How to wean a husband to drink alcohol: saving the family. How to wean a husband to drink: the most effective folk recipes and psychological methods

When a person who is close and dear to you gets addicted to alcohol, this is a very sad situation. This happens with any other addiction, but still it is alcohol that is the most common such phenomenon. At least among men. Of course, among women too, but now we will talk about the representatives of the stronger sex, and more precisely, about husbands who lean on alcoholic beverages. If loners who have no one harm only themselves, then in this case the harm is much more significant and extends to several people at once.

And therefore, one cannot remain aloof from this, it is necessary to take some measures that will allow at least partially to overcome the situation, will allow you to gradually wean yourself from alcohol, to fight against alcohol addiction. But what measures can these be in principle? What can be the most effective in this case? Let's try to understand this in more detail. At least one of the methods will work, and then the chances of well-being and balance in the family will increase significantly. But for this you need to first try hard. So, how to wean a husband to drink?

Basic measures

To begin with, in order to understand how to help a husband stop drinking, get rid of his addiction, and also get rid of the consequences, it is necessary to develop the right attitude towards the problem that has arisen in order to positively influence its resolution, but at the same time not aggravate the problem, not make it worse. To do this, you need to remember that in no case should you scold your husband for drinking alcohol, otherwise a reaction from the opposite may begin when he will lean on alcohol just to annoy you. It’s better to show your disapproval with all your looks, to hint how unpleasant it is for you. It is also worth convincing your husband's friends to help a little with this. No matter how strong male solidarity is, they still also worry about his health if he overdoes it with alcohol, and therefore they can help by publicly showing that they are not exactly glad that their friend is doing this. Thus, you can save a person from drunkenness, fight against his addiction.

Also, you can’t drink alcohol in the presence of your husband, even in minimal quantities, and when he starts talking about alcoholic beverages, you can’t let him develop this topic, you immediately need to translate the conversation into some other direction. Otherwise, he cannot be convinced of the perniciousness of his actions, not driven away from them.


Another way to help your husband stop drinking is to get rid of his addiction. There are some drugs that can make a person averse to alcohol because they interact with ethyl alcohol and cause very unpleasant sensations when trying to drink this or that alcoholic drink. But such remedies, with their effectiveness, have certain contraindications and individual intolerance, therefore it is necessary not just to add or pour them into food, but it is necessary to consult a doctor first. We deliberately do not give the names of the drugs, because only a doctor can tell which one is acceptable to use in your particular case.

Folk remedies

It is safer to start therapy with a number of folk remedies, some of them are quite simple, and they can effectively fight against his drunkenness and alcohol addiction. It can be dung beetle (do not confuse it with other mushrooms), hoof tincture or brewed centaury herb. If you live outside the city, you can collect birch firewood, fill it with sugar and set it on fire. Substances contained in the smoke cause a strong aversion to alcohol, and therefore can save him from drunkenness, from dependence on alcohol.


The method, which for some reason is rarely resorted to in our country, trying to get the husband to stop drinking - but it is one of the most effective. After all, it is necessary to act in such situations, influencing psychology, trying to change a person from the inside. And sessions with an experienced specialist allow you to reach this point, which will allow you to figure out what provokes such protracted alcoholism, help you realize the harmful effects of such things, better understand family relationships, and so on. After a few sessions, the relationship with the husband and the husband’s relationship with alcohol will begin to gradually return to normal, and if everything goes well, the problem will be gradually resolved, the husband will be able to be convinced, persuaded to get rid of alcohol addiction, a normal climate, so to speak, will reign in the family again. Drinking will stop, alcohol will fade into the background.


As we can see, weaning a husband from alcohol can be carried out by fundamentally different methods, but sometimes even these methods, no matter how effective they may be, simply do not work. What to do in such a situation? Is it worth it to just be patient? Is not a fact. Many people think that it is imperative to stay with a person, no matter what he does, but this is a rather erroneous logic. After all, if a person does not respect you by continuing to lean on alcoholic beverages, why should you ruin your life and stay with him? This is not the same person you were previously in love with, this is just an alcoholic who cannot overcome his addiction for you, continues to drink, does not get rid of drunkenness. And you suffer for it, suffer and break your life. And we have to fight it, and fight it with all our might.

Of course, situations are different, sometimes it will really be better to help a person, sometimes he really cannot cope with his addiction. Then you need to resort to as many rational measures as possible. But if a person does not even want to try, but simply goes with the flow, then the question arises - why, in fact, cling to him? Try to think - what is more important for you, to experience the pleasure of life, or to regularly ruin your nerves because of a person who, as it turns out, doesn’t really love you?

Gambling as a disease has been known for a long time. But with each new round of time, it finds new objects for its distribution. Before Russia had time to get rid of casinos and other gambling establishments, gambling migrated to the network. Today, every third woman asks the question - how to wean her husband from computer games?

All men subconsciously dream of defeating someone. And it doesn't matter if it's an obvious opponent or a virtual one. Rivalry and excitement are present in the blood of every man.

It's just that some prefer to realize these needs in a career, in a hobby (for example, in sports competitions), while others fight with a virtual opponent. Sometimes this occupation is so captivating that an exemplary husband becomes a hostage of computer games. How to wean a husband to play tanks? Just take away his computer? So you will become a clear enemy, not a virtual one. A more subtle approach is needed here.

First steps

If your husband constantly plays the computer, you will need restraint and a cold mind. No tantrums or threats. It is necessary to assess the harm from his pastime in front of a computer monitor, whether his career or family suffers. Perhaps this is how he splashes out all the negativity that has accumulated over the whole day at work. If the family suffers from a lack of attention, if he, just after coming home from work, without having time to undress, is in a hurry to play, this is already a problem.

One can definitely judge that this is not a favorite pastime, but a real addiction that needs to be fought. But, unfortunately, few men are aware of this and therefore do not refuse to play online games. No wonder gambling is now equated with alcoholism.

How to wean a husband from playing computer games? It is necessary to find out the reason for his presence in the virtual world. Perhaps he just lacks communication. Or at home such an environment was created in which he felt unnecessary. If so, it is in your power to overcome his addiction. Just become a loving, caring wife, ask how his day went, how things are at work. Let the children surround him with warmth and love. In the end, attach him to household chores. Let him feel that he is needed.

What to do?

What should I do to wean my husband off tanks? You should not hysteria, scandal, delete games on your computer, blackmail your family. This will only aggravate the situation, since few people want to return to reality with problems and negativity. It is important that the husband pays attention to the family.

Perhaps, with the help of playing at the computer, he sublimates his real problems. And in the fictional world, he feels like a real superman who can overcome any obstacles and defeat the enemy.

This indicates that the man does not feel comfortable in his home. This is often observed in those couples who live on the territory of the spouse, and she does not disdain to constantly reproach and remember her husband that this is her apartment, and he is nobody here.

Of course, if he does not have any rights in the house, he will compensate for this by any means available. Someone begins to drink slowly, someone is in no hurry to go home after work, preferring to relax with friends or girlfriends. And someone plunges into the virtual computer world.


If your spouse is just bored, he doesn’t know what to do with his free time, come up with housework for him, ask him to fix the tap or help with dinner. Be sure to praise and thank for the work done.

An excellent solution to the problem would be repair. This is where you can definitely feel needed and irreplaceable. Let him take care of all the hassle of choosing building materials, decorating the room. This will help you relax and feel important.

Joint leisure

A good way to distract your spouse is to spend time together. Buy tickets to the theatre, to a match of your favorite team or to a concert of your favorite artist. Let the emotions and impressions from what you see or hear exceed the sensations from the game.

Make it a family tradition to spend every weekend together, no matter where - outside the city, in nature, on a fishing trip or on a camping trip. Such leisure is a great way to escape from pressing problems and unite the family. Don't let it get bored. Shift some of the household chores and fuss with the children on his shoulders.


A serious conversation can help too. But don't talk to him in a raised voice. The tone must be calm. State your thoughts and concerns clearly and concisely. Do not itch over the ear when he plays, anyway, he will not take the word seriously, because he is passionate about the game. And your hum will only annoy. The conversation rules might be something like this:

  • talk when the computer and TV are turned off;
  • start a conversation after you feed your spouse;
  • do not plan a conversation for the night, he should have time to think, and not go to bed offended;
  • don't blackmail with dinner/children/sex;
  • do not threaten;
  • don't throw tantrums.

If the previous ways to wean your husband from the computer were ineffective, try a radical option - become his opponent in the game. Only here you have to work hard. After all, you need not just learn the rules and learn how to play. It's important to be smart. Talk constantly only about the game, that you have passed a new level, earned so many points, bought new ammunition, etc. Let him get tired of listening to the same thing.

And play from morning to night. Let him go without supper for a few days. After all, you have a weighty excuse - you played. And if the spouse wants to eat, let him cook dinner for the whole family, because the children are also hungry (here it is recommended to talk with the children in advance so that they are ready for such leisure time for their mother or send them to their grandmother for a few days).

Even better if you only have one computer at home. The husband comes home from work, and you are already playing, not giving up your place. And for a good reason - reaching a new level in the game. So the faithful will be able to see that addiction negatively affects married life, deprives not only conversations and full sex, but also elementary household chores. A nuance is very important here - you need to correctly calculate your strength so as not to get hooked on the game yourself.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

So, while the love between you has not faded to the end, take another leap - help your husband part with the bottle. Of course, weigh the pros and cons, and at the same time your strengths, especially moral ones, because you will have to go through resistance. Alcohol is like your rival, giving your husband more pleasure than you. And this is a challenge that you can only accept once.

Step one

We are conducting an investigation, the purpose of which is to find out the true cause. If he had a family of alcohol abusers, then first find out if they were alcoholics or drunkards. If the second option, then it’s still worth fighting to wean your husband from drinking. Therefore, remember when your husband started drinking in such a way that it caused negative feelings in you, after what events it was. Try to somehow peacefully talk with him, and find out why he drinks, what he lacks in your relationship.

step two

Go to a psychologist, tell him everything you learned. Perhaps you can work together to find a good way to solve this problem of alcohol abuse. It's always good to start with yourself, dig into yourself, look for what you did wrong and how you can change it.

But the main task of your meeting with a psychologist is to find motivation for your husband so that he agrees to come to him with you. At the same time, you must be ready for any result. Set yourself up for the fact that even a negative result is also a result. Less tragedy.

Step Three

Try to try on your own or in the company of a psychologist to find out if your husband belongs to drunkards, or if it has already turned into a disease. Symptoms of all stages of alcoholism you can find in the medical directory. You don't need to convey what you've learned to your husband. Do not rush, otherwise you will cause a backlash - he will actively resist.

Step Four

Go with your husband to a psychologist, but motivate this not by his addiction to alcohol, but by your personal problems. Specifically, ask him for help and support in a joint trip to a psychologist, because you are experiencing depression or some kind of difficulty. In a word, do not rush with facts, since your husband will rather willingly help you than go "coded".

Step five

Working with a psychologist should be accompanied by medication. And here it would be better to even choose not a psychologist, but a psychotherapist who has the right to prescribe medication, and at the same time conducts all the same sessions of psychoanalysis.

step seven

It's the most important. You will greatly raise your status in the eyes of your husband, and make him want to go for feats for you if you fulfill some of his old dreams. The goal is to replace the pleasure you get from alcohol with the pleasure you get from hobbies. If the husband believes that a poet has died in him, give him the belongings of a great writer. If he dreams of a car, find an opportunity to buy a car, ask relatives who are probably ready to fight for her husband with you to help.

In a word, there is something that will surely be able to bring new meaning into his life. It is for him - it should be his dream, not yours. And you, having tried to realize it, share this dream with him. And here it is - a new pleasure, from which alcohol will only distract.

And, of course, prepare for the fact that it will be difficult. But it is very important that your husband makes the final decision himself, and not you make it for him. There may be relapses. But if you remember why at one time you fell in love with this man so much that you married him, then there will always be hope.

The problem of drunkenness is relevant in our time. Before you start treating your husband for alcohol, you need to understand the reasons. If a husband drinks for no reason, this is an addiction that needs to be treated.

Why does the husband drink?

The causes of male alcoholism are divided into the following categories:

  • Genetic. Ideally, before the wedding, you need to find out about the presence of alcoholics in the family of the chosen one. But such a fact is often hidden from the best of intentions.
  • Psychological. Troubles at work, in relationships, the bad influence of the company, the war cause a desire to get drunk and forget.
  • Lack of self-realization. It is important for a man to succeed. But the wives do not understand that they have to work hard for this. Reproaches, resentment, the demand to find another job can arouse the husband's interest in drinking.
  • dissatisfaction with social position. Lack of money, poor living conditions. Instead of support, faith in a man - constant reproaches from his wife. The phrase "loser" can serve as a trigger. And as a result - the husband is comforted in a bottle of vodka, and you read on the Internet how you can wean your husband to drink.
  • Wife's overprotection. It would seem that you care so much about him, but he does not appreciate it. You do not care about his opinion, because you know in advance that he will not come up with anything good. As a result, the pride of the husband is hurt.

There are also three stages of manifestation of alcoholism.

At the first stage, there is an attraction to alcohol and a loss of a sense of proportion. At the second stage, a "hangover syndrome" is formed. At the third stage, alcohol tolerance decreases and personality degradation occurs.

How to wean a husband to drink?

In many women's forums, the topic of what to do if a husband drinks is common. As a rule, opinions fall into the following categories:

1. Supporters of divorce. Many women believe that it is impossible to re-educate alcoholics, so there is no point in wasting youth, time, strength, health on him, and also that an alcoholic father is a trauma for the child's psyche. These arguments are clear and convincing. Such women should not be condemned.

Divorce is a rather radical way. It is suitable for those who have tried all the ways to save their husband and it did not help. Women who do not want to make an effort to save their husband for personal reasons also get divorced.

The threat of divorce is a fairly effective technique. If you threaten your spouse and leave for a while with your parents, you can understand if he wants to fight for the family or if drinking has already become more expensive for him. If not, you shouldn't keep it and it's better to get a divorce.

2. Women who are ready to endure any drunken antics of their husband. Alas, there are downtrodden women with a victim complex. They hurt themselves and their children. Typical arguments are the phrases “where to go” and “how is he without me”. Such a position leads to tragedy or the woman still decides to leave, but crippled physically and mentally.

3. Women who are ready to fight for a loved one. Such women are trying to find the answer to the question: how to wean her husband from drinking alcohol.

It should be remembered that if your husband does not want to heal himself, no one will force him and no way will help.

There are a number of methods that can help you in your trouble. These include:

  • Coding or hypnosis. It is very important to find a professional. This method is quite efficient. But there is a risk that after a certain time the husband will start drinking again.
  • Psychological. It depends on the cunning and wisdom of the woman and the character traits of the man.

At first, everything starts innocently. I had a beer with a friend at work, then another, because he is so tired, and then you notice that there is already beer both at home and on weekends. And the phrase that "everything is under control" is a sign of incipient alcoholism.

Beer alcoholism is much worse, because it is not so noticeable. At this stage, bet him that he can go two weeks without drinking. And the prize is any of his desires or the embodiment of his erotic fantasies. And let him win. In this way you can check if there is a dependency or not. And then argue again, involve him in the game.

If, within two weeks, your husband has become irritable and angry, there is an addiction. And here you need a frank conversation, showing a video about the dangers of alcohol, printed information about alcoholism and consultations with a narcologist or psychotherapist.

It is also possible to shoot a video on the phone, which records the behavior of the spouse in a drunken state, and show it in the morning so that he can see himself from the outside. Ideally, you should be ashamed.

Sometimes a joint extreme hobby or a joint repair helps. A man must be busy. If the husband got into a bad company, you need to find him an alternative with other interests.

In the case of a beer hobby, it is worth hinting about the beer belly and suggesting to go to the gym together. However, you should not shout, reproach, shame a drunken husband, wait until the morning and express everything.

  • Folk. The main purpose of such methods is to induce vomiting and an aversion to alcohol. It is very important not to overdo it and not ruin the spouse's digestive system.

There are many folk recipes for curing alcoholism. Here are some of them:

  1. In a glass, mix 1 raw egg, 1 tbsp. drinking water, 1 tbsp. shag and pour it all with vodka. Mix thoroughly, then give on an empty stomach to the spouse. Such a drink will not harm the body, but will only cause vomiting and an aversion to alcoholic beverages.
  2. Take 50 gr. dill seeds, boil in 0.5 liters of port wine. Cook over low heat. Give 50 ml of this decoction to your husband.
  3. Give a cup of strong coffee with salt instead of sugar. This drink will make you vomit.
  4. Prepare a decoction of wormwood and centaury in equal proportions. Give a decoction until there is an aversion to alcohol.
  5. Give 6 tsp. honey, after 20 minutes give another 6 tsp, then repeat the dosage after a similar period of time. After 2 hours, repeat the procedure and let the husband sleep. In the morning, the husband will wish to sober up. After that, give a standard dose of 6 tsp. every 20 minutes. Then serve breakfast. For dessert, give 4 tsp. honey. Full adherence to the recipe will wean the spouse to drink. This technique is useful and effective for husbands in the stage of deep intoxication.
  6. Drink a mixture of 50 gr. lemon juice, 50 gr. boiled water and 1-2 tbsp. honey. Drink 2-3 times a day for 3-4 weeks.
  7. Boil a decoction consisting of thyme and wormwood: in 1 tbsp. collection add a glass of boiling water, cook for 3-5 minutes over low heat. Drink 1 tbsp. 3 times a day for 2-3 months. After 3 weeks there should be an aversion to alcohol.

Thus, we have analyzed all the available ways to cure a husband of drunkenness. But remember, the decision is yours, because family relationships are individual for everyone. And whatever path you choose, it is your choice and should be respected.

Tatyana Bushmanova


Many wives of alcoholics ask this question. However, not only wives - all family members suffer, as well as friends, neighbors, colleagues ...

I can say right away that this and other articles from this series may seem pessimistic to you. Why? If you try to type in the search engine the words “How to wean your husband from drinking?”, Then links to hundreds of resources are opened offering a “100% solution” to the problem of drunkenness.

"Answers" to all questions

On one of these resources, in response to the question “how to wean your husband to drink,” you will be offered ancient conspiracies, especially effective prayers, and miracle powders. They can be quietly poured into the soup of a loved one, after which he will stop drinking and will not even notice.

On others, mainly on women's forums, they will explain to you that you yourself are to blame for your husband's drunkenness, because you are too smart, work hard, you have masculine character traits, you walk in jeans and do not try to look the most beautiful for your husband.

In general, you lack femininity, which is why your husband suffers and drinks from grief. And what else is left for a man to do if his wife is smart and wears pants? Here, put on a skirt to the floor, master a soft feminine walk, landing, manners (for this you will be offered special courses and marathons - not for free, of course), and everything will fall into place. The husband, seeing your weakness and defenselessness, will be deeply touched, repent and stop drinking forever.

On third resources, they will tell you that a man drinks because of ... then there will be a lot of talk about his low self-esteem, which you must increase, about the characteristics of the vulnerable male psyche, which you must protect. In general, a thousand and one reasons why a husband drinks.

Who should solve the problem of alcoholism?

And I must say that the wives of alcoholics willingly take on this responsibility. As well as other relatives and friends, including children. The latter try their best not to irritate their father, they protect their mother and the younger ones with their breasts if the father becomes violent in drunkenness, and by the age of 10-12 they know as much about the dark sides of life as few adults imagine in nightmares. What are the consequences of all this for the personality of children of alcoholics, there will be a separate article. In the meantime, back to the wives and the pessimism of this article.

So, tired and exhausted, feeling shame in front of society and guilt, as well as suppressed anger, constant anxiety and fear for themselves and their children, women are ready to do anything to understand why their husband drinks and how to wean her husband to drink. But such behavior - intercepting responsibility - is a road to nowhere. To understand why, it is necessary to understand the essence of the phenomenon of "alcoholism", and in general "dependence".

Why does the husband drink?

First of all, alcoholism is a disease. The husband drinks because he is sick, there are no other reasons. Accordingly, the question "how to wean a husband to drink" contains no more sense than "how to wean a person from getting the flu."

Alcoholism is not promiscuity, it is not a consequence of a difficult childhood (although, of course, if childhood was difficult, then the risk of alcoholism increases), it is not the fault of circumstances or people around. This means that it is useless to appeal to conscience and proclaim calls to "pull yourself together." Wearing long skirts will also help him no more than it would help someone with the flu.

The essence of alcoholism as a disease is the loss of control over drinking. Time after time, gradually a person comes to a state where he no longer chooses whether to drink or not to drink. He can no longer drink moderately like everyone else; that is, drink a glass or two and stop. He cannot refuse a company of drinking buddies he meets, even if he planned some important things .... A person ceases to cope with everyday difficulties without alcohol, forgets how to rejoice and celebrate without alcohol.

And just as a flu patient cannot, for example, lower his temperature by willpower, so an alcoholic cannot stop drinking by willpower if he has started. Or not to start drinking if there is a craving - a painful, irresistible desire to drink.

And that means you can't force a person to get better. If we continue the analogy with the flu, then you can certainly bring medicine to the sick person. But whether he will take this medicine or not depends only on him. And if he doesn't want to, you are powerless to do anything about it.

A very important point, I emphasize again: you are powerless to do anything with another person, with his unwillingness to take medicine in case of flu or with his unwillingness to part with alcohol in case of drunkenness. But that doesn't mean you're completely helpless.

What can you really do in this situation?

First, you can always do something for yourself. Most importantly, you can answer yourself the question of whether you are satisfied with what is happening. Is it worth putting yourself at risk by living next to a sick person who does not want to be treated. Consider a safety plan for yourself and your children in case of aggressive behavior. Learn not to fall for manipulation, blackmail, extortion of money and accusations that it was you who poisoned his life.

Secondly, it is in your power to make it unprofitable, uncomfortable for a person to get sick. For example, you stop paying his debts. Or stop defending him in front of the employer, hiding the true reasons for absenteeism. Stop expecting your kids to try not to “make dad angry” and ask him to stop scaring them or, if necessary, protect them.

I would like to draw attention to the fact that most often the relatives of an addicted person do everything exactly the opposite. They completely forget about the safety of their own and their children; they blame the alcoholic for what he, in fact, is not to blame - for the very fact of the disease. But at the same time, they do everything to mitigate the consequences of drunkenness for the drunkard himself. And thus only indulge the disease, accelerate the degradation of his personality.

Instead of telling the truth, they look in the face and try to almost guess his mood and adjust to it. This phenomenon is called codependency.

It is important to remember that while the husband is drunk, it is not necessary to enter into any negotiations with him, and it may be unsafe. But when he sobers up, do not be afraid to call a spade a spade.

The next morning the drunkard feels bad, he himself understands that he has "screwed up." And at this moment, pity is extremely inappropriate, since the desire to regret, mitigate material and moral damage deprives the alcoholic of the opportunity to see reality. Alas, the wives and other relatives of alcoholics in denying the disease and its severity can often give odds to the alcoholics themselves, who, as you know, generally "have no problems and everything is in order."

Yes, if you tell him the truth, it is not a fact that he immediately realizes everything and goes to be treated. But if this is not done, then there will be no chance at all.

So, in summary, we can say: there is nothing you can do to make your husband stop drinking. But you can make it so that it loses its comfort in its use.

And in more detail about how to do this and how to conduct a conversation that motivates for treatment, we will talk in the next article.