The length of the hair is far from the only thing that determines the consumption of the dye. Hair length is far from the only thing that determines the consumption of the dye. How many tubes of dye do you need for medium hair

Overspending paint and, as a result, too high a price for the service, or excessive savings and unsatisfactory results? Unfortunately, both of these entail a serious problem for the business - the loss of customers. Both permanent and potential, who will not be recommended to your establishment.

Therefore, it is difficult to overestimate the ability of a hairdresser to determine the optimal amount of the required coloring matter. If the master also applies it highly professionally, then the client will be satisfied and will return again. Perhaps even with a friend who has unforgivably long regrown roots.

So, how to determine the consumption of hair dye and the cost of dyeing?

    The cost of coloring depends on the price of the work of the master and on how much paint will be used. Therefore, the client needs to voice the price range, and not the exact cost of the service. And, of course, this range must be determined individually - taking into account the length, density, structure and condition of the visitor's hair.

    As is clear from the first paragraph, different hair requires a different amount of dye. For example, if they are of the dry type, then you often have to use more dye. In addition, the consumption of the coloring agent depends on the style of the hairdresser. Different masters may use different amounts of the mixture in similar conditions.

    Accounting for the dye in a beauty salon must be kept using special scales that allow you to calculate the consumption of a substance up to a gram.

    To cover the roots of previously dyed hair, you will need an average of 60 ml of a mixture of 30 ml of dye and 30 ml of oxidant (this is the mixing ratio of substances from most manufacturers). But, if the technology provides for a ratio of 1:1.5 or 1:2, then a mixture of 45 ml may be enough for staining the roots. Also add 10-15 ml per length if the hair is short or sparse to the shoulders.

    It is necessary to provide a little more money in case the color of the hair is very dull, “washed out”.

    The consumption of the dye also depends on whether the hair was previously dyed with this color. If not, then more dye will probably be needed.

    Experts advise standard staining technique. First you need to apply the product to the roots and, 10-15 minutes before the end of the exposure time, sprinkle the rest of the hair with water, comb the paint on them from the roots. If there is not enough dye - add. But! The technologies of many brands do not allow combing the dye from the roots to length, because this does not guarantee high-quality coloring of the roots. It is much more correct to do toning or emulsification (depending on the degree of “washed out”) to restore hair color.

    Technologies of household dyes provide for combing from the roots to length. But usually such an action is carried out carelessly and intensively, as a result of which the hair structure is disturbed. Therefore, if you comb, be very careful.

    The coloring agent must be applied evenly, accurately and, most importantly, abundantly - do not save on the client, do a job that you can be proud of!

Surely each master has his own answer to the question of how to calculate the consumption of hair dye. But we have outlined general recommendations. Just a reminder: most clients come to you not just for a new hairstyle or a stylish manicure. They visit you with the hope of being filled with a positive attitude, perhaps taking a break from everyday affairs. So enjoy interacting with each other.

In advance, we can only say approximately, therefore, we voice the cost of the service for the client approximately.

Olga Sedova, head of the hairdressing salon in the city of Engels, Saratov Region, answers questions from the editorial staff of the electronic magazine Herald of the Hairdresser.

1. Whether in practice the consumption of funds for coloring coincides with the calculation of the selling company. Usually the supplier of hair dyes gives consumption rates ... How many grams are consumed when dyeing hair. Many complain that these rules are not correct.

The expense of funds is always individual, and it is impossible to say exactly how much, for example, a dye will be for a particular client. There are standard norms and work experience of the master, from which we then build on, calculating the preliminary amount for the client. For example, for short hair, dyeing takes an average of 40 grams of dye + 40-60 grams of oxidant. A tube of paint has a volume of 60-100 grams and is mixed with dye 1:1, 1:1.5, 1:2 (different manufacturers of dye in different ways)

2. What do you take into account when using paint - the length of the hair, their quality (porosity, looseness, density ...), their quantity (thick - rare).

In advance, we can only say approximately, therefore, we voice the cost of the service for the client approximately. The consumption is affected by: the consistency of the dye, porosity, density, hair length, and even depends on the master (the consumption may also differ for different masters, just like a haircut).

When staining, you also need to take into account the fact that if you save too much when applying the dye, then the result can be deplorable. Everything should be in moderation: not too much, but not too little! Based on my many years of experience, I can say that the work and consumption of the material consists of the following factors: base (initial state of the hair) + desired result + consumables (taking into account the company, consistency) + experience and knowledge of the master + good mood and love for your work (this is a must)!

3. In your hairdressing salon, the price for the service immediately includes a certain amount of funds, or you calculate for each client separately and then add the standard cost of your work to the cost of the material.

The price for the service consists of: the cost of the work of the master + consumables. For certain services, the price is individual, but has limits: "from and to".

4. Does the hairdresser keep records of the expense of funds by shifts, who takes into account the expense per shift.

I take care of the material myself.

5. Which ink accounting system do you think is the most reasonable? Have you seen such a system in practice?

It is reasonable to keep an account of the dye using special scales. They are used in most salons. They help to calculate the dye to the gram.

Head, hairdresser Nefertiti. Address: Saratov region, Engels, st. Stroitelnaya, 2 tel.: +7 960 349 03 23

I give a table depending on the need for hair dye not only on the length, but also on the structure of the hair.

Anna Temir, Nizhny Novgorod, answers the question of the editors of the electronic magazine Vestnik Hairdressers

1. Suppliers give material consumption rates. Many say they are very inaccurate. Does your practice match the consumption of funds for coloring with the calculation of the seller company.

I work with WELLA dye. The consumption rates of the material, depending on the length of the hair, are as follows:

It often happens that it takes a little more, that is, I apply at least 60 grams of dye to the roots.

2. What do you take into account when using paint - the length of the hair, their quality (porosity, looseness, density ...), their quantity (thick - rare).

When dyeing hair, the consumption of the dye depends on the gray hair (you need to apply it more densely), porosity (they absorb more), the original hair color, length and density. It happens that with a different volume of hair, a different amount of dye goes to the same length. All this must be taken into account, otherwise it will not be enough for a beautiful shade.

3. In your beauty salon, the price for coloring immediately includes a certain amount of paint, or you calculate the amount of paint for each client separately and then add the cost of work to the cost of the material.

In our salon, the price includes norms, but if the dye goes more, then the client pays more. This is clear immediately, and the price is called upon consultation.

4. Does the hairdresser keep records of the expense of funds by shifts, who takes into account the expense per shift.

The expense of accounting for shifts is calculated by the administrator.

5. Which ink accounting system do you think is the most reasonable? Have you seen such a system in practice?

A systematic program is under development. If you are interested, then I will write how it is used.

Anna Temir, hairdresser, beauty salon "IMAGE", Nizhny Novgorod, st. Studenaya 68a, tel. +7 831 423-23-48 , personal page Vkontakte

29.01.2012, 12:37

Do you like it or not?

29.01.2012, 13:57

I'm for the expense :))

29.01.2012, 14:03

I'm for the expense :))
Argument! :091:

29.01.2012, 14:11

Argument! :091:

When painting, I need a different concentration of oxide, at least. Well, I understand that I am not all :) I already know my standard for paint in grams with normal coloring for short hair.

29.01.2012, 14:11

I want to know the price in advance.

29.01.2012, 14:13

29.01.2012, 14:38

I want to know the price in advance.
But in general, in the same salon, the same master gets approximately the same amount.
I count on it, it's more convenient.
There was a case when a haircut and highlighting turned out to be (in the salon where I went for a long time) more expensive, by 1500 rubles, due to "material consumption".
I paid silently, but I don't go there anymore.
The same situation was

29.01.2012, 15:04

I do not like.
Repeatedly at the consultation they called me the price, say thousand. 5-6, and in the end came out 8-10.
I prefer to know in advance how much I will need to pay, and an error of more than 1000 is somewhat annoying.

29.01.2012, 15:25

When painting, I need a different concentration of oxide, at least. Well, I understand that I am not all :) I already know my standard for paint in grams with normal coloring for short hair.

29.01.2012, 15:43


29.01.2012, 15:44

I don't like it. I always ask for a price from and to. the smallest price possible and the largest.

29.01.2012, 15:57

No, well, I meant that the quality of work is good, of course :) With the right oxides, etc.
The only thing that worries, except perhaps ... if the masters are forced to closely monitor each gram - can this affect the quality? For example, being able to spend any amount without any strict gram counting might enable them to aim for a higher level of performance rather than saving in the first place?

So what does it mean to follow? an experienced master will already tell by eye how many ml he got, what to follow for this? what about the savings? I have short hair, and the paint still leaves a lot, no matter how you save. Because in places it is thick: 065: the density and quality of the hair can also be visually determined and at the same time estimate the required amount. I also always honestly warn about the properties of my hair.

The only time when the paint from the mixed usual amount remained was when I was painted by BM, a painter in the past: 046: but I was screaming during the process of painting - stop driving paint into my head: 046:

29.01.2012, 16:45

I'll ask a stupid question ... but how do you know that you are being painted with this particular paint, if the salon works on several, and you have not used it before? Let me explain: well, I know my own feelings from Vella and from Londa, now I dye my hair with kidra, of course, the quality of hair and color are different. But if I didn't know anything about lond and velle, how would I know that I was wearing a kidra? I don’t see bottles, they hang them in grams, too.

So in front of you they should open the paint and show
if they don't, don't be shy and ask, you need to be sure what you pay for and what paint you are being painted.

29.01.2012, 17:24

The same situation was

And I have. So insulting, and in response to the question "Have you increased prices?", They shook their heads negatively.

29.01.2012, 18:41

Doesn't matter. The price for the work is several times higher than the price for the material, so 500 r will not play a +/- role.

30.01.2012, 10:51

I am against the calculation of paint in grams, because my hair is thick and, accordingly, I cry a lot.

Damn, I'm sitting stupid: 046: why do you cry a lot that you have thick hair.

30.01.2012, 11:29

I usually know how much the coloring will cost, because I do about the same thing and at the same master. If I plan to do something extra (massage, mask, lamination, etc.) - the master always guides by price. Accordingly, in principle, I don’t care about grams, it’s easier to focus on the final cost.

30.01.2012, 11:56

How else? We are all different...
For so many years, I already know how many tubes of paint are used on my hair, and when signing up for a new salon, I ask you to immediately calculate the amount for dyeing, there didn’t seem to be any overlays.
True, the administrator usually does not believe that I need so much paint, I have to insist on counting this way: 073:

30.01.2012, 14:58

In the salon that I go to, the final amount always corresponds to the one announced on the phone. So I guess the price/gram is not important.


30.01.2012, 15:56

No, I don't like it and I don't understand.
It was much easier before.

Crocodile Gena

06.02.2012, 00:50

I think that you need to know the price in advance, no one shows how much paint was in the tube, how much it became, it’s too expensive to charge 1200 r for short hair for half an hour of work.

06.02.2012, 02:45

No, well, I meant that the quality of work is good, of course :) With the right oxides, etc.
The only thing that worries, except perhaps ... if the masters are forced to closely monitor each gram - can this affect the quality? For example, being able to spend any amount without any strict gram counting might enable them to aim for a higher level of performance rather than saving in the first place?

An account is needed. The length is different, the density is different, so you can go into the minus or you have to do a lot of cheating. What's the difference between masters? They don't buy paint. As much as they need, so much they will do.

06.02.2012, 10:40

I voted for the second option because why should I overpay for someone who takes a lot of paint, well, this is me, for example, if it takes a little on my head? I always paint in the same tone, with the same paint, and therefore I know the number. And on the other hand, there were such options when the master for some reason increased the amount of paint in the calculations. For example, I know that it takes about 1 tube for my length (about one always) (and this is even a lot if I paint only the roots), the master did nothing beyond the natural, applied the same amount of paint as others or like myself, and almost 2 tubes were indicated in the bill .. or 1.5.


09.02.2012, 20:30

Poll for those who go to salons :). We are talking about hair coloring in beauty salons.

Recently, a system has become popular in which the salon sets the price for work (fixed) and the price for materials (varies). Due to which the client usually does not know in advance how much he will pay - it depends on the consumption of paint and related materials in the process.

Do you like it or not?

I want to know the price in advance.
1. I will be more comfortable, calmer in the salon not to think about the bill, which may surprise me when paying, and unpleasantly.
2. There has never been a case when paint was weighed in front of me. Especially since several paints mostly interfere. so it's only on trust.
3. I understand that, for example, I have thin thin hair and it will take less paint for me than for a client with thick hair, but to be honest, this does not bother me.
even if you can specify that there are medium, long and short hair

09.02.2012, 23:46

Well, long-short is exclusively a matter of conscience of the salon :)) in this case.
Although during training all masters are given clear criteria, in the future everyone has anything in the price lists - up to 40cm or up to 20cm (personal richest observational experience))).
But still, if you call on common sense to help, short ones are up to the chin, medium ones are up to the shoulders, long ones are below the shoulder blades.

09.02.2012, 23:49

Well, the survey showed that 80% of salon visitors prefer to know the price in advance without complex mathematical calculations in the process. This is indicative.
We will do this in our salon :)) Especially since I agree with the message. It is impossible to calculate everything, because you can go so far as to evaluate the complexity of a haircut by the number of clicks with scissors :)).

Have you had a situation when, after dyeing your hair, you got a completely unexpected color, despite the fact that you used the usual remedy? It turns out that the result depends on some nuances that you just need to know in order to avoid unpleasant surprises.

1. Treat your choice of product responsibly

Frequent coloring destroys the structure of the hair, and the more damage the hair shaft has, the more unexpected the result can be. In order not to harm your hair, choose products without ammonia. Although this does not guarantee you absolute safety, nevertheless, you can reduce the harm of paint. Carefully study the composition of the coloring agent, if it contains argan or olive oil, or jojoba - feel free to buy, so you will make a long-term contribution to the health of your hair, ensuring uniform coloring.

2. The subtleties of hair coloring: it's all about the moon

Or rather, in the lunar cycle. Never take on painting during critical days, hormonal fluctuations can affect the result of staining. Surprised? In fact, everything is logical - at this time, melanin, which affects the pigmentation of the skin and hair, can begin to “play around” due to hormones, so hair color often turns out to be unpredictable. But this is not the only enemy of staining - here you can still add changes in the circulatory system, metabolism and thermoregulation. By the way, for the same reason, you can not paint during breastfeeding and pregnancy. You can, but do not expect to get the color indicated on the package.

3. Keratin straightening is not friendly with paint

More precisely, you need to withstand the time, at least two weeks. Otherwise, you will simply expose your hair in vain to the attack of the dye, and it simply will not be able to penetrate deep into the hair. This is due to the fact that keratin fills the empty spaces of the hair shaft, turning into a protective layer that does not allow paint to pass through.

4. Never use a dye lighter than the color of your hair.

This nuance applies to already dyed hair. In this case, you risk getting a noticeable difference between the bulk of the hair and the roots. Hair along the length will acquire only the desired shade, but the roots, most likely, a bright color. If this is not included in your plans - get a tone-on-tone paint, or darker than the main color. To dye your hair a lighter color, it is better to wash off the existing paint with a professional composition, and with the help of a specialist, and not on your own. Only then can you start painting.

5. Gray hair in the head - ammonia in the hands

If you have gray hair (which, by the way, should not plunge you into an abyss of despair), use only ammonia products. Ammonia-free paints leave a gray head faster, alas.

6. Apply paint correctly

The result also depends on this! If you are coloring for the first time, apply the product from roots to ends, moving in a straight line. Pay attention, it is very important to start from the back of the head. It is here that the head has the lowest temperature, therefore, the hair is dyed more slowly.

7. Subtleties of hair coloring: a brush is an important element!

Rather, a good brush, the quality of which depends on the result of staining. Bad and stiff bristles can leave gaps that you just won't notice until you wash off the paint.

8. Do not use styling products before coloring

Otherwise, you will not allow dyes to penetrate into the hair. If you can't live without your favorite mousse, wash it off with water without shampoo and dry your hair.

9. Dirty or clean?

The so-called "strong" products should be applied to dirty hair. Natural grease will protect the hair from the negative effects of oxidizing agents. But tinting paints or coloring foams must be used on a clean head, since they do not penetrate deep into the hair shaft, but envelop it.

10. Consider the cumulative effect

Dye tends to accumulate in the hair, and this is not as good as it seems. It is because of this that your curls become dimmer with each staining. Be sure to ask a professional how you can revive the color. Due to the cumulative effect, using dark paint, you may notice that the hair “rolls down” in black along the length. To prevent this from happening, first color only the hair roots, and at the very end, treat the rest of the hair mass with paint diluted with your favorite balm (1: 1). Only in this way will you reduce the effect of accumulation, and you will harm your hair less.

11. Think about the consequences

If you decide to switch to natural dyes, such as henna or basma, be consistent. When you switch to regular paint later, you can get khaki hair instead of what you expected. Therefore, if you are disappointed with henna, you will first have to grow your hair before using other means.

12. Happy hours are not observed?

But no! If you want to get a beautiful shade, it is important to stick to the time indicated on the paint. But there is a caveat - if your hair breaks, splits or weakens, keep the paint less for 5-10 minutes. The fact is that damaged curls absorb the coloring composition much more intensively.

13. Subtleties of hair coloring: do not save

How often do girls use an unforgivably small amount of paint in order to save money! And the result directly depends on this. Owners of porous hair, regardless of length, should use a lot of dye, because their curls absorb "too" well. How to determine the amount of paint you need? It's simple - the standard amount is designed for hair of medium thickness and shoulder length. If you have thick, long or porous hair - buy two packs!

14. Don't make it "hot"

Do not wash off the paint with hot water, as you can wash off a significant part of the pigment. If you can't stand cool water, use warm water. Rinse off the dye without shampoo until the hair is no longer slippery.

15. Subtleties of care

An even and bright shade depends not only on staining, but also on subsequent care. After dyeing your hair, you can not immediately apply restorative masks, as they can wash even the most resistant paint. So wait at least two weeks to start treating your hair. The exception is products designed specifically for colored hair.

© Article author: Tatyana Ebel Specially for the site site