Ditties about carnival for school. We will sing ditties, as we are waiting for Maslenitsa! Short ditties about Maslenitsa for children

We will sing ditties
How we wait for Maslenitsa
How we yearn for pancakes
And on warm spring days.

I am for my dear son-in-law
I do not regret pancakes
Come visit us again
Feel the mother-in-law love.

I ate, I ate pancakes,
I did not spare caviar,
She did not spare oil, lard,
And I got fatter!

If you want to be healthy
Eat a pancake with milk
If you want to be funny -
That one with pickles!

I made a test of the pelvis,
I'll give you pancakes.
And praise me
I will bake the mountain for you!

Spent on Shrovetide
We are fisticuffs
I defeated my husband
After all, I have a frying pan!

Hey friend, don't be sad
Eat a pancake, drink tea!
And you want more -
I don't mind, eat it all!

I love pancakes with herring
Wash them down with tasty vodka.
True, later in the evening
I look like a scarecrow!

Maslenitsa has come to us,
It means to be a pancake.
Be love and be good -
Give everyone a pancake!

My mother-in-law made me:
Eat a mushroom pancake
But I still lived a little,
I'm not ready to die!

There is a scarecrow on a hill
And it scolds.
That is not a scarecrow, but my husband,
He's just drunk in the city ... but.

Like Shrovetide Week
Everyone was surprised:
More popular than meatballs
There are Russian pancakes!

I'm on Maslenitsa, people
I'm coming to eat!
I will eat everything that is on the platter,
Climbs through the ears!

I have a friend Vadim,
He loves the girl!
At night on Maslenitsa
Never sleep!

Like children on Maslenitsa
They love to eat pancakes!
It can be seen that all these
Daughters and sons!

These winter farewells
We won't forget for sure!
We have fun loudly
Let's go to Maslenitsa!

Hey March, where are the streams?
Where are the rooks and jackdaws?
Yesterday I went to the forest
Met some sticks.

Didn't make it to the middle
And already tired
What does vitamins mean?
And when they are few.

A poet is sitting at the table
About spring draws aptly.
You better hurry up
The groom was found for her ...

Oh, March, dear friend
Terrible, but outgoing
buy me a poem
You are so resourceful

March on Mars too
From the sky the stars say
What a roundabout!
I'll go ask the month

And in March, and in April,
And in any of the months
I kiss you
And the neighbors are mad

Eh, juice, my juice
apple tears
And March failed
Warm birches

Martha does not sit at home,
Martha went to the boulevard
Walk along the fence
And hit the bar again

The old woman did not drink vodka
And I didn't eat pancakes
saved up for pantyhose
Torn - dressed

February beyond the threshold
And spring is in the window.
Beloved could not
So Proshka will help

Pancakes on the table
The guest knocks on the door.
In vain husband in the spring
Believes me capricious

Not the wind howled
Not a blizzard was spinning
Polkan came to life
How spring happened

Smoke from the chimney
Yes, across the sky
Cat Vaska could
Win a victory

We have Polkan
And they have a cat Vaska
Yelled so into the night
That the moon has gone out.

Polkan on his side
Found a star
What month
The dog is climbing well.

You, March, don't stand
Go to the hut
You dear
I'll treat you with a cheesecake.

Mazay has a boat,
He saves rabbits.
It's not about spring at all.
It's just that he himself is Zaitsev.

All the pancakes are burnt
The milk has run out.
At a girlfriend - at spring
"Light" start.

Love yourself
And love others.
Spring will come
Just be patient.

To become your love
So that you know happiness
Gotta give a kiss
And give back to your loved one!

To burn to say "no"
I'll give you this advice:
Wrap your tears in a pancake
Drown in the fast river!

I won't give you a pancake!
I'd rather sell it!
Buy a new dress
And I love another!

You look with greedy eyes
You ask for a pancake with tears!
Okay, I'll eat anyway.
But I will not forgive betrayal!

If you eat a pancake together,
Our lips will meet!
Let's live together for a long time -
Let the girls rage!

If a pancake is folded with a pancake,
That letter will work!
If glued with tongue
The sorcerer is gone!

Come on, come on
For ruddy pancakes.
This Maslenya week -
Be happy like us!

I'm ready for Maslena
Eat 50 pancakes.
I'll eat them well
I'll try to lose weight.

Bake, godfather, pancakes,
Yes, to be magnificent.
This Maslenya week -
You can eat too much.

The Martians have arrived
They were satisfied.
Their plates are not empty
And full of pancakes.

I ate the fifth pancake
My skirt broke.
I'm going to sew up a skirt
To eat pancakes again.

Have fun playing, harmonica,
Shrovetide, don't be sad!
Come spring soon
Drive winter away from us!

We stop singing ditties
Until another evening.
You sit until the morning
When there is nothing to do.

Wide Maslenitsa,
We praise you
We ride on the mountains
We eat pancakes!

Spring is not spring
And parted with the winter
I baked pancakes
And you refused.

We begin to sing ditties,
Please don't laugh.
There are a lot of people here
We can get lost!

My friend and I were walking
The mountain was covered with cheese,
All covered with pancakes,
Topped with oil!

Like on a butter week
Pancakes flew from the table
And cheese and cottage cheese
Everyone flew under the threshold!

Girls, the butter dish is coming!
Who will ride us?
Petrushka in the yard
Sivka disappears.

Maslenitsa - white-legged,
Stay with us for a while
For a week, for a day,
For a single hour!

On Monday from a clear dawn
Everyone rides the hill
All sorts of dishes are chewed,
Loud songs are sung.

In the village in every yard
The children's choir is running.
From the houses they carry junk,
All kinds of rags.

Everyone is taken out over the fence,
Making a big fire.
That's Maslenitsa,
Glorious Shrovetide!

For a loved one for a handkerchief
The guy climbs on the sixth.
And the sixth is doused with water,
That's why it's icy.

In trials, the lads are standing,
And in the cooking of the girls are brisk -
Sweet pancakes are baked
Meals are served.

The people are smiling
Leads a round dance.
That's Maslenitsa,
Good Shrovetide!

Son-in-law runs early
Please your mother-in-law
Invites her to the house
He serves wine there.

Have fun honest people
Stuffing your belly.
This is Shrovetide
Celebrating Maslenitsa!

Kneading sweet cheesecakes,
The girls sing ditties.
Every person dances around
And his soul rejoices.

With the coming of Sunday
We ask everyone for forgiveness.
Our good intentions
Cause admiration.

Goodbye to all the people
Shrovetide will be set on fire.
Burn up quickly
Let us have more fun!

A diva was taken around the yard,
Oh, yes, I'm beautiful and beautiful.
I'm sorry to burn this
Yes, my wife will not let me sleep.

I'll draw a mask
Pancake we will cover decorously.
Let it burn completely
Everyone is tired of winter.

My son-in-law uninvited
Came running for a meal
But he also made a mistake
He did not master all the pancakes.

The girls are happy, the guys too
Let's kiss everyone as best we can.
Let's crush the resistance
Winter cold, no doubt.
Let the spring be a red girl
With us, too, frolic.

I rode on Maslenitsa
Broke three sleds.
The crow tortured the horse,
And ride the cutie.

Buy me a horse, baby,
Raven legs.
I will ride the girls
On the big track.

Girls, Butter is coming!
Who will ride us?
Petruni in the yard
Sivka disappears.

I have four shawls
Fifth - downy,
I'm not the only one fighting
We are all poor here...

How many times have I cursed
Sing songs to the harmonica
And the accordion will play here -
How can the heart sit?

The accordion plays well
does not play, but sings.
All girlfriend beckons
And he won't call me.

Damn is not good alone.
Pancake is not a wedge, the belly will not split.
There is no Shrovetide without pancakes!

My batiste handkerchief
Stitched corner
Who has a character
I have persistent.

They say I'm fighting
I'm really a fighter
I am praised for my work
The whole village and my father!

The blizzard guys got scared
Let them sit on the stove
We sang, walked
In the cold without the guys!

- This is a holiday that came to us from Ancient Rus'. From time immemorial, the whole Shrovetide week was accompanied by cheerful folk festivals, in which both adults and children of different ages took part with pleasure. Unfortunately, today this holiday is not so popular, but many people honor their ancestors and try to pass them on to the next generation.

That is why mothers and fathers, grandparents often read funny sayings, jokes and ditties about Shrovetide for their children. With the help of these works of Russian folklore, it is possible to explain to the child in an accessible way why pancakes are baked and treated to each other during this holiday, a scarecrow is burned and they have endless fun.

In this article, we bring to your attention several children's ditties that can be used on Maslenitsa to entertain and introduce children to this wonderful holiday.

Short ditties about Maslenitsa for children

Chastushkas for the smallest children should be short so that the baby can catch their meaning and repeat after adults. Such ditties can be performed to music or simply with a chant. One way or another, these short rhymes dedicated to Maslenitsa will definitely help to enrich the vocabulary of the crumbs and introduce him to ancient customs and traditions.

In particular, for a group of boys and girls of early age, the following ditties-quatrains are perfect:

We are with all the honest people

We will sing ditties to you,

We spend mother winter

And let's start celebrating spring.

We are in butter week

The holiday was not violated

All friends danced, sang,

Yes, they ate pancakes!

On a cheerful Russian troika

We drove friends.

Having knocked down the cow Zorka on the way,

Tears poured into three streams.

25 healthy pancakes

I ate it in one sitting.

And now on new trousers

You will not find clean places.

As at our Maslenitsa

Everyone is getting warmer.

We have more fun with pancakes.

Long ditties for older kids

Older guys are usually happy to perform ditties to cheerful music to please their parents and other loved ones, as well as to demonstrate their talent to other boys and girls. In this case, as a rule, longer works of Russian folklore are used. For example, on the eve of Shrove Tuesday, the guys can perform such a clockwork ditty:

On Monday from a clear dawn

Everyone rides the hill

All sorts of dishes are chewed,

Loud songs are sung.

In the village in every yard

The children's choir is running.

From the houses they carry junk,

All kinds of rags.

Everyone is taken out over the fence,

Making a big fire.

That's Maslenitsa,

Glorious Shrovetide!

For a loved one for a handkerchief

The guy climbs on the sixth.

And the sixth is doused with water,

That's why it's icy.

In trials, the lads are standing,

And in the cooking of the girls are brisk -

Sweet pancakes are baked

Meals are served.

The people are smiling

Leads a round dance.

That's Maslenitsa,

Good Shrovetide!

Son-in-law runs early

Please your mother-in-law

Invites her to the house

He serves wine there.

Have fun honest people

Stuffing your belly.

This is Shrovetide

Celebrating Maslenitsa!

Wide Maslenitsa
We will not praise you
Come visit us
To the wide yard
play with children
Ride on the hills!

And we are waiting for the carnival,
We wait, my soul, we wait.
We'll see cheese and butter in our eyes,
We'll see, my soul, we'll see.
Like a green oak on a hill,
Greenery, soul, greenery.
And Vanyusha, my friend, is young,
Young, soul, young.
Our Maslenitsa, be happy
Be happy, soul, be happy.
Our pea be rolling,
Be resilient, soul, be resilient.

Shrovetide is coming, dear,
Our annual guest
On painted sledges,
On raven horses.
Maslenitsa lives
seven days.
Stay Shrovetide
seven years old.

How I got up early
Removed quickly:
Maslenitsa came to us,
She brought pancakes and butter!

Like Shrove Week
We ate pancakes every day.
Both boys and girls
Gathered for the evening:
Songs were sung and danced
Welcome spring with joy!
Spring was welcomed
They saw off the winter for a year.
We got up together in a round dance -
Spring is coming to visit us!

The annual Maslenitsa has come,
Our guest dear!
She does not walk to us,
Everyone comes on horseback.
Her horses are black,
They have golden manes,
And the sledges are painted.

Maslenitsa closes the winter,
Spring invites Krasna!

Oh, Zimushka-Winter!
Go to sleep, rest!
Spring Red!
Come to us again!

Stand in a circle, all the people!
Harmonist, ring dance!

They came to you with good news,
Fun, joy brought!
Winter is ending
Carnival begins!

Shrovetide invocations about pancakes

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
And we cordially invite:
Throw all worries
Come to visit,
Straight to our front porch
To us for Maslenitsa.
See for yourself:
Let's eat pancakes
On sour cream donuts,
Lush pies,
February - wave,
Martha - "hello" say.

Masleny week has come, -
He invited godfather Emel to visit.
Well, godfather's sister
Baking pancakes is a craftswoman!
I baked six piles of them,
Seven cannot eat them.
And four sat down at the table,
Gave space to the soul
looked at each other
And ... everyone ate pancakes!

Have fun people
Maslenka is visiting
With pies and pancakes, -
Leading spring by the hand!

Let's sing, walk, -
Meet Mother Spring!
ride on a sleigh,
indulge in pancakes!

Masleny week has come.
Was at the godfather for pancakes.
The cousin had a sister.
Baking pancakes is a craftswoman.
I baked six piles of them,
Seven cannot eat them.
And four sat down at the table,
Gave space to the soul
looked at each other
And ... everyone ate pancakes!

Oh, you Lakomka-Wednesday!
Butter pan!
As it has been since ancient times -
Let's go to… (mother-in-law for pancakes)!

Maslenitsa goes on ice,
Carries a pancake pan.
Take the young
Take it apart!

Oh, Maslenitsa, reach out!
You are for the oak, hook on to the deck!
Oh, they said - our Maslenitsa
seven years old,
And just at Shrovetide
Seven days.
Oh, Maslenitsa-deceiver!
Cheated, tricked
Didn't let go!
Maslenitsa goes on ice,
Carries a pancake pan.
Take the young
Take it apart!

Maslenitsa, climb the hill,
Call us a clear dawn.
And at dawn - a nightingale,
For a day, for a week.

Invocations for burning a carnival effigy

Goodbye carnival!
She fed us heartily,
Wort - brew watered.
Goodbye carnival!
And we saw you off
Rogozhey rite,
Goodbye carnival!
Burn, burn brightly so that it does not go out!

The carnival burned
The whole world is tired
Cheated, tricked
Didn't make it to the year
Made it to the post.
She walked towards us
Through the back streets, back streets,
Carried iron pancakes,
She busted her stomach!
I baked pancakes
She ate it all herself
And we have a radish tail
Submitted to the post!
Walked merrily
The songs played
Stretched to the post, -
Burn, Satan!

To not go out!
To all the blizzards
They flew away together
For the birds to sing
The grasses are green
Chenille skies
And the ears are ripe!
So that all adversity
winter frosts,
Failures, tears -
Let them burn, burn
Flying towards the sun!
Burn, burn bright
To not go out!
Burn, burn brighter
Summer will be hotter!

Shrovetide lit up -
The whole world is fed up!
Walked merrily
She sang and played.
Hello, goodbye
Come that year!
Spring is at the door
So burn, burn quickly!

Shrovetide invocations of spring

Maslenitsa - wettail!
Drive away from the yard
Your time has passed!
We have streams from the mountains,
play ravines,
Turn out the shafts, fix the plow!
Spring is red!
Our sweetie has arrived!

Mother Shrovetide
gave us a holiday!
Treats pancakes
sons and daughters!
Brought Spring with her, -
now freckles on the nose!
Have fun, walk people
to live well for a whole year!

Oh, Maslenitsa-Mother,
bring spring red!
Bring warmth and a long day
drive the winter behind the wattle fence.

Wake up the people, stir up the blood
give young people hot love,
Reward girls with blush and beauty,
and so that life blooms with a bright stripe!

So that the fields are in bread, so that the cattle are darkness!
To have enough strength and mind for everything.
And so that joy does not leave the house!
We welcome you with beer and pancake!

Farewell, snotty winter!
Come, red summer!
Sohu, harrow -
And I'll go plow!

Saying goodbye to Shrovetide

Farewell, farewell, our broad!
You came with good: cheese, butter and egg
With pancakes, pies and pancakes.
Buttered pancakes, shangi smeared.
We ride down the mountain from dawn to dusk.
And today on Sunday our fun will end
Farewell, farewell, our Maslenitsa!

And we saw off Maslenitsa,
They sighed heavily for her:
- Dear Maslyana, come back,
Stretch until the red summer!
Maslyana, Maslyana,
Where are you going?
Lost paws -
You won't find it!
Shrove Tuesday
The whole world is tired
Cheated, tricked
Didn't make it to the year.

Simple, easy to remember ditties for children. It is easy to learn, fervently sing, to amuse everyone!

Chastushki for Shrovetide for kids. Age: 2-4 years.

In this oily season
I baked pancakes a mountain,
Burnt out, tired
She began to feed everyone!

Murka the cat said:
"Give me some pancakes too,
To them - sour cream in a bowl,
Best kitty breakfast ever!”

I have from a plate
Damn squirrels stole
Sat on a birch
Damn in two accounts ate!

The bear said to the people:
"There is nothing better than honey,
Serve pancake here with honey -
Just a fairy tale, not food!”

Forty set the table,
Called everyone to pancakes:
"Hares, wolves, wild boars,
Waiting for you to visit for pancakes!”

My mom's pancakes
Fragrant and delicious!
Kiss my mom on the cheek
“Feed pancakes to your daughter!”

Grandma bakes pancakes
And keeps them an accurate account,
And Vanyusha, grandma's grandson,
Ate 30 pancakes!

Oiled hands and pants
I ate pancakes with butter,
Where are these spots from?
I ate pancakes carefully!

Maslenitsa. Ditties for older children: Age: 5-8 years.

Until what, until what
Damn looks like the sun
I'll swallow a pancake
Everyone, like the sun, I will light up!

I eat pancakes, the bell rings,
I open it - there is a puppy,
How to grab your pants
And shouts: "Come on pancakes!"

From pancakes to me and my girlfriend
You can't drag it by the ears,
We do not like semolina porridge,
My girlfriend and I are gourmets!

Like Kostya Ivanov
I ate 10 pieces of pancakes,
And then Kostya added
10 centimeters tall!

I'll dip the pancake in sour cream,
I will eat with gusto
Even if there are heels in sour cream,
There is no better food, guys!

In oil cheeks, nose and lips,
Waists don't fit into skirts
After Shrovetide, you see,
We all have to lose weight!

We are in sour cream - me and dad,
And Timoshka's paw,
Pancakes with sour cream
Just super delicious!

Us this week
Everyone envy the model
After all, pancakes for all of us, friends,
You can eat, but they can't!

Chastushki for children of middle school students. Age: 9-13 years old.

We are all in love
Super delicious pancakes
We chew them to the fullest
And we will sing ditties to you!

Hey boys and girls
Pull up your strength,
Everyone needs strength these days.
To eat pancakes for a week!

Bake pancakes I slide
I'll put caviar on them,
I'll invite Kolya to dinner,
Eat pancakes, Kolya, plenty!

I will visit Nastya
On pancakes - what happiness!
Bring a treat!
For pancakes - grand merci!

Under the spring ringing of drops
Titmouse sang songs to me,
I listened to their songs
I ate pancake with jam!

My younger brother Ilyushka
All dirty, like a pig.
What happened, I know
Ilya ate a pancake with jam!

If only we had lessons instead,
Make dough for pancakes
And bake pancakes at a time
For the whole school, for the whole class!

We met Spring in a crowd,
"Come Spring! - They screamed. -
Sit next to us at the table
Let's treat you to pancakes!"

Chastushki for Shrove Tuesday for teenagers. Age: 14-18 years old.

No, believe me, really.
Better than Shrovetide Week
All week long
Eat pancakes, walk, dance!

Us by the ears, what to hide,
Do not tear off pancakes,
Let all things wait
Carnival has come to us!

I'm the envy of everyone
I eat pancake with caviar,
There is no tastier, I will not hide,
Pancake with caviar!

Invite for a date
Me Masha, Luda, Anya,
Well, I, instead of a goodbye,
Eat pancakes with sour cream!

I follow the figure
I value my appearance
"Pancake is good for the figure" -
I'll tell you exactly!

Eating pancakes all week
Stopped getting into my pants
Don't get up in your pants, don't sit down,
I'll keep eating pancakes!

We ate pancakes for a week
We barely fit into dresses,
Let the outfits be small, what?
Anyway, pancakes are more expensive!

We ditties, as we could,
They sang about pancakes to you today,
Our bow to you, gentlemen,
And eat pancakes let's go!

Hello! Glad to have you as a guest! Today we will talk about the wonderful customs of our people. Agree Russian national traditions are very beautiful, lush, colorful. We all want to teach our baby to them. And preparation for the celebration of Maslenitsa is the best time. After all, this is the time for games, fun and songs. So we got to the very topic of the conversation:.

How to prepare kids for fun events

Let's, first of all, introduce our crumbs to the upcoming events. In one of the previous conversations, we already mentioned what kind of holiday it is, Maslenitsa, when it starts this year, and what these days are songs, poems, games and competitions are appropriate.

Maybe, at kindergarten or at school, your kids have already acquired some knowledge, and even learned some funny ditties, but it is you who can tell in detail about the meaning of the holiday. And yet, since the holiday lasts a whole week, try to spend this time as productively and interestingly as possible. We have already talked about games for children. But also, you can take our strong men by making crafts. And, of course, try to learn funny carnival songs for kids to make a program for a home holiday, and your baby could successfully perform at a holiday dedicated to Maslenitsa in a kindergarten / school.

What are the ditties on Maslenitsa

Our task is to select children's ditties in which text will be understandable to your crumbs. according to their age and development. If the baby is too small, this should not stop you. Try to learn with him even a small one, just 4 lines, but a mischievous song. Most importantly, take the time to do this, and you yourself will be surprised and rejoice at the result!

I tried to make for you a selection of perky children's songs. My selection criteria for a ditty:

  • First of all, they should be short so that they are easy to learn. But long ones are acceptable for older children.
  • On different topics. After all, boys are interested in space and cars, girls are interested in how to bake pancakes and treat guests to them.
  • Merry. This is a must for all songs. Funny little ditties are remembered faster and longer.
  • There are many modern ones, and this is good, it means that the people maintain their traditions. But I will also select those that are rooted in history.
  • And one more criterion. Those songs that can become the basis of a small script for a skit. Then the children will not only sing a song, but also dress up as heroes and play a mini-performance.

For babies 2-4 YEARS

In this oily season
I baked pancakes a mountain,
Burnt out, tired
She began to feed everyone!

The bear said to the people:
"There is nothing better than honey,
Serve pancake here with honey -
Just a fairy tale, not food!”

Forty set the table,
Called everyone to pancakes:
"Hares, wolves, wild boars,
Waiting for you to visit for pancakes!”

My mom's pancakes
Fragrant and delicious!
Kiss my mom on the cheek
“Feed pancakes to your daughter!”

Grandma bakes pancakes
And keeps them an accurate account,
And Vanyusha, grandma's grandson,
Ate 30 pancakes!

Oiled hands and pants
I ate pancakes with butter,
Where are these spots from?
I ate pancakes carefully!


From pancakes to me and my girlfriend
You can't drag it by the ears,
We do not like semolina porridge,
My girlfriend and I are gourmets!

Like Kostya Ivanov
I ate 10 pieces of pancakes,
And then Kostya added
10 centimeters tall!

I'll dip the pancake in sour cream,
I will eat with gusto
Even if there are heels in sour cream,
There is no better food, guys!

In oil cheeks, nose and lips,
Waists don't fit into skirts
After Shrovetide, you see,
We all have to lose weight!

We are in sour cream - me and dad,
And Timoshka's paw,

Just super delicious!


We are all in love
Super delicious pancakes
We chew them to the fullest
And we will sing ditties to you!

Hey boys and girls
Pull up your strength,
Everyone needs strength these days.
To eat pancakes for a week!

I will visit Nastya
On pancakes - what happiness!
Bring a treat!
For pancakes - grand merci!

Under the spring ringing of drops
Titmouse sang songs to me,
I listened to their songs
I ate pancake with jam!

Us this week
Everyone envy the model
After all, pancakes for all of us, friends,
You can eat, but they can't!

My younger brother Ilyushka
All dirty, like a pig.
What happened, I know
Ilya ate a pancake with jam!


No, believe me, really.
Better than Shrovetide Week
All week long
Eat pancakes, walk, dance!

Us by the ears, what to hide,
Do not tear off pancakes,
Let all things wait
Carnival has come to us!

I'm the envy of everyone
I eat pancake with caviar,
There is no tastier, I will not hide,
Pancake with caviar!

Invite for a date
Me Masha, Luda, Anya,
Well, I, instead of a goodbye,
Eat pancakes with sour cream!

I follow the figure
I value my appearance
"Pancake is good for the figure," -
I'll tell you exactly!

Eating pancakes all week
Stopped getting into my pants
Don't get up in your pants, don't sit down,
I'll keep eating pancakes!

We ate pancakes for a week
We barely fit into dresses,
Let the outfits be small, what?
Anyway, pancakes are more expensive!

We ditties, as we could,
They sang about pancakes to you today,
Our bow to you, gentlemen,
And eat pancakes let's go!

And don't forget to do it. Making it is simple - you only need threads (yarn) and 15 minutes of time.

Short ditties different

Come on, come on
For ruddy pancakes.
This Maslenya week -
Be happy like us!

I'm ready for Maslena
Eat 50 pancakes.
I'll eat them well

Bake, godfather, pancakes,
Yes, to be magnificent.
Today Maslenya week
- You can eat too much.

I ate the fifth pancake
My skirt broke.
I'm going to sew up a skirt
To eat pancakes again.

Have fun playing, harmonica,
Shrovetide, don't be sad!
Come spring soon
Drive winter away from us!

We stop singing ditties
Until another evening.
You sit until the morning
When there is nothing to do.

We begin to sing ditties,
Please don't laugh.
There are a lot of people here
We can get lost!

My friend and I were walking
The mountain was covered with cheese,
All covered with pancakes,
Topped with oil!

Like on a butter week
Pancakes flew from the table
And cheese and cottage cheese
Everyone flew under the threshold!

Girls, the butter dish is coming!
Who will ride us?
Petrushka in the yard
Sivka disappears.

On Monday from a clear dawn
Everyone rides the hill
All sorts of dishes are chewed,
Loud songs are sung.

For a loved one for a handkerchief
The guy climbs on the sixth.
And the sixth is doused with water,
That's why it's icy.

In trials, the lads are standing,
And in the cooking of the girl, the boys are
- Sweet pancakes are baked,
Meals are served.

The people are smiling
Leads a round dance.
That's Maslenitsa,
Good Shrovetide!

Have fun honest people
Stuffing your belly.
This is Shrovetide
Celebrating Maslenitsa!

Kneading sweet cheesecakes,
The girls sing ditties.
Every person dances around
And his soul rejoices.

With the coming of Sunday
We ask everyone for forgiveness.
Our good intentions
Cause admiration.

Goodbye to all the people
Shrovetide will be set on fire.
Burn up quickly
Let us have more fun!

A diva was taken around the yard,
Oh, yes, I'm beautiful and beautiful.
I'm sorry to burn this
Yes, my wife will not let me sleep.

I'll draw a mask
Pancake we will cover decorously.
Let it burn completely
Everyone is tired of winter.

My son-in-law uninvited
Came running for a meal
But he also made a mistake
He did not master all the pancakes.

The girls are happy, the guys too
Let's kiss everyone as best we can.
Let's crush the resistance
Winter cold, no doubt.

Let the spring be a red girl
With us, too, frolic.
Thank you all for your attention
For enthusiasm, fun, laughter.

For the fire of competition
Creative success.
Now it's time to say goodbye
Our speech will be short.
We say: "Goodbye,
Until happy new meetings!”

We composed ditties
We tried very hard.
We only ask that you
We were not offended.


Of course, in addition to learning the words, it is worth showing the crumbs (you can use your own example) that in these songs it is also important how they are performed:

  • loudly,
  • with gestures
  • with emphasis on certain words
  • and possibly dancing!

My dear friends, that's all! I hope the article set the tone for the holiday, and you will spend it fun and interesting! I remind you to come visit, there are still many important topics waiting for you. And in order to know when my next article will be published and what it will be about, subscribe! Invite all your friends, together we will spend more interesting time!