How to make a spinner with your foot. Homemade spinner, simple and effective

“Wind, wind, you are powerful, you drive flocks of clouds.” With the development of modern technology, people have managed to tame the wind. It is used to generate energy using wind turbines. An original pinwheel can decorate your garden plot, and this craft will be an excellent toy for a baby. How to make a pinwheel out of paper? We'll find out now.

About the turntable in detail

Today on the agenda is a paper pinwheel. Origami has long won the hearts of many needlewomen. You can make a pinwheel yourself or together with your baby. This pastime will be interesting and exciting for both of you.

Traditionally, a pinwheel has four blades. A more complex version may have eight or sixteen blades. Our task is to make not just an imitation of a turntable, but to make it spin. And for this you need to take into account the following nuances:

  • the paper should be elastic and moderately thick; photo paper or gloss will do;
  • to connect the blades you can use nails or buttons;
  • In order not to get our hands dirty with glue, we will connect the parts using double-sided adhesive tape;
  • You cannot tighten the paper blades too much, otherwise they will not spin;
  • the base for a paper weather vane will be a cocktail stick or a wooden skewer;

  • the paper blades should not touch the post, so we will need wire or something similar.

Making one of the oldest inventions of mankind

We are talking about a weather vane. With the help of such a simple device in the Middle Ages, people determined the direction and speed of the wind. Such devices were especially popular in port towns.

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We will tell you how to make a paper pinwheel with your own hands. A bright, colorful and functional weather vane will become a designer decoration for your garden plot. Involve your younger household members in the creative process. They will be interested. In parallel with needlework, you can tell your offspring a few words about the history of the appearance of the weather vane, as well as about the areas of its use at the present time.

Necessary materials:

  • two sheets of colored glossy paper;
  • sample;
  • awl;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • double-sided adhesive tape;
  • paper clip;
  • cocktail tube.

Step-by-step description of the process:

  • We will be making a simple pinwheel of four blades, so we select the appropriate template.
  • We immediately transfer it to paper.

  • In places where black dots are identified, we make neat punctures with an awl.

  • Now we put two blanks next to each other.
  • Please note: the top template must overlap the holes on the bottom.

  • Glue on glossy paper will take a long time to dry, so we will use double-sided adhesive tape.
  • We glue the tape in the middle, and now we connect the two paper blanks.

  • Since we covered the previously made hole with tape, we will once again pierce the two blanks in the middle with an awl.
  • We stretch the elongated parts of the blades into the slot. They should come out on top.

  • Unbend the paper clip. We do not touch only one side. It turns out to be a hook like this.

  • Please note that there are holes along the edges of the blades. We begin to string them onto a paper clip.

  • Then we pull the paper clip through the central hole.
  • We bend the edge of the paper clip on the front side so that our pinwheel holds its shape.
  • Take a straw for cocktails. Using an awl we make a hole in it.

  • We try to make the hole wider so that the paperclip rotates well inside.
  • Bend the edge of the paperclip parallel to the tube.
  • To keep the paperclip in place, secure it with wire or regular tape.
  • Here we have such a colorful pinwheel.

Making a toy for children

In ancient times there were no soft or automatic toys. Representatives of the wealthy classes made toys for their children from porcelain or wood, but the poor could not afford it. As an alternative, they made their own paper pinwheel. Its scheme is simple. All you need to do is transfer the template onto paper and cut it out.

There are different types of turntables. They are classified by shape, diameter, size.

We will now tell you how to build the simplest pinwheel from one sheet of paper.

Necessary materials:

  • wooden stick;
  • cloves or paper clip;
  • paper;
  • glue;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • ruler.

Step-by-step description of the process:

  1. Take a sheet of paper and cut a square out of it.
  2. We connect two opposite corners to make a triangle.
  3. Cut off the remaining strip.
  4. Unfold the sheet of paper and do the same with the opposite corners.
  5. Do you see how the folds formed diagonals? We cut each diagonal, 2-3 cm short of the intersection point.
  6. We make a hole in the right corner of each triangle-blade.
  7. We will also make a hole at the intersection of the lines in the center.
  8. We string all the holes onto a paper clip and fix them in the center.
  9. We fix the pinwheel on a wooden stick.

A paper pinwheel is a simple and original thing, which is not at all difficult to create, and it will bring a lot of joy. Kids just love these bright propellers. They are ready to run around the lawn for hours, watching them spin. By turning on our imagination, we can find many non-trivial options for using pinwheels made from colored paper. In addition to using it as an interesting children's toy, this wonderful and very simple movable structure can be used in room decoration. In addition, paper pinwheels will be a wonderful and unusual decoration for cocktail straws at a themed party. They will set the tone for a children's party and help keep the kids occupied, becoming a wonderful souvenir.

So, let's figure out how to make a beautiful pinwheel from pieces of paper and what we need for the job.

It’s not at all difficult to make a fun decoration for cocktail straws with your own hands. You can involve children in the work. A festive mood is created in the process of preparing for the celebration.

The materials needed to make turntables are few and simple. We only need:

- cocktail straws,
- squares of colored paper. There will be as many of them needed as there are turntables we plan to make.
- scissors,
- Double-sided tape,
- small buttons,
- glue gun for attaching them.

And if you want to make movable pinwheels, then we will also need wire or pins - accessories for jewelry.

First, cut the squares diagonally from the corners to the center with scissors. We do not cut 1.5 - 2 cm to the center.

We glue pieces of double-sided tape on the inside of the turntable to each quarter.

Then, we bend the cut petals and glue them to the tape on the adjacent triangle, as shown in the figure.

We bend and glue all four corners. Glue the pinwheel to the tube with a glue gun. And decorate with a button in the center of the finished pinwheel. And if you want to make a rotating pinwheel, you need to pierce the center of the pinwheel with a piece of wire or a pin. Then bend the ends of the wire on one side and the other so that the piece of wire is free enough to rotate. The ends should be bent so that you can then glue the tube to one side with a glue gun, so as not to stain the turntable itself. And decorate the other end of the bent wire with a button.

In the second case, you will get a functional spinner on a straw from which you can drink drinks. In the first case, you get such a cute decorative pinwheel made of bright colored paper.

In the spring, children love to play with pinwheels that spin in the wind. To make such a bright device, you only need paper, a pencil and a button. But for free rotation, you need to assemble the toy correctly. This article describes in detail a master class on creating a children's pinwheel that you can make with your own hands.

Before you start making a paper weather vane, it is important to know a few features that will help the blades spin easily.

Usually a turntable is made of four blades, but more are possible. The more you use them, the more durable the toy mount is needed.

The toy's blades are not glued together, otherwise they will not rotate evenly. To hold them together, you need a metal base, such as a sewing needle or a button.

The basis for the weather vane can be an ordinary cocktail tube or a wooden skewer. But you can even use a simple pencil.

Materials and tools you will need:

  • brightly colored cardboard;
  • a simple pencil;
  • ruler, scalpel or knife;
  • sewing needle;
  • marker;
  • glue gun

Advice. Take thick cardboard, as the blades will rotate, which can lead to rapid wear of the paper. Photo paper with a glossy surface is ideal; it is more flexible and elastic. Buy a simple pencil with an eraser at the end, it will be convenient to cling to the structure. Instead of a scalpel, use a utility knife.

Step 1. Cut a square out of cardboard. The optimal size of the workpiece for the turntable: 15 by 15 cm.

Step 2. At this stage, it is necessary to apply auxiliary lines on the workpiece. To do this, first mark the center of the figure, then use a ruler to draw the diagonals of the square. But do not connect them in the center - the middle of the workpiece must be intact. Additionally, place four points at the corners of the figure as shown in the figure.

Step 3. Cut the cardboard according to the marked lines. Wrap each corner of the workpiece towards the center (with the point on the paper towards the middle).

Alternately bend the blades of the turntable into a cross. Do this carefully so as not to wrinkle the paper, as creases on it will prevent the toy from spinning.

Step 4. Position the pencil vertically towards you. Carefully shift the workpiece so that its middle coincides with the grater. Fire the needle through all the blades in the center and then push it through the eraser.

Place the blank at a distance from the pencil. This will create free space for the turntable to rotate.

Step 5. A drop of hot glue will protect your hands from possible puncture and will additionally fix the needle on the structure. Place it on the top of the pencil (on the back of the blank).

This is the kind of toy you should get as a result of your work.

Making a simple fidget spinner for playing with children is very simple, the main thing is to strictly follow the recommendations and follow the advice.

- this is the topic of our article today. Naturally, in order for the child’s interest to not subside, even the most interesting activity should not take a very long time. So our homemade paper pinwheel is just such a solution.

First, tell your child about the windmill, how people tamed the wind and learned to use it for their needs. Then give your son a piece colored cardboard or thick paper and using your own example, armed with a ruler and scissors, start making a paper windmill with your own hands.

For very young children this will be difficult, but from 3-4 years old your son or daughter will already be able to independently cut with scissors the lines pre-measured using a ruler and drawn with a pencil.

Read a very interesting article on how to make a bird feeder with your own hands. Birds love your homemade feeder and will be very grateful to you, especially in the cold season.

Here's what you can make from plastic bottles: Interesting DIY craft ideas.

Tools for work

  • scissors
  • hammer
  • button
  • double-sided flexible thick paper (suitable for photos)
  • backing board
  • wooden stick

Consider what size your paper pinwheel will be. It is most convenient to work with squares whose sides are equal 15-20 cm. Tell your child how to measure the required amount of cardboard.

How to make a pinwheel? It's simple. Cut out squares. From opposite corners, draw two lines diagonally - this is how you will find center. All that remains is to cut the paper along the lines, not reaching the center a few centimeters.

Then we take button in the form of a nail, we pierce all four corners of our windmill, bend the corners, nail the button to the top of a flat stick of wood. Do not drive the button completely into the wood! Necessarily leave a gap, because your pinwheel should spin.

This technique is mandatory for everyone who decides to practice taekwondo. During training for this type of wrestling, the master always teaches his students how to do a “spinner” from the foot. Next, everyone interested will learn how to learn how to make a “spinner” with their feet on their own at home. Of course, it is best if a professional, experienced coach teaches a beginner any blows. In this case, the young athlete will definitely be able to avoid mistakes in the technique and various injuries. But if there is no opportunity to work out with a professional, but you have a great desire to learn something new and improve your physical fitness, then you can do it yourself. The main thing is to approach preparation responsibly and not ignore daily training and precautions.

When figuring out how to properly do a “pinwheel” with your legs, you will need to start with stretching. Without it, it will not be possible to perform the technique beautifully and effectively. Leg stretching exercises can be anything. For example, the most effective option is in which a young man sits on the floor, spreads his legs wide and begins to alternately tilt his body to one or the other limb, trying to lie down completely on it. The toe of the foot points upward. Having sat on the floor or gymnastic mat in the indicated manner, you can stretch in different directions, making your position more and more difficult. All exercises that allow a person to quickly do the splits are great for training. Of course, before starting them, you will need to take care of a high-quality preliminary warm-up. Especially if the novice athlete previously ignored any physical activity.

Another indispensable exercise when learning to spin is swinging your legs. They should be done alternately with both straight limbs, imagining that the man should touch an imaginary horizontal barrier with his toe. The higher he manages to lift his leg, the better. If you happen to have a sports mat at hand, you can use it as a training prop. It is laid on the floor and then placed on its edge. Over such a high barrier, the young man will need to alternately throw one leg or the other. When this exercise is mastered, you can move on to the next one. To perform it, you need to bend your leg at the knee, lift it perpendicular to the floor and move it to the side, while turning your body, as if the athlete is trying to hit an invisible opponent. To begin with, to make training easier and control the correctness of your movements, you can support your leg by the foot with your hand.

The stronger sex will need to repeat the described exercises every day, not forgetting about quality stretching. When he feels that he is ready to study the taekwondo technique itself, then for clarity he should watch several detailed thematic videos in order to understand how to move correctly in the process. It is very important to practice doing a simple roundhouse kick, while trying to keep your leg at maximum height. It can take a beginning athlete weeks or even months to learn and master this movement. But without this it will not be possible to move forward. Once the roundhouse kick is well understood, you can make it more difficult. To do this, in the process of performing the indicated movement, the young man jumps on the second leg and makes a kick. This is exactly how the “spinner” is carried out. If a fighter learns to perform it correctly, he will deprive his opponent of the opportunity to block him.

Do not forget that the “spinner” is a full-fledged combat technique, using which you can seriously cripple the enemy. Therefore, you should not use it in a playful fight or, for example, demonstrate it to an unsuspecting interlocutor in order to show your excellent physical fitness. But such a technique will certainly allow a man to easily deal with hooligans in a dark alley and defend his honor. Action heroes made him popular among young people. For example, Chuck Norris and other foreign actors.