Halloween in the office Halloween holiday script at a corporate party in the office Halloween in the office

A scary, funny and insanely cute Halloween is coming: a whirlwind of sweets, pumpkins, horror stories and carnival costumes. We have collected three fiery examples of how you can arrange a corporate All Saints Day: from meeting a real vampire to a panic room for adults.

A scary, funny and insanely cute Halloween is coming: a whirlwind of sweets, pumpkins, horror stories and carnival costumes. We have collected three fiery examples of how you can arrange a corporate All Saints Day: from meeting a real vampire to a panic room for adults.

Very nice, vampire!

Remember when we told the story of how the entire department got a real letter inviting them to a vampire party? A beautiful envelope with a seal, which invited to a reception to the mysterious Pan Kaminsky. Arriving at the address, the employees found themselves in a decorated restaurant and got to the Questoria"Kiss of the Vampire" . So, last Halloween, the vampire decided to give a similar invitation in person!

A couple of weeks before Halloween, a stately man in ancient clothes entered a Kiev office: a frock coat, a top hat, a cane. He bowed, greeted the stunned employees in a flowery manner, and handed each an envelope with an invitation. The ladies kissed the hands (dangerously close to the wrists), the men received a polite bow. It was assumed that after the invitations to the Questoria were handed out, the vampire would leave the premises sedately, but we did not foresee that everyone would want to take a selfie with him :) So the poor fellow had to take the rap and pose for Instagram!

The invitation was about a secret party on October 31, which will be held in a small cafe next to the office. On X Day, all the guests were treated to a hall decorated to look like a vampire mansion, Halloween cupcakes and drinks (there was no Bloody Mary, as well as red champagne, by the way!), dry ice steaming in medieval bowls on the table... Everyone plunged into to the Questoria"Kiss of the Vampire" - a three-hour mystical detective about the confrontation of supernatural beings. Costumes were chosen for the participants - monastic attire, black satin cloaks, hats with veils, canes. For the photo zone, we found an almost real chopping block with a huge fake ax, shackles and a skeleton.

How to organize:easily! The role of the vampire was played by our actor. The menu, decoration of the hall and other organizational details were taken over by our manager. On the part of the client, it was only necessary once to agree on the concept and budget, everything else was done by us. A Questoria has been released with a luxurious backstory and the atmosphere of a mystical film.

coffin on wheels

The Saratov branch of a well-known IT company asked, in addition toevening Questoria organize short entertainment for employees and during the working day.

We thought and arranged a room of fear. Remember how in childhood? Darkness, scary music, decor and someone scary lurking in the corner! Our Panic Room had a short storyline and took an average of 20 minutes to complete. So any employee of the company could gather allies and go towards horror.

The heart of the panic room was... the coffin. Our franchisee Anton Mizulin personally knocked it together from boards, loaded it onto the roof of the car and drove it to the customer's office. The reaction of those around was unpredictable: the traffic police allowed the car to be parked in the wrong place, passers-by walked around Anton in a wide arc, no one wanted to ride in the same elevator with the coffin.

As the coffin was transported down the office corridor, employees hid in their offices and stared through the windows: what-what-what-happened? So we unwittingly gave people a dose of adrenaline even before the start of the holiday. And in the evening, they arranged an unforgettable "Secret Party" for the participants - it allowed hundreds of people to be involved in a famously twisted adventure!

How to organize:Just! For the fear room, you need a separate darkened room. And we will find the props, the script and the actors.

Corporate party in a maniac's lair

Questorias usually take place in cafes - it's comfortable to play there and you can have a bite to eat. But one St. Petersburg bank asked to arrange for their managers "out of the comfort zone." Therefore, the maniac's house was chosen as the venue for the game.

The house, of course, is not quite real: we rented a room from a quest room dedicated to the theme of serial killers. It was a whole basement with really scary rooms: a bloody bathtub with organs hung on hooks, a kitchen with "supplies" made of human beings, a gloomy living room with secret doors. While we were preparing the game, we were scared ourselves. And when they turned on the music and dimmed the lights, the horror came complete. At first, the players did not dare to go inside for a long time: they had to walk each one almost by the hand. And in such a place the guests unraveledMysterious murders on Roanoke Island !

The players admitted that at first they were afraid to step aside, and then they got used to it and called each other for a secret conversation "where the head lies on the shelf."

How to organize:elementary! It is better to entrust the choice of atmospheric premises to us. And we sincerely advise not just to play with colleagues in a creepy quest room, but to use it as an entourage for a Questoria. Because several dozen people can participate in our games at once, they last three hours - and there are so many stories that your head will spin. It's more fun than getting out of the room in an hour, and the experience is many times richer.

Life hacks on how to make corporate Halloween even cooler:

    Themed meal. The easiest option is "terrible" sweets and cupcakes, they are now made almost everywhere. A Halloween themed cake is also a great option, we can help you find a bakery.

    Performance with an actor. A vampire, a zombie, a werewolf - anyone can come to your office! We are happy to arrange this.

    Make-up artist and photographer. A professional make-up artist can “decorate” a person with an intricate scar, fangs or zombie makeup in 15 minutes. And the photographer will make an excellent photo report: after all, Halloween always takes place in a darkened room, so professional equipment is needed for filming. In addition, our photographers know the scenarios well - and they know how to catch the best moment for a photo!

    Dry ice is a friend of any decorator. It is cheap, but when placed in hot water it gives an absolutely cinematic fog. Very cool special effect, at the same time - accessible to everyone.

    Live lighting. Candles instantly create an incredible atmosphere. Do not forget only about reliable candlesticks. And it's better to put candles where the players can't reach - in the center of the table, for example.

We will be happy to make for you and your colleaguesgreat halloween : we will organize a Questoria, and we will select an atmospheric location (or we will decorate your office). You can have a gala party, you can - small short games during the day, or better - all at once! We also have a photographer, costume, make-up artists, actors, proven and cool. Call - and we will tell you in more detail what can be arranged according to your request and budget.


To have fun with colleagues, you should let the spirit of the holiday into the workplace. Keep in mind that if everything is conservative at your work, before organizing any activity, let your HR manager know about your ideas and make sure that they are approved. And only after that proceed with the following points:

Decorate your desktop


You and those around you will definitely get into a festive mood if you decorate your workplace with decorative cobwebs, rubber or plastic spiders, pumpkins and other themed decor.

Prepare a holiday meal


Bright and tasty cupcakes or other pastries for Halloween will please your eye and your colleagues will definitely like it. You can buy it yourself, order from a team, or arrange a competition among colleagues for the best dish prepared for Halloween.

Host a costume contest


Another way to have fun at work on Halloween is to have a costume contest. Even if this is not encouraged during working hours, you can bring your own costumes and change after the working day is over. We are sure that you will be curious to look at colleagues whom you are used to seeing in formal suits, in new images: bright, bold and a little crazy outfits. To keep the competition fair, the winner can be chosen by secret ballot.

Organize entertainment

The onset of autumn forced everyone to completely immerse themselves in solving work problems. Informal corporate events help to diversify workdays. In October, a tempting occasion to switch from business to friendship is, of course, Halloween. Even a simple symbolic paraphernalia of this holiday on your desktop will already cheer you up and the rest.

Get the consent of the management to organize a party in the office, agree on a plan of events with colleagues, and simple joint preparation will already give a sense of celebration, and current issues will be resolved more easily with high spirits. How to celebrate All Saints' Day in the office, and at the same time not interfere with the workflow, read on.

We decorate the workplace


Create a festive atmosphere by decorating your workplace. The main attribute of Halloween is, of course, a pumpkin and various items with its image. You will definitely not go wrong if you put a nice souvenir in the form of a joyful orange pumpkin on the table. Witches, dead people, skeletons, ghosts are also recognized as "characters" of Halloween. In addition to various "evil spirits", spiders, bats, black cats are used in symbolism. Show your creativity - make a collage of cut out images in the theme of Halloween, draw a web, add drops of "blood" with paint.


Agree with colleagues to start “celebrating” already at lunchtime: let everyone bake something or cook their favorite snacks at home. Pumpkin or apple pie, baked apples, vegetable snacks will look very appropriate on the festive table - focus on the gifts of the autumn harvest. All dishes can be decorated in Halloween style. As a drink, let it be fruit drink or tomato juice. Serve the table with napkins and disposable tableware with the image of the holiday theme. To learn more about how to make your table truly "terrifying", read our article "A selection of themed recipes for Halloween."


Think about how delicately and tastefully decorate yourself for Halloween in the morning, because there is a working day ahead and it is better to postpone the masquerade until the evening. Therefore, a brooch in the form of a pumpkin or a spider will be most appropriate for now. If you decide to have a costume party at your workplace, leave the face painting and costume until the end of the working day.

In choosing a costume for Halloween, the fantasy unfolds to the fullest - surprise your colleagues with a complete transformation - a wide variety of images are used in costumes for this particular holiday. You can appear in traditional costumes of a zombie, a witch, a sorcerer, Count Dracula, ghosts and other "frightening" characters. Often on Halloween they dress up as pirates, cats, nurses. To complete the look, there are many masks, and the most fun is to paint each other with special face paints. Droplets of blood, scars, sunken eyes, a livid face - there are many makeup options, experiment, let your imagination run wild.

If you decide to support your image with just one accessory, then use wigs, a wide-brimmed pointed hat, and take, for example, a broom or make a “devilish” trident.

Games and contests

Thematic contests will be the most interesting. So, several options.

"Blood transfusion"


We need two glasses of tomato juice, two of the same empty glasses, two syringes. Participants take turns using a syringe to pour "blood" from one container to another. The team that does it faster wins.

"Touch me"

The participant is blindfolded, he must put his hand into opaque bags and guess the things hidden in them in advance. The whole horror lies in the fact that he does not see what he is touching, and this makes the objects very unpleasant for him to the touch. Put boiled spaghetti, moistened foam rubber, cottage cheese, a soft silicone toy, a piece of fur, broken bread, a clockwork toy that will move in bags. The list goes on. This game also captivates the spectators, who, by the reaction of the participant, represent all the disgust of the hidden. Fun guaranteed for everyone!

"The eye fell out!"


The “eyes” for this contest are prepared as follows: draw a pupil on the tennis balls, and for a more creepy look, draw bursting blood vessels with a red felt-tip pen. Two teams need to move these "eyes" from one point to another in a tablespoon for speed. To complicate the task, place various obstacles on the way, for example, chairs, boxes, a stretched rope, under which you need to bend over. The main thing is that the "eye" does not fall out!

"You are next!!!"

A chilling game. The rules are very simple, the main thing is not to be lazy and create the right atmosphere. So, the lights are turned off, all the participants sit in a circle. The host lights a flashlight and passes it around. Very creepy music sounds - it can be the howl of animals, the whistle of the wind, frightening laughter. The host from time to time comes up from behind and scares with an afterlife voice: “You are next !!!” The music suddenly stops, and whoever has a flashlight at that moment must fall dead and not move. The rest continue to pass the flashlight until one "survivor" remains. The last three or four participants have especially tense nerves!

Souvenirs and gifts


Think of prizes the winners - memorable souvenirs about the festive day spent in this company. If you give themed gifts, then again pumpkins, candles, toy spiders, mice, black cats are welcome. Everyday useful items are also quite suitable - pens, notebooks, anti-stress toys, mugs, photo albums.

And be sure to encourage the creativity of colleagues. Arrange a photo session and awards for costumes in various categories - "The most bloodthirsty vampire", if there are several of them, "The most charming witch", "Best makeup", "Best desktop decoration" and in others, orient yourself according to the situation.

Happy Halloween! 😉

Unlike Russian offices, Halloween is often mandatory in American offices.

All Saints' Day in the USA is the holiday number 2. In popularity, it is second only to Christmas. But for Russian offices, this tradition can become warm and unifying. The main thing is to try to make it homely and sincere.

Halloween is one of the best holidays you can instill in your office. After all, he wakes up the child in each of us. Americans also consider Halloween to be a tolerant and non-religious holiday. "Well, yes, the tradition has pagan roots - but who remembers about it now?" - .

You should not be like people celebrating something just to have fun, and following ceremonies just because they are beautiful. A little history never hurts. This one went from the Celts and was practiced even before the birth of Christ. It was believed that on the night of October 31 to November 1, the souls of the departed return to Earth. Therefore, people dressed up so that the dead enemies could not recognize them.

One of the favorite heroes of the holiday was the legendary Irish blacksmith Jack, who was neither bad nor good - average. As a result, after his death he was not allowed into either hell or heaven. So Jack walks around the world, waiting for Judgment Day and lighting his way with a candle hidden from the wind in a pumpkin.

Halloween Office Ideas

If you decide to celebrate Halloween in your office, there are several ways to do it. From a traditional costume party to a "pumpkin" breakfast. Office Life offers some of the most common. But when cutting out the "eyes" of pumpkins and putting candles there, do not forget to fantasize: your personal initiative, your personal "notion" will always be better than universal advice "for everyone."

Method number 1: Carnival

Of course, the Halloween celebration will turn into an ordinary celebration, no different from other corporate parties, if you do not have a costume party. At the same time, it is not necessary to arrange an action in the evening: you can simply arrange with employees to come in costumes of vampires and witches directly to work. Of course, you can also hit the pomp, arrange a real feast, which will crown the parade of nominees for the "Best Costume" contest.

Method number 2: Breakfast

Stock up on pumpkins, apple pies, donuts and start your working day with a holiday. You can gather in the corporate kitchen, put on pointed black hats, drink coffee, eat a cupcake with baked apples, and only then get to work - full and cheerful.

Method number 3: Lunch

So that colleagues do not tense up due to the fact that a corporate party "eats" their free evening, which they could spend at home, the Halloween celebration can be moved to lunch. For many, this is the optimal time: “owls” will not have time to catch up with breakfast, couples with small children do not need “dinner” at work. Lunch can be made solemn and again themed: all kinds of pumpkin dishes, apple pies, pizza. As you know, nothing brings people together like a joint meal.

Preparing for this way of celebrating Halloween is the most difficult, but on the holiday itself, you don’t need to do anything. Decorate your office: bats, blood stains on the windows, pumpkins again - and the mood will be appropriate all day long.

Method number 5: Pumpkin carving competition

If the traditional celebrations in the form of a meal (albeit in costumes of nurses and ghouls) are boring for you, you can stock up on pumpkins, knives and paints and arrange a competition for the most beautiful face for Halloween.

Method #6: Bring the kids to the office

Allow all employees to bring their children into the office. Just they will gladly dress up in costumes of snow whites and batmen, will gobble up donuts, washing them down with Pinocchio soda, paint your windows and begin to pester with the traditional Halloween whining: "Entertain or treat" ("Trick or Treat").

We create a festive mood in the office without interruption from work

To make Halloween a real holiday, you do not need to make a lot of effort - just give it an hour. Here are some tips from IGate on how to create a festive atmosphere without distracting from the work process.

Quickly decorate the office

If there is no time to decorate the premises, do not despair. An artificial web will help to make an ancient crypt out of a cozy office in just 10-15 minutes. On holidays, online stores will deliver it in a couple of hours.

Complete with a web, you can order special garlands of bats or witches. But if you don’t want to spend money on disposable tinsel, you can print several bats on a printer and hang them yourself. And with the help of napkins, adhesive tape or ribbons - create a swarm of little ghosts. Creating one such ghost will take only one minute.

Agree, half an hour of preparation is worth two days of joy. After all, Halloween officially ends on the night of October 31st to November 1st.

Set the festive table

The traditional symbol of Halloween is Joe's pumpkin. But carving a "smiling friend" from a pumpkin is long and inconvenient. Therefore, we recommend arming yourself with a permanent marker and creating several dozen of his friends from ordinary tangerines. We checked that it takes no more than 10 seconds to create one face. And you can buy fruit or even order with delivery directly to the office at the nearest store.

In addition to tangerines, “bloody cupcakes” can be served to the Halloween table. Firstly, it's stylish, secondly, it's delicious, and thirdly, it doesn't take much time to prepare. You can order cupcakes in the same store. And if you add a jar of condensed milk and a bag of food coloring to them and mix them in the right proportion, the blood turns out to be quite impressive.

In autumn, instead of cold cocktails, you want warm tea. And on Halloween, this drink will also decorate the table. If you make tea from lemon, ginger and ordinary basil, you get a very tasty and aromatic drink. By varying the amount of basil in tea, you can achieve not only pink, but also blue and even dark purple color of the drink.

Festive mood without effort

If a decorated office and a festive table are not enough for you, you can arrange a holiday for your employees by ordering a make-up artist. This service will cost from 200 to 500 hryvnia per hour, while, on average, the master will spend from seven to ten minutes on one image.

Do you have an artist in your team? Amazing! You can order face painting online for 80-100 UAH with delivery.

If you do not want to disperse in the evening, arrange contests. You can try to carve the most creative pumpkin head with the joint efforts of the departments. Or, at speed, eat an apple hanging on a rope without touching it with your hands.

What can be found on the Internet

The group of Ukrainian marketplaces EVO showed how you can create a Halloween image from the goods and services presented in the network.

By the way, before leaving home, you can arrange a surprise for colleagues. To do this, just take a pack of eye stickers and “revive” all the equipment in the office. A sea of ​​emotions on Monday morning is guaranteed to you.

And this is how Halloween is celebrated in Ukrainian IT companies

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