How to treat green discharge during pregnancy. Causes of green discharge in women at different stages of pregnancy. Green vaginal discharge

The article discusses green discharge during early pregnancy. We talk about the reasons for this condition, why it is dangerous. You will find out what such secretion means with and without smell, reviews of doctors and women.

During childbearing, a woman's body undergoes a number of physiological and hormonal changes. It is the latter that affect the change in mucous secretions, which is due to an increase in the level of the hormone progesterone up to 12-13 weeks of pregnancy, and estrogen - from 14 weeks.

What are considered normal? The color of the secretion should be white or transparent, the consistency should be watery or not very thick, the smell should be absent or not sharp. At the same time, the expectant mother should not experience any discomfort, itching and burning sensation in the perineum.

Photo of green discharge in early pregnancy

This nature of the discharge refers to physiological norms and does not require treatment. Under certain conditions, pathological secretion can include:

  • bloody;
  • green.

As a rule, unhealthy discharge occurs against the background of a reduced immunity of a pregnant woman. This condition is necessary so that the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall, and is not later rejected by the body when it is perceived as a foreign body.

Types of green secretions:

  • inflammatory processes in the fallopian tubes, ovaries - in this case, the secretion resembles snot in consistency, it is slightly greenish or dark green in color;
  • acute vaginal infections;
  • violation of the microflora of the vagina - green mucus becomes foam and fetid;
  • purulent inflammation caused by bacteria;
  • the immune response of the body when allergens penetrate into it - a slight greenish secretion;
  • venereal diseases - abundant green secretion, which has a specific smell.


The table below shows the main causes of green mucus during pregnancy, as well as what symptoms the pathology accompanies.

Disease The nature of the discharge Symptoms
Thrush (candidiasis)At first, the secretion is liquid in consistency, sometimes it has a greenish color. Subsequently, the mucus is thick, cheesy. The smell is specific, sour milk.Slight pain above the pubis, redness and swelling of the vulva, itching in the perineum and outside the genitals.
GardnerellosisGreen or gray mucus that smells like rotten fish. Consistency - liquid foam.Increased discharge after intimacy, discomfort during urination, abdominal pain.
GonorrheaYellow or light green mucous discharge.Pain over the pubis, frequent urination, itching in the vagina, burning during intima, hyperemia and swelling of the penis.
Nonspecific vaginitisViscous discharge of yellow or green color with a purulent admixture.Pain during urination and during intimacy, frequent urination, hyperemia of the penis, swelling and itching of the vulva.
TrichomoniasisMucus is plentiful, frothy, purulent, yellow-green in color, the smell is unpleasant.Burning during urination, pain above the pubis, swelling of the vulva, itching in the vagina.
ChlamydiaPurulent green mucus.Heaviness in the abdomen, burning during urination, a slight increase in body temperature, swelling and itching in the vulva.
AdnexitisDischarges are scanty, have a greenish or milky tint, a fetid odor. If the pathology was provoked by gonococci, leucorrhoea is bubbling.In the acute form of the pathology, severe pain in the abdomen is observed. Another signs of the disease are pulling pains above the pubis, radiating to the back or coccyx, vomiting and nausea, fever.
cervicitisThe secretion is mucous, while the amount of secretions may vary. Usually scanty discharge is yellow or white, less often abundant green-yellow.Dull pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort during intimacy, problems with urination, swelling and redness of the vulva, small hemorrhages on the vaginal mucosa.
Choriamnionitisgreenish slimeGeneral deterioration of health, fever above 38 degrees, chills, pain in the lower abdomen.
endometritisAllocations are liquid, sanious-purulent greenish tint.Severe pain in the lower abdomen, malaise.
Leakage of amniotic fluidFluid, copious, sometimes greenish.Redness, burning in the vulva.
Frozen pregnancyNot too profuse greenish mucus with bloody impurities.Strong, pulling and cramping pains in the lower abdomen, high leukocytosis, mucous bloody discharge from the vagina, fever.

Other causes of pathological discharge include:

  • non-compliance with the rules;
  • mechanical trauma to the mucous membranes of the genital tract due to inaccurate examination on the gynecological chair or rough sexual intercourse;
  • taking antibiotics.

Treatment of pathological discharge should occur under the supervision of a physician

When to See a Doctor

Quite rarely, green secretion is the norm and does not require special treatment. The reason for seeking medical help is:

  1. The presence of a persistent unpleasant odor of discharge.
  2. Isolation of pathological mucus after taking antibiotics.
  3. Change in the number of allocations in a big way.
  4. The presence of other unpleasant signs: pain in the lower abdomen, fever, itching and burning in the perineum, a general deterioration in well-being.
  5. The consistency of the secretion is foamy, watery or mucous.
  6. The presence of blood or purulent impurities in the discharge.
  7. The presence of chronic pathologies of the genitourinary system in the expectant mother.
  8. The appearance of discharge after unprotected sex with an unreliable partner.

It is forbidden to self-medicate, only a doctor can prescribe suitable therapy.

Required tests

If a pregnant woman has green discharge in the early stages of bearing a child, you should immediately visit a gynecologist. The specialist will collect a gynecological history, ask about the presence of pathologies of the genitourinary system, how many births and abortions there were, whether the expectant mother suffered from infectious or sexually transmitted diseases during the period of bearing a child.

Additionally, an examination is carried out, revealing the condition and tone of the uterus, the size of the cervix, the degree of opening of the cervical canal. Biomaterial is also taken for microscopy. During the study under a microscope, a possible causative agent of the disease is determined, which provoked a similar condition.

Carrying out the sowing of the contents on a nutrient medium determines the sensitivity of the microorganism to medicines. But such a procedure is not always able to determine the causative agent of the pathology. In this case, other effective methods are used, such as polymerase chain reaction (to detect pathogen DNA) or enzyme immunoassay (detect antigens to antibodies in the patient's blood).

Other necessary procedures are a general analysis of urine and blood, ultrasound of the uterus and fetus.


Based on the studies carried out, the specialist will prescribe the appropriate treatment, taking into account the diagnosis, the week of pregnancy and the condition of the fetus. As a rule, antibiotic therapy with Terzhinan or Betadine is performed to eliminate a bacterial infection.

Most of the drugs are able to cure any stage of the pathology without negative effects on the fetus. It is important to take into account that not all green discharge indicates the presence of a disease, some of them are a manifestation of hormonal changes, mechanical damage to the genital organs, or ignoring the rules of hygiene.

Treatment of light or dark green discharge is prescribed on an individual basis. With infectious lesions, the success of therapy depends on the exact definition of the causative agent of the pathology.

To prevent the spread of infectious agents throughout the body and possible penetration to the fetus, a future mother with green discharge in early or late pregnancy must strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations. At the same time, conservative treatment is best carried out in the 2nd trimester, since by this time the placenta will already be formed, and the fetus will get stronger.


To minimize the risk of green secretion, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • At the stage of pregnancy planning, a man and a woman undergo examinations to identify hidden diseases and treat them in a timely manner.
  • If a pathology is detected in one of the partners, both should undergo treatment.
  • Wash hands before touching the genitals.
  • Wear cotton underwear.
  • With chronic ailments, achieve their stage of remission.
  • Use a separate towel.
  • Stick to proper nutrition, do not get carried away with sweets.
  • Visit your gynecologist regularly.
  • When intimacy with an unreliable partner, use protective equipment.
  • To refuse from bad habits.
  • Use fragrance-free intimate hygiene products.

Usually this is enough to avoid the appearance of pathological discharge during the period of bearing a child.

As soon as fertilization occurs in the female body, from these seconds everything changes. The body is rebuilding and preparing for hard work. Undergo changes in the hormonal sphere, circulatory, vascular, respiratory, muscular. All organs and systems are preparing for an increased load - to bear a strong and healthy baby. It is not surprising that during pregnancy, especially in the first weeks after conception, a woman notices that the discharge has intensified and their color has changed. Is this phenomenon normal and what a pregnant woman needs to know in order to endure and give birth to a healthy baby.

If a woman notices that she has more vaginal discharge, this may indicate that a long-awaited pregnancy has come. Once the egg is fertilized and implanted in the uterus, the body produces more secretions so that a plug of mucus forms in the cervix. This is necessary in order to protect the fetus from infection.

The production of mucus is increasing every week. A variant of the norm is discharge from the genital tract of a light shade, transparent or with a slight yellowish tint throughout pregnancy.

Not always a woman's body works like a clock. Sometimes a woman, along with a joyful event, discovers a malfunction in the body - a discharge of a greenish or bright yellow hue. You should not panic right away, but going to the antenatal clinic to find out the reason is a must.

If the test showed 2 long-awaited strips, then transparent discharge is slightly more than expected - this is the norm. By the way, a slight yellowish tint should not alert a woman either, but if the discharge is accompanied by unpleasant sensations (itching in the perineum, burning bothers), the discharge is abundant and has an unpleasant odor and interferes with the usual way of life, you need to see a doctor to find out the cause of the changes.

Green discharge during pregnancy

If a woman finds that a green, odorless discharge has appeared from the vagina during pregnancy, this may mean that the woman has a disease that is sexually transmitted. Especially you need to be wary if the discharge is heterogeneous, but looks like thin broken fibers with an unpleasant repulsive odor. This suggests that the woman could have contracted gonorrhea.

By the way, you don’t need to be scared right away that you have a sexual infection ahead of time, an unpleasant smell may indicate that a pregnant woman has vaginal dysbiosis. If the mucus is also green, then an acute infection in the vagina is possible.

By the way, if you have found similar signs in yourself, this means that the infectious disease was obtained at the time of conception or even earlier. Pathogenic microbes are present in the vagina for a long period, and when immunity decreases (illnesses not cured in time, pregnancy, stress, poor nutrition, etc.), they begin to actively multiply and develop.

By the way, if a woman drank antibiotics before conception, then they can provoke a discharge from the genital tract of a greenish tint, it is possible that this is thrush.

Reasons for the appearance of discharge:

  1. A woman may suffer from colpitis - an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. The reason for the discharge is a large number of pathogenic microbes (streptococci, trichomonas, chlamydia). It is necessary to consult a doctor, take tests (bacteria from the genital tract and a smear for the flora, plus a smear for the presence of a sexual infection).
  2. Inflammatory process in the cervical canal (cervicitis). The first signs of this unpleasant process are abundant thick discharge of a yellow or greenish hue. A thorough examination of the cervical mucosa under a colposcope (special microscope) is necessary, and all tests must also be passed. In early pregnancy, treatment can be difficult, so no self-medication - only a competent approach will help get rid of unpleasant discharge and not harm the fetus.
  3. Vaginosis, when the balance of beneficial and pathological microbes is disturbed. The disease is not sexually transmitted and does not belong to the infectious group. It is impossible to “pick up” it during sexual contact, since men do not suffer from vaginosis. Discharge in most women is accompanied by an unpleasant pungent odor and causes discomfort (burning and severe itching in the vagina). It is necessary to pass a smear on the flora in order to detect the number of key cells (markers).
  4. Threat of abortion and miscarriage. In the inflammatory process, with intrauterine death of the fetus, abundant green discharge appears. This means that the infection has passed through the genital tract and reached the fetus. Urgent hospitalization is needed to save the life of the child and mother.

Green discharge during pregnancy. Photo:

Green discharge during pregnancy can appear not only in the 1st, but also in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy. The reasons may be the same. A comprehensive examination is needed to solve the problem. In the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, one more reason is added to the reasons described - a very serious one, when the fetal membranes become inflamed (it threatens the death of the fetus and infection of the amniotic fluid). The disease is manifested not only by the characteristic yellow-green discharge during pregnancy, but also by an increase in body temperature. If you take a blood test, then the total amount of leukocytes will be overestimated, which indicates an inflammatory process in the body. Immediate hospitalization is needed to save both lives.

In the last months of pregnancy, early discharge or leakage of amniotic fluid may occur. The color of the liquid is green, with an unpleasant repulsive odor. This means that the fetus suffers from an acute lack of oxygen. Need urgent hospitalization and a thorough examination of the fetus.

Based on this, we can draw the following conclusion: light green discharge during pregnancy or dark is a pathological condition of the body. If white-green discharge appears during pregnancy or bright yellow, you should immediately contact a antenatal clinic. It is impossible to play for time and wait for everything to get better by itself, since you can lose time and lose the most precious thing that can be for a future mother - a new life.

How to treat green discharge

What to do if the discharge did not appear at the beginning of pregnancy, but in the middle or before the birth itself? The woman is sure that everything is in order with her, because all the tests are normal. Here, too, you can’t relax, since the infection may appear a little later, and at the time of the test, it has not yet been detected.

If you are concerned about discharge from the genital tract, accompanied by unpleasant symptoms (pulling or sharp pain in the lower abdomen, burning and itching of the mucous membrane of the genital organs (external and vaginal)), you should consult a doctor who monitors your pregnancy as soon as possible.

The fact is that discharge from the genital tract of bright color poses a danger to the health of the baby and adversely affects the course of pregnancy. Proper treatment is needed. There is no need to resist and be afraid that the drugs prescribed to you will negatively affect the health of the baby. No, today the negative manifestations of drugs are minimized, and if we consider how much harm can be from taking pills and an infection that has not been treated in time and what the consequences can be, then everything becomes clear.

There are cases when doctors postpone treatment for several months, this is necessary in order to wait until the baby grows up and is not as sensitive to drugs as in the first weeks of pregnancy.

If the analysis showed that there are pathogenic bacteria in the body, then it may be necessary to undergo a course of antibiotic treatment. In order not to disturb the microflora of the mucous membranes (in particular, the vagina), it is necessary to take probiotics along with antibiotics. If you ignore the doctor's prescription, then you can come to the opposite - cure one, and acquire the second disease (for example, dysbiosis or thrush).

By the way, every pregnant woman should know that it is very difficult to cure thrush during pregnancy. Candles and ointments temporarily alleviate the condition, the fungus is not completely destroyed. After a while, all the "charms" of the disease will return again. A few weeks before the birth, the doctor may prescribe an intensive course of treatment, since the medicines no longer pose a threat to the baby, but if the thrush is not treated, then during labor, passing through the birth canal, the baby can become infected.

If there is no cause for concern - the tests are in order, and the discharge interferes with the usual way of life, you need to pay attention to nutrition and reconsider your lifestyle. It is possible that this is how your body reacts to skin care products. Swap out your favorite soap or shower gel for a gentler, hypoallergenic one. Suitable baby soap or a series of body care products for expectant mothers.

The reason for the appearance of greenish discharge may be different: if a woman wears tight synthetic underwear, she uses daily scented pads. In this case, you need to change synthetics to products made from natural fabrics with soft elastic bands, and refuse daily pads for a while. Do not neglect the advice of a specialist, even if the tests are normal and the discharge is present. You need to make sure that this state of the body is the norm. Only then you can not worry about the normal course of pregnancy and the health of the crumbs.

Green discharge during pregnancy is usually a symptom of an infection. Due to the physiological decrease in immunity and changes in the microflora of the vagina during the bearing of a child, every pregnant woman is at risk.

The cause of green vaginal discharge, especially if accompanied by unbearable itching and an unpleasant odor, can only be a bacterial infection. The causative agents can be chlamydia, streptococcus, gonorrhea, Trichomonas. Most often, they cause inflammation of the appendages, cervix or vaginal mucosa, especially if it was damaged by careless examination or too violent sex, by the way, they are transmitted sexually. Therefore, consciousness should be shown not only to the future mother, but also to the father.

All necessary tests must be taken before conception in order to have time to undergo treatment on time and not injure the fetus with drugs. If pregnancy has come, green discharge is an occasion to visit a doctor as soon as possible. After all, the infection can cause significant damage to the health of not only the mother. Pathogenic pathogens are quite capable of leading to a miscarriage, causing a delay in the development of the fetus and its infection. In late pregnancy, untreated inflammation can be a reason for a cesarean.

Green discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester may be a signal of fetal hypoxia and amniotic fluid leakage. Meconium (original feces), which is normally excreted after childbirth, enters the amniotic fluid in case of suffocation. If this happens, you need to urgently call emergency help. Another reason may be inflammation of the membranes during an ascending infection, in which case the pregnant woman may have a fever and the blood test may “spoil”.

Often, light green discharge during pregnancy appears with bacterial vaginosis. Another striking symptom of this pathology is the smell of rotten fish from the vagina. The reason for its occurrence may be the very fact of pregnancy, prolonged treatment with antibiotics, lack of hygiene. All these reasons lead to a change in the vaginal flora and the active reproduction of opportunistic bacteria.

Even despite the apparent "harmlessness" of vaginosis, it is also called vaginal dysbacteriosis, treatment cannot be postponed. Especially in the last months of pregnancy, if the expectant mother has a fundamentally natural delivery. Bacteria actively destroy the already fragile vaginal microflora during pregnancy, opening the way for other infections, which is dangerous for the fetus. Do I need to mention the discomfort in the perineum while experiencing a woman ...

Even green discharge in early pregnancy appears with inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes, it is dangerous because it proceeds almost imperceptibly and as a result can cause miscarriage. Not every woman in the first trimester will begin to worry about a slight increase in temperature (not higher than 37.5) and slight weakness, and this is how this disease manifests itself.

Sexually transmitted diseases, such as gonorrhea, can also be the reason why yellow-green discharge appears during pregnancy at different stages of pregnancy. But this does not mean that the infection occurred during pregnancy. Very often, such infections are acquired even before conception. For a long time they can be in the body in a latent form. Pregnancy is only a catalyst for the transition to an acute form. Very often, there is more than one infection. Chlamydia can also coexist with gonorrhea, which often gives green discharge during pregnancy.

In any case, if the discharge from the vagina becomes a strange color during childbearing, there is an unpleasant odor, abdominal pain or itching, it is urgent to be examined and treated. Letting the disease take its course is much more dangerous than treating it with even the most aggressive drugs. Pregnancy is a great opportunity to start taking your health seriously.

Pregnancy often brings not only joy, but also a lot of worries. One of them is changes in the nature of vaginal discharge. What do you need to know in order not to be afraid?

Discharge during pregnancy: norm and pathology

After the onset of pregnancy, there is a sharp change in the level of estrogen and progesterone.

This affects the quality and quantity of vaginal discharge.

In order not to panic ahead of time, you need to understand which secretions should be afraid of, and which may be normal.

Vaginal discharge during pregnancy: norms and causes

Normally, the amount, color and consistency of secretions change depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. During the ovulatory period, they look like abundant transparent mucus, then they become homogeneous white.

During the period of gestation, the amount of discharge increases, reaching its maximum by the time of delivery. This is due to the increased production of progesterone, a hormone aimed at maintaining gestation.

Changes in the secretion of the genital tract: manifestations of pathology

But there are situations when you should immediately contact a gynecologist:

  • the appearance of itching, burning, redness in the labia;
  • changes in the color of the discharge (green, yellow);
  • the appearance of a sharp unpleasant odor;
  • change in consistency (foamy, curdled).

Thick, greenish, odorless discharge in women during pregnancy

If a pregnant woman complains of thick greenish odorless discharge, then an inflammatory process in the vagina should be excluded. Additional complaints may be itching or burning, discomfort when urinating.

Such symptoms are usually a manifestation of acute or exacerbation of chronic vaginitis. This disease is dangerous because there is a risk of ascending infection with subsequent infection of the membranes and the fetus. And this already carries a risk for the normal development of the child. Of the possible consequences:

  • fetoplacental insufficiency;
  • intrauterine growth retardation;
  • intrauterine infection, the consequence of which may be pneumonia, damage to the organs of vision, hearing.

Possible reasons for this kind of discharge can be:

  • bacterial vaginosis - a violation of the ratio between normal, conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic microflora (in addition, there may be a "fishy" smell);
  • sexually transmitted infections (caused by pathogens such as chlamydia, mycoplasma, trichomonas, gonococcus);
  • vaginitis caused by opportunistic bacteria, for example, E. coli, enterococcus, staphylococcus, streptococcus, clostridia, etc.;
  • vaginitis of viral etiology (herpetic or cytomegalovirus infection, human papillomavirus);
  • exacerbation of diseases of the pelvic organs (a rather rare situation during pregnancy);
  • neglected untreated candidiasis;
  • after a course of antibiotic therapy;
  • trauma to the vaginal mucosa (for example, after rough intercourse, inaccurate douching);
  • allergic reaction to panty liners, underwear;
  • neglect of the rules of personal hygiene.

In any case, you can not do without consulting an obstetrician-gynecologist. In order to identify the cause and correctly diagnose, it is necessary to pass a series of tests: a smear for microbiocenosis, bacteriological culture of the vaginal discharge, PCR testing for STIs and major viruses.

According to the results of the examination, the doctor prescribes treatment. It can be local or with the addition of antibiotics (if it is a sexually transmitted infection). Be sure to refrain from sexual activity until complete recovery. Do not neglect the restoration of microflora after the treatment course. If necessary, send to a urologist for examination of the sexual partner.

Yellow-green odorless in the early stages

In the first trimester, there is an increase in the amount of vaginal discharge, it may acquire a yellowish-green color. This is due to the increased production of progesterone. If at the same time there are no additional complaints (itching, unpleasant odor, discomfort during intercourse), then you should not worry, this is a variant of the norm.

Also, the color of mucus can be affected by the intake of certain medications, for example, vaginal suppositories with progesterone (utrogestan, prajisan), suppositories for normalizing microflora (vaginorm-C, vagilak, bifidumbacterin).

The cause may be sexual intercourse without the use of barrier contraception (condom). Some time after intercourse, the sperm begins to liquefy and flow out, while the color of the discharge becomes yellow-green.

If we talk about pathology, then the reason may be in a non-developing pregnancy. In this case, the diagnosis is established on the basis of an ultrasound report and the absence of an increase in the level of hCG. After confirming the diagnosis, urgent hospitalization is indicated.

Greenish-yellow in the third trimester with a rotten smell

The addition of a rotten smell to the greenish-yellow color of the discharge indicates infection with a bacterium such as gardnerella. In the third trimester, dysbiotic disorders are aggravated, which leads to the occurrence of bacterial vaginosis.

The disease itself is not dangerous for a pregnant woman and fetus, but only with timely correction of the vaginal microflora. If this does not happen, then dysbacteriosis turns into an inflammatory process.

And this is already dangerous for the mother, because. the inflamed mucosa can easily be injured during childbirth, which is fraught with infectious complications in the postpartum period, up to the development of metroendometritis - inflammation of the uterus. As for the fetus, it is fraught with pneumonia in the early neonatal period, infectious lesions of the eyes, the organ of hearing.

Another pathology is accompanied by similar symptoms - chorionamnionitis. This is an inflammation of the membranes. An additional distinguishing feature will be the presence of fever. If a diagnosis is suspected, urgent hospitalization is necessary, because this pathology has a risk of death for the child.

Also, such complaints may accompany the leakage of amniotic fluid. If the waters are green, then the cause may be acute or chronic fetal hypoxia (lack of oxygen) or a post-term pregnancy. Again, you can figure it out only in the conditions of the maternity hospital.

In the second trimester, greenish, odorless

The causes of these manifestations do not differ from those in the first trimester. Accordingly, examination and treatment are carried out according to the same principles.

Abundant cheesy with a greenish tinge

Curdled discharge with a greenish tint indicates candidal vaginitis.

Candida is a yeast fungus and is a member of the normal microflora of the vagina, i.e. Normally, it is present in all women. But not everyone suffers from manifestations of colpitis.

There are a number of reasons that contribute to the development of the infectious process:

  • decreased immunity;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • violation of the rules of personal hygiene;
  • abuse of sweets, flour products or, conversely, spicy foods;
  • wearing synthetic underwear;
  • use of panty liners;
  • the presence of diabetes mellitus (including gestational);
  • nicotine intoxication;
  • stress, psycho-emotional overload, lack of sleep.

If we talk about additional symptoms, then these can be:

  • intolerable itching;
  • the appearance of an admixture of blood in the vaginal discharge due to constant scratching;
  • pain when urinating due to inflammation of the urethra.

To confirm the diagnosis, it is often enough to take anamnesis and examination in the mirrors. The decision on additional examination and prescription of treatment is made by the doctor.

Light green mucous odorless in the early stages

This kind of discharge is often found in the norm, when hormonal changes in the body occur. Infectious or allergic causes (described above) are also possible.

How are they treated

After collecting an anamnesis, a number of examinations are prescribed:

  • smear for microbiocenosis:
  • bacterial culture;
  • Femoflor.

Treatment includes the appointment of local and systemic drugs. Of the local ones, these are suppositories, vaginal tablets, cream. For example:

  • terzhinan;
  • neopenotran, neopenotran-forte;
  • clotrimazole;
  • pimafucin.

Of the systemic drugs, antibiotics (penicillin group, cephalosporins) or systemic antimycotics (nystatin, pimafucin) can be prescribed.

Predictions for Pregnancy

With timely prescribed therapy, there will be no negative consequences for the woman or the fetus.

Antibiotics are justified to prevent ascending infection.

The inflammatory process in the vagina is not a rare occurrence during pregnancy. The main task of a woman is a timely appeal to a specialist for the appointment of an adequate examination and treatment. Then nothing threatens the normal course of pregnancy.

Useful video

The presence, color, amount and consistency of vaginal discharge in every woman normally change all the time. Such inconstancy is connected with the hormonal level, which cannot remain stable during the menstrual cycle. Depending on which hormones prevail in the blood during a certain period of the cycle, vaginal discharge either becomes thin and thick, or liquefies and discolors.

But as for the period of pregnancy, due to hormonal instability, vaginal discharge can be almost anything. However, the color and nature of the vaginal secretion during pregnancy is far from always due to hormones. In some cases, a woman needs to be additionally examined to establish the nature of some changes. In particular, green vaginal discharge during pregnancy requires increased attention.

If you find yourself with green vaginal mucus, then do not rush to think about the worst. Yes, it is this symptom that accompanies the course of so many sexually transmitted diseases that should be suspected in the first place. But during pregnancy, a woman has a “discount”: it is not at all excluded that it is her special position that is involved in the occurrence of such an undesirable phenomenon. Against the background of hormonal fluctuations, a change in the nature and color of the vaginal mucus is possible, and, perhaps, it only seemed to you that it turned green. Sometimes, normal discharge can be slightly yellowish, and in certain lighting look like greenish.

Almost certainly, if green discharge during pregnancy is not accompanied by unpleasant uncomfortable sensations in the vulva, then there are no serious reasons for concern. But it is always necessary to see a doctor and consult with him: in some cases, sexual infections and other complications during pregnancy are asymptomatic.

It is green mucus from the vagina that can be a short-term phenomenon as a result of mechanical damage to the mucous membrane of the genital tract. This, in particular, is often observed after examining a woman on a gynecological chair: tell your doctor about this.

However, violations in the female body are not excluded if greenery is observed in the vaginal secretion. During this period, vaginal dysbiosis occurs quite often (discharge with a greenish tint has a fishy smell and the appearance of exfoliating films), but treatment is usually postponed to a later period.

Thrush during pregnancy worsens or occurs for the first time in almost every pregnant woman: it is accompanied by white, cheesy, sour-smelling vaginal discharge, which can acquire a yellowish and even greenish tint. If at the same time burning, itching, swelling or redness is felt in the vaginal area, then with a high degree of probability we can talk about the development of candidiasis during pregnancy (aka thrush).

Green discharge, along with other characteristic signs - pain in the lower abdomen, increased urination, and others - may indicate an inflammatory process in the organs of the genitourinary system. With inflammation of the ovaries or fallopian tubes, the discharge becomes bright yellow, possibly with a greenish tinge, and body temperature may rise.

Even if at the planning stage or at the very beginning of pregnancy all smears from the woman's vagina were normal (that is, no genital infections were found), this does not mean at all that the disease could not form or manifest itself at a later date. Green (with a yellow-brown tint), blisters or purulent discharge from the vagina can be accompanied by a number of genital infections:

  • gardnerellosis (bacterial vaginosis) - discharge is gray-white with a greenish tint, there may be a burning sensation in the vulva, aggravated by urination, as well as pain and discomfort during intercourse;
  • chlamydia - often asymptomatic, but there may be discomfort during urination, discomfort and itching in the vagina, cloudy mucus from the vagina, including with a greenish tint;
  • trichomoniasis - very often asymptomatic; green blotches can be observed against the background of irritation of the vagina and external genitalia;
  • gonorrhea - at first there are pains and burning during urination, frequent urges, then purulent discharges appear (white-yellow or with a greenish tint), over time they intensify and painful sensations occur in the genital area (itching, burning, swelling).

Scanty green discharge during pregnancy may indicate the initial stage of the development of a bacterial infection. Due to the exacerbation of the process, they can become more and more abundant.

Most likely, none of these infections will affect a woman who is expecting a child: after all, she monitors her health, diligently observes hygiene and, as a rule, leads an orderly sex life with a trusted reliable partner. But even if something is still found, an experienced doctor will prescribe the best safe treatment during pregnancy.

Green discharge during pregnancy: how to treat and what to do?

The most important thing is not to be nervous, not to overthink, not to make any preliminary diagnoses for yourself and consult a doctor as soon as possible. Green discharge during pregnancy rarely poses a serious threat to the fetus, but can still carry a certain danger for the development of pregnancy and the baby. Therefore, treatment may be necessary, and this is not worth resisting: the drugs used today do much less than the expected harm than infections. Moreover, if the condition allows, treatment of the infection will be postponed to later stages of pregnancy, when the baby will no longer be so vulnerable and sensitive to drugs.

If a pathogenic bacterial flora is detected, alas, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without antibiotics. In this case, the doctor will also prescribe you a probiotic course so as not to disturb the microflora of the vagina and not to provoke the appearance of green discharge for this reason alone.

Thrush during pregnancy is almost never cured: all prescribed drugs only temporarily remove the symptoms, after which the fungus resumes its activity. That is why gynecologists prefer only to restrain the growth of candida fungi and eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of its manifestation. However, shortly before the birth, the thrush will still have to be treated in order to minimize the risk of infection of the child during passage through the birth canal.

Reconsider your life, habits and care of the intimate area: perhaps the appearance of discharge with a greenish tint is caused by wearing synthetic underwear, using sanitary pads, tampons or cosmetics with fragrances and fragrances.

But you still should not neglect a medical examination and consultation: ask your gynecologist if discharge is normal in your case.

Especially for - Elena Semenova