Depilation of bikini with sugar paste. What to do with pain. What is bikini waxing

Sugaring the bikini area is a very delicate procedure for getting rid of unwanted hair in the intimate area. Any woman or girl strives to create the perfect appearance even in the most intimate corners of the body. Delicate, soft, velvety and pleasant to the touch skin in the bikini area after sugar hair removal is the ultimate dream of every woman.

Sugaring is a popular cosmetic hair removal procedure using a thick, tar-like sugar mass with the addition of auxiliary components: essential oils for additional softening of the skin, lemon juice for whitening.

bikini sugaring prices

The cost of epilation depends on the type, volume of work and the area of ​​​​the treated surface. Sugaring a deep bikini is more expensive than classic sugar hair removal.

Draw your attention to!

In our salon, sugar hair removal (sugaring) of a deep bikini is done exclusively manually. The main advantage of this technique is the work by hands without the use of bandages or other auxiliary materials.

Photo Before and After







Types of bikini shugaring

The method of hair removal using sticky heated sugar has been known since antiquity. He has two homelands: Persia and Egypt. In both countries, having body hair was considered indecent, especially among members of the upper classes.

After the appearance of all kinds of alternative means (razors, wax strips, special creams), a simple and affordable remedy was forgotten for a long time. Only in recent years, hair removal with sugar has triumphantly returned to the price lists of beauty salons, but already under the beautiful, exotic name "sugaring" (from the English sugar - sugar).

Sugaring the bikini area is a more delicate procedure than removing hair on the legs or in the armpit area. The skin here is highly sensitive, so many women are simply afraid to decide on painful hair removal. The procedure is of three types:

  • Classic bikini shugaring. The hairline is removed only partially - directly above the pubis and on the sides on the inside of the thighs, that is, in those places that “peep out” from under the linen.
  • Sugaring deep bikini. With such sugar hair removal, the hairline in the pubic area and on the inside of the thighs is completely removed.
  • Brazilian sugaring. In this case, the hairline is removed completely up to the intergluteal fold. The procedure is a bit painful.

It will not be possible to completely get rid of discomfort during sugar hair removal in the bikini area, but you can get used to them after several repeated sessions. In addition, the masters of Epil Salon always accompany the procedure with massage movements that reduce skin sensitivity.

Benefits of sugar bikini hair removal

Sugaring the bikini area has a number of advantages over waxing, depilation using a razor or special creams:

  • A thick mass “captures” the entire hair and pulls it out along with the hair follicle. In the next 4-7 weeks, a woman may not worry about vegetation in the intimate area.
  • There are no prickly "stumps" of hair after shugaring, as is the case with a razor. Growing hairs cause irritation and redness of the skin, constantly itching, which is accompanied by a feeling of increasing discomfort. There can be no talk of any beauty of the intimate zone in this case. After bikini shugaring, this situation is excluded.
  • Sugar is a neutral substance. It rarely causes an allergic reaction when in contact with the skin, as can happen with depilatory cream, which contains many aggressive ingredients.
  • Sugar mass has fewer contraindications than wax.
  • After the sugaring procedure, the hairs grow less often than after waxing.

If we compare hair removal with sugar with depilation with a special device that pulls out hairs, then sugaring is a less traumatic and painful event.

Properly preparing for the procedure

Preparing for "sweet" depilation is quite simple - you need to grow your hair. The bikini shugaring procedure is completely useless if the length of the hairs in the intimate area does not reach at least 0.4-0.5 cm. If they are shorter, then the paste simply will not capture the hair and will not be able to remove it. Have you had laser skin resurfacing or chemical peels before? Then before going to the salon, you need to consult with a beautician. Wounds, abrasions and scratches must be carefully treated with bactericidal compounds.

It is not recommended to visit the solarium on the eve of the procedure. Do not drink alcohol on the day of the sugar epilation. Women during the "those" days are strictly forbidden to carry out deep bikini shugaring and the Brazilian version. Numerous studies have shown that in the morning a person has a higher pain threshold than in the evening, that is, he perceives pain less acutely in the morning. It is better to make an appointment with the master before work, and not after it.

Stages of the wizard

Sugaring in the bikini area is carried out in several stages:

  • Preparation. The skin is carefully degreased and powdered with talcum powder so that the paste lays down better.
  • Warming sugar paste to room temperature. The master simply pinches off a piece from the ball and kneads it with his fingers, warming it with the warmth of his hands.
  • Applying the paste to the area of ​​the treated skin (usually no more than 10x10 cm). Performed against hair growth.
  • Then the master, with a sharp movement of the hand, removes the layer of paste along with the hairs. During work, he can use a special stick, which helps to more thoroughly apply the paste to the skin area and evenly distribute it over the surface. You should not nervously shrink before each movement of the master: sharp jerks allow you to minimize pain.
  • After hair removal, the remaining sugar paste is washed off with warm water, and the bikini area is treated with a special gel that has a calming effect.

The average duration of the sugar hair removal procedure for the bikini zone does not exceed 30 minutes.


The procedure cannot be performed if there is serious damage to the skin in the intimate area: burns, open wounds. Shugaring of the bikini area is contraindicated for those who are allergic to certain components of the sugar paste. In particular cases, people suffering from diabetes, epilepsy and varicose veins should not resort to this method of hair removal.

Care after bikini shugaring

The master is usually contacted on the eve of a vacation and a trip to the sea, where you want to show your body in all its glory. You should not leave the procedure to the very last moment, because after hair removal, you can’t sunbathe for at least a day, visit pools and baths, swim in ponds and engage in active sports that provoke profuse sweating. Even if the epilation with sugar in the bikini area was carried out as delicately and accurately as possible, the skin is still injured and remains vulnerable for some time after hair removal.

How to sign up for a procedure

You need to make an appointment for bikini sugar hair removal at Epil Salon in Moscow in advance: call our beauty center or fill out the online application form on the website. Do not forget to indicate the desired time for visiting the master.

More and more women today prefer home shugaring. It is convenient, economical in terms of money and time, well, you don’t have to be embarrassed by anyone when it comes to intimate areas. Just about them and will be discussed. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to do shugaring in the bikini area. Let's try to fix this situation.

In principle, if you are interested in how to properly do bikini shugaring, the video in this should help. But, of course, it is better to first familiarize yourself with the theoretical part of the sugaring process.

The bikini area, especially the deep bikini area, is highly sensitive. Nerve endings are concentrated in this place, the mucous membrane is located close, so it is not easy to properly perform sugar depilation on your own.

In addition, the bikini area has very delicate and thin skin, which is easy to injure with inept movements. When carrying out sugaring, keep in mind that the bikini area is prone to high humidity, which can complicate the procedure, especially if you are prone to excessive sweating.

How to choose the right bikini shugaring paste

First of all, you need. For the bikini area, a dense paste for shugaring is suitable. Only she is able to cope with hard, thick hair. On packages of shugaring pastes sold in stores, recommendations are given on the use of paste -, work area, operating temperature. It is important to follow them - the effectiveness of shugaring depends on it.
At home, it’s not difficult to do it right - there are a lot of recipes on the net. The main thing is to cook it exactly as much as required. The longer the pasta cooks, the thicker it will be. However, if it is digested, then it will be unsuitable for shugaring, as it will turn into a lollipop. So, the pasta is cooked, go to the next step.

How to do bikini shugaring

Surely you have already prepared the skin for shugaring. If not, let me remind you how to do it right. First you need to grow your hair. The optimal hair length is 5 millimeters. If your hair is longer, trim it. It is advisable to take a bath before the sugaring procedure. The skin will steam out, it will be easier to remove hairs. If you are afraid of pain (and bikini shugaring is probably the most painful), use an anesthetic ointment. You can take a mild pain reliever half an hour before the procedure. It will not be superfluous to put an ice container next to you. The cold will help relieve the pain. And, of course, do not forget to disinfect the skin immediately before the procedure and apply talcum powder to it - it will help ensure that the sugar paste adheres to the body. And it depends on how quickly and correctly the hair will be removed.

Let's start the right shugaring

The working temperature of dense paste for shugaring is 37-39 degrees. That is, slightly warmer than the body. That is why, in terms of burns, shugaring is considered a safe procedure. If you observe the temperature regime, then burns are excluded, which is especially important for the bikini area.

We take a small ball and knead it in our hands. From golden brown, it should become matte. Then gently apply it to the skin. It is important to remember that the correct sugar mass is applied against hair growth, but it is torn off against it. When applying the composition to the skin, you may feel discomfort, because the skin is stretched. Once applied, immediately make a jerk. At the same time, try to stretch the skin with your free hand, so the hair will be easier to remove.

After that, pat on the treated area, apply a piece of ice - this will help relieve pain. Just do not overdo it with the cold - after all, the zone is delicate, you would not want to catch a cold even for the sake of beauty.

It is important to remove the hairs from the first or maximum from the second jerk, otherwise irritation can be provoked. Indeed, with each jerk, a thin layer of skin is removed, and the epidermis in the bikini area is already very thin. So try to get it right the first time.

In the salon, shugaring a deep bikini takes, as a rule, no more than 20 minutes. At home, everything depends on your experience and flexibility - cleaning deep-seated areas can be difficult, since you still have to get to them. But each time the procedure will take less and less time.
At the end of shugaring, wipe the skin with wet wipes and treat again with a disinfectant. Just do not wash off the remnants of the paste with soap - this is not entirely correct. Soap contains alkali, and it can provoke irritation.

Skin care after bikini shugaring

Proper shugaring at home implies proper care. Many women who do bikini shugaring on their own often complain that after the procedure they experience irritation and ingrown hairs. There is nothing wrong with this, but it is still unpleasant consequences.

Immediately after shugaring, lubricate the skin with panthenol. It will moisturize, soothe the skin, this will reduce the risk of irritation. The next day, use a special cream with fruit acids (sold in professional sugaring stores) - it will soften the top layer of the epidermis and prevent ingrown hairs. You need to use it within a couple of weeks after shugaring, but it will be correct to use it for several days. This time is enough to soften the epidermis.

Do not forget to buy a lotion to slow down hair growth - a very effective remedy.

Only when the hairs begin to break through, put it aside - because now our goal is to grow them as quickly as possible for the next shugaring.

After shugaring, you will have to follow simple recommendations. First, it's important to moisturize your skin - dry skin can itch and flake, which increases the risk of irritation. A couple of days after the procedure, it is recommended to refrain from physical exertion, visiting the sauna - excess moisture in the bikini area can provoke the reproduction of pathogens. For the same reason, synthetic underwear will have to be abandoned for a while.

Pros of home shugaring bikini:

  • Low cost;
  • Lack of psychological
  • discomfort;
  • Saving time.

Separately, I want to talk about the cost of the procedure. In salons, they will charge about 700 rubles for shugaring a deep bikini, depending on the level of the salon. If you decide to do the procedure at home, the costs will be reduced several times. Professional paste in terms of each procedure will be inexpensive. Well, if you make the composition for shugaring yourself, the cost of the entire procedure will be equal to the cost of a few tablespoons of sugar and lemon.


Now, I think, it has become clear even to beginners how to properly do shugaring in the bikini area. Now just watch a couple of training videos and you can already begin the procedure.

The intimate places of girls are often subjected to regular shaving - this is enough for just a day. Next, irritation of the bikini zone begins, followed by hair growth in even larger quantities. Removal with an epilator is rarely used - it is very painful, because the skin in the pubic area is very delicate and easily irritable.

Sugaring deep bikini- this is a popular method of depilation today. The procedure consists in the manufacture of sugar paste with its subsequent application and hair removal, similar to waxing. Sugar hair removal is easy to do at home on your own. It is important to cook the paste correctly and follow the instructions for hair removal in the intimate area. This and much more will be discussed later in the article.

Shugaring of the deep bikini zone is the removal of hair from the pubic region, labia, inner thighs and in the area between the buttocks, where hair often grows, causing inconvenience and discomfort to the girl.

There are several types of shugaring of the bikini zone:

  • deep removal implies complete hair removal;
  • classic - there remains a triangle on the pubis;
  • medium - the triangle on the pubic part is more elongated and narrow;
  • Brazilian bikini - the hairline is not removed from the pubis and is presented in the form of an even rectangle (the length of the hair is adjusted separately).

It is inconvenient to do it yourself at first, it is especially difficult to correct and shape the remaining hairline. Therefore, it is recommended to start with a deep bikini in order to get used to removing hair without difficulty and without defects.

cooking pasta

For epilation of the genitals, sugar paste is used only from natural ingredients. Therefore, it is better not to purchase a ready-made composition, but to cook it yourself. Sugar paste with additives can provoke an allergic reaction, irritation, because the skin in the bikini area is sensitive to fragrances and other fragrances, which manufacturers love to indulge in so much.

Pasta is made according to the following recipe:

  • In an enamel pan, mix 1 kg of sugar, half a glass of water and juice from half a fresh lemon.
  • The pan is put on fire for 3 minutes, the mixture is constantly stirred.
  • Next, cover the pan with a lid and leave to simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.
  • After the time has elapsed, the sugaring paste is thoroughly stirred and left under a closed lid for 20 minutes - this is the time to prepare sugar caramel.
  • After 20 minutes, the mass acquires a characteristic brown tint, the pan is removed from the heat.
  • After 5 minutes, the caramel is poured into a plastic container to cool.

The finished paste for the presented vegetation removal should not be sent to the refrigerator - it will harden there. The mass must cool to an acceptable skin temperature - it is important to avoid burns. Balls are rolled from the paste with sugar for convenience.

Shugaring deep bikini video:

Another video:

Shugaring technique

Sugaring a deep bikini area at home requires strict adherence to the instructions - this will help prevent characteristic irritation.

So, how to do shugaring of the intimate bikini area at home to yourself? The instruction is followed step by step:

  • To begin with, the mixture is boiled and cooled. During this, you can resort to the preparation of the genitals and the inner thighs.
  • The genitals are carefully treated with talcum powder - this will remove excess fat from the skin, which will improve the adhesion of caramel to the hairs.
  • A woman should take the most comfortable position for shugaring the intimate area. In this pose, a ball of sugar mixture is taken and applied to the skin.
  • It is important to distribute the mixture on the skin as evenly as possible - this contributes to the uniform removal of vegetation. Applying the mass to the skin is against hair removal.
  • After the mixture has set, you can remove it with a sharp movement of your hand. Sugaring, unlike standard waxing, requires the removal of hair from the skin along their growth.
  • If necessary, you will need to repeat the application of the mixture to the skin and the removal of vegetation until the bikini area is completely cleansed.
  • After shugaring, the skin is treated with a moisturizer or any other means.

The shugaring technique is presented in detail. If you have any questions, you can refer to the video, where the procedure is done by the masters.

Since the skin in the intimate area is delicate, the sensations during depilation are not only unpleasant, but also very painful. To get rid of the hassle of all actions a little, it is recommended to listen to the advice of the masters:

  • Sugaring deep bikini requires preliminary cleansing of the skin - exfoliate two days before the procedure. Immediately before shugaring, the skin is cleaned with a scrub and steamed - so there will be less pain.
  • It is better to do sugaring in a cool room - this will prevent excess flow of sugar paste.
  • The length of the hair for depilation of the intimate area should be no more and no less than 5 mm, otherwise the procedure will be painful.
  • Sweat secretions should be constantly removed from the skin - so the sugar composition will better contact the hair on the skin.
  • When jerking, pull the skin with your free hand - this will significantly reduce the pain.
  • The paste in the bikini area is not kept for more than 15-20 seconds.

Video lesson - shugaring a deep bikini zone without bruising:

Rules for care after depilation

Of course, such a removal of vegetation will provoke a slight irritation - the skin will turn red. To avoid this, after epilation, thoroughly rinse the treated area with warm water and steam the skin a little. After a shower, lubricate the genitals with a moisturizing lotion.

After shugaring, peeling is carried out 2-3 times a day - this is necessary to remove ingrown hairs, which happens quite often and is associated with breaking off and preserving the bulb.


Due to the high sensitivity of the genitals, there are contraindications to the use of the presented type of hair removal. These include:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • mechanical injuries - cuts, abrasions, unhealed injuries;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • oncological diseases of the body and skin (benign tumors and other neoplasms in the treated area are also isolated here);
  • diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2.

If there are contraindications presented, shugaring should be abandoned. Otherwise, complications can be provoked. In order to avoid complications, you can consult with the master, who will suggest other ways to remove vegetation.

Sugaring a deep bikini zone is aesthetically pleasing and convenient, and from a financial point of view it is profitable, because one procedure can last for 20-25 days. Moreover, such hair removal helps to bring the skin of the intimate area into the proper form - dead epidermal cells are removed along with the hairs. Complete removal of vegetation on the pubic area allows you to resort to applying a temporary tattoo, which is so popular with girls and excites men. Resort to the procedure at home only after fully studying the technique and instructions - this will help to avoid most of the unpleasant moments. Be beautiful in all places!

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  • 1. What is the difference between bikini shugaring and deep bikini
  • 2. Benefits of Sugar Deep Bikini Hair Removal
  • 3. Which sugar paste is better
  • 4. Preparation for depilation
  • 4.1. How to numb the skin?
  • 5. Caramel depilation in the salon
  • 6. Sugaring deep bikini area at home
  • 7. Care after shugaring deep bikini
  • 7.1. What to do if there is irritation, inflammation?
  • 8. Deep Bikini Sugaring Tips for Beginners
  • 9. Painkillers for deep bikini waxing
  • 10. Contraindications and side effects
  • 11. Consequences of shugaring in the bikini area
  • 12. Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
  • 12.1. Is shugaring a deep bikini harmful?
  • 12.2. Does shugaring a deep bikini hurt?
  • 12.3. How long does shugaring a deep bikini last?
  • 12.4. How long does deep bikini waxing take?
  • 12.5. How much does caramel paste bikini waxing cost in the salon?
  • 12.6. How often can I do sugaring in the bikini area?
  • 12.7. What is better for bikini waxing or sugaring?

What is the difference between shugaring bikini and deep bikini

Epilation of a classic bikini involves getting rid of hair on the inner surface of the thigh and along the panty line. If desired, the zone can be slightly expanded. Such hair removal is suitable for those who decide on the procedure for the first time.

Deep bikini involves the treatment of the entire intimate area, including the pubis, labia, anus and tailbone. Depilation with sugar paste in intimate places has its pros and cons. Before you decide on the procedure, you should consider them.

Benefits of Sugar Deep Bikini Hair Removal

Sugaring is popular among the fair sex. This is due to a number of its advantages:

  • affordable price (pasta consists of simple ingredients, therefore inexpensive);
  • the absence of severe pain and irritation, even with sensitive skin;
  • the composition contains lemon juice, sugar and other natural ingredients that do not cause allergies;
  • the result of sugar hair removal lasts more than 10 days;
  • eliminates the possibility of damage to the skin during the procedure;
  • the ease of applying caramel to the skin allows women to do deep bikini shugaring on their own.

The procedure has some minor drawbacks:

  • ingrown hairs;
  • requires pre-treatment and aftercare.

In rare cases, shugaring of the intimate area leads to severe irritation and inflammation of the skin, but this is an individual feature, not a minus.

Which sugar paste is best

Most women do not make caramel on their own, but buy ready-made masses. There are several types of caramel on the shelves, but only one of them is preferable. The hardest paste is suitable for the intimate area, it effectively removes hairs and you do not have to go through the same place several times.

Sugar mixtures for hair removal are divided into three types:

  1. Soft. Most often used for the treatment of blond hair with a fine structure.
  2. Medium. Suitable for those areas where the hair is of medium hardness (for legs, armpits).
  3. Rigid. Effective for removing coarse hair (such pastes are used for hair removal of the bikini area in most cases).

To choose sugaring, you will have to independently evaluate the structure of your hair in an intimate place. Everyone is individual, but in most cases, the hairs there are hard.
Together with the main component - sugar, the mass may contain oils and other substances that have a caring effect on the skin.

Sugar depilation for sensitive skin is performed with a product containing oils.

For women with such skin, products are suitable:

  • Ayuna revitalizant;
  • Elena maaya;
  • beauty image;
  • whiteline.

Preparation for depilation

In order for the procedure to go as quickly and efficiently as possible, you need to prepare for shugaring, the rules are simple.

  1. Hair must be grown to a length of at least 0.5 cm. The optimal hair length for shugaring is 1 cm.
  2. In two days, the skin in the bikini area must be treated with a soft scrub, thanks to which dead cells are removed and the caramel will stick better.
  3. In advance, it is necessary to prepare not only a paste, but also a disinfectant solution (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Hexicon, Hydrogen Peroxide in extreme cases - simple alcohol).
  4. Before self-removal of hair with sugar, a hot shower or bath is taken, the water will steam the skin and prepare the body for the procedure.
  5. In a few days, you will have to give up sunbathing and a solarium, otherwise the skin injured by the sun's rays will not have time to recover, and irritation will appear.
  6. On the eve of shugaring the deep bikini area at home, the use of creams, lotions and other cosmetics is stopped, the only way to protect the sensitive bikini area from unforeseen allergic reactions.

Girls with a low pain threshold should use painkillers at the first procedure. Subsequently, the hairs become thinner, grow less often and the pain of epilation decreases.

How to numb the skin?

Emla cream is used by most cosmetologists. It has a strong anesthetic effect and a long lasting effect.

You can use Ledocaine in the form of a spray or Menavazin solution. If the sensitivity is too high, it is acceptable to take an analgesic tablet 20 minutes before the procedure.

At home, it is better to do the bikini area shugaring in the bathroom. The procedure is not fast, so it will be more convenient to carry it out sitting.

Caramel depilation in the salon

In a beauty salon, sugaring is done by professionals who try to remove hairs without causing pain, so it’s better to turn to them for the first time. Then the skin will slowly get used to the procedure and discomfort will decrease.

  1. First, the master warms up the paste to 40 degrees and rolls it into a ball, which will subsequently treat the intimate area.
  2. Then it degreases the skin and sprinkles with talc, which will increase the effectiveness of shugaring.
  3. A viscous and sticky lump of paste turns into a small cake and spreads over the skin against hair growth.
  4. Having pulled the skin, the specialist tears off the mass according to the hair growth and immediately proceeds to the next section.
  5. At the end, the bikini area is cleansed of product residue and soothed with lotion.

Shugaring deep bikini area at home

Some girls are not ready to pay a lot of money every month for sugar depilation in the salon, so they carry out the procedure at home. There are two deep bikini shugaring techniques, the main difference lies in the way the caramel is applied.

  1. Manual technique is best suited for shugaring at home, dense caramel rolls into a ball. After it slightly changes in color and warms up, it should be applied to the intimate area in the form of a “cake”, which lasts 2 minutes and breaks down along the hair growth. This method is also practiced by many cosmetologists.
  2. The bandage technique is suitable for experienced women, as it involves the use of a softer paste and special fabric strips. The tool is distributed over the skin in a thin layer with a spatula, and a fabric tape is applied on top. Many people compare this technique with waxing. Manufacturers are trying to simplify hair removal and offer a paste in cartridges. In general, this technique is more suitable for large areas of the body and long hair.

Step-by-step instructions will tell you to do shugaring of the bikini zone correctly:

  1. The skin is treated with an antiseptic, moisture is completely removed.
  2. A small portion of the paste is taken into the hand, slightly kneaded to an elastic state and applied to the skin against hair growth (it is best to epilate the groin first, there is a less painful area).
  3. A time of 1-2 minutes is expected, then the skin is stretched with one hand, and the paste sharply breaks away from the body in the direction of hair growth with the other.
  4. The movements are repeated until the entire intimate area is cleared of vegetation centimeter by centimeter. As it gets dirty, new portions of the paste are collected.
  5. After, the skin is rinsed with warm water without soap, dried and treated with an antiseptic.

The average time that sugar hair removal of the bikini area can take is from 20 minutes to 1 hour. It all depends on the individual characteristics of hair, skin, patience and experience.

Care after shugaring deep bikini

Hairs with sugar epilation are pulled out by the roots. In addition, the paste comes into contact with the skin and, when detached, can also damage the upper layer of the epidermis. It is important not only to carry out the technique correctly, but also to provide due care to the intimate area.

A few hours after shugaring, slight redness may be noticeable on the skin, which will pass on its own. Severe irritation is very rare for this method of hair removal, but if it appears, then Chlorhexidine or another antibacterial agent should be used.

Skin care after the procedure, as well as what not to do after shugaring:

  1. An hour or two after the session, it is advisable to apply a moisturizer to the skin (it is recommended to use a cream for children, with extracts of chamomile, aloe or other herbs). Care for the intimate area continues between procedures, only the time intervals between the use of funds increase. Cosmetics containing alcohol should not be used.
  2. Panties must be made of natural fabric.
  3. The first day you should not touch the depilated area with your hands.
  4. For three days, you can not take hot baths, sunbathe, swim in open water and pools with chlorinated water.
  5. After 5-6 days, it is recommended to clean the skin with a scrub.

What to do if there is irritation, inflammation?

Sometimes the pores become inflamed, there is a strong redness, even pustules. In this case, treatment is done 2-3 times a day with antiseptic ointments (Levomekol, Miramistin, Synthomycin ointment, Tetracycline ointment).

You can wipe the skin with decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs (oak bark, chamomile, sage).

Girls who decide to do sugaring on their own in the bikini area should be prepared for the fact that the first time it will hurt. It is not necessary to do a deep bikini right away, you can start from the pubis, gradually accustoming the skin to sugar depilation.

The quality of the result largely depends on how to properly perform sugar hair removal. There are some points that beginners must be aware of.

  1. The hairs in the epilation area should be approximately 4-5 ml, short follicles will not be captured by the mass, and too long ones will not pull out, so they can be carefully trimmed.
  2. The product is applied to small areas of the skin in thin layers, so it can be easily and painlessly removed.
  3. It is important to constantly disinfect the skin with special means.
  4. The paste is applied against the growth of the hair and removed along the growth.
  5. It is not recommended to work with one area several times, the remaining single hairs are removed with tweezers.
  6. For depilation of a deep bikini, a small mirror will become an assistant, you can see all the extra hairs in it.
  7. 2-3 days before menstruation and the same amount after it, the pain threshold in women rises, so it is better not to carry out the procedure during this period.
  8. No need to expect an ideal result right away, the second and subsequent times will please more and more.
  9. Due to lack of experience, the session can take a long time. It is better to guess the day so as to be at home. If you do epilation in the evening, the skin will have time to calm down overnight.

Painkillers for depilation deep bikini

Proper preparation for sugaring can reduce pain during the session, but sometimes the discomfort is too strong, and painkillers come to the rescue: creams and gels that have a cooling effect, and lidocaine ointments.

There are drugs intended for oral administration, for example, Analgin or Pentalgin. They need to be drunk 40 minutes before the start of hair removal.

Contraindications and side effects

Unfortunately, this method of hair removal is not suitable for everyone; you will have to refuse shugaring of the deep bikini zone not only on your own, but also in the salon in the following cases:

  • the presence of violations of the integrity of the skin;
  • the presence of papillomas, convex moles in this place;
  • the presence of diabetes;
  • last trimester of pregnancy;
  • menstruation;
  • oncology;
  • intolerance to the components that make up the caramel.

After depilation of the intimate area, you can not use a rough washcloth and scrub for 4-5 days. And you will also have to give up the solarium, the beach and the pool for 24 hours. If you neglect these prohibitions, then unpleasant consequences may appear in the form of irritation and microtrauma.

The consequences of shugaring in the bikini area

Negative consequences after bikini hair removal at home can occur if the rules of technology and skin care were not followed.

It can be severe inflammation, damage to the upper layer of the epithelium. Treatment with antibiotic ointments will quickly relieve symptoms.

Another nuisance that often occurs after depilation is ingrown hairs. To avoid the problem, every 5-6 days the skin should be scrubbed.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Is shugaring a deep bikini harmful?

Sugaring is considered one of the best ways to depilate the intimate area, natural caramel eliminates unwanted vegetation with minimal discomfort. Harm from the paste can only be for people who have contraindications to its use.

Does shugaring a deep bikini hurt?

Yes, the first couple of times it can be quite painful, but each time it gets easier, because the hairs become thinner and thinner. Unpleasant sensations can be reduced by choosing the right paste and taking a comfortable position. Then sugar hair removal will be painless, because the hairs break out according to their growth. It is important to create sufficient skin tension and not apply the mass too thickly. In addition, there are various painkillers.

How long does shugaring a deep bikini last?

On average, smooth skin lasts 10-14 days, but sometimes the individual characteristics of the body make adjustments to this period, reducing it. It is worth noting that in some women, hair growth slows down after shugaring, and the time between sessions gradually increases.

How long does deep bikini waxing take?

Salon sugar hair removal of a deep bikini takes 25-40 minutes, of course, beginners will spend more time on it. On average, the duration of the procedure at home is 60 minutes.

How much does caramel paste bikini waxing cost in the salon?

Depending on the region, the level of the cabin, the material used, the cost ranges from 1200 to 2500 rubles.

How often can I do sugaring in the bikini area?

The optimal frequency for maintaining skin smoothness is once a month.

What is better for bikini waxing or sugaring?

Bikini shugaring is considered a more delicate method, after such hair removal there is less inflammation and ingrown hairs.


I have been preparing this review for a month in order to visually tell you the story of how “feeling of horror, heart palpitations and cold sweat” during sugaring changed to “epilation with a smile”!

Before shugaring, I mainly used a razor, but the prickly stumps the next day did not please me and forced me to constantly look for new ways. Once I came across an interesting word “sugaring” and an hour later I was shamanizing in the kitchen with ingredients.

A year has passed since that moment, now I can describe all the pros, cons, secrets and nuances of hair removal with sugar paste, without embellishment and emotional “fi”. In the review I will tell you how to cook pasta for shugaring at home. As well as how to prepare the skin for shugaring, how to care for the skin after shugaring, and I will clearly show what the bandage and manual shugaring technique is.

I warn you, the review contains hairy-unpleasant photos, for informational purposes.

Let's get down to business from the chatter!

The first thing that scares off "beginners" is the need to cook sugar paste. But there is nothing difficult in this! For my first pasta, I took the most popular recipe on the Internet and use it all the time, making small adjustments depending on the density of the paste I need.


I cook sugar paste myself, observing the proportions sugar, water and citric acid equal 10:2:½.

For example: 10 tablespoons of sugar, 2 tablespoons of water, half a tablespoon of citric acid without a slide.

First, I dissolve citric acid in water, and then gradually introduce sugar, mixing well.

I cook on the lowest heat and do not change the temperature.

Stir the paste occasionally so that the sugar dissolves evenly and does not burn.

Gradually, the paste becomes transparent, then boils and a slight golden tint appears. I check the readiness of the pasta with a drop, if the drop quickly spreads on an inclined surface and does not thicken, I cook the pasta again.

When the mixture (and bubbles) become saturated honey shade,and a drop on a plate becomes elastic, viscous and does not spread - pasta is ready.

Especially for the review I show result of digestion. If the color of the mixture has darkened sharply and the smell of burnt sugar has appeared, then the paste is overcooked and cannot be used. It is better to undercook the pasta than to overcook it.

The only downside to home-cooked pasta is that it was burned a couple of times when I checked to see if the mixture had solidified.

Pasta with the same ingredients turns out different every time, I think the quality of the products, cooking time and temperature affect. If the paste is too liquid and does not stick to the hairs, then I add more sugar and cook a little longer. If the pasta is too hard after cooking, add more water. If it becomes brittle caramel, then there was not enough citric acid. Over time, I learned to cook pasta of the right density without strictly following the recipe.


Dishes and all items for shugaring should be clean, and the room should be dry and bright.

Before shugaring, I clean the skin with soap from excess fat and scrub with regular sugar. For the face I use soft products, for example, activated charcoal scrub mask.

salicylic alcohol I treat the skin before shugaring, after that I use other means, because alcohol tingles unpleasantly. After shugaring I apply hydrogen peroxide(also can pinch). Or chlorhexidine. It feels like I’m rubbing it with water, but the effect seems to be there, pimples and irritation do not appear.

For epilation, I grow hairs of about 3 mm, it is inconvenient to remove too long. If, in addition to 3 mm hairs, black dots-hairs are visible above the skin, I wait a couple of days for them to also grow and be removed with paste.


You may consider me a masochist, but my acquaintance with sugaring began with bikini waxing! Yes Yes! For the first time, I decided to try out the method of tearing out hair with sugar paste on the most delicate part of the body! Herself! Yes, and liquid paste!

Applying the paste is not a very pleasant process, because it is applied against the growth of the hair and catches them a little - applied, glued a strip - a bold jerk ... and there was no trace of my courage further.))) I could not even think that the hair "sits" so deeply.

In the bikini area, the hair goes under the skin by 5-7 mm (!!!), strong and with a thick bulb.

What did I feel? Believe it or not, it feels like I just ripped out a tuft of hair from an interesting place. But this sensation lasted a fraction of a second, and the caravan moved forward - I applied the next portion of the paste.

As a result, I mastered the pubis with short dashes, a quiet moaning at the moment of a jerk, oinking and sniffling. It came to the most sensitive area - the so-called triangle - namely the lower part of the pubis, near the labia.

And then I caught sparks from my eyes. I was thrown into a cold sweat, the paste was not applied to wet skin, the talc helped for a second, my hand refused to make a jerk - I decided to stop and look for ways to relieve pain.

Now you will understand for sure that I am a masochist, because I chose lidocaine as the method of pain relief! Injections! I took a syringe and made 8 (!!!) subcutaneous injections in the "triangle" area!

But do not be afraid, it was not painful at all and I can give injections. In addition, the next epilation did not require lidocaine. So, lidocaine instantly anesthetized my bikini area, and I finished the epilation in a minute without feeling anything!

For a second I caught myself thinking “it was necessary to do this right away” and, satisfied, I began to consider the result - smooth skin.

The next session of shugaring was arranged in a month. During this time, the hairs branch by only 4 mm. I cooked the pasta for manual technique - rolling a ball. At first I decided to try without lidocaine and, if anything, inject it. I rolled out the ball - applied it - a jerk .. and that's it! No sensations, but the hairs are gone. I tried again. More. And I was so carried away by the almost painless process (compared to the first time) that I completely epilated a bikini in 30 minutes! A couple of times sparks from the eyes of course poured, but this was due to the fact that the paste was not applied in the right way - the hair was stuck at the ends and did not break out, but pulled the skin away. But all the discomfort passes very quickly.

The moral of this story is that the first sugaring session is painful. Fact. For the skin, this is something new and the hairs will be reluctant to leave their places.

Based on personal observations, share ways to make epilation less painful:

  • For the most daring and dexterous, the most “strong” way is lidocaine. One injection anesthetizes 1-2 cm2 for about 30 minutes. You need about 8 injections in a checkerboard pattern throughout the site. I will not describe how to give an injection, and if you do not know how to do them, the method is not for you. As an option - in salons they also practice this method of anesthesia, professionals do the injection there, and if, in your opinion, you can’t do without lidocaine, it’s better to do bikini shugaring for the first time at the master. But you need to consider tolerance and contraindications.
  • Painkillers pills(paracetamol, for example). Take 30 minutes before sugaring, this will help to significantly reduce sensitivity.
  • Massage. You can pinch, massage the area of ​​​​the skin before applying the paste, this dulls the sensations.
  • Steam the skin and exfoliate. Simplifies hair removal and reduces sensation, but increases skin trauma.
  • Use of talc, powder, flour It also helps reduce discomfort.
  • Depending on the menstrual cycle pain threshold changes. Here you need to experiment. My discomfort decreases closer to the critical days and during the critical days themselves, for someone, on the contrary.
  • Still important correct snatch technique- you need to sharply pull the growth of the strips parallel to the skin. Perform a jerk on a sharp exhale.
  • Be sure to keep the skin(on the side where the jerk will be) and pull it slightly, it also helps with bruising.

What doesn't help:

  • Applying ice This closes the pores and makes hair removal difficult.
  • Pain relief sprays- act only on the mucous membranes and need to be kept under cling film for several hours, while the sensitivity is only slightly dulled.


According to the recipe that I wrote above, a hard paste is obtained, you need to roll balls out of it. With such balls I remove hard hairs (lower leg, bikini area, armpits).

It is better to heat a very hard pasta before kneading in a water bath, in a microwave oven or on a battery, in order to facilitate the “rolling” of the balls.

Sugaring has one important rule: you need to apply the paste against the growth of the hair, and remove it along the growth. Only this way and nothing else.


Disinfected the skin, sprinkled with talc. If there is no talc, plain flour will do, the goal is to remove excess moisture and protect the skin from sugar paste. I distribute a ball of sugar paste over the skin in a dense layer against hair growth, smooth the paste several times so that the hairs “lie down” in the opposite direction and stick well to the paste.

Holding the skin, with a sharp movement I tear off the paste along the hair growth parallel to the skin.

All hairs with roots stick out on the paste, the skin is smooth. Unpleasant sensations disturb only a second, then pass. I use one ball until it turns white and is all covered in hairs. Sugaring shins takes about an hour.

Photos before and after:

A couple of minutes after shugaring, the pores increase slightly, like pimples, after 30 minutes they disappear.


Shugaring with liquid paste I like more. It is more convenient and faster than using balloons. I remove in this way long, hard hairs on a flat surface (shins, area near the bikini), as well as thin, weak hairs on the arms and even fluff (antennae).

You need a spatula (any object that is convenient to apply the paste to the skin) and strips of fabric. I'm shredding old sheets for this case. Boiled, of course. It is better to make long and thin strips.

For bandage technique, a soft (liquid) paste is needed and the consumption will be more, so we double the ingredients. 20 tablespoons of sugar, 5 tablespoons of water, 1 tablespoon (with a slide) of citric acid. Cooking rules are standard. Cook until honey colored.

The paste turns out to be liquid, does not harden even when chilled, but thickens. During the procedure, I lower the container with the finished paste into a container of hot water (like a water bath) so that the paste is warm.

I sprinkle the skin with talcum powder, apply a paste with a spatula against hair growth, apply a strip, smooth it well. Hair growth spurt. All vegetation is uprooted and remains on the fabric.

Photo "after", with flash and without. I circled in red the places where the hairs are only cut through or too short for epilation, they are easily removed with tweezers.


Sugaring armpits not very pleasant, because the skin is delicate, at the first attempts, strong sweating begins, which makes it difficult to apply the paste. I use more talcum powder and try to remove all the hairs at once, that is, I apply the paste immediately on the entire surface against hair growth, glue a strip of fabric and tear it off according to hair growth. Yes, very unpleasant, but only a couple of seconds.

The effect is worth all the effort, the result is gorgeous. Perfect smoothness for more than 3 weeks. Each time there are fewer hairs and they are removed more easily.


To remove the fluff (antennae) above the lip, I use liquid paste and strips of thick paper.

I apply against hair growth, remove according to growth, that is, standard actions. The main thing is to hold the skin during the jerk. It all takes a couple of minutes. All hairs are removed. The effect is enough for 2-3 weeks. After 3 weeks, the fluff is already noticeable and can be removed again.

I know what is your concern. Do thick hussar mustaches grow in place of the cannon? The answer is no, they don't grow. The structure of the hair does not change

Mustache shugaring may not be suitable for people with sensitive skin, because pimples can appear when the fluff germinates.


A day after the procedure, you can not touch this most delicate hairless part of the body, take a bath (shower only), you can not do active sports, go to the pool, saunas. You can not sunbathe for a couple of days to avoid pigmentation.

It is necessary to use a scrub before epilation, a couple of days after and at the time of the appearance of new hairs in order to avoid their ingrowth. Acid tonics are also well suited for skin care after shugaring. For example, lactic acid tonic which I do myself.

Why do I choose sugaring?

Because it JUST And FAST."Moustache" is removed in a minute, deep bikini in 30 minutes. This FOR LONG. On average, new hairs begin to appear after 2-3 weeks. This NATURALLY. Sugar, water, citric acid - the risk of allergies is minimal. The ingredients do not adversely affect the skin. This CHEAP. You can cook sugar paste at home "for a penny." This PURELY. Sugar paste is easily washed off from any surface with plain water. This SAFELY. With the right technique, the paste sticks only to the hairs, without injuring the skin. The hairs don't grow back. And lastly, shugaring is NICE. Seriously, compared to other root hair removal methods that I have tried, sugaring is the most harmless, because the hairs are removed quickly, immediately on a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin and along the hair growth.

I consider sugaring to be the best way to remove hair and, of course, I recommend this method of hair removal! If something remains unclear, discuss in the comments.

Thank you for attention!