How to restore silkiness to hair and make it soft at home. How to make coarse hair soft - the best remedies and recommendations

Easily! Let's talk about how to make your hair soft at home.

Water briefing

To stop wondering how to make your hair soft and shiny, always wash your hair (or at least rinse at the end of washing) with cold water. This method not only invigorates the spirit: unlike warm water, cool water closes the hair scales and prevents them from breaking.


After a shower, do not aggressively rub your hair - this will only damage and electrify it. Better gently blot the strands with a towel.

It will be hot

How to make hair softer? Do not abuse styling devices. Curling irons, hair dryers and flat irons are the culprits of hair stiffness. And this is not surprising, because hot air contributes to the loss of moisture and damage to the cuticle and hair shaft. If you can’t completely abandon them, be sure to prepare curls by applying a good heat-protective spray or special serum to them.

make ends meet

Even if you dream about long hair, this is not a reason not to go to the hairdresser. After all, first of all, the hair should be healthy - so they will grow faster and look cooler. So do not run the tips and visit the stylist every month and a half.

The same fruit

To prevent dry strands from looking lifeless, pamper them with avocado guacamole. This fruit is rich in vitamins and proteins, which are useful not only for the body, but also for hair. To do this, thoroughly rub (so that there are no lumps) an avocado, 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil and 2 tablespoons of honey. Apply the paste with a wide-toothed comb for 10-30 minutes and rinse.

Salute, faith!

It turns out that aloe vera helps not only with burns. This plant contains enzymes that promote the growth of healthy strands, and also has a softening effect. And all because aloe has a structure similar to keratin (and this is the main building protein of the hair), so it penetrates the curls without any problems, sticking them. Just mix a couple of drops of aloe vera gel in warm water, comb your hair with this mixture, leave for 30 minutes and rinse. For this, fresh gel squeezed from a homemade aloe leaf is best. If none of you are a gardener, buy such a gel at a pharmacy, most importantly, check that it does not contain alcohol.

Purely done

How to make coarse hair soft, and also thoroughly wash it from styling products and dust? Apple cider vinegar will help in this difficult matter. In addition to cleansing, this trick will restore the PH balance of the strands and seal the hair scales. Mix a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar in one glass of water. After you wash your hair with shampoo and balm, rinse the curls with this mixture. Rub the solution well into the roots and along the length of the hair, and then rinse (of course, with cool water).

On the crest

Do not comb wet hair - this will only damage it. The strands must be dry. And in order to keep the tips soft, use a comb with rare teeth. After dividing the hair into sections, start combing them at the roots, moving the comb vertically. For those who always complain about the sensitivity of the scalp and tangled strands, we advise you to apply a softening leave-in-conditioner to the curls before combing.

banana republic

You can make your own super softening mask. Mash one banana with two tablespoons of yogurt (do not limit yourself - choose the one that is fatter). And now attention: rub the finished paste into the scalp, and do not eat it (although the temptation is great). Put on a hat. Wash off the nourishing cocktail from your head after an hour. Voila, your hair will be soft and shiny.

Wash off in time

Of course, everyone decides for himself how often he needs to wash his hair. After all, it depends on the type of hair. For example, thick and dry hair stays cleaner longer, while fine and oily hair requires more frequent washing. But the more often you wash your hair, the faster it will get dirty. Plus, it damages the strands, especially if you use shampoos containing sulfates and other chemicals. So without fanaticism - wash your hair at least every other day.

Air pocket

When blow-drying your hair, make sure you hold it properly. First, don't forget to put a diffuser on it. Secondly, direct the air stream from top to bottom, then the hair will remain soft and smooth. And if you dry your hair with a flow directed upwards, then they will immediately fluff up and look careless.

Hair care is a complex and troublesome process, attention to which must be paid daily. Those with coarse hair are, on the one hand, lucky. Dense rods fall out less often, their structure is not so strongly affected by negative external factors. But along with the positive aspects, there are obvious disadvantages - dryness, brittleness, difficulty with care. If such hair is also curly, it is almost impossible to control the hair. To alleviate the fate of owners of coarse hair, special methods have been developed for caring for curls and scalp. In addition, there are masks made from natural products that can soften the structure of the rod, make it more pliable.

Why does hair become coarse?

If signs of increased hair stiffness have been pursued since childhood, this most likely indicates a genetic predisposition (especially if one of the parents has the same condition). In this case, it remains to accept and regularly use professional or natural emollients, not forgetting about the features of specific care.

In addition, there are cases when coarse hair is the result of exposure to a certain physical or psychological factor.

Important advice from the editor!

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

  1. Chronic stress, prolonged depression, constant neurosis and simply lack of good mood are factors that lead to an uneven distribution of sebaceous secretion over the surface of the hair. As a result, a heterogeneity of the structure is formed, leading to the fragility of the rod, the appearance of local seals and dry zones.
  2. The chemical composition of the scalp and the rods themselves can change with the abnormal use of varnishes, mousses, aggressive serums.
  3. Not in the best way, the quality of curls is affected by the frequent use of a hair dryer, ironing, curling iron. Even if the head is wiped too intensively with a towel, irreparable damage can be done to the hair.
  4. Coarse hair is often the companion of those who abuse perms, dyeing, bleaching and aggressive straightening.

If you determine why the hair began to lose its natural softness, it will be possible not only to cope with the problem, but also to develop a list of preventive measures.

Basic rules for the care of coarse hair

Despite the cause of the unpleasant condition, there are several manipulations that can give the curls softness.

  • Shampoo should be of high quality and profile. It is necessary to pay attention to the composition and the presence of emollient components of plant origin in it (shea butter, coconut pulp extract or wheat extract). We must not forget about moisturizing factors that can retain moisture in the follicles, reducing the fragility of the rods.
  • It is forbidden to wash your hair too often. The frequency is considered optimal - once a week, in extreme cases - 2. If at the same time the question of what to do with excess fat is tormented, you can turn to the secrets of traditional medicine or professional remedies. Today, there are special powders and powders that can remove gloss from the surface of the hair, stopping their further contamination for several days.
  • Air conditioning should be an integral part of the care. Ideally, one that does not need to be washed off.
  • Hot air causes significant damage to the head, and not only curls, but also the skin suffer. The drying hair dryer will have to be abandoned. If you do not want to change your hairstyle, you can stop using a hair dryer with a special nozzle that dissipates cold air. This is also not very useful, but not so critical either.
  • Coarse hair requires the use of highly specialized products. Here the main requirement is the absence of alcohol, which has a pronounced drying effect.
  • The usual gels, varnishes and mousses will also have to be abandoned, otherwise it will not work to restore the softness of the strands. Today, hair cosmetics manufacturers offer a wide range of light, non-aerosol foams that will provide a secure hold without weighing you down.

Effective homemade masks for coarse hair

A homemade homemade mask for coarse hair is able to reduce the severity of an unpleasant phenomenon in the shortest possible time. The compositions consist of natural products and are perfectly tolerated even by owners of sensitive skin. You need to use them before every hair wash.

There are a lot of recipes, here are the most effective ones.

  • Honey mask with burdock oil. In a water bath, you need to slightly warm up a couple of tablespoons of burdock oil, add the same amount of liquid honey and one egg yolk. The product is still warm, applied to the hair and scalp, covered with a towel and incubated for at least 40 minutes.
  • Castor mask for coarse hair. Castor oil should be heated to a tolerable temperature in a water bath, applied to the hair roots, distributing along their entire length. Curls need to be collected in a bun and covered with a shower cap. A woolen scarf is put on top. Manipulation is recommended to be done before going to bed and, if possible, leave the composition until morning.
  • Clay mask. A couple of tablespoons of sifted blue or green clay is diluted with plain water to a thick slurry. Two tablespoons of heated castor, burdock or linseed oil and a teaspoon of lemon juice are introduced into it. After half an hour of the action of this mask, you can evaluate its effectiveness: coarse hair will noticeably soften.
  • Multi-component mask. A teaspoon of edible gelatin should be dissolved in 4 tablespoons of water (this will take 40 minutes). Raw yolk, a little warm honey and a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar are added to the resulting mass. The composition is distributed through the hair and thoroughly washed off after half an hour.

Just a few weeks after making changes to the hair care process and applying softening masks, it will be possible to evaluate their positive effect. Manipulations are very simple, so you should not refuse them even when the usual softness and obedience return to the curls. It is recommended to adhere to the rules for caring for hair all the time, at least once every 1-2 weeks, fixing their effectiveness with home formulations.

Most modern women are faced with the problem of stiffness and split hair, which can only be solved with proper and systematic care. The choice of high-quality cosmetics and the use of homemade masks will return the hair to its former softness and beauty.

Most modern women are forced to combine work and family care, but in order to remain attractive and elegant, they have to go to all sorts of tricks, regularly using hair dryers, stylers and other devices that help to tidy up their hair in a matter of minutes. Over time, of course, this causes serious damage to the hair - the strands become split, stiff and prone to brittleness. That is why women need to know how to make their hair soft, pleasant to the touch, and most importantly, healthy.

Why does hair become coarse?

Beautiful and tidy hair is the pride of every self-respecting woman, but maintaining their beauty is not as easy as it seems: the hairstyle requires regular and painstaking care.

Causes of the problem

In order for the fight against hair stiffness to be effective and give its results in the shortest possible time, it is necessary to determine the cause of the problem and start correcting it.

In some women, coarse hair is a genetic feature that can hardly be called a complete disadvantage - this type of curls is characterized by strong hair follicles that are invulnerable to adverse external conditions.

Most often, coarse hair is an indicator of illiterate care: frequent dyeing, chemical procedures (curling, straightening), abuse of stylers (hair dryers, irons, curling irons, etc.). In addition, there are a number of reasons that affect the condition of the strands:

  • Depression, depression, stress
  • Lack of vitamins and other trace elements in the body
  • Incorrect/insufficient care

Cosmetics to solve the problem

Modern cosmetics stores have a fairly wide range of products that can solve the problem of stiffness, brittleness and split hair. To choose the right medicine, you need to focus not on the cost of the product, but pay attention to its composition.

It is important to know that the components that make up the product are listed in descending order on the label: this means that if water, “Aqua”, is listed first, then you should not expect an instant result.

How to take care of coarse hair

Coarse hair is not only unpleasant to the touch, but also difficult to style. To simplify the daily chores, you need to know and adhere to the basic rules:

  • Find the right quality shampoo and conditioner for you. Please note that creamy products nourish the hair follicles better. These shampoos are contraindicated for women whose curls quickly get oily, but they are perfect for owners of dry and coarse hair. As for conditioners, they must be used strictly according to the instructions indicated on the product, alternating with cosmetic masks.
  • Prefer cosmetics that include moisturizing oils (shea butter, wheat germ and coconut oil are most effective)
  • Do not wash your hair too often: it is recommended to do this 1-2 times a week
  • Try to refrain from using a hair dryer and other stylers. If this is not possible for some reason, start using heat protection sprays and diffuser nozzles. If possible, it is better to get a hairdryer with a cold air mode - this device will not only minimize the negative impact on the hair, but also make the styling more resistant.

Hair softening with natural oils

If you do not know how to make your hair soft and silky, feel free to go to the pharmacy. There you will find essential oils - special mixtures of liquid substances isolated from natural plant materials. These components are able to penetrate the skin, providing a mild therapeutic effect.

For treatment and prevention, sesame, olive, burdock and almond oils are suitable for you. We must not forget that these drugs are quite concentrated, and therefore they must be used with caution. For one medical cosmetic procedure, you will need only five drops of the product, while two will be enough for prevention.

It is easy to learn how to make hair soft and silky with oils: all preparations come with detailed instructions. As a rule, owners of hard and lifeless hair add essential oils to masks, balms and shampoos.

Head massage will also be effective, improving blood circulation, and, accordingly, affecting the quality of hair follicles. A simple aroma combing procedure will also give a good result - for this you need to choose a good wooden comb (its teeth should not be small, otherwise you risk pulling out hairs) and lubricate it with essential oil. Combing your hair in this way, you enrich them with useful trace elements.

Aroma combing is recommended 30-40 minutes before shampooing - this time will be enough for the strands to absorb the oil well. Rinse thoroughly, otherwise your hair may look dirty and shiny.

Learn to use folk remedies for the benefit of hair

Interested in how to make hair soft at home, one cannot underestimate the healing properties of natural ingredients that are in every kitchen. These simple remedies can transform even very damaged and hard curls beyond recognition.

Cooking a mask

On the Internet there are a lot of different recipes that can significantly improve the condition of the hair. It is recommended to use self-made cosmetics several times a week before washing your hair. Homemade masks have many benefits:

  • Ease of preparation
  • Natural ingredients not only give a positive result, but are also not addictive
  • This type of therapy does not require large financial costs.

For owners of hard curls, a natural mask of gelatin, egg yolk, apple cider vinegar and honey is perfect. The preparation of this tool is carried out in several stages:

  • Edible gelatin (20 g) is diluted with water (4 tablespoons). The mixture is left for 40 minutes.
  • After that, you can add raw egg yolk, warm honey (2 tablespoons) and apple cider vinegar (1 teaspoon)
  • The finished mask must be applied along the entire length of the hair, and then wrap your head with a towel or cellophane
  • After 30 min. after application, you can wash off the mask. It is recommended to do this with gentle massage movements.
  • every girl should know. One of the most unusual and popular options for this hairstyle is the French braiding technique.
  • If the hair has become dry, then only a doctor and proper regular care can make your curls luxurious, you can find out the rest.

Tricks you need to know

It is simply impossible to transform hair after several cosmetic procedures: it can take about six months to restore the structure of curls. When you see the first results, by no means stop: the secret of beautiful and well-groomed hair lies in regular and systematic care.

Miraculous effect of liquid crystals

The problem of hair stiffness is so urgent that leading cosmetologists, dermatologists and hairdressers are engaged in its solution. Liquid crystals have become a revolutionary tool in the fight against naughty strands.

This substance was developed specifically for owners of dry, coarse, lifeless and unruly hair. You can find liquid crystals in many cosmetics supermarkets. Using crystals in combination with high-quality shampoos, balms and masks, you can achieve the fastest result.

Choosing a haircut

To make your hairstyle look neat and admired by others, you need to choose a good haircut. Hairdressers advise owners of coarse and damaged hair to give preference to short haircuts.

For girls who are accustomed to regular styling, stylists recommend going through the curling procedure: this will not only save you time, but will also be less harmful to your hair than daily heat treatment.

Multi-layered haircuts, such as "Kare" and "Bob" will look impressive - they will not only hide the external imperfection of the strands, but also organically complement your image.

The problem of hair stiffness, of course, is unpleasant for many women, but it is quite amenable to solution. Approaching the treatment competently and consistently, you can not only restore curls, but also increase their beauty. It will also be useful to use a complex of vitamins that will give your hair health from the inside.

How to restore silkiness to hair and make it soft: video

Healthy, shiny and silky hair not only decorates and completes the image of a woman, but also gives her self-confidence.

All women in the world dream of having silky and manageable hair. But not every woman can say that she has soft silky hair.
But coarse hair is not a sentence. If you want to forget about this problem forever, use our recipes for homemade natural masks, which have already been tested by time.

Why does hair become coarse

How hard the hair is determined by the structure and thickness of the hair, it is also directly dependent on heredity and harmful effects.
Let genetics not change, but the condition of the hair can always be changed, as well as to eliminate harmful factors.

There are 4 rules that will help improve your hair, make it soft and silky, combable.
First rule - stop injuring your hair with drying, curling, straightening products. Use the hair dryer on the cool air setting.
Second rule Wash your hair no more than once every three days. The water should be warm, maybe even cool, but not hot. Water can be softened with lemon juice, grape or apple cider vinegar.
Third rule - For a month, apply softening masks to your hair. by the most
the best masks will be recipes based on products from milk, oils, honey. Do masks twice a week.

Fourth rule – wear hats and cosmetics with high UV protection. They will save your hair from the sun.

Natural honey in a softening hair mask

The mask saturates the curls with vitamins, makes them softer, impregnates the root zone, and stimulates the growth of follicles.

    What ingredients are needed:
  • 6 grams of burdock oil
  • 6 grams olive oil
  • 10 grams of honey
  • apple cider vinegar or lemon juice - 2 grams
  • water - half a liter

    How to prepare the mask:
  1. We stir olive oil with burdock oil in ceramic dishes, add honey without impurities to them.
  2. Note! In the absence of honey, replace it with any vegetable oil. Almond oil, castor oil and sea buckthorn oil are perfect.

  3. We put the container on the steam bath. We heat the mixture until the honey is completely dissolved, stir the mass.
  4. The mask of warm temperature is distributed over dry hair, we warm the head with an old scarf and polyethylene from above.
  5. Heat up your hair with a hair dryer. Wait ninety minutes.
  6. Before you wash your hair, make a solution of water intended for rinsing. It is prepared as follows: we dilute 2 grams of lemon juice or wine vinegar in one liter of water.
  7. Now wash off the mask from your hair, using shampoo, rinse your hair with water, previously acidified.

You will need

  • Honey, apple cider vinegar, eggs, natural oils, cosmetic clay, Aevit, moisturizing shampoo, moisturizing balm/conditioner/rinse, herbs (chamomile, nettle, sage).


To make your hair softer, you need to stop washing it with very hot water, and ideally it is better to be cleaned or boiled. The temperature should not exceed 40-45°. Do not wash your hair more than 2 times a week, and choose from a range of moisturizing and smoothing shampoos.

After washing your hair, use special balms, conditioners and rinses containing hyaluronic acid, lanolin, vitamins A and E (you can pierce the Aevit capsule and squeeze the contents into the product), as well as natural oils. If your hair is very coarse, also use a leave-in product after shampooing.

Rinse coarse hair with decoctions of chamomile or linden with the addition of lemon or apple juice. Such a rinse will be even more effective than those sold in stores.

It doesn't hurt to take a multivitamin complex! It will maintain the health of the hair, which is important for their condition and appearance. Hair needs B vitamins, vitamin E and vitamin C.

Black or blue cosmetic clay, sold in a pharmacy, is great for softening hair. Dilute the clay with a decoction of chamomile, nettle and sage and apply to your hair. Rub into the roots, then hold for about 7 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Natural oils are very useful for softening coarse hair! Suitable burdock, castor, peach, linseed, olive, sea buckthorn, wheat germ, jojoba or almond oil. Warm it up and apply along the entire length of the hair, from roots to ends. Put on a shower cap and wrap your head in a towel. You can keep the oil mask for half an hour, you can take an hour, and it is best to leave it at all for the night.

A honey mask with vinegar is perfect for coarse hair with split ends. Take 2 tbsp. thick honey and apple cider vinegar, mix them well and add 30 ml of castor oil. Apply the mixture to the hair, massaging the scalp, put on a shower cap and wrap your head with a towel. Wash off after 40 minutes, and after washing, use water with apple cider vinegar as a rinse.

Two chicken eggs can also be used as a mask. Whip them up and apply to your hair, then wrap and wash off after half an hour. In this case, it also does not hurt to rinse your hair with water with the addition of vinegar.


It is necessary to try to use irons, curling irons and hair dryers as little as possible. Be sure to use thermal protection. Styling your hair with these devices dries them out a lot.

Shaving pubic hair has become a fashion trend all over the world. This has been a common practice in many cultures since ancient Roman times. Many people shave their pubic hair for hygiene and sex appeal.

You will need

  • - razor;
  • - scissors or trimmer;
  • - means for shaving;
  • - towel;
  • - moisturizing lotion.


Buy a good quality disposable razor from the store. A razor with several blades and a moisturizing strip on the working surface gives a good effect. Don't forget to get shaving gel or cream. Ordinary soap prevents the blade from slipping easily. The best remedy is a moisturizing gel with aloe extract and vitamin E.

Cut your hair short. Use sharp, blunt-tipped scissors to protect against skin injury. Gently pull the ends with your fingers and trim them short. You can also use an electric trimmer. This will provide easy access for shaving.

Take a shower. Direct jets of warm water to the area for 1-2 minutes. Use a washcloth or an exfoliating glove. The pubic hair is thick and coarse. Water makes them more pliable for shaving. During this procedure, the pores are opened and the hair follicles are softened.

Apply a generous amount of shaving cream to the groin area. This will help soften. The gel will protect your skin from ingrown hairs and cuts. Moisturizing foam or shaving cream will allow the razor to easily glide over the surface of the pubis.

Start shaving by gently pulling the hair down with your hand. Carefully shave them from top to bottom - in the direction of growth. Do not apply excessive force. Rinse your razor under running water after a few strokes. This is to prevent clogging of the blades. Shaving your pubis against the direction of hair growth can lead to skin irritation.

Some housewives trust soda to soften water. On the water you need to take about 3-4 grams of soda, mix and leave for a while, and only then this water can be used, for example, for . Instead of soda, they used ash, especially when washing their hair, so before every girl had long, strong hair.

There is also an opinion that water can be softened with regular soap. To do this, grated soap (about 3 tablespoons) is dissolved in half a liter of warm water and left overnight. In the morning water it will be necessary to carefully pour it into another container so that the precipitate that has fallen overnight does not mix with water.

But you can do water softer, even just by looking into or . For example, from the ancient times, brine from was used to soften water. You need to take it on a one-to-one basis. Rich in vitamins, it not only softens water but also perfectly tones the skin. If the water is not too hard, you can either change the ratio of water and brine, or reduce its concentration. You can also use almond bran - take a spoonful of bran in a glass of water and let it brew.

Helpful advice

Soft water is sometimes also called "living water", since the content of salts and minerals in it is favorable for the body. This water is energizing. People who drink soft water get sick less often, look younger and are always in a good mood.


  • How to make water soft? I heard that you can add citric acid, but I don't know the proportion

Unruly and coarse hair gives a lot of trouble to its owner: it is simply impossible to style them. But the main thing is not to despair, because even the toughest strands can be made soft and silky.

Features of care

The shampoo used for washing the hair must be correctly selected, that is, this cosmetic product should correspond as much as possible to the type of hair. Sodium sulfate should not be present in its composition: this component dries the hair too much, making it dull and lifeless. In addition to shampoo, it is recommended to use rinses and conditioners for hair care, while the latter should be washed off much longer than shampoo. At the same time, it is worth limiting the use of mousses, varnishes and styling products, since with their frequent use the hair turns into “straw”.

Water when washing hair should be soft. Unfortunately, tap water is too hard and it does the same to hair. To soften the water in, it is enough to boil it. It is also important to choose the right water temperature: it should not be hot or cold. Warm water is used for washing hair, but for rinsing - a little cooler (such water smoothes the cuticles of the hairs, making the hair strong, soft and shiny).

It's also important to dry your hair properly. It is desirable that they dry naturally, but if you cannot do without a hair dryer, it is recommended to dry them in a gentle mode (not with hot air), leading the hair dryer from the hair roots to their tips.

Softening masks - additional care for coarse hair

The sage conditioner does an excellent job with this task. Its recipe is as follows:
- 250 ml of rum;
- 200 ml of water;
- 1.5-2 tablespoons dry sage leaves.

The raw material is poured with boiled water, the mixture is boiled for 13-15 minutes over low heat. Then the broth is cooled, filtered and mixed with rum. This cosmetic is insisted for 3-4 days. Rinse the hair with the finished elixir after washing, but not more than 2 times a week.

And to soften the hair, you can use the yolk-vodka mixture, for the preparation of which the following products are taken:
- 2 chicken yolks;
- 3 tablespoons vodka.

The yolks whipped into a soft foam are mixed with vodka (you need to add vodka slowly, pouring it in a thin stream). The finished mass is applied to the hair roots and strands, cover the top of the head with a plastic bag and wrap it with a towel. After 1.5-2 hours, the softening mask is washed off with warm water.

In addition, the sour cream-lemon mixture softens the hair, for the preparation of which the following components are needed:
- 1 tsp lemon juice;
- 1.5-2 tablespoons cream or fat sour cream;
- 1 tsp olive or corn oil.

The ingredients are mixed, then the mass is applied to wet hair, the head is warmed and the emollient is left for half an hour.