What to do and how to behave if your husband stops loving you: advice from an experienced family psychologist. How does a husband behave if he doesn’t love his wife?

Fears that a husband does not love his wife sometimes arise in most women: what if my husband does not love me anymore... Should I be afraid of this and what are the signs that he has stopped loving me?

Family life is not a stagnant swamp, but a dynamic river: sometimes it is stormy and uncontrollable, and sometimes it becomes almost motionless and quiet, or even becomes shallow. And then everything falls into place again. But sometimes it seems to us that our beloved husband no longer loves. Or does it really seem like it?

Why might this happen?

The point is not that the husband has another one, better, younger and more beautiful. It’s just that many beautiful love boats are broken by everyday life, material difficulties, problems with children.

And also, over time, we simply become boring with each other and already seem familiar, everyday. Finally, unmet expectations may be to blame. Who could have known that the husband is not ready to spend money on travel or entertainment, and the wife does not like to hang around the stove all day and provide comfort. Disappointments are inevitable after starting a family, but if you love a person, you perceive him as he is.

But it’s better not to guess with chamomile: you need to carefully observe your soul mate. What we will do in order to understand whether he has stopped loving you...

Signs of a loving husband

Feelings cannot be hidden, so if he loves, it is very noticeable. Pay attention to these signs:

  • The husband wants to make love no less often than in the first months after the wedding;
  • Praises his wife even in her absence;
  • He strives to be with her more often, loves walking together, visiting her, etc.
  • At every opportunity he touches his beloved;
  • Comes up with funny or affectionate nicknames for her even years after the wedding;
  • Fulfills your requests, tries to help around the house as much as possible;
  • Gives sudden gifts;
  • Always takes your side;
  • He listens to you attentively, tries to suggest and help;
  • Reacts to all your mood changes;
  • Supports conversations with you on any topic.

In addition, his feelings can be read in his eyes even after many years of family life. If you want to check if he has fallen out of love, offer him a romantic date: a real one, with candles, a romantic dinner and a bath with oils. If his eyes light up at this, there is no doubt that he still loves you. If a man refuses, hiding behind fatigue, work, friends, or the fact that he has to visit his mother, then it’s worth thinking about...

We are watching

  • First of all, we observe the situation. How is your husband behaving? Has he become more rude, does he say offensive words to your address, does he calmly respond to requests;
  • Also, watch yourself. Are you comfortable with your husband, do you share your secrets, do you trust him, do you feel squeezed next to him?
  • If a husband does not love his wife, signs of this will be noticeable to people from the outside.

You can ask your friend to watch you when you go to visit him. From the outside, many things are visible much better. If your best friend is a man, this is even better, because a man’s behavior is more understandable to him than to girls;

  • Study your man's temperament and his characteristics. Of course, phlegmatic people will express their feelings completely differently than choleric people. In addition, do not forget that men and women approach different things differently: women remember the date of the first date, but the husband may be puzzled by completely different problems;
  • It is better to write down your observations in a diary. This makes it much easier to sort everything out and understand what is hidden behind your man’s changed behavior;
  • When observing, do not get emotional. Let the assessment be objective, no feelings. Try to analyze all your fears and do not pass on your nervousness to your husband and especially to your children;
  • You can consult a wise man who can keep secrets;
  • Finally, you can ask your husband yourself. Just don’t throw hysterics with the leitmotif: “You don’t love me anymore!” Just ask if everything between you is as it was before... You shouldn’t throw a tantrum because if you constantly reproach him for not loving you, your husband Over time, he himself may believe it and his feelings will cool down.

You can also conduct a small test and answer these questions:

  1. Is your loved one happy that he chose you as his life partner?
  2. Have you ever thought about divorce?
  3. Does your husband share his problems with you?
  4. Do you often make comments to him?
  5. Do quarrels often arise in your family life?
  6. Has your loved one's behavior changed over the past year? For better or for worse?

If there are positive answers, this does not mean that he does not love you, but it clearly hints that there are problems in the family. Take care of yourself, maybe the problem is you. Perhaps you pay attention only to the children and forget that you are not only a mother, but also a wife. Or maybe you make scandals for no reason or find fault with him out of nowhere. A man cannot exist in conditions that are uncomfortable for him and in an atmosphere of constant negativity.

What does it say about dislike?

And yet, there are clear signs that he has fallen out of love.

  1. He stopped admiring you and giving you gifts and flowers. Especially if you have done this often before;
  2. Compares you to other women. For example, with your own girlfriends or friends’ wives, but the comparison is not in your favor. If he casually complimented your friend once, that’s normal, but if this happens often;
  3. Refusal of intimate relationships. This is already a threatening sign, especially if everything is in order with his male health. If he refused once after a twelve-hour working day, it’s not a big deal, but if this happens regularly, perhaps the feelings have faded;
  4. An absent look. The look of a loving man cannot be compared with anything. And if he looks past you and has become inattentive, then this is an alarming sign;
  5. Constant absence from home. He can spend the night at work or with his mother for almost weeks, spend time with friends and not see the children for a long time. If he goes off somewhere and doesn't warn you, you probably have a problem;
  6. He became irritable and constantly unhappy. If your husband behaves aggressively, criticizing your appearance, actions, words, and requests, this also hints that the love is gone. This does not apply to those men who behave this way all their lives simply because of their character;
  7. You hardly communicate. He doesn't ask how you are doing or listen to what you tell him, doesn't share his experiences, gets irritated when you ask about his life outside the home. All your attempts to start a conversation end in nothing;
  8. Your husband is not interested in your health or your problems in general;
  9. He ignores all your advice and requests. May respond to them with rudeness, anger or a barrage of criticism.

Again, all these signs do not apply to men who are cold-blooded or afraid to express their feelings. But what should a wife who has fallen out of love do?

What to do and who is to blame

The end of love is not the end of family life. You can raise children together and be friends at the same time... But only if you have mutual respect and the relationship has not turned into a permanent quarrel or mutual bullying. It’s not worth maintaining a marriage with a sea of ​​negativity “for the sake of the children.” If he has another woman, this is also not a reason to put a nightstand between the beds. As a rule, they don’t go to their mistresses, but they are needed to diversify the routine. Try to be his lover, and not just his wife! And in general, if a man is comfortable with you, he will not leave anywhere even if he stops loving you. What should you do in this situation?

  1. First of all, remember that you have no one closer to you and therefore it is very important to love yourself. Even if he constantly criticizes, this is not a reason to drop your self-esteem to the very bottom. By the way, self-love also means self-care, fitness and experimenting with image. Just respect yourself and don’t perceive yourself as an attachment to a man with the functions of cooking and washing. Don't let him make rude remarks and find fault, but don't raise your voice at him either. Just know that you are the best.
  2. Also try to become unpredictable. Do you know why a woman should constantly change? Yes, because men are polygamous and their task is to pass on their genes to as many women as possible. So always be different and deceive him. Change your image suddenly and radically.
  3. Let him know that you are not with him forever. And you can leave if he doesn't improve. Flirt with other men, accept compliments, wear beautiful and bold dresses. Let him be jealous! Just don't overdo it!
  4. Get creative in bed. Of course, this won’t solve all the problems, but he definitely won’t be bored with you. You can seduce him: buy a transparent peignoir and stockings and walk around in them just like that. A man won’t just leave it like that.
  5. Engage in self-development. Take up an interesting hobby, read more and educate yourself, take courses. Again, you should be interesting.
  6. Praise him. For any little things like washed dishes. Admire all his successes and himself, do not forget to thank him for every little thing. Everyone needs this, but men especially.
  7. Don't play the victim. Leave all the moans like “you don’t love me anymore”, “you’re going to finish me off”, or “you’re being mean to me” somewhere in the back drawer. The husband can perceive all this as a guide to action. And if you constantly tell him “you stopped loving me,” he may believe that he no longer loves. It’s better to say directly and in a correct form what you don’t like about him. Will tears help here? Possibly, but don't turn them on too often.
  8. Take a break from each other. You can go on vacation separately: you take the children with you, he goes to his mother.
  9. Try to become unapproachable so that your husband himself wants to understand the reason and wants to improve the relationship himself.
  10. Relax together. Everyday life is a terrible thing that can kill all feelings. But you can change the situation. And anyway, did you have a honeymoon? Did not have? It's time to spend it, especially if summer is outside the window.
  11. Build friendships. You must have mutual trust. It’s good if there are some common interests other than raising children. You can come up with a common hobby and this will bring you closer together again.

But what you shouldn’t do is manipulate your husband and act as if your spouse owes you everything. You shouldn't have a lover either.

Is it really that bad?

True love never goes away. Therefore, it is quite possible that you have thought up a lot of unnecessary things for yourself and the casket opens much easier. For example, you are having a relationship crisis. The 1st year crisis arises due to difficulties in getting along and because the spouses see all of each other’s shortcomings. But this is the time to learn to compromise. The next crisis is brewing in the third to fifth year of the relationship with the appearance of children. Next is the crisis of the 7th year, which can be overcome by starting a war with routine, and the crisis of the 13th year, associated with the child’s growing up. During this period, it is important not to turn into difficult and uncompromising teenagers. If you have survived all this, then a crisis of a quarter of a century of family life awaits you. At this time, it is important to understand that both of you are far from old age.

What should a wife do during periods of crisis? Well, certainly not to make Yaroslavna cry on the topic “He stopped loving me.” Now your task is to prevent conflicts from becoming chronic and “frozen.” Unfortunately, men are very difficult to compromise, so you will have to resolve all conflicts and adapt.

What should you do during crises? First of all, don’t remain silent about what you don’t like and speak directly. It is also important to understand that if a family crisis occurs, love does not go away. You just need to change your relationships and yourself.

Remember this too. Love is not only bed passions; more precisely, it is only the beginning of a feeling, and then it transforms and changes as the relationship develops. Psychologists believe that love goes through seven stages.

The first one lasts about a year and a half, but this is what we women call love. In fact, this is love and the beginning of a long journey.

Then love turns into disgust. Nowadays it is very easy to fall out of love with each other, because you concentrate only on the shortcomings of your other half. During this period, separations, divorces, quarrels and betrayals are possible. But if you want a friendly family, you need to get through this.

Now it's time for friendship. Only now have you become really close to each other. Perhaps passions in bed are no longer boiling so actively, but you have no one more valuable than your partner.

And finally, love. Only now, when you have gone through 6 circles of hell. And this feeling needs to be learned. What is all this for? It’s simple, if you think that the feelings between you are over, it’s possible that they never even began. You can believe it, but my husband did not stop loving, but simply love moved to a new level. This means that everything is ahead.

Has your husband become inattentive, irritable or indifferent? How to understand that your husband has fallen out of love? Perhaps your family is going through a moment of crisis. But it is also possible that his feelings towards you have faded. Read our article about signs that indicate your husband no longer loves you.

Love and family are words perceived by many as synonyms. When we get married, we all want our love and affection to last forever. However, it often happens that on the path of life’s problems and worries, love moves aside, giving way to responsibilities and habits. The fading of feelings between spouses can be attributed to a crisis in family life. But you cannot indulge yourself with vain illusions. If love is gone completely and irrevocably, it is much better to let it go in order to start life on a new page.

Husband no longer loves his wife, signs

Realizing that your spouse no longer loves you is incredibly painful. But, if this really happened, you need to face the truth so as not to waste time saving what cannot be saved. Here are 5 signs that your husband doesn't love you anymore.

1. Your husband is moving away from you.

Love dies slowly. The beginning of the end comes from emotional distance from each other, which manifests itself in small things. For example, your spouse shares his experiences with you less often, forgets about promises, and does not notice your mood. Little by little, little things accumulate and take on snowball proportions. He does not want to spend time with you, does not make plans for the future, and all your conversations come down to discussing household duties or quarrels. One day you will notice that your once caring and attentive spouse has turned into a stranger who, for some unknown reason, lives in the same house with you. No matter how hard a man tries, he cannot hide his lack of love. Along with this feeling, interest in the partner’s life also dies.

2. Irritation and reproaches

Realizing that there is no more love hurts not only the one who is not loved, but also the one who loses this feeling. Psychologically, a person is designed in such a way that it is much easier to blame someone for problems, but not himself. That is why the fading of love often manifests itself in the form of irritation with a once beloved partner. A man may feel that everything is the woman’s fault, and if she acted differently, he would continue to love her. In life, such a reaction manifests itself in the form of endless reproaches. A man who doesn’t love gets irritated for literally any reason and even without it. For example, he suddenly stops liking the way you cook, the way you dress, the way you raise children. Sometimes it seems that a man seems to provoke conflicts and quarrels. And this is true, because subconsciously he wants you to be the first to admit your lack of feelings, thereby relieving him of responsibility for the destroyed family.

3. The husband has become indifferent

Indifference is a sure sign of lack of love. He does not listen to you, is not interested in your affairs, and does not try to take the initiative. If you try to have a heart-to-heart talk, he either leaves the conversation or the dialogue ends in conflict. A man may still carry out his household and marital responsibilities, but you feel that he is doing this out of inertia, without showing any emotional effort. Indifference also manifests itself in inattention towards you. He often forgets about important dates, your requests, and does not show concern. If such behavior is not caused by serious problems in a man’s life, there is nothing to guess - he has stopped loving you.

4. The husband lives his own life

A man who no longer loves strives for freedom. Gatherings with friends, romantic weekend getaways, and vacation plans are gradually disappearing from life. From now on, the man spends his free time himself. Or not myself. However, he does not let you in on his plans. Emotional distance entails distance on the physical level. He suddenly feels cramped next to you, and he strives with all his might to spend as much time as possible without you.

5. No physical contact

Love is attraction on an emotional and physical level. It's not just about intimacy. Loving people enjoy touching each other and feeling each other. If there is no physical contact in a couple in the form of unobtrusive touches, kisses and hugs, then the feeling of love has dried up. And, of course, the lack of love also manifests itself in intimacy, which becomes monotonous, gradually fading away.

All women are different, but each one is concerned with the question: “Does my husband love me?” This question sooner or later comes to the mind of every married woman. After all, there are no families where the husband daily assures his wife of his love and reinforces his words with various signs of attention. On pseudo-psychological forums they write that a truly loving husband showers his wife with gifts and bouquets for no reason, constantly gives compliments, tells her of his love, never criticizes and fulfills any whims. It’s funny to read such “opinions” if you clearly understand: fairy-tale relationships happen in fairy tales, and fairy tales are very distant from reality.

Does the husband love his wife: analyze the situation

How does a man who loves his wife behave? He is caring and attentive to her no less than in the first months of dating or marriage. After a quarrel, a loving man feels uncomfortable. He is unhappy with the current situation, regardless of who was to blame for the disagreement. If a man doesn’t love his wife, he doesn’t care how his family life turns out with her. Quarrels do not affect his mental balance in any way.

He spends his free time at home, with his wife, not under duress or persuasion, but of his own free will. At the same time, the husband is not just present nearby, he participates in the conversation with his wife, tells her something, consults, and asks how she spent her day.

He is interested in talking with his wife, discussing family or work matters with her, finding out her opinion on some issue, laughing together at a funny situation.

He often does something nice for his wife: without asking or reminding, he helps her with household chores, buys or orders home dishes that he likes, accompanies her to the shops or goes with her to the cinema to watch “female” films. Also, a man is not indifferent to the environment in which he lives with his wife. He notices and tries to eliminate breakdowns in the house, replace spoiled things with new ones, that is, he arranges and improves the house.

These signs are not exhaustive and even their presence cannot be regarded as an unambiguous indicator of a husband’s love for his wife.

The easiest way to find out if my husband loves me is to find out about his feelings from him. Calling a man for a frank, emotional conversation is not easy. This requires appropriate conditions. It is useless to try to talk to a tired, exhausted man, offended or angry with his wife, or preoccupied with his own thoughts. The environment for a serious conversation should be relaxing, and the woman should behave unobtrusively. Then, having relaxed, the man can allow himself to be frank.

Signs of a husband's love for his wife

There are a number of signs by which you can identify a loving man:

  • He takes care of his wife;
  • He is not indifferent to his wife's health;
  • He is interested in his wife's mood and the reasons for its deterioration;
  • He helps his wife around the house;
  • He supports his wife in her activities and hobbies, even if he himself does not share them;
  • He does not ridicule his wife's mistakes and does not allow others to do so;
  • He is attentive to his wife sexually;
  • He is interested in her opinion, her point of view;
  • He knows what she likes - what flowers, what wine, what food;
  • He wants to spend a weekend or vacation with his wife;
  • He does not go away often or for a long time without his wife to visit friends or relatives;
  • He is discreetly jealous, but at the same time he is flattered by the attention shown to his wife by other men.

Men's actions are more important than words. Therefore, you need to believe not hot words, but active behavior. Men by nature do not tend to talk about their feelings; they prefer to express themselves in what they themselves have done. A man is valuable not for what he said, but for what he created. And if, lying on the sofa, the husband talks about his love to his wife, who has returned from her third job, where she got a job in order to feed the family, then it becomes clear: there will be no love in such a relationship, it’s just that the gigolo has settled down well in life. If a tired husband muttered something instead of greeting, sat gloomy at dinner, and then told his wife that he had bought tickets for a long-awaited trip, then such behavior can be regarded as a sign of love, despite the gloominess and muttering. In general, the more sincere the feelings, the more difficult it is to talk about them, so sincerely loving men prefer to remain silent.

Signs of a cooling relationship

  • My husband doesn't want to go home after work. He is ready to take on extra work, go to his parents or friends, go to football or spend the evening in the garage, in a word, anywhere, but not at home. This behavior may indicate a cooling of feelings if it has become a system.
  • The husband pays attention to his neighbor, acquaintance, colleague, but does not pay attention to his wife. It happens that a husband flirts with women he knows, flirts with them, but at the same time does not forget about his wife. He does not want to offend his wife with inattention. A man who has fallen out of love does not care whether his wife is offended or unpleasant. He doesn't care.
  • The husband does not support conversations, avoids them in every possible way and gets off with meaningless phrases. He is not interested in what his wife says, what her opinion is on any matter.
  • The husband gets irritated for any reason, speaks harshly and rudely to his wife, demonstrates neglect or complete indifference.
  • The husband has ceased to be the initiator in sexual relations, and responds to his wife’s initiative with a refusal or does not notice it. As an option, the husband agrees to intimacy, but at the same time he is not interested in his wife’s feelings.
  • The husband criticizes his wife’s appearance or, conversely, does not notice any changes in her.
  • The husband does not hear his wife, does not pay attention to her requests, and is completely abstracted from her presence nearby.
  • The husband does not bring anything into the house - he does not do repairs, does not fix breakdowns, does not buy new things for the house, lives in the house as a lodger or temporary guest.

None of these signs in itself indicates that the husband has stopped loving his wife or never loved her in the first place. All these signs need to be considered in relation to the situation and taking into account the personality characteristics of the husband.

In any situation, you need to remember that marriage is a matter of two people, that love does not arise out of nowhere and goes nowhere. It is necessary to apply the efforts of both sides and then the desired result will be achieved. If a wife has climbed onto a pedestal and expects worship towards herself, then there is no need to talk about her husband’s love for her. He can play along for a while, but then he will get tired of being in the retinue and he will break off the fruitless relationship.

As a rule, people marry for great love. Inevitably, after some time, difficulties arise in any couple. Many women notice that their husband has cooled down. To understand how to improve relationships, you need to correctly identify the problem. If a husband does not love his wife, what signs will indicate this? Find out from this article.

Why is everything falling apart?

Strong feelings cloud the minds of young people when they first enter into a relationship. Thus, the further fate of such a union is largely in the power of chance. If you are lucky, then in addition to love, the couple will have respect, friendship, the ability to conduct a dialogue, and then there is a chance to live a long, happy life together.

But more often it happens that love passes, and people become unbearable with each other. Moreover, for one of the spouses, as a rule, feelings fade away earlier than for the other. And only then does one realize how close love is to hatred.

Figuratively speaking, people are sitting in the same boat, but cannot agree on how and where to sail. Oddly enough, such a ship will sink sooner or later.

You can disagree on the ideology of the distribution of roles in the family, on the methods of raising children, on plans for the future. And only loving people can come to a compromise.

When scandals begin, when you stop hearing and understanding each other, these are the first signs that love is dying. Remember, at the beginning of the relationship, any joint decisions were probably easier for you? Wasn’t it shameful to give in and listen carefully to your soulmate?

But difficulties in relationships are not always associated precisely with the fact that the husband has fallen out of love. This could be a crisis at a certain stage, banal fatigue, oversaturation with everyday life. And if the situation is not corrected in time, feelings can really fade away irrevocably. So how can you tell the difference between a temporary storm and a wreck? How to understand this man who is both dear and alien to you, married to you?

Signs of decline of love

Love doesn't disappear in one day. As a rule, this is a long process. This means that by noticing warning signs in time, you can have time to rehabilitate the marriage. If a husband no longer loves his wife, what signs will indicate this?

  • The husband does not strive to be alone. Sometimes men try to find excuses, sometimes they directly state: “It’s boring together! Let's take someone else with us to the cafe/cinema? This suggests that when left alone with you, your husband does not have any pleasant feelings. He doesn't have to feel disgust or hatred. More often than not, he's just bored. “What’s with me, what’s without me” - this is how women describe the behavior of their spouse.
  • Your spouse has stopped being interested in your affairs and talking about his own. The key word is STOPPED. If he was not particularly interested before, there may be other reasons for this. But if lately he hasn’t asked you about work, about business, about plans and doesn’t talk about his own, this is an alarming sign.
  • Physical distancing. This is a situation where your husband does not like sex with you. Of course, making love after 5-10 years of marriage is no longer the same as in the first months of dating, but it is important that it remains just making love, and not quickly satisfying lower needs. No matter how often it happens, it's bad if you no longer feel wanted.
  • The husband began to find fault with little things and criticize. When a person is in love, he turns a blind eye to any minor (and not so minor) flaws. But as soon as the feelings pass, every little thing begins to irritate. He may begin to be annoyed by your voice or gait, he will explode because of an unclosed tube of toothpaste, he will swear because you are taking a long time to get ready or park poorly. And this despite the fact that before you did everything exactly the same.
  • No plans for the future. If your husband does not make strategic family plans, does not talk to you about future children, then these plans are not in his head. Men are designed this way; they always tell women about their dreams, passing them off as plans. But that's not what's important to us. Whether it will come true or not is another question. While he loves you, he imagines the rest of his life connected with you and talks about it.

Often, even without these signs, you can understand that the husband does not love, because he talks about it openly. And women have been deceiving themselves for a long time that he jokes like that. Or they simply turn a deaf ear when a spouse tells, for example, a child that he loves only him. A loving husband and a father (like a mother) who wants to instill in the child the right ideas about the family will always convey to the child that the parents love him and each other.

If you find all the signs in your spouse that he has fallen out of love, under no circumstances blame either yourself or him. Remember, you cannot order your heart. And in such a difficult situation, your sincere feelings will also appear. If you love a person, you wish him happiness and will not keep him near you. True love is expressed in the ability to unclench your fist and allow your loved one to be where he feels good. Everything else is attachment, selfishness and habit.

To begin with, show humility and make it clear to yourself that my husband does not love me. This thought should not make you resent him. Try to bring him into a frank conversation, because it is very important to understand why your husband fell out of love.

Maybe the point is not that the feelings faded away on their own, but that you are very guilty before your husband. It is very easy to fall out of love with a woman who has not strived for a long time to please her husband, please him, take care of him and praise him. If at the same time she has also stopped taking care of herself, and from morning to night she does nothing but blow her mind, who is to blame?

But in this situation, at least there is a chance that you will improve and your feelings will flare up again. To do this, ideally, go away for a while, not see each other, not communicate. And only after you realize what you were wrong about and understand how to put things right, you can try to return love. There should be no place for female pride here.

Love has the power to melt stones, so do everything you can to help it be reborn. Well, if it doesn’t work out, remember to love yourself and your children, and then everything will definitely work out.

For several nights in a row she has been unable to close her eyes; constant quarrels with her husband have tormented her heart. All last week, every day she had the same nightmare, she was lost in a dense forest, could not find her way home, kept screaming for help, but inconsolably.

She is all alone in a dark forest, there are many paths in front of her, but she cannot choose the one that will take her home. Their bedroom is shrouded in darkness, she is scared, her husband is lying next to her, she feels his warmth, but for some reason she is cold.

The man she married changed overnight, she doesn't feel his love. Thousands of thoughts are scrolling through her head, which hurts unbearably from long sleepless nights. She is afraid of losing him.

In the morning she calms herself down with the thought that it’s all because of her insomnia. Maybe a quiet and long sleep will be a cure for her and everything that worries her will turn into fiction? - encouraging herself with such thoughts, she gets up from their bed.

Many people call the love between a woman and a man a certain chemistry that arises between them. What to do if the chemistry disappears and the partner’s love goes along with it? What to do if the wife does not love or the husband hates his wife?

We want to touch on a topic that worries quite a few women. So, if a husband does not love his wife, what are the signs, how to understand this and behave in this situation.

Signs that a husband doesn't love his wife

Making important decisions without shared approval. The man no longer comes to his wife for advice. He makes important decisions himself, does not want to listen to his wife’s opinion, and may not even bring her up to date with his affairs. He tries to distance himself from her and not depend on her opinion.

The feeling of reliability disappears. A man behaves erratically, may not keep his words or make empty promises, fail to attend a meeting, or forget about important events. The wife develops a feeling of loss of reliable support; she can no longer count on her husband in difficult situations.

A man never misses an opportunity to avoid reproaching his wife for anything. Endless reproaches always appear when love, respect, and mutual understanding disappear in the family. They serve as a wake-up call to seriously think about your husband’s motives.

Respect is gone. A husband can allow himself unflattering words about his wife, raise his voice at her, be rude and not feel remorse.

There is no longer any general laughter in the house. The contagious laughter of the spouses has not been heard for a long time, joint jokes have disappeared somewhere, the husband does not try to make his wife laugh when he sees sadness in her eyes. He does not reciprocate her smile, frowns, and turns his gaze to the side.

The husband has become secretive, trying to avoid discussing frank topics. Intimate conversations have disappeared, the husband no longer talks about what worries him so much. He hides his phone, his cards, his wallet, and avoids conversation in every possible way.

Tactile touches have disappeared, or the man is trying in every possible way to avoid them. The wife's gentle touches no longer affect the husband; he does not respond to them with affection. On the contrary, he moves away, removes his hand from his shoulders, does not hug him around the waist, and does without caresses.

He dodges kisses and no longer kisses his wife, without any reason.

Constant absence from home, under various pretexts that did not exist before. Business trips appeared or became more frequent, the spouse began to return home late, leave early, take work home or go to work on weekends. Meetings with friends began to take place much more frequently and for longer periods of time.

Lack of intimate life. A married couple has not had an intimate relationship for a long time; the husband is cold towards his wife and does not show any sexual attraction. The girl stops feeling languid glances at her, each time her husband gives some reason for not wanting to have sex.

Excessive husband's attention to himself. When a husband doesn’t say “we,” he thinks more and more about himself. The wife does not feel that her husband cares about her. A man’s entire attention is focused specifically on his life, career, and hobbies.

There is irritability, isolation and indifference. The husband gets irritated for no reason, lashes out at his family, and blames his wife for his failures. He doesn’t want to explain why he has such swings, he withdraws into himself.

Stopped touching my wife's tears. The husband no longer runs to calm his beloved, he coldly watches her tears.

The listed signs can partly be attributed to the topic if the wife does not love her husband, so this article is useful for both men and women.

We are sure that even after becoming familiar with these signs, many more questions arise in women’s minds. For example, such as: Why doesn't my husband love me? What is wrong with me? And why does the husband live without loving? My husband doesn’t love me, but doesn’t leave me, maybe he has a mistress? How can he do this to me?

And really, why did the husband lose feelings for his wife? Let's try to figure it out!

Perhaps you have changed your attitude towards your husband. You have stopped expressing your feelings, or vice versa, the expression of your feelings is off the charts, and it has become unbearable and intrusive.

Or maybe you stopped taking care of yourself, put on a dressing gown, bought warm slippers and tied a bun on your head. Sudden changes can affect your husband’s feelings, especially if he is used to always seeing you in a well-groomed state;

Or this option, the husband has another girl, and he, in love with another, does not know how to tell you about it. Of course, this is not a man’s act, but this happens in life.

The wife loves, the husband allows him to love, and things happen that just won’t happen in life. Even if you initially decided on such a relationship, and then realized that you cannot continue to live like this. Don't be afraid to change the situation and live your life in love.

There may be a dozen such reasons; you need to analyze the current situation and understand what could have influenced your husband so much. It is best to seek qualified help from a psychologist, and not alone, but together with your husband.

How a man feels and what his thoughts are can only be found out through conversation.

Try to get your husband to have a frank conversation; perhaps he does not understand that he is hurting you.

If it doesn’t work and he doesn’t want to have a heart-to-heart talk, offer to go to a psychologist, explain to him that this is important to you.

Don’t rush to jump to conclusions; perhaps not everything is so bad and there are still signs of love in your husband’s behavior. You can always leave, but before making such a decision, try to do everything possible so that you don’t have to regret anything later.

However, you shouldn’t hold on to your husband with all your might, let go of the situation and try to imagine how your leaving husband, closing the door behind him, personifies your new happy life. After all, sometimes your ex-husband is better than your present one; over time, he can become your friend, and you can find true love.

Of course, deep down in your soul you hope that everything will work out and that in fact your husband’s love has not disappeared anywhere. And you, as his chosen one, will be able to awaken old feelings in your lover’s heart.

This happens, but it is a rather labor-intensive process and a lot depends on you and your patience. Shared solitude, travel, common interests, care and affection can kindle a fire from smoldering ashes, but on the contrary, it can make it even worse.

Advice from the editor: Dear ladies, allow yourself to be in a good mood more often, and this partly depends on your efforts. Communicate with your friends, develop spiritually, be confident in yourself, and perhaps your husband will understand that he lived causing you pain. Change and he will love you more than ever, but even if this does not happen, throw all bitterness off your shoulders and be open to new love achievements.

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