How to make heels soft at home. How to soften very rough and rough heels. How to get rid of rough heels

Hello dear readers. Every day, our legs are subjected to serious stress, which cannot but affect their appearance. The skin of the feet dries out, which leads to its thickening and coarsening. But if it was only in the aesthetic side of the issue. Increased dryness of the skin on the heels can lead to the formation of cracks, which will bring you a whole host of problems. It is important to solve the problem of dry skin long before the appearance of such consequences. In winter, few people care about the appearance of their feet, but the sudden warming forces us to act quickly. If you follow all the necessary recommendations, then in a short time it is quite possible to put your legs in order.

First you need to find out why the heels are dry and rough. This will help you avoid repeating the problem in the future.

Why did the heels become dry and rough - reasons

When a problem is detected, our brain begins to build a plan to solve it, and few people think about the very reasons for its occurrence. Many people think that the skin of the heels roughens only from improperly selected shoes, but besides this, there are several more reasons:

Deficiency of vitamins A and E

Which are one of the most important components of healthy skin. Their abundance in the body leads to a gradual drying of the upper layers of the skin, and over time it becomes coarse.

Fungal infections of the skin of the feet

The presence of a fungal infection leads to a change in the structure of the skin, as a result of which it coarsens and cracks.

If, along with these symptoms, you find a change in the color of the nail, then this already indicates a fungal infection in the body.

Insufficient or incorrect hygiene procedures

If you do not follow the hygiene of your feet, then the fungus will not keep you waiting, as you create all the conditions for its appearance. Using the wrong cosmetics can also lead to overdrying of the skin.

Wrong shoes

As a rule, these are too narrow shoes made of “non-breathable” fabrics. The lack of ventilation of shoes leads to excessive sweating of the feet, and, as you know, a humid environment is ideal for the reproduction of bacteria.


While walking, the center of gravity of the whole body falls on the legs, so the presence of excess weight only increases this load.

Disruptions in the endocrine system

Most often it is diabetes mellitus, in which the body is dehydrated, which leads to overdrying of the skin.

Rough heels - how to get rid of at home

Before starting any treatment, it is necessary to find out the cause of the problem. Why is it so important? Yes, because, perhaps, in addition to “softening” procedures, you will need treatment for the underlying disease, which caused dry skin on the heels.

If there is no serious reason, and your feet are simply tired of uncomfortable and stuffy shoes, then a small course of procedures will help you restore your legs to a healthy look. It helps well, you can use it after baths.

1. Apple compress

To carry out such a procedure, we need to grate a green apple on a fine grater in order to get as much juice as possible.

We apply the resulting slurry to the roughened skin areas, wrap it with polyethylene and fix the compress with socks.

Please note that the procedure is important to carry out at night. During this time, the juice will soften hard skin, nourishing it with its beneficial substances.

2. Banana

To carry out such a procedure, it is necessary to choose a ripe fruit so that it can be turned into a homogeneous porridge.

So, carefully knead the banana, then apply the puree on the damaged skin and leave for 20 minutes. You need to apply the product on clean skin, so before starting the procedure, you should take a bath.

3. Honey

In folk medicine, honey is almost the main healing agent that helps to restore the structure of the skin.

We need exactly liquid honey, as we will add it to the bath. After that, you can do a massage using the same honey.

Honey helps get rid of dry, rough heels and is effective in treating cracked heels and dry feet.

You can also make honey compresses, leaving the compress from 20 minutes to 1 hour. Then wash off the honey with water.

4. Lemon juice

As you know, citric acid is the best emollient in the case of rough skin. In addition, it helps to clear the feet of dead skin.

Lemon juice can be added to foot baths, after which it does not hurt to wipe the heels with a lemon wedge. This will help not only soften and cleanse the skin, but also disinfect it.

5. Curd compress

We all have long known sour cream face masks that can restore the beauty of “tired” skin. In this case, we will take cottage cheese as the basis of the compress, mixing it with a spoonful of sour cream.

For a better effect, you can add a little honey to the curd puree, which will help in healing the cracks.

Apply the resulting base to the heels for about 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

6. Milk and onions

Grind the peeled onion with a fine grater and add a little milk to it. We apply the product on the feet and fix it with cling film. Again, the procedure should be carried out at night.

7. Castor oil

This oil has a fairly dense structure, which makes it easy to apply it to the skin. It is castor oil that is considered one of the best remedies for combating dry skin.

Wet cotton pads with oil and apply to the heels as a lotion. The skin will have time to be nourished with useful substances only overnight, so daytime procedures are unlikely to lead to any result.

8. Celandine leaves

Rub the leaves of a young plant and apply them to the affected area of ​​the skin. Wrap your feet in cellophane and leave the mask on for an hour.

Please note that celandine juice can cause allergies, so before starting the procedure, it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction.

9. Cabbage

As a compress, we will use two cabbage leaves, which must first be kneaded. You can do this with a meat mallet.

We apply the sheets to the heels and fix them with cling film.

10. Oils

You can use vegetable oils (olive, peach, sesame and others). After cleansing the heels, lubricate the feet and heels with oil, put on a bag and a toe. Then remove after 15-30 minutes.

In addition to these funds, you can apply. This is an antiseptic, tonic, which is used to treat cracked and dry feet.

How to soften the heels are very rough and rough

Most of all masks and compresses are applied to already softened skin, because the effectiveness of the procedures depends on this. Therefore, we need to properly prepare the feet for the next step.

The best type of procedure for softening the skin of the feet is considered a foot bath. This does not mean that you just need to steam your legs in hot water. The solution should contain ingredients that will help cleanse the feet of dead skin layers.

Each of the bath solutions will contain its own natural medicinal component:

Bath with herbal tea

The composition of the product will be dominated by such plants as chamomile, sage, string and calendula.

The bath is prepared on the basis of a pure decoction, in which it is necessary to place the feet for only a few minutes in order to make the skin soft.

In addition, the decoction has an antibacterial effect, which will be useful in the case of a fungus.

With red wine

The preparation of the solution consists in mixing half a liter of wine with two liters of water. Dip your feet in the prepared solution for about 20 minutes. After just a few treatments, you will see a noticeable improvement in skin condition.

Please note that such procedures are an additional type of treatment, and should be carried out in combination with other types of therapy.

saline solution

For its preparation, it is desirable to use sea salt, but table salt can also be used. In warm water, you need to dissolve a few tablespoons of salt, after which you will have as much as 15 minutes to enjoy the pleasant sensations.

If your skin needs urgent hydration, then water can be replaced with milk. As soon as the skin becomes soft, you need to immediately treat it with a pumice stone;

Rough and cracked heels - what to do at home

If you notice that your feet have begun to coarsen, and small cracks have already formed on the skin, then this means only one thing - you need to urgently do something.

But do not rush to immediately take up the procedure. First of all, you should make sure that dry skin on the feet is not related to other diseases. Otherwise, you will waste time on treatment that will lead nowhere.

If the cause of this manifestation is a simple lack of vitamins or uncomfortable shoes, then medical procedures will quickly help the skin of the legs recover.

But the recovery process is not limited to one point, since the treatment of dry skin should be carried out in a complex manner.

Let's find out what to do if you have dry and rough heels:

1. Pay attention to your diet. Increased dryness of the skin may be associated with the intake of an insufficient amount of nutrients in the body. Include more fruits and vegetables in your regular diet.

2. Do gymnastics. Poor blood circulation to the extremities may well be the cause of overdrying of the skin of the heels. Spend at least a few minutes a day doing simple leg exercises.

3. Wear only comfortable shoes. Do your feet hurt after wearing high heels? Start wearing shoes after which you will not feel tired in your feet. Swap out your shoes for comfortable, breathable sneakers, or opt for flats that won't put your feet under that pressure.

4. Humidify the air in the room. During the heating period, the air in the room becomes too dry, and the unhealthy appearance of your feet may be associated with this.

5. Wear the "right" socks. Give preference to socks made of natural materials, in which your feet will "breathe".

6. Purify with a pumice stone moderately, otherwise you may damage the skin.

7. Masks should be done only after preliminary steaming with a bath. Such procedures can be given time a couple of times a week.

8. Use natural ingredients. Carrying out any procedures for improving the skin of the legs requires the use of only natural ingredients. If cracks have already formed on the heels, then products with a rich chemical composition will only harm you.

With the onset of heat, you will still have to show your legs, which have lost their former appearance during the winter. But returning it is not so difficult, especially if we are familiar with such recommendations. But before you do anything, you need to find out the cause of such a problem as dry skin on the heels.

80 378 3 It doesn't matter what size your feet are, but if you're a woman, you need to take care of your feet. Sometimes you meet a woman on the street, beautiful, with makeup, stylishly dressed, smelling good, but paying attention to her heels, it immediately becomes clear that she does not care for them and all her beauty dissolves. I heard from many acquaintances that they (guys), when choosing a girl for a relationship, often pay attention to their legs. Someone on the calves, someone on the fingers and feet. So if you are still in search, then be prepared for anything, suddenly your untidy legs will scare away the prince.

A woman should pay due attention to her heels all year round, and not only when spring comes in the yard. And it is not necessary to run to a beauty salon for this. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers also knew how to clean rough heels and how to make the heels soft at home.

Why do heels get rough?

Naturally, only babies have smooth heels, if you see a woman who has soft and smooth heels, without a single crack, believe me, this is the result of long and hard work. And you will not have such heels if you do not try. The skin on the heels coarsens over time and why does this happen? Let's look at the main reasons:

  • Violation of the rules of personal hygiene. Regular washing and cleansing of the skin of the feet also belongs to the personal hygiene procedure, and violation of its rules leads to rough skin.
  • Some people are not familiar with the pedicure procedure, they think that a pedicure is just applying nail polish and that's it. But in fact, a pedicure implies a complete care for the nails and skin of the feet.
  • Synthetic socks or tights. As everyone knows, synthetics do not allow air to pass through, the feet begin to sweat, bacteria multiply, an unpleasant odor and fungus appear.
  • Too dry skin of the feet also causes cracks. If lovely ladies think that only the face and hands need to be moisturized, then they are deeply mistaken. Feet are less prone to dryness.
  • Unbalanced nutrition. If your body lacks any vitamins, namely A and E, it can answer you with rough heels.
  • If you have rough heels, you may like to walk barefoot, including at home. Try to give up this habit, your bare feet are more prone to dryness and cracking.
  • Wrong shoes. For example, in the summer it is worth choosing sandals with a closed heel, so you protect your heels from the sun's rays and frequent weathering. The rest of the time, choose heels carefully, and don't wear tight or uncomfortable shoes.
  • More serious diseases of the endocrine system, diabetes mellitus can also provoke hanging dryness of the feet, which in turn affects the formation of cracks.

How to get smooth heels at home

The most effective method of dealing with rough heels is the use of special foot baths. The composition of the baths can be different: herbal, saline and soda, depending on the characteristics of your skin. After applying the bath, the skin of the legs is thoroughly cleansed with a fine-grained pumice stone or a special one. At the end of the procedure, a moisturizer is applied. For maximum hydration, you can lubricate your feet with olive oil and put on plastic bags at night, and in the morning you will be surprised how soft and smooth your feet are.

Read more about foot baths soon on our website.

Folk recipes for masks for soft heels

If your heels are seriously suffering from cracks and corns, then it is advisable to apply special masks to the feet after using the baths.

  • egg and lemon mask . Break the egg, separate the yolk from the protein. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice and the same amount of starch. Mix everything thoroughly. Apply the mask on the feet until completely dry, and then rinse with warm water. At the end, apply a nourishing cream to your feet.
  • Honey and olive oil mask . Mix honey and olive oil in equal amounts and apply the resulting mixture on the heels for half an hour. Then wash off with warm water.
  • Zucchini mask . Take a young zucchini, grate it on a fine grater. Put the resulting mixture in a clean gauze, and then apply to the problem area for 30 minutes. Then everything is washed off with warm water and a nourishing cream is applied to the feet.
  • Honey and banana mask . Grate the banana on a fine grater. How much banana turned out the same amount and take honey. Move everything. Apply the resulting porridge on the heels and wrap the feet with plastic wrap. Leave on for 30 minutes and then wash off with warm water.
  • Aloe mask . Grind an aloe leaf in a mortar, apply the resulting mass to the problem area, wrap it in cling film and leave overnight, and in the morning you will see an amazing effect.

Using hydrogen peroxide for heels

Surely, in every home first aid kit there is hydrogen peroxide, by the way, and it is very effective in combating rough skin on the feet. We will tell you how to clean your heels with hydrogen peroxide. But first, it is worth noting that this substance has a rather aggressive nature, so its use requires compliance with all recommendations.

There are 3 effective recipes using hydrogen peroxide:

  1. Dilute hydrogen peroxide in water in a ratio of 1 to 6, respectively. The water should not be cold, but slightly warm. Next, take a small piece of gauze bandage, soak it in the resulting solution and wipe its area around the feet for about 5 minutes, and then clean it with a pumice stone.
  2. You can also soak your feet in an aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide. Take hot water (1.5 liters), as hot as possible so that your feet can withstand such a temperature. Add 4 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and steam your feet for about 5-10 minutes. After steaming, the feet can be cleaned with a pumice stone or a foot file.
  3. And the third recipe contains, in addition to hydrogen peroxide, table salt. Pour a basin of warm water, pour 2 tbsp. l. salt. Hold your legs in the basin for about 7 minutes, then add 3 tablespoons to the same basin. hydrogen peroxide and continue the procedure for another 5 minutes. When finished, scrub your feet with a pumice stone.

Using hydrogen peroxide, you can treat not only rough skin of the feet, but also corns. Take a gauze lotion, soak it in an aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide and lay it on the corns for 2 hours (you can stick it with a plaster)

Using Aspirin for Soft Heels

Aspirin is, so to speak, heavy artillery that can cure the most neglected type of rough heels. How to clean your heels with aspirin?

The recipe is the following:

  • 10 aspirin tablets
  • Medical alcohol

Grind the tablets into powder, add iodine and alcohol. Apply the resulting mass to the damaged areas of the skin after the procedures. Aspirin-based infusion promotes rapid healing of cracks and softens the skin of the heels.

Heels like a baby in 10 minutes

You have an important event, but you don’t have time for a pedicure at all, then you need to know how to quickly make soft heels at home. We offer you an express procedure:

  • Wash your feet thoroughly with cleansers and then dry them dry.
  • On dry feet, apply your usual foot cream. Let the cream absorb completely.
  • Then take a special foot file, soak it in warm water and rub it on the problem area on your feet. Do the procedure until all the rough skin peels off the feet.
  • Then wash your feet thoroughly again, apply a fat cream and put on special cosmetic socks. You can use regular cotton socks.

Of course, this express method is not suitable for advanced cases. If your heels are very rough and with a lot of cracks, then it is better to resort to more serious ways to soften the feet.

As heavy artillery, we suggest you try the new, amazing Scholl Velvet Smooth foot file. Personally, I have already experienced it myself. Here

  • All procedures are performed on clean feet.
  • Foot skin care procedures are best done in the evening, so your feet can fully relax overnight.
  • Never cut with sharp objects (blade, razor or scissors) corns and cracks. You can only injure yourself.
  • If you use more powerful tools, never neglect the instructions. Clearly observe the proportions, and then nothing will threaten your health.
  • Do not use coarse pumice. If you think that a rough pumice stone will help you deal with rough feet faster. You are mistaken, you only injure your skin, you can use a scrub instead of pumice.
  • Take care of your feet regularly, just like you brush your teeth.

Now you know how to effectively clean your heels at home, so there is no need to spend a lot of money for a similar procedure in a beauty salon, because everything can be done at home and using simple and affordable means.

Most often, women follow the skin of the feet. They can use ready-made cosmetic formulations to soften the skin of the heels or improvised means. The products available in every refrigerator can come to the rescue. You can apply compresses, masks, body wraps and other skin treatments. It is important to choose the recipe that will not only solve the question “How to soften the heels quickly at home?”, But also will not negatively affect the skin.

The main methods of exposure to the skin of the heels

  1. Warm baths. At the end of a working day, this is not only a procedure that is useful for softening the skin of the feet, but also very pleasant. Baths are able to relieve fatigue, relax the legs after long-term wearing of shoes. In winter, warm water is doubly useful, because it has a pleasant warming effect and helps prevent colds. It’s a good idea to add sea salt, essential oils (about a few drops), soda to the baths. Salt can be purchased fragrant or multi-colored, it will perfectly relax your legs.
  2. Pumice - should be in the arsenal of every girl. It is different with small pores or with large ones. The latter is used to remove a thick layer of keratinized skin from the heels. You can also purchase files, the surface of which is similar to fine sandpaper, it will save you from small roughness. It is best to purchase tools with handles so that they are comfortable to use.
  3. Emollient creams are suitable for those who regularly care for their feet. They must contain urea and glycerin, they have a beneficial effect on the skin. Good remedies are EVO creams, Lekar, as well as calendula ointment. You need to apply creams with massage movements, then the procedure will give you maximum pleasure.
  4. Essential oils can be used regularly. Orange and jasmine extracts are especially helpful. They can be added to warm baths, but also to water for washing feet.
  5. Helpers in the fight for soft heels are products that are always at your fingertips. In every house it is easy to find eggs, potatoes, vegetable oils. They can be added to masks, compresses and wraps.

If you have neglected foot skin, then it is best to start by contacting a beauty salon. With the help of procedures, you can quickly put your legs in order. If you do not have time to visit the salon, then it makes sense to use an alternative procedure - to purchase pedicure socks. They are now actively supplied from China and Japan, where they have already earned good reviews, and now they delight Russian women. These socks contain lactic acid, which dissolves corns well.

The main causes of rough skin and cracked heels

In addition to the natural causes of skin death, there are a number of diseases that disrupt this process and prevent cells from dying and regenerating in time. If you are concerned about the problem of rough skin of the foot, then you should be examined for the presence of the following diseases.

  1. Skin fungus. It can also manifest itself with other symptoms, for example: itching or discoloration of the nail plate.
  2. Skin diseases: dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis.
  3. Peeling skin syndrome.
  4. Scarlet fever.
  5. High content of vitamin A in the body.
  6. Diabetes. This disease interferes with the recovery of the skin. Non-healing wounds and cracks appear. Look for other signs such as dry mouth, frequent urination, sudden changes in weight.
  7. Digestive problems.
  8. Failure of metabolic processes.
  9. Frostbite.
  10. Rash.
  11. Iron-deficiency anemia.
  12. Hormonal disorders and others.

But, even in quite healthy people, this problem periodically worsens. The reason lies in the wrong daily care and other factors.

  1. Lack of regular proper foot skin care.
  2. Reaction to medications.
  3. Synthetic socks, stockings, tights.
  4. Walking barefoot, or constant use of open shoes in the summer.
  5. Lack of vitamins A and E.
  6. The wrong soap. Do not use soaps that dry out the skin too much, such as antibacterial soaps.
  7. Insufficient humidity level in the room.
  8. The shoes are too narrow and uncomfortable.
  9. Shoes made of synthetic materials.
  10. The body reacts to a sudden change in climate.
  11. Deficiency of minerals in the body.
  12. High content of chlorine in water.
  13. Abuse of sunbathing and solarium.
  14. Reaction to constant stress and depression.
  15. Insufficient water intake.

If you find any of these factors, then try to minimize its impact as much as possible.

How to make heels smooth, soft, tender - at home

Apply several means, and, as a rule, in a complex.

To clean the heels of dead cells mechanically is not more than once in a couple of weeks.

Scrubs and softening masks are acceptable once or twice in 7 days.

Use moisturizing and nourishing masks as much as possible, but at least once every 7 days.

Baths should be done as often as possible, it is desirable to make them a "ritual" every evening.

Heel baths - simple recipes

This procedure should be combined with a foot massage. You can just massage with your hands. And also, as far as possible, use either a soft brush or special massage devices.

The purpose of the massage is to improve blood circulation in the foot so that the skin receives the necessary elements in sufficient quantity and volume. And also, it’s just very pleasantly relaxing, and even helps to improve health, because there are many reflexogenic points on the feet.

Contrast baths

The easiest and most affordable way is contrast baths. Soak your feet first in hot water and then in cool water. The temperature must be within reasonable limits.

Baths with apple cider vinegar

Dilute 30 milliliters of apple cider vinegar in warm water. Place your feet for 20 minutes. After - use a bath with clean cool water. Apple cider vinegar softens the skin.

Baths with herbs

Prepare a bath with the addition of a decoction of chamomile, hops, rosemary, mint. You can buy a fee at the pharmacy.

Sea salt for baths

Milk bath with sea salt. Immerse your feet in the contents of the bath for half an hour.

Wine foot bath

Once a week, you can pamper your feet with wine baths. Both white and red will do. Dilute 500 milliliters of wine with 2 liters of warm water. The bath is designed for 20 minutes.

Flaxseed infusion for baths

Pour flax seeds (in the amount of 60 grams) with 250 milliliters of boiling water. The mixture should boil for 10 minutes. After - let stand for an hour. Strain. Then - add 400 milliliters of peppermint solution and 3 liters of warm water. The bath is ready. Submerge your feet for 20 minutes.

bath with peroxide

Foot baths with hydrogen peroxide. There are several recipes. The result is visible immediately after the first procedure, as it has a very good effect.

Method one. Mix 6 parts warm water with 1 part hydrogen peroxide. Soak cotton wool in the solution, and wipe the skin of the foot for about 4 minutes. Afterwards, clean with a pumice stone.

Method two. Dilute 60 milliliters of peroxide in one and a half liters of hot water. Steam your feet for 5 minutes. After - carry out brushing.

Method three. Add 60 grams of salt to 4 liters of warm water. Soak your feet in the bath for 7 minutes. Then - add 30 milliliters of hydrogen peroxide. Hold on for another five minutes. Dead skin will turn white. Then exfoliate.

Such baths should be done no more than once in 7 days. After the bath, be sure to treat the skin with cream. Such baths not only help to bring the skin back to normal, but are also able to normalize the processes of sweating.

Baking soda and soap

Grate the soap on a coarse grater. Take 20 grams of soap and dissolve in 2 liters of warm water. Add 35 grams of soda. Place your feet in the bath for 20 minutes, and if there is a problem with calluses and corns, then for 40 minutes. After - use a pumice stone, and complete the procedure - moisturizing the skin with a nourishing cream.

Treatment of cracked heels - masks, compresses, folk remedies

Not everyone knows how to make the heels soft, tender, smooth like a baby's, but proven folk remedies that everyone can use help in this.

Compress with peroxide and lemon

This is an excellent remedy for the fight against corns. Soak the gauze with one part hydrogen peroxide solution mixed with five parts water. Apply a compress to the corns. Hold 120 minutes. After - put a slice of lemon on the problem area and fix it with socks. Hold for another 120 minutes. After cleansing with a pumice stone, and moisturize the skin with cream.


Grind the roots of elecampane. Pour 30 grams of roots with a liter of water. The mixture should boil. Leave the decoction all night. Daily compresses help heal cracks.

After the bath, you can make a compress of olive or linseed oil. Rub your feet, put a sock on top and leave it overnight.

Oatmeal and linseed oil compress

Boil oatmeal or cereal in water. Add flaxseed oil generously. Place the mixture in plastic bags. Put them on your feet. Secure with a sock on top. Leave the compress on for 120 minutes. Afterwards, rinse your feet with warm water. Apply cream on your feet. Repeat the procedure 3 more times.

Compress honey + cabbage

After the bath, rub honey into the cracks. Cover the heel with a cabbage leaf. Secure with a bandage and socks. Leave the compress on all night. Wash off in the morning.

Compress - milk + coltsfoot

Finely chop the coltsfoot leaves. Pour in 250 milliliters of hot milk. Let the mixture brew for 60 minutes in a water bath. Cool the mixture, put on cheesecloth. Apply to feet for 30 minutes.

Ointment with essential oil

Baby cream, or petroleum jelly, in a volume of 15 milliliters, mix with 2 drops of lavender and chamomile essential oils. Apply to cracks three times a day. The storage container must be tightly closed.

Ointment from the yolk

Whisk one egg yolk. Add 5 milliliters of vinegar and 15 milliliters of vegetable oil. After a bath or steaming - apply the ointment to the cracks. Wrap your foot in cling film, put on a sock. Leave overnight.

Mix an egg yolk with 5 ml of lemon juice. Add a pinch of starch. Apply to feet. Wait for a crust to form. Wash off with warm water.

Bulb compress

Finely chop a couple of onions and mix with 15 milliliters of oil and 15 milliliters of honey. Mix everything thoroughly, and apply the resulting composition to the skin of the feet, secure with cling film, and put on cotton socks. If the procedure is the first, then leave the compress for 40 minutes. If there are no discomfort, then the compress can be kept all night.

Herbal decoctions - herbal compresses

Nettle bath. Pour 30 grams of chopped nettle with one liter of boiling water. Wrap the container in a towel. Let cool. After express the infusion. Add it to foot baths. This will help heal the cracks.

A compress of aloe or cabbage leaves

Cut the leaves of the plant, apply a compress for the night. It will not only soften the skin, but also help heal, in the presence of wounds.

Infusion for healing cracks

Mix 30 grams of St. John's wort and 15 grams of calendula, add 1 liter of boiling water to the composition, then let it cool to an acceptable temperature and take baths for 15 minutes. Let your feet soak up the liquid completely. Do not dry with a towel. After fix the result by applying a fat cream or ointment.

Prepare a decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula and sage. You can use all herbs or individually. Pour 40 grams of grass with 2 liters of boiling water. Let stand for half an hour. Strain the infusion and add to baths.

Treatment of heels with glycerin (bath and mask)

As a rule, it has a good softening and healing effect.

Bath. A foot bath with glycerin helps heal wounds and cracks. It is necessary to mix 15 milliliters of glycerin, 5 milliliters of ammonia. Add 2 liters of hot water. Keep your feet in the bath for 15 minutes.

Mask. Clean your feet first. Buy a vial of glycerin at the pharmacy. As a rule, it is not completely filled. Pour vinegar essence into the bottle to the top to the very neck. Shake the bubble.

Apply the mixture to your feet using a cotton swab. Wrap cling film on top. Secure with socks. During the day, the compress time can be 40 minutes.

Ointment for the treatment of cracked heels

Treating cracked heels can be done by applying ointments, oils, fats, and other home remedies to make your heels soft and smooth like a baby's. One of the most wonderful healing agents that can be purchased at a pharmacy and used for heels.

Wax and vegetable oil ointment

Fry a finely chopped onion in vegetable oil. Then drain the oil. To 250 milliliters of oil, add 100 grams of wax, and one piece of propolis. Let it boil on a slow flame. Wait for the wax to dissolve, and let it boil for a couple more minutes. Drain into a jar. The ointment should become thick.

Wax ointment

Melt 10 grams of wax in a water bath. Add 5 ml each of cocoa butter and shea butter. Additionally, add 5 milliliters of calendula oil, sea buckthorn.

Ointment with badger fat

Place three tablespoons of fat in a water bath for 10 minutes. Add one teaspoon of marigold flowers and one teaspoon of celandine. First, dip the herbs for 60 seconds in boiling water. Boil the whole mixture for half an hour. Don't let it boil. Then let the compound cool down. Store in the refrigerator and apply before bed.

Aloe mask

Mix 100 milliliters of aloe juice with 150 milliliters of castor oil. Add 50 ml of eucalyptus oil. Mix and apply to the feet several times a day.

When caring for the skin of the feet, a lot of mistakes are made. In order for the skin to be smooth and healthy, you should follow the rules:

  1. Clean the skin of the heels from rough skin with the help of special files. Clean only on dry skin. Pre-steamed skin is processed only with pumice. Don't use a razor.
  2. Do not use too often ointments and creams with a high acid content.
  3. Before treating cracked skin with a cream, it is necessary to treat it with peroxide.
  4. File your heels in one direction only.
  5. Do not overdo it with cleansing procedures.

Treatment must be comprehensive. First, make sure there are no diseases.

If you are overweight, then you should take care of its correction. After all, it is he who leads to metabolic disorders and increases the load on the feet.

Review your diet. Increase your intake of foods rich in vitamins A and E, minerals. Reduce your intake of sweets and starchy foods.

Make sure that the amount of water consumed per day is sufficient for your body. Go in for sports. This will help improve circulation in the feet.

During treatment, wear shoes and underwear made from natural materials. Try to increase the humidity in the room.

Remember, only regular care leads to good results. Moisturize your feet regularly with a fat cream, massage.

If you plan to be in the sun for a long time, you should protect your feet from drying out. Instead of cream, you can use natural coconut oil.

For the preparation of masks and ointments, use natural ingredients. If you experience discomfort from the mask or ointment, stop using it.

If the treatment does not bring the desired results, then seek the advice of a dermatologist.

Smooth feet is a task that requires regular approach and effort, but it is quite feasible.

Rough rough heels are a big minus for every lady, and besides, they also cause pain. You can make your heels soft not only in the salon, but also at home. What is needed for this, in addition to perseverance and patience, we will tell in this article.

The main causes of rough heels

According to dermatologists, evaporation of moisture and loss of skin elasticity occur for several reasons. First of all, dry epidermis on the feet appears with the constant wearing of tight shoes with high heels. In addition, rough lesions on the heels indicate a lack of nutrients in the body. In particular, vitamins A and E.

Did you know? In ancient times, they did not pay attention to the skin of the feet at all. It was believed that it should be rough for comfortable walking barefoot. The first analogue of modern pumice was stones, on which they simply wiped their feet, like dirty boots.

You can’t boast of ideal heels even in the case when the endocrine system is out of order, there are fungal, infectious diseases of the feet. Dry surface, small cracks, loose or unusual color of the nail plate - all this indicates the need to be examined by a specialist. In a neglected form, the fungus is much harder to cure than in the initial stages. The condition of the feet is greatly influenced by the care of them. In order for the heels to be smooth, the services of masters are not at all necessary; at home, you can achieve a result no worse.

How to take care of your heels at home

There are many radical ways that will make your heels soft and smooth in 15 minutes at home. But it is better not to resort to them, since their effect is cosmetic. Daily competent heel care, in addition to a balanced diet and wearing comfortable shoes, consists in cleansing from keratinized particles, nourishing masks and baths.

Did you know? If edema often appears on the legs, contrast baths are recommended, and with heavy sweating of the feet, it is better to prepare a bath with lemon juice.

Baths for heels

Heel baths are the most effective of the quick methods of softening the skin. In addition, it is also a relaxing remedy that will help relieve fatigue after a hard day's work. For this purpose, cleansing foot baths are prepared either warm or hot. But be careful: people with diseases of the heart and blood vessels, varicose veins are contraindicated for a long time to keep limbs in hot water. Consider what to steam your legs for softness.

More often in the recipe, components such as salt, soap, milk, soda, herbal decoctions are mentioned. For example, to pamper your heels in a milk bath, you will need a container of hot water and half a liter of milk. Another 30 g of soap chips are added to this mixture and the legs are steamed until the solution has cooled. Some ladies advise to throw a few glass balls on the bottom of the basin. Rolling them at the same time and the feet can be massaged. Another recipe advises to soften the heels at home with soap and baking soda. Both components are added in equal parts to hot water.

The tool is used for painful and cracked surfaces. A double effect is given by a solution of half a glass of soap chips and the same amount of sea salt, which are dissolved in hot water. Such a bath will soften the heels and strengthen the nails. You can also steam your feet in highly concentrated infusions of linden or marshmallow root, succession, sage, calendula. Means have antimicrobial, antiseptic and relaxing properties.

After soaking the heels, be sure to treat the feet with a scrub and pumice stone at home. After that, it is desirable to moisturize the skin with any cream. If the procedure is done at night, it will not be superfluous to put on thin socks on your feet. The next morning, the heels will be smooth. Some women replace the cream with olive oil, adding fresh lemon juice to it.

Important! In severe cases, do not try to remove all dead particles from the foot in one procedure. More efficient gentler smooth result.

Mechanical cleaning of the heels

You can get rid of coarse particles on the skin with the help of special polishing brushes, nail files and pumice. Consider how to properly exfoliate your heels at home. Many procedures are done after steaming. Moreover, the keratinized skin is often cut off with a blade. And this is a gross mistake that can lead to deep cuts and infection. Mechanically cleanse the skin 30 minutes before the bath. Before that, a greasy cream is applied to the heels, which allows dead particles to gently exfoliate and roll off.

A nail file for these purposes should be bought with a fine-grained coating, and not a large one, since the latter “tear” the skin. Remember that a thick dead layer must be removed with a fine abrasive that carefully polishes the surface. On sale you can find such items of various shapes, they are based on plastic or wood, often double-sided.

The modern fashion industry offers an alternative to pumice stone and pedicure files. These are electric roller blades. Their advantage is fast and painless treatment. But none of the mentioned remedies can cope with neglected rough heels. In such situations, you can not do without the help of a professional and hardware salon pedicure.

Nourishing masks

This is the most important condition for achieving smooth heels at home. Foot masks should be prepared regardless of the season. They have a beneficial effect on the skin, nourish it with vitamins, promote the healing of microcracks and soften the fibers of the epidermis.

You can cook them from anything: vegetables, fruits, berry mixes, as well as from semolina, oatmeal, sea salt, coffee and cinnamon. Exfoliators are very effective for corns, calluses, and rough skin. Before doing the procedure, a foot bath is needed, then a mask is applied to the soft heels for 15-20 minutes and washed off with warm water. In the future, the skin is treated with pumice, rinsed with water. A nourishing cream is applied to dry feet.
Nourishing masks are recommended to be applied to the skin of the legs every week. Don't aim for instant results. Much better gradual effect, which will be obvious after 8 procedures.

Important! Frequent soda foot baths are fraught with a violation of the pH level of the skin. Therefore, experts advise not to get hung up on one recipe.

The best recipes for soft heels at home

To keep the heels soft, experts advise not to spend money on expensive cosmetics, but to use folk remedies.

Baths for heels

White clay solutions are recognized as the best softening baths. 4 tablespoons of clay diluted in hot water is enough for one procedure.

Potato mixes are very effective and affordable. To prepare them, soften 2 tubers of boiled potatoes (with water) and combine with milk.

Starch baths of 1 liter of warm water, 40 g of fir oil and 60 g of starch have a beneficial effect on the heels. By the way, fir oil is used in tandem with castor oil in a ratio of 2:5 per 1 liter of warm water.
To heal cracks in the heels, a solution of boric acid is used in the proportion of 50 g per 1 glass of water. The feet are steamed for 20 minutes before going to bed, after the manipulations, the coarsened places are smeared with petroleum jelly and covered with a plaster. They go to bed in socks and wash their feet in the morning. For a complete restoration of the skin, 5-6 procedures will be required.

To relieve swelling and fatigue from the legs, mint tincture is recommended. For its preparation, 2 tablespoons of the potion are poured with 2 liters of boiling water and 3 tablespoons of salt are added.
If the feet are affected by a fungus, a medicinal herbal bath will help get rid of the unpleasant odor. It consists of 5 tablespoons of chamomile flowers, flax seeds and horsetail. All components are steamed in 2 liters of boiling water, and when the product has cooled to a comfortable temperature, you can start steaming your feet. Repeat the procedure three times a week for a month.

Important! After each use, the pumice stone should be thoroughly rinsed under running water and removed from the bathroom to a well-ventilated, lit place. In a humid environment, fungal microbes can start in the pores of the scraper. To prevent this from happening, periodically disinfect it and do not forget to change it.

Heel masks

Pedicure masters often recommend that their clients treat their feet with a lemon cut in half. This method removes the smell of sweat and nourishes with vitamins. After the procedure, it is advisable to blot the skin with a napkin and moisturize with cream. The mask is not suitable for those who have deep wounds on their heels.

The potato mask softens the epidermis and heals small cracks. For this, one washed and peeled tuber is enough. It is crushed to a gruel consistency and mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey and olive oil.

In the summer, when fruits and vegetables are in abundance, it is worth using recipes from strawberry fresh, zucchini puree with a spoonful of olive oil, chopped apples with rye flour, warm apricot gruel with corn oil.
In winter, soft heels at home will help to achieve a mask of egg yolk, a teaspoon of lemon juice and any vegetable oil. You can enhance the effect with cellophane. Honey compresses (from honey melted for a couple) or onion compresses (from onion passed through a meat grinder and a teaspoon of honey with milk) also work well.

How to make your heels soft: a quick method for cleansing the skin of the feet

For busy ladies, there are express technologies on how to instantly make your heels soft at home. They are effective, but not approved by dermatologists, because their harsh effect does more harm to the skin than good.

Occasionally, clean, damp feet can be treated with depilatory creams, after which socks are put on for 15-20 minutes. The softened skin is cleaned with a pumice stone, then the feet are washed and moisturized with any cream. If for some reason this method does not suit you, dissolve coarse sea salt in a bowl of hot water. After soaking the heels for 5 minutes in this solution, add 2 tablets of hydrogen peroxide (or 3 tablespoons) to it. After 5 minutes, remove dead tissue with a special grater and polish the surface with a fine-grained nail file or pumice stone. After all the manipulations, the legs are traditionally treated with a cream.

Did you know? So that the skin on the feet does not quickly become rough, regularly relieve fatigue from the feet. To improve blood circulation, soak your feet for 10 minutes in a hot decoction of chamomile or nettle. Get into the habit of lounging on the couch with your feet elevated.

You can do without steaming, because when cleaning swollen dead skin, living cells become vulnerable, their damage in the future provokes rapid coarsening. In this case, the feet are first smeared with cream, and when it is completely absorbed, we proceed to peeling with the help of pumice. Moisten the tool with water before work and continue cleaning until the dead layer is completely removed.

Now you know what you need to do to keep your heels soft both in emergencies and in everyday life. Love yourself and take care of your body. Only then will you feel comfortable and confident.