How to politely send off an obsessive woman. Careful care: How to dump a girl like a gentleman

To break up with a person you don’t like, you need to gently but convincingly tell him or her about the lack of sympathy. It should be politely and clearly explained that the guy is not interested and there is no chance to continue communication. You should not use obscene expressions and threats so as not to offend a man. Another way is to try to dislike him.

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The same rules apply to annoying fans.

Polite Ways to Refuse

If a girl says "no" - this does not always mean that she really does not want something. Men perceive women's refusal as coquetry and begin to show even more attention to the object of their sympathy. Therefore, you need to speak in a serious voice, without a share of irony and ambiguity. Compliance with some rules will show the fan that his courtship is in vain:

  1. 1. Don't flirt with a guy when you don't like him.
  2. 2. If a man is an old acquaintance, colleague or classmate, you need to explain briefly and politely the reason for your refusal.
  3. 3. An obsessive stranger, in public transport or on the street, does not need explanations, you should tell him: “ I have a boyfriend" or " I don't meet men". No need to answer his questions, you should just ignore the guy.
  4. 4. To a young man who has a girlfriend, you can use blackmail and intentions to communicate with his lover.
  5. 5. You can not raise your voice and say offensive words so that he is not offended.

Similarly, you need to behave with a girl who does not like. At the same time, the guy should be polite, honest and adamant. At the same time, you should behave in an honest, polite and adamant manner.

To break up with a man beautifully and then remain friends, you should follow some rules.

  1. 1. You need to talk about the positive qualities of the interlocutor and do not skimp on compliments.
  2. 2. You should speak sincerely, looking into the eyes of a man.
  3. 3. One must be friendly and polite.
  4. 4. You can offer your friendship and help, say that you don’t want to stop communicating with, that the person is very dear.

How to leave a girl

How to dislike a guy?

You need to try on one of three images of girls that do not attract young people:

  1. 1. A married housewife who "drowned" in routine duties. You need to talk about your children who have nothing to feed, about a husband who is too jealous and tough, or pretend that the proposal to meet a strange man is too insulting. Questions will help: “Do I look like a woman of easy virtue?”, “Who do you take me for?”, “Do you think it’s normal to make acquaintances with guys when you are married?”
  2. 2. Selfish and materialistic woman. To create such an image, you need to ask about salary, car, apartment. To the answers of a young man, a girl can be contemptuously told that the guy obviously cannot satisfy her material needs.
  3. 3. A woman who talks a lot without ceasing on various topics that are absolutely not interesting to men. Stupid and superficial girls are not conducive to communication, so this method works quickly.

No one wants to carry on a conversation if a woman does not show interest. Complete ignorance or unequivocal answers can save you from unwanted courtship.

You can use the following phrases to get rid of an annoying guy on the street in a funny but not offensive way:

  1. 1. "Can I take you out?" - "Of course, I'm going to take tests for AIDS, will you keep me company?"
  2. 2. "Where shall we go? To me or to you?" - "I do not mind. You to you, and I - to myself."
  3. 3. "Let's meet?" - "First, I have to get my husband's approval. I have a CCM in boxing, let's dial him now and arrange a meeting?"

If a young man began to be rude and inadequately accepted the refusal, then you should not be rude in response, you just need to ignore the rude person.

To get rid of especially annoying and admirers, you can pretend to be a mentally ill or inadequate person, ask for help from strangers. A girl can say that she was a nice guy in the past and still feels uncomfortable in a woman's body. And also refer to unconventional orientation or unusual preferences in intimate relationships. This confession will shock a stranger, and he will leave without further ado.

How to respond to an insult

Rejection on social media

You can send a guy by correspondence, for example, VKontakte, in the following ways:

  • Constantly refer to employment and lack of time to communicate with a guy.
  • Write one of the phrases: "We are too different, so continuing the relationship is useless." "I need time to sort out my true emotions and feelings for you." “I need time to sort out my true emotions and feelings towards you. “I am not ready to continue communication now, because I have renewed my relationship with my ex. »

One way to make a bad impression on a social network is to act like a highly intelligent person, communicate in incomprehensible words, choose boring topics for conversation. If the guy reproaches, note his low level of mental abilities and be indignant at the large number of grammatical errors that he makes in correspondence.

Illustrations: Olga Gromova

Since this world is full of diversity, girls can react very variably to messages that you don’t want to be with them anymore. The range extends from "Aha, super, ciao!" to Shakespearean dramas. If you suspect that your situation is closer to the latter option, it is advisable to make some strategic maneuvers. Psychologist, Candidate of Sociological Sciences Anetta Orlova told us about them.

Rule of thumb: act like a gentleman. “Any breakup is a blow to women's self-esteem,” says Anetta. “If it does not happen at the initiative of the girl, she has doubts about her attractiveness, sexuality.” It must be remembered that biologically girls are much worse prepared for failures than men who are highly durable in this regard: we have thousands of great-grandfathers behind our evolutionary shoulders, who were regularly rejected by impregnable beauties. And great-grandfathers managed to develop a good psychological defense against these troubles. In females, for obvious reasons, this mechanism is debugged worse than in males, because they most often had no need for it. So take the blame, O noble reader! She's beautiful and smart, and you're ugly and an idiot. Everything is as usual.

Reduce the effect of surprise

To prevent your message from sounding like a bolt from the blue, start preparing the girl for what is happening at least a week before. Exclude sex. Get inside yourself. To the question "What happened?" shrug your shoulders and say: “Nothing!” “The most acute pain of separation is felt by people for whom it came as a complete surprise,” says Anetta. “If the girl suspects that something is going wrong in your relationship, she will be at least somehow prepared for information about the break.”

« I'm just one of those happy girls who were told about the breakup by SMS. “Sorry, I couldn’t tell you this, looking into your eyes ...” - wrote my ex. So I was finally convinced that he was a miserable coward and a weakling. But it didn't get any easier. »

Pick the Right Moment

The day her cat fell off the balcony is a bad time to break up. It is also very ignoble of you to start talking about separation at a time when she needs to go somewhere, for example to work: the need to suppress burning fresh emotions can lead her to stress and breakdown. February 13, December 31 and her birthday - for the girls who left on these dates, special pans without non-stick coating are prepared in hell. “Some believe that at the celebration there will be a lot of friends and relatives around her who will be able to comfort and entertain her. But you should not hope for it. First, right at the moment of shock, many, on the contrary, want loneliness. Secondly, watching the happy couples of friends, the girl will especially feel abandoned,” explains Anetta.

« Let him look guilty and upset so that I feel that I'm not the only one who feels bad »

Make no mistake about the place

She will not be able to pack you in bags in a crowded place, so bet on a cafe *. “It is generally accepted that it is better to part with a girl on her territory,” says Anetta. - But that's not always true. Being alone after you leave, she is more at risk of experiencing stress. The presence of strangers will help her save face - many girls, having thrown a tantrum, then regret that they showed you their vulnerability.

On the other hand, it should be understood that in such a situation there is a risk of an ugly public scene, and the girl is unlikely to feel grateful for the fact that you made her sob, squeal and throw donuts in front of several dozen admiring spectators. So when choosing a scene of action, it is important to know well the temperament of the young lady, the degree of her attachment to you and the ability to control herself.

* Note Phacochoerus "a Funtik:
« Better yet, take her to an Ethiopian restaurant. There it is customary to eat national dishes with your hands - and there is no chance to catch a knife with an Adam's apple»

Find the right words

“Start the conversation by listing her virtues. Then say that, despite all this splendor, you are not ready for a serious relationship. “It is very important to be convincing so that the girl understands: if you were ready to go to the registry office, you would marry her.” “In a conversation, it is desirable to devalue one's own merits,” says Anetta. - In almost all respects, the girl from time to time asks herself questions: “Do I deserve better?” and “Am I wasting my time on him?” Therefore, a suitable remark would be: “With me, you are simply wasting time. I don't deserve it." Explain that you are not the man who can surround her with care and admiration, provide a reliable rear and a necklace of mole teeth - things that she deserves like no other. Let him think about it while you stuff your socks in your bag.

If she says that she despises worldly goods and for her the best mole in the world is you, lower your degree of nobility and make claims. “Don't talk about her real shortcomings, focus on imaginary and strange ones, which, rather, could be considered virtues,” advises Anetta. For example: “You are too sociable, empathic, extroverted and charismatic”, “I am suffocating in this vulgar bourgeois comfort”, “You are too attractive, I am constantly jealous and I can’t live like this anymore.” If all this does not help and the girl continues to hang on your right leg, feel free to get off the white horse and change to a battered donkey. “You are good to everyone, but for some reason I am unhappy with you. Apparently it's up to me. Sorry and goodbye". An appeal to one's misfortune is a feminine move, but that is why this argument will seem understandable and convincing to the girl.

« Let him report this as something inevitable and beyond our control. For example, he leaves to colonize Mars or his disabled wife, lost in childhood, was found, whom he must look after. Something like this. Then I won't feel like I did something wrong. »

Forget about eloquence

Another good move is to choose just one argument and repeat it like a gray parrot, not allowing yourself to be led into deep jungle. For example, to all her arguments that you are the perfect couple, that her mother adores you, that you have eyes like good forget-me-nots, say: “We are too different.” “That way, she won't be able to drag you into an unproductive discussion in which you might say unpleasant things to each other,” says Anetta. If you stand your ground, even if it is devoid of logic, she will run out of patience and give up on attempts to clarify the situation. Which is what you were looking for.

« One guy, leaving me, said: “I’m afraid that I haven’t worked up yet and I’m about to cheat on you. But I have too much respect for you to do it behind your back. So let's break up." I didn’t really know what to answer: he told the truth and was sincere. So I had to thank him for being honest and let him go »

Cut right away

If a woman, after the phrase “We need to leave,” falls to the floor and tears her hair in all under-depilated places, be tough. Tell her that you understand her feelings, give her a friendly pat on the shoulder, but walk away, rather than trying to comfort her with hot tea, soothing hugs and encouraging kisses.

If the next day she calls and complains that she is sick and there is no one to go to her for medicines, show generosity. Buy everything you need and take it to her, but nothing more. You shouldn’t throw a bag of aspirin over the threshold and immediately run away, but you don’t need to stay longer than 5-10 minutes with your ex-lover. “Any steps back, that is, meetings, conversations, not to mention sexual contacts, will lead to the fact that the girl will expect the relationship to continue,” says Anetta. - Usually insecure men maintain the communication thread, because their task is to keep the woman on a leash. It makes them feel important." Such losers are pleased to believe that a girl who is not going anywhere is waiting for them all the time. That is, there is always the opportunity to land on a quiet harbor in which the aged Assol is waiting for you. But you're not like that, right?

« Let him immediately take his things from my house. Worst of all, when he then comes for months either for a razor, or for a bag, or for a flash drive ... And each of his visits picks off the crust from the wound, and all over again »

Get ready for a chance meeting

You came to have a cup of tea with the Pope, and he already has her sitting on the couch. If not much time has passed since the breakup, exchange a few phrases with her, find a reason to leave and take your leave. Do not be too polite - she may think that old feelings have awakened in you. But to pretend that you do not notice it is an extremely unfortunate decision. “To walk past in such a situation and not say hello is a false delicacy. Demonstrating that a person does not exist will be perceived as an insult, says Anetta. “It pays to remain polite, but keep the dialogue to a minimum.”

Don't advertise new relationships

The stages of shock, denial and acceptance last at least two to three months for the weaker sex, so at this time it is undesirable to post a photo with a new passion and the caption: “Finally, I met my love!” “Under no circumstances should you show that you have a different relationship,” Annette insists. “In this case, the mechanism of competition with another woman is activated, and the feelings of the girl you abandoned may flare up again.” A new passion, by the way, is also unlikely to be grateful to you when they start putting cola on Odnoklassniki and creating fake pages with her photo and the name of Escort Services.

« I followed one of my exes on social networks, and it hurt me to see how he wrote the same jokes and threw the same songs on the wall of another woman. After all, he used to “glue” me like that! I felt like "one of" - an eerie feeling »

Don't settle for sex

So that you do not leave, they can offer you everything that you dreamed of. Homemade kharcho, joint fishing, throw out a floor lamp with roses and a threesome. Well, or just sex at any time of the day or night. “Right now, do you want it?” Tempting, but don't be fooled. “You may think that you are having sex out of old memory and friendship, but for your partner, sex is the hope of reunion. If you agree to sex, then you are driving yourself into the old relationship,” Annette warns.

« Let him never call, write or answer my attempts to contact him again. Also, you don’t need to ask if everything is fine with me from mutual friends. Everything is fine with me, man, I'm not dead! »

Do not chat

Another common male mistake is discussing your breakup with mutual friends. Remember that only an anteater paints a long tongue. “If you have a common circle of acquaintances, your words will inevitably be passed on to her. And she will experience discomfort and pain, hearing about how you announce the details of your personal relationship with her, says Anetta. “So, if you break up with a woman, then you should discuss the details of this exclusively with her.”

Make communicative gifts

Even if the girl has already forgotten how you dried your panties with her hair dryer, she will still be pleased with your congratulations on the New Year and birthday. Banal "Congratulations! Be the happiest! let her think she was special to you. “But it's important to make sure that your ex is no longer living in the past,” Anetta clarifies. Therefore, the New Year, birthday are good reasons to express gratitude to the girl for being in your life. “Such congratulations show a person that he was not just used, but treated sincerely. This is evidence that it exists and is important.”

, you say some standard phrase, and she rejects you. Inside resentment, disappointment, and doubt creeps in the soul. Maybe it's you and you're doing something wrong? The girl does not explain anything, you have to think everything out yourself. So what do you do when a girl rejects you? Let's consider the problem from two sides. The first thing you must learn once and for all - Oa girl's refusal is not a reason to get depressed. It's not the end of the world, there are still a lot of beautiful girls around who are waiting for you to meet them. Do you need to be upset about one rejection? Well, of course not! You need to overcome this unpleasant feeling inside yourself and continue to meet other girls!

The problem may be in the girl herself. Suddenly she has problems at work, the boss shouted and now she wants to be alone in the club, relax and think. She may just be in the wrong mood, who knows why. In any case, getting into her experiences, analyzing it is like being a sapper. One wrong move and you're sent far and wide. Therefore, do not engage in self-digging and do not disturb the girl who is not in the mood for dating today. Do more useful and pleasant things!

It is possible that the problem lies with you. Perhaps you said something wrong, chose the wrong approach. Everyone risks to lose face in the face, there is nothing shameful in this either, this is just an excuse to improve your skills and remember a mistake for the future!
We have figured out the possible reasons. Now let's move on to the analysis and derivation of rules. Let's discard boring reference books and make a clear instruction, such as each of us is used to. What to do if a girl pisses off?

Check for check

When too many guys come up to a girl to get acquainted, and even daily, she begins to develop immunity to this consciously or subconsciously. Who would like extremely powerful attention from all directions? The girl begins to realize her value among men, her beauty, and sheds weak contenders for the title of “guy of this evening”. It works very simply.

You saw a cute or even beautiful girl, you decided to approach. You tell her how beautiful she is, that she has nice hair, how wonderful it is tonight and tonight and stuff like that. She answers you that she is not ready to get acquainted, thereby rejecting you as a weak link. The vast majority of guys (especially those who are completely new to the pickup truck) have a stop here. They immediately fall off, but this should not be done. Such a reaction must be checked for falsity.

After her first rejection, you kind of join her. You say something like “Yes, there are so many idiots walking around, and everyone is staring, pestering.” If the reaction becomes more positive, consider that you have passed the test and have been honored for now just to chat. For an experienced pick-up artist, this means that her phone is already practically in her pocket, and maybe even tonight is already organized.
If the girl continues to freeze, the reaction becomes even more negative, then you just wish her a pleasant evening and go. She's probably not in the mood to get to know you. Perhaps the problem is with you, or not? Here is only your analysis of the situation afterwards.

By no means!

I don’t argue when a girl sends you off - it’s always very unpleasant, and guys react to such a phenomenon in different ways. Never insult a girl or even spoil her mood after a rejection. It's her opinion on getting to know you, and you're going to have to respect it one way or another. Beautiful girls are constantly in the spotlight, they get on the street, on social networks, guys somewhere get her phone number and call endlessly. How much do you think such pressure can affect a person?

And then you also connect with a free offer to become a potential son-in-law of her mother. Does she need it? She was already tired of the constant offers. But even in this case, she does not send you, but simply refuses. And then you start yelling at her, insulting her. She's already having a hard time, why are you making things worse?

Try to deal with the rejection as adequately as possible. You don't have to show that the rejection upset you in any way. and so on. You checked her for verification, and then wished you a pleasant evening or a good day and went home, leaving a good impression on her and not ruining anyone's mood.

The Psychology of Sewing

Human psychology is designed in such a way that it remembers the first and last of this or that event. Remember how the movie you watched a week ago begins and how it ended. But what was in the middle? Already more difficult. You will remember the script, but you will have a general impression from the beginning of the film, which convinced you that you really should watch, and the ending, which left a pleasant impression. The same is done by artists on stage! Now let's apply this example to our situation. It is very important how you approach the girl, what you say, and it is just as important how you leave. Many novice pickup artists make a serious mistake here, believing that the main thing is the beginning. Believe me, the impression that you leave about yourself also plays a big role. The girl will think that you are not so bad. There is even a small chance that after a girl has rejected you, she may curse you. Read my article on how to meet a girl on the street.

Attitude towards dating

According to the girls, nothing can be easier than to approach and get to know a girl. But the guys make a real problem out of this, prepare diligently, gather their strength and thoughts for a long time, and then just go to get acquainted. Common situation? You can't treat dating like that.
Remember one very important axiom - no one owes anything to anyone! When you fully understand this, you will not treat rejection as something painful and unpleasant.
This will become an ordinary situation, which does not mean your defeat.

Girls appreciate selflessness in guys. And at the same time, guys very often expect to continue from dating, they try to immediately shackle the girl with some kind of obligations, and at the same time they do it so stupidly and unpleasantly that they are almost guaranteed to be refused. It happens unconsciously. It is possible that you simply adhere to the wrong rules when meeting.
Have you ever done charity work? And at least threw coins into a glass for the homeless? This is a very pleasant thing that uplifts the mood. In the same way, you should treat dating. This is a simple donation that you give selflessly. Why is this the most effective tactic? Firstly, this way you will be much easier to relate to the fact that you can be refused or simply rejected. Secondly, the probability of failure will decrease (later I will explain why). Thirdly, it will be easy, non-binding communication that you yourself will like.

Girls are extremely perceptive creatures. They feel the slightest falseness in your voice, but at the same time they will unmistakably determine your disinterestedness in acquaintance! And the attitude towards such people is completely different. That is why failures will become less and less with this approach.
Wrong words If you go out into the street and endure rejection after rejection, the situation is repeated on the Internet, in public transport, museums and other standard places for dating, then it makes sense to think that you are doing something wrong. Analyze the words that you say when you meet, and only after that you can outline an action plan on what to do if a girl rejected you. Are they exactly what a girl wants to hear? Read my article about what to talk with a girl. An experienced pick-up artist will never start an acquaintance with the phrase “Girl, excuse me, can I meet you?”. It's actually the worst phrase you can think of. Better to start with something neutral. Pay attention to what surrounds you. What can really surprise you? What can make you happy? Perhaps there are leaf fall around? Or is it snowing? Or cloudy weather and in general everything is not very good? Maybe there is a construction site nearby, and so on. Here's where to start dating.
Here are a few dating mistakes that the vast majority of guys make.

  1. Apologize. You approach the girl and ask for forgiveness for wanting to meet her. What kind of nonsense? Why should you apologize for your natural desires? Never apologize unless you feel guilty.
  2. Ask permission. Another typical mistake. You are a male. If you wanted, you met. He wanted to sit next to me. Wanted - took a phone number and so on. You already have the right to all this, so why ask permission for something that is allowed and so. This does not at all show culture in you, but only betrays a weak person, and girls do not give such.
  3. Refer to "you". You immediately put the girl above yourself in status. And nature has decreed that it is the man who should be the leader in all respects, he should do absolutely everything better with some exceptions. By doing this, you again show your insecurity.
These are just the most common mistakes to avoid.


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Perhaps every man experienced a moment when he asked himself: “How to send a girl away?” At the same time, it doesn’t matter whether people had close relationships or the girl only intended to take decisive steps. The only important thing is how to do it in order to avoid it. Let's look at different ways to say "no".

When does it become necessary to send a girl off?

In fact, if you detail them, as many as you like, but if you approach the classification as generally as possible, you will get two options:

  • there were relations, but they have exhausted themselves;
  • the girl really wants, and the guy does not burn with desire.

The reporting point in the "Gap" project is defining. It is followed by all the specifics of the relationship. This affects the choice of one or another method of influencing the girl. Knowing her character, inclinations, tastes, preferences, it is easier to choose the method that suits her. Sounds like an advertisement, but what can you do if it is. Are you still preoccupied with the question of how to send a girl off? Then we move on to methods.

Soft Ways to End a Relationship

First the list, then the explanations:

  • stop calling altogether
  • when she calls, the guy says: "I'm busy, call me later";
  • neutral communication without any ambiguity: sexual jokes or hints;
  • introduce a friend.

Now we will reveal the essence of each method.

The first method is practiced by the heroine of the book Amelie Nothomb "Tokyo Bride". We will not illustrate it using the novel as an example, so as not to spoil the pleasure of reading for future readers. By the way, this book will also benefit the guys, they will be able to learn something interesting about the psychology of emancipated women. So method. Its essence is that a person simply stops calling himself, while he may well answer calls from that side. Sooner or later you'll get bored.

The second method is a bit rougher than the first, but they are the same if you compare the message. Messages to the other side: "I don't need you."

Neutral communication is also universal: it is suitable for cases when it is necessary to prevent unwanted relationships, and for cases when it is necessary to get rid of stories that have already exhausted themselves. Usually the method includes the phrase: "Let's be friends" or "Let's be friends." Girls are familiar with such things, they successfully practice them.

You can argue about the softness of the "introduce a friend" method, but sometimes it works. For example, a girl is passionate about a guy, but he cannot reciprocate her, but he has a lonely friend. Why not introduce these two, if a man already asks himself: “How to send a girl away?” In this case, all means are good.

Methods of "moderate severity"

In human life there are such forces with which it is difficult to argue, in fact impossible. Appeal to them offends, but not much, just because they are fatal. So, the following phrases will help a man out:

  • "I do not love you";
  • "I do not like you";
  • "I love another."

Nothing can be done about desires, so the cards fell. You can, of course, be offended by such a verdict in relation to your person, but this is unproductive. These phrases also have a positive side - certainty. With sympathy (and even more so with love), nothing can be done, you can’t force love by force. In general, some try and tried, but such behavior does not promise a good outcome. So there are answers to the question of how to send a girl off, these phrases are well known to everyone, use it.


If none of the above has helped, then “heavy artillery” is used. It is called so because these expressions can give rise to a lot of complexes in a girl. Consider the phrases:

  • "You don't suit me!"
  • "I do not want you!"
  • "It's impossible to love you!"

Why speak so rudely? Because here the guy goes strictly to the personality of the girl and "showers her with compliments." Let's compare two phrases: "I don't like you" and "I don't want you". Sympathy is an accidental formation and depends on situational and taste factors. When a person is told: “We don’t like you!”, He thinks: “Well, it happens, all people are different.” When a man says that he does not want a woman, it means that she has some fundamental flaw that does not allow her to be desired. I don’t want to analyze the rest of the phrases, how ugly and vile they are. True, if you look, the presented phrases are not much different in their essence, but an appeal to the physical inability to love someone is rudeness. Even when they say: “I don’t love you,” it doesn’t hurt so much. We must remember: the word is a great power. It must be handled with care and spare the feelings of others whenever possible.

Types of girls and the right way to escape

To answer the question of how to send a girl off correctly, you need to understand who exactly the man is dealing with. There are three kinds of women:

  • smart;
  • not very smart;
  • stupid.

Smart people prefer to be told right away what the odds are. After all, as Hank Moody said: “A woman in the first five minutes after meeting knows what she wants from a man.” Believe me, with a man the same story. In this case, you can apply the methods of "moderate severity", they, on the contrary, will be the most correct and easiest, no one will suffer more than usual.

And if you met couples who were first friends, then became lovers, then the point is not at all that their feelings matured for a long time, but that, as La Rochefoucauld said: “One loves, and the other allows himself to be loved.” This kind of relationship is similar to a game of poker, their main principle is who will change his mind and overpower whom. Or maybe everything is simpler: these people just searched and searched and did not find anyone, but a friend was always there. As a rule, this is a very strong relationship.

It's harder with the dumb. Methods from soft to medium are applicable to them. Although the degree of stupidity is different, so you can not renounce the "heavy artillery". But let's hope for the best.

But there are girls who either really crave love, and this desire blinds their eyes, or they are sorely lacking the intellectual ability to understand that a man is not the hero of their novel. With them, any means are good, otherwise you can pay for your pity all your life. History knows cases.

"Love is a golden staircase without a railing"

Of course, I want to be a kind and gentle person, and it is also desirable that everything be clear the first time. But life is not a fairy tale, it hurts. Love, like life, is multifaceted. Everyone can interpret the well-known phrase in the title in their own way, but one wisdom that is contained in it is important: feelings are not something that is guaranteed, and you can fall down this ladder at any moment. Therefore, it makes no sense to ask yourself: "How to leave a girl who loves you?" Parting is part of the lesson that life teaches us. Imagine a person who doesn't know how to let go. In separation, in addition to pain, there is a valuable experience.

turn on the fool

white lies

intimate talk

last resort ignore

harbor illusions

i am problematic

let's be friends

through the bed

Bonus: 5 tips on how to refuse a girl in any situation

don't take hints


say and not do

suggest an alternative

find an argument against

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Serious relationship Flirting Communication

Pick up a site

Corresponded, met, the real diverged from the desired. Luxurious blonde turned out to be a gray mouse with zero breast size. True, only you "disappeared". She fell head over heels in love. Oh yes. There was still sex, and she, tugging at the sleeve of her blouse and downcast eyes, froze in anticipation of the offer. Let's talk about how to send a girl off beautifully in this and not only awkward situation.

How to send a girl off eco-friendly: every man has the right to refuse

He refused the girl in love or sex - at the very least, insulted her vanity. Historically, the right to agree or reject is with a woman. And when she, a woman, becomes an active party, she has to step over not only traditions. Reputation and honor are at stake.

The refusal she received, an unbridled predator, turns her into a naive girl, whose virginity has just been violated. In light of which, the task of refusing a girl and not offending is almost impossible. But if you have definitely decided for yourself that you don’t like it, you don’t need it and you don’t want it, then you shouldn’t and don’t have to (and henceforth be more selective, flirting on which you can find at the link).

Decided to refuse. How to politely send a girl off, I'll tell you. Remember the international ethical principle - "treat people the way you want to be treated" ("do not do to others what you do not want yourself"). No need to tell the girl that it's not worth it for fat women. Estimate, if they charge you in the forehead - "you have a small one." Psychotrauma. In general, chopping the truth off the shoulder is not the best idea. Turn on the bastard in the hope that the young lady will self-destruct - too. Yep, no matter how. More will start. “It’s not interesting to love a good person,” Dovlatov also wrote.

Turn on the fool

If anyone is included, then a fool. On all her movements on a blue eye, carry nonsense. She invites her to her place - tell her, you need to help your mother put things in order in the closet, after all, an elderly woman, but once she could stop a galloping horse, not like now, completely helpless. Invites you for a walk - say that walking is cool, that you like walking with friends in the park and you regret that you spend little time with them. We should meet more often, and it is better not to part. At some fifth sentence, the girl will come off. Unpretentious. Maybe he will twist his finger at his temple.

Lies to the rescue

Or as in Transmetropolitan - "Married, not hungry, infected with seven unknown diseases, lesbian, pregnant with lizards and clinically dead." Say a mortgage or even two. Alimony for three children. In love with another. Or in another. Therefore, you drink soundly. And if it is, then only for fat women (Asians, older women). It is better to be branded as an eccentric than to offend or give vain hope. Lying is one of the best ways to send a girl off without offending her.

Intimate talk

Enough eggs - you can clearly and to the point. “I don’t like, I don’t want, I won’t. Thank you, orrevoir! Possible side effects (often) are drool, tears, and snot. Potential complications (rare) are blackmail and threats. So the girls say - “Chop from the shoulder. Don't torture us." Her end of the world will end in three days. And, remember, yes, a heart-to-heart conversation is not a conversation about her small breasts.

last resort ignore

If he doesn’t understand hints, he’s not afraid of a mortgage, in response to your “I don’t love, I don’t want”, he puts forward a reinforced concrete “tolerate, fall in love” - ready to attack and besiege against all odds - turn on ignore. Disappear and dissolve. Don't answer or pick up. Excitement will pass, and the active domino will switch to the next one. Ignoring in principle is a humane and effective initiative. By turning on ignore, you give the girl the opportunity to cool down, think, think out and formulate everything conveniently for herself.

How not to refuse a girl: forbidden and ineffective tricks

Now let's talk about how to refuse a girl to meet and remain in history as an asshole, a scoundrel or a man without eggs. There are many such ways. Take, for example, such a technique - send a girl off by correspondence. Firstly, he will read between the lines and understand something other than what you wrote, my friend Onegin. Secondly, there will be an aftertaste - "well, a woman." And material evidence of this is a snotty letter. It's convenient, of course, but are you a man, in general?

Feed the illusion

Stop flirting. Leave all these long glances, ambiguous conversations and casual touches for your beloved, and not for a girl who is unrequitedly in love. Direct maximum efforts to create a stable sense of confidence - there can be no relationship. The frailest sprout of hope she diligently nurtures. To send a girl off, phrases with the right words can be picked up with the merest IQ.

I am problematic

Sometimes guys try to send a girl off by scaring her. “I’m not worthy of you - a bastard and cattle”, “You can’t even imagine what a terrible person I am”, “I have a lot of problems now - a mortgage, alimony.” Believe me, there are no such shortcomings that a woman in love could not accept. There are no difficulties that a woman in love would not be ready to endure. Evaluate girls in love adequately - ready for anything. Through fire and water.

Let's be friends

"Let's be friends" is also not an option. Do not even doubt - will become the best friend. Surround you with care and tenderness. Will lend a helping hand in a difficult and not only minute. Will regularly offer friendly sex, friendly shopping and an equally friendly weekend with parents. In general, your offer to be friends will be accepted and used against you.

Through the bed

It's nice, of course, when sex is at hand. And it is a pity to miss such an opportunity. But we have to. Resist this insidious thought - once you can. It is forbidden. You can't sleep with the people you're going to kick. This is sex with no strings attached. It will be filled with obligations for ten years to come. Even in our emancipated time, sex for a woman is more than for health. And exceptions are rare.

You can not only in matters of relationships and sex. You have every right to refuse a girl to buy a fur coat or not to bring the fifth mug of coffee. But it is worth understanding the following. To ask to make coffee, fix the car and buy tampons, a woman is forced by dense instincts. You are an active male who has to carry food and demonstrate abilities in every other way. She is a waiting and receiving female, testing you for strength.

That is why she turns to you with requests of different sanity ("Layers run out - do something!"). And just try to say no. At best, you will have to listen to the story that you do not love her. The option of leaving for another, more enterprising male is not ruled out. And why say “no” when you can send a girl off competently in any situation.

Don't take hints

Often young ladies state requests in the form of thick hints. “Oh, what a lovely Birkin bag!” Agree that the handbag is really lovely (a luxurious coat, and the Maldives is a great resort). Nobody asks to buy, right? Why not agree.

Press for pity

Never forget that girls are compassionate and compassionate creatures. Just say that you are ready to fulfill her request, but you really, really do not want to do this. “Honey, of course we will go to your mother. Well, her, this bath. Although, of course, I wanted so much ... I even dreamed today how I was worried, relaxing, getting rid of the load that had accumulated over the week ... No, what are you, these are not tears.

To say and not to do

Sometimes you can turn on the "sclerosis" option - promise and not do it. “Of course, I’ll fix it,” “Of course, I’ll buy it.” After all, we are all sometimes forgetful and distracted. The main thing is not to abuse it.

Suggest an alternative

A sentence that begins with “Maybe better…” (“How do you look at…”) can replace the word “no” in almost any situation. “Ran out of apples. Go buy it." “Darling, maybe I can make you coffee and download a new episode of your favorite series”? Think about the content of the counter proposal - so that the alternative does not turn out to be that hemorrhoids. Suddenly he agrees.

Find an argument against

Of course, you would buy her a mink coat, but natural fur has a bad effect on the immune system and causes dermatitis. And, just imagine, in the production they use formaldehyde and formalin - carcinogens! No, you do not intend to ruin her health with your own hands. In any situation, you can find a weighty argument against.

To send off a girl who rolls up and leave behind a pleasant impression is from the category of fantasy. But at least you try. Cleaner karma - easier to live.