Dagestan girls and Russians. Why don't Caucasian women marry Russian men?

May 23rd, 2017 , 11:01 am

User alzoter asked a reasonable question - why don’t Georgian and Armenian women marry Russian men, while Russian women take great pleasure in marrying Caucasians or simply having affairs with them?

Actually an interesting question. Let's try to reason a little. With Caucasian Muslim women, everything is clear and understandable - Dagestani women, Chechens and Ingush women, if they marry a Russian, will simply be expelled from their tribe and, if they are lucky, will peacefully disappear from their native republic. Although Fatima Ivanovs, no, no, are already found in the vastness of Rus'!

It’s a little more difficult with Armenian and Georgian women. Technically, a Russian can, without loss to himself, seduce an Armenian or Georgian madmazel and have a sexual shurum-burum with her until marriage.

One of my friends, for example, specializes only in Armenian women, almost exclusively uses them, constantly and inconsistently. He likes the Armenian mentality, the constant struggle in relationships between a man and a woman. He squeals because the rebellious Armenian woman constantly needs to be mentally pressured and physically grabbed by the throat (so that she stops showing off and showing her teeth). But this is foreign to me. Plus, I really don’t like Armenian women for their crooked-nosed appearance.

Georgian women are much more beautiful than Armenian women, but they are still not very accessible to Russian men due to geography and material wealth. Nowadays, in the midnight pubs of Tbilisi you can find and try to hook up with Georgian girls smoking strong cigarettes and singing English-language hits at karaoke. However, these young creatures are still more focused on the Western public: guests from the USA and other Europe/Turkey. I introduced myself as a visitor from Ireland and I was lucky. :) Outside of tourist Tbilisi, where the harsh Caucasian traditions of bygone times still linger, Georgians are still gloomy and inaccessible to strangers.

In general, to be honest, this is a difficult question. I tried to answer it briefly and came to the conclusion that the difference is in mentality.

“You can’t order your heart” - this is what they say when people are completely different. It often happens that representatives of different nationalities are attracted to each other, and romantic relationships begin between them.

Subsequently, the couple decides to formalize the marriage. But this is where certain problems begin.

Despite pure and warm feelings, men and women from different countries face a lot of difficulties regarding marriage. Especially if the representative of the stronger sex is from eastern countries.

Before proceeding to formalize the union, you need to familiarize yourself with the intricacies of the nationality of your beloved man. So how to officially marry a Dagestani? The answer to this question can be found below.

Peculiarities of registering a marriage with a Dagestani man/woman in Russia

It is important to note that the legal way to formalize a relationship between a man and a woman is to register it with the registry office.

At the moment, this is the only way to recognize the union as valid. On the territory of our country, it is absolutely easy to legalize marriage.

For citizens of the state, certain legal norms have been established, according to which the marriage process is regulated. A person living on the territory of the Russian Federation can enter into legal relations with both a compatriot and a foreign person.

So how difficult is it to formalize a relationship with a Dagestani? The Family Code states that two people can get married. One of them may have Russian citizenship, but the second may have citizenship of another country.

It is important to note that relationships are registered in the absence of factors that may interfere with this.

Among other things, in our legislation you can find out that every person has the right to dual citizenship. In this case, he will not have any difficulties. But the registration of a union must be carried out according to the laws of our state.

If there are several citizenships, the person entering into marriage has every right to choose independently which country’s legislation will be applied specifically to him.

According to the laws of our country, people entering into marriage must be of legal age. Typically, eighteen years is the age at which a person officially becomes an adult.

Only under certain circumstances (such as pregnancy) can a couple get married earlier. In some states, marriage is allowed even from the age of thirteen. Both spouses must be present at the ceremony. The waiting period is usually standard for all couples.

It is important to note that for a man of Caucasian nationality it is extremely important that his woman be a submissive, modest, calm homemaker. They do not tolerate scandals and reproaches. In the absence of an easy-going character, a marriage with a Dagestani will not last long.

In addition, when concluding an alliance with a representative of the stronger sex from this state, you need to be prepared that you will have to adhere to a different religion. A woman from Russia must understand that only if she follows the rules set by her husband will the marriage be truly happy.

Where to apply?

When registering a marriage in the Russian Federation, you must submit an application to the local registry office. But when visiting Dagestan, you should confirm the legality of the formalized relationship.

Package of necessary documents

It is very important to prepare legally for formalizing the relationship. It also implies that it is necessary to provide for all possible scenarios. The current legislation contains a certain list of documents that are required when concluding a marriage with a foreign person.

As a rule, a Dagestani needs to have the following documents with him:

  1. passport (original) and its translation into Russian;
  2. application in a clearly established form;
  3. certificate confirming that there are no obstacles to the legal formalization of relations;
  4. certificate of residence;
  5. certificate of complete termination of the previous marriage (if there was one);
  6. residence permit for a foreign citizen in the Russian Federation (visa, temporary registration or residence permit).

An application to the relevant authorities is submitted by the bride and groom. This can be either a joint statement or a personal statement.

Situations often arise when the future husband cannot submit an application due to his absence from Russia. In this case, he can contact the Russian consulate in his country to certify the application and send it by mail.

What difficulties might arise?

The first difficulty is that it is necessary to translate all the documents of the foreign groom into Russian.

The application must also be written in the national language of Russia. It is important to note that the marriage registration procedure itself is quite simple. If there is a previous marriage, the Russian man or woman must provide evidence of the dissolution of the union.

But a foreigner will have to “sweat” in order to prove the fact of legal residence in the territory of the Russian Federation. In addition, he will also need to provide evidence that the previous marriage was dissolved.

The procedure and conditions for marriage in Dagestan

As before, a national wedding is held in compliance with all traditions, rituals and ceremonies passed down over centuries.

The formalization of relations in this country is distinguished by its scope. As you know, traditionally two weddings are celebrated here. The first is held in the bride's home, and the second in the groom's house.

An important point in formalizing relations in this state is the observance of all traditions and rituals.

The conditions for formalizing the relationship are that the bride and groom must be adults and officially free.

Dagestan traditions and rituals

Among the residents of this state, like any nation, the procedure for announcing newlyweds as bride and groom is called engagement.

Matchmakers are sent to the bride's house, where an interesting ceremony takes place. There the bride is presented with various gifts. The parents of the newlyweds choose the wedding day themselves. It should not coincide with the birthdays of the future husband and wife and their parents.

It is important to note that the wedding date should in no case coincide with various important Muslim holidays. It is necessary to emphasize that a Dagestan wedding does not take place without the official registration of the newlyweds at the registry office. At the end of the engagement ceremony, the bride and groom go to the registry office. There they apply.

According to local customs, newlyweds may see each other very rarely before the wedding. Moreover, they are strictly forbidden to spend nights together. After this, preparations begin for the most solemn event. It consists of choosing a wedding dress, venue, restaurant, menu.

It is very important to create a detailed guest list. You should also take care of decorating the hall. Among other things, it is necessary to deal with all sorts of issues related to organizing the holiday.

At the moment, there are no specific strict requirements for the newlywed’s outfit. The most important thing is that the dress is expensive, sophisticated, elegant and solemn.

Modern brides prepare two outfits for their wedding: the first is an ordinary white dress, and the second is a traditional national costume. As for the venue, you can choose any restaurant you like. The tables must be set according to all the traditions of Dagestan cuisine.

It is important to note that traditionally, the bride’s responsibilities before the wedding include choosing furniture for the house or apartment where she will begin a new life with her lawful husband.

A wedding in Dagestan is impossible without loud music heard from the roof of the house. The first day takes place at the bride's house. Only representatives of the fair sex gather here.

Bridesmaids, relatives, neighbors and just good friends. On this day, the girl says goodbye to her home. In the middle of the celebration, the groom comes to the bride.

My opinion is subjective and personal, the conclusions are drawn on the basis of what I saw and heard during my marriage to a Dagestani man, and are presented exclusively from a female point of view. I myself am Tatar, I live and work in Moscow. Head covering and modest clothing are mandatory for me, as in principle for all Muslim girls. When we met my future husband, a Dagestani, he talked about Islam, read namaz, and often remembered the Almighty, this affected my choice. I was sincerely happy, thanking Allah for the fact that I had met my man, whom both the covering of his head and the absence of bare parts of the body not only attracted, but, as it seemed to me, admired.

We decided to get married. We went to the mosque, where the nikkah was read, after which my husband safely moved into my apartment. From that moment on, I had the opportunity to learn more about him and his family circle, since previously I had only seen Caucasians in films and only from the positive side.

I won’t say anything, their hospitality and respect for elders pleased me, but in everything else - alas. Especially regarding show-offs - this is something special, it even seems to me that it is inherent in their genetic level. It doesn’t matter how, it doesn’t matter at whose expense and at what cost, but each of them believed that they simply had to be cooler than the other. At the same time, they themselves are deeply confident in their superiority over others, even without having anything, neither education, nor work... NOTHING! They will sit, without a constant source of income, and an intermittent one too, drinking beer and smoking “noble grass”, not having a penny of money, but even in front of each other, despite the fact that they have known each other for many, many years, from one aul, village and collective farm, they still try to show those qualities and material benefits that are not even available. They showed off to each other like little children.

And their desire to look presentable? It is something! Having one old, worn, washed-out shirt, a suit with a shiny patina and a tattered lining, often one for everyone, without any desire to work for their own well-being, being content with what they have out of laziness, just not to work, they smoothed him to such an extent that he was already glowing and was for them an indicator of prosperity, self-importance and unshakable evidence that he was not a simple “hard worker”, but at least a “boss” and not of an average level, but much higher.

I was able to verify that the ability to “speak” for the sake of “speaking” i.e. word for word's sake, and not word for deed's sake, this is also an integral part of their genetics. They say EVERYTHING and a lot, I would say: “Too much text,” but the conversation usually doesn’t go further. They could talk about the need to do something in order to achieve certain levels and heights, they boldly made promises to each other “to find out tomorrow; work on the issue tomorrow; meet tomorrow and connect the right people,” etc., but, as a rule, tomorrow no one did anything, continuing to lie on the couch waiting for the refrigerator to be filled with food, and for the house to have money for much-needed cafes and eateries, where you can sit “over a cup of tea”...

Regarding their fulfillment of the duties of a husband, to whom the Almighty has entrusted each specific woman (in this paragraph I do not touch on the topic of sex, they are “always and please”): understanding that the family must be supported, take care of the availability of food or at least money for them There is basically no purchase. As well as the understanding that the wife has a need for clothes, and multi-seasonal ones. Any conversation on this topic is abruptly stopped with the phrase “everything will happen.” When asked when this event will happen, the answer is no less categorical: “Leave me alone with your whims, you’re already tired of it.” At the same time, there is always money for a “cup of tea”, noble and much-loved grass and the 33rd pair of shoes with an elongated and pointed toe. I'm not even talking about the fact that in addition to basic duties, every Muslim, and Dagestanis very strongly and loudly declare their unshakable religiosity, is simply obliged to treat his wife well, take care of her inner peace, etc. Often at home all you hear is “rest, in short,” “stop this ridiculous talk,” etc., often in order to avoid discussing really important issues that shape the future relationship of the spouses.

Now regarding fidelity. It is, of course, wonderful that the majority of those Dagestanis with whom I was lucky enough to meet firmly adhere to the principle: “betrayal is a sin, I didn’t find myself in a garbage dump and it’s better to be alone than with just anyone,” the last phrase always brought me confused by the fact that, apparently, they don’t meet anyone on their path in life, and therefore it is necessary to think about expanding the territories they visit and be more careful in choosing friends. Moreover, often, arriving in the capital of our Motherland, most Dagestan eagles are already firmly and firmly connected by marriage bonds, strengthened by more than one child. Despite the presence of spouses entrusted to them, when they come to earn money, for some reason they too quickly forget why they came and limit themselves to the occupation of local girls, and do not disdain anything or anyone.

For example, when we were walking down the street with my husband and his fellow countrymen, they very loudly discussed the girls passing by, whose skirts were at waist level, and whose chest was not covered in any way, pathetically spat in her wake, shouting insulting expressions, but at the same time time, each of them, having learned to randomly roll his eyes, during the time until his spit reached the ground, managed to “grope at the level of the fundus” everything that was not covered. And if he was lucky, he managed to “get” the phone number of such a “goddess” and then starved her out, spending the last of her money on SMS messages in which she exalted her beauty to such heights that, in principle, only birds can fly to. Moreover, they perceived it as a “fun”, boasting to each other at home and sometimes reading out loud the messages of these, as they called them, “Russian hens”.

Everyone is registered on dating sites, even on the dirtiest mobile chats, the essence of which boils down to sending photographs of various parts of the body, both women and men, with a request to “take a photo and send the breasts from the right angle,” discussing problems of frigidity and sexual intimacy with a partner, etc. At the same time, none of them paid attention to the fact that girls from both Dagestan and the Caucasus as a whole are also registered on these sites, taking no less active part in discussions of such topics. The men were in no way embarrassed that it turned out that he himself was spoiling his own nation, in the person of that Dagestan girl who sent him a photo of her naked figure. When I asked if they were sure that it was not his wife who was communicating with him under a different name, they “exploded” and started beating their chests, convincing me that THEIR girls were decent and they shouldn’t just “hang out” on such sites they can, but the names “Heda, Zalina, Madina, Pati, etc.” these are fictitious, and the indication of such cities as Makhachkala, Kizlyar, etc. does not mean that this is true.

Also, my observation showed that these men consider it their sacred duty to brighten up the loneliness of ALL girls, with the obligatory invitation of the latter to a cafe and an equally obligatory demonstration performance, expressed in the performance of the national dance “Lezginka”. Moreover, I completely agree with the author of the article, they dance the Lezghinka always and everywhere, right up to the metro stations, it starts alone, to the noisy applause of the fellow countrymen present, and later this develops into a crowd of men waving their arms and legs, and if you’re lucky, then to hooting by accident women who found themselves at the place of dance, without thinking at all about the appropriateness of the action taking place...

I could go on for a long time describing those actions or inactions that I directly witnessed during the period of my life with my ex-husband, but I will limit myself to what has been said and summarize: the people I knew are distinguished by: 1) Deceitfulness, and sometimes it seemed to me that they were lying all the time and in everything, just like that, without even thinking, just to embellish oneself, wishful thinking, not to be ridiculed, to appear “cool,” etc.; 2) Show-off - this is the case, apparently the majority simply have nothing to be proud of, nothing has been achieved, nothing has been gained, and there is no desire to gain gain, but they really want respect and honor; 3) Laziness - they are extremely lazy, working is for Tajiks and Uzbeks, and they can only lead, and also do not hesitate to live on the support of women, if they are lucky, then they are not very old; 4) Debauchery - it feels like they were kept for a long time in a dark and cold hole called their native village and home, having escaped from there, both men and women simply go crazy, confusing the shores and go to great lengths to satisfy their sexual desires. interests, often without disdaining anything; 5) Extremely low requirements for the level and quality of relationships between spouses, a complete lack of basic respect and care, and on both sides, their relationship can more be called consumer; 6) HUGE self-conceit and very high self-importance, which does not have the slightest reason or reason for this; 7) Drug addiction to herbs of various origins; 8) Increased false religiosity, which can be characterized by the phrase: “Muslims have one hand on the Koran, the other on the glass.” When they drink too much beer and smoke all sorts of nonsense, the conversation inevitably turns to Islam, and this is accompanied by additional infusions of alcohol and the lighting of a “peace pipe” made from a plastic bottle.

There are, of course, decent and decent people among the Dagestanis, and, fortunately, there are many of them, but they are not noticeable due to moderation, and young people try to “keep up with the times,” gradually losing those personal qualities and features of the national culture for which at all times the Caucasus has been praised.

To the question why Caucasian girls love Russian guys? given by the author Request the best answer is nonsense)) Caucasian girls are simply complex - and this is accepted by Russian guys as loyalty)) but give them free rein - you can’t gather them from bars))

Answer from Conscientious[guru]
Zhen, why are you talking like a little child! Well, why are you an Armenian if you don’t have an apartment? They need housing and citizenship!

Answer from chevron[guru]
I wouldn't get up for chacha

Answer from Alexander[guru]
What kind of fashion is this for marrying girls?
Our guys are getting MARRIED!

Answer from Sub-EVIL[guru]
but it seems to me that you need a belt... no club... you can’t knock out this heresy with a belt

Answer from Anyutka[guru]
I am also Armenian, and yes, I want to marry a Russian

Answer from Malika bezam[guru]
I’m Chechen. One of my friends married a Russian guy, the second married an Armenian, I dated a Russian for 3 years. And the fashion for marrying Caucasian girls is probably due to the fact that we are more economical (for example, I like to cook, and not under duress), we look brighter, and are ready to do anything for the one we love. And I like Russian guys simply because opposites attract, but to be honest, because of the different mentality, it’s a little hard

Answer from Blueberry[guru]
Quite the opposite: Slavic women marry Caucasians. In general, love rules it all

Answer from Jolawa Murshel[newbie]
I am German. A girl from Kazakhstan (Mitiska)... what can I do?

Answer from Egor Belkovich[newbie]
Our girls need a belt and discipline like in the old days. And when they were given freedom and rights, the chaos began. Because they don’t really know what to do with this freedom.

Answer from Tor Dir[master]
Omar, why are you drunk? Or are you a racist and a fascist, and for you, being Russian is immediately a booze? Imagine, they love Russians and sober guys.

Answer from Mikha Perov[newbie]
Borets your answer characterizes you as a pig

Answer from Mariyam Savvova[newbie]
They are simple, not like ours

Answer from Nyashik Nyashkanyan[newbie]
Because Russians are adequate, and those are like game animals, that’s the answer

Answer from Banned rank 64[active]
Nyashik Nyashkanyan, on the contrary, Russians are inadequate!

Answer from Always_Die[newbie]
Whatever nonsense you say, lad, a normal Dagestan girl will never marry a Russian Dog, and Chechen women won’t even talk to you about it. It’s just your girls who come to us to marry a Dagestani. Literally my mother’s Russian friend’s name is Kristina, she tells her that she will never marry a Russian

Answer from Amalia Deley[expert]
I'll answer...
I'm mixed race. True, not Armenian. Balkarka with a German and a Russian.
So, I don’t like Caucasians, I don’t like them and that’s it!
I don’t like their mentality, boasting... I like simplicity and sincerity.
And I don't like their appearance either...
It's been like this since childhood. They simply didn’t like them!
and the Russian is simple, humane, open and without that evil look...
He will love you spiritually, with all his heart, he does not have such pompous pride (although there are a few). They are more accommodating, and they love deeply, and just like that!
and in appearance... white... blue-eyed - generally ideal!
And in general, I love my beloved!

Answer from Aleko[newbie]
Caucasian girls have and will marry Russians. I had several Armenian girls, and now I’m a Dargin.
Omar, you are a Caucasian Nazi, I trampled your family. Caucasian girls have always been and will be with Russian, remember this is a pig. And the fucking people who liked this creature, you are Armenian Natsik pigs, Armenian women most often marry Russians. Armenian Nazis roosters can only write on the Internet; when they see an Armenian woman with a Russian on the street, they run and post on social media. networks.

Answer from Manvel Kamalyan[newbie]
All sorts of idiots and offended stags are trying to engage in self-deception. Not one well-mannered Caucasian girl will marry a Russian. Compare the data on how many Russian girls go to the East and the Caucasus as wives. I am silent about how much has passed through our hands. You have weak guys these days) you need to be less henpecked. That's all) you can, by the way, talk about the most growing peoples of the Russian Federation DD Armenians are one of the first on the list. If our girls were such whores? then our number decreased, not increased! More often they marry their own people and there is no Nazism here... our saying is - A DAUGHTER WILL BE WITH A STRANGER, THERE WILL BE HONOR IN THE FAMILY.
continue to cackle stags))

Strict, proud, majestic and wise, the Caucasus is home to breathtaking natural landscapes, impressive mountains and picturesque plains. The peoples who inhabit these territories are just as strong-willed, strict, proud, courageous, thoughtful and wise with experience. One of these peoples are the Dagestanis. They are characterized by their own specific features that distinguish them from others; they have their own customs and mentality.

Dagestanis are not a single nation, but a kind of conglomerate of peoples. What is their peculiarity, why is Dagestan called a territory with a unique and specific people? What are they like - Dagestan men and women? The article will discuss the specific character traits and mentality of Dagestanis.

Features of Dagestan appearance

More than 30 nationalities live in Dagestan, half of which are indigenous people. Therefore, it is incorrect to characterize all Dagestanis according to a single standard. For example, the image of rural residents differs from the image of urban residents, mountain representatives of the people differ from lowland residents.

The main features of Dagestan appearance are:

  • Tall (more than 170 centimeters).
  • Straight, coarse hair from black to light brown.
  • Eye color - gray, black, brown.
  • The location of the eyes is “Anterior Asian”, or horizontal, the palpebral fissure is narrow.
  • The eyebrows are straight, very often fused.
  • In men, the hairline is developed normally, the beard and mustache are sparse.
  • The face is long and narrow. The facial features are somewhat angular, with prominent cheekbones.
  • The forehead is long, straight, narrow, the tip is sometimes raised. Often the forehead and nose form one line.
  • Lips are plump.
  • The chin is not protruding, but high.
  • The back of the head is convex. The ears are high with long lobes.

The beauty and external characteristics of Dagestanis are often discussed on the Internet. It is very difficult to say unequivocally whether Dagestan men are beautiful or not. Beauty is a very relative concept. It should be noted that many representatives of this people have quite bright oriental features that give a certain charm.

Taking care of the home

Traditionally, taking care of home, children, and family is one of the sacred responsibilities of Dagestan men. Their whole life is devoted to arranging and improving their life. The people wish each other: “May your home prosper!” This wish is the whole essence of the attitude towards one’s own and someone else’s home: respect, veneration, careful attitude and a wish for prosperity.


Dagestanis sacredly honor the traditions of hospitality and veneration of elders. Hospitality is a custom that is characteristic of many peoples to varying degrees, but among the mountaineers it is elevated to a cult. No matter how much trouble this may cause to the owner, regardless of the economic situation of the family, self-respecting Dagestanis will do everything to meet their guests with dignity. There is a rule: all the best (bed, food, wine, room) goes to the guest. Even today, children ask if they find a delicacy whether it is for them or for guests.

Respect for elders

A national characteristic of Dagestan men and women is reverence for elders. This is an ancient characteristic feature of everyday and family relationships. Old age has its advantages: young people always give way to old people, the one who is older always speaks first, young people always stand in the presence of old people, you cannot smoke or drink in front of old people, they are served water and food first. Respect for elders is passed on from generation to generation. Disrespectful attitude towards the elderly is condemned in society; such a person may be shouted at after him.

Respect for a woman

Many researchers emphasize the degraded and powerless position of women in the Muslim East, but among them, Dagestan girls are relatively free. Women did not wear a burqa or veil, and female seclusion was not common here.

Respect for women in society is expressed in customs and rituals. For example, when a Dagestan girl passes by a group of men, they stop laughing so that she does not think that they are laughing at her. When an adult woman appears in society (both in the past and now), it is customary to stand up as a sign of respect for her. The dignity and honor of girls and women is strictly protected. An attack on a woman’s honor has served and continues to serve as a reason for blood feud. At the same time, punishment, revenge, murder are not committed in the presence of a woman.

If a woman without a headdress and with her hair down rushed into the center of the fighting, the Dagestanis instantly stopped the bloodshed and the warring parties dispersed.

It should be noted that Dagestan men’s attitude towards women was formed based on two historical prerequisites. On the one hand, from birth boys were taught a respectful attitude towards their mother; they were aware of the need to take care of their own women: mother, sister, wife, daughter or other relatives. Caring for and protecting a woman is a man’s sacred duty.

But on the other hand, the woman has always occupied a subordinate position in the family, that is, the last word has always remained and remains with the man. There is still a division of housework into male and female; most often, women do not work, but do household chores (cooking, washing, cleaning, raising children). Men earn money and provide their family with everything they need.

Interethnic marriages

Relationships in interethnic marriages are very complex due to the difference in mentalities, worldviews, and cultures. As a rule, it is still customary for Dagestanis to marry representatives of their people. But there are exceptions when the emerging relationship between a Russian woman and a Dagestan man develops into marriage. It should be noted that relationships can be harmonious only if the traditions and customs of each partner are respected, if there is a respectful attitude towards the culture of the people of your spouse.

  • treat him and his relatives with respect;
  • do not contradict your husband in the presence of strangers;
  • do not provoke him;
  • do not artificially create situations in which his jealousy would manifest itself;
  • be hospitable;
  • take responsibility for your household responsibilities;
  • be modest and well-mannered.


A feature of Dagestan men is responsibility. A word is more valuable to them than life: if he promises something, he will do it. But even the most responsible ones are capable of forgetting about little things, especially if it concerns everyday issues, for example, buying a light bulb, renovating a cabinet, installing the Internet, and so on.

Like all men of the eastern type, Dagestanis know how to speak a lot and beautifully, and are able to turn heads in an instant with compliments. But everywhere there are pitfalls: Dagestanis are very religious, not everyone can break the traditions of their family and marry a Christian. If he already has his own family, then he will never leave it. Family is sacred, although there can be many affairs on the side.

Attitude to money

Dagestan men love to look after beautifully, give gifts, and make grand gestures. They like to make wishes come true. But the downside of such gestures is squandering, and the worst evil of many representatives of the people is gambling and casinos. Many Eastern men have complex relationships with money, and the Dagestan representatives of the stronger sex are no exception.


Dagestan men know how to openly express their feelings - this is a positive trait that helps build relationships, because it is clear what exactly a person feels, and you can adjust your actions to improve the relationship.

At the same time, if questions arise that concern themselves or their health, they are very restrained. For example, when a Dagestani man breaks his arm, when asked by a doctor what happened, he will most often answer that he was scratched. This is how restraint and sensitivity manifest themselves.

But it should also be noted the negative side of emotionality - jealousy, most often absolutely causeless. In relationships, men may constantly check email, mobile phones, and social networks. In case of family squabbles, you should not make a man angry. Of course, everyone has their own temperament, but assault or destruction of a room are the most common manifestations of a violent temperament.


The peculiarity of the people is their adherence to spiritual tradition, despite the fact that the population of Dagestan is very diverse. Almost 90% of the residents profess Islam, the remaining 10% are Judaism and Christianity. Religion began to spread in Dagestan back in the 7th century. Initially it appeared in Derbent, then on the flat territory. But it became the dominant religion only in the 13th century. Such a long spread of it is associated with and only after the invasion of the Tatar-Mongols, Islam became the religion of all nationalities of the republic. The residents include both Shiites and Sunnis.

Everything is good in moderation. Among Dagestanis there are also ardent religious fanatics. They believe they are acting in the name of God. Before starting a family with a Dagestan man, you should clarify some points: his attitude towards a woman and her role in the family, his attitude towards religion, his attitude towards children. In many ways, religiosity is reflected in other aspects of a person’s life. For example, strict adherence to religious customs and traditions in everyday life, the subordinate position of women, having many children, and so on.

What are modern Dagestan men like?

  • These are, first of all, the most hospitable people on the planet. When we meet, they always smile and shake hands.
  • Respect for elders has been elevated to a cult and to the rank of law. Any old man will have honor and respect among young people.
  • There is no kissing among men.
  • They really don’t like middle names and always address people by their first names.
  • Very talented, many of them are dancers, singers and poets.
  • They love to sing patriotic songs.
  • They love positions and external attributes: a car, an office, bright clothes.
  • Men have developed strong leadership qualities and always take the initiative.
  • They love to compete for any reason and experience defeat very painfully.
  • They love grilled meat and khinkali.
  • They easily lose self-control. If you want to throw a Dagestani out of balance, touch his patriotism or point out his weaknesses.
  • Open, you can safely say about them “the soul is open.”
  • They don't like irony or abstract jokes. Everything said is taken at face value.
  • They are very emotional, they like to wave their arms, shout, and express their thoughts loudly.
  • Many people love horses and dogs, and they are seriously interested in them.
  • They know their family almost to the 7th generation.
  • They disdain the law and consider themselves free people.
  • Generous people will give their last to their neighbor.
  • They know how to make friends; they will sacrifice everything they have for a friend.
  • They love their homeland, language, culture and customs very much.

The most famous Dagestan men

The peoples of Dagestan gave the country and the world great poets, scientists, artists, athletes, composers and other figures of art and culture:

  • Abdulagatov Ilmutdin is a scientist of physical and mathematical sciences.
  • Aitberov Timur is a historian, specialist in Dagestan historiography, medieval Dagestan, Persian and Arabic manuscripts, and the history of Islam in Dagestan.
  • Alivov Yahya is a famous physicist.
  • Alderov Albert is a geneticist in the field of grain crops.
  • Aliyev Shamil is a developer of space technologies and missile weapons.
  • Apashev Magomed - Doctor of Technical Sciences.
  • Ruslan Temirov is a scientist in the field of nanotechnology.
  • Temirov Yusup - radio electronics engineer.
  • Khalidov Hamid - scientist, inventor.
  • Shikhsaidov Muzakir is a famous physicist, currently working as director of Dagtelecom JSC in Makhachkala (Dagestan).
  • Khangishiev Muzhaedin - aircraft designer, inventor.
  • Shikhsaidov Amri Rzaevich - historian, specialist in Dagestan historiography, medieval Dagestan, history of Islam in Dagestan and Makhachkala.
  • Magomedov Nabi is a famous chemist.
  • Magomedov Murad - archaeologist, specialist in history during the early Middle Ages.
  • Magometov Alexander is a linguist, a specialist in Lezgin languages ​​and languages ​​of the Dargin group.
  • Makhov Magomed is an Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation.
  • Nazhmudinov Gadzhi is a specialist in the field of philosophy and history of foreign philosophy, social cultural studies, and anthropology.
  • Sultanov Kazbek is a specialist in the culture and literature of the peoples of the Caucasus.
  • Talibov Bukar - specialist in Lezgin languages, linguist.
  • Tarlanov Zamir is a literary critic, linguist, specialist in Russian proverbs and literary language of the 18th century, in the Agul language.
  • Mukhtaritdin Batdalov is a famous architect.
  • Gamzatov Gadzhi - literary critic.
  • Guseinov Abdusalam is a Soviet and Russian philosopher.
  • Daidbekov Adilgerey is a professional engineer of Dagestan.
  • Kayaev Ali is a Dagestan religious figure and scientist.
  • Kurbanali Akaev - silver medalist of the 2007 World Kickboxing Championship.
  • Sapiyulla Karachaev is the 1978 European champion in freestyle wrestling.
  • Medzhid Bektemirov is the champion of Russia in fighting without rules (2007), the world champion in fighting without rules (2008).
  • Jamal Kasumov is a two-time world champion in kickboxing. World champion (2005), European champion (2004).
  • Gadzhiev Gadzhi is an honored coach of Russia.

In addition, Dagestan gave the world such great poets: Gamzatov Rasul, Aliyev Faza, more than 60 heroes of the Great Patriotic War, for example, Ismailov Abdulkhakim and many others. You can continue ad infinitum. The school of freestyle wrestling has become famous throughout the world. One of the best wrestlers in history, three-time Olympic champion, Saitiev Buvaisar, appeared here, and judokas and Khaibulaev Tagir brought the country its first gold medals at the London 2012 Olympics.