What to give Tatyana: advice on choosing a gift. Useful ideas and win-win gift options for congratulations on Tatyana's day

Tatyana is a delightful name that is very often called girls in Russia. Surely, surrounded by every person there is a representative of the fair sex, whose name day falls on January 25th. But then the question arises, what to give a girl, a girl, a woman with such an amazing name? You will find gift ideas for Tatyana by reading this article.

If you explore the energy of the fair sex named Tatyana, it becomes clear that they are practical, active and impulsive people, so it’s worth giving not only beautiful gifts and souvenirs, but also those that will bring certain benefits. For example, you can present an elegant accessory: an elegant bag, a stylish wallet, a delicate scarf, an expensive belt.

It should be borne in mind that all yellow shades belong to Tatyana's happy color scheme, which means that you can choose gifts in the design of which there are orange and yellow tones. It can be, for example, jewelry made of amber. In addition, this stone is endowed with a number of healing properties, and the donor will definitely be able to present a very useful present, which will surely become Tatiana's talisman.

If the gift is intended for a baby, then you can opt for a cute soft toy. If you want to give a gift to a teenage girl, then in this case, a gift that will clearly indicate that she is no longer a child will be a win-win option. You can give a gentle perfume or a cute bracelet, a set for body care, hair care, etc. Such gifts will always be accepted with great gratitude.

Very often, Tatyanas on this day, as the culprits of the holiday, are presented with a variety of items with symbols of the celebration, since this is also a name day for them. Girls can be given almost any women's gifts and souvenirs, such as glass or ceramic figurines, key rings, mugs, cups, etc. When choosing a gift, one should also take into account the character inherent in all Tatianas. So, if you want to surprise her, then you should present something unique, for example, a video of stories and photos dedicated only to her. Firstly, it will not look trite, and secondly, Tatyanas are very fond of when people admire them.

If you want to purely symbolically congratulate your friend Tatyana, then in this case you can give a funny souvenir, a mug, a badge, a rug with funny inscriptions and drawings that will emphasize the features of your Tatyana.

If Tatyana is your girlfriend or wife, then you can understand that by nature she is a little self-confident, sometimes domineering, firm, but at the same time emotional. Tatyanas do not like monotony and boredom, they love to travel. And in order to please them and please them, you should opt for gifts with some philosophical meaning. In addition, it is worth considering that Tatyana appreciates all sorts of secrets, riddles and will definitely be delighted with a box that has many pockets, or an exciting puzzle.

If your Tatyana is a student, and students are very cheerful people, then on this day you can arrange a collective friendly rally by giving presents with humor. In addition, a gift can be quite small, but memorable and significant, and thanks to a fun drawing, this holiday will remain in Tatyana's memory for a long time.

Often much less is known about the tastes and desires of colleagues and bosses than about the preferences of close friends. For this reason, the problem of what to present at work on January 25 to a woman named Tatyana will be a little more difficult to solve. As always, universal gifts will help out, which are suitable for giving to women of any age and for any reason:

  • Subscription for a session of spa-procedures. Practice proves that there are practically no women in the world who will refuse such a gift, and your Tatyana is most likely no exception.
  • Tea and coffee sets. Give preference to products from specialized stores, if you wish, you can find an alternative there for any wallet. Complete the gift with a jar of honey or fragrant raspberry jam, and the gift will become not only pleasant, but also useful.
  • Bag holder. A fashionable and convenient accessory is hung on the tabletop and allows you to keep your bag always at hand. It will be useful to your colleague or boss not only at work, but also while going to a cafe or restaurant.

What to give your beloved wife on Tatyana's day

Forgetting about the gift to his wife Tatiana on January 25 will be a big mistake. Just like getting off with the usual verbal congratulations. But a small pleasant surprise will reinforce the words of gratitude and make her a little happier. A small clarification - you should not give kitchen utensils to your beloved wife on Tatyana's Day, otherwise she will think that you see in her only a housewife, and not a beloved woman. As an alternative, consider these options:

  • Notice the wife's dressing table. She may be running out of face, hand or body cream. In this case, the one that she constantly uses or from a more expensive price category is suitable. Have you noticed that her favorite perfume is barely splashing at the bottom of the bottle? It makes no sense to wait for February 14 or March 8, Tatyana's Day is also a good occasion for presenting such a gift.
  • Do-it-yourself dinner. The gift will be a surprise only if you are not often seen behind the stove. Arm yourself with recipes from cookbooks, meet Tatyana who came home from work with a festive table, and she will certainly appreciate your efforts. If there is absolutely no time for cooking culinary delights (or you are sure that the idea is doomed to failure), you can always book a table in a restaurant or go to your favorite cafe since your student days.
  • Poems of own work. If you want to surprise your wife for real, dedicate an ode to her “Why I love my Tatyana.” Such a gift will be a surprise if such creativity is not your usual hobby or work. Write from the heart, and even if your work is not a model of poetic talent, the spouse will be satisfied.

How to congratulate teachers and teachers on Tatyana's day

On Tatyana's Day, do not forget to respect your beloved teachers and teachers named by this beautiful name. A gift in this case can be presented both individually and from the whole class or group:

  • Original book holder. Interesting specimens can be found in interior stores. If a teacher prefers a tablet or a laptop to print media, give a functional stand for these devices.
  • Hand embroidered picture. A gift for connoisseurs of beauty can be made in a variety of techniques and on any topic. For a teacher who is not alien to the spiritual, present an icon depicting St. Tatiana. If you are not sure about the religious preferences of the teacher - choose neutral motifs: bouquets, still lifes, pictures with animals.
  • Warm shawl or stole. Since Tatyana's day falls in the middle of winter, and at this time of the year the temperature in classrooms and auditoriums cannot be called comfortable, there is no doubt that the gift will not remain unclaimed. One condition - the style and colors must match Tatyana's preferences.

What to give for Tatyana's day to mom or grandmother

Be sure to congratulate your mother or grandmother Tatyana on this day. Of course, they will be happy even with a modest verbal greeting, but small presents will emphasize your attentiveness and care. You can act in the following directions:

  • Adult Tatyana, who is passionate about home floriculture, present a flowering exotic plant that is not yet in her collection.
  • The holiday is winter, and therefore warm slippers, hand-knitted socks, stylish mittens or a cozy blanket as a gift will come in handy more than ever.
  • With age, women (and Tatyana is no exception) become sentimental. Memorable pictures with their loved ones they not only carefully store, but also like to review at the first opportunity. A photo album as a gift will become especially expensive if you fill several pages of the album with fresh family photos.

What to give a student on Tatiana's Day

Do not forget that for more than two and a half centuries in our country on January 25, not only Tatyana, but also students are congratulated. If there are university students in your environment, do not forget to congratulate them on Student's Day with useful or cool gifts:

  • T-shirt with a cheerful print. Choose the inscription at your discretion, the options are suitable: “Real student”, “Freebie, come”, “Common guy”, “He was a man, became a student” or the like. You will have something special printed on a T-shirt, with a photo of the recipient of the gift.
  • Recipe book. Such a manual with pictures will certainly come in handy for a student who is living in a hostel away from home for the first year. You can attach a "dry ration" to the book in the form of stew, condensed milk and canned fish - in case the training is going to be tight.
  • Sports gifts. Students are a great time to play sports, so gifts like dumbbells, a ski cap, a fitness mat or a gym membership for young and active people will always be relevant.

It doesn’t matter who you are going to congratulate on Tatyana’s Day, the main thing is that you can give your loved ones a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bgreat mood and positive on this wonderful holiday.

Giving gifts, leaving a memory of yourself - this tradition exists in all countries. Gifts are chosen both large and small, but a lot of mental strength is always invested in them.

Her name will help you choose gifts for Tatyana. There is no consensus on the origin of the name Tatyana: according to one version, this is the female version of the name of the Sabine king Tatius, according to another version, this is an ancient Greek name that means “organizer”, “founder”.

Tatyan, as a rule, is distinguished by a strong, decisive character, a strong will, and at the same time, artistry and emotionality.

What bouquet to give?

Every holiday is accompanied by flowers. For those born in winter, the bouquet should contain cold and warm shades of flowers. The task of such a bouquet is to surprise with restraint and cause sincere admiration.

For Tatyana, born in the spring, more artistic and playful, with a rich imagination, the best would be a bouquet of pastel shades: pink, cream, white. Kind and generous summer Tatyana does not like to waste time on trifles; bright, saturated with color and greenery bouquets are most suitable for her.

Tatyanas, who gave birth in the fall, have a universal character and are very tactful. They will be impressed by classic, gerberas, roses and.

Birthday: we select a present

For Tatyana's birthday, you can choose any gift: hobby material, personalized gifts (rare books, bracelets with an inscription). When choosing, it is necessary to pursue the goal - to pleasantly surprise. The hero of the occasion will appreciate any flight of fancy.

Here's what you can give Tatyana for her birthday:

  • Art print on canvas from a photo: you need to take care of lush clothes, jewelry or an exotic landscape. To take such a photo will help in the photo salon.
  • Prepare the release of any age-appropriate newspaper (for example, for the older generation - the Pravda newspaper), with a message about the birth of Tatyana.
  • A gift diploma is a poster for an anniversary date, which can then be hung on the wall.

If the donor is a close man, then surprise the hero of the occasion
you can take a romantic trip in a carriage with a cab driver, book vouchers for the weekend.

It must be remembered that Tatyana loves originality and luxury, but they clearly know the measure, so an original bracelet or will be a great gift.

Friends can organize a collective trip and spend time fun and usefully.

Birthday: what to give?

If Tatyana celebrates not only a birthday, but also a name day, then you need to choose the appropriate gift. What to give for Tatyana's name day? Ideas might be:

Gifts for Tatyana's Day

History gave Tanya another holiday - Tatyana's Day, student's day. According to the Lives of the Saints, Tatiana was born into a noble Roman family at the end of the 2nd century. A secret Christian, the father raised his daughter in his faith.

Having reached the age of majority, the girl decided that she would not marry and would devote herself to Christ. For her devoted service, she received a very high rank for a woman in the ancient church.

Having learned about Tatiana's faith, the pagans betrayed her to cruel tortures, but she withstood everything and died in her Christian faith. It was on the day of memory of the holy great martyr on January 25 that Empress Elizabeth signed a decree on the opening of the first university in Russia.

Many decades have passed, but this celebration of youth, love and devotion to the student fraternity remains a fun reason to celebrate throughout the former Soviet Union.

January 25, 2019 is the Memorial Day of St. Tatiana of Rome. Girls born on this day are called Tatyana in her honor, hoping for the heavenly patronage of the saint.

By tradition, we congratulate all the fair sex who bear this name and give them gifts. It is especially pleasant to give and receive original handmade gifts for Tatyana's Day.

DIY gift ideas for Tatyana's day

What to give on Tatyana's day to your friends and loved ones? We will suggest some ideas.

Almost every photo salon performs printing on fabric, ceramics or laser engraving, which transfers the image from the photo. So you can make an original and memorable gift by ordering a print on a mug, t-shirt, keychain or other souvenir.

Or you can give your friend a towel, a set of napkins or a pillow with her initials embroidered on them. Believe me, she will like such a present more than standard things that you can buy in a store!

What else to give on Tatyana's day to Tatiana's birthday girls? In Rus', on this day, the peasants called for spring, made wishes in the sun, baked loaves in the form of this heavenly body.

You can give a sun made of thick yellow fabric or made of cardboard for the holiday. It is not difficult to make it: draw a circle on a piece of cardboard, mark the eyes and mouth of the sun, grease the rest of the circle with glue. Sprinkle millet on top, wait for the glue to dry, and shake off the remaining grits.

Do-it-yourself gifts for Tatyana's Day can be made from salt dough.

You will need to mix with water:

  • 2 cups of flour,
  • 1 glass of salt
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil.

Then mold the sun or other funny figures from the resulting dough, dry them in the oven for 3 hours at 100 ° C, and then paint with gouache.

What else can you give for Tatyana's day? You can compose a poem in honor of your beloved or girlfriend, make up a calendar with her photos on a computer, or make a video about her and her family, including congratulations from friends and relatives.

You can also present Tatyana with an original postcard that you make yourself on Tatyana's Day. To do this, do the following.

Glue candies and other sweets in wrappers onto a piece of cardboard or thick paper and pick original captions for them, for example, lines from songs or aphorisms. Such a congratulation can be decorated with ribbons, beads, rhinestones and other decorative elements.

An original and memorable gift for Tatyana's Day will be a decree or a letter in a beautiful frame, a decorative medal with a commemorative engraving.

Show your imagination - and your gift will be liked by your beloved or girlfriend, and the holiday spent together will cause her a lot of positive emotions.

Residents of Russia are familiar with such a holiday as Tatyana's Day. It is celebrated on January 25th. Therefore, after the New Year holidays, you need to go to the shops in order to buy suitable gifts.

If you don't have any thoughts in your head about buying nice presents, then our ready-made ideas will make buying gifts easy for you.

Each Tatyana on this day should receive her own special gift. Even the smallest but nice gift for Tatyana will always remind her of the warmth and your friendship.

If you managed to remember such a day at the very last moment, then dishes can help out in this case. In a dishware store, as a rule, they choose those accessories that have the inscription Tatyana. But a more pleasant gift is a cup with her photo and the inscription "Best Tatiana". You can order printing on ceramics in a printing house or in a special center.

Gifts should be useful. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to visit a friend’s kitchen, then you have probably already noticed what is missing in her household. Maybe your friend dreams of a silicone mat or a pepper mill. You can also present beautiful kitchen towels and potholders as a gift.

Sensual and romantic Tatyanas will appreciate fragrant gifts. But what to give Tatyana, then it's up to you. Perhaps it will be cushioned oils, scented candles or odorous sea salt.

Gifts for the boss or colleague

Each Tatyana dreams of receiving a gift on her day. Tatyana's colleagues and bosses are not an exception. Finding out their tastes is much more difficult. However, you shouldn't stress too much. If you don’t know about tastes, then you can give some universal gift. They are suitable for older women and young ladies. These gifts include:

Subscription to the spa. If we turn to the life situation, then every woman dreams of such a gift. Spa treatments make every woman more beautiful and happier.

Coffee and tea sets. Coffee or tea is a gift that is nice to receive on any occasion. However, Tatyana is better off buying specialized products. But if finances do not allow, then you can buy something cheaper. Such a gift can be supplemented with raspberry jam or fragrant honey.

Bag holder. So that Tatyana could keep her bag always nearby, give her such a device. The holder is hung on the tabletop. Therefore, the bag will be nearby in a cafe or at work.

Gifts for wives on Tatyana's day

If your wife's name is Tatyana, then on January 25 she will definitely expect a pleasant surprise from you. Don't forget to do something nice for her. Oral congratulations are also not suitable here. And forget about this date in general, it is impossible. Every husband should remember that on this day kitchen utensils will not be considered a gift. In this case, your spouse will consider that you see in her only a housewife. Here are some other alternatives that can help:

Cosmetical tools. First of all, every man pays attention to the dressing table of his wife. Maybe there is already over the cream or toilet water. Look for something worthwhile or give the same tool from this series.

Festive dinner. If you are not often at the stove, then a good option for you is a do-it-yourself dinner. In order to successfully meet Tatyana from work, you need to subtract the best recipes in cookbooks. Set the festive table, and Tatyana will be delighted with your attention. But if you do not have culinary skills, then finding a way out is easy. All you have to do is go to a cafe or a restaurant.

Poetry of own composition. If your goal is to surprise Tatyana, your wife, then you should try and compose beautiful poems for her. Indeed, in order for the spouse to be satisfied, it is worth writing lines from the heart.

Congratulations to Tatyana teachers and lecturers

If you decide to make a beautiful gift to Tatyana for a teacher or teacher, then you will do the right thing. Remember that absolutely everyone deserves respect on this day. A gift on Tatyana's Day can be from a group or be individual. Such a surprise could be:

Nice book holder. Excellent copies are sold in interior stores. And if the teacher loves electronic gadgets on which works are read, then you can present her with a functional stand for a tablet or gadget.

Work picture. Those Tatyanas who love beauty will undoubtedly appreciate a gift created by their own hands in absolutely any technique. In particular, a believing teacher will appreciate the icons depicting St. Tatiana. A picture with neutral motives can be presented if you do not know the religious mood of your teacher.

Stole or warm shawl. January 25 is the middle of winter. Therefore, the temperature in the rooms is cool. As a result, your gift will come in handy. But in order for the present to be accepted with a bang, it is worth picking it up, taking into account the tastes of Tatyana herself.

Gifts for grandmothers and mothers Tatyan

Mom or grandmother under the name Tatyana is sure to be congratulated on this day. People close to you will certainly be delighted with verbal congratulations. But if you give them a small present, then, of course, they will be doubly happy. In such a situation, we act as follows:

If adult Tatyana loves floriculture, then the best gift for her is an exotic houseplant.

For a winter holiday, house slippers will be an ideal gift. Socks that you knit with your own hands are also suitable. You can also tie a beautiful blanket or warm mittens as a gift.

Every woman, regardless of her name, becomes sentimental with age. Therefore, they not only carefully store memorable photographs, but also view them at every opportunity. Therefore, if you give an album as a gift, then be aware that it will become the most expensive gift. It will be good if you put some recent and family photos in this album.

Gifts for students on Tatyana's day

So, we have already figured out what gifts should be for Tatyana's day to Tatyana. But do not forget that this day is a holiday for students. Therefore, if you have acquaintances and friends of students, then give them something nice as well. Our ideas should come in handy in this case.

T-shirt for a student with a colorful print. The inscription is chosen at your discretion. The following options may come up here: “Come Freebie”, “Real Student”, and “Common Guy”. And in special salons on your T-shirt they can print the inscription that you want.

Cooking recipe book. A student who lives away from home will surely appreciate such a gift. The book, in addition to the description, should have colorful pictures. Dry rations can also be attached to such a present for those students who are not easy with this matter.

Gifts for sports. Student time is a great time to play sports. Therefore, actual presentations will be: dumbbells, sports mats, gym memberships and other gifts will always be in trend.


For you in this article, we have provided an overview of gifts for January 25th. But on Tatiana's Day, you can also make various crafts that will be a nice gift. In general, it all depends on your desire. At the same time, remember that even the smallest gift will bring happiness and pleasant memories to its recipient.