Tree of beads. DIY Christmas trees: ideas for every taste. Christmas tree from wine corks

New Year and Christmas are favorite holidays for children and adults. And it so happened historically that the New Year tree has become a symbol of this holiday. On New Year's Eve, literally every house is full of brightly decorated Christmas trees, and people no longer imagine this fabulous winter holiday without its symbol with prickly green needles. Therefore, you can easily personify the Christmas tree in handicrafts, decorations and various interior details made by yourself.

The main thing in the article

How to make a Christmas tree with your own hands: a variety of options

Mini Christmas trees will be a great addition to the interior of any home or office on the eve of the winter holidays. There are a huge number of options for the execution of Christmas trees "hand made" and materials for them. Minimalism is still in fashion - the simpler the better. Perhaps, it would never have occurred to you to hand-craft Christmas trees in some techniques, but when you see the ideas, you will be inspired to create.

Flat tree on the wall. Decorating the walls of the room came into fashion recently, but is in great demand. As a material for decoration can serve:

  • boards,
  • pages from old books
  • photo collages,
  • live spruce branches
  • garlands, etc.

Herringbone from coffee beans and burlap.

You can also decorate a New Year's themed panel with the same materials.

Christmas tree toys. With such accessories, you can decorate both the central Christmas tree in the house itself and hang it in prominent places in the room. It can also be free-standing mini-Christmas trees made of lace, fabric. It is appropriate to make a fabric Christmas tree in a house where there are children; the child will certainly not get hurt with soft toys for it.

Creative Christmas tree on a leg or in a pot.

Christmas tree postcard. You can create a greeting New Year's card yourself, using not only paper.

Do-it-yourself Christmas tree made of paper: a step-by-step master class

To make this Christmas tree, stock up on the following:

  1. corrugated paper;
  2. Cardboard;
  3. Scotch tape (regular and double-sided).

Corrugated paper for the Christmas tree can be chosen not only green, on the contrary, a different color will only emphasize the uniqueness of the product. Looks expensive corrugated paper in gold and silver colors.

  • Take a piece of cardboard and wrap it in a "cap". Secure the cone with tape to keep it in shape.

  • Corrugated paper cut strips 2.5 * 10 cm. The more - the better, for the case they will need a large number. Twist each strip in the center into a kind of bow, bend in half and put one layer on top of the other as shown in the photo.

  • Glue the petals around the cone in layers using tape.

  • Fix the upper needles with double-sided tape so that all the errors in their fastening do not stand out. Be sure to place a bright decoration on top - an asterisk, a ball, a New Year's toy.

Volumetric Christmas tree made of paper: options with photos

  1. Take thick green paper . draw a circle - use a compass or circle a vessel of sufficient size. Inside this circle, approximately in the middle, draw another circle, but smaller. With a ruler draw a circle into 12 parts (sectors).
  2. Cut each sector with scissors to the length of the inner small circle.
  3. Make an incision along the lines, deep to the inner (second) circle.
  4. Form a cone from each sector , the edges of which are fixed with glue. The lower tier of the Christmas tree is ready.
  5. Repeat the action with other layers, gradually reducing them in diameter.
  6. In the center each part of the Christmas tree poke a hole with a needle .
  7. Take wire And bend over its bottom in a spiral.
  8. Pass through this wire all parts of the Christmas tree from large to small, close the top of the Christmas tree with a cone of the same paper.

Volumetric Christmas tree - asterisk.

Volumetric Christmas tree with hearts. Such a decoration can be created and to.

If you are interested, then this idea Christmas trees just for you!

  • As you can see, there is no green color here, the Christmas tree can be made the way your heart desires.

  • Bend and fold all the elements, as indicated in the photo, make cuts with scissors in the indicated places.

How to make a Christmas tree out of paper: options with magazine pages

  • Take magazine with many pages so the Christmas tree will look magnificent. Perfect fit magazines - catalogs of women's cosmetics. They are small in height and thick in volume, which will make it possible to make a stable Christmas tree.

It is very important that the magazine is attached with staples, magazines with glued pages will not work.

  • Next, fold each page of the magazine as shown in the picture, the fold of the page will be the edge of the herringbone.

  • Make a round base for the Christmas tree and glue it to it, it can be cardboard, or you can take an old disk. Attach a leg to the very base, taking a spray cap or a cardboard roll from toilet paper. The main thing is to choose a stable object.

  • The colorful pages of the magazine already look elegant, but it’s better to decorate the Christmas tree even more. Anything you can get your hands on will work: tinsel, buttons, shells, brooches, etc. Attach them with glue to the bent edges of the Christmas tree.
  • You will need a very small amount of decorations. These Christmas trees are made from what is often thrown into the trash. And look how beautiful it turned out!

How to make a Christmas tree out of cardboard with your own hands

Make such a Christmas tree from cardboard and burlap. In this work, you will need a minimum of effort, and get the maximum beauty.

  • Roll a cardboard sheet into a cone fix the edges with glue.
  • Liberally cover the top layer of the resulting figure with glue and wind the thread from the top to the bottom, pressing firmly, there should be no gaps.
  • Decorate the Christmas tree with a garland of beads, fix it with needles.

If you have a small child, help him make such a simple but very cute cardboard Christmas tree.

  • Cut out a triangle for the “body” of the Christmas tree and a rectangle for the legs from cardboard. As a material, you can use a cardboard box, so the product will look more spectacular.
  • Paint the details and let them dry.

  • Decorate the Christmas tree with colorful buttons. At the very end, attach the leg to the Christmas tree.

  • On such a Christmas tree, made by children's hands, all the flaws will look very gentle and touching.

DIY Christmas tree made of fabric and felt

Herringbone fabric:

  • You can use the template below, or you can draw your own. Fold the fabric in half, right side in and circle the pattern . Sew along the outline or sew by hand. The leg of the Christmas tree does not need to be stitched.
  • Open the stitched part without deviating much from the line. You can use zigzag scissors , then the edge will not need to be processed.

  • Turn the Christmas tree inside out on the front side iron , wrap the leg inward. Fill the product tightly with synthetic winterizer.
  • Finish the open hole with a blind stitch.

  • Now start decorating. Make skirts out of fabric and lace by gathering one edge of a piece of fabric onto a thread. Sew on the top and bottom skirts, slightly stepping back from each other. Do the same with bows and buttons. Or use a heat gun.

  • Attach an empty spool of thread as a hemp.

Christmas tree made of felt:


  • pieces of felt fabric of different colors;
  • dense cotton or nylon threads;
  • thick fabric for patterns;
  • thread with a big eye;
  • buttons;
  • scissors.

  • draw a pattern the Christmas tree that you want to sew. You can apply one template for all pieces of fabric, or you can draw and then sew different Christmas trees.
  • Buttons will serve as decoration , so to speak, "balls" on the Christmas tree.

  • For one Christmas tree cut out two pieces the same color. Sew buttons to one piece. On the front side, carefully sew both parts, fill with filler.

  • Instead of buttons, you can cut multi-colored circles from felt. Attach loops to hang toys on a real Christmas tree. All is ready!

How to make a Christmas tree from beads with your own hands: instructions with photos

  • Even those who are just starting to weave from beads can make such a simple, but exclusive Christmas tree. It can be used as jewelry: earrings, brooch, key chain and more.
  • This scheme uses parallel weaving technique. cut the wire 50 cm long. Pass 4 brown beads through one end, pass the other end of the wire from the same side and fix in the center. Repeat this for the second row.
  • Thus, weave 4 green beads in the third row. And then thread 7 beads through each end of the wire, this is the completion of the 3rd row.
  • Run the fourth row with 16 beads.

  • Weave like this, reducing each row by two beads , until 5 beads remain on the wire.
  • Weave rows of: four, three, two, and one bead.
  • Finish the work by closing 4 orange beads in a ring - this is an asterisk.

And more options for voluminous table Christmas trees made of beads.

Crocheted Christmas tree with your own hands

  • 1 row: Start with 2 chain stitches, work 4 single crochets into the second stitch in front of the crochet hook.
  • 2 row: 4 single crochet.
  • 3 row: increase (2 sc in one loop), 1 sc - repeat 2 times.
  • 4 row: from now on, knit the even rows behind the back wall, and the odd rows in the usual viscous. In each even row, increase, and then knit the number of sc, 1 sc more than in the previous one. For example, in this row there is an increase, then 2 sc - repeat 2 times, 8 loops should come out.
  • 5 row: Each odd row, knit single crochets in the amount from the previous row, for example, this row is 8 sc.
  • Knit like this until the 19th row, you should get 22 loops, do not forget to alternate regular knitting and knitting for the back wall of the loop.

The base of the Christmas tree is ready, now you need to make thorns for it:

  • Do not rush to cut the thread, now move from the base to the top. Knit 3 VPs and fasten in the 18th row (where you knitted for the back half loop), just the time has come to knit for the second half of the loop. In each loop of this row, repeat the action - 1 sc, 6 ch, 1 sc.
  • Now dial 3 VP again and fasten them in the 16th row, repeating the previous steps, and then in 14.
  • Knitting the 12th row, instead of 6 VP. perform 5 VP, fixing them with 1 RLS on the sides.
  • Moving to the top, in each subsequent row, reduce the number of loops: 10th, 8th rows - 4 VP, 6th row - 3 VP.
  • So the Christmas tree is ready, decorate it with large beads.

Christmas tree with your own hands from tinsel

  1. Such a Christmas tree looks expensive and elegant, although it is mastered very quickly.
  2. On paper or a large sheet of thick paper (cardboard) draw a big circle. The diameter of the circle will be equal to the height of the Christmas tree. Try to draw by hand as straight as possible. It is not necessary to draw a whole circle, to form a cone enough to draw and cut only half of it.
  3. Cut out the fabric with scissors and roll up his into a cone , fix the product with adhesive tape. Here is the frame for the Christmas tree.
  4. Soak it with glue, and then in a spiral, starting from the top, glue the tinsel. The remnants of the "rain" from past holidays are perfect. For a Christmas tree 30 cm high, you will need approximately 3 m of tinsel.
  5. Let the tree dry. It doesn't matter if gaps are visible, they can be hidden with decorations.
  6. Now decorate the Christmas tree with toys it is better to fix them with a hot gun.
  7. From improvised means, make a stand on which the Christmas tree will be attached and attach it to it.

How to make a Christmas tree from flower mesh and threads?

As it has already become clear, a Christmas tree can be made from anything. If you have leftover flower nets at home after the presented bouquets withered, this example is exactly what you need. The standard option is a floristic grid of green shades, but you can use completely different shades, fantasy accessories are now in fashion.

  • Roll up a piece of paper so that the cone comes out - this will be the frame of the Christmas tree. It is better to take thick paper. Attach the edges with a hot gun. The cone is white, which means it will shine through the flower mesh. To avoid this paint his watercolor paints in the tone of the grid, or in a different color, creating a contrast.

  • Prepare stripes from a flower mesh , 7 cm wide, the length will be the length of your mesh web itself. The Christmas tree needs to be layered so that it does not look too skinny. The first layer should be the darkest, and all the rest should be lighter.
  • Fastening start from the top to the base , twisting the strips into curls, gluing them in a spiral.

  • So the beauty is ready - the Christmas tree, but I want to add something to it. Take a piece of satin ribbon, cut it into pieces of approximately 15 cm, tie beautiful bows from satin stripes.
  • Attach thermal gun bows to the net . Such a Christmas tree can please loved ones, or you can decorate a festive table.

Or decorate like this, and fasten the mesh with ordinary PVA glue.

How to make a Christmas tree from candies with your own hands?

A very original gift for the New Year was a Christmas tree made of sweets. Do not be mistaken that such presents are made only from expensive chocolates; lollipops are also perfect for this purpose. You can dilute sweets in the manufacture of a Christmas tree with tinsel, garlands or beads. And if such a Christmas tree is intended as a gift for an adult, then a bottle of champagne is perfect as a basis - a very symbolic gift.

Christmas tree made of chocolates.

  • Make a cone, golden cardboard will look beautiful as its base.
  • Then use tape or glue to fix the candy around it.
  • Decorate the top with a large bright bow and star.

Christmas tree made of gelatin sweets.

No need to write off gelatin sweets, such a Christmas tree will look very original. In addition, most people prefer such sweets.

For the frame, take the foam, and string the sweets on the Christmas tree with toothpicks. This design is easy to disassemble, so it will be appropriate as decoration on buffet tables.

Do-it-yourself Christmas tree from ribbons

  • With sharp scissors cut out the squares from a tape 5 * 5 cm.
  • Roll each one into petals as shown in the photo, solder the edges over burning candles.

  • On attach cardboard cone glue gun "branches" of the Christmas tree . Then decorate the tree with ribbons of other colors.

Do-it-yourself Christmas tree made of cones

A cone is a ready-made Christmas tree in a miniature version, you just need to figure out how to decorate it beautifully. Before starting complex compositions, practice with easy examples.

The best photo examples of Christmas trees do it yourself

Christmas tree from tea bags- a useful gift.

Fabric triangles - Christmas tree pendants.

Christmas tree stand or hanger.

Christmas tree made of corrugated paper and large beads.

Christmas tree made from coffee beans.

"Puff" Christmas tree made of fabric.

Flat Christmas trees made of burlap.

Christmas "table" Christmas tree made of acrylic threads in 2 execution techniques.

Making a Christmas tree with your own hands: video master class

You can make a Christmas tree with your own hands from any improvised means. Connect your imagination and enjoy the New Year holidays by making such wonderful things.

Hello dear readers! On New Year's Eve, an incredible number of all kinds of New Year's decorations appear on store shelves: Christmas toys, tinsel, rain, bright garlands, crackers, artificial and live Christmas trees, etc. Speaking of Christmas trees, in our time, manufacturers offer consumers a really wide selection of Christmas trees: tall, small, tabletop, floor, lush, elegant, white, green, multi-colored ... which, in his opinion, will most successfully fit into the interior of a house or apartment. But today's article is not about factory-made, stamped Christmas trees, but exclusive Christmas trees made by hand!

Christmas trees with their own hands.

For the manufacture of a decorative Christmas tree, you can safely use almost any material: rhinestones, Christmas balls, threads, beads, wine corks, coffee and other grains, paper, buttons, wire, cones, tree leaves, feathers, pieces of fabric, ribbons, pasta and much more!

We have decided on the materials, but how to form the basis of the future Christmas tree? You can do it in the following ways:

  1. Pick up a cone-shaped bottle, on which to subsequently glue the necessary parts.

2. Purchase a ready-made foam cone - they are sold in the "Everything for creativity and needlework" departments.

3. Make from a sheet of paper.

Let's take a closer look at the last point...

First way: we take a sheet of drawing paper, draw a circle, cut it out, then on this circle we mark a sector in the form of a triangle with a pencil, cut it off, and form a cone from the rest, gluing the side part with tape or glue.

Second way: take whatman paper, draw a circle, measure the fourth part of the circle - a triangle (see photo), cut out this part and form a cone.

So, having selected or made the most suitable cone, we proceed directly to the decorative part ...

DIY Christmas tree ideas.

Paper trees.

We select paper of a suitable shade, cut out and form a cone (described above), decorate with rhinestones, foil stars, beads, beads or ribbons.

DIY Christmas trees photo

Coffee trees.

We prepare a cone from thick paper, after which we successively fill in all the gaps on the cone with super-glue, as an addition, you can use rice grains, seeds, acorn caps, rhinestones, beads or beads.

DIY Christmas trees photo

Decorative Christmas trees made from pasta.

We select curly pasta, for example, bows, paint them in a suitable color from a spray can, and after the paint dries, we fix it on a cone (preferably dense foam) with moment glue. At the final stage, the Christmas tree can be supplemented with pasta in the form of stars or small decorative bows.

Christmas trees from threads.

We form a cone from paper, take dense, woolen threads of a suitable shade, cover the surface of the cone with PVA glue, and wrap it tightly with threads. Such Christmas trees can be supplemented with bows, beads or rhinestones.

Trees from wine corks.

We form a Christmas tree from wine corks, gluing the corks to each other with super glue.

DIY Christmas trees photo

DIY Christmas trees from buttons.

We prepare a large number of buttons, if you want the buttons to be the same in tone, pre-color them with a spray can. We form a cone from thick paper, and completely glue it with buttons, buttons can be glued in several layers.

Christmas tree made of cones.

We completely form the Christmas tree from cones ... starting to glue the cones to each other from the inner circle, at the end we install the resulting Christmas tree in a pot or fix it on an impromptu decorative leg made of branches.

Christmas tree decorated with glitter.

We form a cone from paper, cut finely rain and tinsel, mix thoroughly, cover the cone with PVA glue and completely sprinkle with chopped sparkles. At the end, cover the top of the Christmas tree with PVA glue so that the shiny elements do not crumble.

Christmas tree made of wire.

We take a cone made of foam and from top to bottom in the form of a spiral, cover it with a dense wire. The result is a very stylish Christmas tree-spring.

Feather tree.

We purchase small feathers in the “Everything for Creativity” departments, make a cone out of paper, and start from the bottom up, tightly joining each other to glue weightless feathers onto the transparent “Moment” glue.

Christmas tree made from dry leaves.

We take dry leaves or bay leaves harvested from autumn, and glue them to a previously created paper cone, it is better to form a “crown” from top to bottom, gluing the leaves under each other.

Do-it-yourself Christmas tree decorations: a Christmas tree made of beads and wire on the eve of the upcoming New Year, master Elena Syukova (known as Lena Seryozhkina) invites you to make Christmas tree decorations with your own hands. Christmas trees made of beads and wire will not only be an excellent decoration for your Christmas tree, but also a wonderful New Year's souvenir for your friends and colleagues.

Materials and tools: chenille wire, beads of different sizes and shapes, a star to decorate the top of the Christmas tree, 50 cm of ordinary thin wire, small pliers.

1. We find the middle of the wire, folding it in half, crushing it at the bend and pushing the ends apart.

The angle at the fold should be sharp!
2. With "platypuses" we form the paws of our Christmas tree. We bend the wire, making it look like the edges of a triangle (the first fold is about 1/6 of the length of the side, and the second is half as much).

We repeat this step 2 times.

3. We carry out the second side of the Christmas tree according to the same principle.

4. At the bottom of the Christmas tree, we connect the ends of the wire, we twist them.

If you have two long tips left, then you can form a Christmas tree trunk. We carefully fix the ends of the wire so that they do not scratch.

5. We take a thin wire and make a double ring with round-nose pliers. We put an asterisk (or any large bead) on the wire, which will decorate the top of your Christmas tree. With 2-3 turns of wire we wind the star to the crown.


6. We go down the branch and begin to form beads, stretching the wire from one side of the tree to the other. On the opposite side, the wire is fixed with 2 turns around the Christmas tree frame.


It is advisable to alternate small and large beads and slightly bend the wire down so that the beads seem to sag.

7. Having finished forming the beads, wrap the tip of the wire several times around the branch, cut it with a tool and press firmly. The Christmas tree is ready!

As it usually happens, after November, December came with the promises of a merry New Year and nice gifts. Christmas trees grew on the streets of the cities and preparations for the holiday began to gain momentum.
I like this holiday so much. Although, perhaps, not even the holiday itself, but this New Year's Eve month is a time of exciting anticipation. He stirs my soul with dreams of miracles and impossible events that may follow him. But, since I am familiar with the topic of "materiality of thought" firsthand, I know for sure that before miracles happen, they must be carefully thought out and the necessary preparations made for their accomplishment.

For example, I really love gifts, and Santa Claus brings them under the Christmas tree, so the Christmas tree must exist. And in no case should one approach this subject formally, it is necessary to do everything with the soul, because only in this case will miracles be able to receive enough energy to happen to us. In addition, they are quite fastidious and like to come where they are welcome, but they do not require anything from them. I understand that this is a confusing topic, so more on that at the end of the article. And now I will talk about a small Christmas tree made of beads and wire, which I prepared for this New Year.
As you can see, I continue to explore the possibilities of weaving with links of three beads, and this Christmas tree was born from a small triangular pyramid, which I wove just like that for the test.

Side face


I must say that the resulting Christmas tree is the third, most successful option. The first option was woven from 3 pyramids increasing by one row. It wasn't interesting. The joints of the pyramids looked like bare necks in the cold. Therefore, in the last version of the Christmas tree, I wove free, unrelated links to the base of each tier. These links cover the connections of the tiers and they can be bent outward, from this the Christmas tree seems more alive.

The first tier of the Christmas tree consists of 3.5 rows. The top of 3 beads cannot be called one row, but it is also difficult to ignore. Therefore, we will conditionally consider it a half of the series, but I will not mention this half, as it were, it is meant.
So, the first tier of the Christmas tree consists of 3 rows, and each subsequent tier consists of 4 rows and the length of the rows evenly increases downwards.
In the second version of the Christmas tree, I increased the number of rows for each tier, but I did not like the result. You may have a different opinion if you try to weave your own version. I would be glad if you send a photo.

How are the tiers of the Christmas tree connected to each other?
In the following figure, the number 1 indicates the middle of the base, from which I began to weave the next part of the Christmas tree. And the number 2 indicates the beginning of the next pyramid. That is, the second part of the Christmas tree does not have a top of 3 beads and it starts from the top of the first row, and not from the top. The base of the second part of the Christmas tree is larger than the base of the first, so the triangle from which the third part will grow will also be larger. But the principle remains the same.

The base of each part must be woven until it articulates with the next part of the tree. That is, it is not necessary to braid the inside of the joints. I made the distance between the edges of the base of each part and the next part emanating from it in one row. This can be seen very clearly in the next photo.

This is how the Christmas tree turned out. Next to it, you see the white beginning of the snowman, but for some reason it did not work out.

Now the little things to decorate the Christmas tree. Let's start with an asterisk. The principle of weaving is exactly the same: three beads per link. 5 links woven together on each side.

I glued the star with hot glue, as well as multi-colored beads that play the role of Christmas tree decorations.

Interestingly, everyone who saw my Christmas tree wanted to decorate it in their own way. I think it will be possible to try another version of the design of this Christmas tree with your own hands.

And returning to the topic of New Year's miracles, I want to clarify my idea about the fastidiousness of miracles. Think about the wonderful changes you would like to see in your life. Let these changes be the most incredible, but they must come from the depths of your soul and express your innermost desires. If the fantasy of these changes makes you happy, then this is one of the conditions for a miracle to happen. Try to stay in this joy more often. And the second condition is the refusal of expectation. Perhaps the most difficult part. But expectation can be replaced by knowledge - "I know that it will be so." The main thing is not to rush things. The world is like water, it can flow smoothly and gradually carve its own course without breaking or breaking anything. Or it can rush furiously and menacingly, but in this case, in addition to the joy of the changes, you can get losses and inconveniences.
Preparing for the New Year holidays is the very moment when you should constantly think about those miracles that you want to invite into your life. I want to emphasize that this is not only the holiday itself and the chimes, but the whole time of preparation for the holiday.

Dream! And it will come true!

Take a look here:

The original Christmas tree-beauty will decorate the festive interior. Of course, a round dance around her is not to be led, but such a miracle will certainly raise the mood. Here is such an interesting desktop craft that can be made from the simplest things that are in every home.

Necessary materials:

  • A4 sheet, cardboard;
  • dense threads (preferably wool mixture);
  • 2 "yolks" from kinders;
  • wooden sticks for sushi;
  • plasticine;
  • Styrofoam;
  • stationery knife;
  • stroke corrector;
  • red nail polish;
  • PVA glue;
  • fabric scraps;
  • little things for decoration.

Make the frame of the future Christmas tree from A4 sheet - fold it into a bag. Insert the foam inside.

Apply glue to the surface of the cone in not wide strips and wind the thread around it.

Secure the end of the thread with glue.

Sushi sticks will serve as the legs of our beauty. To do this, they need to be painted with a proofreader.

While they dry from the "yolks" make boots, as shown in the photo.

Fill them up to half with plasticine and wrap with a cloth.

Insert stick legs into boots, decorate the Christmas tree with various bows, ribbons. Paint the legs with stripes of red varnish. ready!

You can make a hat out of cardboard, cover it with a cloth and sew on a pompom.

DIY shabby chic Christmas tree

Let's make such an amazingly beautiful and original craft in a trendy shabby chic style.

Necessary materials.

For the base, we take a large paper cup or any plastic utensils. Separately, we dilute alabaster or gypsum with water to the density of liquid sour cream and pour it into the future pot. We fix the trunk of our tree, plant a branch in the center and fix it in this position until it hardens.

We make a cone out of cardboard using a stapler.

We make the top of the spruce from wire and foam rubber.

We connect the top with the trunk and attach the cone.

We wrap the base of the tree with white fur.

Cut off excess from below.

Then we fold the ends of the burlap inward and attach it with hot glue.

Let's get down to the fun part - decorating our Christmas tree in the shabby chic style.

To create a finished composition, we need a stand.

We make a bench from a bamboo napkin.

From white fur - a snowman.

We attach a bell to the top of the spruce.

We decorate the Christmas tree with beads, pearls, flowers, lace, etc.

We apply transparent glue to the very top of the tree.

And sprinkled with artificial snow.

We do the same with the bench.

Our composition "Winter's Tale" is ready!

Decorative Christmas tree made of napkins

We will make it from cardboard and single-layer napkins. You will also need beads for decoration.

First of all, we will build a frame for our Christmas tree. We fold the cone from cardboard, fasten it (I sewed it with threads) and cut exactly the bottom of the cone so that it can stand.

The base is ready, set aside for now. Now let's move on to napkins. From them we will make roses. Single-layer plain paper napkins are suitable for us.

We take a napkin and cut it along the folds. Then fold it in three and cut along the folds again.

The resulting strips are still tripled and cut again. We got a square equal to 1/9 of the napkin.

We fasten this square in the center with a stapler.

Then cut out a circle from it. Mega-accuracy and accuracy are not required here at all, the finished rosette can be slightly corrected with scissors.

Thus, a rose is formed. If the finished rose seems uneven to you, then you can trim it with scissors.

The number of such flowers depends on the size of your cardboard cone. My Christmas tree turned out to be 21 cm high and I needed 59 roses for it.

When all the flowers are ready, we return to the cone. Starting from the crown, glue the flowers onto the cone so that the base is not visible. I glued it with hot glue (it’s more convenient for me), but the most ordinary PVA will do.

I made a Christmas tree from napkins in two colors. If you also decide to create your own craft from multi-colored roses, then you can safely experiment with their alternation on the cone. If the result does not suit you, you can always tear off the flower and re-glue it to another place. In this case, only the lower layer of the flower will suffer. It (the bottom layer) is simply torn off. The rosette will not lose its appearance.

So, we glued the flowers to the cone. The Christmas tree itself is ready and you can stop at this stage.

I also decorated it with beads - I glued it on the same hot glue, here PVA will no longer help.

DIY decorative Christmas tree made of napkins

As you can see, even a beginner can make such beauty, so you can safely involve children in the process.

Another version of the Christmas tree from napkins

Craft from cones, balls, ribbons and beads

How to make such a craft - see the video tutorial at the end of the article.

Christmas tree made of plasticine with sweets

What do we all associate a wonderful New Year's holiday with? With the smell of pine needles, bright lights, garlands, sweets. And children still create unusual crafts with their own hands, thereby bringing a pleasant moment of the onset of a fabulous night. Lessons of creativity of such subjects they like most of all. It is in crafts that you can realize any fantasies.

We offer to make an elegant Christmas tree, which is easy to decorate with sweets. Blind crafts from plasticine - the cheapest and most popular material. You will definitely make a beautiful souvenir if you follow our tips - they are simple.

To sculpt a Christmas tree with your own hands, prepare:

  • green plasticine for the crown;
  • a stump in the form of a cap or an empty spool of thread;
  • toothpick, red and white plasticine for sweets.

Choose a green block of plasticine from the set. The body of the Christmas tree itself will be made from it, and in the future we will make small sweets as toys. Of course, a small souvenir does not have to be green, any other color that you choose at will will do. If you manage to find a set for sale that has a gold bar, then this option will look rich.

Thoroughly knead the entire prepared bar in your hands and prepare for further work. It is necessary to form a cone-shaped crown, and not quite the usual even, but curved, similar to the cap of a fabulous gnome. Since we are talking about a magical holiday, it is not forbidden to fantasize and create something incredible.

Pull all the soft plasticine into a long cone. Sharpen the upper part as much as possible, press the lower part along the circumference with your fingers, showing the skirt. Then take and bend to the side the entire structure. Sometimes Christmas trees do not stretch up perfectly evenly, but lean to the side like this.

To model Christmas tree decorations - small sweets - use white and red plasticine. Form red round pills (the inside of the candy), as well as white triangles (the twisted part of the candy wrappers).

Glue delicious sweets. Glue a white dot on each red circle and push in the center with a toothpick. Glue triangular pieces on the sides.

Make enough decorative details to fill the entire surface of the Christmas tree, evenly distributing sweets around the circumference at some distance.

Glue all the resulting blanks to the crown. A beautiful Christmas craft is almost ready. From below, press down a small lid - a stump (or mold it from plasticine).

And the top is still missing. She asks to complete the resulting fabulous Christmas tree. Come up with some option, for example, the same spruce branches in combination with red berries. All this looks festive and bright.

This is such a fantastic Christmas tree. This is an elegant version of crafts for the New Year, which will be a great gift for your favorite holiday.

The New Year is just around the corner - you need to hurry up to catch everything.

How to make such a postcard.

Do-it-yourself Christmas tree made of felt

Let's make felt Christmas trees - this is a great Christmas decoration and perfect for school or kindergarten.

Prepare for them:

  • A set of colored felt;
  • cotton wool;
  • glue "Moment" transparent;
  • any beads;
  • threads for knitting and sewing;
  • a needle;
  • scissors;
  • felt-tip pen.

Choose the right colors for the felt. It can be different shades of green. Or you can show your imagination and make an unusual red or blue spruce. Fold a couple of sheets of felt together, draw the shape of a spruce on the top.

Cut a piece of patterned felt along the entire length and fold it in half as shown in the photo. We do this only if the felt is not very thick, otherwise it will be difficult to cut 4 layers at once.

Cut out 4 blanks.

To give them a bulge, put some cotton wool, as shown in the photo.

Lubricate the edges of the workpiece with glue.

Cut a piece of knitting thread and attach it to the top of the workpiece, directly on the glue. For him, it can be hung. Attach the second blank and press along the edge so that both parts stick together.

On a light Christmas tree, make stitches with threads of a darker green color. This will add originality to the craft.

Decorate the second with a border of pearl beads. To do this, make a layer of glue along the edge and put beads on it.

Now let your kid decorate them however he wants. After drying, the craft is ready for use.

Such a simple craft will be a great decoration for your Christmas tree. It can be given to grandparents. Older kids can do it completely on their own. By this principle, you can make any decorations from felt. Anything your imagination tells you.

From natural materials with flowers from foamiran do-it-yourself video lesson

Herringbone-sachet - to create a festive aroma

A sachet is a small bag filled with dry fragrances that is used to create a fragrant background in a wardrobe or chest of drawers. If you put such fragrant bags on the shelves with things, then a pleasant and subtle smell will settle in your closet.

It will not be difficult to make such a sachet with your own hands, and if you create it in the form of a Christmas tree, then in addition to the aroma, the festive composition will also set the appropriate mood.

Materials for the master class:

  • Peel from citrus fruits;
  • essential oil of orange;
  • thread, needle;
  • beads, beads, sequins;
  • satin ribbon;
  • green fabric, cotton;
  • scissors and pencil.

On a sheet of paper, draw a spruce template and cut it out.

Finely cut the peel from citrus fruits, and to give more flavor, you can also add a few drops of essential oil.

From a thin green cotton fabric, cut out two blanks according to the template, fold them with their right sides inward and sweep.

If possible, sew and process the edge on a sewing machine, but if this is not possible, process the edges by hand.

Turn out.

From a silver thread, make a loop with a voluminous knot at the end, use a needle or a hook to thread the loop into the top of the spruce.

Tie a satin ribbon into a bow and secure at the top with a couple of stitches.

We fill the craft with fragrant peel from citrus fruits, sew the edge.

If desired, do-it-yourself Christmas tree-sachet can be decorated with various beads and sequins.

Our affordable and easy-to-make sachet is ready, now its aroma will delight, and its beautiful appearance will give an unusual and festive energy.

Photo of Christmas tree-sachet with orange flavor

Pasta tree toy