International marriages in Serbia. Prohibition of international marriages in the USSR

Dry statistics show that in the mid-90s the proportion of mixed marriages in Moscow was 22%. And already in the mid-2000s, interethnic unions in the capital accounted for 58%. Obviously, the number of marriages over the past decades has increased significantly and continues to grow. At the same time, an interethnic family, as a rule, is twice as likely to be created by Russian women than by Russian men.

There are both critics and supporters of such marriages.

Disadvantages of interracial marriages

Specialists conducting research on marriage unions between different nationalities name several negative aspects of such unions.

1. This culture mismatch, traditions, customs, approaches to education. It is because of these discrepancies that various disagreements often arise, up to conflicts.

Usually, such aspects of life are important as the daily observance of rituals and customs, culinary traditions, as well as religious rites, which are of particular importance not only during various fasts and major religious holidays, but also during the organization and celebration of a wedding, at birth and upbringing. children... That is, at any positively or negatively significant life events.

2. Often interethnic marriage meets misunderstanding and condemnation from others. Not only neighbors, colleagues, friends, unfamiliar, distant relatives can reproach, discuss, gossip and seek insincerity, material gain from one or both representatives of a couple who have decided to officially legitimize romantic relationships.

Quite often, even relatives and relatives, people from whom you most expect support, oppose the union.

3. In some ancient peoples (for example, Armenians, Georgians, Jews), from childhood it is customary to instill a sense of national pride and fear of assimilation, confidence that creating a family is extremely necessary within one's nation.

Moreover, many representatives of such ethnic groups, even at the present time, in the era of globalization, are sure that it is extremely necessary to communicate in everyday life exclusively with their “compatriots”, so as not to lose their originality, bright distinctive national features and not to replace, dilute, not lose in confluence of their customs and traditions.

4. Another disadvantage concerns those who live in different countries. In such a family, at least one partner has to face not only a new mentality and way of life, but also fundamentally other legal basis, healthcare organization. Difficulties in a young family can arise at different stages of life and development, starting from the very beginning.

From an organizational point of view, it is not easy and rather troublesome to move to a permanent place of residence in another country, obtaining a visa, residence permit or citizenship. Often, the language barrier plays an important role in a new place of residence. It's no secret that many wives and husbands of foreigners, "uprooted", miss home, relatives and friends left at home, favorite places and even, no matter how trite, familiar food. Of course, compared to great love, all this is trifles. But life is made up of such grains.

A special point in these relations is the question of children born in interethnic unions. If so, then the real difficulties begin. Often, a spouse who came from another country is less protected before the law, and legal norms place him/her in a tight legislative framework.

When considering which of the parents common children will live with, quite often the wishes of the children or parents are not taken into account, but only the interests of the state. At the same time, if parents begin to fight for their child, accuse each other of improper performance of parental duties and even of child abuse, often, with living parents, babies end up in shelters and even for adoption.

Advantages of interracial marriages

According to psychologists, interethnic marriages teach society tolerance and the ability to treat representatives of different nations with understanding, contribute to the improvement of relations between countries and ethnic groups.

Thanks to such families, more and more are discussed and resolved legal conflicts between states, mutual interest in the culture and history of the social life of another people is growing, social cooperation is being stimulated.

Public opinion

Sociological surveys reveal that 35-40% of Russians do not believe in interethnic marriages, considering them to be less durable than monoethnic ones. From 15 to 20% of respondents are sure that all marriages are the same, regardless of whether the spouse is of the same nationality or different.

And from 30 to 35% of respondents are sure that interethnic marriages are a positive phenomenon, and such a family is more stable than a “homogeneous” one, which is confirmed by the data of numerous sociological studies, polls and population censuses.

Psychologists are sure: it does not matter if it is a one-national union or a multi-national one.

The well-being, harmony and strength of the family depends only on the members of this family: on the ability to forgive and forget insults, on tolerance and patience, openness to new experience and respect, on warmth and fullness of feelings, trust in each other, a serious attitude towards the family and partner, responsibility , mutual affection and love.

People's Artist of the USSR, opera singer of the Bolshoi Theater Tamara Sinyavskaya and the famous Azerbaijani singer, People's Artist of the USSR Muslim Magomaev lived together for 34 years. In 1972 they met each other at the Decade of Russian Art at the Baku Philharmonic. At one of the concerts, the poet Robert Rozhdestvensky called Magomayev and introduced him to a pretty girl. The singer introduced himself: "Muslim ..." And Tamara Sinyavskaya laughed: "The whole Union knows you!"

Their romance was very beautiful, Magomayev courted royally, gave armfuls of roses to Sinyavskaya. The relationship was sublime, the couple called each other for quite a long time.

The singer told AiF:“I was just brought up strictly, and he immediately accepted these rules. Yes, Muslim, he himself was like that. He was categorically against familiarity, no one could ever come up to him and slap him on the shoulder. And if someone allowed himself such stupidity, in response there was immediately such a look that everything in a person became cold inside.

The head of the house was, of course, Muslim. I never claimed to be the leader in the family. I knew who was next to me, I knew it before we even met, I knew who was sent to me by God.
He was a man with self-respect, he always behaved with dignity, not only in public, but also at home. Therefore, there was no talk about who was in charge. Well, how?! A man is a man, how can a woman be next to a man in charge? Moreover, of course, he has a character, do not forget, Muslim is an oriental person, this is a different mentality. You can sometimes growl at Russian men. And with an oriental husband, you need to be thinner, to realize that sometimes it is better to remain silent and respect him, accept his temper. But Muslim also had quick, quick quickness.

The singer is still called "the daughter-in-law of all Azerbaijan." She very often goes to the grave of the singer: “I go to him. On average, I fly to Baku every one and a half to two months.”

Alla Yoshpe and Stakhan Rakhimov

Famous pop singers in the USSR, people's artists of the Russian Federation Alla Yoshpe And Stakhan Rakhimov met at the amateur art competition of Moscow universities in 1960, where they shared first place. Stakhan Rakhimov was the son of the People's Artist of the Uzbek SSR Shahodat Rakhimova who ran away from the wedding to become an artist ...

The joint first prize of Yoshpe and Rakhimov became an occasion for family jokes, they say, the judges decided everything for them. Since then, they no longer parted for a day ... There were also only two on stage, saying to the whole world: “We cannot help but sing together. We cannot live together. It's out of the question." In the USSR, they were rightfully considered an ideal international family.

Alla Yoshpe and Stakhan Rakhimov, 1993. Photo: RIA Novosti / Yuri Somov

Another topic for family jokes was their nationality. Jewish and Uzbek. On this occasion, they told a lot of jokes. Sometimes curiosities were presented by life itself. For example, on a tour in Israel, they were asked: “Probably, you need different security guards, for your wife - Israeli, for your husband - Palestinian.”

But nationality never stood in the way of their family happiness. In the memoirs of Alla Yoshpe there is a dedication that touches to tears: “I dedicate my only book to my friend, my partner, my Uzbek ...” Together they went through illnesses, operations, exile from the USSR, when they were declared enemies of their homeland, then “creative resurrection” and return to the Russian stage... But, despite all the troubles, they remain devoted to each other to this day. To date, the singers have been together for 56 years.

Alla Yoshpe and Stakhan Rakhimov, 2012. Photo: RIA Novosti / Valery Levitin

Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvazov

In February 2014, the singer arrived in Rome as a guest soloist in the lead role in the opera Manon Lescaut, directed by Riccardo Muti. Then she did not even guess that this business trip would turn her life upside down and give her a meeting with fate - the world famous tenor Yusif Eyvazov. But after a couple of months, their engagement took place, and then they got married in Vienna. Now they are raising Anna's son together from a former common-law husband and enjoy each other's company.

Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov

The relationship between the TV presenter and the businessman developed rapidly: they started dating in the fall of 2014, on July 3, 2015 they formalized their relationship, and on December 22 they became the happy parents of their daughter Thea. Ksenia never tires of repeating that she feels incredibly happy and dreams of living with this man for many years. “As a child, there was a game of trust ... You close your eyes and fall, and they catch you. So I’m ready to play with him all my life ... I know that he will catch me, ”she recently wrote on one of the social networks.

The singer met her future husband on vacation in Turkey. As Murat later admitted, Ani conquered him at first sight. Their wedding took place two years after the meeting, and they celebrated it on a grand scale: first in Kyiv, and then in Belek, in the homeland of the groom. Now the couple is raising four-year-old Sophia and is trying to spend every free minute with each other. They are not afraid of sanctions and other troubles, and even their little daughter is learning three languages ​​at the same time: Russian, English and Turkish.

Relations between people is a great art and work. The relationship between people of different nationalities is an art thinner than radiant silk, which is sometimes very difficult to preserve and hold, but only we ourselves build and destroy what life gives us.

Interethnic, international ... mixed marriages. In today's article, I will try to share all the pros and cons of such marriages, to collect all the pros and cons.

Interethnic and interracial marriages have existed since ancient times, the blood, culture and traditions of peoples were mixed. Often, interethnic marriage meets with misunderstanding and condemnation from others, they condemn such unions, believing that in such marriages there is often a loss of national identity, native language and is forgotten own mentality.

Many of our compatriots live outside the country, where their own traditions and culture are not respected to the fullest extent and importance. The growing generation is surrounded by modern Europeans, people of a different religion and culture, school and the media, educate our children according to their own rules. But since ancient times, every nation has valued the purity of the breed and pure lines of origin, which we lose year after year in foreign countries, among strangers.

The number of such marriages is growing every year, both in our country and abroad. Especially among young people, mixed unions are loved, and often this step is not fully realized, when fast and hot blood flows in the veins, all the importance and consequences of such a marriage remain behind the scenes.

This is a very serious step into a new life, and before entering into it, you need to think carefully:

What is waiting for you?

With another nation, another language may follow, a new way of life, incompatibility of cultural subtleties, ethics.

Are you ready for all the changes?

Let's first take a look at the statistics, which, as we know, knows everything, including everything about interethnic marriages. It is noted that among the indigenous peoples of Central Asia and the Caucasus, such marriages are often entered into by men, while women are more cautious about this.

In the North Caucasus in the 19-20 centuries, marriages between representatives of different Caucasian peoples were a common thing, especially if the peoples lived in the neighborhood and most often in the border regions. Circassians and Abaza often entered into marriages with each other, as well as other peoples of the Caucasus, including Ossetians, Ingush.
In the recent past, women of indigenous nationalities practically did not enter into national mixed marriages in the republics of Central Asia, and in recent decades the number of national mixed marriages with their participation has been constantly increasing. In these republics, among women who have entered into interethnic marriages, Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians predominate.

In the Caucasus itself, Slavic women need to stock up on considerable patience, dedication and determination in order to overcome the negative attitude of indigenous Caucasians towards interethnic marriages and be able to adapt to the numerous requirements for the highlander's wife, the concept of which Caucasian girls receive almost from birth.

My Ukrainian friend Evelina has been married to Azerbaijani Arsen for the 4th year. They have a wonderful daughter Leila. And when I ask her a question about how she lives in such a marriage, she answers me "like a friend among strangers and a stranger among her own." General views, interests, upbringing differ significantly from each other. She believes that with a Ukrainian mother-in-law, she would not have to get up at 6 in the morning, keep the house in impeccable cleanliness and order, and receive many guests a day. And she often complains that she is not accepted into the family as a full-fledged member with whom they will respectfully share everything.

My other friend Natasha, Russian by nationality, is married to a Chechen Arbi, they have been together for 9 years, they have two wonderful children. It was not easy for Natasha to get used to the strict rural family of Arbi, she had to learn all the rules of etiquette and she speaks Chechen perfectly, honor the outlandish laws of the mountains, and follow all the rules of mountain etiquette, but Natasha managed to achieve respect and honor in the new family and she feels herself as a very happy woman.

It can be very difficult for spouses from different national and religious cultures to come to a serious spiritual intimacy. After all, even in the marriage of men and women of the same culture, not everything goes right right away. Therefore, intercultural marriage undoubtedly entails complications in the form of additional problems, both at the everyday and at the spiritual level.

A marriage in which different religions are present will impose additional obligations on both spouses. This is due to the fact that sooner or later serious friction and disagreements arise between spouses who do not have a common worldview. It is possible that in order to save the family, one of them will have to give up their beliefs. After all, there are many examples when Russian girls, being Christians, married representatives of Muslim culture. They (girls) consciously changed their faith in favor of their husband and learned to live according to the new laws of his mentality. However, not everyone succeeds in this, and therefore such marriages are usually not durable, because marriage is an attempt to create something strong and lasting from a random episode. This implies the conclusion that one of the main obstacles in concluding an interethnic marriage is not a national, but a religious aspect.

But as ironic as it sounds, the happiest wife is not the one who got the best husband, but the one who did the best she could get.

And here I will not specify whether the husband is of the same nationality or a foreigner, well-being in the family depends on the woman's ability to create comfort, both in the family and outside it.

And do not forget, dear girls, when getting married, a girl changes the attention of many men to the inattention of one, no matter what nationality he is.

Starting a family is one of the most important moments in a person's life. Everyone wants to create a healthy and strong unit of society. As a rule, men and women prefer to marry someone from their own country, of the same nationality and religion. The commonality of culture, language, traditions and the closeness of relatives facilitate the process of mutual understanding. However, in today's world without borders, interethnic marriages are becoming more and more common.

Causes of interethnic marriages

Many have friends from other countries, the world wide web has erased all possible boundaries. And love is such a thing from which no one is immune. Today you can meet a foreigner or a foreigner without leaving your home. Need:

  • device with access to the network;
  • account on a dating site, in a social network;
  • wish.

In addition to the "sensual" causes of interethnic marriages, there are:

  1. Economic. As a result of globalization processes, the number of travelers is growing, and with it the percentage of interethnic marriages. According to UN statistics, about half (49.6%) of the 200 million international migrants in 2005 were women. International marriage is an opportunity for a secure life for them.
  2. Psychological. Experts say that there are interethnic marriages, the causes of which are initially associated with family relationships. Children go against their parents. An example - the father constantly repeats "oh, these Americans, everything is not humane with them" and the like. At the girl's subconscious level, a countermeasure mechanism is born. It is likely that she will grow up and marry an American in order to prove his father wrong.
  3. Social. A man from an economically underdeveloped country, but who has achieved a high social status, marries a woman from a developed country, but who has not reached a high social status. Or vice versa. Thus, they equalize their positions.
  4. Political. Strategic marriages of kings, heads of state.

Interethnic marriages - psychology

The psychological features of interethnic marriages differ from those inherent in mono-ethnic families. A number of factors affect the psychological climate in such a family:

  • traditions;
  • mentality;
  • religion;
  • language;
  • distance from relatives.

Psychologists believe that in an interethnic marriage it is important to decide to what extent each of the spouses is ready to join the new culture. They distinguish four types of integration, the second and third are the most successful for harmonious:

  • planting one's own culture and completely ignoring the traditions of the spouse;
  • rejection of one's culture, full integration into a new one;
  • partial integration, acceptance of specific cultural aspects;
  • rejection of both one's own and the culture of one's spouse.

Interracial marriages - genetics

Children from interracial marriages are less affected. For example, the gene responsible for the hereditary disease "sickle cell anemia" is a recessive gene (suppressed by the dominant one) in Africans. If an African woman gives birth to a European, then their child will not have this disease. The same applies to other hereditary defects. Diseases from interracial marriages are "dying out." Scientists believe that interracial marriages are a good option for strong offspring.

Another thing is appearance. Not always the mixing of races leads to an excellent result. However, some of the most beautiful people appear in mixed marriages. Known descendants of interracial marriages are examples of this:

  1. Canadian singer Shania Twain was born from the union of a Canadian and an Indian native.
  2. Beyoncé, father of African descent, mother - Creole (there were French, Indians and African Americans in her family).
  3. Mariah Carey, Irish mother, Afro-Venezuelan father.

Interethnic marriages - orthodoxy

The Orthodox Church has a negative attitude towards interethnic marriages. They are a threat to the Orthodox faith. Often inter-ethnic marriages are inter-religious marriages. Back in the 7th century, at the next Council in Constantinople, the attitude of the Orthodox Church to this issue was voiced. Interreligious marriages were forbidden. Modern clergy have not changed this point of view. In their opinion, interethnic marriage eradicates Orthodoxy. It is difficult for a woman who marries a man of a different religion to instill the Orthodox faith in her children.

Interethnic marriages in modern society are a common phenomenon. Mixed marriage has its pros and cons. Marriage to a person from another country has a number of advantages:

  • immersion in other traditions, expansion of cultural boundaries;
  • destruction of racial and ethnic;
  • the opportunity to learn a foreign language in a natural environment;
  • such marriages teach tolerance and understanding, which makes them more durable;
  • It has been proven that children born from representatives of different nationalities (races, nations) are healthier and more talented.

Along with these advantages, there are problems of interethnic marriages:

  • change of "mental" and legal space;
  • separation from relatives;
  • often parents of both husband and wife oppose such marriages due to conservative views;
  • the loss of the traditions of one's country and the obligation to follow new traditions;
  • communication difficulties;
  • disputes regarding the upbringing of children;
  • inability to take the child out of the country in the event of a divorce.

Films about interracial marriages

Film directors love the theme of "non-format" relationships. A film about interracial marriage is both a drama and sometimes a comedy. Vivid pictures that reflected interethnic marriage:

  1. "Loving" American director Jeff Nichols. The tragic fate of Richard and Mildred Loving, who were sentenced to prison for interracial marriage.
  2. Sayonara- American melodrama by Joshua Logan, released in 1957. An American military man who condemns interethnic marriages falls in love with a Japanese dancer.
  3. "Crazy Wedding"- a sparkling French comedy from Philippe de Chauvron about the peculiarities of interracial and intercultural interaction within the family.

Celebrity Interracial Marriages

Celebrities are also people, and they are also influenced by the processes of globalization. And love. The most famous interethnic marriages: