How to make light curls for short hair at home: tips and tricks for creating voluminous curls. How to make beautiful curls at home

What can emphasize the beauty of women's hair more than voluminous and stylish styling, which is so relevant now?

Lush curls are a real find for owners of sparse and thin hair, because it allows you to temporarily acquire an outstanding mop that looks incredibly airy.

And if nature rewarded you with a thick braid, then this is another reason to boast of such dignity with the help of stylish styling.

Fashionable and beautiful styling - airy curls

Lush curly hair has significant advantages over more modest and less voluminous styling. Firstly, you can twist such curls on medium hair without any fear - they will not become noticeably shorter.

Secondly, the volume on the head always looks much more advantageous than straight and smooth hair. That is why this tricky hairdressing technique is widely used by fashionistas and Instagram stars - it is much easier to get a successful portrait this way.

Thirdly, voluminous fluffy curls made for long hair will instantly add a solemn touch to your look.

And this means that the air hairstyle itself will already be the main accent in your bow - you don’t need to come up with anything extraordinary. Such styling is ideal for almost any style of clothing and will brighten up any female appearance, and all because it is really universal.

You can also notice lush curls on the heads of star beauties, moreover, both foreign and domestic. Some of them even choose this hairstyle as the main one and flaunt it almost every time under camera flashes.

If you take a closer look, you will immediately understand why: airy curls, especially large ones, visually make facial features noticeably smaller and more refined, and therefore with them any woman seems more beautiful and feminine than she really is. Also, voluminous styling with large curls will divert attention from your appearance flaws ... and even disguise fullness!

It is no wonder that this airy hairstyle is most liked by eminent fashionistas who always need to look impeccable.

However, with the help of banal improvised means, which are sure to be found in the beauty arsenal of any modern girl, you can wind lush curls with your own hands no worse than Beyoncé or Jennifer Lopez.

With such a stunning voluminous styling, you can safely go to a gala event, and to a friend's wedding, and to your own birthday, and it is also the best choice if an exciting romantic meeting awaits you in the evening. It has long been proven by observant sociologists that men like those women who have lush curly curls on their heads, even if they are much less attractive than girls with smooth hair.

And although this phenomenon is not easy to explain logically, it would still be foolish not to use it so that it is so easy to become much more beautiful in an instant for the views of the opposite sex!

Before we tell you the simplest and most accessible secrets so that you can build such a magnificent hairstyle on your head, it would be useful to first clarify some details in order to avoid fashionable blunders.

  • Firstly, such styling in itself involves the creation of a large, almost grandiose volume - and therefore there is no way to do without bouffant! So if your hair is very weak and your hair is dry and brittle, then you should first treat it, and only then wind it up.
  • Secondly, although we will need styling products to fix the effect of airy curls for a long time, it is important not to overdo it here: strands generously watered with foam or varnish can simply “stiffen” and the hairs stick together, falling limply and losing their shape. What splendor can we already talk about here?
  • Thirdly, such an airy hairstyle and, moreover, fluffy curls are made exclusively on clean and washed hair. Therefore, plan your time in advance - you will first have to go to the bathroom and wash your hair so that the strands after drying are light and crumbly.
  • Fourthly, if you have thick or very long (or even just unruly hair that is hard to curl), then it is better to choose not large curls, but medium curls - this way the hairstyle will last longer.

If you are going to twist such curls, then it is better to buy styling products from an expensive segment (or even from a professional line). Such styling mousses give better volume to the hair and rarely stick them together.

But a very cheap product can ruin all your work, especially for foams and hair gels with strong fixation and with the effect of wet strands - it is better to immediately put such cosmetics away, it is definitely not suitable for lush curls!

What else is important to remember when winding big and beautiful curls? The longer you fix the given shape, the longer this styling will delight you. Therefore, it is best to choose the option with curlers - besides, it is also completely safe, since it will not harm your hair at all. But a hot curling iron should not be used too often - you can ruin your hair great.

A little female trick: if you have very little hair, and even with lush hairstyles, the volume is still clearly lacking, then do not be afraid to use a couple of overhead strands on hairpins or tips for such a hairstyle!

Moreover, under the fleece and under the lush curls, no one can see them anyway. And if you still doubt, then know that most of the glossy photos with such airy curls hide just such a secret!

Of course, curling hair on curlers is not the fastest thing to do. Therefore, it is better to immediately decide whether you have 3-4 hours of free time. If yes, then feel free to choose this option that is safe for hair health!

  1. First of all, do not be too lazy to go to the bathroom and wash your hair properly. This is important if you want to have impressive volume at the roots that will last a very long time! If your hair is oily and quickly loses its appearance, then it is better to use a special deep cleansing shampoo before styling - it will reliably get rid of excess fat and hair and scalp.
  2. Then we prepare the necessary equipment: we need a comb or brush with very fine teeth, which is convenient for bouffanting. By the way, such primitive plastic combs are often sold on stalls in the market or in budget cosmetics stores, and it is very convenient to make a lush hairstyle with them. We also can’t do without a fixative - it can be foam, mousse or a suitable gel. You can also use a good hairspray. And, of course - curlers!
  3. We wipe the hair with a towel, ridding it of excess moisture, comb the wet mop and think about what kind of parting we want to build on the head. Oblique is well suited for girls who have a large or wide face - visually oblique bangs draw out an oval. But a straight and even parting in the center of the head is well suited if you have regular features and well-marked cheekbones.
  4. After that, we apply styling cosmetics to the strands: distribute a little mousse or foam over the palms, and then rub it over the hair. If you are going to use hairspray, then just sprinkle it on top of your hair, but don't get carried away!
  5. When the preliminary procedures are over, we take a hair dryer and dry the hair a little so that it turns from wet to just wet. At the same time, we dry the upper part of the hair and the roots more - this will help create more volume.
  6. When the hair dries a little, we take a suitable comb and make the future styling more airy: gently comb each strand from the tips to the roots with short movements, paying special attention to the middle and upper parts of the hair.
  7. After that, we take on curlers - it is better if they have Velcro or a special fixing elastic band - so the beauty device will definitely not leave your head. We wind the upper strands first, curling them horizontally and away from the face. Then we wind the middle part of the hair and after - the bottom.

After that, spray the curlers well with a hot hairdryer to once again securely fix the desired shape of the curls.

And then leave the mop to dry completely. When the hair is completely dry, remove the curlers and fluff the curls a little again, lightly going through them with a fine-toothed comb to create a bouffant.

If you are afraid that the splendor effect will disappear or if it is damp and windy outside, you can additionally sprinkle a little more hairspray on the already finished styling. That's all! Stylish weightless and voluminous curls are ready.

How to make airy curly hair on a curling iron

When time is running out, and you need to look incredibly beautiful, then curling irons and hair straighteners come to the rescue.

If your home has a similar beauty inventory, then you can build magnificent curls on your head in just an hour!

  1. We wash our hair so that the hairstyle turns out really lush and crumbly.
  2. Dry the mop with a clean towel. If you have dry and dull hair, weakened by numerous dyes, then you can use a restorative mask. But oils are best avoided!
  3. We comb the hair, first apply a styling agent to the strands (but only in moderation!), Dry the hair with a hairdryer, and then treat it with a thermal protection agent so as not to overdry the mop.
  4. After that, we comb the hair, make the necessary parting and heat the curling iron. Large curls are suitable for medium hair or for long hair that holds a given shape well. But the medium diameter curling iron will create the most lush curls.
  5. We take one strand and curl it on a curling iron horizontally or slightly at an angle down - this way we get more fluffy curls. Hold the curling iron for 15-20 seconds, unravel the strand and take on another.
  6. At the end, when the whole hair is already curled, we take a comb with fine teeth and comb it at the roots of the hair and below, trying to act in such a way as to get a natural effect. The final touch will be hairspray - it will save your efforts.

If you use overhead strands, then you can curl them with a hot curling iron if they have a thermal protective coating - this is usually indicated by the manufacturer on the package. Then you first need to curl them.

As you can see, getting stylish and feminine lush curls at home is as easy as shelling pears. All you need is to arm yourself with our detailed tips and show a little diligence!

Designers offer fashionistas a stylish and original hairstyle. Today, light curls are especially relevant. Casual styling, created with stylish graduation in mind, is a bright trend.

Stylists offer to play with curls of various shapes in the context of one hairstyle. It will look especially impressive on the basis of a cascading haircut. In this case, the hair can be both long and short. You can do this styling on the basis of medium length hair. It will look no less impressive and luxurious.

Amazing Variety

Somewhat careless, chic light curls are a modern classic. Refined waves have some feature that should be considered when creating styling. It is necessary to do a hairstyle, starting from the base length of the strands. In fact, it is not difficult to perform such a light, romantic, airy styling. The result is a non-trivial and very feminine image. With the help of such an airy hairstyle, you can beat a special ensemble. It will allow:

  1. emphasize the relevance of the image;
  2. focus on your own romance, lightness, ease;
  3. form the image of a free, active modern lady;
  4. demonstrate airiness and showiness in the spirit of urban fashionistas.

At the same time, it is not difficult to make light and clear curls. You can even do the laying with your own hands, without leaving the threshold of your own apartment. Air curls can be obtained in various ways.

Most Common Solutions

However, the most popular and relevant option is airy, romantic, almost weightless curls, made somewhat carelessly. This option looks easy and elegant. Such a hairstyle will organically fit into the image in casual style. Such a charming hair design is especially suitable for owners of a somewhat elongated, thin face type. Laying visually corrects the contours.

What version of light waves is universal? What suits all young ladies without exception? These are large, deliberately voluminous and chic versions. This hairstyle is perfect for:

  • creation of festive and solemn images;
  • romantic rendezvous;
  • wedding dresses and proms.

Remarkably, airy, feminine curls with light volume can be done by any girl on her own. In this case, the length of the hair does not matter. Hair can be long and short. No less impressive styling looks on curls of medium length. To design exquisite and romantic waves, you will need to use voluminous curlers.

Chic versions in retro style deserve special attention. However, it is worth noting right away that this solution cannot be called standard, therefore it will not be easy to create it. Curls for medium hair in the spirit of the legendary and provocative Marilyn Monroe are bold, bold and very sexy. This solution is perfect for an evening out and a festive ensemble. Stylists call this option a cold wave.

Secrets of creating light romantic waves

To make such curls, it is recommended to use a curling iron. By the way, with the help of this styling device, you can also make long curls. On short strands, it is unlikely that the desired result will be achieved. Stylists suggest using devices with various attachments. However, the hairstyle will look most impressive if you use a device with cone-shaped additions.

It is they who will make a stunning effect of chic curls in retro style. The use of curlers is the most common way to design hair, when straight strands become elastic, clear, curly. Today, this device is available to beauties with short and medium length hair.

Manufacturers did not ignore the modern Rapunzel. For long curls, many versions have also been created. To beat a light and curly hairstyle, you can use options such as:

  • Thermo curlers;
  • small and large options;
  • monolithic versions;
  • smooth and perforated products;
  • Velcro models.

Also, to create romantic careless waves, you can use plastic, metal, foam rubber, rubber or wooden curlers. However, the most common option is thermal curlers, which allow you to create crisp, luxurious curls on long strands.

On short hair, it is recommended to use a hair dryer and gel to form light curls, allowing you to create clear and well-structured curls.

It is known that amazing curls make the image of a girl rich, well-groomed, give some tenderness and femininity. With such a hairstyle, you can safely attend various holidays, important events, romantic walks and just add new bright colors on weekdays. For a girl, you just need to know how to make beautiful curls at home on luxurious long or medium hair.

Preliminary preparation

Before any styling, including for creating curls, it is necessary to carry out the following procedures:

  • Wash your hair with shampoo and pat dry with a towel.
  • To protect against drying and damage to the hair structure, it is recommended to apply a heat protectant that perfectly protects the hair from exposure to hot curling irons and irons.
  • Brushing (round brush) to give a small amount of hair. To do this, comb each strand several times, lifting from the roots.
  • Then dry your hair with a hairdryer.
  • Before styling, it is advisable to apply and distribute mousse or foam over the entire volume of hair, comb from roots to ends and dry a little again.

How to curl curls yourself

When they are performed, depending on the length of the hair, only the size of the curls varies. Therefore, small curls will look better on short hair. And long ones are big. Haircuts are considered an exception - bob, page, garcon and sessun, which simply cannot be wound up.

The main ways to make beautiful curls:

The main tools for creating hairstyles are: a curling iron, an iron, a hairdryer with a diffuser nozzle, curlers, flagella, as well as brushing and clips. How to make beautiful curls at home using all these tools? To answer the question, we will analyze in detail all the options.

We create curls with a curling iron

In a short time, you can easily and, at the same time, beautifully wind your hair with a curling iron by tying a ponytail. Then divide into several strands and create elegant curls with a large curling iron.

Curls will quickly fall apart if you hold the curling iron on your hair for less than the right time.

Curls with a styler (ironing)

The hairstyle will look more spectacular if you make waves starting from the eyebrows.

Hair diffuser

The diffuser is a special nozzle for a hair dryer. Naturally, with its help, you will not get the same effect as when using a curling iron and ironing, especially on long hair. A diffuser is a great way to create curls for short to medium hair that naturally curls naturally. To obtain more elastic and neat curls, before styling, apply foam or mousse to moistened hair, which must be evenly distributed throughout the volume. Next, using a hair dryer with a diffuser nozzle, dry and wind all the strands at the same time. You can fix the result with varnish.

Curlers in creating large curls

For winding hair with the help of electric and thermal curlers, 15-20 minutes are enough. While the usual ones are kept on the hair for at least two hours!

Brushing and clips

By varying the diameter of the round brush - brushing, it is easy to get curls of different sizes.

To get a neat styling, it is better to wind the hair in only one direction.

Flagella to create waves

This is the fastest and easiest styling option. To do this, twist each strand covered with mousse or foam into a tourniquet, dry with a hairdryer and varnish.

It is convenient for some girls to twist strands into bundles, then use an iron and “straighten” the created bundle.

Headbands, headscarf or bandanas

With a headband, you can create a romantic Greek look, or you can create stunning curls. To do this, you need to treat your hair with foam, place a bandage on your head, and gently twist the hair from one end of the bandage to the other. Walking with such a hairstyle will be enough for about an hour. After that, you can free your head from the bandage and enjoy wavy hair.

To master all these various techniques for creating beautiful curls is within the power of any fashionista. The main thing is to be patient, practice, and then you will get a luxurious and modern hairstyle suitable for any life occasion and occasion.

Light curls for medium hair is an ideal hairstyle for owners of thin and sparse strands. It is appropriate for any event and is suitable for both young girls and mature ladies. There are several ways to create soft waves

Light curls for medium hair is a versatile hairstyle that is suitable for any occasion. Both very young girls and mature ladies can afford it, and it always looks appropriate.

But it should be noted that this styling is not good for all types of hair. If the strands are heavy and thick, the hairstyle looks untidy and quickly falls apart.

What are good light curls on medium length hair

Light curls made on medium length hair have a lot of advantages, such styling:

  • gives the hair extra volume;
  • looks appropriate at any event;
  • suitable for women of any age and status;
  • it is combined with different decorations and styles in clothes;
  • fast and long lasting;
  • serves as a good basis for more complex hairstyles;
  • visually aligns the oval of the face.

In addition, light voluminous curls on shoulder-length hair always make the look fresh, modern and feminine.

Ways to create light curls

Air curls are created in various ways.

Most commonly used:

  • weaving braids or flagella;
  • papillots and soft spiral curlers;
  • chemical or biowave.

Curler, iron or curling iron

This is the most common option as it is relatively safe, economical and easy to do at home.

Another advantage is that in case of failure, the hairstyle is easy to redo.

How to use curlers

All strands are wound onto hot cylinders and kept on the head for at least half an hour. Then they remove it, slightly straighten the hair and fix it with varnish.

How to use the iron

The iron used to be used only for straightening the hair, and now it is also used to create beautiful waves. To do this, the strand is wound on a pencil or finger and the resulting roller is fixed with invisibility. Then it is treated with an iron - a simple tight compression, and the finished curl is fixed with varnish. The same is done with the rest of the hair.

Using a curling iron

Now on sale there are special curling irons to create beautiful curls. They are easy to use. You just need to place the strand in the tool, close its handles, select the appropriate temperature and, after the beep, get a beautiful curl out of the curling iron.

The waves are smooth and neat, and the whole curl takes no more than 10 minutes.

The procedure is usually carried out before going to bed. The washed and slightly towel-dried strands are braided or formed into small flagella, then they put a cosmetic cap or scarf on their heads and go to bed. The next morning, dry hair is loosened and “finished” the hairstyle using standard styling products.

Papillottes and soft spiral curlers

These hairdressing tools are used on clean, damp hair. They are good because they do not have a chemical or thermal effect on the strands, so you definitely should not worry about possible harm.


These are long foam rollers that contain a metal rod inside. They allow you to form a curl of any shape and do not damage the hair structure, as it can be, for example, in the case of a curling iron.

Silicone spiral curlers

Not so long ago, to the delight of lovers of soft curls, new original and comfortable curlers appeared. They are silicone spirals of different diameters. The set additionally includes a plastic hook on a long thin handle.

The principle of operation is as follows: the hook is threaded into a spiral, a thin strand is caught with it and pulled into the cavity of the curler. Thus, they work through the entire hair.
For the best effect, you can pre-treat the strands with mousse.

As a result of the use of spiral silicone curlers, clear graphic curls are obtained.

They can be treated with varnish and, if desired, lightly spread with your fingertips.

Chemical or biowave

The advantage of both methods lies in the long-term effect.- after any of these salon procedures, you will not have to worry about the daily morning styling ritual over the next few months.

Opinions about such a perm differ, and supporters of everything natural still claim that even a biowave can harm the hair. Another reason why the salon procedure is not available to every woman is its high price.

It's good that cherished curls can be created at home.

Light curls at home

The procedure does not take much time, and its result depends only on your skill and skill. Consider a classic example of creating curls for medium hair at home using an electric curling iron.

What do we need

For home curling you will need:

  • foam;
  • comb;
  • two mirrors - to evaluate the result;
  • curling iron.

We create beautiful curls

You can make beautiful curls on medium hair in 10-15 minutes.

The procedure is simple:

  • First of all, washed, slightly damp hair is treated with a thermal protectant. This protects it from damage and further delamination and brittleness.
  • With the help of a hair dryer in the cool air mode, the strands are completely dried.
  • Depending on the desired shape of the finished hairstyle, the hair is divided into a straight horizontal, vertical or side parting.
  • Allocate the working area, the rest of the strands, so as not to interfere, are fixed with a clamp.
  • A strong fixation foam is applied to a small strand and wrapped around a curling iron.

Thus, they work out the whole head. And the finished hairstyle is fixed with varnish.

Basic rules and little tricks

When creating curls at home, out of ignorance and inexperience, you can make many mistakes and pay for them with the health of your hair or your own good mood.

To prevent this from happening, pay attention to the following rules and recommendations:

  • Use thermal curlers or curling irons only on dry hair, pre-treated with thermal protection. Otherwise, you run the risk of "burning" them.
  • Before forming curls, do not forget to apply modeling mousse to the strands. So the effect will last much longer.
  • To get natural volume, do not be afraid to “walk” through the curls with a comb.
  • If you need graphic curls, use your fingertips or a comb with long, sparse teeth to form them after removing the curlers.
  • To get natural light waves, use curlers of different diameters, place them evenly on your head when creating a hairstyle.

Variants of hairstyles with curls for medium hair

There are many options for hairstyles with curled curls for medium hair, which are suitable for both a romantic dinner and a noisy party or, conversely, office work. Here are some of them.

Method 1 (universal):

  • Comb your hair and divide it into two equal parts using a straight horizontal parting.
  • Comb the bottom strands and gather into a ponytail. Leave the top ones free.
  • Curl your entire hair with a curling iron.
  • Comb the hair twisted and gathered into a ponytail, wrap it around the elastic band and fix it with hairpins - you get a voluminous wavy bun. If there is not enough splendor, you can use a small thin chignon.
  • Divide the front curls with a straight parting, disassemble into thin strands and carefully lay the curls to the beam.

It turns out a very beautiful romantic image.

Method 2 (for a holiday party):

Lay curled curls on one side and fix them with varnish.

Despite the apparent simplicity, this hairstyle attracts the interested glances of the opposite sex, because it looks very easy, fresh and feminine.

Method 3 (for a walk):

This hairstyle is called "Waterfall".

To create it, on even strands from the temporal zone and parallel to the shoulders, weave a braid with hooks around the head. In this case, each strand coming from above is released, and instead of it, a new one is selected from the rest of the hair mass.
After the braid is formed and secured, the hair is twisted.

It turns out an original effect, in which each released strand curls separately and creates a graphic, clear curl.

Method 4 (for recreation, sports, picnic):

Often girls dream of long hair. It is not always possible to grow them, but you can create the appropriate illusion in a matter of minutes:

  • Comb the strands.
  • Divide them with a straight horizontal parting into two equal parts.
  • Collect two high tails. One should turn out over the other through a gap of 5-7 cm.
  • Roll your hair into a curling iron.
  • Poke some strands with invisibility to hide the top elastic.
  • Fix hair with varnish.

Hair Jewelry

A bright accessory attracts attention and can radically change the image.

As a result, the same hairstyle, decorated with an artificial flower, tiara, fabric bandage or hoop, looks different.

  • Wedding
    For wedding hairstyles, wreaths, combs with crystals, headbands with pearls, etc. are used.
  • Everyday look
    For everyday life, hairpins, hoops and bandages become the best helpers.

Among the wide range of jewelry for curls, you can choose the right model for any occasion.

For example, how to make a wedding decoration with your own hands, you can see in the video:

Curls for medium hair is an ideal hairstyle for owners of thin and sparse hair. They give the image a natural lightness and romance. At the same time, luxurious curls or careless coquettish curls can be easily done by yourself, in a matter of minutes, having designed a hairstyle suitable for all occasions.

Video examples of how to create light curls for medium length

In the videos prepared by us, you can learn how easy it is to create curls of medium length. After watching, you will learn how to apply various styling options at home.

Curls - this is the styling that is appropriate for almost any event: solemn, evening and even official. Nothing beautifies a woman like light curls gently framing her face. On the basis of curled hair, you can make a lot of hairstyles, both complex and simple.

One of the most common misconceptions is that curls look beautiful only on long hair. This is not so, on medium and even short lengths you can create beautiful curls that will adorn their owner. The main thing is to learn how to do it right.

There are several ways to make lungs with straightening irons, a variety of curlers and papillots. The safest way for the hair structure to create light curls is curlers. Let's consider it in more detail.

History of curlers

Curlers are as old as the world. In ancient Egypt, women, and even men, curled their hair on clay tubes. Under the rays of the scorching sun, they heated up, and the strands took the form of curls.

Calamistry - people who were engaged in hairstyles in ancient Greece - twisted the hair of noble people on calamis. This is a metal rod that first had to be heated. This is reminiscent of modern thermal curlers. Curled hair was rarely left loose, it was collected in a bun, or, as it is now called, the Greek knot, and decorated with hoops and tiaras.

In the Baroque era, Europe was captured by the fashion for elastic curls. Inventive French women, as trendsetters, come up with papillotes (fr. papillote). This is paper twisted into a bundle, through which a string or thread is threaded. The strand was wound on a paper bundle and fixed with a knot at the root. Everything ingenious is simple!

Today, papillots are made of foam rubber or soft rubber with a flexible rod inside.

Types of papillots and curlers

To create curls at home, there are many devices:

  • Bobbins. Wooden or plastic, with an elastic band for fixing. Bobbins are usually used for chemical or but they can also be styled, the curls are very small and dense.
  • Velcro curlers. They do not require a device for fixation, as they are kept on the hair due to the surface with many small hooks. There are different diameters, the curl is very light, airy. Such curlers are more suitable for creating basal volume.
  • Hair curler with natural bristles. The body is represented by a thin metal mesh and bristles. They stay on the hair without additional fastening.
  • Shapers. Modern look of papillots. The soft surface with a wire core allows you to create elastic, but not too steep curls of the required diameter.
  • Foam curlers. You can leave it on your hair all night. In the morning enjoy elastic curls.
  • Thermal curlers or electric curlers. The most modern type of curlers. They have a soft velor surface, and inside contains wax, which melts during heating on metal pins. They are fixed on the hair with special clips.
  • Magic leverage. A new word in the beauty industry. The so-called miracle curlers are very convenient to use on their own, they do not break the ends and allow you to create beautiful light curls on medium hair.

With the help of any of these devices, you can get beautiful curls without harming your hair.

Curlers suitable for easy curling

Is light, slightly disheveled for medium hair now in fashion?

To make the curl easy, you need to choose the right type of curlers. The lower the tension of the strand and the larger the diameter, the less steep the curl will turn out.

  • Papillottes for light waves are best suited. For example, shapers or boomerangs will perfectly cope with this task. The larger the diameter, the lighter the wave will be.
  • Thermal curlers will also not give a tight curl, but the basal volume and air waves are guaranteed to you.
  • Velcro hair curlers will create dizzying volume and a slight wave at the ends.
  • Magic leverage will leave tighter curls on your hair, but are great for medium to short hair.

How to use curlers correctly

How to wind curlers? On all devices, except for thermal curlers, you can wind both wet and dried strands.

If the desired result is light waves, then it is better to pre-dry the hair or leave it slightly dry. For a cool curl, wind the curlers on wet hair, then it is important to dry the strands to the end.

After washing your hair, before blow-drying, apply styling mousse or styling cream with medium hold to the strands. This will allow the hairstyle to last longer, as well as add shine and volume.

Curler winding technique

In order to get light curlers and curlers, it is better to wind them vertically.

After you have washed your hair, applied a styling product and dried the strands, you need to divide the entire mass of hair into zones in order to make it convenient to curl.

First, make a parting from ear to ear, and then separate the lower occipital area from the upper one. Pin the top with a clip or hairpin.

Start winding the curlers from the lower occipital area, vertically. If the ends of the hair are strongly profiled or, according to the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe haircut, they are of different lengths, then it is better to wrap the ends of the strands with paper. You can buy it at any store with professional cosmetics and equipment for hairdressers. Thanks to her, the ends will not break, and the curl will be neat from root to tip.

To make the styling look as natural and not deliberate as possible, do not wind all the papillots in one direction, it is better to do it in a checkerboard pattern, twist one strand to the right, the other to the left.

Do the same with whiskey. It is better to wind the strands closest to the face in the direction from the face, this will give the hairstyle lightness.

The parietal zone can be wound horizontally, this will give an excellent basal volume.

If the hair was slightly damp, it should be thoroughly dried with a hair dryer or left to dry naturally. Soft papillots can be left on all night.

After removing the papillots, fluff the waves with your fingers and fix with a light or medium hold varnish.

Hair can be left loose, or can be collected in one of the proposed hairstyles.

Pin up style

A very feminine and stylish hairstyle in the style of Pin Up girls from the American posters of the 40s. The accent in such a hairstyle will be a kerchief with peas, a bright silk scarf or a multi-colored bandana, it is these accessories that will give the styling retro chic. Such hairstyles are made with light curls, so you first need to curl your hair.

Make a side parting and lay the bangs on one side. At the crown, gather the curls into a high ponytail and tease lightly so that the elastic is not visible. Fix with varnish. Tie a scarf or ribbon in a contrasting color over the bangs.

Braided hairstyle

A variety of braids in fashion is not the first season. This is a great way to refresh hairstyles with light curls on medium hair, to give them a more solemn and romantic look.

Divide your curled hair into a straight parting. On the one hand, at the parting, closer to the face, select a strand of medium width. Braid a light braid, fluff it a little with your fingers, apply a little varnish and pin it up at the back. Invisibility can be hidden under the hair, or you can fix the braid with a bright contrast hairpin.

Greek style

A perfect option for a gentle and romantic bride.

Smoothly comb the hair curled into curls at the crown, and fluff the ends a little and comb them. Fix the ends with hairspray, directing the spray from the bottom up. At the face, lower the curls a little. Decorate your head with a beautiful headband with flowers or stones.


In the best traditions of the golden era of Hollywood. medium length - a classic that has no equal.

How to wind curlers for a Hollywood wave? Make sure that all the strands are directed in one direction, this is what will help create the desired silhouette.

After removing the curlers, gently comb your hair with a brush with rare teeth strictly from the roots to the ends.

The second rule of the Hollywood wave is the side parting. The bangs need to be combed at the roots, lifted and fixed with varnish. The other side must be pinned with an invisibility behind the ear.