How to understand what a girl likes. What to do if you love a girl and she considers you a friend What to do if you love a girl very much

Love is a wonderful feeling, it is only a pity that this word refers to things that are not directly related to love. It rewards a person with wisdom. When a person loves, he knows how to behave, what to do and how to act. The question "what to do if you love a girl?" most often asked by very young boys, because having fallen in love, they experience confusion of feelings. Their total all-consuming self-doubt, generated by a teenage inferiority complex, makes it difficult to correctly assess themselves, the object of sympathy, their feelings about the object, and adequately express them. Let's try to give some simple and effective tips.

So what do you do if you love a girl?

It's good that you thought about it. So, you grow up and begin to understand that the world is quite complicated, and a strange soul is completely dark. If you love a girl, it means you wish her happiness, you want to make her happy. In this case, you should figure out what she needs to be happy. And in order to understand another person, you first need to know him.

So we come to the understanding that first you need to get to know the girl (if you are not already familiar) and start talking. In the process of communication, both of you will find out if your interests, tastes, and outlook on life coincide. Only knowing a person, you can understand whether you will be happy together. That is the meaning of relationships. Do you think so too?

Should I give a girl gifts?

Sometimes, falling in love, young men begin to perform feats for their chosen ones - they find out their innermost desires and arrange romantic surprises. This is wonderful if the motive of the act is a disinterested desire to sincerely please your girlfriend. But what is a gift in your understanding? Some people like books, and some people love chocolate. Moreover, some lovers of detective stories hate historical literature, and fans of white chocolate will never eat black.

If a young man gives a girl presents that are dear to him, regardless of her tastes, and, moreover, expects equivalent gifts in return, this is more like not love, but bargaining: you give me, I give you. Moreover, when a girl does not take reciprocal steps, this causes resentment: “I loved her so much, but she ...”. In order to learn to understand other people, you must first learn to understand yourself. Is the feeling you feel really love? Maybe it's just a neurotic attachment, a desire to increase self-esteem, to assert oneself in the eyes of others, generated by the fact that you do not love yourself?

Before you love someone else, love yourself.

Sometimes the question "what to do if you love a girl?" arises because the object of sympathy does not pay the slightest attention to the young man. It's worth figuring out what's going on. In order to please a girl, it is not at all necessary to be a written handsome man, the winner of the “most intelligent” contest, a world champion in extreme sports, or the son of a billionaire.

First, pay attention to your appearance. Are your clothes always clean, do you have a wonderful habit of taking a shower in the morning, and do you remember to use deodorant? A person who does not take care of himself makes a repulsive impression, no matter how smart, beautiful, talented he is, and how expensive gifts he is able to buy. The ability to take care of yourself is the main manifestation of self-love and respect for others. But it is with this that sympathy begins, which can develop into mutual feelings.

This is where our tips can help. Even if she doesn’t immediately take you from the category of “friends” to the category of “boyfriends”, it’s still worth trying to accomplish this “feat”.

Treat her like a woman, not a friend

Look at the situation carefully. You are not behaving like her boyfriend, but there is no tension between you, everything is calm ... even too calm. And although this situation may seem normal to you, in fact, it does not give you any whists and limits the room for maneuver.

Now that she's become more of a "real girlfriend" and less of a "friend" for you, start flirting with her more often. And try to do it prudently, otherwise she will look at you not as a friend, but as a pervert.

Way out: Start simple: keep your eyes on her longer than usual and pay attention to her more often during a conversation. Try to make her laugh more often by joking.

Try to destroy the physical barrier between you (touches, accidental touches, etc.). In fact, you may have already done this and not even realized this fact, because you shook her hand, escorted her to a place in a cinema or cafe, etc.

Way out: The most important thing is to try to touch her intentionally so that she has only certain positive thoughts about this. Touching her hand while talking, putting your hand on her back while waiting for an order at the bar, playing with her hair - these actions will help you build the basis of intimate relationships.

Among your mutual friends, there may be those who think that you and your chosen one are actually a great couple. If yes, then use them. It is the girls who should be these assistants, since the guys clearly lack insight and invention.

Way out: Ask such a helper friend to pay closer attention to you. Remember: at some point, your target will understand whether you can partner with her or not. So the purpose of helping your friend is to remind her of the good qualities you had when you first met.

Because you're in the friend zone, you don't have the option to spontaneously ask her out on a real date. If you do, then it may upset the status quo and scare her. Instead, find a way to ask her out in a non-obvious way.

Way out: A date is essentially an assessment-interview of your relationship, namely a chance to show your best side in the hope that it will lead you somewhere. A good way to do this is to start a hobby together. This will allow you to spend more time together, and she may notice something in you that she did not notice before.

Intimacy breeds disrespect. In the case of friends, of course, this may not actually be disrespectful, but if you remember some fact about you and what you have become, then this can stir up romantic feelings in her.

Way out: Positive changes will help her see you in a new light. A new haircut or new clothes will attract her attention. And if you begin to behave more confidently in her presence, then she will think about who you still consider to be a “friend” or “boyfriend”.

Be prudent and discerning. If she said that she likes a certain group, you don't have to immediately run and buy all their albums and tickets to the next concert. Otherwise it will just look stupid.

All these steps are just preparation. If you follow them, it will make her rethink your relationship towards closer ones. They will bring you to the very border of the "friends zone", but whether to cross the barrier of this zone is up to you.

Sooner or later you'll have to make your move... exactly the kind of move you should have made when you first met.

How to stop being just a friend
? It so happened that when you tried to meet a girl, she took you just as a friend and you got into the so-called. "other zone… ? Read on

What if I fell in love with a guy who loves another

True love ... Poems, poems and entire novels are dedicated to her. It brings joy, happiness. From sincere, true love, the sky becomes clearer, and the sun brighter.

Is it true that everything is beautiful, everything is perfect? When love is mutual. What if I fell in love with a guy who loves another? How to act, how to live, how to survive and not go crazy?

How many girls asked themselves this question, but not all of them found an answer that would satisfy them.

Pragmatists and cynics most often say in such a situation: forget it. You will forget it here, if the other one constantly stands before your eyes, and thoughts are spinning in your head: why is she better, why is she so special, why the hell is this not me? And the worst thing is, in addition to everything else, you also know that she doesn’t love him. Yes, your special, extraordinary, the best, for her - just an empty place.

Anger, resentment, irritation, possibly hatred. The whole spectrum of feelings covers with a head. And you just don't know what to think and how to act. Of course, you can hate her, because it's her, yes, yes, it was she who spoiled and broke everything. Even if this third side of your love triangle knows neither about your love nor about his. Anyway, it's all her fault. You can send her megatons of hatred, curse, wish all the worst of the worst. This makes it easier. For a while.

What if you can't hate her? What if, for example, she is your friend? If she loves him and cannot live without him? And if you, you yourself love her, appreciate her. What then? What to do? Tell her, putting your friendship to the test, or maybe keep silent, and when the truth is revealed, and she will definitely open, just lose a friend and live on with double pain in your soul.

And now you are already banging your head against the wall, crying, cursing the whole world and not seeing a solution to the question: what should I do if I fell in love with a guy who loves another?

What to do? First, move away from the wall. If you knock out your brains, then you definitely won’t find a solution, because there’s nothing to think about. Departed? Well done. Now drink something soothing and try to calm down. And it's better to sleep. With a fresh mind, it is easier to make the right decisions.

So, you're as fresh and rested as possible of course. Great. Now you can begin to understand the situation.

Scenario two: he loves her, she doesn't love him. Here everything looks much brighter and more promising. At first sight. Of course, you can show that you are a true friend, that you understand him, that you are ready to help and support, that no one is better than you. Over time, he will forget her and realize that you are perfect. Unfortunately, this is mostly the case in movies. In real life, the percentage of such an outcome is negligible. Of course, you can still take a risk, but remember that it is quite possible that you will suffer, because we will not achieve the result that you so expect.

And now let's think about the most painful and unpleasant scenario: me, my girlfriend and him. This is really the problem. The little man to whom you were always ready to tell everything makes you angry. You want to stop hating her. And you can't. After all, you are already in love! You want to tell everything, but you don't have the strength. In this case, probably, the relationship with a girlfriend can become a bigger problem. Think about whether you are ready to fight against her, in fact, ruin her life. If yes, then yes, and not a friend at all. And if not. Then you should tell her everything. I'm sure she already feels that something is wrong, suspects, but does not dare to speak out loud. And she worries. Therefore, it is best to talk honestly and decide what to do.

A real friend will understand, because you can’t command your heart. And if she condemns you, then this person is not worth the high title of "friend." You can take my word for it, after such a conversation it will become easier. Let not by much, but still easier. And even if you decide to move away for a while, she will know the reason, and not be lost in conjecture and worry. After all, no matter how much we love, no matter how worried, it often happens that guys come and go, but friendship remains forever.

Every person wants love. We are all born in love, grow up with love and enter the adult world in search of true and pure love. However, one problem arises here: often people fall in love with those who do not love them in return, or it is simply impossible to find a person with whom they would like to fall in love. Consider this version of the situation when a girl considers a guy a friend. How to make her fall in love with you?

Guys and girls can still be friends, although many do not believe in friendship between a man and a woman. Adolescence is still devoid of such prejudices, so a girl may want to maintain friendly relations with a guy. There are times when a girl has known a guy for a long time, so she perceives him as a friend by inertia. They have been friends since childhood, so she does not look at him otherwise.

There are times when a girl is friends with a guy because she cannot meet him, and he is so good (that is, useful to her) that she is not ready to part with him. Even former lovers can be friends. Of course, it is unlikely that friendship exists between them, but one of them definitely intends to be friends and nothing more.

There are many situations when a girl can only offer a guy friendship. Why give up and do nothing? Is it possible to somehow change the situation?

Often there is a dilemma when guys wonder how to make girls fall in love with them. At a certain period of time, guys and girls stop being friends, and begin to be interested in each other in an adult way. This is a natural stage of development. And when falling in love begins, guys have a lot of questions, because girls turn out to be complex and different creatures than guys.

What is love? This is the feeling of a young person who is overwhelmed by positive emotions in relation to a particular object. Falling in love makes a person live in an illusion. He often sees not a real partner with whom he is in love, but some ideal image that seems to him or that his lover could be.

This also happens with a guy who could already offer a girl to meet, and she can only answer him with friendship. Often, guys simply do not see the shortcomings and flaws of those girls they are in love with. All this is due to the feeling of love. That is why they are ready to pursue the objects of their love, no matter what. However, over time, love passes:

  1. If she was unrequited, then often the feelings simply subside.
  2. If the love was mutual, then it can develop into true love.

How to make a girl fall in love with you? You should remain yourself, while demonstrating the following aspects of your personality:

  • Confidence.
  • upbringing.
  • Elegance.
  • Courtesy.
  • Attentiveness.

The guy needs to get rid of such external manifestations of uncertainty as excitement, suspiciousness, anxiety, inconsistency of phrases, lethargy.

Psychologists say that guys with low self-esteem always have problems with the opposite sex. Women don't like insecure losers. If the guy is like that, then you have to become different. To help yourself with this, you can go to trainings or use the following recommendations:

  1. Surround yourself with people who will support you.
  2. Think positively.
  3. Appreciate and respect yourself.
  4. To be attentive and sympathetic to others, which causes a feeling of reliability and security for a man.

How to make a girl fall in love with you if she considers you a friend?

Why does a girl consider a guy a friend? This question must first be answered in order to understand which cause should be eliminated. If a girl doesn’t like a guy outwardly, then he should take care of himself: go to the gym, put himself in order. If a girl considers a guy untidy and unfashionable, then he should take care of his appearance: buy fashionable clothes, keep hygiene, do hair, etc. If a girl says that the guy is not interested in her and simply does not know her, then you need to find out about her hobbies, interests, desires.

Why is life cruel when it allows people to fall in love with those who don't return the same feeling? They love you, but you don't. You love, but they don't love you. Where's the justice? In fact, everything is natural. No one forces a person to love someone who does not reciprocate, just as he is not obliged to love everyone who loves him. We can say that a person makes his own choice when he begins to suffer and continue to fight for the love of a partner who no longer wants to respond with mutual warm feelings.

When it comes to love, people refer to the fact that feelings are difficult to manage. This is true, but only half. It's hard to manage what you don't understand. But if a person understands why he may not love each other, then he will get a chance to get rid of his unrequited suffering.

Why does a man love those who do not love him? This is a habit that comes from childhood. For the most part, parents rarely show love for their children. In incomplete families there is no one of the parents, that is, the children do not receive love from him. In other families, parents are so busy with their work and worries that they do not give time to their children. In the third family, parents show indifference to their own children: they hire a nanny to take care of their upbringing. Fourth, moms and dads are just so passionate about their lives that children grow up on their own.

If in childhood a person grew up among parents who did not show love for their child, then he learns to love those who do not love him. Thus, the parents themselves teach the child to love those who do not reciprocate. This is sometimes referred to as "understanding what love is." In this article, we will simply call it a habit. Since the child always loves his parents unconditionally, no matter what they do, he gets used to receiving exactly the love that they give. If a person loved, and his parents treated him indifferently, or paid very little attention to him, or constantly compared him with someone, or criticized him and forced him to be good in order to get their recognition, then he gets used to just this form of love in relation to himself. As an adult, a person begins to love. And it is quite natural that he falls in love with those who show him the same attitude that his parents showed him in childhood.

Thus, the form of love your parents (or siblings you held dear) showed you as a child dictates who you fall in love with. You will love. But the people you are interested in will show you the attitude that you are used to from childhood. You may suffer from unrequited love. But you may notice that for some reason you do not like those people who fall in love with you. This is all because you are not used to loving those who love you. You are more accustomed to loving only people who reject you. Do you understand the mechanism?

A person loves in adulthood just as it was in childhood. What attitude parents show to a person in childhood, the partners whom he will choose will also treat him. A person gets used to loving only those who demonstrate behavior similar to the parent. And if a person's parents did not love much, rejected, showed indifference, then he will love only people who show such an attitude. At the same time, all applicants who show sincere love will be rejected, since a person is not accustomed to love when they love him.

The same thing happens with a guy who loves a girl who considers him her friend. He loves because she is friends with him, otherwise he would not love her.

You can make a girl fall in love with you, even if she considers you her friend. To do this, do:

  1. To become the kind of guy she wants to see next to her, that is, to change, to fit herself into this image.
  2. Don't run after a girl, be a little inaccessible. Here you can also start hanging out with other girls to arouse jealousy in your beloved, who has so far rejected you.
  3. Be generous. If a girl asks for something, then help. If she needs your attention, give it to her.
  4. Be independent of the opinions of parents, friends and other people. Girls love independent, wayward guys.

How to make an ex-girlfriend fall in love with you?

Often you have to fall in love not with a girlfriend, but with an ex-girlfriend. Due to inexperience and the ardor of emotions, young people break up. If there is a desire to return the love of an ex-girlfriend again, then use the following tips:

  • Analyze the reasons for your breakup. Why was the girl unhappy? What didn't she like about the guy? What claims and reproaches were from her side? Since this guy wants to win back the love of his ex, he will have to change. You should remove from your character and behavior those flaws that the girl could not come to terms with. You need to become what she wants to see you.
  • Arrange up to 3 random dates with your ex. The main emphasis here is on the friendly communication of former partners. There should be no memories, love words, requests and pleas to return back. You just have to communicate like friends. In this case, you must show yourself in a modified form. You have become ambitious, self-confident, purposeful, active. The girl will be hurt by the fact that such a cool guy no longer belongs to her, and will want to return to you.
  • Be an interesting conversationalist and occasionally pleasantly surprise. Start talking about topics that are of interest to the girl. Start doing things that will please your ex, but she did not expect to see them from you.

Come to your ex for help. Give her support. She must understand that you can be relied upon in difficult times.

How to make a friend's girlfriend fall in love with you?

A rather delicate situation when you like a friend's girlfriend. Here you must first make a firm decision for yourself: either you continue to be a friend, but then you stop thinking about the girl, or you start to win the girl, but you will have to forget about friendship.

If friendship is important to you, then try to minimize meetings with his girlfriend. Captivate yourself with other girls or some business, hobbies, worries.

If you still understand that the girl is important to you, then start courting her. Always be in front of her. Come to her aid in difficult times. Make her fall in love with you when she is in a fight with your friend.


Falling in love with a girl is quite possible. It remains only to decide whether you really need it. After all, it happens that fate knowingly creates a situation of unrequited love. Maybe just be yourself and look for someone who loves you like that?

Hello friends! My name is Vitaly Okhrimenko, and today we will briefly talk about a topic that is vital for many of us, when you love her, and she loves another. It often happens when a guy says: "I love her." And then he sadly adds: "... but she loves a completely different one." What to do when you love sincerely, truly, to the point of losing your mind, and the girl chose another guy? The situation is quite complicated, but not uncommon, almost classic.

What to do if a girl loves another

What to do if your loved one was taken away by another? Stole it from you, defeated you not by force, but by some other means. When the word "love" brings only pain and disappointment. After all, he will not be able to love her the way you love. You are ready to give her everything, raise her to the level of the 7th heaven, carry her in your arms. But he is still the favorite. And how to be, really to surrender? Or muster up the courage and rush into battle? Into a battle where there are no rules, where you don't know what and how to do, where the winner will get the most expensive prize.

This article is unlikely to suit those who are frivolous about the issue of relationships, those who are looking for love for a while. Now I will try to simulate a situation for those people who have found the meaning of their lives in their beloved girl. So, for the sake of accessibility, I will describe the story of one guy, and then I will try to figure out what practical tips can help achieve the goal.

The protagonist of this story met a pretty girl. Meeting this girl was unremarkable. And he could not think that she would take so much space in his life. The girl was cute and funny. From the moment they met, the guy knew that she was in love with another, and when they quarreled with this other, he sincerely empathized with her. But over time, our hero began to notice changes in his attitude towards this girl, he suddenly felt a "force of attraction" to her. Friendship gradually turned into sympathy, and sympathy into love. And the boy understood that it was wrong, but he could no longer stop. He was silent about his desires and dreams. But the moment came when he realized that he was also not indifferent to this girl. Only a damned conscience did not allow her to show her feelings. He loves something like that, the other, but our guy also has “special feelings”.

The guy also knew that he had no moral right to force the girl he loved to do anything. I tried to restrain myself, realizing that the girl was afraid to rush and ruin everything. As with one, so with the other. But at the same time, he realized that he could not endure these torments for a long time. That the time will come when he will put the girl before a choice. He does not want her to suffer, only he does not want to suffer. He does not want to take it to extremes, but he sees that this love triangle cannot lead to something good. He sees her, sees how she looks at him, feels her feelings. The desire to be near is growing, and willy-nilly, he begins to wonder: does she love that other. And if he loves, then why is he drawn to our hero? He does not want to spoil relations with her, but he can no longer be a friend physically.

Most of all, he wants to know what to do if the girl he loves loves another. Wait until she understands her attitude, loves you and leaves that - the other? Or is it better to forget her, or maybe change their attitude and remain friends, instead of tying their lives together.

The story is real, and our boy is not the only one with whom such antics of Cupid happened. Many young people find themselves in these traps, not knowing what to do. But not everyone succeeds in getting out of such love alterations correctly. What is your advice to this guy? How to do it right?

What to do if the girl chose another

Our hero is very lucky, because he is interesting to the object of his sigh, and this is such a big plus. It would be much worse if the girl did not notice a man in him at all. And if she cannot decide to take a serious step only because of the prohibitions of her conscience, then she already had to think about this guy as not only a friend, and that's good. So the lady of the heart shows to our guy not only friendly feelings. You can make the right conclusion that he has a chance, the main thing is to use it. You need to choose the right model of behavior and follow it.

How to win a girl if she loves another

First of all, you need to learn that there are times when inaction is better than any action. For example, do not be too keen to reveal your desire for this girl. In the case when she is very worried about the inability to cope with her feelings, the feelings will grow if the guy tries to show his feelings in physical form. Do not forcefully climb with kisses and hugs. Everything should happen naturally, so that the girl does not feel like a cornered horse. She should feel that she took the step herself. If the girl decides on this act (or will consider that she has decided), in fact, she will make her choice. After all, just one kiss can open her eyes to her feelings. And only after that we can expect that she will leave that other boyfriend and make our boy happy with her love. Even if the girl is not yet ready for such a cardinal decision, the chance of our hero after a passionate kiss will greatly increase.

If a girl loves another what to do

It is worth remembering that every person has a whole mountain of his shortcomings. And you can easily play on the shortcomings of that first guy, competently contrasting against his background. He does things in any way that our girlfriend does not like (here, she has already become ours). You can analyze her discontent, and show yourself in these places from the opposite side. You shouldn't get out of your skin, proving to her that her boyfriend is so bad. In general, there is no need to speak badly about him, a feeling of protest may arise in a girl, she may rush to his defense, and then everything is lost. You need to fight using "white PR", use, as an argument, your best qualities to counterbalance his worst. Women, unlike men, are subconsciously looking for the best guy, and such a trick is sure to play on her mind.

It happens that it is really difficult for a girl to choose, she is already used to her boyfriend, and then someone suddenly bursts into her life. To win her, you need to become a knight for her, who will not impose himself, but always appears at the right time. And most importantly - this knight loves her and is ready to prove his love.

The above situation is not the most difficult of the possible "she loves another" scenarios. There can be a whole bunch of obstacles, like family and children. If you love a girl, and she chose someone else, describe your situation in the comments and together we will try to find the only correct model of your behavior.

Well, so that this never happened to us, you need to know, and.

Love each other in return. Good luck to everyone in love relationships!

With notes of empathy Vitaly Okhrimenko .

51 comments on ““I love a girl and she loves another””

    Hello, I met a girl, it turned out very unusual, if necessary, I will write later.
    We talked, talked about what an unusual acquaintance we had.
    agreed to meet tomorrow.
    after a few hours, she deleted me from her friends, I didn’t understand what was the matter at all. she said that we’d talk tomorrow.
    the next day I wrote and she said that she had reconciled with her boyfriend. sorry.
    I said that I would not back down and she still offered to meet again.
    We took a walk, everything is fine, she seemed to like everything.
    invited her to meet again later, to which she refused, said that she did not want to reassure me, that she loved the guy and it would be better for us not to communicate anymore.
    but I understand that she doesn’t love him so that then she wouldn’t go with me and wouldn’t get to know me at all. Besides, she complained to me about him before that they often quarrel.
    I didn’t write an answer to her refusal. A day later, I received a call from her, I was delighted, and she called just to apologize again, said that the guy was looking through all her calls and messages and repeated again that it’s better for us not to communicate anymore.
    I didn’t answer and hung up. After a while, she threw me on VKontakte in an emergency, although I didn’t write anything to her and didn’t get it in any way.
    and a little later she completely deleted the page.
    I do not understand anything.

    Hello. I'll start right away with the topic. I once met a girl, I really liked her, we talked with her, she always smiled at me sincerely when we met. And somehow, closer to midnight, she wrote to me that nothing would work out for us. Even though she was fine. It was as if a lever had been turned on her. What to do? I'm at a loss. And please send me an email. what should I do?

    I came from a mathematical school to the 4B grade and after one week a girl came to the class who had a sore throat and I fell in love with her at first sight, but I'm afraid to approach her. The girl's name is Liza. She sometimes talks to me, but very rarely. Once she told me what a stupid classmate we have, she also asked when there was a math test and also told about her birthday. And that's all! She is friends with another and probably even loves him. Help! Tell me what to do!

    I’m 16 I fell in love with one girl we met in the pool she had a crush on me for 4 months when she was in love I didn’t love her and then when we started talking more and walking I fell in love with her very much in the summer we walked with her every day from 12 noon to 10 pm and we walked hand in hand through the park and we walked like this to her house I so liked to walk with her hand only unfortunately the only thing she doesn’t love me I to her I don’t like it ((every day every hour every minute I think about her what I want in life, not when it doesn’t work out

    Hello everyone, I'm 12 years old in the 7th grade. I love my classmate since 6th grade. At first I didn't like her. But one day she sat down behind me with her friend. And she spoke in a whisper. They didn't know that I heard everything. And suddenly she said that she loves me only in a whisper to her friend. And have since fallen in love. And today she ispvtyvaet me only sympathy. And he loves my best friend. What should I do to make her love me like in 6th grade???

    Hello, my name is Ivan, I used to meet a girl for about 4 years at a distance of course) but we saw each other often). And that’s the problem, I’m very used to her, let’s say, madly in love, I gave gifts constantly cared and what happened I made a terrible mistake in my life I didn’t change so I didn’t change I met with another of course she found out now we’ve known each other for about 5 years and because of this case she doesn’t believe me and plus love another and I can’t forget her. What to do she considers me a close friend and I want us to be together how to do it right??? I will be very grateful

    Hello, I have such a problem, I’m in the 7th grade and the girl I love at 8 at first I just watched her, but I wanted to get to know her better, I started writing to her for six months and suddenly she has a status: married what to do? I love her so much

    Hello, my name is Alex, I have an unpleasant situation. I studied in the 7th grade, one girl liked me, but I did not attach much importance to this, and did not want a relationship with her, because I liked the other, so half a year passes, I went to the 8th grade and one day I got sick. She called me, and our communication began, we communicate for more than a month, regularly, we walk together, we talk on the phone until 2 a.m., I began to understand that I fell in love with her, but as soon as I wanted to talk to her, confess my feelings, that same evening, right in front of my eyes, another friend left to talk to her, and he invited her to meet, she agreed. Then my world went out from under my feet, I realized that I was late and was a complete kritin, at first everything didn’t work out in their relationship, however, no matter how badly the guy behaved, she tolerates him. And it seems they fell in love with each other, but at that time I became her best friend, to whom she tells secrets, shares her experiences, we hug for a long time, even almost kissed several times. But apparently she can't, what should I do? Please let me know, I'll be waiting. Thank you in advance.

    Hello, I had almost the same situation as with the guy from the story. Only at the end I wrote to her that we had better stop talking and I was ruining her relationship (she often fought with her boyfriend because of me) and I want her to be happy. And I already wanted to give up, but the next morning I realized that I couldn’t lose her, I began to sincerely apologize and ask that we communicate as before. But she couldn't forgive me. And in the end she added me to the black list, but I can’t see her because I’m in another city. I don't want to lose her. Help with advice

    Hello, a year ago I met a girl, she didn’t really want to talk to me, but I tried, we joked, we played. Everything happened so unexpectedly, she writes to me: I don’t need your gifts, I love another

    Hello, this is the situation. We have been dating a girl for over 2 years. A year ago, they took me to the army, and when I came, I said that some feelings for me faded away and appeared to my dance partner, with all further actions. Everything was great before the army, but after that, problems really started. Every day she is more and more separated from me and more and more begins to pull towards another. Can't choose any of us. Either he is afraid to hurt me, or he is uncertain to the end in it, although I am more inclined towards the first option. Help with advice on how to get her feelings back to me.

    Hello. We met with a girl for four years, I loved her very much. For all this time, I didn’t even think about another girl, I wanted to be truly faithful, so that she would understand how serious I was about her. They planned to get married and start living together. Recently, a guy from the army came with whom he secretly communicated a year ago, after three days as he came, she broke up with me. I tried to improve relations for a month, I was ready for anything to fix everything and I succeeded, we started dating again, everything was fine. And then she again began to treat me very badly, said that she didn’t give a shit about everything, said that she didn’t love me. I tried very hard to make peace with her, I opened my whole soul how dear she is to me. I know that this guy doesn't care about her and only wants sex, and she doesn't get it. Tell me what to do, I love her very much and want her back.

    Hello, my situation is like this, my girlfriend and I have been dating for a long time, everything was fine, until I became friends with a guy at work, they started talking very nicely and she stopped paying attention to me, I cursed, was jealous, she says that she always has such communication with friends and she doesn’t understand that she goes too far, in general, she now communicates with another friend like that and he also says that this is friendly communication, it’s not necessary to be so jealous ... but now she’s me at all repels me with various excuses like I don’t have time, it’s impossible, they will see it, it hurts, you go there, I went there and so on ... and outsiders ask me why she behaves like that if you meet her ... she constantly lies to me, like she lies so that I would fall behind and start arguing with her, she hides a lot from me, if before we decided everything together, now strangers tell me about some of her actions, she just doesn’t say what she wants to do or has already done then says that she didn’t want to talk because I will swear with her again because of this, but what she does is completely wrong and she knows it, but she still does and understands that I will find out about it and we will swear because of this, but she doesn’t care about it and then screams that she’s tired of swearing ... in general, this is all because of her friend, please tell me what to do, how can I get her back ???? (((((

    Hello. It was like this, I moved to the 4th grade, saw a girl, fell in love. In the 5th grade, I wrote a note that I love her, and threw her a briefcase. Then the 6th grade, I sent her VKontakte “choose a smiley”, she chose ia or she did it. It was that I had to buy her gum, I bought it and gave it to her at school, she said thanks. After that, she wrote me a voice message on VK “I love you, you look after me” and so on, she said that she had loved me since September 6th grade (it was January 2016 at that time) but already on February 14, 2017 ON VALENTINE’S DAY, she said that she loved another and blocked me on VK

    Good afternoon. In 2009, I fell in love with a girl. They dated for 2 years, but due to some facts they had to leave. In 14, I met her again and we realized that the feelings remained. And everything would be fine, but at the end of 14 I was taken into the army, as I had a diploma in my hands. While I was in the army, the brain began to break down, and we decided to leave so as not to injure each other. After demobilization, I didn’t think about relationships at all. And in 2017 I met her again. She's already with someone else. Moved in recently.
    We started talking to her. Her boyfriend can't see her. At least she says so. Weekends at the computer, weekdays at work. Well, I won’t say that I run after her, but I try to help as much as possible. She herself says that she wants to leave him. And now I don't know what to do. It seems not small, but I feel like a schoolboy). I don’t have a car, I live on a rented house, I have a job…

    I teach myself, I don’t touch anyone. I meet her after the session (and during it). Word for word, a lot in common. Further the evening away together or in SMS. A couple of times called each other for the holidays. Almost reached the upper register. As a rogue, I know what those who roll up to girls look like, so I immediately noticed the “tail” of my new acquaintance. In general, some time later, studies overwhelmed everyone, stress, all things. And I thought it was time to admit how tense days subsided. She couldn't say anything. Just that I'm irreplaceable or something. As a result, she agreed to meet with my rival because of a banal affection.
    And then the question is: is she a fool or did I almost get into an alternate airfield? And what was she thinking, a girl who had once distrusted guys before I arrived?

    It turned out that she suddenly appeared in life, everything was fine, at first there was friendship, then we were getting closer, we were fine, we went for a walk and we were fine, it was fun, but then one guy appeared, I felt that we began to move away, although I knew that they were not dating.

    Hello. I dated a girl for almost a year. I'm 23, she's 26. We had good evenings and made great love. There were quarrels because she could not find a normal job, she took on a loan to help her with her debts and help with a problem that was not pleasant for her. She went to her sisters a lot, they went to the club. True, she introduced me to her parents and they were grateful for what I do for her and so on. New Year with them met. He gave her bouquets, gave her a ring, gave her a phone. And she gave me souvenirs. In general, she did not help me with a loan, I managed on my own. There were times when I needed help. She tried to help, I saw it and still helped. I tried to meet her more often. Pushed me away from her sometimes, when she was furious at her life, I supported her. Then everything was fine. She wanted to live separately from her parents, marry me. I couldn't give it because I'm learning. Ores were because of this, of course. They corresponded and wrote their emotions over the phone too. In general, in early April, she went to her sister's dacha without telling me, and she called me a little when she was with her sisters. But this time she didn’t warn at all and didn’t say anything, I made a lot of calls to her and wrote all sorts of nonsense. She finally wrote to me after two days. Like she forgot her phone at her sister's house. I didn't believe it and broke down. Then she said that she didn’t want to have a relationship with me anymore and there were no more feelings. And she said let's be friends. I didn't agree. He began to seek her and whine into the phone. There was a contact when I decided to check it out, he said that I rented an apartment for us. Then she wanted to see me and immediately live in an apartment with me. I then flared up that you were only going to the apartment. She called me in tears. Then I wanted to meet her to apologize and give her favorite roses. She said what time. I got up and went to her house. Then she writes that she can’t and she is tired after work. I wrote that I am waiting for you with a bouquet of roses. Waited three hours and she didn't come home. And I broke down again. And she said that now do not write, do not call. In social networks, I threw it into the black list everywhere. A week later I call her and she says that she already lives with a new guy separately from her parents. And she said that everything will be returned to me to the penny. Basically, I let her go. Yesterday I called to ask about the debt. And again inspired, began to whine to her and all sorts of talk. She has a lot in one day. Says she's in love with the guy. And he says, get away from me.
    What to do? How to return it?

    Hi, my name is Arthur, I'm 20 years old. I met a girl at work, she's 24, she's married, no children, but they've been together for a very long time. Before me, she also had relationships on the side, at first for 4 months we just talked at work and corresponded, after a while I realized that I really like her. Once, after a corporate party after NG, she invited me to visit her, I needed to spend 3 hours somewhere, then I had to meet a friend, but that’s not the point. The husband was at work at night. We sat, drank and went to bed together, she did not even suspect that this could happen, and I realized that this is the very moment when you need to confess your feelings and there will be no more such a chance, I told her everything I think and she accepted it, she also liked me. We kissed all night and she gave me a blowjob. Then we met with her for 4 months, that is, spending time together and having sex. During this time, I fell in love with her very much and said that I wanted her to be with me, but she warned me that it would be difficult for her to leave everything and leave. She did not love her husband, she said that he was a good support for her. Her husband, over time, began to suspect that something was not clean, and decided to check her, said that at night, and he was at home, we were at the hotel at that time, he calls her and asks where she is, said that at home and then he tells her that he is not watching her at home. It was then that it all started, since we personally know each other, she said that she was with me and we just walked. He said that it was all over, and did not appear at home for a month, said that as soon as she received a salary, she rented an apartment and moved. Upon learning of this, I decided to move too, my mother and I have an apartment in which we used to live and we already had conversations that I would soon have to try to live alone, and then I realized that this was the very moment to take my loved one to me, but nevertheless she rented an apartment and we moved with her on the same day, she to me, I to myself. She did not appear in a new rented apartment for a week, she lived with me, everything was fine, soul to soul. It was my first long relationship with such love, I became very attached to her and I absolutely liked everything, but then I began to notice that something was wrong, I asked her, she said that she misses him, left me and began to impose on him, write, call, etc. although he didn't care about her, he answered reluctantly. She still continued to come to me, but at the same time she sought forgiveness from him. Achieved. Purely on her own initiative, no one was waiting for her there. She moved back a month later, but nothing has changed at her house, he doesn’t understand her, constantly criticizes her, doesn’t say that she loves, presents her with something that she doesn’t cook every day and she constantly cries to me about this, says that I’m better at these moments, I understand her in everything, I can talk, tell eye to eye about problems, etc. When she returned to him, I was very worried, I drank, I tried other girls and I realized that this was not at all, I didn’t go by myself. And then at work I noticed that something was wrong with her, she told me that she had found a girl on his phone and found out that while they were on the road he met a younger girl, drove her everywhere, drove her, introduced her to friends, which he did not do with his wife. But she wasn’t sure if she had sex, although it’s a no brainer that if he took her home, it’s highly likely that there was sex. She came to me again, crying, saying that she was disgusted with everything, but she was ready to forgive him everything, because it turns out that she realized that she loves him, although I am sure that this is not so. And he told her that everything was not so clean there, and she was not the only one who distinguished herself by going to the left. I told her that she herself chose, and that I really want her to be happy and not make a mistake in her choice, and if she realizes that she was wrong, then it would not be too late. It’s very difficult for me, I told her that if she went there, then we stop all communication, up to greetings at work. I love her very much and I want her to be with me, I told her about this more than once, she also has feelings for me, but it began to seem to me that I was some kind of support group for her, but I respect her choice and I want her to be happy, because she is a good girl, but not certain. I understand her that it is difficult to leave 7 years of life for me. if she wasn't married and doing things like that, I'd have left her a long time ago. This is the only reason why I still want something from her. Actually, this is my Santa Barbara in my life. I know that this will not end and she will come to me again. What do i do?

    Vitaliy... The same story as with this hero happened to me... what should I do... what should I write to her.. answer pliz..

    Hello, I have a problem, I need a lot of advice, in short, last year I fell in love with a girl ((at that time I was 17 years old) although we had relationships up to 4 times), well, we talked with her for 3 months, I confessed, and she answered like that I don’t live here and therefore nothing can happen to us (yes, she lives a little more than 300 km from my house, but every year she presses her to our town with relatives for the whole summer) then she left, but she communicated very well with her on social networks, she began to trust me very personal things to tell me, then I asked her, and you at least like me, but she said, yes, hearts appeared in the messages, but then autumn, winter, spring passed, and I still loved her and the feelings did not fade away, although she suffered because of her, and even in winter I thought we should get rid of these feelings of our very, well, even very good friend and tried to build a relationship with her, but in the end very quickly broke up because I loved that one and I couldn’t get rid of my feelings, but even then the girl I love arrived, I offered to meet, to which she replied, like that she only feels friendly feelings to me and told me not to consider him a bitch because she hurts me, she doesn’t want it and she doesn’t like this conversation either, but you can’t command her heart and also says that nothing will come of it because she will go to her mother again (and I thought that I could also get out there to find a robot there to be near her, there a friend to my brother on earnings will go and I also want, and he can take me with him) and now I don’t know what to do at all, because apart from her I don’t need anyone and without her I can’t imagine my life, I can hardly survive this communication in social networks, and now I’m almost not interested in anything and I always want to be only next to her.

    Hello, such a story: in 2014, at one holiday, I met with one beautiful girl, we had fun for two days, she turned out to be the niece of my cousin's father. She left, it turned out that she lives in Moscow but is almost always in Ufa, I live 200 km from Ufa. We communicated very well with her, but then something went wrong, we stopped communicating. Then we met in 2016 when I came to my sister, they live separately in the same two-story house. I was there for a week, during this week we communicated well, even slept almost together. We had a fun night (we just talked, listened to music, watched videos, clips). I left, and her best friend wrote to me that she loves me, but she could not tell me about it. I wrote to her and we started dating. A couple of months later, she said that she just likes me, and she doesn’t love me so wrong. We broke up, she offered to just stay friends and I agreed. All this time we communicated well and congratulated each other on the holiday. And in 2017, at the beginning of the summer, she wrote to me that she would come to my city with her sister, and when I was bored, I offered to play for the company, but she said that she didn’t play well and said that when she arrived, I would teach her. When she went, I called her of course, they came, we went to play on the console, the club was closed because of which we were a little upset. We were talking, we decided to have a barbecue at home, we went shopping with her. In the evening, my sister decided to stay overnight with us (which made us happy). When everyone fell asleep, I went to her room and decided to just hang out. As a result, we spent the whole night looking at each other's phones, and went to bed only at 5 o'clock in the morning. When they woke up they went to the zoo in another city. The next day, I offered to take a walk, as a result, they came to our house again, we spent a not very but cool day. They left home in the evening and after a while I went to them. And again, the night we slept almost together, the beds were moved, we talked very close at night, I hugged her, she reciprocated, lay on my shoulder, we even took pictures when I hugged her, and so we talked until 6 in the morning and went to bed. Woke up spent a close day. We burned all day, lay together, went to the park in the evening, we took a lot of photos there, but that night we slept because we accidentally fell asleep. I had to leave in the morning and so did she. She followed me to the bus while we walked, I hugged her tightly and didn’t let go, so we got to the bus, we stood hugging when my bus arrived, I missed it for her to stand next to her, when another bus arrived, I decided to sit on it, we hugged very strongly and for a long time and she let me go and I left. when we went to different cities together, we talked and I asked her if she had a close person with whom she had a relationship, she said yes, and I was surprised, I hugged her and didn’t let go, she didn’t even answer me, I even thought that she liked it, I said that I would wait for her, I asked and she said that she had been dating another for 3 months. I asked her if she didn’t mind that I would come to her and take a walk with her, she didn’t mind. I saw in her contact that someone wrote to her that he misses her, but maybe it's just a coincidence. So I’m thinking whether to go to her, what it will give me, I think if you constantly communicate with her, she will change her mind on me. And I can’t live without her, it’s somehow bad for me, as if there is emptiness in my soul without her. Help me.

    We live with a girl. She recently divorced her husband. They have a common child. I love her madly. But she cannot forget him in any way, she says that she still loves him. It hurts me. I don't know what to do. Relationships start to deteriorate. Help.

    Fell in love with a girl.
    But she turns out to walk with me, says "we don't need to walk." Even though we kissed.
    Recently, another guy gave her flowers and she was very happy about it.

    Hi I'm lapin romance I met at the camp
    With one very beautiful
    As a girl, I was afraid of a half-shift
    To approach her but yesterday
    I invited her to be mine
    girl and she said that
    She loves others and did not even say who help the page
    I love her so much and the shift ends =((

    Good afternoon. I decided to turn to men for advice. Can you tell me how. My nephew, a wonderful p4ren, has been studying together with a leftist at school for the last four years for 17 years. All love experiences are before our eyes. He is only her best friend, the girl met with a friend of her nephew. She shared all her love stories with her nephew, he advised, reconciled, supported and suffered. Somewhere a year ago, the girl moved to England for permanent residence, and the distance slowly dulled her feelings. The nephew began to thaw, meet with other girls. The girl also maintained a relationship with her boyfriend and nephew. Transmissions, notes, affectionate words, and how dear he is to her and cannot sleep thinking about him. And as soon as the nephew went to study in America. A month ago. The girl was inflamed with feelings for her nephew, although her boyfriend should come to live with her and study in England. Talking until the morning about strong feelings for her nephew, her desire to be with him, requests to come just drive him and his parents crazy. Do not think, he keeps everything a secret, we learn from his brother. Lost weight, depressed and ready to leave, drop out of school. I'm going through

    Hello, here is a story. In general, I fell in love with one girl, and I understood that I was ready for anything, for her sake, but without asking, I had to go abroad for 4 years, we talked on VK, but she read my messages less and less, and in the end she said that she had a soulmate, and before returning I had 2 months, then communication stopped, but I still love her, and I’m ready for EVERYTHING for her, I don’t know that guy, I asked a couple of times in a hint, she said that you don’t need to ask me anything, that’s the end of the conversation, what should I do?

    Hello! I will tell you my story, I hope to get from you the advice I need on how to proceed further in this situation, because I am really in love and very determined. It all started very unexpectedly. Here is how it was. In the village where I come from, where everyone knows each other, I saw a girl, I saw her before, walking with her boyfriend, even said hello a couple of times at the same time, but somehow I didn’t get hung up on her, but a pretty girl whose boyfriend I know, but at one moment when I met her in the store something happened to me, we greeted each other and she sunk into my soul, I just fell in love with her now 16 she is in 11th grade, I’m 23 I graduated from university this year, I work, and so, right after our meeting I went to social networks and started looking through photos, she was then in a relationship with this most familiar guy, he was 19 .... the next day, oddly enough, we met again with her again in the same store and I realized at the moment when she smiled and said hello that I would do everything to get to know her better and start a relationship with her. I didn’t wait long, I just didn’t know where to start, added her as a friend on VK, and the next day I bought a rose early in the morning and went to school. I waited for her at the entrance and here she comes, I said hello, held out a rose, in response she was surprised and asked, what is it, why, I replied that it is for you, by this I show you my feelings, (now I just understand how stupid everything turned out on my part and not thought out) she did not take the rose at first, but stood so all confused. I said don't be shy and she took it, wished her a good day and said that everything will be fine, don't worry. Then he came home, and 2-3 hours after our meeting, he wrote to her, hello, how are things at school? mood? She replied that everything was in order, then I called her for a walk, she did not agree, out of stupidity and not knowing how to communicate with girls correctly, I began to insist, she didn’t, then she wrote that she was too small for me and we were not on the way, well, I wrote to her as a joke, well, nothing, you still fall in love with me, after which she considered me narcissistic and removed me from her friends. On the same day, her boyfriend called me, asked what was happening and how and why I got into their relationship, it was very inconvenient, but still I explained to him that I fell in love with her, I understand that you have a relationship, but I see that you either meet, then you disperse and the girl really complains about the lack of attention and quarrels, so I decided to fix it on my own, said that she got used to you and you use it, santa barbora in general. Well, of course we had a fight. I decided not to give up, I bought flowers after a while and went to meet her at home after school, but her boyfriend followed me, again everything fell apart, told me that she told you everything and removed you and not to touch her, gave him flowers and left, from himself or me he gave them to me is not known. I was very upset and didn’t do anything for 3 months, tried to forget her and switch, but still from time to time she appeared in my thoughts, why this happened I don’t know. Happy New Year and happy birthday, I did not congratulate her, although I should have. In general, it didn’t work out to forget, and after a while I remembered it again, and so on in a circle, but still restrained my emotions. Spring came, it got warmer, we saw each other by chance, she was walking with her little sister and a friend, I walked towards her, said hello, and when I passed I immediately looked back and she looked back too, I stopped them and approached, talked a little, paid attention to her younger, very little sister and went on. Then we saw each other once, everything is the same, well, again we didn’t communicate for 3 months and didn’t see each other. I left for work, she was at home, by the way, she told her boyfriend about our meetings, who called me and ran into me, but everything ended happily, thank God. Quite recently I was in Chelyabinsk with relatives, I went to the Internet and to her page, and now it started again, I began to think about her. I even felt inspired and began to write a love letter and poems on paper that I wanted to convey, but it was not fate to see. I couldn’t find a place for myself, when I was traveling on the train, I also wrote and thought only about her. Arriving in the village for the first time, I turned on the computer and wrote to her about my feelings for her, I was so inspired and my emotions simply had nowhere to go. He was all on emotions and could not find a place for himself, for which he was added to the black list. Yes, and I also received an SMS from her new boyfriend or friend, so that I wouldn’t write to her like that, because she doesn’t like my SMS and she doesn’t want anything, I was surprised and called him to a conversation, at a meeting I found out that he was her new boyfriend, but I also spoke to him about my feelings and parted. I immediately called her ex-boyfriend with whom they met for 2.8 years, if you can call it that, oddly enough we became friends that day, he said that he had not communicated with her for about 2-3 months and was puzzled and worried, how could a girl who is not indifferent to both of us, educated and good to communicate with this person. Which is really not a traveling one in our opinion and does not lead the most worthy and healthy lifestyle, he is 22 years old by the way. We went to the park and saw Dasha there, the girl in question. She was sitting on a bench. We approached and started talking to her. In the end, it turned out that this was just her friend, the same unlucky one who decided to intercede after she complained, although he may not be a friend but a guy, they just don’t want rumors to circulate, so she said so, who knows. On that day, we met with her, talked normally, she was not at all afraid of me, as they told me, but why complain to me is not clear, I said that she would not be afraid of me and that I like her very much. Offered her the world and that no more sms with confessions, shook hands with each other and dispersed. Yes, she also told me that I was charming and that it was time for me to have children already, and that everything did not happen so quickly as I wanted then, having approached the school with a rose. When I got home, I saw an SMS from her that why did you ruin my personal life and ruined my relationship, that there are few girls around, anyway I won’t be friends with you, I didn’t answer anything because I was added to black. As I understand now, her ex is not indifferent to her, the statuses are for him, and this new one is also not indifferent, only he is also an adult for her, which is why she hides all this from everyone, and her strict father, who is really strict about everything. After leaving for a shift in Moscow, about a week later, I began to write to her that let's just talk as friends, but she doesn’t want to go anywhere and doesn’t answer my SMS, well, I promised that I wouldn’t bother her anymore. A week passed and I couldn’t resist, I wrote again, this is what I wrote: (-Good Morning! Good mood to you! Well, I spoke a little about myself and her, these were my last SMS to her, literally yesterday I wrote zero emotions. Now I’m thinking where to start, let’s say from scratch, if possible and what to do next. I read a lot of your articles that I really liked. It doesn't make sense to remember. We need to move on and do something to make everything work out. At the moment we are 200 km apart, but I'm always ready to come if necessary and spend time with her or do something nice, unless of course she would be pleased. We rarely see each other, write or call and call for a walk, she will not agree, and random meetings are rare, so I don’t know how to be. Advise where to start subsequent communication, of course I understand now that it was necessary to start small, but that it was impossible to return, now you need to approach with intelligence and common sense so that everything turns out safely in my direction. Of course, I understand that I did stupid things and said things and only aggravated the situation. But I believe that I will achieve her attention and reciprocal feelings. I will share my energy and strength with her without demanding anything in return. I will make pleasant surprises for her and pay attention, but here's where to start in my situation, so that again it would not anger her and take her by surprise. On the contrary, she experienced positive emotions. His language briefly described the most important thing that happened. I'm sure you can give me advice. Thank you

    Hello! I am 23 years old. I liked a girl whom I have known for many years. you could say all your life. chasing her where 7 years. He showed signs of attention in every possible way, but it did not lead to anything. even sometimes, out of desperation, under the influence of alcohol, he carved her name on the body, etc. photographed all this and sent it to her. then I realized that it was all in vain. then, while serving in the army, we very rarely communicated with her, and somehow I even cooled off towards her. but the day before the demobilization, messages began to come from her “dear beloved, etc.” I was still surprised then what happened to her? And why does she write like that? I did not understand. On arrival home, everything was decided in one evening. It turned out that she wrote to me as a friend. I did not expect such a knife in the back. as the years went on, she changed guys like gloves, but I, in turn, could not forget her. I tried to wean myself from her, met other girls, built relationships (not long ones), but only saw her, everything started all over again. then gave her a bouquet of flowers, which she did not expect. and that same evening we were left alone after the party. hugs, hugs, my declarations of love, asked for forgiveness for all the bad things that I did and said to her. I didn't even think about sex. we spent the night together. in the morning I rushed to work with kilometer steps, digesting the events of the night. then we corresponded in social networks already on as friends. my birthday came, and it became wild to me that she was the very first to congratulate me and called me “my dear, you are the best, I respect you, I appreciate you. you are more precious than everyone." and now her neutrality towards me has begun again. and she explains all this by the fact that she loves another, but that other has 0 attention to her. and what to do now after that I do not understand at all

    Hello! My name is Evgeny. My best friend, who was friends in childhood and then did not see each other for 10 years, came to his homeland, met, I introduced him to my girlfriend, with whom we have been together for 4 years, but during this time we were separated for 2 months, I lived with another woman and she lived with my parents. It's been 1 year 6 months like everything was settled forgot. he came to a friend. after a while, I began to notice that a friend was hiding from me and didn’t want to communicate with me and I learned from him that he fell in love with my woman and she with him and what should I do now to let go I can’t love her very much but I know that she loves him advise me what to do?

    Good evening, tell me how to be!!
    I met a girl for more than a year and a half, everything was very good, but one fine day, due to my fault, we stopped communicating with her, there was no communication with her for less than two months, after which I wrote to her on the social network that I wanted to return her, at first she seemed not even against meeting me again, since she repeatedly told me that everything in our relationship suited her.
    And so, after a month of our communication, I began to understand that the person no longer treats me so warmly, does not write first, does not call, although I would be very happy about this !!!
    One day I was pissed off by her attitude towards me and I asked “what happened ?!”
    But what did she answer me that after our parting, feelings had already cooled down and she was in love with another person, this news just crushed me, I didn’t know what to do and how to be
    Help with advice on how to be and what to do, please.

    Hello. Met a girl, fell in love with her. The girl considers herself an introvert, says she does not like touching. I tried to build a relationship with her. She then answered with a categorical refusal, then she went to the meeting. I behaved very wrong with her, was obsessive, confessed my love to her and constantly talked about my feelings. Broke down a few times. She always told me that she didn't love me. She recently met a guy (he lives in another country) who fell in love with her and she loves him back. She told me about it and said that she wanted to be with him. I love her so much. What should I do? I really need help.

    I met a girl. We became good friends and gradually attracted to her. She also liked me for a while, but then she began to feel strong sympathy for another person. She talks about him all the time, and I fall into apathy after that. I love her, but what should I do?
    Please tell me!

    Hello, I fell in love with a girl for exactly a year, I love her! I once persuaded her to be with me and everything was fine until the guy whom she secretly loved appeared and with the help of me she tried to forget him! now we broke up with her, I let her go to him, but she asked me to stay with her, as she said that she loved me, but me as a brother, and said that she would return to me if nothing came of it! I can no longer just kiss her, hug her in front of my eyes, and so on, and it gives me terrible pain, but I don’t want to leave her because she is the meaning of my life. I beg you to help me with advice on how to be and how to make her choose me!

    Hello. There was such a situation. I talked with a girl for a long time and did not feel sympathy because I met with another. But then I fell in love with her. During one of the walks, she told me that she used to love me. Recently, I spoke about my feelings to which she said that she had a boyfriend and that I was an invaluable friend to her and she wanted to continue to be friends. What to do??

    Hello, I met a girl not long ago, at first we were just friends, and then I fell in love with her very much, although I knew that she had a boyfriend. We have already known each other for 3 months, and now the moment has come when she leaves her boyfriend, of course I was delighted, but she immediately tells me that there is another guy whom she has loved for 5 years, and I don’t know what to do, I only need her, and no one else! Help please!

    I fell in love with a girl from the 8th grade, I’m now in the eighth, at first I called her for a walk, we walked for three days and then I called her, she agreed, but we never met and didn’t walk because she either hurts something or she’s busy every time. and forbade it, and when she breaks up with porn, I don’t know about it and I’m afraid to even propose to meet. Signs by which it seems to me that she also likes me: when I smile at her, she looks into my eyes and smiles back, she also likes when I hug her, but not always, although I hug her more often at school. I’m from the class and in general I just fought with my classmates, I’m like the current in 4th place in terms of strength, and maybe more, since I knock out almost everyone except one.

    Hello. I have a friend in college who we get on very well with. He had a girlfriend at that time, but his relationship with her quickly ended. After that, I began to support her, became more friends with this girl than before we were just acquaintances. And of course, I began to show sympathy for her. And then a month ago I realized that she was not indifferent to me. And yesterday I plucked up the courage to her and confessed my love to her. After that, the next conversation awaited me. I told her that I like her, she was surprised. Then she says that she has been liking another person for a year now. I'm sitting here now, I don't know what to do. I'm crazy about her, I love her so much. Help with something please

    I met a girl. She is pretty, attractive. Well, in general, she is what I need. We met, made gifts, she was pleased. Then she dramatically changed the relationship in me. She told me that she loves someone else. Yes, I admit, after that I got out of control. I showed myself on the bad side. That's probably why she accepts me as a friend. Now she doesn't even want to meet. I told her about my life. Well, because it’s not easy for me to live. When I call, I don’t pick up the phone. In short, you probably understand. How can I get out of this situation?
    I love her and don't want to lose her (never).

    Hello, I met a girl in the game, her friend invited her to a common clan, then she was added to a conversation in viber, I liked her right away, in a conversation we talked later it turned out that person also loves her, it turned out that they used to be in a place, but she left for Poland for half a year, he got married, has a daughter from a conversation between them, I realized that he has a mistress, while he confessed his love to her, when I write in a chat she is silent when he writes, she answers right away, today she wrote in a chat to him so that he would call her, she does not answer me willingly either in chat or in PM, invited her to come on a tour, she wrote that she might come, she will go to Poland one of these days, I wrote that I could go if you don’t mind, she replied, “then we could make friends.

    Good evening! I have such a situation. We met with one girl for about 2 months during school days. I was in the 11th grade, and she was in the 9th. After school, we kind of broke up by my mistake. Thought I'd meet someone else. As it turned out, I expected a lot. I never met a girl after her. It's been 3 years now and I still love her. 3 months ago we somehow corresponded. There was a conversation on the topic "give a chance" and so on. I scored on a girl. But at times he began to remember more and again wanted to talk and return. I found her number. Wrote, but was immediately blocked after she recognized me. A week ago I sent flowers to her house with a note. Three days later I decided to call, the beep goes on and I was surprised that she unblocked me. But, she dropped the phone or did not pick it up. Decided not to commit. The next day I wrote on another phone. It all started with a trite “hello, how are you?” And he asked her "did you like the flowers?" And he asked her to unblock me. She says the answer is obvious, for now. And I wanted to persuade her to talk saying that we are not small to avoid talking. She says that because of me she quarreled with a guy, and if we meet, it will be even worse. So I don't want to. And so our conversation ended. And what should be the mock action?

    Hello, the same situation happened, at first I started talking with the girl just in a friendly way, then everything turned to the fact that she was not indifferent, I was ready to quit everything and come to her to support, listen, etc. But the problem is that she loves my friend, they even dated for a while. But something didn’t work out for them, and I thought, this is my chance, I need to act, but I found out that they still communicate and perhaps there are shuras of mura between them. A friend is in the army now. And I've been suffering like this for 2 years, maybe even more. Once we talked to her, she said that she was not indifferent to me. But she also sees only a friend and a clown who can cheer up, have fun, etc.
    Tell me how to be?

    Hello Vitaly! My name is Tikhon. A very difficult situation, I have known one girl for a year, we are 17 years old, and recently I just realized that I really like her, and even more than ... But there was one problem - I was late. While I was making up my mind, and pondering whether all this was happening to me for sure, another person was able to win her heart. I know that if I hurry, I will ruin everything, and therefore I do not say anything to her, and I do not confess my feelings. That guy smokes, and is not very physically developed, I try to lead a healthy lifestyle, from the age of 5 I went in for sports (MMA, ARB, sambo). Recently I heard how she discusses that person with her girlfriend, how she says how good she is with him, and how kind he is, etc .... It’s very hard from all this, my soul hurts a lot, it’s very hard to pretend that everything is fine, because I’m afraid to do something, because I haven’t been in such situations yet ... Please help me with your useful advice, is it worth getting hung up on this at all? Or is it better to score everything? Sometimes it seems that everything is hopeless, all the pain turns into anger, and only the realization that she is well somehow calms ... I beg you to help ...
    Thanks a lot!

    I have a strange situation...
    With the girl we beat just friends ...
    After she knew that I like her ...
    We talked with her for a very long time, until my best friend appeared ....
    I just stand and calmly look at how everything is going on with them, but in my soul there is a stone, a flame, a black hole ......
    After all, I am her for real, and his penis is more expensive than relationships with others ...

    There is a girl that I breathe. She is everything to me.
    But she doesn't love me.
    We met 7 years ago and met at a distance, I often came to her. Of course I knew that it would not last long. We broke up.
    After 4 years, we started talking again, she broke up with her boyfriend and it was very hard for her to worry about it, she asked me to come.
    I understood that most likely nothing would work out and I was needed only to cry into my vest.
    At first it was, but with each time spent all the time, I realized more and more that I was falling in love again, and even more, the strange thing was that she reciprocated, we enjoyed each other more and more.
    But one of those days, her ex-boyfriend called her and she burst into tears, I calmed her down and realized that she still loves him, loves him like she never loved me, of course it caused me great pain, but I endured, because I love her wildly.
    I did everything for her to make her happy. But the calls and texts from her ex-boyfriend ruined everything. Although she told me that she would never return to him, that he did her a lot of bad things, he did not want to marry, did not want children, saying that he simply did not need it.
    On the contrary, I was ready for anything, and we sometimes discussed our future children and the wedding.
    But one day she said that she could not love me and wants to return the relationship with him.
    I've never been in such pain before.
    But I love her very much and don’t know what to do next, I understand that they just took advantage of me and abandoned me, but I still want to be with her. It makes me sick, but I can't help it, I still want to be with her.
    What to do?

    hello, my name is Ali. I can’t get out of this situation. I fell in love with her a year ago every day I saw her and she didn’t turn on me a year later I found out that she loves another. hang out with her. And she added me to her black list. her boyfriend is due to come from another city in five or six days, he says that when I arrive we will ask who she loves and I know that she will choose him. please help me how to do how to fall in love with her in a week ...

    My love loves others. She knows that I love her. we have known each other for 3 years

    Good afternoon
    I got it like this.
    My wife eats seed
    But it turned out that I fell in love with a girl with all my heart, I only saw a couple of races and copied her just because we didn’t have anything friends. We have a 16-year age difference
    I feel that she is true love, but she has another childhood friend
    I told her a hundred fell in love with her, she said that she was shocked by me
    What should I do, do I have a chance?

    hello Vitaly! I met my girlfriend 4 years ago, we knew each other for literally 1 hour, the next day I went abroad and we didn’t communicate at all for 3 years, and recently I was on a social network and saw that she was online and wrote to her just out of boredom (I missed my homeland and friends). It turned out that during my absence she had several boyfriends, but she often remembered me, apparently I made a really good impression on her. but after 2 months of our communication via skype and social network, she suddenly said that it’s better for us not to communicate and that we have different lives, she loves another (and this other moved to italy to live and calls her to him). After a short time, I returned to my homeland, thought about her, but she sunk into my soul so much that I did not want to destroy her relationship and decided to wait. And a week ago, her friend saw me and immediately told her that she had seen me and that I had returned. In the evening, she found my new number and reprimanded me saying why I didn’t call and tell her that I had arrived, and so on. We met with her and she really trembled and I saw that she really feels something for me, not as a friend, but more, I hugged her and heard her heart fly out of her chest, she was dumbfounded and delighted with the meeting. She herself calls me in the evenings when she is alone, but from time to time she reminds me that she loves another and that she is confused, well, in general, she herself cannot explain what is happening to her. Can you please tell me what to do. I'm ready for anything because I know that I will bring her happiness that that guy won't give her.

    I met a girl abroad. We talked for a long time, walked, kissed, gave little sweets. Then I asked her to meet and after a couple of weeks she said she couldn't be my girlfriend. So she didn't really say anything to me. I didn’t understand right away, then I bought flowers in my fist and bought flowers for her. Talked to her 1 on 1 to explain to me. She replied that she has a boyfriend, they have been dating for quite a long time, but at the time when I met her they were in a litter and are now in a litter. I told her if she wants to return everything, then let her act. She didn't tell us for two weeks

When a sensitive guy is turned down by a girl he's been chasing for a while, fair questions like "What should I do? I love her, but she doesn't love me" arise in his head. Both in this and in many other social situations, non-recognition from others can become a real problem for a vulnerable person, which can lead to isolation, various disorders and more serious consequences. Especially for such people, we will analyze what to do if you are not loved.

Causes of the problem

A person as a person does not have to be liked by absolutely everyone around him, and it would be strange and unnatural if everyone around him loved and accepted you the way you are. There will be detractors anyway.

But if the vast majority of the people around you react negatively to your presence and your actions, or even avoid you altogether, then this is definitely an occasion to reflect and ask yourself reasonable questions: "Why don't they like me?" or "Why do I love her and she doesn't love me?"

Such a problem most often occurs when a person at a certain point in his life begins to show personal qualities that repel other people and even relatives from him. These qualities will be discussed.

Negative perception of the environment

We have all met such people, for whom everything always goes wrong, everyone is opposed to them and everything around is bad. They are annoyed by bus conductors, cashiers in stores, low wages that are constantly delayed, and the like.

All this accumulates in one big lump, and others will treat such a person with understanding only at first, but if such a perception of the world only intensifies, it is likely that even the closest people will try to reduce communication with such a person to a minimum, or even begin to avoid him altogether.

Everyone has enough problems in one way or another, and everyone wants positive emotions from life, so people try to stay as far away from any negativity as possible.

Arrogance and closedness

Unfortunately, to notice these qualities in oneself is sometimes an extremely difficult task. And even if you consider yourself an open and friendly person, your unapproachable facial expression, coupled with a closed body language, carries completely the opposite message to others.

And although no one will logically understand what exactly is so repulsive about you, your closeness, one way or another, will be perceived accordingly.

If at the same time, in order to feed your self-confidence, you need to constantly belittle someone around you or make fun of them publicly and point out every mistake, then it will be absolutely natural that everyone will start to bypass you.

Excessive talkativeness

Those who in a conversation do not give others the opportunity to insert a word, they prefer not to involve them in these conversations at all, because all people have a need for at least someone to hear them.

There are those who just can't stop. They keep throwing out their "incredible" stories, jokes, anecdotes, and so on, thinking that they are entertaining the whole company and everyone around is listening to them with interest, when in fact the rest of those present are already looking for an excuse to get away from such a storyteller. That's why men love it when a girl is taciturn.

Who girls don't like

Those who wonder: "Why do I love her, but she doesn't love me?" - often represent pathologically unhappy people. A woman wants to see a man next to her who knows what he is doing and confidently walks his own path.

And although each of us has our own dramas, when you start pouring all this on a poor girl who does not expect this from you at all, her interest in you fades away almost instantly, although she can pretend to be very sympathetic.

In the same way, it happens when a man takes life. This manifests itself in the form that such a person constantly tries to justify his failures, even when no one accuses him of anything.

Also, not so obvious, but help can also be extremely repulsive. When communicating with a person of the opposite sex that interests you, it is important not to forget that you are not meeting with her in order to do her job, solve her problems, and the like. To do this, she most likely has a bunch of other guys.

How to fix the situation

Guys often say: "I love her, but she doesn't love me." In dealing with this problem, and also in case of non-acceptance by others, the first step will be a thorough introspection. After all, you need to understand what exactly needs to be worked on. In order to find out, just take a piece of paper and write down on it all the moments of the past day, both pleasant and not so.

All your own thoughts, the words of others, as well as your own remarks and actions in different situations, written down on paper, will help you analyze your behavior and understand what exactly is not going the way you would like. And the following simple actions will help you become much less repulsive both for the opposite sex and for the people around you in general:

  1. Start listening to the people around you in a real, attentive way, instead of just waiting for your turn to speak.
  2. Smile more often, no matter how trite it may sound, but a smile, even not the most pleasant one, increases your attractiveness many times over.
  3. Realize that you are not perfect and learn to openly admit your own mistakes.
  4. Really respect the people around you and recognize their dignity. If you try, you can find at least something in any person that causes respect.

One of the most important skills that will help you earn the favor of others is love and acceptance of yourself, as well as the ability to be happy and maintain a positive emotional state even in the most difficult times. Master these skills and people will be drawn to you.