How to prepare for Christmas in America. Traditions of celebrating Christmas in the USA. We celebrate like everyone else, but in our own way

A kaleidoscope of New Year and Christmas traditions from different countries can be viewed for hours. Of course, it is best to compile it on your own experience, but while each of us has a collection of such observations, the Just There portal invites you to see the colorful world of traditions of other countries through the eyes of those who represent them.

With questions about the New Year holidays and Christmas secrets, we turned to Alexe Landrum, a girl who studied for several years in Vladivostok and then returned to her native Texas.

Alexa, hello! We wish you a Merry Christmas and, at the same time, a Happy New Year! How is Christmas and New Year traditionally celebrated in your country and state?

In the US, Christmas is much more important than the New Year, because for many it is, first of all, a religious holiday that symbolizes the birth of Christ. Christmas is celebrated on December 25th. On the eve of this day, on Christmas Eve, theatrical performances showing the birth of Jesus are held in all churches. Also on this day, people get together, sing carols and arrange Christmas readings. Santa Claus and gifts are just an amazing added bonus to the celebration of Christmas, the main essence of the holiday for the people of the USA is, of course, not in this.

Christmas is considered a family holiday, so on the eve of Christmas everyone usually goes somewhere to spend time with our relatives and friends. On December 25, we gather with the whole family in order to exchange gifts and have dinner.

Each family has its own traditions, many of which have been passed down from generation to generation. So, how we celebrate Christmas can be very different from how other families celebrate this holiday.

The Christmas tree, for example, is decorated by most people I know, including my family, at the very beginning of December.

What does the menu of the festive table consist of, what dishes should be required? What is usually cooked in your family on this day?

My family usually cooks turkey, ham, salad, sauce or gravy, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, corn casserole, cranberry sauce, lettuce, and mac and cheese for Christmas. A holiday is not complete without desserts: pumpkin, cherry and walnut pies, fudge and cookies - this is what we usually treat ourselves to at Christmas.

My family is quite large, about 30 people, and December 25 is held at my great-grandfather's house.

This year, for Christmas, we decided to cook not only traditional dishes for this holiday, but also dishes such as lasagna, spaghetti, meatballs and garlic bread.

Have you ever celebrated New Year in Russia? Did you like it?

Yes, of course, I celebrated the New Year in Russia! I can say that this celebration was very different from how they celebrate the New Year in America. In Russia I spent the night with my Russian friends and with my family. That was great! We ate Olivier salad and sardines on bread and butter. In Texas, we never even tried that. And also, Santa Claus came to us, he gave us gifts. It was an amazing night. Celebrating the New Year in Russia is one of the things I miss in the States right now.

What is usually served for breakfast in an American family?

During the holidays, breakfast on our table is completely different. My father is very fond of waking up early and preparing morning meals for the whole family. As a rule, he prepares breakfast, which consists of an omelet, cheese and bacon wrapped in a tortilla - Tex-Mex. Many Texans and other Americans like to add hot sauce or salsa to their tortillas, whichever they prefer. On other holidays, pancakes, oatmeal or oatmeal are usually on the table.

Reference: "Tex-Mex", Tex-Mex cuisine, also Techno - a local variety of American cuisine in the Southwestern United States of America, in which food products available in the United States are combined with Mexican culinary traditions.

As for national dishes, what do you think is a must-try when visiting America for the first time? What to bring as a gift? Where to visit?

If you are planning to visit America for the first time, then barbecue is something you should definitely try! Each state has its own, special taste of barbecue.
If you want to bring something as a gift to your American friends, then you should know that we love chocolate, alcohol, as well as your traditional souvenirs: nesting dolls, amber and Khokhloma.

In the USA, indeed, there is something to see. I know that many Russians dream of visiting New York and California, but there are actually many more wonderful places in America! New York and California are just a small part of the USA. I would advise all tourists to rent a car and drive through those places in America that are not so often talked about. Look at our villages, national and state parks. I know I'm talking about this emotionally because I live in Texas and I love my state, my country very much. Dallas also has some great museums, including the Kennedy Museum.

I like traveling very much. One of the secrets I learned during my travels was the secret to properly packing bags. Many airlines require you to pay for excess baggage if the passenger has a bag that is too large. I want to tell you that in America, as in Russia, there are pharmacies and grocery stores on almost every corner, which means that many items can be bought right there, upon arrival. I used to take too many pairs of trousers, skirts, sweaters with me. Now I take with me as few clothes as possible and I always buy myself a couple of things in the place where I came to visit.

I think that for me all these clothes are great souvenirs, because every time I wear something from what I bought in another country, I mentally return to the place where I felt so good.

I hope that if you want to celebrate the winter holidays in America, then now you are definitely fully equipped. Happy New Year!

Here it comes, the long-awaited Christmas! Stores are counting profits - more goods are sold in November-December than in all the remaining months!

An hour-long shopping marathon is over. Gifts for distant relatives have already been sent out, and for home ones they have been laid out in nominal socks, three hundred and seventy postcards have been signed - not a single relative or more or less familiar has been left without attention.

Prepared for a week of food (although cookies, no matter how many baked them, always end on the second day), destroyed tons of Christmas catalogs that began to arrive in the mail back in October.

The fluffy Christmas tree brightly sparkles with toys and drops needles, it is impossible to fall asleep because of the thousands of round-the-clock burning light bulbs hung around the house and around it.

All these are omens or, one might say, the attributes of modern American Christmas that have become routine. But has it always been like this? Let's turn to the history of this, probably the most colorful and important holiday for Americans.


Initially, Christmas is a religious holiday.

Celebrating Christmas on December 25 began in the fourth century, presumably in 336. The Catholic Church needed a holiday that would overshadow rival pagan rituals that also threatened the Christian existence.

Despite the fact that the celebration of a person’s birthday in those distant times was considered unpopular and even indecent, the leaders of the church decided that since they were competing with the pagans, it would be quite appropriate to create such a holiday. Although Jesus was most likely born in spring or autumn, Catholics decided to declare Christ's birthday on December 25th, since the pagan Romans celebrated one of their main holidays - the birthday of the sun god - in December.

The word Christmas (Christmas) was formed from the words Cristes Maesse or Christ's Mass (Christian Mass).

In America, Christmas took root very slowly. In Colonial Massachusetts, the celebration was even forbidden. Puritans in America at one time tried to make Thanksgiving the most important holiday instead of Christmas.

Christmas Traditions in the USA

The religious celebration begins on the night of the twenty-fourth to twenty-fifth of December with a midnight mass. Next - a noisy feast, a birthday after all.

But this is just a diagram. Don't forget that America is a multinational country, so often how someone celebrates Christmas depends on where their grandparents were from.

For example, many Americans whose ancestors moved to America from Poland still keep their traditions. Before Christmas, they spread hay on the floor and under the tablecloth. This should remind them of the inn, stable and manger where Jesus was born. And no meat until the first star ("So after all, fasting, mother ...").

In the evening, as soon as the first star rises, the traditional Polish feast begins. Beet soup, a variety of fish, cabbage, mushrooms and "sweet meat" (not real meat, but sweets made from honey and poppy seeds) are traditional dishes for such a holiday.

Americans with Hungarian roots place great emphasis on church service and singing on Christmas Eve and Afternoon. Perhaps more than any other American, no matter where their ancestors come from. In the evening, they gather in their yards around decorated Christmas trees and wait for the first star to appear. After that, richly seasoned food is prepared: rolls with walnuts and poppy seeds, dumplings with honey and poppy seeds, cumin, sesame and anise biscuits.

In the south of the United States, Christmas is celebrated especially noisily: with fireworks and fireworks. Early settlers congratulated their neighbors in this way. It was also believed that evil spirits were expelled in this way.

A completely different tradition in cold Alaska. On Christmas night, groups of boys and girls with lanterns in their hands carry a large cardboard star decorated with pieces of colored paper from house to house. Children sing cheerful songs, and residents offer them refreshing drinks (and not at all what you thought - these are children, after all) and a snack. The next day, the children dress up as King Herod's retinue and try to kill the baby Jesus.

In New Mexico, the so-called Navajo nomadic peoples have a Big Meal Day during Kismus, a holiday given by friends of the Indians. Meat, beans, potatoes and onions are boiled in a large cauldron over a fire. Coffee with buns, donuts and bread complete the menu. In other parts of New Mexico, the streets and flat roofs of houses are lavishly illuminated with lights - candles in sand-filled paper bags. This is to light the way for the newborn Christ.

In 1924, the first national Christmas tree was grown in Washington. It is said that Martin Luther himself decorated the Christmas tree with burning candles for the first time. Since then, the President of the United States has solemnly lit the lights on this Christmas tree every year (remember the good old "One, two, three - burn the Christmas tree!").

Once upon a time, Christmas was celebrated for twelve days - exactly so many days passed from the birth of Christ to baptism. In colonial America, it was customary to have parties and weddings at this time. It is interesting that at that time almost no attention was paid to the meeting of the New Year. Now the "Christmas season" begins right after Halloween and ends with a family dinner on December 25th and distribution of gifts. The week after Christmas has lost its significance as the most cheerful and joyful week of the year - for most Americans it is only one or two days off.

At present, the original meaning of Christmas is almost lost. This holiday has become another reason to get together with the whole family, to make nice gifts for each other, to say nice words. At Christmas in America, everyone becomes a little kinder and more attentive to each other.

Holiday preparations have become a real industry. Very profitable, by the way. Almost everyone decorates their house or apartment for Christmas.

Most often, these are wreaths of spruce branches entwined with red and gold ribbons on the door and multi-colored light bulbs on the windows. The owners of houses arrange entire exhibitions in front of their homes of figures of the Magi, angels, the Virgin Mary with a baby, or Santa Claus and his helpers.

Already in a month and a half you will see Christmas and New Year decorations in shop windows. It's like a competition - whose house, office or shop window is decorated more magnificently and will attract more curious looks.

If you get to America at this time, you will feel that everyone is in the holiday fever: children make a list of gifts, parents scurry around the shops in search of (gifts), excitedly discuss Christmas plans and holiday menus. Beef, goose, ham and turkey are especially popular on the festive table, and from drinks - whiskey, brandy, rum punch.

Indulge yourself in this mood - slowly walk the streets, occasionally stopping by the shops you like, sit in a cafe or restaurant, go to the theater and do not forget to buy gifts for your family and friends.

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Christmas in the USA, as in Western Europe, is celebrated annually on December 25. This holiday is eagerly awaited by children and adults. This is not surprising, because the atmosphere of the holiday is present in everything - decorated streets and houses, waiting for Santa Claus and gifts, an abundance of delicious holiday dishes. All this creates an atmosphere of magic and expectation of something exciting. Even people who are not Christians, or consider themselves non-religious, celebrate this holiday with pleasure.

The tradition of gift-giving at Christmas has become so popular that most stores fill their warehouses long before the holiday starts. Advertisements for Christmas gifts filled the airwaves of most television and radio channels, as well as Internet sites. This trend is very outrageous believers. They believe that everyone has forgotten about the religious meaning of Christmas and the holiday has become purely commercial. Despite such criticism, Christmas shopping is one of the top activities for many Americans in December each year. Gifts are given to children, family members, close friends, employees, as well as people who once rendered you a favor.

In addition to gifts, many Americans bake cookies, pies and other spices, which they distribute to their friends and neighbors on the eve of the holiday. Many companies give their employees a Christmas bonus in the form of an additional bonus or some kind of family vacation.

On Christmas Eve, many Americans show generosity to people in need. They send money to hospitals, orphanages, or just give it to beggars on the street. Despite the fact that social networks and email have taken the main niche of messaging in our time, many Americans still send Christmas cards to each other at Christmas.

Due to the fact that the United States is a multinational country, there are various traditions for celebrating Christmas. Many of them came to the US from the UK, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and Mexico.

What do Americans eat for Christmas?

Traditional American Christmas dishes are turkey or ham with cranberry sauce. Serving just such treats at the Christmas table is also inherent in the inhabitants of Western Europe. Families who immigrated to the United States from Eastern Europe cook stuffed turkey, Polish sausages (kielbasa), cabbage dishes and various soups. Most Italian expats prefer lasagna.

Tamale is a traditional Christmas dish in the southwestern United States. This is a corn tortilla wrapped in corn leaves with meat, cheese, vegetable or fruit filling. The tamale is steamed and the corn leaves are peeled before eating.

Home decoration

Americans love to decorate their homes for Christmas. There are unspoken competitions among the neighbors: "Who has the best decorated house?" Rooftops, smokers, windows, and even doghouses are festooned with hundreds of colorful light bulbs. At the entrance to the house there are decorated Christmas trees, statues of Santa Claus, deer, gnomes, as well as large snowmen. It is customary to hang wreaths with the inscription "Merry Christmas" on the door. Often, Americans use popcorn to create a Christmas wreath.

On Christmas Eve, the streets of both small towns and huge metropolitan areas are also decorated with lights. The most famous Christmas lights in the United States are lit in New York's Rockefeller Center square. There is also a huge Christmas tree, near which a free skating rink operates around the clock. Thousands of people come to the main Christmas square to plunge into the festive atmosphere and get in the Christmas mood.

celebration Christmas in the South-West USA different from traditional American customs and more like celebrating Christmas in northern Mexico. These traditions include elements of the ancient Spanish holidays "Luminarias" or "Farolitos". Candles are inserted into paper bags filled with sand and placed along the roads, imitating the illuminated path of Mary and Joseph.

Do you know what is the most important difference between us (Russian speakers) and Americans? And the fact that they have a Christmas tree, and we have a New Year's tree? Of course, this is a joke (about the main difference), but in general there is some truth in this. Christmas in America, as well as in Western Europe, is celebrated annually on December 25th. This holiday is eagerly awaited by both adults and children. And this is not at all surprising, because its atmosphere is present in everything: decorated streets and houses, waiting for Santa and gifts, an abundance of goodies on the festive table. All residents are preparing very strongly for Christmas, Christmas songs are sung around and gifts are bought. During this period, the largest amount of money, toys, food and other things are donated.

Christmas in the USA is a family holiday and gifts are given for Christmas, and not for New Year. Moreover, gifts are opened in the morning after waking up. They treat the new year very calmly - basically it is a holiday for the younger generation with noisy parties. The entire festive table is prepared only for Christmas. There are no signs "as you meet the new year, so you will spend it." And there is no New Year's address of the president in the USA either? When the clock strikes 12 times, the main square of the city is shown live on TV and people watch how a crystal ball or a star descends through the building in time with the chimes.
Christmas trees are more preferred live, but artificial ones are also popular. Live Christmas trees are really very fluffy and beautiful (as if they were specially grown perfectly even).

Rains and tinsel are not hung on the Christmas tree. The priority is toys and lights. A star or an angel is placed on top of the Christmas tree. Christmas trees begin to be installed from the end of November, and already on December 26-27 you can see green beauties thrown into the trash. So for "ours" in America, this is very successful - you can buy a Christmas tree and toys at good discounts? Also, Americans are very fond of decorating their homes for any festive occasion. During the Christmas holidays, these are wreaths on the doors, an abundance of lights around the perimeter of the house and all kinds of figures installed in front of the house (most often these are inflatable snowmen, deer, Santa).
Ugly sweaters are one of the symbols of Christmas in the States. Kits for them are sold in many supermarkets for about $30. They include a sweater - two designs to choose from and embellishments with glue. Do bars or offices have competitions for the worst sweater?

Traditional dishes of the Christmas table are turkey or ham with cranberry sauce (they love this business both on Thanksgiving and Christmas). Before the start of dinner, it is customary to read prayers. In addition to the family holiday in the United States, there is a corporate culture of celebrating Christmas. Corporate parties are held from mid-December.
And of course Secret Santa is one of the most common traditions in America. Usually secret Santa is played by friends or at work, but recently social networks have also been connected - uniting not only different cities, but also other countries and continents. The essence of this game is as follows: the amount of a gift is negotiated, for example $ 20, and people write their names on pieces of paper and dump them into a container. Then they alternately draw each other's names (without admitting who fell to whom) and give gifts.

Americans are the nation that gives and receives the most gifts at Christmas. In addition to gifts, many Americans bake livers, pies and other spices, which are distributed to neighbors and friends on the eve of the holiday.
And in small American towns there is a glorious tradition. There it is customary to visit each other and sing old Christmas songs. Children dressed in angel costumes sing Christmas carols and praise God.
And of course, everyone says Merry Christmas to each other?

Christmas in the USA is celebrated on December 25th. Americans celebrate it with family and close relatives. Representatives of all nationalities and religions are looking forward to the coming of this holiday.

The most popular place to celebrate Christmas in the USA is New York. On the Rockefeller Center Square at the beginning of winter (December 3-7), a grandiose lighting of the main Christmas tree takes place. About a million people are going to watch this show. For those who could not attend the solemn event, they broadcast live. A free outdoor skating rink is being poured on the square. Large-scale Christmas markets open in New York's Bryant Park. Visitors will be delighted and surprised by the variety of gifts, toys, and handmade souvenirs. At the fair, you can enjoy hot cocoa, mulled wine and sweets.

Traditions and rituals

The USA is a country of immigrants. The traditions of celebrating Christmas combine the culture of different countries: England, France, Germany, Mexico, Italy. Local tribes brought their own flavor to the customs.

On Christmas Eve (December 24), American believers attend services in Catholic churches. Many residents of the country make charitable contributions on this day. Housewives bake pies, cookies and distribute them to friends and neighbors.

A common tradition for residents of all parts of America is the celebration of Christmas with the family in the parental home.

In small towns, there is a tradition to organize theatrical performances on biblical subjects on the main squares on a holiday. Children's choirs sing Christmas carols.

Christmas decorations

The Christmas atmosphere reigns in the USA from the end of autumn. Residents of private houses begin an unspoken competition: whose house is the most brightly and magnificently decorated. They hang facades, trees and shrubs with bright electric garlands. Luminous figures of Santa Clauses, deer, snowmen are installed in the yards. A Christmas wreath is hung on the front door, which is often made independently from coniferous branches and decorated with ribbons, cones, and berries. A Christmas tree is set up in the living room, which is decorated with balls, figurines of angels, sweets and fruits. Children hang stockings for gifts by the fireplace. It is an ancient tradition to decorate houses with mistletoe. Americans believe that evergreen branches will protect the house from evil spirits.

Cities are lit up with holiday lights. Shop windows, cafes, restaurants are decorated with Christmas decorations. In shopping centers, you can see the residences of Santa Claus, where children communicate with their favorite characters and receive gifts from them.

Festive table

The main traditional dish on the American Christmas table is stuffed baked turkey. Sometimes it is replaced with baked beef in cranberry sauce. The festive menu includes stewed cabbage with beans, baked fish, homemade sausages, potato pie with peas and prunes. In some areas of the United States, housewives bake Christmas bread. In the southwestern states, tamale is a dish that is a corn tortilla wrapped in corn leaves with meat, cheese and vegetables.

For dessert, apple and cherry strudel, chocolate puddings and mousses, gingerbread cookies are served. Favorite alcoholic drink at Christmas dinner is wine.


Americans usually choose expensive and practical gifts, which must be accompanied by a purchase receipt so that the owner of the item can return it to the store. In the last decade, money certificates have come into fashion.

Santa Claus brings gifts for children at Christmas. This character rides a reindeer sleigh, sneaks into houses through chimneys, and leaves surprises under trees, in socks or boots.

history of the holiday

The traditions of celebrating Catholic Christmas among Americans began to take root in the 19th century. Until the 18th century, the inhabitants of the New World were forbidden to celebrate this celebration, since most of the colonists were Puritans, Protestants and Baptists.

The first National Christmas tree was erected in 1891 in front of the White House. In 1895, the US government recognized Christmas as a national holiday. December 25 became an official day off and the main holiday for Americans.

Cities and resorts

In winter, tourists are attracted by exotic resorts. The state of Florida will satisfy the tastes of spoiled travelers. The east coast is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, whose high waves create ideal conditions for surfers. For children and their parents, it will be of interest to visit theme parks: Disney World, Kennedy Space Center, Daytona International Speedway, Cyprus Gardens and Universal Studios.

The Hawaiian archipelago is located in the Pacific Ocean, which attracts US residents and foreign tourists year-round. The islands amaze with fantastic nature: tall palm trees, tropical flowers, wide sandy beaches. Big Island offers a visit to the Hawaiian Volcanoes National Park. Maui is rich in diving centers. Coral colonies grow in coastal waters, which are the habitat of exotic fish and sea turtles. The beaches of Pine Tree, Banyans, Honolia are attractive for surfers.

Fans of large-scale festivities and vivid impressions should go to New York. At the beginning of winter, the city turns into a scenery for a Christmas fairy tale. The Italian district of Brooklyn - Dyker Heights - has become popular among city residents and tourists due to its lush illumination. The local rich spend tens of thousands of dollars decorating their old mansions. Some owners have fun dressing up as Santa Clauses and handing out gifts and souvenirs to passers-by. Walking through the Christmas area will be remembered for a lifetime.

Winter Philadelphia is famous for the Christmas Village fair. It is a hamlet of 19th century trading houses. The atmosphere of celebration and magic reigns at the fair: Christmas melodies are played, Santa Clauses are walking around in disguise. You can buy everything from local merchants: from handmade national souvenirs to luxurious jewelry. Visitors to the fair will not be able to resist the aroma of festive delicacies: gingerbread, waffles, sausages, chocolate and caramel.