themselves as secret intelligence agents, sea captains, employees of secret design bureaus, retired assistants to overthrown oligarchs, etc. This type of activity, extensive connections, and power can supposedly help a woman in solving her problems, including mercantile ones. What has been said is effective for any woman, representative of any country. Russian women have their own specific kind of weakness, peculiar only to them - compassion. This is what our domestic marriage swindlers most often use. Those. in Russia, women who suffer most often are kind, sincere and compassionate.

Geography of the scammer.

Marriage swindlers, as a rule, act far from their permanent residences, from their relatives and past "victims". This is most often "moved from another city", "on a business trip", "came to visit a sick relative", "I work abroad", "on earnings", etc. A more or less experienced swindler will never appear in the same place where he committed the last crime.

Consequences for the female victim

We talked about financial and material losses above. But as practice shows, in most cases, ladies suffer not because of the loss of money and jewelry, but from the loss of the dream of their whole life - their men!... They apply to the police mainly not to return the stolen, but to return her only man... Now it is like a drug for them. Often women end up in psychiatric hospitals because of hopelessness.

Can a marriage swindler be "pinned down" for life?

No and no again! Just on this, most of their victims "pierced"! No one has ever succeeded in re-educating such types and making exemplary husbands out of them. So don't try.

But there is a caveat. Sooner or later our rascal will grow old or become sick and infirm. If he is lucky for the last time in his life, then he will find shelter with some compassionate lonely woman. The funny thing is, she won't even know she has the lifelong dream of other women! Well, which of him is Casanova or Don Juan, if he cannot not only take care of a woman, but also carry his excrement to the latrine?

How can a woman protect herself from fraud?

The advice is the same that any mother who loves her daughter gives - do not get acquainted with anyone, anywhere! Do not trust the first person you meet, no matter how attractive, pleasant, mysterious and promising he looks, no matter how compassionate he may be!

Marriage scammer on a dating site

The story of a woman who miraculously timely uncovered a marriage swindler acting through dating sites. The story is told in her name and from her words. She is registered on our forum, but asked not to disclose her name - you never know what?

By registering on dating sites, each of the women pursues their own goals. Most are trying to find their soul mate, sincerely believing that somewhere on the vast expanses of the Internet, the one and only one is waiting for her. There are those who have their own clear goal - to catch a wealthy romantic man in their nets. They hope that after a good dose of affectionate words, their admirer will be ready to throw his fortune at their feet. And there are those who, by registering on dating sites, tritely want to dispel the boredom of either undeveloped family relationships or loneliness. Such, as a rule, do not have hopes for a real meeting, they just value communication, which is not enough in life.

Imagine my surprise when one "beautiful" day I received an email with a link to this site, which announced a new message for me. Having entered there, the surprise increased - a certain Anthony Razino, an Italian, wrote to me. Very handsome and well-to-do, culturally, without any rudeness and vulgarity, he asked for my e-mail address, since it would be much more convenient for him to write letters to me. My heart, I will not hide, skipped a beat. What if this is the only chance that falls one in a million? Because I have nothing to lose. And I answered him. Well, that's where it all started! Every day warm polite letters, words that he found his, the only one. First, let's move on to you, then dear, then dear, and as a crown - my dear. I rejoiced, can such a significant person from Italy really need me, who has his own house in the suburbs of Milan, his own restaurant, and at the same time there is nothing repulsive to me either in appearance or in correspondence by correspondence?

My 12 year old daughter joyfully shared with me dreams and joyful surprise. Some little worm inside me squeaked - DON'T BELIEVE, DON'T BELIEVE! But can a single woman caressed with warm words, showered with a heap of sweet compliments, pay attention to this? Unfortunately no. We want to believe in fairy tales, as in childhood. And if the realities of life do not allow this, then near the computer monitor, alone with her soul, a woman abstracts from real life and becomes a naive little girl, firmly believing in what she herself wants to believe.

After a week of such daily correspondence, having informed me in advance of his departure on business to Naples, my precious Italian informed me that he had sent me a gift through the delivery service. My delight knew no bounds, although the worm of doubt still gnawed at me from the inside. And then a day later, an SMS with the following content comes to the mobile phone number: "A package from Anthony Razino has been sent to your address. Your login .... invoice number...." from the "jat-express" service. Something alerted me in this message, and I decided to delve into the Internet. And then I discover that such a delivery service simply does not exist! There is a serious worldwide delivery service for JET-EXPRESS parcels, but there is no JAT-EXPRESS! One letter difference. Another day later, a message came to the email address: "... to receive the parcel, you must pay courier services in the amount of 1200 rubles ..." But I was already having fun because I did not fall for the bait of this scammer. And it was terribly insulting that I could even believe in such a beautiful romantic story. The banal saying FREE CHEESE IS ONLY IN THE MOUSETRAP, every time brings us back to earth if we fall into the hands of some scammers.

It's a shame that because of such adventurers who squeeze money out of people, playing on their feelings, we are losing faith in the beautiful, bright feeling of love. And, as the prima donna Alla Borisovna sang in the well-known song: "How can one live without love in the world?"

Being a marriage swindler without entering into a marital relationship is a special scheme that both men and women enjoy using. The purpose of such scams is money, material values, guest visas to the countries of the Schengen zone and North America. It is curious that “premarital” scammers are operating both online and offline, using behavior patterns as old as the world: the desire to patronize, help and support a nice person.

In the spring, traditionally, marriage swindlers are especially active: the slight euphoria that people experience with the advent of warm weather makes it much easier to establish informal relationships. It is much easier to make acquaintances and pretend to be in love when the birds begin to make nests, and the cats yell under the windows. Forcing rapprochement, obeying the precisely calculated "call of nature" is also more convenient in the spring, when all men are a little princes, and all women are a little princess. Sometimes such fast-paced relationships lead to the creation of a family and the celebration of a golden wedding on an island paradise, but more often their shelf life is short. And here it is worth looking into both, so that loans, debts, the loss of expensive electronics and family jewels are not added to a broken heart.

More women, more money

This is exactly what Sergei Pyatakov thought, whose marriage scam brought him to the pre-trial detention center. The classic gigolo was engaged in defrauding large sums from partners for a wide variety of purposes. The swindler did not disdain and theft, gutting the caskets of his passions and pulling out stash for a rainy day. Of course, the scheme itself is banal and does not draw on the blacklist of especially malicious swindlers, but at the moment five episodes have already surfaced in Moscow, Veliky Novgorod and St. Petersburg.

The 36-year-old ladies' man does not differ in Apollo's build, irresistible appearance and charisma, therefore he chose single women with children.

To understand that before them is a marriage swindler, the signs of which are obvious, the victims of the swindler did not need so much time, but the insolent man managed to get into the family budget, or borrow money from his cohabitant. He introduced himself to his new passions as a skydiving instructor, bank worker, lawyer or law enforcement officer, so some of the victims may still be afraid to file a complaint against a rogue. To intellectual ladies, he seemed to be an antiquarian or a doctor of psychology. The man was called by different surnames and gave completely different information about himself.

The legends that Sergey used to lure out money were also different. Favorite story - the tragic loss of a pregnant wife or girlfriend. Also in use was a fairy tale about a car accident and a serious illness of a non-existent sister. The fraudster knew how to beautifully present the facts and arouse sincere sympathy from the victims. In an effort to help their beloved, women sold jewelry and took out bank loans. So far, the detainee has five confirmed episodes, but investigators believe that there are many more victims.

The main thing is stability!

This is exactly what Anastasia Tyutryumova reasoned when starting a marriage scam on a dating site. Our portal is about this story, but fresh details have already appeared in the media. So, unmarried and without children, Anastasia, a modest accountant from Severouralsk, registered on the site under the name Ekaterina. Many marriage scammers on the Internet use stock photos, and the girl chose a pretty Ukrainian model for her plan - it is precisely such delicate features that foreigners usually peck at, offering a fictitious marriage for citizenship or the idle life of a kept woman. Anastasia was lucky almost immediately - the wealthy Pole Adam Plosky turned out to be the victim, who "flew" into the networks, not even bothering to check the photo through search engines.

Correspondence ensued, in which the girl began to complain about her terrible fate, the hard life in the village with rude and uncouth relatives. Not forgetting, however, to stir up the interest of a man with playful photos. The fictional Ekaterina was pursued by law enforcement agencies, she got into an accident, in addition, she was seriously ill, and then her mother died altogether. They needed money for lawyers, car repairs, payments to victims of the accident, expensive medicines, funerals. Problems had to be solved, and a man in love with the Ural beauty repeatedly transferred money to her - either for repairs or for treatment. Two years of communication cost the Pole more than one hundred thousand euros, transferred to the cards of the fraudster's relatives.

Later, the North Ural police found that Anastasia bought a KIA Sportage car with the money received from Pan Plosky, bought an apartment and made repairs in it, and twice went to rest on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Not a bad increase in the salary of an accountant from the outback.

The unlucky sponsor began to suspect that he was being deceived at the moment when Katenka refused to meet him in any city proposed by the fan. Romantic Adam was ready to fly to Yekaterinburg and ride horses to Severouralsk, but the girl avoided the meeting under various pretexts. Which, however, is not surprising - the marriage swindler was completely different from the profile photo. The man turned to the Polish police, and negotiations began with Russian law enforcement agencies. Like many marriage swindlers on the network, Anastasia was careless - the correspondence clearly states that she received the money in debt, and not as a gift, so a criminal case was opened.

The girl was identified by IP, because she did not guess to use anonymizers and various services to make the search difficult. As a result, the swindler ended up in prison, and besides, she was obliged to pay the victim all the money received from him. The judge took pity on the pseudo-model, appointing her only two years in prison instead of the six requested by the prosecutor's office. The amount of the fine has also decreased - from 800 thousand rubles to half a million. True, Tyutryumova still announced her intention to appeal the verdict, as she claims that she has no money, and the property was registered with relatives from the very beginning and it will not be easy to confiscate it to pay off debts.

Unsold kidney

An absolutely monstrous marriage scam was uncovered by Perm operatives (something is mentioned too often in the criminal chronicle). There, the swindler Leonid Chebasov (criminal nickname Chebasik), having previously lured three million rubles from his beloved from 2011 to 2016, leaving her without an apartment and with a bunch of loans and persuading her to mortgage her parents' apartment, finally came up with a chilling story. Like, in order to solve unsolvable problems in business and protect against bandits, he is forced to ... sell a kidney. True, even such a sacrifice will not save him from ruin and prison. Now, if Ksenia also agrees to donate one kidney, then the young man will be able to cope with his debts. The fool in love went to a private clinic in Yekaterinburg for an examination. Only her state of health saved her from a risky illegal operation - the girl's kidneys were declared unsuitable for transplantation. Having learned about the trip, Xenia's parents could not stand it and turned to law enforcement agencies. But even after that, Chebasik tried to blackmail the victim, threatening to post intimate photos and videos online. Leonid was detained, now he is awaiting trial in a pre-trial detention center.

The most amazing thing is that in more than five years of pretense, a married werewolf managed to divorce one wife and remarry. The first wife was aware of the marriage scam started by Leonid and is an accomplice. On account of the criminal couple, there are several more economic crimes.

Looking at the golden-toothed physiognomy of the gigolo, you involuntarily think: truly love is evil - you will love Chebasik too.

Their name is legion

The list of marriage scammers has lost three scammers with a fairly standard approach to work, but their more resourceful counterparts have remained at large. Foreign marriage scammers who lure victims into the porn business and replenish brothels, trust scammers whose goal is to get access only to the victims' money. Cunning people who offer fictitious marriages for money, and then take out a loan in the name of the victim and disappear.

There is a growing number of beautiful fairies who are ready to fly to the object of adoration if they receive money for a ticket - and of course, after the transfer, the victim is out of reach. More and more men who promise to marry as soon as the business becomes stable - and of course, large sums are taken from the bride to support this business, which no one plans to return. Some, like leeches, stick to one object, others, like fleas, change "donors", but everyone is only interested in money. They are considered marriage swindlers, not planning a marriage, they use the matrimonial plans of the victim for their own enrichment. Often they are courteous, sweet, interesting and caring - and some deceived women later recall with warmth the relationship with the swindler. But all this is simple psychology, because the more tender and affectionate the swindler is, the faster his victim will lose his vigilance and the sooner he will receive the coveted prey.

Marriage swindlers in the United States and Russia select victims according to different parameters, marriage swindlers in Moscow work according to schemes that appear in the regions 5-6 years later, and each scammer adds to the already huge list of methods. Deceiving lovers is easy - they believe their partners, are ready to turn a blind eye to inconsistencies and tend to forgive sins. As a result, it is difficult to punish a marriage swindler, and many cheaters do not come to the attention of law enforcement agencies for years.

Here is a firsthand account of how the American marriage swindler operated:

The information and analytical portal Proafery Ru wishes its readers to remain vigilant even at moments when their heads are spinning with love and always check the documents of a partner - many scammers are called by a false name to make them harder to find. And of course, you should not lend money without a receipt with passport data and the signature of the borrower, take a loan for the needs of a partner, even in marriage. And if it suddenly seems that you are being deceived, then most likely it doesn’t, and it’s time to put the relationship on pause.

There are such marriage swindlers: foreign scammers who breed for free sex. They are also called "". The author tells about one such case from life.

Free sex hunter from international dating site

Hello dear girls! I am writing this article for your own safety, in order to protect you from unpleasant disappointments and more serious problems that can bring into your life. some"foreign suitors".

On the site of international dating, not only real businessmen, but also sex tourists can get caught.

I read about different types of divorce on dating sites, but they focused more on “Nigerian letters”, “gifts with delivery charges”, “pity letters asking for money”, but they write less about sex tourists.

However, they also exist, and perhaps the experience of meeting such a scammer can become more painful than losing money, for example.

That's why my story is so important Please, help disseminate this information to other sources. So, my story.

I registered on another well-known international dating site [title removed].

Various personalities began to write to me, including an old swindler: under the guise of a very wealthy businessman, breeding girls for free sex, while promising mountains of gold.

How does he turn it

His legend is based on the fact that he has a business.

In my case: an international network of "jewelry companies", financial investments in other sectors. In fact, it can be any similar option that formulates in your mind the image of a successful man who can afford everything, even dinner with a girl for 10,000 euros or, for example, a diamond for 8 million euros.

Marriage swindlers send photos of yachts, cars that can belong to anyone, but not at all to them.

At the same time, he sends a photo to you in Viber or Skype, or where you agreed, his real photos. This reinforces in your mind the veracity of his legend.

  • A few of my photos from life against the backdrop of a beautiful house or car, which, most likely, is a piece of the hotel from its business trips.
  • The car, probably another, already real businessman, who parked next to the hotel.
  • A photo from a yacht that does not say anything - you cannot check whether it is his or not, he may be familiar with a person, for example, at work, who owns a yacht-boat, but there are many options.
  • Photo with "own plane" - yes, he can just be an employee of the airline.

Most importantly, you must understand that the photo do not display correct information about your boyfriend's property.

But we prefer to believe in a fairy tale, and why not, because Cinderella managed to arrange her happiness ... This is what they catch us on.

So, he sent me a couple of photos with his face and "property".

And also (in my case) a photo from his work: photos and documentation of beautiful diamonds - diamonds, with a fabulous value, with a hint to give you a pebble.

After all, you deserve it, he kind of “values” you at a million euros. Well, who would be upset about that?

Marriage swindlers and promises of marriage

In my case, it was even "promises to marry."

And let your mind tell you: Well, how can he promise something without seeing me in reality?

Nevertheless, you are pleased, you believe in your exclusivity!

Does a man promise to marry and talk about his wealth even before a personal meeting? Suspiciously...

When the victim is warmed up by his exclusivity and dreams of wealth (gifts), despite the real age of your fiancé (in my case, I admit, younger guys can do this, but I think they have to put in less effort, so the legend can be shorter), then he tries get high even before you meet by offering virtual sex.

He can send a couple of his photos to start with ... well, you know what, and ask for a couple of yours.

This is where the "alarm bell" should definitely ring.

In my case, I sent him immediately with such proposals. But, unfortunately, I did not immediately add it to the black list.

After all, in my heart I wanted not to believe, not to believe in the truth.

But he will again begin to “take your castle”: send flowers, hearts, and here, perhaps, you will like his perseverance. And even if he tries to send you something spicy again, then perhaps history will repeat itself in a circle where you again justify him.

Well, of course, a “diamond” or other gifts, options with money are possible (in my case, promises of 10 thousand euros for just a “dinner”) are almost there.

After all, this communication takes place on the eve of his real (!) visit to Moscow. (Or to another city, country where you live.)

He invites you to dinner

As a signal, remember, a very important signal!

He invites you to dinner at a restaurant at the hotel.

A marriage swindler (sex tourist) invites you to dinner at a hotel closer to his room.

What does it say? Yes, that he most likely works for an international company that pays for his accommodation and flights to Moscow.

Therefore, in fact, he did not spend a dime on your meeting!

In the future, most likely, he will meet you in the lobby, where instead of a "restaurant dinner" you can only order a drink (but be smarter, run right away).

By the way, please note that he will not pay the check right away, but will ask you to write it down to the number of the hotel where he lives. (Of course, his company will pay for these drinks. However, unfortunately, the company cannot pay him prostitutes for entertainment, so he has to breed naive Russian girls.)

By the way, at the same time it will look quite solid. Well, to the extent that a European can look.

In my opinion, in my case, most likely, there was some kind of "elderly pilot" - they are given good hotels for 1-2 days of rest on certain flights. They have a good salary to look solid.

But if you want a beautiful young body, and you are already over 60 and want it for free, then such stories happen.

How the truth was revealed

Sometimes it can be lucky and the truth will be revealed quickly upon meeting, as in my case, since he can recruit several naive girls for one dinner.

After all, the risk of “waking up” or simply changing your mind is great for girls ...

There is a rational cynical selfish approach, so next to him there is a risk of seeing his "personal secretary", another girl. (“To the private secretary,” he will explain that this is out of politeness: you have to introduce yourself in order to politely send this girl away.)

Promises of gifts, diamonds, money turn girls' heads and make them forget common sense. Marriage scammers just lie, trying to get free sex.

And then something should come to you. Or to your friend in misfortune (that same "secretary") that this is a divorce. And in the most humiliating way.

I think he thinks that you deserve such a life experience, because of wealth and status you agreed to a meeting. Therefore, he will not be embarrassed by the ambiguous situation of several girls.

If you are alone in the meeting, just pay attention to my previous alarms. Plus, if you expect to get something, pay attention to when “it” is going to be offered to you by a boyfriend, everything that “after that” is ... a divorce.

So, in my case, everything ended not as tragically as it could.

  • First I saw the "beautiful secretary".
  • In the meantime, I began to guess about this humiliating situation, and the third girl came up!!
  • 3 out of 3, you know!

Everything is like in a comedy of the absurd. And you are in shock, just for a while trying to realize the absurdity of the situation.

In general, we girls tried to treat this situation with humor towards each other and quickly left the hotel on a sweet note.

At the same time, he behaved impudently calmly, as if everything was as it should be. He definitely wanted to scam us into free sex. And it's good that we girls were together.

I hope that this old freak will fall off something very soon and he will not be able to fool the heads of romantic young ladies.

But he's not the only one. So girls, be careful. I am sure that happiness will definitely find you, just be more careful and attentive in finding your soul mates.

Share this story, maybe someone will find this information very useful!

P. S. My suitor's file said that heGeorge , 45 years old, lives in Austria/Switzerland, divorced . The photo of the face coincided with the real one! Only age over 50. The rest cannot be checked at all. But there are many of them! The information may be different, but I have already described the meaning and principle of divorce.

The natural desire to find love, create a family makes a woman more trusting, makes her turn a blind eye to some inconsistencies in the story of a potential groom. It is this gullibility of a woman who has lost her head with joy, who does not suspect anything bad, and opens the right path to her money and values.

Marriage swindlers are an ancient profession and, unfortunately, quite common, although not particularly honorable. This is a category of people who use the most sincere feelings for their own selfish interests.

And in fact, the natural desire to find love, create a family makes a woman more trusting, makes her turn a blind eye to some inconsistencies in the story of a potential groom. It is this gullibility of a woman who has lost her head with joy, who does not suspect anything bad, and opens the right path to her money and values.

Dear ladies, you probably imagine a marriage swindler as a kind of irresistible macho and say to yourself: I will be careful with such a man. Must disappoint you.

Usually marriage swindlers are people with a very mediocre appearance, their targets are women over 35 years old who have already drank enough in this life and appreciate in a man not external gloss, but kindness, reliability and a good attitude. These money hunters are great psychologists. They intuitively feel what kind of man their victim would like to meet, and with the talent of a professional actor, they create the required image. A suitable legend is composed to match the image, and the deed is almost done.

And how beautifully they know how to care, how charming they can be! A gentle word said in time, a bunch of flowers, a cheap gift presented with an air of importance, a romantic evening in a cheap cafe (the modesty of gifts is usually due to temporary financial difficulties), and most importantly, the clearly expressed intention to ask for a hand and heart completely conquers a woman yearning for love ...

For greater clarity, I will give a few real stories that happened recently in Minsk. The names have been changed, of course, but that's not important.

Case number 1. Inessa— an interesting and wealthy woman, 45 years old, celebrated her birthday with her friends in a restaurant. It was fun, but a little sad. Her friends are with their husbands, and she only has a son among her relatives - a good and smart boy, studying at the university. If she had a good husband, she would consider herself happy. And suddenly a quite respectable man invites her to dance. He is not handsome, but he is well dressed, carries himself confidently, gives compliments, makes a very pleasant impression, and most importantly, one feels that he is set for a serious relationship. Naturally, the woman's head went round. We exchanged phone numbers and started dating.

Vladimir behaved like a real gentleman. He gave flowers, took him to inexpensive cafes, explaining that he is now on a diet and he cannot eat high-calorie foods, so, they say, we will order only coffee and juices. He said that he divorced a year ago, left his ex-wife an apartment and a car, but since he is a highly paid employee of the Lukoil company, he is now saving money and will soon buy both an apartment and a car. He said that he was tired of loneliness, and Inessa was the woman of his dreams, with whom he was ready to go to the registry office even tomorrow. Well, how can you not lose your head?

A month flew by for Inessa, as in a happy dream. And then Vladimir tells her that, they say, they offer him a brand new jeep, but the trouble is that some seven thousand euros are not enough. Could Inessa help him out? In three months he will return the debt to her. And how cool they will look together in a chic car!

Well, how can you refuse a loved one, with whom they will forever connect their destinies in the near future? And no receipt is needed, she believes him, and will not offend their feelings with stupid suspicions.

What happens next is not hard to guess. Having received the money, Vladimir disappeared. Inessa lost not only money, but, what is much worse, faith in people and hope for the happiness she deserved. And do not blame her for being too gullible, marriage swindlers know how to deceive, playing on the highest feelings - love and the desire for happiness.

Case number 2. Galina- an unmarried girl of 30 years old, not a beauty, but pleasant, works in a prosperous company as a chief accountant, cannot meet a suitable man in any way. There is an apartment, there is a car, homely, good character, makes good money. Well, what else do these bastards, peasants, need? Getting into bed - yes, getting married - no!

And so she decided to advertise in the newspaper. Several men responded. One letter was written especially beautifully, and Galya answered it. Called the phone number and met.

Igor immediately made a good impression on her. In a few weeks, Galina had the conviction that Igor was her man, behind whom she would be like behind a stone wall. He courted her beautifully, took her to the theater, gave flowers, talked a lot about what a happy family they would have and what wonderful children she would give him. What woman's heart does not melt in anticipation of future happiness? Only stone. But Galina's heart was not a stone.

And when Igor said that his old friend was offering him to open a small auto body shop, and he only needed five thousand dollars to become an equal partner, she, without hesitation, offered him the money herself. And no receipts! What accounts between loved ones. A week later, Igor disappeared.

I told these stories to warn against marriage scammers. They usually look for potential victims through newspaper ads, on dating sites, in restaurants, at “over 30” meetup nights. Therefore, such acquaintances must be approached with the utmost caution ...

Today, a large number of single men and women are unsuccessfully trying to find "their soul mate" in the metropolis. Desperate to meet real love, many are looking for a panacea on the Internet. But in the virtual space, a sweet and very dangerous trap awaits them.

My friend named Natalya almost got into it. When she called me with the joyful news that she had finally found her one and only, I was sincerely happy for her.

His name is Chris Keel and he is from New Zealand. Far, of course. But love knows no bounds! – said a friend.

Deception strategy

It turned out that a man in the prime of life saw Natasha's photo on the Internet. He sent a friend request, which the woman confirmed without hesitation. After some time, a letter came from Chris, in which he admitted that he really liked Natalya, and offered to chat on Skype. At first, the lady was surprised at such unexpected attention to her person. Although she looked good, but still, she was far from her first youth. But, the woman decided, what the hell is not joking, what if it was fate, and decided to send her email address and phone number to the persistent foreigner.

That same evening, Chris got in touch. However, outwardly, he seemed to Natasha not at all the stocky, dark-haired man who was captured in the photo he had sent earlier. A tall, grey-haired, imposing man was looking at her from the computer screen. When she told him about this, he was very offended and even accused the woman of probably mixing something up, since apparently she has a lot of acquaintances of men on the Internet.

He told her that his wife was Russian, died a few years ago and now he is completely alone and wants to marry again. And it was Natalya who seemed to him the very one and only, about which he had dreamed all his life.

Chris also admitted that he lives in a large spacious house, is engaged in the gold business

A few years ago he came to Astana and he really liked our sincere and friendly people. And then, as if by the way, he asked about Natalie's financial situation.

The woman also decided to show that she was not a beggar, she lived alone in her own large apartment and made good money.

Then Chris began to literally bombard his beloved with letters, in which he assured that he was a very faithful and decent person and meeting her was a real gift of fate.

Chris's numerous letters began with a caring question about what she ate for breakfast, lunch or dinner (depending on the time of day), and ended with assurances of eternal love in poetic form. Moreover, the messages were interspersed with numerous phrases, such as “The Lord will generously bless you!”, “The Almighty is praying for you!”, From which it could be concluded that the elderly lover is a deeply religious person. Romeo tortured the woman with the question whether she loved him as passionately as he did. Tired of romanticism and religious verbosity, Lena admitted that, in fact, she does not spend days on end in prayer, but leads a secular lifestyle, and she does not yet feel special love for Chris. After such a revelation, the tone of the letters changed dramatically and became more modern and businesslike. The man, without false modesty, said that he was previously the director of a large firm, graduated from Oxford, but is now retired and longs for a change in his personal life.

Mr. Keel said that he wanted to come to Kazakhstan in the near future in order to get to know each other better. The lady's plans were, on the contrary, to see firsthand how a foreigner lives, especially since her distant relative also lives in New Zealand and she has long dreamed of visiting her. She straightforwardly told the applicant for her hand and heart about this. What was Natalia's astonishment when Chris said that his main place of residence is Salt Lake City (USA), and in New Zealand he is ... on vacation. Then the man is going to go to Ganna, no more no less than to meet with ... a former UN secretary, who, as Keel assured, is his friend and partner.

At first, Natalya was slightly shocked by such stunning information, but then she thought, what if, in fact, her new admirer is a bird of such a high flight.

But the last letter from a foreigner completely forced the woman to plunge into a deep trance. Mr. Keel said that he travels a lot and now does not intend to store his gold bars in England, as he does not trust this company. In the same time

he hopes for the help of Natasha, to whom he is going to send ... 90 kg of gold, while promising to pay good interest for storage

At the end of the letter, Chris left an email address to which she must apply in order for the bars to be sent to her.

Police Commentary

Suspecting something was wrong, we turned to the police for clarification.

- Marriage swindlers, unfortunately, are not uncommon today, and they are operating with might and main on the Internet, - says the official representative of the Department of Internal Affairs of Almaty, Police Major Saltanat Azirbek. - Do not believe too much that an Internet acquaintance who has suddenly inflamed with passionate love for you really counts on a relationship. Perhaps he only burns with a desire to use you. Swindlers can act in different roles. Moreover, year by year the methods of their "divorce" are becoming more sophisticated. The first thing a marriage swindler is interested in is what you own, which happened to Natalya. Therefore, she did not need to tell immediately about her property. But as soon as this happened, it is better to try to change the situation by extracting a few negative points. For example, tell the newly-made Romeo that your apartment was bought on credit or that it does not belong to you at all. If a person is really sincere towards you, this will not scare him off, but for a swindler it will become “shock therapy”.

There is no such definition as a “marriage swindler” in Kazakhstani legislation, but he can be held criminally liable under the articles “Fraud”, “Taking possession of another's property” and “Breach of trust”. But the fact is that victims often give away their property voluntarily, and this fact makes it difficult to punish the fraudster.

Regarding this story of Natasha, there can be many scenarios for the development of events with the storage of gold. You need to understand that no one will ever give her anything for free. For example, by clicking on the site specified in the letter, she can “pick up” viruses, with the help of which an attacker downloads her personal data from a computer and can easily use them. Or if she signs an agreement with a company storing gold, no one will send her the bars, of course. And then they will blackmail her, forcing her to pay for the allegedly received gold, which she has not seen in her eyes.

“Citizens who have suffered from marriage Internet swindlers have already applied to the Department of Internal Affairs,” Azirbek added. “But it is rather difficult to investigate such cases, especially if they concern foreigners. After all, they can be written from fictitious Internet addresses or obtained fraudulently. Nevertheless, we are ready to accept Natalia's statement to the police, to which she will attach letters from Chris Keel and investigate this case.